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After 2001: Our Neotech World

Ultimate Gift Two

We Become Millionaires

The many new technologies driven into new dimensions by the geniuses now seemed to be bombarding my thoughts. A new Vision was coming to me. I saw a great storm of super rapidly advancing new technologies and super rapidly falling prices.

I saw spectacular technologies used by ordinary people at the end of the 20th century; inexpensive computer-related products, for example, contained computing power that would have cost tens of millions the decade before. After 2001, those famous free-falling prices of computers spread beyond the computer industry across many old industries and all new industries, reaching nearly all consumer products. Then, even modest paychecks and savings made us rich.

Well, you got rich, without lifting a finger, after 2001. Many people even retired and got rich! The amazing computer revolution was a forerunner to a breathtaking Technological Revolution that drove prices toward zero and values toward infinity in most industries, thus making us very rich. Powerful 21st-century technologies universally sent prices into computerlike dives. This Second Vision showed me that the turn of the millennium pushed us over the critical point; super entrepreneurs catapulted the new technologies; prices everywhere free-fell, and buying power soared on average a hundred times and, in the case of technologically intensive products, up to thousands of times just like the computers. ...Behold the get-rich era in which the geniuses of society teamed up with super technologies and made you a millionaire!

As we moved toward the 21st century, everyone began to wonder, where would the Technological Revolution take us? America's richest man and many other powerful people predicted mind-boggling technological transformations after the turn of the millennium culminating in a distance-free world. They were right: the walls of distance came down as digitized information traveling through broadband fiber-optic cables and between personal satellite dishes let us work, school, shop, play, even love anywhere in the world, anytime, regardless where we lived. But the visionaries all had limited insight into what really happened. They did not predict the enormous wealth.

You see, they did not understand a silently growing, hush-hush catalyst: the megatrend to remove big government. Indeed, America's hottest megatrend to get big government out of our lives carried a lot of momentum...and a very large potential payoff. The most powerful and fast-moving megatrends throughout history were economically driven. As this monetarily motivated megatrend grew, 20th-century big government could not hold, and it eventually popped off society like a champagne cork. Suddenly, tens of millions of super entrepreneurs spouted forth, out of nowhere. During my Vision, those many millions of freed super entrepreneurs mixed with tomorrow's super technologies. The catalytic reaction not only surpassed all predictions of societal wealth, but surpassed all economic theories of the past.

This country took a giant leap. The era of super technologies now showered upon us. The Internet, cost-collapsing telecommunications, fiber optics, digitized information, super-powered personal computers, Web TV...these were only a few small clouds before a giant storm of competitive geniuses and their super companies. They feverishly competed day and night against each other to bring us huge values for just a few dollars. After 2001, the technological storm began, and brilliantly conceived, super technologies showered upon us day after day making life a ball!

Our feet never touched the ground again once lifted by the great technological twister. Our fundamental code of living had changed; our buying power kept soaring until we lived like millionaires. The only thing that delayed the Neotech Era and our millionaire status was big government.

You see, as we ended the 20th century, most industries and their technologies were terribly burdened by 20th-century big government -- by regulation, legislation, litigation, taxes, and their own political businessmen who looked for political favors instead of market competition. Most industries and technologies, had long been politicized; the new and fresh computer/cyberspace industry had not. And that was the difference between prices miraculously racing toward zero like the computers versus the way everything else was as we ended the 20th century.

Despite 20th-century big government, however, Neotech persistently, albeit slowly, filtered into other industries during the final few years of the 20th century. The boundaries between computers, telephones, and televisions, for example, were blurring as all three became avenues to the Internet, and Neotech began spreading throughout those sister industries. First, Neotech touched off the long-awaited telecommunications revolution. The price to communicate collapsed; long-distance phone bills became a thing of the past. Distance no longer mattered as voices, images, eventually holograms communicated anywhere in the world for any length of time, knocking down the walls of distance as one could work anywhere in the world, children could go to school anywhere in the world, and people could play many types of games with friends anywhere in the world. Second, Neotech in the late 20th century touched off the television revolution. Immense bandwidth via coaxial and fiber-optic cables carrying digitized information brought us Web TV as well as thousands of stations with interactive use of the screen. Capacity and variety soared as costs dove and we tuned into anything, anytime, from anywhere in the world. And, of course, Neotech continued to whisk along the computer revolution itself, sending it into the ever more powerful dimension of cyberspace communication that took us instantly anywhere in the world. In short, the whole world fell into our laps.

