As I watched super rapidly advancing new technologies light up more and more industries like a new dawn, I was amazed at how rapidly businesses raced forward. I then noticed how our jobs were swept up into the fervor. A new Vision started forming about our jobs. While watching that incredibly progressive world, I saw our jobs leap to a new league so alive and exciting that today they seemed dead by comparison.
Imagine a world in which every working adult were, in essence, an energized entrepreneur building his or her own fortunes. That was exactly what I saw in my Fourth Vision into the next millennium...a hundred million super entrepreneurs pouring endless energy and creativity into America alone, teaming up with super technologies and sending civilization into new wealth not measurable by today's standards.
The American enterprise system underwent a definitive job revolution. In fact, jobs at all levels became entrepreneurial. Of course, entrepreneurs used their minds every day, day after day. Therefore, with such growing, stimulated minds, 21st-century working adults surprised themselves as they grew more and more creative...until, lo and behold, they themselves became super entrepreneurs and eventually geniuses of society overjoyed with enthusiasm and pride...and success.
As you witness my Fourth Vision and begin to believe that essentially every worker will become an entrepreneur in the 21st century, you will begin to ponder the might of a hundred million entrepreneurs pouring their energy and creativity into society, uninhibited and catalyzed by super technologies. You will begin to believe my First Vision in which many millions of geniuses took care of our every need. You will begin to grasp that the way to take care of us is not through big government but through freed geniuses of society. You will begin to realize that the unprecedented escalation of standards of living to millionaire status just may be believable after all, despite the traditional academic arguments. After all, the power of a hundred million entrepreneurs free to race ahead will dwarf anything ever seen on our planet including the computer/cyberspace revolution.
Here is what I saw during the Fourth Vision: Under the new code, depoliticizing America in the next millennium set free a rapidly advancing Neotech Society in which businesses had no choice but to evolve beyond their outmoded jobs of labor, our routine ruts. To remain competitive, as in the computer business, all businesses had to tap their greatest asset -- the creativity of each and every employee -- causing a job revolution that metamorphosed our boring routine ruts into exciting jobs of the mind. Depoliticizing America not only set free the country's existing entrepreneurs, but set off a 21st-century evolution of business that made all jobs entrepreneurial and created a hundred million in-house entrepreneurs.
American enterprise moved beyond the old division of labor and its jobs of labor into the new division of essence and its jobs of the mind. You see, the essence of business was to BUILD WEALTH through the creation of new or improved product or marketing. The division of essence broke down businesses into jobs of the mind where each and every employee himself -- not just the founder and top executives -- actually built wealth. Like an entrepreneur, each and every employee -- including today's janitors -- CREATED AND GOT RICH in tomorrow's jobs of the mind. I saw it in the Fourth Vision: with stimulated minds, day after day, ordinary people eventually grew into irreplaceable geniuses of society.
Let's take a look at the 21st-century division of essence and its jobs of the mind...the whole new business paradigm that I witnessed in my Vision. I took what I saw in my Fourth Vision and used it to structure my own company. Using my company as the example, Diagrams One through Four over the next five pages illustrate the obvious division of essence sitting right before our eyes. After 2001 under the new code, all jobs came to life, became unbearably exciting, and led us for the first time into the world of profits.
(Note: Diagrams One through Four below are specific examples of dividing Integrated Management Associates by essence into wealth-building jobs of the mind -- that is, 21st-century jobs with the purpose to BUILD WEALTH.)
Integrated Management's Basic Responsibilities: Buy Television Spots Set Up TV Commercials Buy Space (newspapers, magazines) Set Up Space-Media Ads Rent Mailing Lists Set Up Mailings Manage Computer Database Keep Data/Statistics Keep Books Do Accounting Control Order Processing Control Shipping Products Control Product Manufacturing Control Customer Service Control Computer Needs |
(Example From Integrated Management Associates)
The basic responsibilities all need a purpose. For, a responsibility cannot exist by itself. For example, look at the first responsibility on the list (next page): buy television spots. Could buying TV spots exist on its own if not for the television marketing program? Of course not. That responsibility is dependent on the television marketing program. The television marketing program is the purpose of the first responsibility on the next page, the purpose of buying television spots. The television marketing program is a job with purpose -- a wealth-building job in Integrated Management Associates that thrives on creativity. Buying television spots along with nine other responsibilities integrate into the television marketing program as will become clear over Diagrams Two, Three, and Four. As we will learn, one person will handle that fully integrated job with purpose, that money-making job of the mind, the television marketing program.
Randomly running down the list: could buying ad space in newspapers exist on its own? No. It needs a purpose. Could renting mailing lists (known as list brokering) exist on its own? No. It needs a purpose. Could accounting exist on its own? No. It needs a purpose. Could order processing exist on its own? No. It needs a purpose. And so on.
Today, however, all the responsibilities on the next page are established as departments in the traditional publishing companies, existing on their own as ends in themselves instead of integrating into their purposes. That is why all jobs today are dead-end streets. For, no way exists to build a mere responsibility that is split from its integrated purpose. Again, how can one build renting mailing lists without that responsibility being integrated to its purpose: the direct mail marketing program? Yet, list brokering is treated as an independent department in nearly every direct mail company today.
To determine the purpose of each basic responsibility, simply finish the sentence: "This responsibility exists due to_________________________." For example, "Buying television spots exists due to the television marketing program." Integrated Management's example of this process is done on the next page. Several of the responsibilities exist in more than one purpose. For example, accounting could not exist on its own. That responsibility is dependent on, for example, the television marketing program. The television marketing program is its purpose. Also, other accounting records exist due to other marketing programs. Therefore, that responsibility will exist in more than one purpose as seen on the next page.
Do not get tied up on technicalities if you have trouble grasping the process. By the time you get through Diagram Four, the process will become clear.
