The child of the past exists in you. Lost within faded memories, that child keeps searching for a life of adventure, discovery, value, happiness. Turn inward to discover that child. And then break free from those who are hurting you...from those who are wasting your time and resources. That child of the past will kindle a new life of adventure and happiness.
My father was a brave man who stood up to anything from bullies back in school to the entire might of the U.S. Government including the vicious Criminal Division of the IRS. Never in his life had he been caught for a lack of words. He even defended himself, quite vigorously I might add, pro se in two historical Socratic trials against the U.S. Government and its old code of ruling classes and professional politicians. Yet, here he stood like a little boy, mouth open and stunned, and only managed to mutter, "Huh?" The words of wisdom winged through the wind.
Satisfy your own healthy needs and set your own without being obligated to fill someone else's needs or to follow someone else's standards. But your actions must be rational and responsible to be beneficial. Irrational actions will always diminish your well-being and happiness.
You can view your future with confidence in the knowledge that you have the power, through your own rational mind and efforts, to control your own destiny no matter what external variables impinge on you. You can carve your own destiny. You can achieve great prosperity, no matter what external forces surround you. Indeed, by removing mysticism, the rational mind can be more powerful than the irrational minds that constantly work to diminish everyone's life.
In reality, no one has genuine authority over anyone else. Once that fact is realized, a person can say "no" and break the destructive habit of obedience to the myth of authority.
Unfortunately, those important words did not reach my father's brain. He was too mystified. Realize that my father was a prominent Senior Research Scientist for Du Pont. He could never accept any ideas of supernatural phenomena. In fact, even before the words in the wind ceased coming, his scientific mind was already explaining the phenomenon. He believed the fall triggered a right-brain experience, as explained in Dr. Julian Jayne's book about the bicameral mind, in which my father hallucinated the voices -- voices telling him what to do, how to survive. Indeed, he was going through hard times, very hard times financially and emotionally. His troubled, preoccupied mind was the reason he did not see the loose rock on the road that made him fall in the first place. The fall just triggered his mind from the logical left brain to the hallucinatory right brain, he thought. To further support this theory, my father is a severe dyslexic, a reading handicap that inverts letters and numbers, caused by a dominant right brain in left-handed people. Despite their reading handicap, dyslexics including Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein are often very creative because of their creative right-brain dominance. Thus, they are more prone to hallucinations. In fact, my father had experienced hallucinations as a five-year-old boy, but quickly rejected those mystical experiences, and to overcome, he journeyed into the logical left-brain-dominated world of chemistry and became the leading Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont. In any case, under immense personal pressures, the halluci-nations were back, he concluded.
The next day, when he jogged by the mountain, he surprised himself by turning toward the mountain and saying, "But how do I know how to guide myself? I feel like a twig in a river, washed along to wherever. I have no arms and legs of my own, no control to swim to where I want to go." ...Did I just say that? he thought. But before he had time to figure much, the wind blew into his face and he heard these words spoken:
Remember this: Rational or good actions increase prosperity and happiness. Irrational or bad actions undermine those values. While your life and values are unique, certain basic actions never change in terms of good or bad actions. The rightness or wrongness of those basic actions do not vary according to opinion, or from person to person, or from generation to generation, or from culture to culture. Two and only two black-and-white moral standards based on rationality versus irrationality exist. Those two moral standards are:
Any chosen action that purposely benefits the human organism or society is morally good and right. A rational action.
Any chosen action that purposely harms the human organism or society is morally bad and wrong. An irrational action. You must meet specific needs to function at your best. I will provide the knowledge for filling those needs. Filling those needs produces prosperity and happiness.
No longer able to stand there and listen when there was no speaker, my father blurted, "Who are you?"
I am you, but you are not yet me. I fully integrate all knowledge spanning across the past 3000 years and hold the secrets to money, power, and love, which reach across all space and time and people. Those secrets delivered money, power, love, and freedom to people of the most prosperous ancient civilizations. Those secrets will shock the people of tomorrow's high technology Neotech World with catalytic explosions of money, power, love, and freedom. Today, I will tell you those secrets. One glorious day, you and I will be one. And then, every person on our planet will join us and our prosperity.
