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After 2001: Our Neotech World


Neotech Physics

I have assembled a portion of my father's journal notes on Neotech Physics for this canon called After 2001: Our Neotech World. I selected some, but not all, of his fascinating Neothink works on physics. The reason for what I included here was to give the layman some sense of the iron-grip control that Zon (i.e., mystic-free man) really does acquire over nature, the cosmos, our universe, and beyond. In other words, after reading through this chapter of selected Neotech Physics, you will much more readily realize that the keys to unlocking God and Heaven, not known for many millennia, really were discovered and given to you in this Book Three. What follows helps make history's most important discovery real to you. In the Prologue, I said I was concerned that the discovery may go past you unnoticed. The selected Neotech Physics in this chapter could help make the discovery boomerang back around and hit you between the eyes with its full, life-enhancing power.

Neotech Physics work off Newtonian and Einsteinian Physics and are consistent with the immutable laws of nature. In fact, Neotech Physics is a synthesis of current and past physics via the most powerful synthesizer -- the fully integrated honesty of Neotech. All integration-blocking mysticisms that often come from emotional rivalries and professional jealousies -- scientists taking narrow-scope stances -- were all washed away through Neotech to advance the most Neothink perspective about our heavens and Gods today. Other fascinating insights of Neotech Physics about communication outward through the universal computer and upward and downward through relativity-consistent theories are not included in this canon, but are available from the Neotech Center.

By the way, for those with scientific backgrounds, the more technical aspects of my father's journal on Neotech Physics are in the footnotes for your perusal. Readers may skip the technical footnotes without missing the effect of Zonpower. Now on to my father's journal on Neotech Physics:

Neotech Physics

The Foundation


Create or Vanish Quarks and Electrons
Gravity Units

Control Existence
Gravity Units

Conscious Control
Gravity Units

Your Control


Dr. Wallace's Journal

The Goal and Purpose of Neotech/Zonpower

The goal of Neotech/Zonpower is to cure the interwoven disease of irrationality and dishonesty.

The purpose of Neotech/Zonpower is to have conscious individuals think about and see everything in a different way -- different from the losing way in which everyone on this planet has been chained for the past 3000 years. Indeed, Neotech/Zonpower is a new way of thinking, a new way of seeing everything, a new mode of action that leads to limitless, beneficent power over existence.

Again, "Zonpower" is not a treatise on physics or philosophy. Physics and philosophy are used as metaphors to explain the omnipotent paradigm called Neothink, which is wide-scope, integrated thinking and honesty. The fully integrated honesty part of Neothink is called Neotech. Since fully integrated honesty will increasingly rule cyberspace, Neotech will increasingly banish false biases and illegal authorities from government, business, science, education, politics, philosophy, communication, the arts. ...Zonpower uniquely has no leaders or followers. In cyberspace, every conscious individual will eventually become an individual self-leader living in a value-producing, business mode.

The metaphorical hypotheses I will now develop may seem radical. Indeed, some hypotheses are radical and have no direct evidence as of yet. Still, nothing in Neotech contradicts the laws of physics and all radical concepts will eventually be mathematically and experimentally demonstrated, modified, or falsified.

Existence Exists as Gravity Units

Gravity Units are the fundamental units of existence. They are indivisible, windowless units of submicroscopic, quantized geometries from which nothing can enter or exit. Yet, those geometries exist continuously -- as a quantum-blended whole through wave-like dynamics and smeared-out resonances. Also, manifestations of certain Gravity Units could form the weakly interacting dark material that accounts for the missing mass in modern cosmological theories. And finally, each Gravity Unit can flux into a universe of gravity, mass, energy, and consciousness.

All wealth arises from conscious-controlled Gravity Units.

Boundless Prosperity through SIGUs and Googolplexes

What are SIGUs and googolplexes? What connection do they have to boundless prosperity? First ask: How do conscious beings meet the energy and communication requirements of an eternally advancing civilization? How does one unleash nature's power to achieve near instant communication throughout the universe? How can one capture the power of universes spanning billions of light years across? How can one unleash the universal power locked in gravity units lurking beneath every subatomic particle? How can one direct the power of Super-Inflation Gravity Units[ 56 ] (SIGUs) to eternally expand life and prosperity?

Take a Numbers Ride

Take a ride to the big: The mathematical term googol is the number 1 followed by a hundred zeroes, or 10100 , meaning 10 raised to the power of a hundred.[ 57 ] How big a number is a googol? Astronomers estimate our universe is 15 billion years old...or 1018 seconds old. Over 22 centuries ago, Archimedes calculated that 1063 grains of sand would fill the then known universe.

Consider today's known universe contains at least a hundred-billion galaxies each containing an average of a hundred-billion stars. Now consider the mind-boggling number of electrons, protons, neutrons, and all other matter-and-energy particles in those stars, planets, dark well as all additional particles scattered throughout space. That number would equal 1086 particles, a number still considerably less than a googol! Now, if our entire universe of about fifteen billion light years across were packed solid with subatomic particles with zero space between them, the number of particles would rise to 10130 .

But, how large is a googolplex, 1010 100 ? Just to print the number of zeroes after the number 1 would require enough paper to pack solid our entire universe, fifteen billion light years across.[ 58 ] ...And a super googolplex is a googolplex that is raised to an additional 100th power. No scale is available for any conscious mind on Earth to grasp such a number.

Now take a ride to the small: Slice an average-sized pie in half ninety-one times. On the ninety-second slice, you would need to slice the nucleus of an atom in half. How small is the nucleus of an atom? Enlarge a baseball to the size of Earth. One would then see the atoms of that baseball as the size of cherries filling the entire planet. Now, enlarge one of those atoms to the size of the Astrodome. The nucleus would then become visible as the size of a grain of sand.

What about the smallest or shortest unit of time that the human mind can grasp: Planck's time of 10-42 of a second -- about the time required for light travelling at 186,281 miles per second to traverse the diameter of the smallest subatomic particle of, say, a 2x10-33 centimeter diameter, which is Planck's length. A time less than 10-42 of a second measured from the theoretical beginning of time in our universe[ 59 ] cannot be experimentally simulated or conceptually grasped.

Finally, grasping the smallest and the biggest in terms of eternity requires the axiomatic fact that existence exists. Thus, existence has no prior cause and is eternal. Relative to eternity, the smallest unit and the largest unit are equal in occurrence, time, or distance. For example, compare an incredibly fast event that occurs once every 10-42 of a second to an incredibly slow event that occurs once every googolplex years. The occurrence of those events are equal in eternity. For, each of those events will occur an "infinite"[ 60 ] number of times in eternity.

The smallest units of existence, such as quarks and electrons or the even smaller Gravity Units (explained later), to the largest expansion of the universe with everything in between and beyond are all a part of eternal existence. Gravity Units, quarks, subatomic particles and energies; protons, neutrons, and electrons; electromagnetism, nuclear forces, and gravity; universes, galaxies, stars, and planets; atoms, molecules, and compounds; gasses, liquids, and solids; air, water, and land; mountains, oceans, and clouds; protoplasm, amoeba, plants, fish, animals, primates, and conscious beings...all are part of existence and its natural evolution that has occurred eternally. Indeed, each and every entity of existence has existed forever. Thus, conscious beings as entities of existence have also existed forever throughout the universes.


[ 56 ] A Super-Inflation Gravity Unit is equivalent to a symmetrical Geometry Unit of the entire universe.

[ 57 ] The power of the number 10 means the number of zeros after the number 1. For example, 10 raised to the power of 2 or 102 means 100, 103 means 1000, 10100 means 1 followed by a hundred zeros, 101012 means 1 followed by a trillion zeros. Likewise, 10-3 is 1/103 =.001. Also, 10-43, for example, is a decimal point followed by 42 zeros then the number 1. ...Human life expectancy is about 2x109 seconds. The passing of a light wave takes about 10-15 seconds.

[ 58 ] Roger Penrose calculated that to emulate all possible quantum states of the known universe would require 1010123 bits of information -- the maximum capacity for the Universal Computer.

[ 59 ] Contrary to big-bang theories, universes have no natural beginnings or endings as described in later chapters.

[ 60 ] Infinity is a mind-created concept, not a part of reality.

Rapid Communication Across Universes
by using
Super-Inflation Gravity Units Called SIGUs

Reality can never be contradicted. Thus, the laws of nature and physics can never be violated. That means nothing can exceed the speed of light. So, how can near instant communication occur across distances that require light (travelling at 186,281 miles per second) millions or even billions of years to traverse? Even more, how can communication occur between universes from which not even light can escape? Conscious beings and only conscious beings can accomplish such near instant communication. How do they accomplish that communication without violating the laws of nature or physics?

Conscious beings harnessing the Super-Inflation nature of Gravity Units (SIGUs) can produce near instant, gravity-pulse communication not only across an entire universe but possibly between universes -- all without violating physical laws, including the speed of light. How? By gravity pulses transmitted through big-bang-type inflations radiating from exploded Gravity Units.

How do gravity pulses communicate faster than the speed of light with nothing exceeding the speed of light? First, realize that the smallest units of existence, Gravity Units, and the largest unit of existence, the full expanding universe, are one and the same: They each contain the same mass and energy potentials. The units are just in different modes throughout time and space. Next, examine the so-called big-bang or hypothetical spacetime birth of our universe from a gravity unit: At 10-42 of a second or Planck's time after its birth, the entire universe is 1035 times smaller than a subatomic proton. Doubling every 10-34 seconds or doubling 1036 times at 10-32 seconds from birth, the universe has grown to 12 centimeters across -- about the size of a grapefruit. And then, doubling 1050 times by somewhat over 10-30 seconds from its hypothetical birth, the universe has exploded to the size of our solar system -- all in that tiniest fraction of a second. ...In other words, during that instant in time, the universe has expanded trillions of times faster than the speed of light. Yet, nothing exceeds the speed of light. How can that occur?