Buy Television Spots:
Responsibility exists due to: Television Marketing Program
Set Up Television Commercials:
Responsibility exists due to: Television Marketing Program
Buy Space (newspapers, magazines):
Responsibility exists due to: Space Media Marketing Program
Set Up Space-Media Ads:
Responsibility exists due to: Space
Media Marketing Program
Rent Mailing Lists:
Responsibility exists due to: Direct Mail Marketing Program
Set Up Mailings:
Responsibility exists due to: Direct Mail Marketing Program and Neotech
Database Marketing Program
Manage Neotech Database:
Responsibility exists due to: Neotech Database Marketing Program
Keep Data/Statistics:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Keep Books:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Do Accounting:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Order Processing:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Shipping Products:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Product Manufacturing:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Customer Service:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Computer Needs:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Basic Responsibilities: | Money-Making Purposes: |
Buy Television Spots Set Up Commercials Buy Space (newspapers, magazines) Set Up Space-Media Ads Rent Mailing Lists Set Up Mailings Manage Database Keep Data/Statistics Keep Books Do Accounting Control Order Processing Control Shipping Products Control Product Manufacturing Control Customer Service Control Computer Needs
Television Marketing
Now, pull the basic responsibilities together by their money-making purposes as follows:
I witnessed that when the new code set in, a job revolution changed your place of work into these entrepreneurial jobs, whether you worked for a large or small company, regardless if you are now the janitor or the president. The Vision was so clear; the essence of business was to BUILD WEALTH. The division of essence divided business into entrepreneurial-like wealth-building jobs. The Fourth Vision showed me that tomorrow all employees were like their own in-house entrepreneurs, motivated to build profits and success. As a result, employees eventually shared in the profits, oftentimes in the equity. Like all entrepreneurs, their minds turned on like light bulbs and started shinning. As you will see, the transformation worked for any job, from the bricklayer to the Wall Street executive. Eventually, every ordinary employee became an entrepreneur.
In short, every responsibility in every business simply attached to its money-making purpose. All responsibilities came together into integrated chunks of essence -- into wealth-building jobs. Responsibilities no longer remained detached from their money-making purposes forming routine-rut jobs like today's jobs. Responsibilities no longer were such ends in themselves -- dead ends. Instead, they became exciting means to an end -- BUILD WEALTH!
Realize that each wealth-building job was a job for one person. The integrated responsibilities were never broken from their money-making purpose, not even with growth of the business. For, once a responsibility got split from its money-making purpose, then that created a specialized, routine-rut job that was not integrated with making money -- a dead-end job with no essence...the way most 20th-century jobs are today.
Then, the question arose, "As the businesses grew, how could a person single-handedly handle a wealth-building job without delegating some of the responsibilities to others?" Realize that as the businesses grew, the number of responsibilities in a wealth-building job did not grow. The number of projects and volume of business grew. More marketing projects formed within each marketing program. Each new marketing project could potentially break off into its own wealth-building job with a very similar and complete set of responsibilities attached to its money-making purpose. Those new wealth-building projects got transferred (i.e., got replicated as learned later) to other persons along with the similar or same group of responsibilities. That way, as each 21st-century company grew, every person's job remained an exciting wealth-building job -- a chunk of the company's essence. As the businesses grew, the wealth-building jobs continued to divide again and again into more and more wealth-building jobs, every job always remaining an exciting, wealth-building job of the mind with a marketing format to build profits as an in-house mini-company by an in-house entrepreneur.
Looking back from the fascinating Fourth Vision at the 20th century, most jobs merely MAINTAINED the business. Very few jobs gave one the chance to BUILD WEALTH. Under the old code, were your job responsibilities integrated means with which to build wealth? Or were they specialized ends in themselves, dead-end routine chores? Chances are you were stuck in a boring routine rut!
But that changed with the new code. Jobs changed. Now you could build wealth. Building wealth became the ends into which your job responsibilities converged. Responsibilities then became potent integrated MEANS to build wealth, not impotent specialized ENDS in themselves to routinely turn in.
For example, you saw in Diagram One my company's basic responsibilities, a total of 15 basic responsibilities. Traditional publishing/direct-mail companies in the 20th century made each of those basic responsibilities a separate job or department. Therefore, those dead-end departments and their jobs could not build wealth and grow.
But I used my Vision of the new code's division of essence to break out of the old code's routine-rut jobs. You saw, in Diagram Four, Integrated Management's wealth-building jobs, pulling together the basic responsibilities into their money-making purposes. Those dynamic jobs of the mind built wealth and grew without limits and represented the 21st-century work force.
Under the old code, most people never experienced making money. Twentieth-century businesses scattered their job responsibilities into specialized routine ruts; twenty-first century businesses attached those same job responsibilities to their money-making purposes. Twentieth-century job responsibilities became ends in themselves instead of integrated means to making money. Therefore, nearly all jobs in the 20th century were non-growth, dead-end routine ruts in which people could not build wealth, could not grow, thus stagnated. The ordinary person quietly became unhappy as he or she sank into miserable stagnation under the 20th-century business structure. His routine rut became a prison, his creativity the prisoner.
Whatever happened to the person we once dreamed about being? Most of us got trapped in a routine-rut job year after year. The creative person we were meant to be got hopelessly imprisoned within our routine ruts. Our unique creativity never stood a chance. We never blossomed.
So, under the old code, we suffered in silent frustration, forever forgetting about the creative and wealthy person we once dreamed about. In the fascinating Fourth Vision, however, under the new code, ordinary people single-handedly created wealth. Everyone went about making money, perhaps the most exciting stimulant in human life. Whole families, even the children, got involved in what their parents were building. Families grew emotionally closer together as building values became a family event. Creativity abounded among adults and children alike. You see, children grew up in that exciting entrepreneurial environment. Dinner talk was often filled with Dad's or Mom's latest venture. The idea of producing values and achieving goals excited children, which made them look forward to their futures. The culture changed; children were motivated about growing up to become entrepreneurs. You see, all jobs were entrepreneurial. But the workplace back in the 20th century simply was not set up that way. Most parents dreaded going to work and seldom talked about that miserable place they went to every weekday.
The future was so clear in my Visions. For instance, the essence of business, building wealth, demanded creativity, and the essence of man was his mind, his creativity. Therefore, so obviously sitting right below our noses, the most powerful business structure imaginable divided its jobs in such a way that every employee used his or her mind creatively to push the business forward. That business structure was the division of essence and was the business structure of the 21st century.
In my Vision, excitement buzzed about these 21st-century jobs because ordinary people built profits. Therefore, they inevitably shared in the profits and ultimately in the equity. I cannot do justice to the personal excitement and motivation I witnessed. It was beyond anything we have seen. For the first time, ordinary people everywhere built profits, equity, and power for themselves. The whole family got involved and excited. Their success became stimulating, which motivated children toward success. As ordinary people everywhere became dynamic in-house entrepreneurs, they discovered the thrill of success and power in business and the thrill of togetherness and inspiration in family.
The Fourth Vision showed me the uniquely creative genius buried inside a deep, dark corner of every ordinary person's mind. That lost person today achieved amazing accomplishments in the 21st-century.
Now, consider that every value in society exists because someone, somewhere exerted productive energy and creativity. Moreover, society's prosperity and rising standards of living came from, originally, productive energy and creativity put into society. In other words, the more productive energy and creativity put into society, then the more values, prosperity, and higher standards of living resulted. With a hundred million entrepreneurs pouring productive energy and creativity into society as I witnessed in my Fourth Vision, our prosperity and standards of living broke all the records in the history books and all the economic formulas in the text books. The results were a 21st-century anomaly...the miracle of the dawning of a new millennium and the new code.