My father did not understand this explanation. What was meant by I am you, but you are not yet me? Someday he would understand this, but not now. My father does not like to lose, especially to ignorance. So, he wrestled with the thought for a long pause, until finally out of frustration he asked the mountain, still in disbelief, "What do I call you?"
Call me Zon.
"A mountain called Zon," my father said, knitting his brow upon his handsomely large face.
Let us continue: Three requirements for prosperity and happiness exist: (1) a healthy physical state, (2) a healthy self-esteem, and (3) an honest effort at producing values for others. ...By nature, a prosperous, happy life is an active, challenging life.
You set up prosperity and earn happiness from within. Happiness cannot be taken from the material world or from another person. Happiness depends on genuine self-esteem, which is a product of your own life and choices. Self-esteem is your estimation of your self-worth. Self-esteem is based on your ability to live independently and competently. Self-esteem is dependent on your effectiveness in dealing with reality. Self-esteem is that emotion of feeling worthy and competent to live in this world -- of feeling in control of life. That feeling depends on having a value-producer orientation to life.
To achieve long-range happiness, you must be mentally healthy. Many people, including many psychiatrists and psychologists, erroneously believe that mental health depends on how well a person adapts to the views and opinions of others, the majority, or society. That belief places conformity as the standard for mental health. But, instead, mental health depends on a loyalty to honesty, regardless of the views and opinions of others or one's own feelings. Indeed, you must deal honestly with reality to gain the productivity and self-esteem required for prosperity and happiness.
Might I add, wonderful sex is one powerful reward for day-by-day rational, productive actions. Financial prosperity is another powerful reward of a productive, honest life. Of course, so is happiness.
For the first time, my father actually let those last three sentences register. He skeptically left his mountain called Zon. However, "...great sex, money, and happiness...rewards for rational actions," kept going through his head. My dad barely slept that night. He woke at 4:20am the next morning, and in the dark, he ran seven-minute miles straight to his mountain. "Zon, I could barely sleep last night," he said in a rush between three big breaths. The still desert night carried his voice, echoes filling the three gaps between breaths, across the valley to his mountain. "I feel so good! What is happening?" The deep voice with no echoes responded:
You as do most productive people subconsciously hold a self-love, pro-individual sense of life. But, until you found me, you outwardly expressed various selfless views deemed virtuous by our society. A major step toward personal prosperity and happiness is to reject all guilt foisted on yourself by certain irrational people. Since you found me, you have begun to reject that foisted guilt by discovering the moral virtue of your own rational, self-growth, pro-individual sense of life that has always benefited others and society. And that feels good!
Before yesterday, you practiced altruistic sacrifice, but you did so always at the expense of your own productivity and happiness, while reducing your value to others and society. You struggled with a psychological contradiction. You represented a personal tragedy who was unnecessarily sacrificing your own efficacy, well-being, and happiness to clever neocheaters.
Zon had reached some deep nerves and chilling new insights. Now, my dad was hearing everything. Enveloped in Zon's powerful wisdom, my father was intensely listening...
For two-thousand years, I have watched altruistic ethics used as the prime tool of neocheaters. That tool is used to sacrifice the well-being and happiness of value producers to various "higher" causes, such as big governments and organized religions. Those neocheaters apply force or fear to extract their livelihoods from productive individuals like you. Neocheaters always operate from behind masks of altruistic higher causes such as fighting wars, fighting poverty, fighting pollution, fighting nonbelievers, fighting technology, fighting for the common good, fighting for all sorts of "noble" causes. They do this "fighting" with an air of self-righteousness as they extract their livings from the value producers.
Altruistic ethics threw you into unresolvable contradictions, for you could not achieve happiness through value production by accepting destructive contradictions such as self-sacrifice. Such contradictions diminished and eventually destroyed your capacity for wealth and happiness. Now, you have begun to reject their evil ethics of altruism and "higher causes". Now, you are discovering your unknown self. And that self can become rich, powerful, and sexy...the person of your dreams...the person you were meant to be.
Those words are undeniably true, my father thought, his eyes big and looking straight at the mountain.
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