The super-fast growth of the universe during its first moment in time can be explained by the Inflation Theory originated by Alan Guth of MIT in 1979. Such inflation involves the brief existence of "repulsive gravity" and the relative positions of spacetime coordinates in accord with Einstein's general relativity. ...That super-fast inflation can also be understood, without complete accuracy, in more simple Newtonian terms: Consider two entities starting at the same point and moving apart near or at the speed of light. At the end of one year, those entities will be about two light years apart. Thus, they will have "communicated" from their respective points A and B at about twice the distance covered by the speed of light without exceeding the speed of light.

Now, consider breaking the geometry or symmetry of a universe-containing Gravity Unit or Geometry Unit, causing a spacetime birth. That occurrence begins the near instant conversion of the smallest unit of existence, the universe-containing Gravity Unit, into the largest unit of existence, the entire expanding universe. Incredibly, that new-born exploding Gravity Unit has the same mass/energy total of an entire universe fifteen billion years old. Consider what occurs in the tiniest fraction of the initial second during a big-bang birth: a near instantaneous unit-after-unit multiplication, perhaps initially with repulsive gravity, into nearly the total number of entities (1086 ) that will exist in the mature universe billions of years old.[ 61 ]

Like the previous, simple example of two entities separating at nearly twice the speed of light, each of the rapidly multiplying, countless entities are also separating at or near the speed of light from all the previous and subsequent formed entities. That process multiplies distances of entity separation by trillions of times the speed of light without any individual entity exceeding the speed of light. In that way, the total range of expansion or "communication" announcing the big-bang birth occurs at trillions of times the speed of light without violating the laws of physics. (See pages 776-777 for another perspective.)

What if conscious beings can control how and when to break the symmetry of Gravity Units? With conscious beings controlling the symmetry breaking of Gravity Units, the efficiencies and power of universe-creating energy and communication multiply. How can that multiplication occur? The most obvious way is by aiming or lasing each spacetime birth in specific directions as energy waves or gravity pulses, rolling out in multidimensional geometries ...rather than allowing the gravity explosion to convert into the "usual" universe-making energy and matter radiating in three geometric directions. ...Also, such communication could possibly flash through hyperspace to other universes.[ 62 ]


[ 61 ] Each new universe exploded from a single Gravity Unit will then contain its own space-time dimensions filled with its own, new quantized geometries or Gravity Units each of which can in turn form a universe filled with Gravity Units. ...For this, as with certain other hypotheses in Neotech Physics, no direct evidence as of yet exists.

[ 62 ] In water, the speed of light slows by about 23% to 142,600 miles/second. Thus, in water very high-energy, charged particles can exceed that slower speed of light to create a light-barrier shock wave producing Cerenkov radiation. Now, throughout existence, no total vacuum can exist in which to measure the ultimate speed of light. In our universe, the quantum vacuum state or the gravity-unit ether exists at a certain energy level. In a vacuum state at lower-energy levels, light could travel faster than 186,281 miles/second. Does that mean certain particles such as Gravity Units could travel faster than 186,281 miles per second through our universe and not exceed the speed of light travelling through lower energy-level vacuums? Is the Guth's "faster-than-light" big-bang expansion phase simply the speed of light traveling into a lower energy-state vacuum of meta space? Could such particles set up a shock wave that would break or tunnel through the metastable vacuum of this universe into a lower energy state, thus, annihilating at light speed our entire universe as we know it? Or, could lower vacuum states be a conscious-controlled, advanced source of energy and communication? ...What about tachyons? They are hypothetical particles that can never travel slower than the speed of light and increase in speed as they lose energy. Existence of tachyons is entirely speculative and highly unlikely.

Business: The Power of the Universe

Competitive business is the eternal power of existence. It advances every level of society throughout the universe. Business is the natural mode of existence for conscious beings. What is business? Business is the competitive production and voluntary exchange of values among conscious beings. ...Conscious beings throughout the universe control nature through business.

Knowledge begets knowledge. Thus, knowledge is limitless -- limitless power. Harnessing universal energy and communication through business represents one increment of productive achievement along the endless scale of knowledge throughout the Civilization of the Universe. Indeed, conscious beings exert business control over nature. Through the universal virtue of competitive business, advances in value production continue endlessly -- beyond the imagination of conscious beings on Earth. Yet, someday, in the eternal Civilization of the Universe, immortal descendents from Earth will routinely function along all levels of unimaginable knowledge and accomplishments.

How can conscious life be immortal -- eternal? First, examine the nature of existence: Existence is axiomatic. Existence simply exists -- eternally, without prior cause. No alternative is possible. For, existence cannot not exist. Thus, as part of existence, the evolution of consciousness is also eternal. Countless conscious societies, therefore, exist throughout the universes with endlessly higher levels of knowledge -- with millions or billions of years more advanced societies than ours. Because of such vast and endless differences in knowledge, conscious beings at any specific level of civilization cannot imagine the knowledge or activities of say a thousand years, much less a million or a billion years, more advanced societies.

If communication among conscious beings throughout the universe delivers rational benefits, such communication would develop through competitive-business dynamics. But, probably no net benefits would accrue from communicating with less advanced civilizations. Likewise, communicating with much more highly advanced civilizations would probably yield no net benefits. For, conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe would not benefit by jumping significantly beyond their own ongoing, step-by-step integrations in developing knowledge and values. Indeed, no matter from what level of knowledge, the continuity of experiences and integrations needed to create ever expanding prosperity is the root cause of happiness in any civilization.

Why are net benefits impossible from big-gap jumps into realms beyond current knowledge? For example, conscious beings cannot benefit from "million-year" advanced-knowledge jumps without going through the integrated steps to acquire that knowledge. Indeed, to benefit from advances in knowledge requires meeting the criterion for advancing prosperity. That criterion throughout all universes and all time is fully integrated honesty combined with productive effort. In other words, that criterion is Neotech.

On Becoming Zon

Most conscious beings among Earth's anticivilization will encounter the fully integrated honesty of Neotech at least once by the year 2000. That encounter will knock each person down. But, most people will jump right back up. Still enclosed in their mystical bubbles, most will bounce away...never examining what happened, never discovering eternal life and prosperity. Yet, a few will stay to examine Earth-evolved Neotech. They will benefit enormously from applying its fully integrated honesty within Earth's anticivilization. ...And, a small number of those people will go beyond Neotech by entering the Civilization of the Universe. They will become Zons. For them, the anticivilization will vanish into its nothingness as they experience the power of the universe -- the power of Zon.

With the power of Zon, all things throughout the universe can become nonmystical conscious thoughts -- and nonmystical conscious thoughts (T1) can become all things (T2) throughout the universe. From the equation T1 equals T2k arises k as the universal constant of Zon. From the constant k flows the power of Zon.[ 63 ]


[ 63 ] The Zon constant k has not yet been determined. But, k would be the fifth and unifying universal constant: unifying the relativistic, macroscopic universal constants of G (gravity) and c (velocity of light) with the quantum, submicroscopic universal constants of k (Boltzmann) and h (Planck). Perhaps k manifests itself in some sort of unifying ratio with the other four universal constants, such as k: Gc/kh. The Zon constant would relate energy, mass, gravity, and their velocities to the flow of time toward decreasing entropy, not toward increasing entropy. ...Universal constants, including the quantum cosmological constant, ultimately arise from a deep, compelling symmetry or geometry controlled by conscious beings. The Zon constant fixes the values of all other constants.

Except for consciousness, gravity is the weakest yet most pervasive force in nature. Indeed, gravity controls universal motion. But, the fifth force of nature -- human consciousness -- is the grand-unifying force controlling all existence. Conscious force is more subtle to specific measurement and mathematical quantification than gravity. Still, consciousness is the most noticeable force on planet Earth. Moreover, consciousness is the only force that can alter the otherwise predestined courses of the other four forces of nature: gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear. ...Consciousness is the force that unifies all forces and heals the seeming breaches of nature caused by quantum "uncertainties".

As a law of nature expressed by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, facts asserted as truth are never certain. But, principles contextually determined through integrated honesty are always certain. Thus, for example, one can have certainty about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle without paradox or contradiction: (1) Metaphysically one can be certain that any particle always has an exact position and momentum at any exact time. But, epistemologically one can be certain that exact position and momentum cannot be simultaneously least not directly. (2) Measurements can be validly done in Euclidean/Galilean/Newtonian coordinate systems or in noneuclidean/relativistic/quantum-mechanical systems, depending on the object measured and the accuracy desired. And finally, (3) the indeterminate and probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics does not negate the laws of identity, noncontradiction, or cause and effect. The decay of radioactive atoms, for example, are both indeterminate and probabilistic. But, each decay has an identifiable, noncontradictory cause. ...That means Heracleitus, Plato, and Kant are out; Parmenides, Aristotle, and Rand are in.

As a side note important later: Plato is the father of organized deception through "noble" lies -- the father of purposely dishonest government and science. Aristotle not only is the father of logic, science, and biology, but is the father of rational metaphysics and epistemology. Plato subjugated conscious life to higher mystical powers. Aristotle exalted conscious life on Earth as the highest value. Portions of Aristotle's ethics and politics, however, remained under Plato's influence, thus, are fallacious. ...Philosophically, Plato and Kant are mankind's villains, Aristotle and Rand are mankind's heroes.

