Stepping through the doorway into the Neotech Era brought us -- the ordinary people -- a great monetary experience. Society made us rich -- faster and richer than any job, or even any sweepstakes or lottery. The geniuses of society led the Technological Revolution and made all ordinary people problem-free millionaires. We, the yesterday's victims, became tomorrow's victors.
In the next millennium ordinary people like you, your parents, your children lived like millionaires. Consider that, at first, the geniuses rose in the computer world and brought our children cheap video game machines with the computing power that would have cost millions a few years prior in the late 20th century. Ordinary children could now enjoy computing power that, just a few years before, only the children of millionaires could enjoy. Not long thereafter, the geniuses rose throughout the rest of the consumer world and brought us cheap consumer products that would have cost millions a few years before. Ordinary people now enjoyed many things that a few years before only the millionaires enjoyed. Indeed, a computerlike millionaire phenomenon came to many old industries and to all new industries and to nearly all consumer products after 2001, making ordinary people essentially millionaires without lifting a finger.
Looking back over the 20th-century, the millionaire phenomenon had already happened in the computer industry because it was uniquely free of the old code, namely 20th-century big-government regulations. Instead, the computer industry gave us a look ahead at what life would be like under the new code. In my Vision, the millionaire phenomenon came to more and more industries as we universally removed big-government regulations. After our 21st-century get-rich government removed most 20th-century big-government regulations, all technologies raced ahead like the computers. As in the computer industry where buying power multiplied thousands of times, our buying power over nearly everything in all industries multiplied up to thousands of times.
Also in my First Vision, ordinary people looked back over their lives and knew the devil's trickery of the 20th century was big government politicizing all aspects of society, enforced by big-government regulations -- mere men trespassing on divine power to rule over us. That fact became so obvious, we wondered why we ever let 20th-century big government assume God-like power to rule over man in the first place, for that blasphemous power in the hands of a ruling class blocked us from the good life we now enjoyed. But that was the old code. Now a very healthy, successful, and very, very wealthy people, the previous 20th century seemed weird, insane...sort of like we were abusively locked in a basement or a closet all our 20th-century lives.
The 21st-century defensive government that protected society with local police and national armies was honorable and needed. Looking back, the 20th-century offensive government that ruled over us with aggressive politicization and relentless regulations, was obviously corrupt and unneeded. Harboring a lot of resentment, we knew the old code had blocked the grand life we were now living.
Under the new code, we granted government the power to protect us but rescinded the divine power to rule over us, i.e., to politicize our lives. Thus, 20th-century big-government regulations vanished, geniuses rose everywhere, and their new technologies raced ahead. Most industries of the next decade delivered to their consumers the now famous millionaire phenomenon. Under this new code, we became rich.
For the first time, our country and thereafter our world was able to wave a magic wand, and everyone became rich -- a hundred times richer. That magic wand was called Neotech, and we waved it by depoliticizing our country. Before now, when society rose during mankind's three major ascents throughout history, each time people eventually became a hundred times better off, but after generations or lifetimes. Indeed, rising from barbaric civilizations into the Golden Age of Greece, rising out of the Dark Ages during the Renaissance, and rising from agrarian societies into the Industrial Revolution each time gave mankind a steadily rising prosperity curve. Yet, each time that curve took generations or lifetimes to fulfill, eventually lifting mankind's standard of living a hundred times.
But in my First Vision, after 2001 we barely heard the swish of a magic wand called Neotech, and we all became a hundred times richer. Indeed, Neotech (short for super rapidly advancing new technologies) raised mankind's standard of living a hundred times in just a fraction of a lifetime, in just a few years instead of many lifetimes. The magic wand has already been waved through the computer industry and gave us a preview of things to come.
When exactly did that magic wand of Neotech get waved through all industries, and who waved that wand? That happened when we depoliticized all industries like the uniquely nonpoliticized computer industry, yet I do not know the exact date when that happened. I guess I do not know because that time schedule is probably still being determined, which must be why these Visions came to me and now to help accelerate the schedule.
First, we must understand who actually waves the wand: the geniuses of society. Seeing through tomorrow's omnipotent eyes, I glanced back throughout history and noticed society advanced or retreated to the degree government depoliticized or politicized that society, respectively. Upon depoliticizing society, the freed geniuses of society, particularly the aggressive entrepreneurs, catapulted values into super values for cheaper and cheaper prices. In the 21st-century, they catapulted modern technology into super technologies to bring us Neotech in all industries. Those super technologies, in turn, catalyzed the geniuses' own efforts. Jumping ahead, my Fourth Vision showed me a hundred million geniuses in the next millennium waving magic wands of Neotech everywhere to take us into a paradise beyond anything Adam Smith could have anticipated.
The future almost seemed surrealistic: wealth was the inner cities, in the retirement communities, throughout the countryside. Our civilization had discovered immense wealth by mixing Neotech with super entrepreneurs (a hundred million of them). Indeed, when we put them together -- super technologies and super entrepreneurs, both free to race forward as in the computer/cyberspace industry -- we experienced a catalytic prosperity-explosion the world had never seen that made everyone some instances as much as a thousand times richer within four years or less.
Until then, under the old code, politicizing our lives with big-government regulations cost over one trillion dollars per year, year after year. Protecting our lives with the world's best army (plus paying interest on the national debt) cost about a half trillion dollars per year. Finally, when our country passed that half-trillion-dollar protection-only budget instead of the ever growing one-and-a-half-trillion-dollar budget, the trillion dollars used to politicize our lives and rule over us was no longer available. Under that new code, big-government regulations vanished, resulting in the universal millionaire phenomenon.
Tomorrow looking back, our annual trillion-dollar politicization of society, every year, year after year, meant that mere men not only wrongly assumed God's divine power to rule over us, but arrogantly planned to do so generation after generation, ad infinitum. Twentieth-century big government became more oppressive than the hereditary monarchial rule that once before drained our taxes and freedom generation after generation, against which our country fought two centuries ago.
In other words, 20th-century big government was sinfully establishing a permanent ruling class, which both our country and Scripture clearly denounced. After 2001, the people clearly understood that career politicians had no mortal right whatsoever to politicize society, rule over us, and play God or King with our lives. Of course, career politicians would never relinquish their ruling powers -- i.e., their annual trillion-dollar politicization of all aspects of society, enforced by big-government regulations. But career politicians were part of the old political structure -- 20th-century big government -- on its way out. As we approach-ed the new millennium, being called a "career politician" during campaign season increasingly hurt a candidate's election results.
To end the devil's trickery, we replaced the 20th-century career politicians with entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders who were more interested in the commendable chore of producing values than in ruling others. In fact, that Great Replacement Program became America's fastest growing megatrend at the turn of the 20th century, ushering in the 21st-century get-rich government. The new political paradigm of entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders, once seated, freed their brethren to wave Neotech wands throughout all industries and make us rich.
