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After 2001: Our Neotech World

Yet, the enormous commercial and moral incentives to achieve human immortality remain unrecognized because of the prevailing, mystical, anti-life philosophies and the neocheating "authorities" whose control over value production prevent the motivation and freedom for producers to develop biological immortality.

If Einstein -- or just his brain -- could have been kept functioning after his death, imagine the additional benefits that mind would have bestowed on society: Is not that the main motivation for and value of immortality? Is not that the moral purpose of biological immortality?

No, absolutely not. That is an altruistic view that stymies the effort, motivation, and moral mandate needed to develop commercial I-ness immortality within our generation.

The entire purpose, motivation, and goal of biological immortality is not so a brain can continue to serve some "higher" cause, but so the flesh-and-blood individual, from an Einstein to a productive factory worker, can continue to physically enjoy life and create happiness for his or her own self and loved ones by continually producing values for others. As a result (not a purpose), the immortal individual will increasingly benefit others and society as that person becomes increasingly knowledgeable, experienced, and efficient at producing competitive values desired by others.

The value of Einstein's or anyone else's life is meaningful only to one's own flesh-and-blood life and living happiness, not to some society or "higher" cause.

Why do so many people not want to live forever? Because they fail to earn guiltless prosperity, love, and happiness needed to experience the passion to live and love forever.

The more people let mysticism influence their lives, the more they become unknowledgeable, undermine values, grow lazy, lose happiness, dislike life. With increasing mysticism, they become increasingly incompetent to earn honest values, power, love, and happiness. In addition, the more people accept mysticism, the more neocheaters can manipulate them. And the more manipulated and less successful one becomes, the more painful and difficult life becomes until the idea of living forever becomes abhorrent, even terrifying. ...Only people who purge themselves of hateful, destructive mysticism can earn the values, power, and happiness needed to experience the passion to live and love forever.

Professional mystics and neocheaters have perfected and perpetuated their hoax of inverted values for the past 2000 years. But today, Neotech is in forward motion around the world. The Neotech matrix is spreading. It is unstoppable, irreversible, and will collapse the entire destructive hoax of mysticism. No mystic or neocheater can stop Neotech from eliminating mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters.

With life ageless and immortal, mystic-free conscious beings can forever experience growing prosperity, love, happiness, and life itself through productive work, romantic love, psychuous pleasures, and I-ness immortality. ...The moral purpose of all conscious life would then be met -- increasing happiness forever.

My father dropped his pen and leaned back in his leather chair, oblivious of the chill of the leather against his bare back. "This is the meaning of my calling that I have always searched for and henceforth live my life for: I now live to bring about the mystic-free conditions that will bring us biological immortality. I now live to achieve and experience biological immortality!" my father exalted. ...Later that month, he talked to me about his incredulous insight. Although only a teenager, my spirit and soul grabbed onto that mission in life -- to obsolete death -- and never let go. From that moment forward, both my father and I knew with a passion what our mission was in life.

In amazement how others did not respond favorably as I had, over the years my father pondered the following thought: What hidden societal virus diminished the human spirit so that people were so blah about life? About the same time that I had my Six Visions (in Book One), my father finally had an answer to people's puzzling apathy for life. Indeed, he finally did find a very small, hard-to-see societal virus that weakened everyone's energy for life. He called the societal virus "the pips", as follows:

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