Just imagine, after depoliticizing America and the subsequent job revolution, nearly all ordinary people became entrepreneurs in wealth-building jobs, so their minds became active and stimulated, every after day after day. Creative talk about each new accomplishment flowed at the dinner table. Eventually, those ordinary people surprised themselves as they grew into geniuses in their areas of expertise. But not just any genius: no, everyone became an unburdened genius with no more big-government regulations holding him back. With no more 20th-century big-government subjugation, previously stagnated ordinary people turned into stimulated entrepreneurs and eventually rose beyond their most ambitious 20th-century dreams into geniuses of society and became super entrepreneurs. A hundred million unrestricted super entrepreneurs poured energy and creativity into this country and zoomed ahead with 21st-century super technologies. The Neotech World of super geniuses and super technologies taking care of us and all our needs, large and small as described in the First and Second Visions, brought everyone millionaire wealth, perfect health, and a super-happy self...the only possible results of so much productive energy and creativity pouring into society.
After 2001, under the new code, you no longer did the same boring routine every day while a select few others got powerful and rich. Instead, you built your own business within the company you worked for. You built your own personal power and riches. Your mind woke up and came to life. As you discovered power and creativity, you got very enthusiastic about working and living. And your excitement happily overflowed into your romantic-love and family relationships.
Tomorrow's living jobs awakened the unknown self in ordinary people everywhere as they gradually became geniuses of society. Ordinary people experienced honest power for the first time in their lives. They became dream builders, achieving dreams in the 21st-century beyond their favorite daydreams of the 20th century. Everyone also felt the new sensation of becoming a very important person, an admired and beloved VIP.
Once we depoliticized America and entered the resulting job revolution, then we turned on the excitement: we traded in our boring 20th-century routine-rut jobs for exciting 21st-century wealth-building jobs. Those wealth-building jobs resembled little companies -- mini-companies run by our minds. Ordinary people everywhere felt alive again and excited by their goals as the age of labor gave way to the age of the mind.
This life-force transformed every job as 21st-century businesses properly figured out the "DNA" -- the wealth-building purpose. Even the most routine jobs...even specialized construction jobs came to life as workers got involved with the numbers and profits like entrepreneurs. (Specific how-to details on this transformation of all jobs wait for you in the Personal Renaissance I chapter.)
In the old code, the bricklayer, for instance, knew very little about numbers and profits and was helplessly trapped in his routine rut. Like him, most 20th-century jobs gave us wealth-building control of nothing, trapped in our routine ruts. But as my Fourth Vision showed me, all that changed with the job revolution soon after we depoliticized America. As your 21st-century job came to life, it began to "talk". That's right, it actually began to tell you exciting things to do to improve it, wooing your creativity... through the numbers. When the time came that you took over a wealth-building job, you paid close attention to what your living job was telling you. In other words, like every successful entrepreneur, you paid attention to the numbers involving your living job in every way, for improving numbers translated into profits. You made yourself aware of all the numbers, from measuring the smallest details by numbers, by their cost/efficiency...up to the marketing numbers of your living job. Remember, you now had a mini-company to run. Getting close to all those numbers told you an ongoing story. That story led you to ways of improvement, along the path to prosperity. Ironically, the logical numbers opened the window of creativity in your mind as they showed you the way to improvements and advancements. As the numbers helped you discover your creativity, your 21st-century job of the mind tomorrow left your 20th-century job of labor today in the dust.
Money-making purpose always existed throughout 20th-century companies. After the job revolution, companies restructured into those living jobs. Those 21st-century businesses were like growing, living organisms as their living jobs reproduced like living cells. Just as living cells generate new living cells, those living jobs generated new living jobs. Most jobs prior to the new code, by contrast, were not living jobs. They were, in a sense, non-living substances of the business anatomy. They helped hold the business together, but they did not cause the growth of the business. They had no "DNA", no money-making purpose, thus had no life, no growth. Their job responsibilities came from delegating specialized dead-end responsibilities and not from replicating integrated living jobs with DNA-like nucleuses. They had no life substance.
In a living cell exists the ribosome -- a protein-generating factory. This protein-generating factory pours out protein to build our bodies with muscle, hair, organs, and so on. Similarly, in tomorrow's living jobs I witnessed something called the mini-day schedule -- a money-generating factory. That money- generating factory poured out money-making projects to build our wealth-building jobs with wealth and success. Ordinary people raced forward into big money-making projects. They built their profits, equity, and power. Realize to do that, they first needed a 21st-century living job with wealth-building essence. They set up their days like a manufacturing factory...say like Ford Motor Company's assembly line. But instead of manufacturing cars, they manufactured success and money.
As did Henry Ford, they applied the division of labor to their "manufacturing factories". Later came the vital ingredient of creativity. But at first, they divided their work into the smooth physical movements of labor. Then, like Henry Ford's record-smashing assembly-line, they broke all conceivable records in their manufacturing of success, money, and power.
Let us compare their superior productivity to the 20th-century job. Say we listed the tasks done in a day by a 20th-century manager. His list would look something like this:
* Organized work for subordinates
* Called Jim Peabody of X & Y Company
* Drafted letter to supplier
* Had meeting with secretary
* Reviewed inventory report
Now if we were to also list the tasks he planned to do but did not have time to do, it might look like this:
* Wanted to write to second supplier
* Wanted to call about new quotes
* Wanted to meet with programmer
* Wanted to update marketing data
* Wanted to organize most current files
* Wanted to talk to longtime employee about friction building
Now if we were to list the tasks he scheduled for the following day, his list could look something like this:
* Will definitely write letter to second supplier
* Will make sure to get new quotes
* Will meet with programmer
* Will not leave till update marketing data
* Will finally organize files
* Will make sure I talk to that longtime employee
* Meet with staff for three-hour weekly meeting in afternoon
* Must prepare for meeting all morning
The example above reflected a common problem with 20th-century managers: They were out of control while getting little done. Even worse, physical labor in the 20th century trapped most of the working class in inescapable ruts.
In my Vision of tomorrow's 21st-century living jobs, on the other hand, existed a money-making "factory" that enabled ordinary people to double then triple then quadruple their productivity by dividing work into smooth physical movements. Diagram Five below provides an example of just three days of tasks I personally did using the new code witnessed in my Vision.