Not only was Neotech spreading from the computer industry into its sibling telecommunications and television industries, but even more importantly, those communication industries opened a whole new world of technological advancements for all industries, bringing Neotech closer to all America. The communications revolution brought businesses such seemingly supernatural efficiencies that prices of many products went to the brink of computerlike free-falls. This all happened around the turn of millennium. Now, as we moved into the next millennium, would governments let us open the hatch? Would governments free the entrepreneurs? "How fast this new world arrives will depend on governments." --The Economist, London.

Here were three images that flashed before me in my Second Vision:

Bugs In Society Holding Back The Millionaire Phenomenon

Today's Make-The-People-Millionaires Megatrend To Rid The Bugs

Millionaire Megatrend Will Make The People Live Like Millionaires

After 2001

My Second Vision showed me technologies in all areas of life free to race ahead like the computers. In that Neotech or New Technology Society of radically advancing technologies, living costs were driven down to fractions like the computers. Buying power in all areas of life multiplied a hundred times or more. Ordinary people lived like millionaires in custom homes, drove luxury cars, and vacationed all over the world first class.

One man had the power to quickly bring us into that Golden Neotech World where poverty and suffering no longer existed and Americans lived in luxury. That man was the President of the United States. In the 20th century, no President would initiate the millionaire phenomenon because no career politician would slash his own base of power. But now, we have seen a sample of the great prosperity:

You see, 20th-century big government -- career politicians and bureaucrats politicizing our lives, ruling over us, playing God with our lives -- not only held back the Technological Revolution and tightened the seams that restricted Neotech as we approached the end of this millennium, but by doing so, also held back the job revolution and blocked a hundred million super entrepreneurs (explained in the Fourth Vision). The catalytic reaction when big government disintegrated after 2001, when Neotech burst out everywhere and mixed with millions of unleashed super entrepreneurs, surpassed anything ever contemplated in economic think tanks. The overwhelming energy and creativity pumped into super technologies conceived new societal prosperity that went way off the charts. Ordinary people finally experienced God's Second Ultimate Gift: enormous wealth.

You Became 100 Times Richer

Looking back from my Visions over the last decade of the 20th century, the federal government collected an average of 1.3 trillion dollars annually in taxes. Congress spent an average of 1.5 trillion dollars (rounding off). That spending split into three categories (all multi-year averages):

After 2001, looking back from the new code at the old code, we knew what defense spending and interest on the national debt were for. But we had a hard time understanding the good intentions or how they helped the people. You see, tomorrow we learned the best way to help the people was to release the geniuses to make the people all super rich: to make their buying power go so high they lived like millionaires.

After 2001, the make-the-people-millionaires program on the preceding charts freed technologies and freed super entrepreneurs to drive the new technologies into computerlike revolutions in every which way. A President whose career was not politics turned inward and slashed his own base of political power -- regulatory power -- to free the technologies and the super entrepreneurs.

After experiencing being wealthy tomorrow, the debilitating past became so clear. In the 20th century, to be the President of the United States was to be a career politician. Career politicians always built their base of political power. The President's base of political power so happened to be regulatory power -- the regulatory bureaucracies, commissions, and agencies beneath him (see previous flowcharts). That was why 20th-century Presidents budgeted massive spending toward social and regulatory programs supposedly "for the public good". You see, those massive spending programs, those seemingly "good intentions", all came hand in hand with massive regulations. Unbeknownst to you back then, but so obvious after 2001, those massive regulations actually blocked the Neotech Society in which you would live like a millionaire.

We looked back in disgust at our 20th-century Presidents when realizing their 20th-century regulations built their structure of power as the boss of all regulatory bureaucracies. Those so-called "for-the-people" social and regulatory programs were illusions that actually hurt the people while building the Presidents' popularity, ego, and power. In my Second Vision, I was amazed that the "great" presidents of the 20th century were looked back on as the worst malefactors of society.