During my First Vision, I saw the new code in practice: Entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders protected us but did not rule over us. They revoked their "right" to play God or King. They ended politicization and big-government regulations. As a result, they lifted mankind to a higher level where all ordinary people lived like millionaires. For they set free all industries, right down to the entrepreneurs, to race ahead in the 21st-century like the first scout, the amazing computers. However, as I saw later during the Fourth Vision, a hundred-million super entrepreneurs using Neotech dwarfed the computer phenomenon.
Just how high the prosperity rose, I cannot get down in just a few words. Let me just say, for now, the people fully enjoyed the Six Ultimate Gifts. Only man himself -- the small clique, the ruling class -- stepped between the multitudes and their God-given Six Ultimate Gifts in the 20th century.[ 1 ]
[ 1 ] The Six Ultimate Gifts are God's Six Gifts to man that were stripped from us by man. Calling great security, wealth, health, success, love, and intelligence Six Ultimate Gifts from God may seem like a stretch, even out of step with certain interpretations of Scripture, but the bottom line is that these Six Gifts came to man and no other animal, are kept from man by man, and will naturally, automatically fulfill all men, women, and children when man puts the power to rule over us exclusively in the hands of God and not men.
The first political party of the new political paradigm, driven to end the devil's trickery and depoliticize America, obsoleted the two old parties after 2001. The people scorned the two old parties as the devil's left and right hands, both driven to politicize and rule over us, from the left or the right. The people embraced the new party, which protected but did not rule and lifted us to paradise on Earth, where we finally enjoyed our God-given Six Ultimate Gifts and lived the good life we were meant to live.
They called the new political party the Neotech Party. Again, Neotech is short for super rapidly advancing new (Neo) technology (Tech). Neotech shaped the new code of living, for once Neotech began driving all industries, your couple hundred dollars today became worth thousands and, in some cases, millions in just a few years. The new millennium's get-rich government freed society's overall dynamics to let the magic happen just as it happened to the computer world.
Through hindsight, it became all too clear that the millionaire phenomenon could never happen under the old code, in the "old world" big government and its one-and-a-half-trillion-dollar budget that carried all the big-government regulations -- a trillion dollars worth. Geniuses and technologies were suppressed and paralyzed. Sure, people got their "old world" entitlements -- but they did not get their "new world" millionaire riches.
In the new millennium, career politicians and big government became taboo. As 21st-century get-rich government came into power, ordinary people not only lived like millionaires, but we lived with near-perfect health. Super entrepreneurs rose in the medical world and waved the wand of Neotech throughout that industry, too. In only a few years, super rapidly advancing new medical technologies eradicated most diseases.
To remain competitive in that rapidly advancing Neotech Era, businesses went through a job revolution that transformed our boring routine ruts into exciting entrepreneurial jobs. Now, remember the ingredients to a catalytic reaction of societal wealth: super entrepreneurs mixed with super technologies. We lived during the only time in history during which a great Technological Revolution, about to bring us super technologies, and a job revolution, about to bring us a hundred million super entrepreneurs, were both incubating within our civilization, ready to break out. The catalytic reaction when the two together were released by the new get-rich government took us far beyond any economic theory.
The nation's wealth is a function of productive energy put into society, catalyzed by super technologies (i.e., Neotech). The productive and creative energy put into society by a hundred million entrepreneurs, all catalyzed by Neotech, permanently outdistanced any existing, extrapolative economic models. We soared into new territory.
During my First Vision inside that spectacular new territory, I also started getting glimpses of the Fifth and Sixth Visions in which we became youthful again with more energy and romance, a slimmer, sexier body and more creative mind than we have ever had -- even in our prime.
Indeed, while we lived like millionaires and surpassed our dreams in tomorrow's Neotech Era, our love-lives became spectacular too. For, rich and successful, we no longer were bored and stagnated. Happy and stimulated, we had a lot more to give of ourselves, and we became romantic lovers. Our active bodies slimmed down to their best looks. Moreover, our minds became creative. You see, information was so prolific in that Neotech Era racing ahead via the information revolution that our entrepreneurial minds began snapping more and more of that interesting information into organized little units or puzzle pieces. Those puzzles grew and revealed new puzzle pictures, some never seen before. Creating such new knowledge became natural to our minds. We discovered power and prestige in our new 21st-century jobs which, in turn, fed our happiness and love.
As I looked into the exciting and easy new millennium where everyone lived the spectacular lives they were meant to, flourishing monetarily and romantically, the old code just sank in shame in my esteem. That shame was how the people tomorrow felt about today once they experienced the new code and their God-given Six Ultimate Gifts. The transformation toward that new code in which rapidly advancing technologies drove our costs toward zero as everyone became wealthy is already showing signs. The following cover story in a recent issue of Business Week foreshadows the next century's new code:
The new rules require more than ingenuity, agility, and speed. They call for redefining value in an economy where the cost of raw technology is plummeting toward zero. Sooner or later, this plunge will obliterate the worth of almost any specific piece of hardware or software. Then, value will be in establishing a long-term relationship with a customer -- even if it means giving the first generation of a product away.
The Neotech Society of the 21st century, in my Vision, was the mother lode of wealth and security for ordinary people. At first, computer people of the 1980s and '90s fought off regulators and legislators who traditionally hung up progress and prevented Neotech. As we entered the new millennium, that rugged individualism spread to all the American people. Big government grew more and more unpopular. After 2001, Neotech swept through most industries.
People were stunned by the get-rich results. Before, they had always lived with 20th-century big government; it was a given, and they knew nothing else; they knew only that big government hurt us, and they started to reject it. Thanks to the 20th-century computer revolution, they saw the wealthy alternative. They soon embraced government of defense -- 21st-century get-rich government. And they rejected, outright, government of offense -- 20th-century big government.
Toward the end of the 20th century, big government made a big mistake: it tried to get a foothold on regulating computers and cyberspace; government tried to regulate the burgeoning Internet. The people began contemplating this new direction of government. Aside from the ominous First Amendment violations with government controlling information and regulating the information revolution, the people also started to ponder: Imagine big government creating a CEA -- a Computer Enforcement Agency; or a CCC -- a Computer Communication Commission. Instead of waves of new super technologies and software obsoleting other waves of new technologies soon after they reach the marketplace, every single advancement would instead have to go through years of regulations, approvals, and mounting costs before ever reaching the market! ...These arguments started swelling on the Internet's many newsgroups. By the end of the 20th century, the Internet had become a highly used tool for information. Now people feared that this invaluable tool, becoming more and more valuable by the day, could become regulated. They worried about the government regulating information and the technologies that made information more accessible. Needless to say, the computer/cyberspace revolution would die, right there and then! But the cyberspace revolution had become too valuable. The people resisted big government.
