The old code and the new code are extreme opposites. Whereas you might be broke today, my Six Visions brought to light the Technological Revolution that raised the ordinary person's standard of living to millionaire status sometime after the turn of the millennium. There, I witnessed not only abundant wealth, but we lived nearly twice as long with perfect health and enjoyed the power and romance of famous celebrities. That Neotech (new technology) Era in which we were all very wealthy, healthy, and powerful happened when the path into that new era of super technologies became unobstructed by debilitating secular powers, namely 20th-century big government.
I saw in my Visions that at century end, we stood in the gateway to an historic ascent. This historic ascent marked the fourth for mankind, the first being mankind's rise into the Golden Age of Greece, the second being his rise during the Renaissance, and the third being his rise into the Industrial Revolution. After 2001, mankind rose again, this time into a breathtaking Technological Revolution in which ordinary people lived like millionaires, without lifting a finger.
Our first 20th-century forerunner to the great Technological Revolution was the computer/cyberspace revolution. Over the Internet, you could control computer power for free at the end of the century that would have cost millions a few years before. That spectacular escalation of buying power came from super rapidly advancing new (Neo) technology (Tech). At century end, Neotech spread to the telecommunications and television industries. As with the computers, costs to communicate plunged toward zero as services and buying power soared toward infinity. The telecommunications and television revolutions became the next notable 20th-century forerunners to the 21st-century Technological Revolution. As televisions advanced from being our favorite fishing holes of entertainment to being powerful streams flowing into the Internet, the floodgates of knowledge opened. Soon, Neotech spread to all industries. I saw it in my Six Visions; costs of new technologies eventually plunged toward zero, as happened to computers. Buying power over new technologies soared toward infinity. The ordinary person after 2001, under the new code, was rich. The great Technological Revolution, sometimes called the Neotech Revolution, was the next historic advancement of civilization after the Industrial Revolution. However, whereas only the industrialists became rich during the Industrial Revolution, everyone became rich during the Neotech Revolution.
The Neotech Revolution came to us in the nick of time, for civilization was sinking into some major catastrophes, which were circumvented by Neotech. For example, I'll mention three catastrophes that had actually begun: 1) new viruses and drug-resistant bacterial mutations broke out into epidemics, 2) millions of middle-class families sank into poverty, and 3) many suburbs and schools became war zones for violent crime and terrorism.
The first catastrophe that was destroying people's lives at century end was the medical catastrophe: Hollywood movies began showing up the last decade of the 20th century with the dreaded theme of near human extinction from deadly new infectious diseases. Unfortunately, those Hollywood movies depicted a very real threat to mankind. Antibiotics were steadily losing potency, for bacterial infections were steadily gaining strength by mutating and adapting to a world laced with antibiotics. For the first time in seven decades, medicine was losing ground to infectious diseases. Moreover, virulent new viruses were making the jump from animals such as monkeys to humans as mankind inhabited new parts of the world. In a world of extensive air travel, virulent pandemics could swiftly travel across the globe. Doctors and scientists feared the worst like the Super Flu of 1918 which came from a pig, infected half the human race, and killed twenty million people. Already, several epidemics had begun. Like a Godsend, however, Neotech came to us just in time to pull us from an unthinkable loss of human life.
The second catastrophe that was destroying people's lives at century end was the economic catastrophe: Companies were downsizing. When a middle-aged person with a good salary lost his job, his family "went through hell". To get a comparable job was nearly out the question. Usually, that person ended up in a low-paying hourly job with little or no benefits. His family's standard of living sank and stayed there indefinitely. Millions of American middle-class families had to adjust to a low life-style as the real standard of living continued to drop. More and more young adults could not leave home, and older adults continued to be hit hard. Like a heavenly angel, however, Neotech rescued tens of millions of poor and middle-class families just in time to pull us from a steep loss of quality of life.
The third catastrophe that was destroying people's lives at century end was the criminal catastrophe: Police increasingly faced aggressive violence and bitterness among ten and eleven-year-old children. As this aggressive violence and deep bitterness showed up in younger and younger age groups, our children's schools became threatened. Some became war zones for drug gangs. Moreover, as crime proliferated, it came into our own neighborhoods. All along, crime grew more and more violent. In some neighborhoods, killings became a normal part of life. That cavalier attitude toward violent death was steadily spreading. Moreover, terrorism in America was now almost routine and always horrific. As ordinary families were exposed to increasingly violent crime, we lived in fear. Neotech came in like a white knight and saved us from a frightening, losing battle with grave consequences.
Closing out the 20th century, we were sinking into major catastrophes. After 2001, under the new code, Neotech not only circumvented, but actually reversed the emerging Catastrophic Era. My Third Vision showed me new medical technologies advancing at lightning speeds like computer technologies, easily outracing the rapidly evolving infectious diseases. Indeed, Neotech -- new technology racing ahead like computer technology -- eradicated all diseases once it began to drive the medical industry. Until then, Neotech had driven forward the computer industry only. As a result, both computer breakthroughs and computer buying power soared toward infinity. As in the computer industry, Neotech not only would bring us rapid breakthroughs wherever it was free to function, but would drive costs toward zero. So, as Neotech began to drive forward the medical industry into spectacular breakthroughs, medical costs collapsed like the computers. We were able to afford extraordinary medical care including new medical cures and breakthroughs. Everyone enjoyed near-perfect health.
Not only were diseases cured, but so was the economy. In short, as Neotech began to drive all industries, prices of everything dropped dramatically, some products more than others depending on how technologically driven the consumer product was. In any case, your buying power over everything multiplied manyfold. As in the computer world where all computer consumers became computer rich as their buying power multiplied thousands of times, consumers everywhere became rich...even those on minimum wage or set pensions. The transition from the old code to the new code was history's consummate rags-to-riches event.
Remember, the old code and the new code were extreme opposites: from deadly pandemics to perfect health, from hopeless poverty to millionaire wealth. Furthermore, under the new code, you lived in a world as safe as Disneyland. That's right, crime essentially disappeared in the Neotech Era. As ordinary people became essentially millionaires without lifting a finger, the incentive for crime became obsolete. For, it was far easier to get rich by doing nothing than through risky crime. Moreover, the communications revolution brought the peace and prosperity to the four corners of the world, obsoleting oppressive rule and terrorism.
