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After 2001: Our Neotech World

The sense of life, honesty, and maturity between those two classes are opposites: Value producers share a confidence-driven goodwill and an effort-driven competence. But value destroyers share a resentment-driven cynicism and a laziness-driven incompetence. That incompetence fuels destructive envy aimed at the value producer upon whom everyone depends for prosperity and survival.

With the preceding knowledge, one realizes that politicians and clergymen as well as most lawyers, journalists, academe, union leaders, and bureaucrats live by destroying rather than producing values. Thus, they live by attacking or harming the producers, their businesses, their products. ...With that knowledge, one recognizes how profoundly different value producers are from value destroyers.

Professional mystics and neocheaters are clever, scheming people with well-camouflaged, criminal minds. They steal physical and psychological livings from the producer with no one realizing their thefts. Without their victim's knowledge, they orchestrate manipulations of mysticism, using non sequiturs to produce deceptive illusions. With those illusions, they attack, undermine, and lay guilt on innocent value producers while making the good seem bad and the bad seem good...the innocent appear guilty and the guilty appear innocent.

Ironically, the most vicious neocheaters fashion illusions so they appear as paragons of justice, benevolence, or compassion. But they are the exact opposite. Indeed, vicious neocheaters are not only the Marxists and Maoists who ravage or kill everyone, but are the force-backed bureaucrats, the anti-business regulators, and the Giuliani-type prosecutors along with their politician, clergy, academic, and journalist cheerleaders. Also, included among the vicious value destroyers are those union leaders, "consumer advocates", "environmentalists", "peace advocates", and business quislings who live by attacking the value producers or supporting the value destroyers. Such mystics and neocheaters are responsible for subtle, undetected destruction, suffering, and killings far beyond all the bloodiest wars combined, which are also staged by professional mystics and neocheaters.

And what about those responsible for such force-backed bureaucracies as the FDA, EPA, IRS, OSHA, HEW? Those people live by directly and indirectly attacking businesses, producers, and objective values. They are among the cleverest, deadliest neocheaters. For they gain their power through draining others on well-hidden, but massively destructive scales.

Such neocheaters undercut values and drain happiness from everyone. Without a qualm or backward glance at their wreckage, they blithely commit any destruction they can get away with in order to keep or increase their unearned power. Honesty means nothing to them. Long ago they abandoned the concepts of integrity, rationality, and honest competitive effort. Yet, those neocheaters succeed by creating illusions that they care about life...that they protect, help, or save the lives of others. Thus, with bizarre irony, they make themselves appear as compassionate benefactors of mankind. Indeed, until the recent discovery of Neotech, neocheaters for 2000 years succeeded in appearing as benefactors worthy of respect. But now, with Neotech, they are exposed for what they are -- value-destroying pip squeaks worthy only of contempt.

In stealing their livings through dishonest "for-the-public-good" laws and regulations forced upon entire populations, government-type neocheaters eventually cost the lives of thousands even millions of innocent persons while diminishing everyone's life. Such neocheaters range from power-type bureaucracy builders to Mussolini-type crowd pleasers, to Nader-type government manipulators, to Silent-Spring type social authors. Yet, those value destroyers always display look-good, non-sequitur evidence (e.g. "helping" the poor, prompt trains, consumer protection, "clean" water). Through their force-backed laws and regulations, they point to the "good" they do and the people they "protect" from the businessmen, the Jews, the industrialists, the factories -- from the value producers. Backed by neocheating quislings in business (the white-collar hoax) and neocheating collaborators in the media and the academe, such master neocheaters victimize all value producers. But those collaborators will also become victims. For today, with Neotech, all such collaborators will sooner or later be stripped of their unearned well-being and smug security. They all will pay the price for supporting the destructive machinations of professional mystics and neocheaters. ...Through Neotech, justice will prevail.

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