Big government trying to regulate the Internet toward the end of the 20th century was the last straw. As people fought back, they began to imagine moving past all similar symptoms of 20th-century big government such as the FCC, FTC, SEC, FDA, EPA as we advanced toward the 21st-century Technological Revolution. Something had changed, an idea whose time had come, a force so big that everything would change. I witnessed that change -- a strategic inflection point -- in my First Vision of the next millennium. Everything changed politically, economically, financially, personally. Our leap into the Neotech Era became unobstructed and explosive. Wave after wave of new super technologies, pushed ahead by millions upon millions of geniuses, sent the medical industry and all other industries into unprecedented computerlike revolutions.
Indeed, with computerlike freedom, turbocharged by the communications revolution, all industries were free to do what the computer industry already did: drive prices toward zero and buying power toward infinity. (I could not see in my Visions the details of what those new technologies were, only that they existed. For example, I saw geniuses rising up and eradicating disease after disease. But I could not see the specific curing drug or genetic breakthrough, for instance.)
Looking back over our shoulders after 2001, we asked ourselves: Did we need 20th-century big-government regulations? The answer was obvious: We did not. In fact, it became painful to look back at what was taken from us, now so clearly seeing how the regulatory bureaucrats had become intoxicated with politicizing our lives, playing God with our lives, ruling over us. Under their thumbs, we were robbed in the 20th century of our paradise on Earth. Moreover, many people unnecessarily suffered from disease and died.
Following the computers' lead, though, we moved past the old code after 2001 and left behind its omnipresent ruling class strapping us down with big-government regulations. We moved on to the new code with no ruling class, freeing up a new era of super entrepreneurs and super technologies.
Simply put, America's falling out with big government freed those geniuses bringing us the information revolution and all the other potential geniuses of society to drive our costs toward zero and our buying power toward infinity. Fantastic products and services never before imagined suddenly came into existence and then became cheap and affordable. Just look at what is happening in the computer/cyberspace world today as a harbinger of tomorrow. When Neotech spread beyond the computers, we lived in wealth and luxury. Toward the end of the 20th century, people became economically driven to end 20th-century big government and to embrace 21st-century get-rich government.
The 21st-century get-rich political party that they called the Neotech Party ushered in 21st-century get-rich government, a completely new political paradigm of entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders under which your every need, no matter how extraordinary or how small, was taken care of. You and your problems were never alone; help was always on the way for every need.
To achieve that never-alone, always-taken-care-of state, the 21st-century get-rich government shifted the responsibility of taking care of you -- i.e., public well-being -- from a few hundred phony career politicians interested in ruling over you to a hundred million opportunity seekers in entrepreneurial jobs (the Fourth Vision) with rapidly expanding creativity and multiplying genius, very interested in taking care of all your needs and wishes.
Millions of unrestricted geniuses, aggressively seeking out our needs, very rapidly answered our every cry for help. That was the new code. Even the slightest problem had you immediately surrounded by quality people, by geniuses of society, wanting to help you. Just one cry for help sent out from your home over the Internet, for instance, ever so quickly led to its cure.
Looking out for your well-being shifted from impotent Capitol Hill and its corrupt ruling class to the miraculous might of an unrestricted Neotech Society and its unleashed creativity and multiplying geniuses of society. Your problems were the geniuses' problems to solve. In short, geniuses were hard at work taking care of you.
In the 20th-century, big-government career politicians did not care about your problems, no matter how real, unless your problems fell into their self-aggrandizing schemes to rule. That was the old code. All other good working people had to fight for their survival. If you contracted an obscure disease, you were doomed. Under tomorrow's new code, however, thousands of geniuses squeezed forth a cure before the disease destroyed you. You were always safe. Looking back at the 20th century, if you were not happy with your job and pay or with the direction of your career and income, you were trapped. Under tomorrow's new code, awesome genius-driven businesses brought you exciting opportunities including the lucrative career of your dreams. Under the old code, if you were not happy with your wealth, you were rather helpless. Tomorrow, the magnificent wealth of society rescued your plight. Throughout the 20th century, if you were not happy with love, you were apathetic. Tomorrow, the magnificent happiness and excitement from society helped you activate a new, super love. If you were lonely, the extraordinary interaction of society brought you quality friends. If you were having hard times, the curing nature of society looked after you in every way. Geniuses were there for you, in minutes. Money was no longer an issue. If you were old, society was there to care for you. A hundred million geniuses in this country alone took care of your every need.
At the end of the 20th century, with so many minority "rights", the smallest of all minorities, the individual, minority of one, that eventual genius of society, was ultimately trapped beneath big-government regulations and left unprotected, which in the end blocked the geniuses of society from rising and taking care of us and making us live like millionaires.
The third millennium was mankind's most anticipated date. Mystical prophecies had been written, all the way back to Scripture itself, predicting major changes for humankind as we entered the third millennium. Indeed, the turn of the third millennium initially brought apocalyptic catastrophes. Yet, for survival those human catastrophes, for the first time in civilization, evoked a new code with no ruling class, simply a protecting class, which released the geniuses of society "to do their magic" and become our saviors. America's fastest growing megatrend to fire career politicians and end big government got traction and picked up momentum after 2001 as people saw the favorable economic and medical impact. In short, the people were monetarily and medically motivated. The changes for humankind were every bit as dramatic as prophecies predicted, but in the end brought ultimate prosperity: God's Six Ultimate Gifts to mankind.
After 2001, the anti big-government megatrend increasingly brought Americans together toward a united cause: depoliticize America to free all industries right down to the entrepreneurs to do what the computer industry did, thus making millionaires of us all. Americans, caught up in the traditional political rivalries, now redirected their energies against the true culprits of their frustrations. Indeed, political rivalries in the 20th century reflected the frustrations and disillusionments we all felt in life. After 2001, however, the people learned to see who really cost us our dreams and got them out of our lives. The Neotech Party accommodated this megatrend and did the job for us. The rise of the Neotech Party made everyone's get-rich dreams come true and initiated the new 21st-century get-rich government.
The Neotech Party simply freed the geniuses of society, who took care of us and made us rich. We sat back and collected the rewards from society's most gifted people...just like what happened in the computer revolution. It was a nice feeling: we gave them freedom, and they gave us fortunes. We certainly were at a unique place in history in which this millionaire phenomenon made us wealthy without lifting a finger.
As big government shrank back to government's original purpose of public protection, its 20th-century prize possession of providing public "well-being" denied, the many social and regulatory programs became legitimate, private spin-offs (the Great Displacement Program). What remained of government was public protection only -- police protection, courts, prisons at the local level and national defense at the national level restoring what the Founding Fathers envisioned.
Tomorrow's government, a super-efficient protection service, ran like a business, with all the same disciplines and accountabilities.