How did I easily handle that seemingly overwhelming list in just three days? Consider the task of delivering the overwhelming number of pieces of U.S. mail each day. If that mail were dumped into large piles for the mailmen to fill their bags and start delivering -- the first letter to an address perhaps on the west side, the next letter perhaps to the south side, the next letter back to the west side -- the physically disjointed mail-delivery system would get hopelessly behind. Similarly, the physically disjointed, traditional work schedule of the 20th century got hopelessly behind.
As the overwhelming U.S. mail must be divided into smooth physical movements -- the easy-to-handle carrier-route sorts -- my overwhelming job that previously never got finished was divided into smooth physical movements, into a few easy-to-handle physical movements that now always got done.
To divide my 21st-century job, my mini-company at Integrated Management, into smooth physical movements, I wrote down and studied three days of tasks. From those tasks, I identified only six physical movements. I identified: (1) Phone Calls, (2) Letter Writing, (3) Copy Writing, (4) Accounting, (5) Meetings, (6) Operations.
Like a manufacturing factory, each movement was a raw physical act. Making phone calls, for example, like driving in rivets on the assembly line, required a smooth physical movement -- picking up the phone and dialing no matter what the call was about. Turn back the page to my three days of tasks, and notice that I made a number of phone calls. To make a phone call, I made a physical movement. The movement remained the same no matter who I called or what I called about. Go through the list and put a #1 next to all phone calls.
Next you can see that I wrote a number of letters. To write a letter required a physical movement regardless who I wrote or what I wrote about. Put a #2 next to the letter-writing tasks.
I developed ads and product copy. Copy writing too was an independent movement. That was #3. Mark all copy writing tasks #3.
I spent substantial time doing finances, bookkeeping, accounting, creative accounting, and invoice review. Mark all financial matters #4.
Although many approaches and techniques existed for meetings, holding meetings still was a specific physical act. Mark all meetings with a #5.
To determine the final movement, I looked over the tasks; all but a few were marked off. The remaining unmarked tasks did not seem to link together into a related movement. Those disjointed, leftover tasks were the culprits of nitpicking work that shot my day to shreds. Now I could finally corner them. In my Vision, all 21st-century jobs had disjointed tasks left over. Those seemingly disjointed tasks actually all fell under one physical movement -- the physical movement of operating the mini-company. Now I could capture those problem makers into one movement to blast through in one shot. In my living job, I moved forward all day long in other important movements, momentum not destroyed by nitpicking work. Number those now-harmless tasks with a #6.
Now notice the same unwieldy three days of tasks when streamlined into their physical movements on the next page. Diagram Six shows my 21st-century mini-company divided into the smooth physical movements. Notice the assembly-line efficiency as everything moved toward simplicity.
Now I put the physical movements to work, just as I witnessed in my Fourth Vision. Consider that small personal computers years ago broke through to produce almost any image -- abstract designs, quality pictures, now even motion pictures. The small home computers produced those advanced images through a two-step process: First, they broke down complex images to their handful of fundamental shapes. Indeed, every shape on earth came from a handful of fundamental shapes just as all colors on earth came from three fundamental colors -- red, yellow, and blue. Second, the home computers interlocked little specks of those handful of fundamental shapes by the hundreds to form advanced images with incredible speed, power, and control. The ability to produce complex images became quite simple and efficient.
* Call Stuart * Call La Opinion * Call KCI * Call Blue Cross/Blue Shield * Call Jim T. * Call Newsletter Management * Call InterMarket * Call Lori D. * Call Video Shops * Call LA Times * Call Data-For-Graphics * Call Metro Mail * Call Better Investing * Call PSA * Call Don P. * Call National Enquirer * Call Bill L. * Call Stuart, Mega Media * Call Maclean Hunter * Call West Coast Video
* Write Nightingale-Conant * Write Bernard M. * Write Stuart * Write letter for authorities * Write e-mail to British authorities * Write HUME * Write e-mail to Peter R. * Write exploding-envelope letter * Write e-mail to Francis, Ireland * Write Canadian DMA * Write Newsletter Management * Write e-mail to Peter R. * Write Brian K.
* Script for Video Production * Write outline, start writing * Edit Helen W.'s new product joint book with FW
* Study costs * Understand HW's procedures * Review invoices * Correct Andrews invoice * Review records * Data review
* Meet with Keri * Meet with Kay * Meet with Helen * Meet with Shelly * Meet with WW * Meet with Keri * Meet with Melinda * Meet with WW * Meet with Vicki
* Corrections expl. envelope * In-basket each day * 2nd-class application * Sections for inspection * Interviews and training * Study job file * Strategic Investing insertion * PO to Linden * Prepare for European trip * Layout for newsletter * Train new employee * Mock exploding envelope to Don
Similarly, my complex mini-company broke down to a few fundamental movements. Just as the many colors and many shapes all reduced to a few fundamental colors and shapes, the many projects and deals in my mini-company all reduced to a few fundamental movements. I interlocked all the little tasks of those handful of basic movements by the hundreds to perform advanced business moves with amazing speed, power, and control. The ability to manage complex mini-companies became quite simple and efficient, as follows:
Just like in my Vision, after determining my basic movements, I determined the approximate activity of each movement. In other words, I estimated the percentage of my 10-hour day that I should devote to each movement. Recognize that I estimated what I should devote, not necessarily what I was devoting at the time. I estimated the following percentages:
Then, as in my Fourth Vision of the new code, I made a daily schedule as follows:
(1) Phone Calls 20% or 2 hrs. (2) Letter Writing 15% or 1.5 hrs. (3) Copy Writing 10% or 1 hrs. (4) Accounting 20% or 2 hrs. (5) Meetings 15% or 1.5 hrs. (6) Operations 20% or 2 hrs.
8:00-10:00am Phone Calls (2 hrs.) 10:00-11:30 Letter Writing (1.5 hrs.) 11:30-1:30pm Operations (2 hrs.) 1:30-2:30 Copy Writing (1 hrs.) 2:30-4:30 Accounting (2 hrs.) 4:30-6:00 Meetings (1.5 hrs.)
Now, look over my schedule, "Three Days Of Tasks Interlocked" below. I did not schedule my tasks to time as did the traditional daily schedule. I scheduled my physical movements to time (just as the assembly-line did not schedule tasks to time as in the hand-built days; it scheduled the physical movements to time stations).
Indeed, the inferior traditional schedule that scheduled tasks to time was like the inferior hand-built car process, the traditional way during the early 1900s that scheduled tasks to time -- to the time-consuming tasks of putting in and adjusting the steering wheel, then carrying over and hand-fitting the seats, collating the rubber and rim and then putting on the wheel, and so on. The 20th-century traditional schedule missed the interlocking integration of scheduling the physical movements to time, out of which surfaced intensified, streamlined, physically integrated tasks like the intensified, streamlined tasks of a rivet-man in an assembly-line.