Your Journey to Zonpower

What is Zonpower? To answer that question, you must first take a journey that leads to the center of weirdness. Then, you must go beyond, into the realm of weirder-than-weird. That journey will lead you into the weirdest realm of the entire universe. And that realm is right here on planet Earth in its bizarre, upside-down, anti-power civilization. You must go to that black-hole apex in order to go through it and then out into the advanced Civilization of the Universe -- the civilization of honesty, prosperity, and happiness.

Journey to the Weirdest Realm

Only from this anticivilization can you discover the realm of weirder-than-weird. Once there, you will find the key to Zonpower. Unlocking the door to all power and prosperity, you will escape the false journey that essentially everyone on Earth is traveling: As one example, consider the false search in today's sciences and religions, especially in astro/quantum/particle physics and the Vatican. That search is for a Quantum/God Singularity and the Big Bang -- the fictional, wished-for birthplace of our forever evolving, plasmatic Universe.

World-class scientists have searched for that single point of creation. Yet, the notion of Singularity contradicts the laws of nature and physics, as do the mystical notions of perpetual motion, cold fusion, low-energy nanotechnology, along with various mystical interpretations of chaos and quantum mechanics. Many brilliant scientists are pursuing never ending illusions that demand ever more tax money, such as the twelve-billion-dollar, super collider (SSC)[ 64 ] in Texas. Such pursuits can generate ever more intriguing but eventually meaningless science and mathematics.

Singularity is rationalized to occur in an infinite[ 65 ] black hole collapsed to an undefinable, single-point entity filled with mathematical stratagems involving infinities. From such a single-point entity or Singularity, certain physicists assert that our universe and all existence was born. In turn, certain religionists enthusiastically point to Singularity as scientific proof of "God". For, the creation of our universe from Singularity would require a "God" mystically preexisting in nothingness and creating a universe out of nonreality. ...What an unnecessary, impotent notion.

Why resort to mysticisms, nonrealities, and nothingness to explain the creation of our universe? Why be stuck within such unreal and harmful limitations? Consider the seemingly infinite number of ordinary conscious beings wielding Zonpower throughout the rational civilizations existing among the universes. Most of those conscious beings have the power to create far beyond any imagined creations of a mystical "God". And, unlike the miracles of a made-up "God", conscious-being creations are real -- accomplished naturally, within the laws of physics.

Each such conscious being, for example, has the power to create an endless number of universes from an endless number of universe-containing black holes existing at every spacetime point throughout eternity. Even so, most of those conscious beings have technologically and economically advanced so far that they have long ago in their forgotten histories abandoned the creation of universes as an inefficient, primitive activity.


[ 64 ] The SSC's mission to find the Higgs boson is a valid quest, especially under brilliant Nobelists such as experimentalist Leon Lederman and theorist Murray Gell-Mann...but not under the dishonesties and inefficiencies of tax-funded science.

[ 65 ] "Infinite" is a useful mind-created concept that cannot exist in reality. Except for existence itself, which is eternal and has no finites or boundaries, "infinity" violates the law of identity. In accordance with reality, at any point one stops in traveling toward infinity, the entity is defined and finite, never infinite. For example, one's mind knows that a curve can asymptotically approach a straight line forever. Yet, at any point on that curve, all becomes finite and definable about that curve and the straight line.

Now, consider how the notion of a single point can always be approached closer and closer, but can never be reached. For, like the notion of infinity, singularity does not and cannot exist beyond a mind-created notion. As an analogy, think again how a curve can asymptotically approach but never reach that straight line and become a straight line. Nothing in reality can justify a notion that such an ever approaching curve would suddenly contradict its nature -- its never-ending course -- by arbitrarily and inexplicably jumping over a quantum space to join, straighten out, and become a part of that never reachable straight line.

The laws of identity and noncontradiction always hold in reality. Those laws are eternally fundamental and axiomatic throughout existence. Moreover, existence is not in space or time. Rather, time and space are in existence. The universe is eternal, not infinite.

Vanish All "Gods"

With Zonpower, one captures powers far beyond any imagined powers of a "God" conjured up in Earth's anticivilization. Every such "God" is created to demand sacrifice -- sacrifice of the productive class to the parasite class. But, with Zonpower, one escapes the "God" trap by entering the Civilization of the Universe.

Blasphemy? No. For, rational Zonpower, not imagined Godpower, is real and good. Zonpower, not wishful thinking, delivers open-ended prosperity and happiness to conscious beings throughout the universe. Individual consciousness throughout the universes is the eternal, grand-unifying force of existence.

On planet Earth today, Albert Einstein represents the furthest advance in theoretical science and physics based entirely on a foundation of rationality and reality. Einstein avoided any arbitrary, quantum-mechanical retreats into fashionable nonrealities or Eastern mysticisms. With the recent discovery of Zonpower, Einstein arises anew. For science, physics, quantum mechanics, mathematics, and business can now advance in unison on Einstein's foundation of rationality and reality toward the promised land.

A Journey into the Black Hole

To discover Zonpower, you must first take a journey to the realm of weirder-than-weird.[ 66 ] This journey proceeds from Einstein's dual relativity viewpoints -- first from the observer's viewpoint and then from the traveler's viewpoint:


Through a special relativity telescope/microscope, you are observing a spaceship hurling toward a universe-containing black hole of such great mass that all matter will collapse seemingly forever.[ 67 ] You see the spaceship cross the event horizon to be inescapably captured by the enormous, always increasing gravitational pull of that black hole. That overwhelming gravity continually accelerates the spaceship's plunge toward the center point with ever increasing speeds -- speeds always approaching but never reaching the speed of light: 186,281 miles per second.

Observable only through your relativity telescope/microscope, the collapsing, mega-mass black hole itself is now submicroscopic. And that black hole continues to collapse at ever increasing speeds. With fuzzy thinking, you rationalize that the infinitesimally tiny black hole still collapsing ever faster, approaching the speed of light, should in the next instant crunch into one entity at a single-point center. Your fuzzy thinking continues: All entities and forces would then become Singularity -- a unified, single-point entity or force describable only in terms of unreal infinities.

Yet, no such thing happens as you continue observing through your relativity telescope/microscope: The spaceship and all surrounding existence keeps hurling toward the center at ever increasing speeds with ever decreasing distances, but without ever reaching the center. How can that be?

By continuing to observe the spaceship, you discover the answer through the laws of physics and Einstein's Special/General Relativity: As any object approaches the speed of light, its mass density increases toward infinity and its size shrinks toward zero length from the observer's viewpoint. Accelerating toward the speed of light, that spaceship appears to you, the outside observer, to move forward essentially as fast as that same spaceship is shrinking backward. Also, time aboard the spaceship appears to slow toward zero. Thus, as with all the other entities of that black hole, the shrinking spaceship keeps approaching the black-hole center at ever higher velocities, but with ever slowing time, never reaching that center.

At some approaching equilibrium, the collapse will stop accelerating as determined by the laws of physics and the finite mass/energy/gravity geometry of the black-hole center. At that moment, the spaceship and all other surrounding entities of existence captured by the black hole will stop shrinking. All existence will then lock together in a black hole of finite size and specific nature -- a nature or physics characteristic to its particular gravity or geometry. Moreover, that or any physics will always be in accord with reality. Thus, such a finite geometry of locked entities can, by definition and nature, never be a single point of mass or energy...or of Singularity. Instead, all that existence will be an energy/entity unit of gravity or geometry...not a single-point.

Without the mind-blocking, dead-end concept called Singularity, a new question and viewpoint arise: What or who could break a black-hole equilibrium of locked-together symmetries, entities, and energies? The answer, as described in later chapters, is that conscious people can break universe-containing black-hole symmetries to create universes and encoded cosmos systems observable today.


[ 66 ] This metaphorical journey is contextually and descriptively fairly accurate. But out of necessity for nontechnical communication, some descriptions are not precisely accurate. Other descriptions await further advances in physics.

[ 67 ] Every black hole originates from less than infinite mass and energy. All black holes, therefore, will stop collapsing at some equilibrium point determined by its finite mass/energy: For example, stopping at the Chandrasekhar limit then at the Schwarzschild radius. That equilibrium point of finite size consists of various entities and energies that cannot by definition be a pure point of singularity. Instead, by nature, those entities and energies are simply new, valid, and real sets of physics definable by that particular condition for those entities, masses, energies, and finally gravity at a particular density or geometry.


Now, let us experience the same journey as a traveler on that spaceship in quest of Singularity. First, you would have to somehow acquire such a spaceship from some advanced civilization. For, if you were capable of building that spaceship, you would also have the knowledge to realize Singularity is a contradiction of reality and cannot exist. Thus, any such quest would be a fool's journey, forever wasting your life. Indeed, when that universe-containing black-hole equilibrium were finally reached, you would be locked together with all entities and energies, entombed apparently forever in that black hole.

Nevertheless, in that spaceship, you are now accelerating toward a seemingly infinite-mass black hole that will collapse almost forever toward its center. Crossing the event horizon, you see the center of the black hole. You fear an imminent crash into that center. But, soon, you realize something entirely different is happening. On looking outside the spaceship, time seems to pass so slowly and then ever slower. To travel the most minute distance seems to take forever. Every tiny incremental approach toward that black-hole center seems to take ever longer as time passes ever slower.