Furthermore, in my First Vision into the next millennium, I was thrilled to see the seniors got rich! They more than anyone needed their buying power to multiply manyfold. After 2001, concerns climaxed about Social Security: Younger people were paying a lot of money they would never see again. That stark reality caused perhaps the greatest internal strife in our nation. A war between generations had been declared.
Social Security had become a paradox. The young working person trying to make ends meet felt the pain of paying precious money each paycheck into a Social Security that would never be there when he retired.
On the other hand, many retired persons lived in near poverty already, as a result of long-term government-created inflation. To end Social Security would drop many seniors too low, perhaps into homelessness and desperation. No one wanted that.
The country was stuck in this paradox with seemingly no way out. As we moved into the next millennium, however, the pressure against big government continued to build. The government was left with no choice: it pulled back its reach into every aspect of every human act of living and shrank back to its original and valid purpose -- to do what it could do best -- to protect America nationally and locally. Everything else had to go.
And that's exactly what happened: the sale of trillions of dollars of government assets and programs. Everything that had nothing to do with protection was sold to the private sector. Those trillions of dollars from the sale went directly to paying back with accrued interest entire lifetimes of paying into Social Security. Every working and retired American got a big government check. Seniors got, on average, between $100,000 and $200,000.
Yet, retiring wealthy with a small fortune was only a mini money miracle compared to the major money miracle that happened for everyone by selling off big government and setting free modern technology and super entrepreneurs in this new era. That catalytic reaction of super technologies and super entrepreneurs coming together for the first time caused an explosion of prosperity for everyone, including the seniors.
Leading up to the changeover to the new code and its great prosperity-explosion, middle-aged people were scared to death of losing their jobs, especially good jobs, for their chances of getting comparable jobs were slim. Large companies continued downsizing as labor and middle management went overseas. Standards of living kept falling. America's middle class was slowly but surely dying.
Moreover, being an aggressive genius of society, say an aggressive entrepreneur, had become downright dangerous because of big-government regulations. Thus, as large companies down-sized, America's only real providers of jobs, those aggressive entrepreneurs, were decreasing and unable to add new jobs. Twentieth-century big-government regulations, not global competi-tion per se, choked off job creation. Society needed job creators, for only they breathed new life and opportunities into society. Only they could keep America's middle class from dying.
So, how far did we sink, and when and how did everything change to tomorrow's forever protecting/never ruling 21st-century get-rich government and that booming standard of living? Millions of people sank from middle class to poverty before the change. However, once fifty million people saw these Six Visions, then the new code and its Neotech forces became too great to stop...and the strategic inflection point began.
In the late 20th century when conversations at cocktail parties developed about the Internet and how we could access for free, or for a few hundred dollars at most, computing power that would have cost millions a few years before, usually some attractive yuppie said something like, "Can you believe that amazing technology!" Everyone then shared looks of astonishment. Little did we stop to realize that the geniuses of society brought us that soaring technology and buying power. And those geniuses would do so in every industry if free to do so...not only making ordinary people rich, but completely healthy.
After 2001, after fifty million of these Visions were disseminated, all the connections were made. Ordinary people began to admire and love those geniuses who brought them Neotech, despite political rhetoric that traditionally caused Americans to envy and dislike the geniuses of society. As the geniuses improved everyone's life in so many ways, the ordinary person developed a personal fondness for the geniuses of society not unlike one would for a highly competent doctor who saved his child's life, for instance.
Indeed, imagine if your own child or grandchild were terminally ill and the heroic efforts of a highly competent doctor saved your child. You would forever feel a warm affection for that doctor who saved your child's life. Or imagine a wealthy person, for no particular reason, gave you and your family a cashier's check for a million dollars. You would forever feel a warm closeness to that person who made your life so rich and wonderful.
Once fifty million Visions were disseminated, the people felt similar feelings towards the geniuses of society, for those geniuses eradicated diseases and lifted us into a wealthy and wonderful world. The hoodwinking by the media that made us envy and dislike the geniuses of society subsided. The forces of Neotech were now too great to be stopped. Sure the geniuses were rich, because they were geniuses! But they made us rich too. Furthermore, they brought us the Six Ultimate Gifts to fill our greatest desires. The entire populous, sometime after 2001, felt a warm closeness to those geniuses who brought us and our families into an increasingly wealthy and wonderful life. We also felt growing contempt toward those big-government career politicians who blocked the geniuses and Neotech. They blocked God's Six Ultimate Gifts to man and the spectacular lives we were meant to live. Nearly ten out of ten Americans at century end disliked career politicians and now understood precisely why. Once the people made the connection and felt a warm admiration and fondness for the geniuses of society, then the Neotech Era irreversibly took off.
We just sat back as we moved into the next millennium and let the geniuses of society take care of all our needs, fix all our problems, make all our dreams come true, and make us rich, exactly as they had done for us with computers. Indeed, that computer phenomenon first introduced to the world what happened with no big-government regulations.
Of course, today's career politicians would not let go of their ruling power as we entered the next millennium. They hung on, but they were part of the old code on its way out. Being labeled "career politicians" ended their political careers as the new code moved in. The Great Replacement Program happened like an unstoppable wave. Across the country, then the world, the big wave washed away career politicians and replaced them with entrepreneurs and market-driven business people. They, in turn, freed the geniuses of society whose life ambitions were to solve any and all of our problems and needs, large or small.
Just how effective were those geniuses of society at taking care of our every need or problem? Instead of me impossibly trying to describe what the spiritual intervention showed me in my Visions, which overwhelmed me to the point of euphoric collapse, let me take you into the life and times of an obscure genius of society who already lived, as first told to me by my brother. That way, I can show you already proven facts. Now, since some people say the computer revolution was unique -- an anomaly based on the invention of the silicon chip -- let us go outside the computer industry. In fact, let us go back in time before high technology altogether to see the universal life-lifting power of the geniuses of society on their own, even before their catalytic reaction with modern technologies. So, let us now travel back 100 the down and dirty railroad industry:
This is a story about James J. Hill, a genius of society 100 years ago who was well on his way to multiplying standards of living of entire civilizations of ordinary people and taking care of their every need until he typically got held down by 20th-century big-government regulations. His story represents all geniuses of society outside the computer industry.
He was a railroad pioneer back at the turn of the 20th century, and his story is brought to light in a book called, "Entrepreneurs Versus The State" by Burton Folsom.
Let's travel back in time to the 1860s. America was experiencing its first railroad boom. Railroads were being built all up and down the East Coast. Well, as Mr. Folsom identifies in his book, two classes of entrepreneurs exist: market entrepre-neurs and political entrepreneurs. Political entrepreneurs make their money by seeking government subsidies, by getting special government rights of way, and by accessing political clout. They seek their success through political clout with government officials.
Market entrepreneurs make their money by providing more and more values and services to society at lower and lower costs. They also create more and more jobs for us.