Look closely at my three-day schedule on the previous page. I drove home my physically integrated tasks like the rivet man drove home rivets. Like the rivet man driving in rivet! after rivet! after rivet!...I pushed out phone call! after phone call! after phone call! I did not walk over and have a meeting, then pick up the phone to make a call, then try my hand at a little copywriting, then make another call, then draft a letter. Such a common scenario among businessmen could be compared to the old way of building cars by putting the seats in, then coming over and putting in the brakes, changing tools to work on the steering wheel, then stopping for a lunch break. No, I just "drove that rivet home", drove it home. In my Vision, upon integrating movements to time, the average person soared beyond all productivity records just as the development of the assembly-line soared past all productivity records.
The 21st-century schedule first doubled, then tripled, then quadrupled my intensity. To my delight, I discovered intensity was the most leveraged time-management tool. For example, previously I tried several popular time-management courses; they offered unrealistic disciplines to find an extra hour to two hours in a day. Even if I could handle the disciplines, how much good was an extra hour? Aside from not being worth the effort, that extra hour would not make me a money/power giant.
Now consider that as I doubled my intensity, I basically doubled my capacity. Suddenly, I in a sense gained eight extra hours in my day! As I tripled my intensity, I gained sixteen extra hours in my day! With a physically streamlined schedule to run my mini-company, my intensity continued to multiply up to many times what it once was. I was in heaven!
The physically streamlined schedule above deceives the reader as to just how much I really accomplished. Like observing a skillful athlete, the simplicity and ease tended to camouflage the significance of my money-making factory. See Diagram Eight below, however, to get a perspective of the volume of my living job. To appreciate the intensity generated by my streamlined schedule, which I patterned after the 21st-century schedules I saw in my Fourth Vision, realize that everything on that power-thinking list was done or was put into motion in one week. (Diagram Seven, "Three Days Interlocked" above, shows Monday through Wednesday of that week.) A lot was on that list in Diagram Eight. All those money-making projects were pushed through the money-making factory in a week! That happened by creating intense pockets of time interlocked to the physical movements, just like all ordinary people's schedule in the exciting Fourth Vision.
Consider that you, your neighbor, your son or daughter in high school could handle my schedule. You could easily make phone calls, write letters, go through the in-basket and stay on my schedule. Yes, you could sit down tomorrow in the seat of a high-powered entrepreneur and orchestrate his highly complex job. With the 21st-century division-of-labor schedule, any great career could be yours. In my Fourth Vision, all ordinary people orchestrated exciting, dynamic, dream-building mini-companies.
Let us look at the underlying concept that allowed ordinary people to handle dynamic entrepreneurial jobs under tomorrow's new code. Go back for a moment to the eighteenth-century economist Adam Smith who identified that dividing labor into smaller and smaller units could build wealth at greater and greater speeds. Throughout the Industrial Revolution, society divided labor into smaller and smaller units -- into the physical movements of survival -- and became highly integrated. For instance, many people now worked for each individual making his clothes, farming his food, building his home, making his tools, his furniture and so on instead of each individual doing it all himself as done centuries ago.
As society became highly integrated through dividing labor, the economy became increasingly successful, and the act of living became increasingly easy. For instance, the street sweeper in the late 20th century lived with better choices of food, clothes, entertainment, travel than the aristocrats a few hundred years ago, even a few decades ago. Indeed, the division of labor changed the world forever. The division of labor caused the Industrial Revolution that eventually made America the most integrated thus the most prosperous civilization in history.
In the early 1900s, Henry Ford catapulted the power of the Industrial Revolution. Ford Motor Company divided labor into the smallest possible units -- into the physical movements of production -- and created the world's most integrated production method: the assembly-line.
The assembly-line integrated literally every split second of production. Dividing labor down to the precision movement of the rivet man, for instance, greatly intensified and simplified each split second for a tighter and tighter, no-waste integrated system. As Ford divided labor into smaller and smaller movements, his business went through production records with greater and greater profits. Indeed, the division of labor made Ford Motor Company the most integrated thus the most prosperous car company in the world.
My physically streamlined money-making factory also captured the essence behind America's rise to power and Ford Motor Company's rise to dominance. Of course, only tomorrow's living jobs, not today's non-living routine ruts, could successfully accommodate the dynamic division-of-labor schedule, the money-making factory for manufacturing money and success. You see, without money-making purpose -- the "DNA" of a living job -- then the physical movements to making money could not really exist; instead, we would remain bound to the same narrow set of specialized tasks day after day after day. In tomorrow's living jobs, we captured this division-of-labor power that lifted the world to modern prosperity...captured it in our own fast-track to success. (Yet, as you will see, this power was just the beginning, for later in this chapter you will witness the multiplying power of the mind.)
In my Vision, the key concept behind this power in tomorrow's living jobs was the mini-day. You see, I put life under immediate, iron-grip control by treating each of my six movements as a separate day, or mini-day. Treating each mini-day as a full day in itself, I started each mini-day on time and ended each mini-day on time. When the mini-day time was up, that day was over, regardless of the amount of tasks that were or were not completed. For, the physical movements, not tasks, were integrated to time. Remember, I established the most beneficial relationship of those physical movements to time. Therefore, I did not let one mini-day get more time, for another would get less, which if continued for long would force the integration to get off, force the imbalance of physical movements, force missed tasks needed to complete the integration like cars with missed lug nuts coming off the production-line. By staying strict with the mini-days, I was forced to stay integrated.
I ran a calculated, serious mini-company consistently building wealth week by week instead of comically chasing tasks day by day. I had my personal assembly-line of productivity in place and turned it on each day. Immediately I felt good. I negated that annoying uncertainty that some work may not get done. I rapidly moved through the tightly integrated tasks of six mini-days. Again, look at my schedule on page 136. It was called the mini-day schedule:
Phone Calls was Day 1. Letter Writing was Day 2. Operations was Day 3. Copywriting was Day 4. Accounting was Day 5. Meetings and People was Day 6.
The physically integrated tasks lit up like a fuse racing to the powder. What took two hours rushing disjointedly before took 15 minutes after some experience with the straight-arrow mini-day schedule. My whole day caught fire. Each mini-day was the opposite of the overwhelming, traditional all-day schedule in which lethargy set in like hand-building a whole car. Instead, I attacked each organized movement like the rivet man. Task followed integrated task at high speed with no hesitation. And knowing that once the mini-day ended, time was up for another 24 hours, added to the intensity. Like cramming for a final-exam deadline, the mini-day deadlines throughout the day stimulated tremendous natural intensity.
