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"Yes, I do remember," I said. "You were developing a cure for cancer."
"Actually, we were involved in several disease cures at Du Pont," he said, "including a unique approach to curing cancer with tremendous promise. But FDA 'scientists' and other destructive bureaucrats trying to enhance their jobs and glean prestige killed that and many other promising research projects with prohibitively expensive, power-usurping regulations."
"We're talking about a cure for cancer here!" I exclaimed.
"You see," my father said, "those self-serving bureaucrats got promotions through the size of their 'achievement files' -- their 'accomplishments' like shutting down Du Pont's 'risky' experiments on curing cancer. Those portfolio-building, destructive bureaucrats are interested only in their own promotions and not in what is honestly best for the people. Without that small clique of destructive people, businesses like Du Pont and especially aggressive entrepreneurs would race toward curing mankind's most deadly diseases."
"Yes, I saw that actually happen in my Third Vision," I said. "When society saw through their illusions of 'good intentions', we realized the FDA robbed us of life -- robbed us of cures to fatal diseases. Without those bureaucrats with self-serving agendas, then business, science, and medicine joined together and raced toward definitive cures for heart disease, cancer, for all diseases big and small from cancer to the common cold."
"I saw in my Third Vision that millions of lives were lost before that small clique of file-building, promotion-seeking bureaucrats called the FDA could no longer keep their illusions of looking important and needed," I said while shaking my head.
"Without such regulations," I continued, "medicine raced forward like the unburdened computer industry...raced toward definitive cures for fatal diseases, including slowing the cellular-degeneration disease called aging. Yes, we lived longer, happier lives.
"In fact, in my Third Vision, leading FDA bureaucrats were held legally responsible for committing the worst crime on society: They caused death by the millions. Those few greedy FDA bureaucrats, intoxicated with the power to rule over us, held back life-curing progress. Millions died because of them, which became painfully obvious after 2001. We sent the leading FDA bureaucrats to prison as we freed science, business, and medicine in the name of life!
"We had regulators, of course, but private market businessmen and women who truly served the people's best interest to stay in business. Those honest, private regulators competing for our business, served us, not themselves."
"Looking back from my Six Visions at civilization today," I continued, "I finally understood why regulatory bureaucrats were so destructive. You see, ambitious bureaucrats, especially those with political aspirations, stole prestige from the rightful owners who earned it. For example, they increasingly stole headlines in the media by harming legitimate businesses, like killing your research and development on cancer at Du Pont. Of course, they created the illusion that their actions were for the public good. That was their secret shortcut to publicity and prestige. They went up by stealing prestige and pushing our geniuses of society, our aggressive entrepreneurs, scientists, and doctors down.
"Growing businesses and promising research programs built over years of effort got severely harmed by increasingly virulent bureaucrats stealing prestige for political prominence, which caused us to sink for a few years into the Catastrophic Era. Consider that one man during our so-called 'decade of greed' -- bureaucrat Ruldoph Giuliani -- destroyed a large, established Wall Street company directly responsible for tens of thousands of jobs. Politically ambitious Giuliani immorally took political power designed strictly for drug busts and used it against legitimate Wall Street businesses. During his reign of terror, he quickly built his 'achievement file' that way. He got his name in all the papers and network news as 'the man who cleaned up Wall Street', which sounded good to the specialized, gullible public at the time. Giuliani came across as a hero when indeed that one man wiped out tens of thousands of immediate jobs and hundreds of thousands of future jobs, and that one man was a big reason for the politically created recessionary times of the early '90s. ...Just as market businessmen like James J. Hill (see the First Vision) did spectacular good for society; career politicians and politically ambitious bureaucrats like Rudolph Giuliani did spectacular harm to society.
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