People soured as they reviewed 20th-century history, especially looking back at the biggest illusion -- the most accepted social program of the 20th-century so-called "for the public good" -- approaching an annual trillion dollars in entitlements known collectively as social welfare. The social welfare programs accounted for over half of all government spending, which was 1/4 of the Gross Domestic Product during the last decade of the 20th-century! That massive spending program so-called "for the public good" in turn gave the government absolute power to regulate the economy and rule over our money. Controlling 1/4 of our Gross Domestic Product meant the government had its regulatory web all throughout our economy -- in every business, every consumer product, every job, every profession, including every hospital, every doctor's office, every research and development program, every discovery, every invention, every paycheck, every person's wallet. Looking back in disbelief, the people after 2001 were aghast that politicians and bureaucrats ruled over our money and our lives. Their archaic regulatory web throughout the economy trapped and paralyzed 20th-century new technologies. Without super rapidly advancing technologies in the 20th century, costs did not drop to fractions so that we could live like millionaires -- the way we were meant to live. Instead, costs went up and up and up for the entire 20th century. We just could not believe it, looking back: prices went up for 100 years! The elderly who lived on set pensions and measly entitlements got trapped in the dungeons of society as long-term inflation ate up everything they had. We felt so sorry for our parents and grandparents.

Of course, after 2001, we finally knew that the only way to truly help the needy and everyone else was to send the economy through a buying-power metamorphosis like the computer industry's buying-power metamorphosis. The Second Vision showed me the needy and everyone else's limited buying power leapt a hundred times when the Neotech President's protection-only budget swished away the regulatory web throughout the economy. His budget swished away those "good intentions", like social welfare, that wove regulatory control throughout every nook and crevice of the economy. When that 20th-century regulatory web was gone, 21st-century technology was free and took off like the computers had, but in every direction...and so did everyone's buying power.[ 2 ]


[ 2 ] This ended all Social Security payments. Moreover, this unique approach miraculously repaid every penny of social security to Americans with full fair-market interest! That financial miracle meant elderly Americans received a small fortune from Uncle Sam, as explained in the First Vision.

The world's greatest irony was: the way to best help the people was to cross out the government's programs to "help" the people and the massive regulations that came with those "well intentioned" massive spending programs that ruled over us.

My Second Vision showed me a fabulous world without those regulatory webs of "good intentions" so-called "for the public good"; the needy and everyone else lived like kings as unburdened technology soared, costs plunged, and everyone's buying power multiplied on average a hundred times. Everyone became rich.

I saw the last of the politically invested Presidents. Of course, he did not pursue the make-the-people-millionaires program that slashed regulatory power. Whether from the left or the right, all the 20th-century politically invested Presidents pursued only so-called "public good" programs that multiplied regulatory power -- their base of political power. Only the first politically free Neotech President, free of a career in politics, gladly slashed his own base of power -- slashed regulations caused by government "good intentions". "Good intentions" were just a clever way of saying "politicize the people; rule over them, and play God with their money and lives."

The first Neotech President ended politicization of our lives and offensive government. He reduced government to protection only, a defensive government, which freed the geniuses of society. They, in turn, whirled into an aggressive storm of competition to serve up our every need. In doing so, they lifted technology into new dimensions, drove down living and health costs to fractions, and brought us spectacular new values and entertainment. The computer revolution of the 20th century seemed like a little white cloud next to the intense storm of new technologies raining on us after 2001.

As you know, after World War II, we looked back at the holocaust in disbelief. After 2001, our children and grandchildren looked back at big government ruling over us in disbelief. In both cases, millions of innocent people died at the hands of mortals ruling over us. Everyone under the new code knew the only reason the make-the-people-disease-free and the make-the-people-millionaires programs never happened in the 20th century was no puzzle: simply put, no politician wanted to slash his own base of political power. Twentieth-century Presidents knew only how to build their base of power -- regulatory power. Therefore, we never had the slightest clue of the phenomenal wealth and health available to us by reducing to a protection-only government of defense.

The "Solar Eclipse"

[missing file: "Image on page 70"]

Consider that Einstein's Theory of Relativity (E=mc 2) went years unrecognized. Then, a natural phenomenon occurred -- a solar eclipse -- that demonstrated his theory. Instantly, Einstein and his Theory of General Relativity were a world sensation accepted by everyone. With that solar-eclipse demonstration, the world quickly moved beyond Newtonian physics to Einsteinian physics.

During my Second Vision, I saw a similar phenomenon in politics: The Neotech President's first budget was that "solar eclipse" as he blacked out the blinding, solar spending programs toward "good intentions". Although Congress did everything possible to undo his budget, the unmistakable demonstration of falling taxes and rising buying power still occurred, no matter how diluted. Like Einstein's Relativity, instantly the make-the-people-millionaires program of slashing regulations was a world sensation accepted by everyone. With that "solar-eclipse demonstration", world politics quickly moved beyond career politicians to market businessmen...into the new political paradigm and 21st-century get-rich government.