Soon you seem to be standing still with the black-hole center never again appearing to get closer. Yet, the spaceship's instruments show you are traveling at almost the speed of light and continually accelerating toward that center. You realize that you are experiencing not only Einstein's relativity in time and space, you are also experiencing relativity in gravity: Now, even the increases in gravity seem to have stopped. In fact, not even the quantized effects of gravity can escape that universe-mass black hole. ...You seem to be forever frozen in time, space, and gravity.

Finally, you the space traveler realize the ultimate fool's journey of boredom in which you have embarked and are forever trapped. You lose all that conscious life and valid knowledge have to offer. Your fool's journey offers only an endlessly changing physics, energy, and particles that at first seem rapid, interesting, important, and leading to new knowledge for answering questions. But now, your almost infinitely slow journey is leading to nothing new -- nothing that can build new knowledge or answer questions in reality. You can only observe endlessly slower changing forms[ 68 ] of mass/energy that are forever predictable as a function of existence and its gravitational fields, geometries, and dimensions.

Yet, the moment you awaken from your unreal physics-fiction dream is the moment you recognize what an endless, inescapable fool's journey you have traveled and are now stuck. Then, the door to escape opens. Realizing existence is never born or created, it simply exists eternally, your mind is finally free. Your entire thinking and viewpoint change. You realize existence, not consciousness, is primary.[ 69 ] You can now gain valid, new knowledge -- Zonpower knowledge -- that will show you how to escape that meaningless pursuit of a nonexistent grail: the birthplace of existence. You realize existence has no birthplace. You realize conscious beings have always controlled eternal existence through Zonpower.

Indeed, Zonpower brings you into the all-powerful Civilization of the Universe. With Zonpower, you control existence and, thus, can break out of any black hole.[ 70 ]


[ 68 ] Changing from a black hole to a naked black hole from which nothing, not even gravity, can escape...and finally changing into the geometry of a Gravity Unit.

[ 69 ] Aristotle is the father of the philosophically correct primacy-of-existence concept -- a concept fully validated by Rand and Peikoff in the late 20th century. Plato is the father of the philosophically false primacy-of-consciousness concept -- a concept disastrously advanced by Augustine, Hobbes, Descartes, Hume, Kant, and Hegel. ...Totalitarian-trending governments and their destructive politicians, armed bureaucrats, and parasitical elites require a dishonest, primary-of-consciousness philosophy to advance. Zonpower in cyberspace vanishes Plato's philosophy, irrational acts, and government evils.

[ 70 ] With conscious beings, rotating black holes can actually become shortcuts through space and time.

Seven Waves
to the
Civilization of the Universe

The Journey into a Black-Hole Civilization

* A spaceship travels into a universe-containing black hole: That spaceship can never reach Singularity, all in accord with the laws of nature as expressed by (1) Einstein's general relativity, by (2) full-context quantum/particle physics, or by (3) multidimensional superstring or duality string theories.

* Singularity and the big-bang creation of existence is a mystical notion requiring an imagined "God". Thus, the astute Vatican and its Pope, as early as the 1950s, seized out-of-context quantum physics as the long sought-after-link of science to religion "proving" the existence of their mystical "God".

* The fundamental fact of existence is existence exists. That means existence is eternal without prior causes. Existence includes the full evolvement of each new universe: from subatomic gravity units, quarks, electrons to the elements and compounds...from land, water, life, conscious beings, buildings, computers to conscious-created civilizations...and finally to conscious-controlled universes -- controlled from both above and below. Thus, life and consciousness -- like geometry, matter, and energy -- have existed throughout eternity. Indeed, conscious beings like us, not an imagined "God", have eternally controlled nature and existence. ...Consciousness within each human being is the controlling force of existence.

Discovering the Civilization of the Universe

* Consider the very few honest philosophers who have lived on Earth: Parmenides, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas ("variance with reason is evil"), Baruch Spinoza, Adam Smith (economist), John Locke, Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff. Consider their struggle against the irrationality of an anticivilization. They all sensed increasing frustration at their inevitable failures because they too were an integrated part of irrationality -- of anticivilization. They never knew how to leave or even knew that leaving an anticivilization was possible. They never considered themselves being able to create and then enter the Civilization of the Universe. ...They too were locked in a fool's journey within Earth's black-hole anticivilization.

* Not until mystical, wishful-thinking notions, such as a Quantum/God Singularity, are cut away and discarded can physicists, mathematicians, and astronomers once again move forward in generating major new knowledge. As new-age mysticisms multiply, all fields of knowledge shrink toward darkness. But, as Neotech starts vanishing such mysticisms, those declines in physics, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, law, education, and philosophy will reverse. The resulting forward movement will bring a golden age of knowledge. From that new knowledge and prosperity, we shall learn to live forever with ever increasing wealth and happiness. We shall be in the Civilization of the Universe.

Zon Easily Outdoing "God's" Supreme Feat

* A century ago, no religious huckster could even imagine their mystical "God" could create a nuclear-power reactor or a computer. Yet, conscious beings easily do that today.

* Who would be the winner in any Zon-versus-"God" contest? All conscious beings have the capacity within the laws of nature and physics to outdo the greatest imaginable feat of that mystical "God" -- the creation of our universe. Indeed, the creation of universes by conscious-controlled, Guth-type inflations of Gravity Units is elementary child's play long-ago left behind by the more advanced Zons.

* Unchain Jesus[ 71 ]: He was a hero of Zon, not "God".

* Cut away and vanish the nothingness trap of mysticism, such as Quantum/God Singularity. Then what happens? An entirely different view, thinking, experiments, and physics unfold:

Chart 5

* A century ago, any thought of human beings cracking the atom to convert mass into energy was inconceivable. Today, nuclear energy is routine. Likewise, today, any thought of human beings cracking super-dense black holes or Gravity Units (GUs) into new galaxies and universes is inconceivable. Yet, once free of mystical notions such as Singularity and the big-bang creation of spacetime, the cracking of black-hole symmetries will become understood. Then, universe-making energy can be harnessed by conscious beings breaking the symmetry of universe-containing Gravity Units -- all consistent with the laws of physics. ...That process, in turn, will spin out the unlimited riches available from the conscious-controlled unleashing of matter and energy from those Gravity Units.


[ 71 ] Not the unreal, dead Jesus of establishment Christianity. Not the chained, captive Jesus manipulated by parasitical "authorities" and vested interests since 400 AD. But, the real, ever-living Israelite Jesus -- the free spirit of eternal prosperity and happiness.

The parasitical-elite class with its subjective laws and ego "justice" attacked, jailed, and finally killed Jesus. Why? For his trying to bring the prosperous Civilization of the Universe described in Movement III to the harmful anticivilization described in Movement II. ...The professional value destroyers of the Roman Empire convicted and crucified Jesus solely to protect their ego agendas and harmful livelihoods.

Brief, erratic contacts with the Civilization of the Universe described in Movement III were perhaps experienced by Moses, Confucius, Socrates, Jesus, Bruno, Galileo, Spinoza, Newton, Brigham Young, Einstein. But, today, a consistent, nonstop journey from Earth to the Civilization of the Universe has begun. It began in 1976 with the publication of the Neotech Reference Encyclopedia.

The future belongs to fully integrated honesty -- to reason, rationality, Neotech, and the Civilization of the Universe.

Surpassing Einstein

* A universe-containing Gravity Unit (UGU[ 72 ]) is equivalent to all the mass and energy of a universe spun into a submicroscopic geometry of wound-up gravity or antimotion order at zero entropy -- the pure, quantized geometry of gravity in which time and space do not exist. Advanced conscious beings create countless universes from such hidden quantized Gravity Units. How? By breaking symmetries to unwind the endless UGUs into universes of matter and energy...or perhaps into just gravity pulses for communication. Why do conscious beings create universes? To utilize nature's ultimate energy and communication source in advancing their well beings. ...That conversion of UGUs into endless riches and universes by conscious beings is expressed by the equation:

UGU energy/c2<-->UGU mass-> [broken symmetry]->Energy+Mass+Time

* The UGU state is near pure gravity in an existence field. UGUs are at once all energy and all mass. The quantized Gravity Unit is the basic unit of existence -- the immutable source of all life and riches. Thus, all expanding values and riches rise from that single unit (not a single point) -- the quantized GU. Additionally, GUs are the energy and communication means among the controlling force of existence -- goal-directed conscious life.

* How does one prove conscious life is the only nongeometrically structured force of nature -- the fifth and controlling force of the universe? By discovering anomalies in the universe that are unmistakably obvious as conscious creations -- creations that could never be produced or configured by the other four universal forces -- the geometrically structured forces of gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear forces, and strong nuclear forces. ...Consider one observing a planet in a distant solar system. Did conscious life ever exist there? What if that observer spotted a land-rover vehicle on that planet? That land-rover vehicle would be unmistakable proof of conscious existence. For, no geometric force of nature could produce or configure a land-rover vehicle. Now, extrapolate that example to anomaly configurations in the universe. Are those anomalies a part of a nongeometric, consciously encoded cosmos system? Such anomalies will be resolved only by plugging in the purposeful, unifying force of conscious life into theoretical and mathematical models of our entire universe down to subatomic phenomena. ...Is existence itself encoded by conscious control?

* At every level, from distant quasars to subatomic quarks, from astronomy to quantum physics, certain anomalies will be resolved as purposeful, life-enhancing conscious actions. Within that resolution exists the proof that nongeometrically structured conscious life is the fifth and controlling force/dimension of existence.

