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"Let me begin with a story: I recently went to California to attend an infomercial seminar. An infomercial is a half-hour TV advertisement. At the seminar, I met the well-known producers.
"During a question-and-answer period, I stood up to ask one producer a question. In asking my question, I had to reference an infomercial I had recently done on my own at low cost. Little did I realize the message I had just given the crowd of hundreds of people. Reading between the lines, I had told them that I was a leader, that I was a self-leader...that I did not need to go to the authorities, the producers, the leaders to do my own infomercial. Instead, I had done it all myself.
"Amazingly, at the next break, I had a crowd of people around me. In fact, more people surrounded me than the well-known producers. These people wanted me to do their infomercials for them. All I needed to do was put out my hand, and people would have filled my hand with lots of money. Why? Because I was a leader, and people are drawn to leaders. People are ready and willing to make the leaders rich.
"One gentleman was persistent about me producing his infomercial. I told him no, that he must do it himself as I had done. That way, he would spend just an affordable few thousand dollars to learn and eventually achieve success, not a few hundred thousand dollars through a leader -- that is, about twenty tries at thirty to fifty thousand dollars each to perhaps hit upon success through the established producers. I told him that to become successful and wealthy, he must instead invest his effort and money in himself, not in a leader. He would then grow more and more resistant to failure with each inexpensive 'lesson'. He would have a greater chance at success. Yet, to my astonishment, instead of being delighted by my insight, I saw a fear in his face. He resisted and wanted me to be his leader.
"Later I realized that all of us are drawn to leaders and will have a strong resistance to becoming self-leaders. In fact, that very resistance traps us in our routine ruts as our efforts endlessly go into building the lofty standards of living of the leaders."
To my surprise, my brother's friend, Santana, interrupted me, "I feel that resistance. I feel it, yet I want to get everything good out of life, especially more money."
"A world of money and love exists beyond our awareness," I continued. "Our resistance keeps that great world beyond our reach. To understand the resistance that blocks us from discovering that new world, let's start by going back to the day you were born: When you came out of your mother's womb into this cold, bright world, all your little body could do was cry. Your little body felt a strong resistance to this new world and wanted to go back into your mother's womb. But this world offered everything in life, which was beyond your awareness at that time. ...Let's next fast forward to your first day at school. That first day was the first time in your young life that you were away from your mother. All your scared, toddler self wanted was to go back home to your mother. Your little body and mind felt a strong resistance to the frightening, noisy new world. But the world of education offered you happiness in life, which was beyond your awareness at that time. ...Next, let's go to the day you left home and moved out on your own into the real world. Remember the internal resistance to leaving home?
"Nature puts a natural resistance into all animals -- a resistance to leaving their known protected environments and moving out on their own into the unknown. If you ever witnessed a cat weaning her kittens, you observed firsthand this natural resistance in animals. The mother feline must get violent with her young ones to push them away.
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