Of course, the Neotech President's protection-only budget was a shock to Congress as he cut one trillion dollars -- cut out all spending toward "good intentions"...cut out politicizing our lives and ruling over us. Congress did not accept his budget because those massive government programs so-called "for the public good" came hand in hand not only with massive regulation, but massive legislation as well -- our Congressmen's and Senators' base of power. Those career politicians in Congress did not want to slash their base of power -- legislative power -- any more than any previous career politician in the White House wanted to slash his base of power -- regulatory power.

Yet, Congress had no choice but to give in to some extent because once the people elected a Neotech President, they realized this route to rapid riches and stood behind him. So the small ruling-class clique, 435 Congressmen and 100 Senators, had to abandon their first thought of impeachment and work with his budget. With their very own constituents cheering for the make-the-people-millionaires program, Congress was not able to totally undo his budget. Of course, Congress radically changed the budget, but the President loudly pointed his finger at the culprits for the whole country to see. Thus, Congress backed off and some of what he submitted took hold.

Bingo. People's taxes dropped immediately. But more importantly, their buying power started going up almost immediately. For the first time, exciting practical results outperformed political rhetoric. After that "solar-eclipse demonstration", the Neotech President then told America, loud and clear: "Imagine what could happen to your buying power if my budget passed in its entirety. You could all be rich in a year or two!" With that realization, the people unanimously implemented a nationwide change called The Great Replacement Program: Like a big wave at high tide due to the Solar Eclipse Budget, the Great Replacement Program washed over the country; it washed away the politicians. Voters nominated and voted into Congress only business owners and other market-driven businessmen and women, knowing they would pass the Neotech President's Solar-Eclipse, Protection-Only Budget in its entirety.[ 3 ] Those, original business owners and market-driven business people never cared about building political power. Like the Neotech President, they were not politicians. Instead, they wanted a free and booming economy. So, to that end, they were more than happy to eclipse their own structures of political power. They were more than happy to eclipse all government "good intentions" -- that is, all those massive "for the public good" social and regulatory programs that were really Trojan Horses carrying massive regulations and legislation. Those business owners passed the Neotech President's budget in its entirety to eliminate those Trojan Horses. Nothing could stop the changes once the new code had started.


[ 3 ] I saw mostly the hard-working, original business owners and not so much third-generation-or-beyond business "inheritors", many of whom join forces with politicians.

The Solar-Eclipse Budget, a protection-only budget, blacked out all social and regulatory programs -- one trillion dollars from the budget. Yes, everyone's taxes immediately fell more than half. But far more important, the regulatory/legislative web throughout the economy simply got washed away, which immediately set free the aggressive entrepreneurs, society's geniuses, and advancing new technologies. Industry after industry went through unprecedented buying-power metamorphoses. Computerlike revolutions were everywhere, even in the housing industry, bringing us inexpensive beautiful new homes! Indeed, removing all the many regulations on that industry and its many suppliers and support industries, not to mention removing the bulk of taxes, immediately allowed general contractors to build bigger, better, and more beautiful homes for a lot less money. And that improvement was immediate, before the technological breakthroughs kicked in! Wealth and health quickly saturated every city, town, and household in America.

Wealth like that in my Second Vision had never been seen because the human race had always been under the old code led by a ruling class of politicians and bureaucrats. Of course, politicians in the 20th century built their careers through regulatory and legislative power, which blocked technologies and entrepreneurs from radically soaring ahead. Thus, under that aggressive government on the offense, your buying power always decreased instead of increasing 100 times or more. The Great Replacement Program led by a Neotech President and his Solar-Eclipse Budget rescued us and made all people a hundred times richer during their lifetimes. And that great wealth was God's Second Ultimate Gift, finally enjoyed by all men, women, and children under the new code. After 2001, the new code came to us as an unstoppable force. Millions of people had witnessed the Six Ultimate Gifts, tens of millions of them on the Internet.