* The conscious harnessing of Super-Inflation Gravity Units (SIGUs) allows near instant, gravity-pulse communication not only across our entire universe but possibly between universes -- all without violating physical laws, including the speed of light. How? By rolling multidimensional geometries into lased gravity pulses transmitted via Guth-type inflations of Gravity Units.[ 73 ]


[ 72 ] Universe containing Gravity Units (UGUs) are existence, thus, have existed eternally. By contrast, universe-containing black holes (Chapter 2) form whenever an entire universe collapses into a black hole.

[ 73 ] No single entity or particle can travel faster than the speed of light. But, quantum fluxes can provide "instantaneous" or "superluminal" travel of a particle such as the Bohr-orbit quantum jump of an electron. What happens is a quantum flux produces a physics-permitted, positron-and-electron pair in a vacuum in a different energy level or orbit. The space/energy difference between the two energy levels is the election-produced wavelength. The po sitron then annihilates the lower orbit electron leaving the new electron in a different orbit, giving the appearance of an instantaneous jump between orbits when in reality two separate electrons are involved.

Similar rationally explicable phenomena occur with faster-than-light, "big-bang" expansions or quantum fluxes of Gravity Units into universes. ...No mysticism or conscious-created reality exists in physics or reality, from cosmological relativity to quantum mechanics.

From Impossible to Succeed to Impossible to Fail

* Civilizations and anticivilizations are conscious-created, just as are land-rover vehicles, airplanes, and television sets. None exist in nature alone. None are created by the other forces of nature without conscious beings.

* The Civilization of the Universe is created by conscious beings objectively integrating reality. But an anticivilization is conjured up by humanoids subjectively disintegrating reality.

* In an anticivilization, endless volumes of philosophy arise in order to rationalize or counter the endless contradictions of reality and rationality. The Civilization of the Universe is civilization. For, civilization is the integration of reason and objective reality. In such a civilization, philosophy simplifies to a few words and then disappears as self-evident.

* Civilization vanishes any anticivilization on contact -- somewhat analogous to matter vanishing antimatter on contact. Both anticivilization and antimatter are anti by nature. Therefore, their natures can never be changed. But, they can be annihilated, vanished, or puffed away by actual matter and the actual Civilization of the Universe.

* Throughout the universe, the position of anyone or any civilization on the scale of knowledge makes no difference. Only the process of advancing unimpeded on that never ending scale of knowledge delivers prosperity and happiness to conscious beings.

* The Civilization of the Universe delivers far beyond any mystic's dream of a no-effort paradise. With Zonpower, one can solve life's problems to live eternally in ever expanding knowledge, prosperity, and happiness. For, the Civilization of the Universe is based on rational efforts integrated with reality -- on disciplined thoughts, goal-directed actions, and iron-grip controls -- not on lazy rationalizations, wishful thinkings, or sloppy mysticisms.

* In any civilization, the only legitimate or beneficial function of government is to protect individual property rights. The only legitimate use of force is self-defense in protecting those rights. By contrast, criminal-controlled governments of anticivilizations depend on political-agenda laws, ego "justice", initiatory force, threats, coercion, fake compassion, and fraud to survive. They survive by draining value producers and violating property rights.

* How can one escape parasitical elites while trapped in their anticivilization? The trap is the attempt to reform their anticivilization, which cannot be done. The key is Zonpower. With Zonpower, one can cut away and vanish the anticivilization. Consider the following: (1) Zonpower is the tool for building unlimited prosperity available to every conscious being, (2) Zonpower is Neotech applied from the Civilization of the Universe, (3) Zon is anyone who is applying Neotech from the Civilization of the Universe.

* In an anticivilization, long-range successes are impossible. In the Civilization of the Universe, long-range failures are impossible.

The Source of Eternal Wealth

* Technically, gravitational "forces" do not exist. As Einstein discovered in surpassing Newton, gravity is the relative interaction among the geometries of mass, energy, space, and time.[ 74 ] Similarly, universal consciousness as promoted by certain physicists, Eastern religions, and pantheism does not exist. Rather, universal consciousness as the eternal interaction between individual conscious beings and existence is what dominates nature.

* As Einsteinian relativity overtook Newtonian gravity, astronomers and physicists went about empirically proving relativity. Likewise, as the Civilization of the Universe overtakes today's anticivilization, astronomers and physicists will go about empirically proving Zonpower: the control of the universe by conscious beings. ...Einstein's discredited cosmological constant will rise anew from Gravity Units containing the hidden Zon constant that brings eternal wealth and happiness to the universe.


[ 74 ] Somewhat analogous to two-dimensional flatlanders feeling the tugs of geometric variances as "gravitational forces" when they traverse, for example, a crumpled sheet of paper.

The Product from Zon -- Let There be Light!

* Civilizations are created by conscious beings applying the eternal principles of nature to life. Thus, civilizations can be created by billions of conscious beings or by a single conscious being. Moreover, as a conscious creation, civilizations can be created and expressed in writing -- in a document. Once a Civilization of the Universe is created here on Earth, anyone can experience that civilization. And, once one experiences that civilization, he or she captures the power of Zon.

The ancients saw power in the gods among the stars. The golden-age Greeks brought power to man on Earth. Today, Zonpower brings the Civilization of the Universe to Earth. ...Zonpower gives conscious people power over existence.

* On capturing that wealth and power among the Civilization of the Universe, one can never again look back or waste a thought on the boring irrationality of today's anticivilization -- today's insane civilization ruled by dishonest parasites who can only drain others and harm society.

* Thus, the first-and-final product from Zon is the Civilization of the Universe. Once one receives that ultimate product, he or she becomes a citizen of the universe. With the resulting Zonpower, that person puffs away the anticivilization to gain eternal wealth, romantic love, and exciting happiness.

Before we move on, let me inject that, while reading my father's notes on Neotech Physics, understanding the scientific technicalities, especially footnotes, is not necessary for understanding Zonpower. Read these pages for what you can easily understand. Do not worry about the rest.

Zon's Force Field

By understanding what existence really is, you gain control over impediments blocking your life. Without those impediments, you can foretell the future to gain limitless riches.

Indeed, you can get incredibly rich by controlling the force fields of existence. But first you must know what existence really is through Neotech physics. Existence is axiomatic and eternal. For, existence simply exists with no prior causes. Existence is a natural, open-ended plasma of force fields[ 75 ] eternally evolving with no beginning or end. Neotech physics demonstrates how human-like consciousness is not only an integral part of existence, but is the eternal controller of its geometries, fields, and particles. ...Yet, what is the actual nature of existence?

Most existence throughout the universe exists as an open-ended electroplasma, always evolving through its interacting matter (M) and energy (E) fields or modes. Those two fields of existence eternally interchange in a relationship expressed by Einstein as M=E/c2 (from E=mc2 ), with c being the universal constant representing the velocity of light.

Existence cannot not exist. Moreover, no vacuum void of existence is possible. "Vacuums" of the matter field can exist as in outer space, in vacuumed-pumped containers, and in areas between electrons. But, all those volumes are filled with the unmovable, frictionless ether or existence field -- a uniform, continuous field of existence.[ 76 ]

Throughout eternity, a massless field uniformly occupies every spacetime point of existence. This field of existence behaves as an ether matrix with stationary wave, vibration, or string properties. Within this field matrix, both energy and matter geometries interact to form physical existence, always behaving in dynamic combinations of one mode interacting with the other. Certain motions of the matter field, for example, interact at the quantum level with the energy field. That interaction produces irreducible packets of quantized energies or geometric structures. Those irreducible quanta, such as photons, send relief-seeking signals or perturbations into the continuous existence field radiating throughout eternity.


[ 75 ] Fields and forces are the result of noneuclidean geometries and symmetries in space. Thus, there are no unaccounted, spooky "actions at a distance". ...Superstring theory, which would involve the geometries and mathematics of Gravity Units, consist of sixteen dimensions, or, in actuality, ten dimensions because six dimensions are redundant. Those ten dimensions can, in turn, split into a rolled-up six dimensions in which time, space, motion, and entropy do not exist -- and the unrolled four dimensions of our current observable universe in which time, space, motion, and entropy do exist.

[ 76 ] An all-pervasive existence field of mass and energy modes is somewhat analogous to a combination of (1) Dirac's ocean in which exists an endless field of "electrons" or energy fluctuations at all points throughout space and (2) Faraday's nonmatter, stationary lines or fields of force. ...All known energy modes can pressure wave through the energy/matter ratios of outer space. Most modes are absorbed or changed at the energy/matter ratios either in Earth's gaseous atmosphere or in the liquids and solids of Earth itself. By contrast, almost all neutrino wave pressures can pass through the electron/nuclear fields of thick solid masses, even through the entire planet Earth without mode change.

This resurrection of an ether, not as a matter or energy field, but as a fixed existence field, reconciles Newton's classical laws and Einstein's relativity with quantum mechanics. Such a reconciliation arises from a universal Zon constant, k, which, in turn, arises from conscious control of the existence-field ether manifested at every spacetime point of existence. The resulting causal control of existence by eternal conscious beings is (1) universal, (2) fixed, (3) unmovable, and (4) independent of any frame of reference or method of observation.

Conscious Control of Existence Fields

During its creation, each new energy quantum slips smoothly and continuously from its matter field into the fixed existence field. Like water flowing from a dripping faucet, each quantum is pinched off into a minimum-energy wave packet. Simultaneously, from the continuous energy flow, a new quantum starts forming. Thus, continuous, smooth-flowing energy forms discrete photons. In turn, those photons or pinched-off wave packets of minimum energy matter create field disturbances or nonequilibrium pressures[ 77 ] signalling themselves in all directions throughout the existence field. Such signals generally travel near or at the speed of light.