During America's railroad building boom in the 1860s, an opportunity arose for big government. The political entrepreneurs seeking easy money got together with career politicians seeking popularity, and together they created a deception. The deception was that only the government could finance the building of America's first transcontinental railroad. That deception 100 years ago is still promoted today; children read about it in their history text books in school.
But that was a deception created by political entrepreneurs so they could line their pockets with lavish government subsidies and by career politicians so they could boost their self-worth by spending money that they controlled but did not earn. They could parade around and say, "Look how important we are. Look how we benefit the American public. We, the big government, are building this transcontinental railroad and opening up the interior and west coast of America." ...A perfect setup for greedy political entrepreneurs joining hands with power-seeking politicians.
So a deception was created: only the federal government could finance the building of the transcontinental railroad. The public bought it, and with great fanfare, Congress went ahead with it.
There were two companies: Central Pacific started building eastward from the West Coast and the Union Pacific started westward from the East Coast. The government paid those companies by the total miles of track they built. So what did they do? Instead of being bound by the disciplines of a bottom line, they were getting lavish subsidies from the government for the total miles of track they built. So they rushed into the wilderness to collect government subsidies.
But because they were being paid by the mile, these companies purposely built the longest, most circuitous routes they could possibly justify so they could get more government money. And they rushed construction to collect their per-mile subsidies. They rushed ahead with poor construction and poor planning into the wilderness.
Remember, the congressmen were spending money that they did not earn but controlled, and they wanted to reap the glory for spending that money. Those politicians, always trying to justify their jobs, always trying to show that they benefit the American public, got into the railroad business where they had no business being in the first place. Controlling tremendous amounts of money they did not earn, they reaped all this popularity that comes with spending the money. Now they could say, "Look how valuable we are; we're financing the building of a transcontinental railroad across America!"
But those career politicians were part of bogus big government. They gladly spent money with their flashy "good intentions", but they were not interested in getting out and exerting the nitty-gritty effort that business does when it spends money. They were glad to spend the money, large amounts of money, and reap the glory, but they weren't about to get out there and exert the nitty-gritty effort to put the controls on spend-ing to make sure that money was spent right. They were not about to get right down into the details themselves to make sure that they were buying the right quality goods and that the railroad was being built over the right routes...not like a market business-man would who is spending that money out of his own pocket.
So the whole program was laced with fraud from the beginning. The line managers set up their own supplier companies selling their railroads substandard quality rails and ties at exorbitant prices. For, there was no control over the government money.
In addition, because they were getting paid by the amount of rail they built, each company was racing to build as much track as it could before the other get the most money from the government. So instead of taking the proper time to carefully map out the best routes, especially vital for building over hills at the lowest uphill grade, they instead just raced forward and paid no attention to vital planning and surveying. No time to be wasted on planning and surveying, they built track over uphill grades that were far too steep. They did not take the necessary time to do anything right. When winter came, they just kept on building over the plains, right over the ice! Because they wanted to build as much as possible, they did not wait for the ice to melt -- they just kept on laying track. When summer came, they had to tear up thousands of miles of track and rebuild it, before they could open the line! And to get more money, the two railroad companies built the longest routes with under-quality material. ...You can just imagine what the future operating costs this transcontinental railroad would endure.
Indeed, when the Union Pacific was complete, from day one it could not make a profit because its operating expenses were too high. First of all, thousands of miles of shoddily built, under-quality track had to be constantly replaced. Second, because they took the extra long route, and it wasn't built over the lowest grade hills, they had to pay a lot more money in fuel costs, wage costs, and it took a lot more time to haul freight across the country. So the operating expenses were so high, from day one the Union Pacific was never able to make a profit.
Therefore, the government had to continue to subsidize the transcontinental line once it was built. Union Pacific had to continue to receive more and more government money or it would have gone out of business and stopped running. Indeed, Congress had just spent a fortune financing the building of the transcontinental line. Now Congress could not let their prize transcontinental line declare bankruptcy and close down. So, the government continued financing it.
After the Union Pacific was built, other political entrepreneurs got together with glory-seeking politicians in their areas of the country and said, "The federal government financed the Union Pacific, therefore they have to finance a transcontinental railroad in our region."
So Congress went ahead and financed the building of a transcontinental up North called the Northern Pacific, and one down South called the Santa Fe. Of course, both of those had the same results. They built extra long, circuitous routes; they turned into an orgy of fraud, substandard quality material used, no time taken to select the lowest grade hills. So right from day one, the other two transcontinentals lost money, and they had to receive government subsidies just to continue operating.
In the meantime, there was a young man way up North, James J. Hill, going about making a living. He was born in a log cabin in Ontario, Canada to a working-class family. His father died when he was a boy, so Hill got a job to support his mother. At seventeen, he moved to St. Paul and got a job for a shipping company. He started in an entry-level position, but he loved the transportation business. He really applied himself; he began making contacts, and he began moving up. Before long, he began making partnerships in local railroads that were being built in his area. With a sweeping vision, yet always focused on nitty-gritty details, Hill commanded success. Eventually, Hill decided that he was going to build the first completely privately financed transcontinental railroad way up along the U.S. and Canadian border, which at that time was all wilderness with no settlers!
Well, from the beginning the idea was labeled Hill's Folly, and you can see why. How could someone build a railroad that could possibly compete when he had to pay all the building costs himself, and there were three others that existed farther South that had all their building costs paid by the government? Moreover, Hill's railroad was going to be way up North where no one lived. Those other three government-financed railroads were located in the main population areas of the U.S. In addition, once Hill did complete his railroad, how could he compete with the other three railroads when they continued to receive government subsidies and Hill had to pay his expenses through his own bottom-line profits -- and the three other lines proved that no profits existed!
Well, Hill went ahead with his plans anyway. Hill had to obey the disciplines of a bottom line. He could not go rushing into the wilderness to collect government subsidies. He had to build his line out West one extension at a time. He would build westward into the wilderness a few hundred miles at a time. Then he would send agents back East to advertise to farmers in the East. Hill offered to move people for free into this western wilderness so they could settle and start their farms. Then Hill would give them free rates to ship their crops back to the markets in the East for a couple of years until they got established. He gave a lot of ordinary low-income people exciting new leases on life and made their dreams come true.
This worked. For each extension West, he brought in enthusiastic hardworking farmers; they'd flourish; he'd build up his track, and after awhile his extension West made money. From those profits, he'd finance another extension West...a few hundred miles at a time. He never stopped. By turning low-income settlers into land-owning entrepreneurs, among others, he settled the entire northern border of the United States with his railroad. And, lo and behold, in 1890 the first American transcontinental railroad was built without one penny of government money! He reached the Pacific Ocean, and he did it by offering people, some of whom had little chance at much in life, an opportunity of a lifetime to own land and become entrepreneurs.