Everyone Will Finally Be
Taken Care Of

During my Second Vision, the fundamental difference between the old code versus the new code became clear: the new code never touched God's divine power to rule over man whereas the old code wrongly assumed the divine power to rule over us. Tomorrow's get-rich government protected us only, an honorable and worthy government. And a half-trillion-dollar budget was all that was needed to protect our country. The other trillion dollars in the late 20th-century's one-and-a-half-trillion-dollar budget was never needed. After 2001, the people realized the trillion dollars was wrongly used by 20th-century big government to rule over us, through politicizing our lives and our businesses, enforced by big-government regulations. The people realized career politicians and bureaucrats had no right to politicize our lives and rule over us, absolutely no human right to play God with our lives. The people and Scripture unanimously and emphatically agreed that only the Lord shall rule over us. The people tomorrow knew the only harmonious and honorable government was the new 21st-century government that defended His children, but never ruled over them. Those arrogant mortals of the previous political structure who assumed God's divine power to rule over us carried the seeds of corruption that grew with their power. That powerful 20th-century ruling class politicized our lives, our businesses, ruled over us, corruptly, subjugating His children.

After 2001, the people clearly understood that big government and its career politicians suppressed us in the 20th-century from rising into the glorious paradise on Earth they now enjoyed. In that paradise, they lived like millionaires with extraordinary health and a deeply happy self. The new political paradigm opened the path to that paradise on Earth with a protection-only budget that eliminated the trillion dollars used exclusively to politicize society.

By now, after 2001, the people, enlightened by their amazing buying power and health, now saw the harsh double negative of that trillion dollars previously taxed and spent by the former 20th-century big-government budget: First, that trillion-dollar tax, straight out of our lives, simply sucked that enormous portion of money out of the economy, particularly out of those hard-working geniuses who liked to reinvest their money into growth to generate more wealth and jobs. The government redistributed the bulk of that money into the hands of lazy people who "inherited" a living and generated nothing beyond self-indulgence. Second, and even worse, the taxing and the spending of that trillion dollars each year gave big government big money to build big regulatory bureaucracies to rule over us with massive regulations that prevented geniuses and Neotech from ever taking off. So, the negative effect on us was painfully double: big government drained our money out of our lives and then used it to specifically block us from rising into a wealthy paradise on Earth! The happy, wealthy people after 2001 looked through history books while scratching their heads, wondering why we did not see this obvious double negative a lot, lot sooner. The old code was so debilitating, yet so well camouflaged as "good intentions". Few people back then really knew any better.

What about the elderly and the needy after 2001? In the 20th century, those people were stuck in the poverty trap caused by the social-welfare illusion. In my Second Vision, the elderly and needy gained the most after 2001, for they more than anyone needed an economic metamorphosis in which their savings and pensions suddenly could buy a hundred times more. And that is exactly what they got after the "solar eclipse" demonstration. The very next year, unburdened, free-to-soar technology began driving down costs to fractions. When the previous, 20th-century government had complete regulatory control over the economy with its trillion-dollar entitlement programs, prices did not go down. They went up. Inflation was a slow death-by-torture for the elderly and the needy on set incomes. Inflation, even slow inflation, eventually trapped the elderly and the needy in the dungeons of society as poverty-ridden, dependent slaves -- slaves to big government, forever dependent on their entitlement money. That slave class meant guaranteed votes for an ever-increasing regulatory government.

But after 2001, all that changed. Ironically, that change most benefited the huge American slave class -- the elderly and the needy. Under the make-the-people-millionaires program after 2001, everyone discovered financial independence and then financial prosperity.

What about health, education, and everyone's welfare? What about all those spending programs that got blacked out? The "solar eclipse" made everyone rich. Of course, being rich delivered unsurpassable welfare to everyone. Those who were dependent on entitlements benefited most. Those people were previously trapped "slaves", dependent on suppressive big government in order to survive in poverty. The "solar eclipse" freed those people to actually live like healthy kings as buying power and jobs began multiplying. ...So, everyone's welfare? Although the liberal media at first fought reality, the "solar eclipse" quickly solved the country's needs.

Now, I said healthy kings because unhampered, soaring technologies not only drove health-care costs to fractions, but quickly cured all serious diseases. Consider that years ago, Dr. Frank R. Wallace, a former Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont, was involved in research that offered a unique approach for the treatment of diseases. One potential approach involved the development of extremely fine fibers impregnated with slowly releasing drugs. If such fibers were injected around cancer tumors, for example, the growth of those encased tumors might be retarded or stopped -- to lay harmlessly dormant in their man-made coffins forever. But the FDA, looking out for the "public good", killed that and many other promising low-cost disease cures at Du Pont with cost-prohibitive regulations.