Eventually, each point line of disturbance or pressure signal is relieved by a receptor that absorbs such signals. In turn, that disturbance absorption converts back into pinched-off packets of minimum matter energy -- chemical, potential, or kinetic. In other words, a receptor relieves signal pressures by locally absorbing quanta equivalent to the quanta from the originating source. Each absorbed quantum is then converted back into the equivalent of its original mode. Such exchanges of modes can be detected as a wave/particle in the energy field or a particle/wave in the matter field or a combination, depending on how and where that mode exchange is emitted, absorbed, and measured.[ 78 ]

Those field or mode exchanges occur, for example, when stars pour nature-controlled, gravity-fusion energy into its surrounding electrons. Those energized electrons, in turn, pour photons into the existence field. Those photons cause disturbances that simulate waves ranging from radio waves to gamma waves. Those simulated waves radiate toward receptors located at the end of all point lines throughout existence -- such as a lens of a telescope in another galaxy. That receptor conserves existence by withdrawing or absorbing equivalent amounts of pressure-alleviating photons to neutralize the disturbances from the originating source.

Similarly, a hydro, fossil-fuel, or fusion power plant on Earth pours human-controlled, power-plant energy into, for example, a television transmitter. That energized transmitter, in turn, pours its human-controlled photons into the existence-field ether. Such an action creates radiating lines of disturbances that are equilibrated by absorption of photons into the matter field of, for example, a television receiver. The same energy/matter mode equilibrations can be traced from that television set to the retina of a human eye, then to a conscious brain, and finally to volitional physical actions that both alter and control the course of nature.

Discrete quanta or particles move at high velocities approaching the speed of light mainly in (1) expansions or contractions of the universe, in (2) certain nuclear reactions or radioactive decays causing symmetry breakings or hidings, and in (3) conscious-controlled actions such as particle accelerations. By contrast, the ordinary transmission of light, electromagnetism, or quantum energy across space is not a result of any significant particle movement. But rather such linear or curved transmissions are simply vibrating, resonating, or wave-like disturbances in spacetime geometries propagating near or at the speed of light through the existence field. Thus, discrete energy quantum and matter quantum do not themselves travel across space. Instead, each creates a disturbance pressure that radiates wave like along the stationary point lines of existence. That wave-like disturbance is eventually relieved, equilibrated, or absorbed by receptors at the end of each point line of existence.

Consider the above description of locally creating and relieving energy pressures by emitters and receptors in the stationary existence-field ether. Now, consider the popular notion that almost every particle ever created or released physically races across space -- often across millions or billions of light years in space. That notion seems to violate some sort of "least-action" principle. Such an action-inefficient notion of endlessly traveling quanta seems as quaint as the notion of a geocentric universe in which all inertial matter, planets, and stars daily race around planet Earth.

Indeed, both matter and energy interact locally, not across space. Light, for example, does not literally propagate across time and space. But, rather, light locally manifests a disturbance that spreads wave like throughout the existence-field ether until absorbed or equilibrated by a receptor.[ 79 ]


[ 77 ] Not a pushing pressure, but a nonequilibrium pressure or disturbance signal seeking equilibrium. What is detected only represents what is transmitted. ...A pressure intruding into the existence field causes that field to curve around the intrusion which, in turn, traces the curved paths of gravity. The interactive relationships between mass, energy, fields, curved space, and gravity require an ether of existence fixed throughout spacetime.

[ 78 ] In measurements, the distinction between metaphysical and epistemological certainties must be discerned, especially in quantum mechanics: No metaphysical uncertainties exist in physical nature. Only epistemological uncertainties exist.* Probability statistics are used in the absence of concrete knowledge. The de Broglie/Bohm's pilot-wave theories help eliminate the mystical misinterpretations of quantum mechanics arising from the 1926 Copenhagen Interpretation. ...Pilot waves are the fingerprint disturbances guiding moving particles.

*Consider the following epistemological uncertainty: The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is pi or 3.14159..., a number that continues indefinitely without ever repeating. Thus, the use of pi in calculations, such as the area of a circle A=pir2 , can never yield an exact or certain answer. For the answer always depends on how many decimals one extends pi in calculating that area. Yet, an exact area exists, it just cannot be calculated by using pi or any method of diminishing triangulation.

[ 79 ] Then what really is the "speed of light", c? First, consider atomic fission or fusion in which a given mass is converted to energy as mc2 =E. Now, by contrast, the "speed of light", c, is the velocity at which a given energy is converted to mass as E/c2 =m. Yet, light itself is the opposite -- it has no rest mass. So where is the connection of light to the velocity, c? There is none. The "speed of light", c, is not the speed of light at all, but rather c is the velocity relationships of field disturbances, which all have a speed limit of 186,281 miles per second in a particular vacuum state.

Incidentally, traveling near or at the velocity of light, energy fields bend in gravitational fields. The quasi mass generated by high-velocity, photonically disturbed existence fields is what bends in gravitational fields.

Conscious Control of Existence

The above example of an energy-releasing star can be "deterministically" calculated from the "immutable" cause-and-effect of existence without conscious influences. But, the above example of an energy-releasing television transmitter is the volitional dynamics of existence being integrated, controlled, and forever altered by freewill human consciousness. Thus, as revealed by Neotech physics, all existence is ultimately controlled and evolved through volitional human consciousness.

Unknown to the busily self-serving Establishment, the nature of existence and its dynamics of matter and energy are today being increasingly understood and methodically verified. That verification process will lead to the corollary verification that human consciousness is the eternal integrator and controller of existence. ...Human consciousness ultimately controls the relationships and geometries of the other existence modes -- matter and energy along with space and time. The human-consciousness mode is the purposeful, unmoved mover of existence.

Zonpower Commands the Future

The scientific verification that any individual conscious being can control existence will vanish Earth's irrational anticivilization. As Earth's anticivilization vanishes, the rational Civilization of the Universe will embrace our world. ...With Zonpower, one can foretell and command the future by controlling the existence field that reaches into the future -- into the Civilization of the Universe.

The age of Zon means controlling the universal information field not through Earthbound computers, but through Zonpower: the foretelling knowledge of Neotech physics -- the certainty used to gain limitless excitement, power, and riches...eternally.

Let me interject again about my father's journal notes on Neotech Physics. These notes are a communiqué from the Civilization of the Universe. When you carefully read the entire communiqué, an epiphany will occur. You will, for the first time in your life, know how to control all that affects you. Nothing negative or harmful in the anticivilization will control you again. You will gain majestic control over your mind, body, and all events involving your prosperity, happiness, and well-being. ...You will gain Zonpower from which you will capture the power and riches available from the Civilization of the Universe.

Carefully read this communiqué in its entirety at least once, perhaps twice or more, in order to reach into an ecstatic future...into the Civilization of the Universe to gain its power and riches. At the same time, you will toss the yoke of today's stagnant anticivilization. Indeed, Zonpower delivers a stunning new power to benefit from every event that touches your life. ...Now, back to my father's journal and the physics behind Zonpower:

Scientific Proofs

The final proof of the Civilization of the Universe lies in the foretelling powers of Zonpower that yield limitless riches, even to those trapped in this anticivilization. But to vanish this anticivilization by having everyone on Earth move into the Civilization of the Universe requires scientific proofs embedded in mathematics. Those proofs are today evolving. One such proof will evolve from answering the fundamental question: What is existence?

The answer will arise by first answering another question: What is the relationship of consciousness to mass and energy? That answer requires understanding the relationship of inertial or gravitational mass to a massless universal ether -- a fixed matrix of existence. Then, one can discover the relationships among mass, energy, and consciousness itself. ...How are (1) mass as "weight" and (2) energy as "weightlessness" related to (3) conscious-controlled existence? Why do each of those three existence modes require a universal existence field? ...Below is the simplest approach to answering those questions:

If Mass is Not Intrinsic, What is Weight?

Aristotle postulated things had weight because they had tendencies to be heavy or light. But that postulate does nothing to really explain weight. Newton explained weight through the force of gravity. On careful thought, however, gravitational force does nothing more to explain weight than Aristotle's tendencies. Additionally, Einstein's general relativity demonstrates that gravity does not exist as a force. But rather mass curves space by displacing the space surrounding that mass. Thus, gravity is simply mass moving along spacetime curves -- along natural paths of least action.

The greater the mass, the more it bends or curves space toward itself by displacement. Therefore, the more a unit of mass curves space toward itself the greater will be its inertia in falling toward another unit of mass with space likewise curved toward its own mass. ...Mass falling through space curved toward another mass gives the effect of gravitational attraction or negative energy striving toward nonmotion.

Now, through Einstein's relativity, one can approach an explanation of what weight really is. But, on still closer examination, even Einstein fails to provide a complete answer. What is missing? The existence field is missing -- the ether that Einstein dismissed. ...Mass is not intrinsic to matter. Thus, an existence-field ether is required to explain what weight really is.

Why does Einstein's General Relativity fail to explain weight without a fixed field of existence? Take two cannonballs of identical size, one made of solid iron, the other of solid aluminum. Both fall and accelerate in a gravitational field at the same rate. Why does the iron ball weigh about twice that of the aluminum ball of the same size? Einstein's general relativity explains that space curves toward the center of mass in proportion to that mass. But, if a non-ether space surrounding the equal-sized cannonballs is being "displaced" and curved, is that curvature equal for equal-volume cannonballs? Is the weight for identical-sized iron and aluminum cannonballs identical? Of course not. ...What is wrong? Nothing.[ 80 ]

One must first strip away volume/particle/mass/energy ideas such as the mass of a quark or the energy of a photon. For, gravity and weight can be understood only in terms of interacting geometries within a fixed existence field beneath all mass and energy quanta...beneath each cannonball, quark, electron, photon.