What an accomplishment. But most amazingly, one man did it! Not the entire might of the U.S. Government -- one lone man! One genius of society was raising the prosperity of an entire nation! But, now that he accomplished this amazing feat, could he make it work? Here Hill was with his transcontinental, way up North when the population base was farther South; he was competing against three transcontinentals farther South that had all of their expenses paid for by the government. So, what would happen to Hill's transcontinental?
During the building of Hill's railroad, since it was his personal money that was being spent, he personally dug into the tough nitty-gritty details. With unyielding disciplines and efforts, he put controls on everything: He personally surveyed the routes; he made sure the shortest, most direct routes were built. When the track had to go over hills, he would spend time with the engineers and make sure they picked out the lowest grade hills. He personally supervised the buying of materials to make sure they got the highest quality rails and ties for the lowest cost. ...So what happened to Hill's Folly? Well, from day one, when it was completed, he made a profit! He ran circles around the three government-financed lines because his operating expenses were so much lower. In addition, his freight took a lot less time to reach the West Coast. From day one, Hill made a profit. From day one, the government-subsidized transcontinental railroads never, ever turned a profit.
One man was running circles around the almighty U.S. Government! Of course, the incompetence and greed of career politicians could never bring values to the people. But one market entrepreneur could raise the standard of living of a nation.
This one market entrepreneur's advantages kept building momentum and, with a great irony, left Congress's follies in the dust. Hill built up the whole industry of the Northwest. He built feeder lines. For example, if copper were found a hundred miles north, he would build a feeder line, move in a copper company so they could start mining and shipping the copper over his line. If lumber were discovered up in the mountain, he would feeder line up there, move in a lumber company, and they would start shipping the lumber over his lines. If there was a good clearing for cattle ranching a few miles south, he would build a feeder line. ...Railroads discovered that feeder lines became a main source of profit.
But consider Congress's lines built for politicians' own glory and self-worth. Because those railroads were receiving their money from the government, they would have to get Congress's permission to build a feeder line. Well, of course, everyone knows what happens when the government has to make a decision. A simple black-and-white decision to build a profitable feeder line that should be made overnight would be tied up for months, even for years. All the incompetent congressmen would get up and debate over it to get in the spotlight and appear needed and important. ...They cared only about themselves, not about what was best for America.
So Hill's railroad ran circles around the three government-financed railroads from day one. In addition, Hill brought civilization and industry to the Northwest: mining in Montana, lumber along the North, apple farmers in Washington, wheat farmers on the plains. He built up the whole region along his railroad line.
Once Hill completed his line to the West Coast, he did not stop there. He kept reaching out and pushing up standards of living. Hill started reaching out toward the Orient. What about trade with the Orient? Hill did some calculations: if one major province in China substituted an ounce of rice a day with an ounce of American wheat, that would mean 50 million bushels of American wheat would travel over his railroad to China every year! Think what that would do for his farmers! Now, he would make them rich! American farmers exporting huge shipments of wheat to China -- what a possibility! So Hill sent agents to Japan and China to begin promoting American trade, the same way he had done during the building up of his transcontinental railroad.
In the meantime, we had these political entrepreneurs in Washington, D.C. still running around wondering how to get more government subsidies to line their pockets. Yet one market entrepreneur was creating jobs and dreams by the thousands. Indeed, Hill sent his agents to Japan and China to start promoting American products, and he went out and bought his own steamship line. He raced his ships back and forth between Japan and China and America. Hill built up American trade with Asia the same way that he built up business along his line. He would send products for free to the Japanese and Chinese if they would just try them out. Then once they tried them out, if they liked them they would come back, and Hill would build up the business.
Every day Hill filled his ships with American grain from the plains, with copper from Montana, lumber from Washington, cotton from the South, textiles from New England, rails from Pittsburgh, apples from Washington. He would send them all free to the Far East. The Asians would try these American goods, and if they liked them, then they would come back for more.
In fact, Hill went to Japan, met with Japanese businessmen, and proposed that he would buy southern cotton, pay for it himself, ship it to the Japanese for free, and give it to them free. Hill would buy the southern cotton out of his own money if the Japanese would just try this cotton in place of the cotton they normally got from India. Well, the Japanese took him up on his offer; they liked it, and soon Hill's box cars were full of cotton, travelling from the South to the North to the Pacific Coast and then on to a steamship to Japan.
Hill used this strategy to build up all kinds of business. In 1900, Japan started a railroad building boom. Hill recognized the potential of railroads throughout Asia. At that time, the world's suppliers of rail were England and Belgium. But there were a few American rail makers in Pittsburgh. So Hill went to Japan; he purposely underbid the English and the Belgians, paid the difference out of his own pocket just to get the Japanese to try rails made in Pittsburgh. His strategy worked: Japan started buying all their rail from Pittsburgh, which built up the fledgling rail industry in America.
What happened in the 1890s was nothing short of a miracle: When Hill started his push into Asia, trade with Japan was seven million dollars a year. Nine years later, with Hill in charge of this American mission into Asia, American trade with Japan alone was 52 million dollars! And he was now pushing into China as well! Hill was causing geometrical increases in American commerce. He was spearheading, 100 years ago, an American dominance of trade in Asia. In the meantime the political entrepreneurs, Hill's so-called rivals, were still running around Washington, D.C. trying to figure out how they could get more subsidies. And Hill just kept on reaching out, taking care of people's needs, and pushing up standards of living while spearheading a geometrical increase of American commerce in Asia. That was 100 years ago.
As time went by, the other three government-financed transcontinentals continued to lose money. The government kept pouring taxpayers' dollars into financing them. The public started getting fed up with this. In addition, as time went by, the frauds committed by the political entrepreneurs started to surface -- things like setting up their own companies to sell substandard material at overcharged prices. The American public had to continue to pay subsidies into this hoax just to keep these other three government railroads running. The public finally had enough. So Congress, those eternal glory-seeking politicians, started self-righteously parading the corrupt political entrepreneurs in front of Congress and the nation, forming special-investigation committees.
Well, once again, Congress created a deception: They presented themselves as protectors of the American public. They would nobly project, "Look how great we are; look how needed and important we are; we're going to protect the American public from those greedy and corrupt railroad executives." Yet, the root cause of the problem was Congress itself. Congress was the culprit! Congress spent other people's money in a railroad business where they had no business being in the first place.
So instead of getting up and confessing, "Look, the problem was us. We now realize the problem was us getting into the railroad business in the first place. We had no business in there, so now we're going to get completely out." They could have been honest, but they were not. No, they did not want to say that because that would have exposed bogus big government. Instead, they saw a chance to enhance big government and to increase their own popularity and political power for re-election. They instead self-righteously projected, "Look how we earn our keep. We're protecting the American public." Congress self-righteously started parading those corrupt railroad executives in front of the nation. Congress made the railroad executives solely to blame for the transcontinental fiascoes. And then, to "protect the public", they proposed to form the ICC, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and to pass Sherman Antitrust legislation to further get in there and regulate the railroads.