In short, the Neotech Revolution saved us from the plunge into a quarter-century-long era of plagues, poverty, and violence. And all just in the nick of time.
Twentieth-century "old world" big government, however, hampered and delayed the vital Neotech Revolution as long as possible, sending mankind toward a head-on collision with disaster. In fact, our initiation into the third millennium could still be catastrophic with deadly worldwide pandemics, a middle-class that collapses into poverty, and violence in our schools and neighborhoods. You see, my Visions did not show me just when the new code started, for I believe that was still being determined and was the reason for my Six Visions to help guide us into the better world. If the Neotech Era of millionaire wealth, near-perfect health, a super-safe self is delayed too long, we will instead sink deeper and deeper into the Catastrophic Era. In that relentlessly sinking Catastrophic Era, every reader, yes your life would be invaded by the three big catastrophes of disease, poverty, and crime. Life would become hard, perhaps apocalyptic. Of course, the Neotech Era would rescue us from those hardships. Life would become easy.
All throughout history, once people could see a better world, they could not be stopped and quickly entered that better world. The most recent example came through the invention of satellite TV. Because of satellite TV, people in the former Soviet Empire for the first time saw the better world of the West and subsequently dumped the severely oppressive forces.
With that in mind, the Six Visions showed us the Neotech World -- the better world in which everyone lived like a millionaire. A higher power showed me the Six Visions in order to show us the better world, and I was instructed to disseminate these Visions to fifty million people. And once that happened, once fifty million people saw the rich world and their God-given Six Ultimate Gifts through these Visions, we went into that Neotech World almost overnight. No more zigzags. No more delays. Positive megatrends turned into stampedes.
Aside from millionaire wealth, near-perfect health, and a super-safe Six Visions showed me we enjoyed things we now only dream about like a job we love, romantic love, a slim and sexy body, and a creative mind. For instance, our 20th-century routine-rut jobs became extinct as we enjoyed 21st-century jobs with explosive opportunity. We no longer suffered in silent frustration. Instead, we discovered what it meant to be exhilarated by big-shot success. We discovered honest power.
With our new power and wealth, we actually rediscovered passionate love and youthful romance. The reason all that faded after we first passionately fell in love had to do with our stagnation-traps. Miserably stagnated under the old code, we had little passion to give any longer. The love faded and romance died. But tomorrow under the new code, as we radiated with honest power, lots of wealth, and big-shot success, we had a lot to give as well as a lot to be steamed up over. Power, success, wealth transformed even the most boring spouse sinking in stagnation into a vibrant shaker and doer thriving on life. That ordinary person tomorrow had a lot to feel good about and wanted to share the good times with his spouse. As we forgot about stagnation and became wealthy, powerful, and successful, we rediscovered and even surpassed the passion and romance we once had.
Moreover, we recaptured the slim and sexy bodies we had in our prime. You see, as we grew older and more stagnated under the old code, we tended to eat too much and gain weight out of boredom. Let's face it, life was boring. But under the new code, as we became rich and powerful, life was never slow or boring. We never slowed down. We were too busy living the good life to be overweight. The sexy, slim body returned. Our sex lives were generously rewarded.
And that's not all: We recovered and surpassed the creativity of youth. As demonstrated by scientists in the 20th century, our creativity under the old code gradually abandoned us during our 30s. Major advancements in physics, for instance, were made by the young creative physicists. But after 2001, under the new code, we discovered an entirely new way of using our minds that became more potent with age. Integrated thinking replace IQ for effectively creating new values, and whereas only gifted people had high IQ's in the 20th century, everyone easily did integrated thinking in the 21st century. And the older you became, the more knowledge you had to snap together into your expanding success puzzle.
In fact, in tomorrow's Neotech Era of super prolific information, we discovered growing omnipotence as we snapped together information all around us into growing success puzzles and saw what the completed puzzle pictures looked like, before they were two-thirds complete. Moreover, as the puzzles came together, many revealed puzzle pictures never seen before, making us creative geniuses. Our minds no longer were stuck in their routine ruts, such small spheres of thoughts, wasting in stagnation. Instead, our minds were far reaching and creative. And the older we became, the more information we accumulated to snap together into bigger and bigger success puzzles, revealing far reaching, creative puzzle pictures called Neothink. Our creativity actually grew with age. Moreover, our children grew up that way -- knowing how to integrate success puzzles and be creative.
Also, in tomorrow's Neotech World, our bad habits disappeared. You see, under the old code, bad habits were done for the same reason: for stimulation in our otherwise boring lives. Think about your own 20th-century bad habits for a moment. They were done for stimulation, whatever the bad habits were, from watching too much TV to, perhaps, drinking too much. But under the new code, the stimulation from living like millionaires with power, love, looks, and omnipotence overpowered all other sources of stimulation. Bad habits vanished overnight.
During the Visions, the future was at times frightening with surging virulent diseases, violent crime, a shrinking job base, sinking standards of living, skyrocketing divorce, epidemic obesity.
And yet, the extreme-opposite new code was beautiful with long healthy lives, peace, exciting job offers, riches, romantic love, gorgeous bodies. I was told and actually witnessed in my Visions that once fifty million people got a glimpse of the Neotech World and its Six Ultimate Gifts, the new code happened very fast.
We rose from virulent diseases that claimed the lives of some of our very own loved ones to perfect health. We rose from neighborhood violence to Disneyland safety. We rose from routine ruts and, in many cases, unemployment and despair to exciting jobs. We rose from failed love to passionate love. We rose from over-the-hill bodies heading toward the end to nice bodies. We rose from miserable stagnation to stimulated minds. Our children rose from increasingly illiterate airheads to creative children. The underprivileged rose from poverty to millionaire wealth. Civilization rose from the Catastrophic world to the Neotech World. We rose from our worst nightmares into our greatest dreams.
Let me recap a regression of events that made us all essentially millionaires. Of course, the personal computer/cyberspace industry gave us a clue: It was the only industry of the 20th century uniquely free from big-government regulations. In other words, 20th-century big government never politicized the computer/cyberspace industry as it had all other industries.
After 2001, America rejected 20th-century big-government politicization and embraced 21st-century get-rich-government depoliticization. Without 20th-century big-government regulations, millions of geniuses rose and did to all industries what they had done to the computers.
