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After 2001: Our Neotech World

But in my First Vision, after 2001 we barely heard the swish of a magic wand called Neotech, and we all became a hundred times richer. Indeed, Neotech (short for super rapidly advancing new technologies) raised mankind's standard of living a hundred times in just a fraction of a lifetime, in just a few years instead of many lifetimes. The magic wand has already been waved through the computer industry and gave us a preview of things to come.

When exactly did that magic wand of Neotech get waved through all industries, and who waved that wand? That happened when we depoliticized all industries like the uniquely nonpoliticized computer industry, yet I do not know the exact date when that happened. I guess I do not know because that time schedule is probably still being determined, which must be why these Visions came to me and now to help accelerate the schedule.

First, we must understand who actually waves the wand: the geniuses of society. Seeing through tomorrow's omnipotent eyes, I glanced back throughout history and noticed society advanced or retreated to the degree government depoliticized or politicized that society, respectively. Upon depoliticizing society, the freed geniuses of society, particularly the aggressive entrepreneurs, catapulted values into super values for cheaper and cheaper prices. In the 21st-century, they catapulted modern technology into super technologies to bring us Neotech in all industries. Those super technologies, in turn, catalyzed the geniuses' own efforts. Jumping ahead, my Fourth Vision showed me a hundred million geniuses in the next millennium waving magic wands of Neotech everywhere to take us into a paradise beyond anything Adam Smith could have anticipated.

The future almost seemed surrealistic: wealth was the inner cities, in the retirement communities, throughout the countryside. Our civilization had discovered immense wealth by mixing Neotech with super entrepreneurs (a hundred million of them). Indeed, when we put them together -- super technologies and super entrepreneurs, both free to race forward as in the computer/cyberspace industry -- we experienced a catalytic prosperity-explosion the world had never seen that made everyone some instances as much as a thousand times richer within four years or less.

Until then, under the old code, politicizing our lives with big-government regulations cost over one trillion dollars per year, year after year. Protecting our lives with the world's best army (plus paying interest on the national debt) cost about a half trillion dollars per year. Finally, when our country passed that half-trillion-dollar protection-only budget instead of the ever growing one-and-a-half-trillion-dollar budget, the trillion dollars used to politicize our lives and rule over us was no longer available. Under that new code, big-government regulations vanished, resulting in the universal millionaire phenomenon.

Tomorrow looking back, our annual trillion-dollar politicization of society, every year, year after year, meant that mere men not only wrongly assumed God's divine power to rule over us, but arrogantly planned to do so generation after generation, ad infinitum. Twentieth-century big government became more oppressive than the hereditary monarchial rule that once before drained our taxes and freedom generation after generation, against which our country fought two centuries ago.

In other words, 20th-century big government was sinfully establishing a permanent ruling class, which both our country and Scripture clearly denounced. After 2001, the people clearly understood that career politicians had no mortal right whatsoever to politicize society, rule over us, and play God or King with our lives. Of course, career politicians would never relinquish their ruling powers -- i.e., their annual trillion-dollar politicization of all aspects of society, enforced by big-government regulations. But career politicians were part of the old political structure -- 20th-century big government -- on its way out. As we approach-ed the new millennium, being called a "career politician" during campaign season increasingly hurt a candidate's election results.

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