Now the question arose: What money-making project do I go after next? How, exactly, do I go about building my mini-company? The answer lay in the "RNA Phenomenon". Let's bring on the power of the mind:
Looking from the Fourth Vision back over the 20th century, the old code's traditional daily schedule quickly filled to its capacity and could only react day by day to the job at hand. The new code's mini-day schedule, by contrast, rarely filled to its capacity. Racing through streamlined tasks, I was done with all my week's work by Tuesday afternoon. I was stunned. With nothing left to do, I began to think creatively. I began to uncover new money-making projects through power-thinking.
With the mini-day schedule intact, I began reaching out and quickly pulled in future wealth, goals, projects through power-thinking. For example, I reached out and handled among other things a large, complex project overseas. I initiated major marketing programs in England and Ireland. The new programs were complex and could take many months to start. Instead, I did the following: I focused in my mind the end result. I actually saw in my head the completed project right up to the hundreds of thousands of marketing packages filling a containerized truck being lifted into the ship. In seeing that finished project, I swiftly began to see what I needed to do to achieve that full container. I began focusing on the suppliers I needed to contact, the shipping routes I needed to uncover, the postal systems I needed to work with, the schedules I needed to orchestrate.
I thought about and imaged in my mind as many steps as possible to achieve that container full of my marketing packages and wrote the steps down. I called that list of steps my power-thinking list. But my power-thinking list turned into so much more than just projecting ahead, for I fed the projections into the high-intensity action units -- the mini-days -- that quickly got done. The results pulled me up the ranks as I moved through important projects that other workers just thought about.
Indeed, I determined the task or tasks needed to complete the first step listed on my power-thinking list, then injected the task(s) into the proper mini-day(s). I then did that for each step listed on my power-thinking list. I quickly took control.
In one day I did, among several other things, the following: During my phone-call mini-day I called the major printing consultant in Ireland, contacted the marketing manager of the Irish An Post, called a printer in England and discussed a large test mailing; during my letter-writing mini-day I drafted a letter to the Irish postal authorities; during the operations mini-day I organized some data to indicate what mailing lists I would consider using; during the accounting mini-day I did a brief cost analysis on mailing abroad; during my meeting mini-day I discussed the overseas possibilities with my in-house mailing list broker to set her in action, I also reviewed with two executive officers the tentative plan with nearly a full-scale layout. I did all that among other productive tasks in one day. I did more in one day toward completing that project than most would do in a month. By the next day, people on both sides of the Atlantic were moving into action, all moving the project toward completion.
My high-capacity mini-day schedule opened to me the whole new dimension of power-thinking. I could suddenly power-think large, major projects and rapidly move them into action. I left my previous self in the dust, for my previous low-capacity traditional schedule blocked me from power-thinking new money-making projects as I barely kept up with my routine job. Before, I just reacted to business. I was just an ordinary guy. Now, I controlled and built business. The founder of the company was so impressed that he promptly gave me a major promotion, pay increase, and bonus. ...Yet anyone could have done it. With the mini-day/power-thinking team, you or your son or daughter (save for actual hands-on experience) could have done what I did that day.
The results of power-thinking just pulled me up the hierarchy. After 2001, ordinary people with power-thinking put lucrative projects through their mini-day production-lines each week that people today would not even think about in their entire lives. Those in-house entrepreneurs tomorrow dynamically cranked out several projects at a time as they compiled future projects into that week's mini-days. Tomorrow, people on the mini-day/power-thinking team running their mini-companies, as I witnessed in the Fourth Vision, built exciting success under the new code instead of just maintaining a boring job under the old code.
Imagine that not long after I discovered the mini-day/power-thinking team in my Fourth Vision, I had 22 projects on my power-thinking list. Underneath those projects were 150 steps needed to accomplish those 22 projects. Within one week, every step was accomplished or moved into flowing action. Before the mini-day/power-thinking team, I had problems just keeping up with my routine work, trapped in a routine rut, sinking in stagnation, no way to even think about just one forward-movement project in one week. How did I go from not accomplishing one project to 22 lucrative projects a week? That was quite a leap.
Consider that the average person's mind can focus on only one project at a time, with its five or six thoughts. His mind certainly could not cope with 22 projects, 150 tasks, for he would be paralyzed. I, on the other hand, easily coped with 22 projects at a time, with its 150 tasks. I easily did that through power-thinking: First, I determined the steps needed to complete a project by focusing in my mind the completed project. I focused on one project at a time. I uncovered and listed the steps needed to complete the project. Then I put that project out of my mind altogether to make room for the next project. At this point, I had formed a maximum-integration puzzle piece to a success puzzle.
I then concentrated on the next project. I imagined the completed project and wrote down the steps to reach that image. Now I had formed another maximum-integration puzzle piece to the success puzzle. Then I cleared my mind and went on to the next project, and so on, each project forming another puzzle piece to the success puzzle. Those puzzle pieces snapped together into the mini-day schedule.
I did my power-thinking on Saturday or Sunday and injected my entire power-thinking list into my next week's mini-day schedule. The human mind can focus intensely on just one project -- no more. But with the use of special tools, ordinary people tomorrow operated beyond their mental processing capacity. The mini-day/power-thinking team was their 21st-century tool that let them go beyond the capacity of their minds -- their 21st-century tool to building major success puzzles.
Power-thinking tomorrow captured vague ambitions, goals, projects into tangible steps. The steps further broke down into specific tasks when injected into the mini-days. Ambitions, goals, projects broke down, down, down to earth...down to tasks that got done. By plugging those tasks into the intense mini-days, average people tomorrow yanked in faraway dreams right away, right down to quick-action reality.
Of course, only the living jobs of the future accommodated such a wealth-building mini-day/power-thinking dynamic. Ordinary people tomorrow in living jobs reached forward, grabbed hold of their most ambitious goals and projects with power-thinking, and brought them back to themselves right away with the mini-days. Nearly everyone experienced those accomplish-ments not only sometime within one's lifetime, but right away and then moved on to even bigger and better accomplishments. Ordinary people discovered the exciting energy of moving through goals. Think now about your ambitions, your goals. With a living job and its mini-day/power-thinking team tomorrow, you brought everything you wanted into the palm of your hand, right now.
So, there you have it -- the three main components that constitute life: the DNA, the ribosome protein-generating factory, and the RNA. Our big-money jobs under tomorrow's new code came to life with money-making purpose ("DNA"), a money-generating mini-day schedule (a "ribosome"), and power-thinking ("RNA").
After 2001, under the new code, you and all your peers enjoyed a living job. Once you took over the responsibilities of a living job -- that money-making purpose -- then you built wealth with your mini-day/power-thinking team, always listening to your mini-company, talking to you in numbers. You became the 21st-century profit-making entrepreneur of your 20th-century dreams. You realized your Fourth Ultimate Gift of human life.