In order to remove 20th-century big-government regulations and clear the way for the catalytic reaction of super entrepreneurs mixing with super technologies, we passed a half-trillion-dollar budget. That cleared out the trillion dollars in big-government regulations, including the regulatory bureaucracies that regulated industries and the social programs that regulated the economy. That half-trillion-dollar budget eliminating the big-government regulatory web set free the great Technological Revolution that made us rich.
To pass that half-trillion-dollar budget, we went through a Great Replacement Program. Only a White House and Congress of entrepreneurs and market-driven business people (not career politicians or politically driven big-business leaders) would shoot down the political monster and the humongous budget that fed it.
That movement to replace career politicians with entrepreneurs and market-driven business people happened in full force sometime after 2001 with the first political party from 21st-century get-rich government. It was the first and only political party that accepted no politicians. After fifty million people witnessed the Six Visions, the people embraced the Neotech Party because its electrifying platform was unbeatable, summed up in three words: live as millionaires!
Before that 21st-century political party of entrepreneurs and market-driven businessmen and women took over, in some ways the country still progressed. In other ways, we steadily sank. But until that new party took over, we never came close to living as millionaires. The new political party's credible make-the-people-millionaires program caught on quickly. When the people got a glimpse of the wealth and luxury available to them, that 21st-century party became unbeatable quickly. When it did, the people went from relative rags to riches within four years.
The only thing my Six Visions could not tell me was: how much did we first sink into the Catastrophic world? I guess the answer is left up to us, yet we now have the clear path to the Neotech World.
Back to what my Visions did tell me: Tomorrow's Neotech Era was like a get-rich fantasy, but one that came true not just for one lucky Horatio Alger character, but for everyone. As we moved toward the next millennium's new political paradigm, the people increasingly shut the door on 20th-century big-government regulations and legislation. America's hottest (yet little publicized) megatrend to get big government out of our lives intensified as we approached the next millennium and joined forces with the information revolution.
Along with great wealth under the new code, we enjoyed soaring innovation all around us. Limitations of distance, job selections, friends, love, entertainment, and costs disappeared. Convenience, selection, and luxury replaced limitations, as in the computer world. Removing limitations, the golden key to the computer revolution, became the golden key to the Neotech all areas of life.
The health field went Neotech like the computers. Spectacular new cures and procedures rapidly occurred at cheaper and cheaper prices. We easily afforded all those miraculous cures and health products as their prices went into computerlike dives. You see, all industries raced ahead as Neotech spread beyond the computer industry that until then had been the only industry with Neotech.
Soon, businesses needed to bring out and nurture their employees' deeply buried brilliance. Businesses discovered that a creative person was within each person wanting to come out. Finally, businesses nationwide then worldwide transformed our routine ruts into exciting jobs that unearthed our unique yet buried creativity. Like those lucky few in the 20th century who loved their jobs, in the 21st century, we all loved to go to work!
You see, technology was not be the only thing going through wonderful transformations. So were our jobs, our love lives, our bodies and minds. We certainly lived in an exciting time, for we lived in the gateway to mankind's next surge of prosperity.
First, super rapidly advancing new technologies brought near-perfect health to the young, the old, and to those in the prime of their lives. We were in a race for our lives against the dark side of Mother Nature. For decades we stayed several steps ahead of that dark side. But politicization of any industry slowed progress to a snail's pace. The increased politicization of the health industry throughout the 20th century eventually had the dark side of Mother Nature advancing faster than medicine. Devastating new viruses and drug-resistant bacteria were on the rise. Antibiotics were losing their effectiveness. Technology and medical progress fell behind in this race, which caused millions of unnecessary deaths. To win the race called for the opposite extreme: to aggressively depoliticize the medical industry and free the geniuses of society, those aggressive entrepreneurs, as seen in the computer/cyberspace industry.
As we approached the third millennium, America increasingly welcomed Neotech. The growing American megatrend against old 20th-century big government was no coincidence -- it was a sign of a major shift to a new 21st-century get-rich government. Aggressive depoliticization began with the first party from the 21st-century get-rich government called the Neotech Party. Depoliticizing America versus politicizing America was a matter of life versus death, a matter of new technologies (Neotech) quickly outrunning infectious diseases before it was too late and they outran us.
Moreover, depoliticizing America was a matter of quality of life. For, when the geniuses of society and their progressive technologies were set free in every industry, then nearly all costs of living, not just computers, were driven down to fractions. Just as minimum-wage computer consumers became computer rich, all ordinary people -- yes you -- actually became rich and lived in luxury.
With the new political paradigm, you became the person you always dreamed of, the person you were meant to be. You see, the whole working world changed as technology soared and industries raced ahead. You became a precious commodity like those lucky contributors to the progressive computer/cyberspace world. In other words, with business booming ten times beyond any previous boom, people were in short supply and high demand. Businesses trained you to be an in-house entrepreneur and to work an exciting "mini-company", a job of the mind that released your unknown creative self.
In summary, the dawning of the new millennium and the new Neotech Era quickly meant three things for you:
Upon depoliticizing America under tomorrow's new political paradigm, your purchasing power multiplied 100 times, as an average, across all consumer products. As you know, in the late 20th century computer buying power multiplied a thousand times. Of course, computers were technologically intensive. Nevertheless, while minimum-wage computer consumers became computer rich as their buying power multiplied 100,000%, the computers posted history's first demonstration of the catalytic wealth-explosion that comes from mixing modern technology with depoliticizing American industry. That awesome computer revolution was a preview of the coming, great Technological Revolution upon depoliticizing all existing and new industries. As with the computers, the costs of living over nearly everything dropped to fractions. Of course, the more technologically intensive the industry, the more prices tumbled toward zero and the more buying power soared toward infinity. Conservatively speaking, buying power increased, on average across all industries and consumer products, 100 times. Even minimum-wage consumers became rich.
Sitting in the big showroom at the luxurious Mirage Resorts in Las Vegas, watching the famous Siegfried and Roy magic show, was riveting. I watched in awe as Siegfried fought the million-dollar laser-eyed dragon. The show was full of illusions as things impossibly disappeared and reappeared, but for the life of me, it all seemed real. The leaders of the show, Siegfried and Roy, flawlessly created illusion after illusion. ...Their livelihoods depended on it.