Moreover, consider that much more government money than private money had been spent to find a cure for cancer. But nearly every notable advancement in science and medicine came from business or privately funded research. In my Visions, I witnessed unburdened geniuses of society, particularly entrepreneurs outside of government contracts and catalyzed by super technologies, quickly got the good intentions done including eradicating all diseases. I saw the end result of The Great Displacement Program: Geniuses of society, not career politicians, took over programs of good intentions to finally achieve those good intentions. The Second Vision showed me wonderful things happened when business, science, and medicine right down to the entrepreneurs were free to zoom ahead with a 21st-century Neotech President who slashed 20th-century bureaucratic regulations and with 21st-century Neotech lawmakers who slashed 20th-century legislation. The Great Replacement/Great Displacement Program led by a Neotech President and his Solar-Eclipse Budget completed the Second Vision about our new politically pure era. Super technologies and super entrepreneurs, finally free of political impurities, showed the world an unprecedented power-reactor explosion of prosperity.

The new prosperity made it difficult to look back at the old code and its government programs "for the public good":

After 2001, the above well intentioned programs "for the public good" fell out of the hands of a few hundred intoxicated politicians and into the hands of millions of sharp geniuses who finally did those programs right.

That Vision answered my own two questions:

First of all, the Great Displacement Program and the sale of trillions of dollars of government assets to private businesses easily repaid Social Security with full, fair-market interest. A lot of people suddenly got back small fortunes, especially the older people who spent their lives paying the taxes that paid for all those government assets sold. That sale of government assets ended the flawed Social Security era with everyone being repaid all their money with interest. Working people no longer poured their money down the Social Security drain; nearly everyone received a big check from Uncle Sam, and older retirees suddenly got back a lot of money.

Now, we all discovered, even those on entitlements discovered that social-welfare programs of all kinds, including the medicare and medicaid programs, were clever illusions that hurt, not helped, the elderly and needy. Those social-welfare programs of all forms let the government regulate our economy and politicize our health, blocking computerlike revolutions and free-falling prices for breakthrough cures. Tomorrow, we rescued our parents by freeing the economy of those regulatory bugs to undergo a metamorphosis like the unregulated computer industry. Health and living costs reduced to fractions. Quality of life soared. The "solar-eclipse" made everyone wealthy and healthy, young and old alike.

Now, our children: In the Second Vision, I witnessed superior private education become the affordable norm and not the exception. Today, only the privileged can, in a sense, pay twice for their children's education -- once to the government and once to a private school. But tomorrow, everyone paid only once, but for superior private education...and soon thereafter, for nearly free, children received the most powerfully effective education over the Internet. Both private schools and especially computerized education were very inexpensive yet led the world in results as open competition delivered the highest value for the lowest cost once the government's monopoly on education ended. Our children grew increasingly knowledgeable, creative, and motivated. They grew up successful and rich.

Money Talks, Abuse Walks

During this Second Vision into the next millennium, I noticed that the "solar-eclipse" -- that is, blocking out the blinding solar spending programs, ending the trillion dollars spent on politicizing our lives and ruling over us, and only collecting the half-trillion dollars needed to protect us -- did something else besides set free super entrepreneurs and super technologies that made all ordinary people rich. The "solar-eclipse" also dramatically eliminated powerful forces of big government that were steadily taking away our freedom and individual rights.

You see, the Solar-Eclipse Budget eclipsed all government "good intentions" -- all those social and regulatory programs that appeared to "help the public good" but really just politicized society, ruled over us, played God with our money and lives, and in the end dearly hurt the public good. The Neotech President's half-trillion-dollar protection-only budget at first got substantially filled again with "good intentions" by Congress the first year. Nevertheless, the obvious demonstration of taxes immediately falling and buying power immediately rising became a world sensation that proved to everyone that his program worked. The Solar-Eclipse Budget that blacked out spending toward "good intentions" was at once accepted by the people. They quickly nominated and elected original business owners and other market-driven business people into Congress. The Neotech President's Solar-Eclipse Budget then passed in its entirety.

Once passed, no more of our money went toward destructive regulatory bureaucracies, all of which quietly armed their agents over the decades -- a dangerous step in 20th-century America toward secret police and fascism. Those armed armies of bureaucrats ultimately answered to our President as part of his growing 20th-century structure of power and ego.