Twenty-first century businesses divided their companies into these wealth-building living jobs. They did this by transferring to employees complete wealth-building nuggets and not routine tasks. Each employee got a money-making purpose with its complete chunk of attached responsibilities versus a stagnant bunch of routine responsibilities delegated without regard to their money-making purpose, their "DNA", the essence of life. The process that effectively transferred those wealth-building living jobs was called: replicating.
Imagine being able to reproduce the original entrepreneur. Say he could clone himself to fill every job in his company. Well, his company would boom. In my Vision, replicating himself came close to filling his company with himself. The companies that grew through replicating were filled with people with the same life-code as the original entrepreneurs. Companies under the 20th-century old code, on the other hand, grew through delegating and were filled with people with no life-code in non-living jobs. Those companies did not last long in the next millennium and soon changed or became extinct.
Every original entrepreneur who built his start-up company from the ground up, intimately knew the "DNA" of his business -- how to make money! In my Vision, I witnessed that the "DNA" was preserved through replicating himself. The 21st-century entrepreneur did not turn over selected responsibilities, in other words, delegate. Instead, he took the time to transfer an entire living job with its "DNA", its money-making purpose and all its attached responsibilities that made up the "living cell". He demonstrated to his employee, first hand, how to do each responsibility and, most importantly, all the intricacies of how to go about making money -- the essence of his job. In my Fourth Vision, 21st-century businesses taught every employee how to make money in their living jobs. Nearly everyone for the first time went about making money while producing exciting values and breakthroughs...sending the wealth of society beyond any description ever attempted in economic theory from the old code. A hundred million creative entrepreneurs together with 21st-century super technologies in a depoliticized society created wealth faster and bigger than anything previously considered. In Adam Smith's time, for example, Neotech did not even exist.
The new living companies in the Neotech Era were driven forward by those in-house super entrepreneurs. They poured so much productive energy and creativity into society, further catalyzed by the super technologies called Neotech, that a whole new economic code had to be written. The old code just did not apply. Indeed, when every working adult was a motivated entrepreneur pouring enormous productive energy and creativity into society, and society was free to race forward with no big-government regulations, and all efforts got catalyzed by super technologies...well then, our society metamorphosed into something never even academically conceived, not even as an economic thought. Everyone lived like a millionaire; the enormous productive energy put into society left no other possibility. Traditional economic ideas and worries about inflation, deflation, money supply and wealth distribution became obsolete. Productive energy of a hundred million entrepreneurs relentlessly flooding into society and lifting everyone's standard of living overwhelmed all other market dynamics and became the dominating and unstoppable factor of individual prosperity.
People's prosperity simply was buoyed by unprecedented productive energy and creativity pouring into society. You see, all that productive energy, overloading society, could go nowhere else but to elevating everyone's standard of living. Never-before-known approaches from the private sector quickly matched that productive energy with effective representation of properly backed money supplies. The old economic models of inflation, deflation, money supply, wealth distribution applied to the old socioeconomic era and not to the Neotech Era of win, win, win wealth for everyone. Everyone was rich.
Now, when someone decided to go into business for himself tomorrow under the new code, here is what he would do to start and then build his own 21st-century business: He would start with something he knew well, perhaps in a similar line of work as his prior mini-company. He would select something he was comfortable with, something he knew he could do. He would begin his new company as a lone, one-man business. Although things seemed a bit hectic, he did not hire others to delegate responsibilities to. Often he would not even hire a secretary, for if he did, he would have someone to delegate to. His first solo money-making job in his new company was in itself a mini-company. He sacredly upheld and held together the living cell of responsibilities. He kept its responsibilities together around their money-making purpose. He knew that delegating would obliterate that living cell. Instead, he did all the work all himself. To stay in good control, he used the mini-day/power-thinking team.[ 4 ]
[ 4 ] Every mini-company consisted of both essence responsibilities and follow-through responsibilities. See on page 121: the first five responsibilities in each mini-company were essence responsibilities, the second five were follow-through, all indicated by "control...". With growth, follow-through responsibilities were often done by someone else who was well replicated and well tracked by the mini-company head via the "immune-system" tracking reports, described next. Moreover, the follow-through jobs were set up as "entrepreneurial units" with performance incentives to keep out stagnation.
When his company began to grow, he brought in a successor and replicated his entirewealth-building nugget, as follows: He did all the work in his successor's presence. He let his successor take from him when ready and able, not he give to his successor, the nitty-gritty details, one by one. This way, his successor would pick up the fine art of making money. The founder's genetic code would pass to his successor. Once the entrepreneur tomorrow successfully transferred the DNA and its entire cell of responsibilities to his successor, then the original entrepreneur could put his mind to work again and concentrate his entrepreneurial drive on building a new wealth-building mini-company. Indeed, his business never stagnated as he and his successors all concentrated on making money.
Some businesses tomorrow worked better if the founder kept the original wealth-building mini-company and grew through replicating new wealth-building mini-companies (i.e., new marketing projects) that grew from within his original mini-company. In any case, once physical growth came through replicating "DNA" (i.e., the money-making purposes) and their attached responsibilities, then the founder lived on the leading edge of a 21st-century living business. In my Vision, we were among the first to experience the next great curve of prosperity coming to business and its workers as everything shifted with our generation from brain-dead jobs of labor to brain-stimulated jobs of the mind.
Full of living jobs with "DNA", tomorrow's living companies grew, on their own, as their living jobs reproduced and formed profitable new ones. In the end, original entrepreneurs of tomorrow's living companies became wonderful pillars of society as they helped make their entrepreneurial employees rich. All people in those living companies became major players in life. The founder's crucially important role was to ultimately integrate and coordinate all the pieces to the big success best snap together the pieces into the overall puzzle picture and be sure everything stayed healthy:
Each mini-company employee filled out his tracking reports. To fill out the reports, the responsibilities all had to be done and done right or they jumped out as "ill" on the catch-everything "immune system". The mini-company employee himself caught if something was wrong and corrected it immediately before any further time passed and before it went beyond him.
With a skillfully developed "immune system", proper tracking reports, everything throughout the living business stayed healthy, even if the business rapidly grew into a major multi-million-dollar business or larger, which many did after 2001.
I used these techniques that I saw in my Vision to build my own living company. Upon replicating my first mini-company, I designed tracking reports. Remember, that living job or mini-company has a living "cell of responsibilities", as shown attached to my company's mini-companies on page 121. The first mini-company I built and then replicated was the direct-mail mini-company. I developed the tracking reports to assure every one of its responsibilities was done and done right. For example, see Diagram Nine over the next 11 pages. It illustrates my direct-mail mini-company's "cell of responsibilities" followed by the tracking reports. In only a few minutes, I could glance over those reports and know that everything was healthy.