When I walked out of the huge showroom, I turned to my wife and said, "I have never seen anything like that. That has got to be the world's most incredible magic show!" However, I was wrong by a long shot. A magic show existed thousands of times BIGGER and many times more illusory. The leaders of that giant magic show created illusion after illusion, for their livelihoods depended on it. That giant magic show was the world we lived in, and the leaders of the show were the leaders of the old political structures.
Under the old code, we lived in the giant magic show in which the leaders benefitted handsomely, and we paid the toll. If you do not believe that, consider that in the '80s a new technology sprang up too fast for the political leaders to work into their magic show of illusions. Without the political leaders and their Establishment ties benefiting, the personal-computer industry went through its unprecedented phenomenon: buying power multiplied 100,000% in a few short years. That computer phenomenon represented how technology and standards of living advanced under the new code and its 21st-century political paradigm.
The giant magic show of the old political structures reached back many centuries. Even centuries ago, man was kept from discovering huge explosions of prosperity. For an entire 1000 years during the Middle Ages, for example, man could not see through the leaders' magic show of illusions to discover the very obvious division of labor (i.e., dividing the labors of living into enterprises and purchasable commodities). The division of labor would have brought an explosion of prosperity to the people, but the leaders were benefiting too handsomely by suppressing the people.
Finally, after 1000 years as civilization continued growing and expanding outward, tribal towns sprang up farther and farther out on the outskirts beyond the immediate control of the leaders' magic show. There, the illusions did not completely control everything. In those outer towns, the people were somewhat able to see the obvious. Rudimentary forms of enterprise and purchasable commodities sprang up. Those towns began to thrive with an exciting, new prosperity. The illusions of the leaders were fading. As news of the new prosperity spread, the leaders of the magic show lost much power as the people saw past many of the illusions and rose from the Dark Ages...into the Renaissance and onto the Age of Enlightenment and an exciting new prosperity.
As both ancient and modern history demonstrated, once the magic show of self-serving leaders waned, many of their illusions were seen through, and then unprecedented explosions of prosperity happened for the people. That ending of the magic show was the beginning of a get-rich phenomenon.
In short, the old politics, not Siegfried and Roy, was the world's most incredible magic show. Politicization of civilization filled our futures with illusions...illusions for the livelihoods of the leaders -- the politicians...the magicians. The better their illusions, the more people would pay for their show.
America's hottest megatrend against 20th-century big government eventually ended the politicization of our industries -- that is, ended the magic show in which we lived. Depoliticizing society during the Dark Ages brought on the Renaissance and eventually a hundred-fold increase in the standard of living. Not politicizing the computer industry brought on an unprecedented thousand-fold multiplication of buying power. Modern technology combined with depoliticizing all industries brought on an unprecedented multiplication of our buying power over everything in my Six Visions. As we embraced the 21st-century get-rich government, the people became rich.
The computer industry in the late 20th century was like one of those outer towns during the Dark Ages that began melting the illusions of the leaders. Once society saw monetary power like we did with the computers, society migrated to the cause. The cause, of course, was Neotech. Unbeknownst to most people, the computer phenomenon stirred up the winds of change that started the megatrend against 20th-century big government. People implicitly perceived the monetary power of an unrestricted industry -- the computer industry. People took a little longer to explicitly understand where their anti big-government feelings were coming from. But those feelings were all coming from Neotech -- from a get-rich dream. People wanted to be rich...each and every one of them. Neotech -- super rapidly advancing new technologies -- would make them rich. People inherently sensed the same millionaire phenomenon could happen everywhere. They also sensed that, first, 20th-century big government had to be removed from all industries. In just a matter of time, Neotech would then sweep through all industries to make all people rich.
The new 21st-century make-the-people-rich government provided fabulous physical protection from aggression. The 20th-century regulatory bureaucracies, by the way, had nothing to do with physical protection. Instead, those regulatory bureaucracies were part of the old political structure and its big ruling government. The new political paradigm never attempted to rule over us. It was a government of defense only...protecting the individual and the country from physical attack.
The 20th-century big government, by contrast, was on the offense always...increasingly politicizing our money and our businesses and professions, addicted to ruling over us. The people at century end began to realize something profoundly ironic: 20th-century big government grew bigger by finding conditions and ways to offer and divide up so-called "protection". Indeed, "protection" was used as an upside-down illusion to build those huge self-defeating regulatory bureaucracies that regulated us, ruled over us, and ultimately haunted us as the Catastrophic Era started heavily claiming human lives.
By gradually understanding the government's only honorable role, the people restricted government to the unconditional, indivisible act of protecting us from initiatory force, nothing more. Everything else would have to go -- all the illusionary "protections" of big government would have to go. The trillion dollars in "good intentions" for "the public good" -- in other words, big government ruling over us and playing God with our lives -- eventually popped off society like a champagne cork.
Then, with a half-trillion-dollar protection-only budget, without big-government regulations burdening us, like the burden-free computers during the '80s and '90s, the entire economy shot up into the celebratory era of super technologies with no bureaucratic restrictions holding us back. The Technological Revolution in all industries became empowered by geniuses of society, by aggressive entrepreneurs rising everywhere from medicine to transportation pushing the new, super technologies into ever more spectacular dimensions and bringing us paradise on Earth...from perfect health to inexpensive super-safe luxury cars.
Of course, as the Great Replacement Program began, career politicians notoriously cried, "What about the needed trillion dollars for public welfare! What about all our work for the public good! What about the underprivileged!" The people were quick to respond: "What underprivileged?" You see, when buying power multiplied a hundred times, there were no more underprivileged. In the late 20th century, a child had the same computing power on the Internet as the Fortune 500 executive. In the 21st century, everyone had the same power as everyone else in a world where technology was nearly cost free, where everyone was essentially equally prosperous. Simply put, in the Neotech Era, no one had disadvantages.
The underprivileged class in the 20th century existed for two reasons: 1) The suppressed society delivered us a fraction of the wealth we would all enjoy in the next millennium, and 2) 20th-century big government and its messenger, the liberal media, survived via an underprivileged class. You see, only through an underprivileged class could big government build a big welfare state. Big government needed a big welfare state to regulate the economy, thus rule over us. Indeed, a big underprivileged class was big business for big government.