The people after 2001 simply asked: why should any regulatory bureaucrat be armed? If he confronts a potentially hostile situation, then he should call the highly effective 21st-century local police like any other citizen.

For the previous several decades, however, the government had been quietly building armies of armed bureaucrats. The IRS, FTC, FDA, EPA, SEC, DEA, FBI, INS, ATF, CIA -- every regulatory bureaucracy and beyond had armed agents...even the postal service came complete with armed bureaucrats! As those people in my Second Vision looked back, they were amazed at how obvious this abuse of power was, which before went over their heads.

Those armies of armed bureaucrats in the old code, all under the command of the President, grew increasingly aggressive and powerful while steadily subtracting our freedom and individual rights. Those men had no right to assume God's power to rule over us. In fact, tomorrow the people realized that any man who played God lived in sin, thus was ultimately corrupt. As proven throughout the millenniums, no mortal could ever handle the divine ruling power without diminishing and eventually destroying society.

The Solar-Eclipse Budget, once in full force with the onslaught of the Great Replacement Program, simply cut off the funds to those growing armies of fascism and ended the devil's trickery. The Solar-Eclipse Budget, simply put, just said no!

So, while making everyone very rich, the "solar-eclipse" saved everyone from deteriorating freedom and growing government abuse and took God's rule out of the hands of mortals.

Jobs, Wealth, Security

Once in office, the Neotech President used all his presence to end society's nemesis disguised as "good intentions", that is, end man's power to rule over us, a power belonging only to God. The Neotech President used all his presence toward eliminating one trillion dollars from the budget. That was his fiscal policy: eliminate a trillion dollars, all "good intentions", from the budget. We needed no more borrowing; we cut taxes more than half and concentrated all that money on protection...and rather quickly cut down that remaining money again and again under in-the-trenches, detail-focused business disciplines.

Looking back at the 20th century, America got in trouble regarding the currency. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt took us off the gold standard. With no more accountability or disciplines, the government pumped more and more money into our economy. That caused inflation to eat up our parents' retirement savings and pensions, leaving them poor and financially dependent on us and the government.

Pumping unbacked currency into the economy had a short-term stimulating effect but a long-term deadly effect. Of course, 20th-century politicians sold out our future for short-term re-election gimmicks. The people in tomorrow's Neotech Era were amazed looking back that fiscal policy had become an exclusive power-and-ego manipulating game for the powers that be. The ordinary working man was the victim. After six decades of unbacked currency pumped into the economy -- forever followed by inflation and increasing poverty for each new generation of elderly and needy Americans -- what did we do? In my Second Vision, here was the Neotech President's course of action -- a one, two punch:

One: His immediate policy eliminated the deficit quickly through eliminating "good intentions". We steadily paid off the debt. That cut out all need to raise taxes or to print more money.

Two: The Neotech President eliminated corporate income taxes altogether (which accounted for only 9% of government revenues). That caused an explosion of business, employment, opportunities, and rising incomes for the people. That caused companies to reinvest large sums of money back into their businesses, including cash incentives for employee performance. The money that normally went toward taxes and its "good intentions" instead went toward expansion, job creation, and employee incentive. The economy boomed. ...This concept was first demonstrated in the early '60s during John F. Kennedy's presidency.

After 2001, the young students laughed in disbelief at the silly illusions used by 20th-century big government that tricked us into sending a major portion of our wealth down the drain and into the sewer of waste disguised as "good intentions". Those young 21st-century students could not help thinking what helpless dupes their parents and grandparents once were. After 2001, with no more so-called "good intentions", our taxes now a fraction of what they once were, and with no more corporate income taxes, the money once flushed away to "good intentions" now was reinvested into economic growth. That same money instead went toward starting and expanding businesses, creating jobs, motivating us as in-house entrepreneurs (Fourth Vision), and causing dynamic technological growth, which like the computers drove up our buying power a hundred times.

The Golden Neotech World --
Technology, Wealth, and Health

Let me sum up the Second Vision. Well, I saw new technologies rain on us in such quantity that the future looked almost surrealistic. The freed geniuses of society that I saw in my First Vision mixed with the freed 21st-century super technologies I saw in my Second Vision. Once the impurities of society -- a big-government ruling class with its many regulations -- were removed, the super entrepreneurs and super technologies went through a power-reactor explosion that lifted society into an unbelievable new world, the Golden Neotech World.

