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The integrated efforts of value producers such as businessmen are directed toward supporting or building values for others. In sharp contrast, the efforts of neocheaters are directed toward attacking or usurping values from others. Master neocheaters are manipulative and destructive in their every action ranging from political summits to papal tours. Such neocheaters include not only politicians and clergymen but those say-much, do-little academe who conceal their lack of value by constantly flaunting credentials to impress themselves and others. On establishing specious credibility, those neocheaters extract values from others by promoting spurious ideas that undermine or attack value producers and competitive values.
Those two worlds will never meet. For, they are moving in opposite directions: one toward death, the other toward life. Any conscious individual, however, can choose at any time to reject mysticism and exchange the unhappy world of value destroyers for the happy world of value producers. ...The choice is to exist in the dead world of mysticism or to live in the alive world of Neotech.
Man's nature and survival: The nature of all animals evolves around their survival mechanism. But what is the distinguishing nature of man? He has the ability to think consciously in concepts and then integrate those concepts into wider concepts. No other animal can think consciously or think significantly beyond percepts, much less integrate concepts. Indeed, man can easily and logically integrate two or more concepts into new and still wider, more abstract concepts. That logical integration of concepts is called reasoning. Man's reasoning ability is his survival mechanism. But unlike all other animals whose survival mechanisms work automatically, man's reasoning mechanism works volitionally. Man must choose to exert the effort required to reason. Man undermines or damages his or her reasoning ability by nonuse or misuse of the mind through mysticism. For mysticism, by nature, subverts or cuts off the integration mechanism of the conscious mind to reduce one's efficacy, competitiveness, quality of life, well-being, self-worth, and especially happiness.
Reasoning is the nature of man -- the distinguishing nature that elevates the value of man above all other life...above all else in the universe. Reasoning through logic is man's survival mechanism.
Morals: Since morals and morality require conscious choices, man is the only animal who can be moral or immoral. Thus, man is the only animal who can consciously or purposely make moral choices: to think or not to think, to be mystical or nonmystical, to produce or usurp -- to benefit or hurt oneself and others.
The meaning of moral in Neotech is simple and direct: Whatever is consciously done to help fill human biological needs is good and moral (e.g., the productive actions of honest people). Whatever is consciously done to harm or prevent the filling of human biological needs is bad and immoral (e.g., the destructive actions of mystics and neocheaters).
Honestly using one's reasoning nature is always beneficial and moral; dishonestly using one's reasoning nature is always harmful and immoral. ...Volitionally harmful acts always arise from mysticism -- from dishonesty, rationalizations, evasions, defaults.
Yet, acting on fully integrated honesty (Neotech), not reason itself, is the basic moral act. When Genghis Khan, for example, chose to use reasoning for a specific military move, then in an out-of-context sense, he chose to act morally by protecting himself and his troops (thus filling human biological needs). But in the larger sense of fully integrated honesty, Khan's total actions were grossly immoral in choosing to use aggressive force in becoming a mass murderer (thus negating human biological needs). The highly destructive, irrational immorality of Genghis Khan's overall dictatorial military actions far outweighed any narrow, out-of-context "moral" actions. ...Genghis Khan was enormously evil as were Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot.
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