With its messenger, the liberal media, big government convinced young black minds, for instance, of a life doomed to victimization. That belief in victimization hardened as the innocent child grew into a young adult, and that belief eventually convinced him he was a victim of racism. The underprivileged not only had limited access to advantages, but limiting beliefs. Indeed, they were captors of their neighborhoods as well as their own brainwashed minds, as Malcolm X tried to tell them. Racism, real or perceived, went away when big government went away. Until then, the underprivileged class was really a slave class to big government.
Twentieth-century big government hoodwinked its people. You see, the political system worked through power in numbers, so politicians and their media friends acquired their necessary numbers through hoodwinking the people into voting for their many programs of "public good". Trapped under all those regulatory programs, the smallest of all minorities, the individual, the aggressive entrepreneur, that genius of society, minority of one, was ultimately left unprotected, which in the end trapped the geniuses of society and blocked a Neotech society.
But as big government shrank, its facade of "public good" ending, the system naturally changed from one of manipulating the masses to protecting the individual. Acts of government reduced to physical protection only. The refreshing shrinking of big government turned the system right-side-up -- from power in hoodwinked numbers to power in the individual. Individual protection at its unconditional, indivisible level of physically protecting the individual from force (see Individual Rights, page 261) became the overriding principle in case law, clearly and swiftly distinguishing real crimes from big-government, bureaucracy-building political-policy "crimes" against the "public good". Justice became swift and honest and finally protected the people and their businesses from big government. Freedom and prosperity reigned.
With no more big-government guises of "public good", which always translated to public regulation, left only with intense public protection at its unconditional, indivisible level of physical protection from force, insured the Neotech Era: all people, businesses, and technologies -- especially those geniuses leading the Technological Revolution -- became forever free to race ahead unimpeded as in the computer industry. The resulting millionaire prosperity for all ordinary people inspired the people to constitutionally guarantee individual protection. The public called for the Individual Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (see page 261) that made protection at the indivisible individual level part of our Constitution. The results of that Constitutional Amendment were unimpeded entrepreneurs and technologies, protected from big-government regulations, which quickly and permanently led to millionaire standards of living for everyone.
In the 20th century, the lucky few with lots of money had lots of other nice things too. We all wanted more money. But we did not necessarily want to work hard for it, because we knew that would never get us lots of money in that suppressed society. Wealth had to come a different way. We figured we would die without ever knowing what it was like to have lots of money, fun, and love.
The new era of get-rich government and resulting super technologies changed all that. Neotech was the only way ordinary people would someday be wealthy. However, our self-serving leaders resisted Neotech and retarded our leap into the Neotech Era. Only elected nonpoliticians superseded politics and focused on freeing the economy to lift us out of the old political structure and into the new.
Indeed, during the transition into the new code, the people replaced big-government career politicians with market-driven business leaders. Then, the task of doing what was best for America, not what was best for one's own political career, was not so difficult and was carried through nonpoliticians. For then the task transcended ever hopeless politics, and focused on economic progress. They let technology take the giant leap into the Neotech Era and generate millionaire standards of living for the people.
The first political party of the new political paradigm and its get-rich government caught on quickly. They called that party the Neotech Party. Until then, a third-party effort had never been successful. How was this different? Millionaire standards of living would come to the people by replacing career politicians with market-driven business leaders and unleashing the geniuses and Neotech in all industries, not just the computers. That financial incentive made all the difference.
Once the Neotech Party of entrepreneurs and other market-driven business leaders was nationally recognized, angry America sent the Republicans and Democrats home for good in the next two elections. The anger behind the voting public was directed at the game of politics and its career politicians, the ruling class. The Neotech Party accepted market-driven business leaders only and, therefore, did what was best for the economy, not politics...namely free the country's entrepreneurs, the most gifted geniuses, to bring the Neotech Revolution beyond the computer/cyberspace industry to all industries. The Neotech Party abandoned politicians and superseded politics. And that was exactly what America was looking for...and needed.
America's initial attraction to third-party presidential campaigns in the late 20th century came from the people wanting something better, yet those third-party attempts fell far short. Problem was: everyone had his or her own ideas of something better. Therefore, to coordinate everyone's different hopes into a single common denominator was an indomitable task. In the end, third-party attempts always fell short.
Under the old code, our political system worked by power in numbers, and to rally six people to agree on politics was not easy, no less sixty or so million people. Furthermore, people did not want to invest money or time into wasted votes. As a result, our country mostly remained a limited-choice, two-party system: "Us or them."
Ironically, the underlying problem for America's third-party fantasies was politics itself. Politics not only made for a terrible common denominator, but the mention of politics caused the ordinary person to tune out and sign off. For, the ordinary American had come to the conclusion that politics could not help him. In late 20th-century polls, the majority of Americans believed that politics hurt their overall prosperity in life. So a third-party politician? People quickly got turned off; after all, a politician was...a politician. The initial Ross Perot sensation, for instance, was because the country first perceived him as a market-driven businessman before they realized he was merely a political businessman.
Aside from tuning out politicians, including third-party politicians, the people always found, to their dismay, that third-party politics was still...just politics. The layman was, in his own words, "done with politics" because politics did not benefit his life; in fact, politics drained his life. Until something came along that superseded the arena of politics and universally benefited the layman, no third party had a chance.
That something did come along. To get outside the arena of politics required going to the universal common denominator the people had always hoped for: to improve their own personal riches and quality of life. After all, everyone had the get-rich dream. The inevitable Neotech Party came from a better world focused on making that dream come true. With the agenda of freeing the economy and not piling on the politics, only market businessmen could run for office. That new party was just what the country was waiting for. You see, when it came to politics, people were fast learning: it mattered not what candidates said, but who they were. People now realized that whatever politicians said was just an illusion anyway. Whatever was said, career politicians still just benefitted themselves and advanced their own political careers at the cost of the economy. Nothing spectacularly good ever happened for the wealth of the people, which was particularly tragic on the eve of progressive computerlike buying power.
People sensed the inevitable big-government tragedy of politicizing the information revolution, which would nip in the bud the great Technological Revolution and its universal millionaire phenomenon. In response, the people aggressively looked for nonpoliticians to be their politicians. The Neotech Party gave us market businessmen, not politicians. And it focused on the economy, not politics. It took care of us financially, where it counted. And that was a powerful blessing as we entered the Technological Revolution.
