Emotions are not subject to condemnation, guilt, or right or wrong judgments...only actions are right or wrong.[ 14 ] Next to the mystical concept of original sin, perhaps the most pervasively damaging, unjust concept projected by the Christian ethic is the moral judgment of emotions. Especially malevolent and harmful are the condemnations of emotions such as found in the Sermon on the Mount: "But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." By condemning human emotions, Christian neocheaters discovered an effective tool to condemn everyone...to make everyone guilty, keeping them more controllable for usurping power and values. Since everyone by nature possesses a full range of automatic feelings or emotions that cannot be directly controlled, shut off or stopped, nearly everyone is victimized by Christian-style "sin" and "guilt".
While everyone innocently experiences negative, irrational emotions, no one ever has to act on such emotions. And since only human actions are subject to choice, only human actions (not emotions) are subject to moral judgment.
[ 14 ] An individual, however, is always responsible for his or her actions. Even if the action is an accident or honest error, one remains responsible for every action. Thus, by nature, one must eventually pay for errors, even accidental or innocent ones. Most innocent errors, however, do not carry the destructive, long-range consequences of uncorrected volitional or dishonest errors.
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