The key concept is this: In order to have weight or gravity, one must have a fixed ether field of weightless existence that is uniformly and equally present everywhere from the spaces between galaxies and above, down to the spaces between quarks and below, down to the final symmetry of the ether-hidden Gravity Unit.

If that symmetry-hiding ether were not uniformly present and fixed everywhere in existence, the universal laws of nature, such as gravity, would be arbitrary and fail. ...That fixed existence-field ether is not only necessary for existence, but is existence -- conscious-controlled geometries throughout spacetime.

One must recognize that a fixed, weightless field is existence in which its modes of matter, energy, and consciousness interact. The mathematics and experiments will then fall into place for understanding and controlling existence.[ 81 ] ...Weight is simply what and where weightlessness is not.


[ 80 ] Volume, of course, does not explain weight or General Relativity. And, of course, Einstein's General Relativity is correct. Volume is simply used as an analogy to dig beneath volume/mass/energy to find the gravity geometries needed to explain the origins of weight. ...See pages 15-20 of the Closing Ceremonies for further understandings of weight.

[ 81 ] Controlling Existence at All Scales:

Any given astral volume of matter and energy will maintain its same weight before and after collapsing into a black hole. For, any collapsed volume will still contain the equivalent number of mass/energy units for equivalent ether-field displacements. Total spacetime curvature and total gravity will, therefore, be equivalent for any mass/volume in both its black-hole form and its fully expanded star, galaxy, or universe form. Now, by definition, light and other energy or mass forms cannot escape a black hole. Thus, a normal black hole cannot be detected, except by its gravity or perhaps by Hawking radiation. But nothing, not even gravity, can escape from universe-containing black holes that further collapse into Gravity Units. Why? Because mass and energy have collapsed into a symmetrical geometry of gravity curved in on itself. By collapsing to trillions of times smaller than a regular, microscopic black hole, the Gravity Unit becomes a quasi point that causes no ether displacement. It becomes a part of weightless ether. Thus, the Gravity Unit is essentially weightless with no current technology to detect its totally lost, inconceivably tiny weight and volume. ...This essentially weightless, undetectable Gravity Unit represents the underlying geometry of all existence minus consciousness. Now, all geometries of existence are subject to nongeometrical conscious control through Gravity Units.

Light cannot escape from black holes whose volumes are proportional to their masses. Neither light nor gravity can escape from Gravity Units whose "volumes" are inversely proportional to their potential masses. Does space, time, or motion exist beneath Gravity Units? Is our universe a Gravity Unit relative to other universes?

Football-Stadium Experiments

From the macroworld perspective, conduct the following experiment: In a bowl-like football stadium, bolt on the arm of every seat a simple, low-cost, push-button, battery device. On pushing the button, a precisely tuned radio wave unique to each device is emitted. Beneath the stadium is a radio-wave detector hooked up to a computer. Now, fill the stadium with 100,000 football fans. As part of the halftime ceremonies, provide a laser-light display. Ask the spectators to keep their fingers on the signal button and immediately press it each time they see a green laser flash. Deliver 50 green flashes during the laser display.[ 82 ] The signal detector and computer will detect and record every person's signal, plotting each as a point along either side of a dividing line continuously calculated as the medium signal time.

If those signals plot reproducible, double sine waves for each 3600 revolution of the stadium, watch out! For, conscious quanta as an integral part of a fixed existence-field has been experimentally demonstrated. From such verifiable and repeatable experiments, the Civilization of the Universe and its powers can become known and increasingly accessible to everyone on planet Earth.

How would a double sine wave in this experiment (1) identify the fixed ether of existence and (2) demonstrate consciousness as an integral mode of that ether? The Earth is orbiting the sun at about 67,000 miles per hour...or about 0.01% the speed of light. Thus, if consciousness or conscious control is an integral part of the fixed ether, those oriented most directly in line with the direction of that motion will, because of relativity effects, record on average minutely slower but statistically measurable response times reflected by points plotted below the medium line.

Those people sitting at a 900 angle to Earth's orbital motion will record on average a minutely faster response as reflected by points plotted above the medium line. The average of those points should then show a double sine-wave inclination for each 3600 revolution of the stadium. Statistically, on calculating the effects of relativity, about 100 points should fall outside the statistical average, above and below the line, for each 3600 revolution of 100,000 points of data recorded after each green laser flash. That 100 point variation per flash times fifty flashes should manifest itself as detectable, reproducible sine waves.

Why did the famous Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887, for which Michelson won the Nobel prize in 1907, "prove" that no fixed ether existed? Because the signals measured were photons of light, which are not intrinsic to the existence field. In other words, rather than seeking a weightless existence-field ether, a nonexistent matter-mode ether was sought. Therefore, no relativity effects would be detected for photons in that experiment. Thus, no detection of the "ether wind" could occur. But, what if consciousness or conscious control is intrinsic to existence -- a constituent of the fixed ether? Then, with live conscious action, its mediating quanta particles called thinkons will cut through a fixed field of existence at 67,000 miles per hour relative to the sun -- or greater speeds relative to other universe entities, such as other galaxies, or the entire expanding universe, or even the meta-universe -- the Universe of Universes.[ 83 ]


[ 82 ] An at-rest comparison of the speed of light versus the 5,000,000 pieces of data requires several orders of magnitude more preciseness to detect the sought effect. But, the experiment can be enhanced to detect the sought effect through added computer/trigonometric analyses that detect secondary changes in statistical data reflecting particles not at rest but traveling 67,000 mph through the GU ether relative to the sun. ...Other motions could be detectable, even overwhelming: for example, the high-speed motion of our galaxy through the GU ether. ...See pages 15-20 of the Closing Ceremonies for further understandings of this experiment.

[ 83 ] Electromagnetic forces such as photons would "disturb" but not measurably interact with a fixed ether of Gravity Units. Thus, photons would act independently and could not detect the "ether". By contrast, hypothetical thinkons would be intrinsic to Gravity Units, thus, would interact with the GU ether -- the unmoving frame of reference for all existence. ...What is the speed through the GU ether is close to the speed of light, c, relative to the expanding universe? Does that mean conscious beings could measurably, albeit minutely, think more efficiently facing one direction versus another direction? Worth experiments? What if conscious beings are traveling at all directions simultaneously through the fixed "ether" at near the speed of light? In that case, the "ether" could not be detected by Stadium Experiments and thinking rates would be equal in all directions. ...In any case, the point of the Stadium-Experiment idea is not only one of physics, but one of metaphor to illustrate the relationship of consciousness to existence.

Other Experiments: Clocks and Computers

Physicists have already demonstrated minute differences in time for clocks at different latitudes and altitudes. Those differences are attributed to differences in gravitational "forces". Could similar experiments utilize super-computer-speed variations to detect both the orbital and rotational movements of the Earth through the GU ether?[ 84 ]

Gravity Units: the Basic Unit of Existence

Gravity Units are neither energy nor matter.[ 85 ] But, in sort of a de Sitter sense, energy and matter meld into the symmetry of Gravity-Unit space or an existence field. From that fundamental symmetry or field of existence, all universes spring. Indeed, Gravity Units are that which the latest string theories are groping toward. Gravity Units not only occupy all space among matter and energy particles, but comprise all such particles themselves including quarks and electrons, including gravitons and photons.

The most fundamental controller of existence is human consciousness, the force that controls symmetry and Gravity Units. From those dynamics, existence evolves. ...Consciousness is the ultimate logic, beauty, and symmetry of physics from which future, major theories and discoveries will be predicted and confirmed.

Gravity Units

The fully integrated honesty of Neotech bridges the widest gaps among physics and science -- from the general relativity of cosmic gravity and beyond to the quantum mechanics of quarks and below.[ 86 ] Conscious life using Neotech -- fully integrated honesty -- bridges those and other problems, great and small, to deliver eternal life, happiness, prosperity.

The controlling keys of existence are the ultimate-symmetry Gravity Units. Also, gravity is negative energy, always pulling in toward nonmotion. Mass and energy are positive energy, always pushing out toward motion. Our universe and all existence consist of gravity, mass, and energy. The sum of all existence equals zero energy. Therefore, the total energy of (1) our universe, of (2) every universe-containing, microscopically undetectable Gravity Unit, and of (3) all vacuums is zero -- nothing -- as explained on page 773.

No real vacuum exists in nature. All spacetime points in existence contain existence itself. All existence consists of Gravity Units with zero energy. Thus, any and every point in existence can be quantum fluxed into equal amounts of negative-energy gravity and positive-energy mass/energy. Then, exploding from the cold "vacuum" or "nothingness" of pure geometric gravity into a cosmic inflation, that Gravity Unit forms a new universe of mass, energy, space, time, and motion.


[ 84 ] Neotech physics with its ether field resolves the many mysteries of quantum mechanics, including Bell's theorem in explaining the 1982 Alain Aspect's "faster-than-light" experiments. Conscious control of the ether field removes the mysticism from quantum interpretations of CPT symmetry breakings, the Einstein-Bohr debate, Schrödinger's cat paradox and Wigner's friend, and even reducing Everett's parallel universes from infinitely multiplying down to two: the universe and the antiuniverse (the anticivilization). ...Rational consciousness collapses the wavefunction of the antiuniverse.