The drive behind market-driven businessmen was not politics but the market -- economic wealth -- thus making the Neotech Party the first political party to truly benefit the people. Therefore, the Neotech Party pulled voters from all across the board -- Republicans, Democrats, workers, retirees, men, women, minorities, majorities, the wealthy, the needy. Indeed, everyone wanted a higher standard of living.
The Neotech Party became the dream party everyone always hoped for but never had. Its platform was based on the alluring make-the-people-millionaires program. The Neotech Party wanted to see the people "start living like millionaires within the first term".
The market businessmen explained that the impetus behind the computer/cyberspace revolution was aggressive entrepreneurs -- geniuses of society. Aggressive entrepreneurs, the geniuses of society, would rise in other industries once the Neotech Party depoliticized those industries, the market businessmen claimed.
The incentive to the general public to get the market businessmen into office was powerful, perhaps unbeatable. The platform was solid, well presented, fresh and exciting...and much wanted and needed. All other potential third parties were based on political ideas -- on (yawn) politics. They attracted only constituents favorable to those fragmented ideas. The Neotech Party was based on economic ideas -- the one big common denominator of great interest among the people and the extreme opposite of politics. And because the candidates were all market businessmen, the economic ideas were not political rhetoric. In fact, the central theme of the Neotech Party was: depoliticize America to set free all industries like the computer industry...thus make the people live like millionaires and have their every need taken care of by the Neotech Society. The temptation was too great to resist. The Neotech Party (Neotech: new technology) became America's rising star of the 21st century.
In the late 20th century, the megatrend against big government built more and more momentum as people saw its favorable economic impact. In short, the people were monetarily motivated -- that common denominator everyone liked. In the end, that economically driven anti big-government megatrend depoliticized our country -- indeed, the very platform of the Neotech Party and the new political paradigm. Then new technology (i.e., Neotech) raced forward at ever increasing speeds. That was what the people wanted; that was what the Neotech Party delivered. The megatrend led America straight to the Neotech Party after 2001. The people wanted to experience mankind's greatest bonanza, not mankind's greatest tragedy.
My Visions showed that super efficient local police and national defense managed by super competent market businessmen and women were guided by the Individual Rights Amendment (page 261). The Constitution was now grounded to the Individual Rights Amendment to which everything answered. The Individual Rights Amendment guaranteed objective justice in the courts, thus protection of our citizens, as the Founding Fathers envisioned.
Big government's prize possession of the 20th century -- that was, programs for the "public good", a regulatory paradise -- thrived on political issues, rivalries, debates, votes...and regulations. To sell you their political issues and win your votes in the power-by-numbers 20th-century system, the career politicians with the help of the liberal media constantly hoodwinked the masses. But, as big government and its bogus job to rule over us "for the public good" ended, the endless flow of political issues ended. Instead, government became cut-and-dry as protection at its indivisible individual level took over. Without the mazes of conflicting political issues put on the people, livelihoods built on hoodwinking the people could no longer exist. Political rivalries could no longer survive. Instead, nonconflicting simple performance determined the job being done for us. Like any business, the numbers did not lie.
As a result, the absence of big-government regulatory barriers freed the economy, and our personal wealth soared. Just as important, we discovered a safe civilization unlike we had ever known as crime disappeared. In the 20th century, under the old code, we never really had police protection. We simply had police follow-up, not prevention. The bureaucracy was simply that -- a bureaucracy, not very efficient, not really effective. After 2001, under the new code, the government perfected its essence with the precision of a private company. Like a private company, the government was accountable for superb performance.
Served with the competence of a private protection business, crime largely disappeared. Racism, too, disappeared as people in all neighborhoods became affluent and wealthy as well as productive superstars during the ensuing job revolution. Instead, good feelings flowed for your fellow man and woman as everyone contributed important values to society.
What happened to the seniors? Under the old code, paying income taxes was hard, but then for working Americans to pay half that amount again to Social Security exceeded reasonable expectations. Of course, the young family's wealth -- or lack of it -- was being siphoned off to the elderly. In those times of declining standards of living, younger folk could no longer give money to others...especially once married with children.
Most seniors, however, had to have that Social Security check; they depended on it. No matter how badly they felt for the younger generations, seniors simply had no choice but to collect Social Security.
The economically driven megatrend to rid 20th-century big government from our lives, however, caused something spectacular that many people called a Modern Money Miracle. That Modern Money Miracle was, in short, America's falling out with big government, which forced a spectacular sale of all government assets that had nothing to do with the government's original and valid purpose: to protect people from aggression. The money from that extraordinary sale rightfully returned people's small fortunes wrongly collected and spent by the government. Indeed, the money from the big sale of government assets, in turn, repaid all Social Security with interest. Thus, the bulk of those revenues went to our parents and grandparents who paid the taxes that built those assets. In any case, everyone at every age who paid into Social Security got a nice chunk of money that earned full fair-market interest for as long as the government held it.
Over a hundred thousand dollars went to the majority of senior citizens, all at once. In some cases, interest on that small fortune alone was greater than their Social Security benefits. And yes, Social Security ended as it had nothing to do with national defense or local police protection, thus relieving all working adults and future generations from painfully paying into a dying system. The new government spared our children and grandchildren and brought our seniors a small fortune.
After decades of paying Social Security, most seniors had anywhere from one-hundred thousand to two-hundred thousand dollars coming back to them, all at once. Two-hundred thousand dollars...that's a bigger pile of money than most people had ever seen at one time in their whole lives. Many retired seniors splurged and took that world cruise, and they put the bulk of the money in interest-earning accounts for security -- whatever they decided, for it was now their money.
And, struggling younger people no longer had to pay their precious money into Social Security, which they would never see again under the current system. The Modern Money Miracle happily ended Social Security, which was all part of 20th-century big government.
Social Security payments ended; the payoff exploded. At century end, 40 million seniors received Social Security benefits. Most of them received a big check. The government paid back up to five trillion dollars. The sale of all government assets that had nothing to do with protection (known as the Great Displacement Program) amounted to many trillions of dollars. Those trillions covered all seniors and all the other people who were not yet retired but who paid year after year into Social Security. Every working and retired American got a substantial check from the government. The older the citizen, usually the bigger the check.[ 12 ]
[ 12 ] Selling the government involved so much money that many Americans were given attractive incentives to, instead of receiving cash, choose equity in the privatized spin-offs and be part of substantial profit-sharing plans. Their stock, of course, could be sold in the open market at any time.