Well, Hill knew what was going on; he knew what the story was here. So Hill moved to Washington, D.C. He set up residence in the Capitol. He personally talked to the congressmen. He testified before their special committees. He told them what was going on: the root cause of the problem was big government getting in there where it had no business being in the first place, financing those railroads, spending other people's money on rails. That caused the corruption. Hill gave the example of his railroad. He did not accept one penny of government money while his railroad built up all the industry in the Northwest. And now his line was promoting an explosion of American trade into Asia while the three government-sponsored lines were sinking in corruption.
Now, the congressmen were intelligent men. They were college educated. They knew what Hill was saying. They knew he made perfect sense. They knew his account was the truth, but they did not care because they wanted to justify their own jobs. So they ignored him. They ignored Hill, and they went on to pass the ICC and the Sherman Antitrust legislation, which enabled them to get in and heavily regulate and punish the railroads.
Hill even wrote a book on this whole ordeal and circulated his book to the congressmen, explaining the situation. He presented all the evidence that showed how Congress was doing the wrong thing. But the big-government ruling class ignored Hill because they wanted to advance their own power. The career politicians went ahead and passed the ICC, passed the Sherman Antitrust legislation. And what did that do? Those regulations "for the public good" made it illegal for railroads to make any special deals with customers. They had to charge the same standard rate to all customers. Therefore, the dynamics Hill used to build up his railroad, to move in people for free, to make their dreams come true, to ship their freight for free or for a low cost until they got established...was now illegal! Those same dynamics that he was now using to spearhead an American dominance of trade in Asia were all now illegal! Wham! Hill was a genius of society who was pushing up the lid to lift all America into a jack-in-the-box explosion of prosperity -- and WHAM! Big-government regulations smashed him down. Hill's drive into Asia was over.
The year after the ICC's legislation passed, America's trade with Japan alone dropped by 40%. Now remember, Hill was spearheading a geometrical increase in trade. Trade with Japan and China was increasing geometrically. Now Congress passed this legislation and, plop, everything dropped 40%.
Hill was forced to sell his steamship lines, he got out of trade completely with Asia, and he was so frustrated, he retired. Suddenly, the miracle was over. Now, this was a hundred years ago. Let us stop and look at the implications of this. Let us stretch this out to see what Congress really cut off a hundred years ago. It was bad enough they cut off Hill's trade with Asia back then and destroyed the wealth, lives and dreams of many entrepreneurs dependent on Hill's dynamics, but let us project that into the future to see what they cut off today:
Today, you hear our President and top CEOs and top economists saying that America's greatest danger economically is its trade imbalance with Asia and our lack of international competitiveness. But who in the world knows that a hundred years ago Hill was spearheading an American dominance of trade throughout all of Asia? That trade dominance was cut off by big-government regulations. Who even knows that? Nobody mentions that today, but everyone is warning about "the greatest economic danger facing America today". Americans are losing their jobs by the thousands, being outcompeted, factories being closed down. Yet who knows that one hundred years ago this one genius of society, one man, learned how to tend to people's needs, make people's dreams come true, and spearhead an American dominance of trade with Asia? Who knows that 100 years ago a man called James J. Hill started something really magnificent that would have painted an entirely different picture of America's future than that of gloom today? Big government destroyed that prosperous future when they destroyed Hill 100 years ago.
The politicians back then knew what they were doing. They were intelligent men. They were college educated. Hill went and explained the facts to them. Typical of big government, however, they only wanted to increase their political powers. Indeed, God's divine power to rule over us was never meant for mere mortals. They wanted to advance their images and egos. So they ignored Hill, and they cut off something magnificent a hundred years ago. Just like today, the ruling class back then stopped our great grandparents from rising into a paradise on Earth. That was the old code.
So there you have an example of what just one genius of society can do for everyone. And you can see that the geniuses of society will rise in any industry at any time, not just in the computer or hi-tech industries, if not held down by 20th-century big-government regulations. And you can see that, when they rise under the new code, our problems, needs, and dreams will quickly be tended to. In short, their Neotech Society tomorrow will take care of us and make our dreams come true. Now, imagine a hundred million geniuses of society, all catalyzed by modern technology. You cannot imagine, because the image goes beyond anything we can know today.
After 2001, looking back at the 20th century was very frustrating. Career politicians and bureaucrats ruling over us and holding down society caused the only injustice that no one could see, because no one back then could imagine tomorrow's Neotech World. One minor example, America would have been the dominant trade of that huge upswinging in Asia. America's problems with the trade deficit and people losing their jobs to international competition would have all been reversed. But no one saw that. Instead, we were held down in the darkness. We could not see this particular injustice of government ruling over us and holding us down because back then no one knew about the Golden Neotech World, tomorrow's paradise on Earth.
James J. Hill started pushing us up toward that Golden Neotech World. But America was held down by 20th-century big government. Tomorrow, once we lived in the Neotech World and could see the injustice of former 20th-century big government, to look back became painfully hard to do. The people now realized that every life lost on the battlefield, all famine and sufferings in America and around the world in the 20th century including deaths from diseases...all of that was encompassed in the Great Sin of holding down America from soaring into the Golden Neotech World. The 20th-century ruling class, mere men drunk with the divine ruling power, was fully responsible for the Great Sin.
In my First Vision into the next millennium, when the geniuses of society were free to go up, they pulled everyone up with them. All our personal needs were taken care of because we did not have just one James J. Hill 100 years ago. We did not have just one Michael Milken today. (Michael Milken would have most likely financed the industrialization of the third world, particularly the economically ruined Eastern European countries, and again established an American dominance of trade there, had he not been smashed down like J. J. Hill with immoral 20th-century big-government regulations.) We actually had thousands and then millions of James J. Hills and Michael Milkens...all making ordinary people rich, making their dreams come true, catalyzed by the great Technological Revolution. For, in my Vision, tender youth could rise and rise quickly. Tender youth could not rise from under the old code in the late 20th century because they could not climb through the big-government regulatory web and then face being caught and squashed like a Milken-Hill bug. They just could not get enough momentum to rise in the thick web of big-government legislation, regulation, litigation, destruction and punishment.
Near the middle of the 20th century, conscious man learned after 3000 years how to control nature on a large scale -- to develop the technology to build Hoover Dam and control the Colorado River, for example. But man took only another 35 years to go to the moon. Civilization was begging to progress geometrically, which finally occurred after 2001 when the big-government legislative/regulatory web was swished away and super technologies and the geniuses soared ahead, no longer held down, as we entered the third millennium with its rags-to-riches new political paradigm.
