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That movement to replace career politicians with entrepreneurs and market-driven business people happened in full force sometime after 2001 with the first political party from 21st-century get-rich government. It was the first and only political party that accepted no politicians. After fifty million people witnessed the Six Visions, the people embraced the Neotech Party because its electrifying platform was unbeatable, summed up in three words: live as millionaires!
Before that 21st-century political party of entrepreneurs and market-driven businessmen and women took over, in some ways the country still progressed. In other ways, we steadily sank. But until that new party took over, we never came close to living as millionaires. The new political party's credible make-the-people-millionaires program caught on quickly. When the people got a glimpse of the wealth and luxury available to them, that 21st-century party became unbeatable quickly. When it did, the people went from relative rags to riches within four years.
The only thing my Six Visions could not tell me was: how much did we first sink into the Catastrophic world? I guess the answer is left up to us, yet we now have the clear path to the Neotech World.
Back to what my Visions did tell me: Tomorrow's Neotech Era was like a get-rich fantasy, but one that came true not just for one lucky Horatio Alger character, but for everyone. As we moved toward the next millennium's new political paradigm, the people increasingly shut the door on 20th-century big-government regulations and legislation. America's hottest (yet little publicized) megatrend to get big government out of our lives intensified as we approached the next millennium and joined forces with the information revolution.
Along with great wealth under the new code, we enjoyed soaring innovation all around us. Limitations of distance, job selections, friends, love, entertainment, and costs disappeared. Convenience, selection, and luxury replaced limitations, as in the computer world. Removing limitations, the golden key to the computer revolution, became the golden key to the Neotech all areas of life.
The health field went Neotech like the computers. Spectacular new cures and procedures rapidly occurred at cheaper and cheaper prices. We easily afforded all those miraculous cures and health products as their prices went into computerlike dives. You see, all industries raced ahead as Neotech spread beyond the computer industry that until then had been the only industry with Neotech.
Soon, businesses needed to bring out and nurture their employees' deeply buried brilliance. Businesses discovered that a creative person was within each person wanting to come out. Finally, businesses nationwide then worldwide transformed our routine ruts into exciting jobs that unearthed our unique yet buried creativity. Like those lucky few in the 20th century who loved their jobs, in the 21st century, we all loved to go to work!
You see, technology was not be the only thing going through wonderful transformations. So were our jobs, our love lives, our bodies and minds. We certainly lived in an exciting time, for we lived in the gateway to mankind's next surge of prosperity.
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