Whereas I could not tell when exactly the sale occurred, I did see the megatrend to end big government was economically driven. As people increasingly realized the wealth they would incur, the pressure built. The old political cork popped off within a few years. Everyone -- old and young alike -- was ready to depoliticize other words, get old 20th-century big government completely out of our lives. The government then had to sell its assets to private businesses to get out of our lives. The government netted trillions of dollars as it shrank to its original purpose of protecting our citizens and our country, not running our lives. The bulk of those trillions of dollars went to our oldest Americans -- to repaying with full fair-market interest their Social Security investments.
When that happened, new technologies unhampered by big-government red tape raced forward at blinding speeds, pushed ahead by aggressive entrepreneurs, free and rising by the millions, dwarfing the nonpoliticized computer/cyberspace phenomenon. Those famous free-falling prices in the computer industry spread to nearly all other industries. Before long, we lived like millionaires.
Under the old code, the younger generation viewed the older generation with growing cynicism. Younger folk resented giving up precious money each paycheck to Social Security. But under the new code, the younger generation viewed seniors as heroes, for they led the political charge for the Neotech Party.
The Modern Money Miracle put to rest the war between generations. Everyone got rich, starting with the senior citizens, quickly followed by all Americans. Ordinary people, young and old, lived like millionaires as the result of driving big government out of our lives.
Indeed, millionaire wealth came to all individuals from universal Neotech. That personal wealth allowed us to increase whatever stimulated our lives to exciting new heights.
Tracing our primordial roots, man was originally a running animal, tracking herds for many days and nights on end. That nonstop life as hunters was exhilarating both physically and mentally. Still the same animal, our anatomy and psyche still needed massive stimulation. In 20th-century suppressed society, however, trapped in our boring routine ruts, we dreadfully lacked that exhilarating body/mind stimulation. That was precisely why we formed so many bad habits under the old code from overeating and TV addiction to alcoholism and promiscuous sex -- precisely for that dreadfully missing need...stimulation.
Those who surfed the Internet at century end knew the explosion of stimulation the computer offered versus just a few years before when computers were limited to specific technical applications. That same explosion of stimulation happened in every nook and cranny of our lives when Neotech spread throughout all industries under the new code. Put another way, the Neotech World really turned us on. When the massive exhilaration returned to our bodies and minds, just as in our exhilarating running and tracking days, then people lost their need for stimulating bad habits and addictions at all levels. Overeating, drugs, excessive alcohol, promiscuous sex vanished as millionaire money, power, and romantic love overwhelmed us. Happiness was the meaning of life, and the Neotech Era's overwhelming stimulation delivered that lost treasure to our lives.
At century end, some experts felt America was too far gone and would sink into a prolonged Catastrophic Era because of our huge debt. The standard of living in America would continue to weaken, they thought; the middle class would slowly sink into poverty, they said.
They pointed out that, not very long ago, America was the world's warm home of security. A good job with a solid company meant you were taken care of for life. That security no longer existed. As big businesses continually downsized and brought jobs overseas, few new jobs replaced the lost jobs. The job creators, the aggressive entrepreneurs, had been shut down by big government. Aggressive entrepreneurs could no longer compete with big business, for big government had simply made it too difficult and downright dangerous to be an aggressive entrepreneur those days. The Michael Milken chapter of history demonstrated how big-government regulations destroyed aggressive entrepreneurs, especially those who challenged the Establishment. And now, big-government regulations and legislation were firmly in place to prevent new aggressive entrepreneurs from rising. As a result, America's middle class was dying. To bring life back into our economy and bring security back to our middle class was impossible, some of the experts predicted. Of course, they did not know about the coming Neotech World where the old political structure and its big government was replaced by the new political paradigm and its get-rich government.
What are some things we then experienced under the new code? Let me say something about our love lives, our bodies, our minds. Remember, we were in a new setting of luxury and wealth when Neotech spread across all industries. Imagine, for example, what your expanding wealth did for your love-life. You were rich and successful, thus fantastically successful at love. You see, love depended on a person's own happiness and success. When miserably stagnated, we were not good at love. Love, an act of giving and receiving, often failed because we were not able to give emotionally when suffocating in stagnation. Wealth and success transformed us into quite romantic lovers.
Also, we got very nice bodies. You see, being rich, successful, and in love, our emphasis on food shifted. Overeating was done out of boredom. Let's face it, most of our lives were pretty boring under the old code. The Neotech World knew no boredom; a slim you emerge.
Now, let's talk about the mind. Under the old code, our minds were taught specialized thinking -- to do our boring routine ruts at work. But in tomorrow's world of highly prolific communications, our minds became much more dynamic as we rapidly snapped together information from all over the world. That entirely new way of using the mind via snapping together success puzzles was called integrated thinking and Neothink.
Integrated thinking gave us much power; even average people became dynamos. Using a metaphor, ten average guys could easily push over a boulder that the world's strongest men could not budge trying solo. That concept applied to our minds as well. Indeed, with integrated thinking, average people brought together thought clusters and became brilliantly creative -- even more creative than the world's smartest people today. Neothink replaced high IQ for success and creativity. Moreover, creativity actually grew with age as we encountered more and more knowledge to integrate and snap together into larger and larger success puzzles. The cliche, "We grow old, and then we die," evolved to become "We grow old, and then we create!"
The process to see into the future can be scientific and not mystical...sort of like a magician is really all technique and not magic. Since the future is somewhere we have never been before, we must look for clues from the future, what I call forerunners. Once we spot a forerunner, we can put together the whole future sort of like scientists can put together a whole dinosaur from one bone.
Forerunners can always be found ahead of coming conditions. For instance, a sunny day cannot change into a rainstorm without a cloud coming first. Forerunners of coming conditions must always exist. Our job is to identify the forerunners then put together the conditions from which they are coming...which is our future.