Indeed, the Visions showed me unburdened technology -- regulated not by glory-seeking politicians and bureaucrats but by private services -- advanced incredibly fast, nearly at the speed of accessing information. Science, business, and medicine rapidly came together during the communication/information revolution for synergistic breakthroughs, no longer politicized by big government, free as the nonpoliticized computer industry of the past decade. Upon freeing business and the entire Technological Revolution from big government, genius-driven Neotech quickly took care of all our problems. Disease, unemployment, poverty, divorce, obesity, insecurity, stagnation, racism, crime, budget deficits, the national debt, government abuse, Social-Security default, illiteracy vanished along with big government. So did our personal problems such as a lousy job, lousy love-life, an uncompetitive body, a stagnant mind, an embarrassing home, car, and overall financial self-worth.
Until America went Neotech, however, some readers of this very page lost their lives to disease or lost a precious loved one. That Vision of loss was in my head every day and night, haunting images like my tall and handsome friend named John who, at 12 years old, ran and played with all the other school children; but the next year, muscular dystrophy started taking over his body. John first needed crutches, then a wheelchair, then an electric wheelchair...his long, limp body strapped in with a seat belt. In those days, John and I would go around doing things that young men do. John was almost in my world, talking about sports and girls. Yet, John would never experience those things. I could sometimes see in John's eyes his longing to throw off his seat belt, jump out of his wheelchair, and scream, Here I am world! Here I am! One day, John got a cold, and still just a young man, he died. Yet, under the new code, geniuses in a Neotech Society would have long ago taken care of John and cured his disease.
Twentieth-century big government held down the lid on America including cures to diseases, but we could not see the harm caused by big government. Tomorrow, it became almost too painful to look back at what and who we lost.
Consider looking back at the following picture: Imprisoned by hunger, children in poverty-stricken third-world countries hoped for a little fish with their rice for dinner. If James J. Hill were not stopped 100 years ago, along with all the other market businessmen hence, including most recently Michael Milken who would have very likely next financed third-world industrialization and an American dominance of trade if not wrongly incarcerated by "well intentioned" government regulations and legislation, then those poor countries would have been industrialized and prosperous a long time ago. Instead, those third-world children suffered and died as the glorious big-government "good intentions", the devil's trickeries, flourished and lived. The Great Sin went on and on, through century end. After 2001, we brought to trial and to justice many politicians and bureaucrats -- the sinister ones such as those responsible for incarcerating Michael Milken for their personal political gains -- all of whom were still revered through century end.
In the 20th century, American children felt excitement about their futures. Yet, tomorrow when we looked back we realized that America, the land of opportunity, was also the land of disillusionment and disappointment. The drop from childhood dreams to adulthood reality was the greatest letdown anywhere in the world. Indeed, American adults carried a subdued sadness every the end. Before the new code, they died unfulfilled, without experiencing wealth and romantic love.
After 2001, it became almost unbearable to look back. We saw, over and over again, images of what was lost. We failed at our dreams in the 20th century because we were in a society in which we could not win. The Neotech Society after 2001, by contrast, would not let us fail. Instead, it made our dreams come true and made every ordinary person wealthy and healthy. How hard it was, after 2001, to accept that only a tiny percentage of our population -- our political and bureaucratic leaders -- caused our irreplaceable loss of happiness and life in the 20th century. That tiny clique of people existed as our ruling class in the old code. They created an indomitable burden on advancing technology (B.O.A.T.) in the 20th century. When we sank that B.O.A.T. of freeloaders after 2001, technologies boomed along with our own wealth as prices tumbled. When the B.O.A.T. sank, all society rose.
Looking back at the final decades of the 20th century, the people tomorrow shook their heads in disbelief. Society's opportunities had vanished because the B.O.A.T. made success too difficult. The legal battles, regulations, and legislation made opportunities at success limited, costly, and risky. Of course, in the next millennium, without such burdens, lucrative opportunities were everywhere, for everyone. The first generation of children in that free world could never understand their parents' and grandparents' blind spot in the 20th century.
We glumly looked back at the stagnation that killed our dreams in the 20th century, weakened our marriages, and destroyed the thrill of love we felt only during the first few weeks or months of falling in love. And, most painful, we saw how our children absorbed from us our hopeless resignation, just as we had from our parents.
After 2001, the Great Sin came to a disgraceful end. Big government could in no way, not ever again, strangle progress and kill our dreams. In fact, your three greatest childhood wishes of great wealth, great romantic love, a great body and mind all came true. Society no longer got pushed down with us squeezed into stagnation-traps where we had always lived in the 20th century. Career politicians were no longer around to hold back progressive technology with big-government regulations and legislation -- all in the name of the public "good". Government no longer included that bogus, second purpose below:
Tomorrow we looked back and realized in disgust that, like the transcontinental railroads, our 20th-century career politicians spent our money to ostensibly enhance our "well-being" and promote public "prosperity", but they really wanted the glory and "importance" that went with spending other people's money and ruling over us. They did not want anything to do with the effort, though, that went with building values, which market businessmen and women put themselves through every day. So, career politicians made a mess of things in the 20th century like they did with the railroads. And market businessmen who were interested in building values and not in ruling others made miracles in the 20th century like Hill's transcontinental and the computers.
Tomorrow, the miracle makers, the unburdened market businessmen and women dramatically improved our well-being and prosperity. A Neotech Society flourishing with geniuses of society handed us our needs on a silver platter and filled all our desires. That was the new code. The erroneous 20th-century idea that government could "promote public prosperity" sort of sneaked up over the century through career politicians finding ways to self-indulge at spending our money to become more and more likable for re-election. Indeed, spending other people's money was a fast way to build favorable illusions in the 20th century. But the people caught on after 2001. The old code ended with great shame.
In the First Vision, 21st-century market businessmen and women replaced the 20th-century career politicians after 2001. Geniuses of society rose and threw open the lid on society and lifted society toward its destiny of great prosperity. Each person was pulled up, our wheelchairs left behind. The whole world was then lifted as the communications revolution obsoleted distance and boundaries.
In that Golden Neotech World, irrationality disappeared. Poverty and crime vanished. In the Golden Neotech World, the motivation for people to do dishonest things reversed. In time, in that world of disappearing irrationality, armed forces were no longer necessary. The idea of crime and war became archaic. We achieved paradise on Earth.
Perhaps this all sounds like Utopia. But tomorrow's Neotech Era truly reversed the motivation for people to do dishonest things, for our problems disappeared, and millionaire wealth was automatic -- far easier and more lucrative than any possible crime. When America went Neotech, the era of wealth and peace was here, finally and forever. Life on Earth was as God intended.
Before the Six Visions, we never knew about this wonderful Neotech World. We only dreamed about it when we were children. Today, we live in a lucky time. The nature of big government and its career politician is being recognized, and the Great Replacement Program is on the horizon. Our get-rich era is coming.
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