Here were our exact steps into that new world: First, America's anti big-government megatrend ushered in a nonpolitician Neotech President after the turn of the millennium. His "solar-eclipse" demonstration quickly brought about the Great Replacement Program. Then the Solar-Eclipse Budget, a protection-only budget, passed in its entirety and eclipsed out government's "good intentions". Everyone's taxes fell more than half...and then in half again as down-in-the-trenches business owners drove down the remaining government expenses for protection by digging in and making all the nitty-gritty details highly efficient. As that occurred, geniuses of society rose by the millions and steadily made us richer and richer and richer until we were a hundred times richer as technology soared and costs dove. Furthermore, our freedom, our children's freedom, and our grandchildren's freedom blossomed and remained forever nourished by those who most believe in individual rights -- original business owners. And most important, every day and night felt as safe as living in Disneyland, for the government's sole focus was your protection: national defense on the federal level and police protection on the local level. ...That beautiful Vision is our destiny.

The Golden Neotech World is the paradise on Earth we were meant to live in -- a world in which we are very rich with mind-blowing opportunities, even for those who now have very little opportunities. In my Vision, that Golden Neotech World provided ever better technology for ever cheaper prices, no longer the jewel of just the computer industry, but of all industries. Major health breakthroughs and cures occurred at lightning speeds and became affordable to everyone, even to the elderly. Unsurpassed, quality education became available and affordable to all families, the best of it for a few dollars on CD ROM and eventually for free over the Internet. Fears of unemployment were replaced by a wide selection of spectacular jobs anywhere in the world. And finally, the millionaire's life of exotic vacations and first-class luxuries removed all boredom from our lives. After 2001, the new code made life beautiful.

Looking back at the 20th century left a heavy sadness in our hearts, especially for the millions upon millions of those who died unnecessarily to disease. Most of us had immediate family lost to disease in the latter 20th century. Reality hurt as we realized how a small clique of people -- career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats -- cost our loved ones' precious lives.

Twentieth-century big government was always on the offense politicizing our lives and ruling over us. By contrast, 21st-century get-rich government was only on the defense protecting our lives from any physical threat or attack. As super rapidly advancing new technologies showered on us after depoliticizing society and setting free the geniuses of society, infectious diseases and complex viruses were eradicated.

As you might suspect, America's political leaders resisted depoliticization, but once the people's anti big-government megatrend hinted personal wealth, the following steps swiftly occurred:

  1. A politically free Neotech President was elected, vowing to make the people live like healthy millionaires by depoliticizing America.

  2. The Solar-Eclipse Budget was submitted to eliminate the annual trillion dollars in government "good intentions"; Congress rejected most of the budget, but enough held to show businesses and potential super entrepreneurs the new code of freedom; so funding into technology escalated in all industries...prices began to fall, demonstrating the mighty potential effects on the people's wealth and health.

  3. The Great Replacement Program washed over the country in the subsequent midterm election like a big wave. Original business owners and other market-driven businessmen and women replaced 20th-century big-government career politicians nearly unanimously. For, the voting public knew that market-driven business people would pass the Solar-Eclipse Budget without hesitation. Indeed, the Solar-Eclipse Budget passed in its entirety.

  4. The Great Displacement Program naturally followed as the government's spending monopolies vanished; private businesses and entrepreneurs moved in to legitimately serve the people. America quickly became a wonderful place to be! Buying power multiplied a hundred times. Ordinary people began living like millionaires. Medical technology jumped into the lead against every disease.

That make-the-people-millionaires program quickly brought three things to us:

  1. Near-perfect health to us and our loved ones as medical technology raced forward and eradicated disease after disease.

  2. Millionaire wealth as technology raced forward in every industry like today's nonpoliticized computer industry driving prices toward zero as our standard of living soared toward millionaire wealth.

  3. Superman and superwoman selves as businesses, in that rapidly advancing Neotech state, dumped their outdated routine-rut jobs and instead brought out every worker's potential. Our stagnant routine ruts became history as we discovered our potential and became supermen or superwomen and achieved 21st-century dreams we could never even fathom in the 20th century. Boredom and stagnation vanished from our lives and got permanently replaced with exciting success. In short, this was the job revolution (described in the Fourth Vision) that poured 100 million geniuses into society. Such productive energy and creativity flooding into society lifted our nation's wealth beyond all economic theories or models prior to the 21st century. We were in a wonderful new world never known to man -- our Heaven on Earth.

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