This future-telling technique is powerful. For example, I'll tell you a prediction my father Dr. Frank R. Wallace, a former Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont, once made that shocked us all: January of 1989, during a recorded business meeting, Dr. Wallace out of the blue predicted that we would witness "the beginning of a spontaneous collapse" of communism by January 1st, 1990. Everyone dismissed his prediction as ridiculous, for in January 1989, no one had a clue of what was about to happen. American intelligence had provided our government with just the opposite picture of Russian economic strength and optimism. Some in the meeting felt embarrassed for the ever so optimistic Dr. Wallace. Then, in November of 1989, the world was shocked by the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The "spontaneous collapse" of the Russian Empire had begun. Dr. Wallace's prediction was now heralded as spectacular; he was called a genius.
Now, we can put together another "ridiculous" prediction, but this time involving you: Using the same future-telling technique, we can predict that all Americans will be a hundred times richer not long after the turn of the millennium if we do not get caught too deep in the Catastrophic Era.
Ridiculous...or spectacular? Let's put together the future. Remember, look for that clue -- for that cloud in a sunny sky before the storm. Our clue is the computer phenomenon. That is a forerunner of coming conditions.
What coming conditions? Great, great prosperity! Today you can buy a cheap home computer as powerful as a million-dollar mainframe just a decade ago. Buying power multiplied 1000 times. That's 100,000 percent! That's a forerunner of a coming storm of great prosperity.
"I'm getting it," you say. "You mean there's a lot of spectacular technology ahead." I saw in my Second Vision super rapidly advancing new technologies showering upon us. Multiple showers in all areas of living -- just think what that will do. I saw ordinary people's buying power rise toward infinity over those new technologies and then rise a hundred times over nearly everything else. ...Ridiculous? Ridiculous or spectacular?
No one suspects what's coming because it's never happened before. On the eve of the third millennium, however, technology is poised to spring forward.
"Hold on," you say. "A hundred times more?" Yes, I saw people, who today live in cheap apartments, tomorrow moving into million-dollar mansions. I saw people, who today take the bus, tomorrow driving luxury cars. I saw ordinary Americans tomorrow vacationing all over the world, first class. Their savings became worth a hundred times more. Their children's education became the best in the world. Their parents' retirement was full of luxuries. I saw Americans, young and old, living in luxury after 2001, under the new code.
How can we be sure those new technologies in my Vision will happen? We cannot be sure because of the looming Catastrophic Era. But consider that mankind continuously grows more and more prosperous over time. Just look at our lives now versus a few hundred years ago, or even just a few decades ago. Even the street sweeper today has a better selection of food and entertainment than kings and queens did a few hundred years ago.
"Well, of course," you say. "We're a lot more advanced." Exactly. We advance. We progress. Mankind's manifest destiny, therefore, is great prosperity. Of course, society gets off the course of destiny sometimes, which slows or even temporarily reverses progress. But progress eventually resumes, always heading toward the great prosperity of destiny. Great prosperity is our undeniable destiny.
And new technologies bring on that great prosperity.
It's obvious when you project ahead that new technologies will come to us and send our buying power toward the heavens, and that the computer phenomenon is a forerunner. We are very, very close to the great prosperity showering upon us. All we need to do now is get rid of the bugs in society that have us slightly off course with destiny.
You see, it's not a question of whether or not the millionaire phenomenon will happen. It will happen. It's a matter of when. Nevertheless, how can I say we have a good chance to live like millionaires early in the third millennium? "C'mon, that's just a few years away," you say? "The economy is not even stable."
That's all true, but good things have started happening really fast. Here's why: Americans have already seen, with their own eyes, the great prosperity of the future. We've seen it through the computer phenomenon. So, we've been shown the way. We've seen what it takes for buying power to soar 100,000%, so we know exactly what to do: We'll get rid of all the bugs in our society blocking us from that great prosperity. And that can happen fast, really fast. Remember how fast things changed in Eastern Europe once the people saw with their own eyes the prosperity of the West through the invention of satellite TV?
Still with me? Look, all we have to do is copy the bug-free computer phenomenon. The one fact separating computer technology from all other technologies is that computers race ahead without much bureaucratic regulations holding them back. The personal-computer/cyberspace technology is just too new to the world and too rapidly advancing for regulators to get a foothold on that industry whereas all other technologies and their industries are strictly regulated. In this modern age, unburdened technology results in an explosion of prosperity.
My Visions showed me a hundred-fold increase in buying power. Without the bureaucratic bug holding back technologies, ordinary people bought brand-new luxury cars of the future loaded with technological breakthroughs for a couple of paychecks instead of an impossible eighty grand.
What's going to rid these bugs from society?
My Second Vision showed me the President of the United States submitted a protection-only budget that blacked out one trillion dollars from government spending -- that is, blacked out all the regulatory and social programs, which were merely massive knots of bureaucratic regulations. In other words, the President submitted a budget that just said no to big-government to government politicizing our lives and ruling over us like God, but yes to protection.
"That'll never happen," you say? "Congress would never let that happen. Don't be ridiculous."
Ridiculous...or spectacular? You're right, Congress would never let that happen. But in my Second Vision, I saw some of that budget stuck once the word was out about the millionaire phenomenon. Today's anti big-government megatrend became tomorrow's make-the-people-millionaires megatrend. Once money got in the picture, today's megatrend, steady as she goes, graduated to something of a stampede. The people wanted what rightfully belonged to them -- a future of millionaire wealth. Everyone's dream came true.
"Yeah! I'm ready!" you say? Presto. I saw that when even just a little bit of that radical budget stuck, taxes went way down. Better yet, technology began rapidly advancing, quickly driving our buying power way up. And, with that demonstration, nothing could stop the same radical protection-only budget from passing in its entirety the very next year -- not even Congress could stop it. The budget passed in its entirety, ending society's bug of massive bureaucratic regulations. Then the new technologies came to us. Soon, our buying power over those new technologies raced toward infinity.
Today, once the word gets out about the great prosperity that will be ours, especially the Six Ultimate Gifts, things will happen at lightning speeds. When enough people realize the life they were meant to live but never had a clue under the old code, a nonpolitician will win the presidential elections, submit the radical protection-only budget his first year, prove his point, pass his protection-only budget in its entirety his second year, and everyone will live increasingly in luxury within a year or two.
America's hottest megatrend today is moving us toward this Vision. A Neotech (i.e., New Technology) President and his make-the-people-millionaires program is unstoppable destiny. Whether it's our near-term or eventual destiny remains a function of disseminating fifty million of these Visions. You are now part of that word-of-mouth determination.
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