Note: The following 10 images illustrate the tracking reports for the Direct-Mail Mini-Company. The tracking reports directly answer each responsibility in the "Cell of Responsibilities" above. The reader may study, skim, or even skip over the tracking reports if he fully understands the concept that tracking reports directly answer each responsibility in the mini-company's "Cell of Responsibilities". |
As I developed a set of tracking reports for each new mini-company, those reports kept me in touch with every responsibility in my company. In a few minutes, I snapped all responsibilities together in my mind, the pieces to my large success puzzle. As I sat back and snapped together the big puzzle picture in my mind, I knew the missing pieces and then turned around and gracefully, omnipotently conducted my business. Now, I was able to bring out the power of the mind, just as I saw happen during my Vision:
Nothing but forward-movement issues got discussed in this monthly Essence Meeting. The founder clearly outlined for each mini-company specifically what forward movement must be accomplished next month. Then, everyone in the company drove forward for the full month following the Essence Meeting. Everyone drove hard to meet the deadlines set by the founder. No one ever drifted into aimlessness. No one ever drifted into filling his or her day with tasks that did nothing to drive the business forward. For, the founder had determined for each mini-company the projects that specifically drove the business forward. The founder laid out what he expected done, and he set deadlines.
Thus, every month the 21st-century founder sent his 21st-century business into double-time, forward-march action. The next two pages show the outline of actions I prepared for the direct-mail mini-company before the January Essence Meeting at Integrated Management. Of course, I used the same technique I witnessed from future companies in my Fourth Vision.
The greatest payoffs in those future companies during my Vision came by developing the mini-company employees to, on their own, initiate and carry through forward power-think money-making projects and become creative like the founder. Upon doing that, the living company had successfully become a 21st-century division-of-essence business.
As the in-house entrepreneurs got used to driving forward projects laid out by the founder, they began to, on their own, develop their own projects. Gradually, they provided the founder with their list of forward movement for the following month. They then became self-perpetuating essence movers. The Fourth Vision showed me that after the job revolution all ordinary people eventually became self-perpetuating essence movers. Not only did the productive and creative energy of a hundred million essence movers take society's wealth to a whole new unfathomable dimension, but each individual became a deeply happy person. Achieving dreams monthly under the new code beyond any dream imagined in a lifetime under the old code, ordinary people lived in heaven on Earth. This incredibly exciting metamorphosis is happening in my company since I switched to the new code.
In using these future techniques now to build my own living company, I tried the following technique to push along my company's division of essence: I had each mini-company employee submit a weekly forward-movement Essence Report. The weekly report was turned in every Monday, without exception. The report was brief. It told me what each mini-company employee did on forward movement the past week and what he or she would do on forward movement the new week. No detail work. No excuses. Simply what was done on forward movement, nothing else.
Every Monday, without exception, I reviewed the weekly forward-movement reports. The weekly reports, in a sense, "cornered" people into doing forward movement.
The weekly Essence Report broke into two brief parts: 1) the forward movement accomplished the past week, and 2) the forward movement to be accomplished that week. When I received the next Essence Report, I would see if the person was successful with his week's projection.
The weekly Essence Report set a forward-movement goal for the week. The goal set in the weekly report forced focused concentration on forward movement each new week. When my company was under the old code, people handled only routine responsibilities without ever a thought beyond their routine -- without ever a thought of investing in their own growth and futures. Under the new code with the weekly forward-movement Essence Report, however, each new week they thought about how to advance themselves. They increasingly became creative and excited. I helped them grow into the creative people they always dreamed of and were meant to be.
I learned that the most effective format for the weekly Essence Report was to integrate that report with the monthly Essence Meeting. For example, in the monthly Essence Meeting, I would, in conjunction with each mini-company, establish the forward-movement actions to be accomplished the following month. Each mini-company employee then listed those actions 1...2...3...4... on a sheet of paper with space to the right of each action to write the past week's forward-movement progress and the new week's projected progress. See the sample on the next page, and compare its actions to the Essence Meeting on pages 167 and 168. The mini-company employee then photocopied four or five copies of that list of forward-movement actions for one full month of weekly Essence Reports. Each weekend the mini-company employee wrote either his progress (or exactly when he planned to make progress) in the first column next to each essence action. And he wrote what he planned to do the coming week in the second column next to each essence action.
This format kept the mini-company employee focused every week on pushing through the forward movement covered in the monthly Essence Meeting. By bringing this wealth-building essence to every employee, I helped unleash his or her buried creativity. My company experienced extraordinary creativity, which is the greatest power in business. I conducted a life-lifting business, and thoroughly enjoyed my work, loved ones, and friends. There was something sensational about becoming this new, 21st-century entrepreneur. I really could see the whole puzzle picture by snapping together the tracking reports, then doling out omnipotent life-enhancing advice as I guided others to ultimately making themselves rich and making their best dreams come true.
So, there you have what was shown to me -- the 21st-century living company with the three main components that constituted a living organism: the physical growth, the physical immune system, and the mental growth. The 21st-century living company physically grew through replicating, had an immune system through tracking reports, and grew mentally through monthly Essence Meetings with weekly Essence Reports. And that last component -- mental growth -- brought an unbeatable advantage to the 21st-century living company. For, through the division of essence, tomorrow's companies unlocked the greatest power in business -- the creativity now locked inside every employee's mind.
While using these techniques to acquire my own living job and then living company, right now before the coming job revolution, I kept this in mind: When I acquired a 21st-century living job at my place of work, and when I later started my own 21st-century living company, what I needed more than anything else was more and more creativity. In my Fourth Vision, I also discovered the window to a whole new creative world. That window to a creative new world was not easy to find at first because it was "written in code". The code first had to be broken. In time, I began breaking that code written in numbers. What irony, numbers and "all that logical stuff" was the window to creativity! Whereas I once ignored "boring" numbers, I found myself chasing after the numbers. You see, the numbers began telling me a story every day -- an exciting story about my new wealth-building job and then about my new living company. I began looking for that story, every day enthusiastically wanting the latest story. For, that story told me ways to advance my business and profits. When I had my mini-company, and again later when I had my full-blown company, I established a numbers mini-day. It took awhile to "crack the code" and make use of that mini-day. But once I did, the numbers threw open the window to a whole new creative world.
One: You Determined Your Big-Money Job
Two: You Set Up Your Mini-Day Schedule
Three: You Did Your First Power-Thinking List
One: You Replicated Living Jobs
Two: You Developed Tracking Reports
Three: You Outlined Your First Essence Meeting
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