[ 85 ] Energy and mass in the strictest sense do not actually convert from one to the other as suggested by E=mc2 . They are really just two different modes of the most fundamental field -- the existence field consisting of quasi spacetime points and Gravity Units. From any Gravity Unit or quasi spacetime point can spring the mass and energy of an entire entire universe of quarks and electrons.

But, how do the quarks and electrons actually materialize? They materialize by breaking the symmetry of a Gravity Unit or spacetime point, which is pure symmetry at zero energy, zero mass, and zero gravity. That symmetry breaks into exactly equal but any amounts of positive and negative energy. The amount of energy depends on how the symmetry breaks. The positive energy consists of mass and energy fields comprising the dynamics of quark-and-electron motions. The negative energy consists of gravity comprising the dynamics of antimotions and slowing time. The total energy, mass, and gravity for any universe or its alternate mode of a Gravity Unit is zero, with all positive and negative energies exactly cancelling each other. Indeed, in the totality of any closed universe or Gravity Unit, the conservation laws of energy, angular momentum, and electrical charge disappear. They each cancel to zero. ...In a Gravity Unit, time stops and disappears into a spatial dimension or geometry.

What really are quarks and electrons? They are existence modes or geometries of quantized momentums that are relativistically compacted into mass particles surrounded by energy fields or wave functions.

Gravity Units and their existence field are controlled by conscious beings through unblocked, wide-scope, integrated thinking efforts. The fine-coarse graining of existence will reveal a quantized particle of conscious thought: the thinkon. As photons mediate force in the electromagnetic field, as W and Z particles mediate force in the weak nuclear field, as gluons mediate force in the strong nuclear field, and as gravitons mediate force in the gravitational field, thinkons mediate the force of consciousness in the existence field. All existence can be identified through various sum-over histories of thinkons. ...The thinkon particle can be deduced from football-stadium type experiments. What experiments could directly demonstrate the thinkon particle? The mathematics of noneuclidean, multidimensional geometries may provide the field equations for the existence field and its thinkons.

[ 86 ] And, from chemical clocks of strange-attractor chaos that are strong on empirical demonstration but weak on superstrings* of ultimate symmetry that are strong on theory but weak on empirical demonstration. ...Neotech bridges those gaps.

*Strings, not points, seem to be the basic entities of existence. Even in nature-evolved life, the string-like helix of DNA is basic.

Zon Jr. Creating a Galaxy before Breakfast

A Metaphor

From any point above-and-below, in every vacuum state and universe, conscious beings can flux, break, or inflate Gravity-Unit symmetries into limitless new galaxies or universes. All of those actions can occur without violating the laws of physics.

Existence exists. For, existence cannot not exist. Existence is Gravity Units with fields of existence at every point in space, matter, energy, and time.[ 87 ] As philosopher Ayn Rand recognized, "Existence is identity." Thus, Gravity Units are identity: the fundamental identity of existence -- as is consciousness. ...The melded symmetry of consciousness and Gravity Units points the way to unifying consciousness with physics -- points the way to unifying all existence.


[ 87 ] Time is always within a background of existence: Existence is not in time. Instead, time is in existence. Thus, time can be measured as changing geometric shapes in space. Indeed, spacetime is a geometry dependent on its contents and their configurations. Inside Gravity Units, time disappears into fixed spatial dimensions.

Gravity Inflations, Light Cones, and Universe Creations

Existence does not smoothly reduce down to nothing or non existence. Instead, everything in nature ultimately reduces to a discrete bump, a quantum, a unit in an ether of Gravity Units (GUs), which are the eternal quantum units of existence. GUs comprise the ether substrate in which all broken symmetries exist. A GU is an unimaginably small entity with essentially zero surface at seemingly infinite curvature. Yet, each GU is still an entity, a unit of existence -- the prime unit of existence with specific properties. The GU is essentially maximal symmetry: a pure symmetry of gravity or field of geometry.

But, at the boundaries of GUs are asymmetric regions of countless smaller, connecting Gravity Units at which quantum fluxes can inflate into separate universes. Each of those universes creates a spacetime quasi light cone that eventually meets the real light cone of every other universe evolving from that Gravity Unit to create a universe of universes many times the total size of the distance traversed at the speed of light.

For example, as shown by the illustration on page 777, magnify a Gravity Unit by a googol...or 10100 times. The GU would now appear as unimaginably large with its highly curved surface now appearing as essentially flat. That surface is asymmetrically disrupted with bumps of countless other, smaller Gravity Units. Those disruptions can flux into universes at countless points on the surface of the GU to produce countless quasi light cones that eventually link at distances in any amounts beyond that communicated by the speed of light.

As shown on the illustration on page 777, light cones linked from Y to B'' have communicated at many times the speed of light with nothing exceeding the speed of light.

The Zon Awakening

Nothing links the nonliving to the living, the plant to the animal, or the animal mind to the human mind. Similarly, nothing links the slumberous consciousness of the anticivilization to the dynamic consciousness of the Civilization of the Universe. ...Likewise, nothing links the endless deprivations in this anticivilization to the limitless prosperity in the Civilization of the Universe.

In physics, nothing links one electron state to another or one spacetime system to another. In both life and physics, essences exist in either one state or another with no flow, transition, or linkage between them. Consider the nature of Planck's go/no-go blackbody radiation, Einstein's go/no-go photoelectric effect, and civilization's go/no-go limitless-prosperity dynamics. Locked within the laws of physics, how could one ever enter the law-based Civilization of the Universe from this criminal-based anticivilization?

As in physics with the introduction of Planck's energy, the introduction of Zonpower will allow entry into the Civilization of the Universe. Eventually, everyone on Earth will leave criminal politics behind and click into the Civilization of the Universe without transition.

Since no link or communication with the anticivilization is possible, no one today can know what life is like in the Civilization of the Universe -- not until it actually appears on planet Earth, perhaps sometime after 2001. Until then, all that can be known with certainty is that life in the Civilization of the Universe means limitless prosperity and eternal happiness. Indeed, everyone can look forward to the happiest shock of his or her life as each suddenly awakens in a law-based civilization of eternal riches and exciting romance.

Why is linkage between the two civilizations impossible? That impossibility is not because of any cultural or psychological differences, which are profound and absolute. But, rather, that impossibility is because the laws of physics make impossible any contact or linkage, both practically and theoretically. The reason for that impossibility lies in the fact that each civilization travels along separate spacetime coordinates. One cannot travel or switch to a different spacetime system anymore than one can travel backward in time. For, any such spacetime travel or switch would require the conscious reconstruction of every quantum state -- of every matter and force coordinate -- in the universe at every instant in time. Thus, the arrow of time cannot be reversed or switched.

Spacetime systems constantly evolve and move forward. One is never able to travel to different spacetime or light-cone coordinates that have already come and or elsewhere. Nothing can revisit, return to, or alter events occurring in any past or separate time frame as reflected in a familiar way by Omar Khayyám in The Rubáiyát nine centuries ago:

The moving finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.

Consider the two illustrations below:

What do the two illustrations reveal? Different essence systems are in different spacetime or energy coordinates in different worlds or civilizations. In every such case, an unclosable gap always exists between separate coordinates. Nothing can connect one spacetime system to another.

Then how does one move from one spacetime system, world, or civilization to another if no contact or transition is possible? Like going from one time zone to another, one does not phase out of one zone and into another. One is in one zone or the other with no transition. So, how can one in the anticivilization end up in the Civilization of the Universe? How can one suddenly be in the Civilization of the Universe without any transition?

Consider the analogous, well-established laws of physics shown in Illustration A on the next page. Throughout existence, at least two distinct coordinate systems of energy exist: (1) the limited closed-coordinate system that functions below Planck's energy level doing little, and (2) the limitless open-coordinate system that functions above Planck's energy level doing everything. Between the two systems, nothing except Gravity Units exists -- no contact, no transition. Each system is in a universe of its own. Below Planck's energy level, a boring universe of limited, closed boundaries exists. Above Planck's energy level, a lively universe of limitless, open evolution springs forth -- generating all possible events and energies, without limits or boundaries. ...Everything is either above or below Planck's energy level. Nothing is in-between. Nothing connects or mediates the two independent systems or universes.

What about the animal mind to the bicameral mind as shown in Illustration B? The bicameral mind to the conscious mind? The closed-system, rationalizing Kantian mind comprising the anticivilization to the open-ended, integrating Randian mind comprising the Civilization of the Universe? The criminally destructive Hitlerian/Clintonian mind to the heroically productive Thomas Edison/Bill Gates mind? ...What is the analogous Planck's energy that will jump the spacetime gap or void from the anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe? That equivalency of Planck's energy is contained within the universal constant of Zon, k, described on page 745. From the constant k flows the power of Zon.

The Civilization of the Universe is Zonpower. Once one integrates with Zonpower, he or she automatically makes a Planck-like jump with no transition. Abruptly, one is in the Civilization of the Universe. The anticivilization is then left behind, impossible to contact, soon forgotten forever.

Nonaging through Time Dilation

Civilizations are functions of conscious thinking, especially integrated thinking. The speed of integrated thinking depends on the depth and range of objective knowledge acquired. All such thinking is subject to time-dilation as described by Einstein's Special Relativity. In the closed boundaries of the anticivilization, integrated thinking is severely and absolutely limited. Thus, both the power and speed of integrated thinking are limited to minimal ranges. The speed of integration always increases with advancing knowledge. But, the closed boundaries of the anticivilization holds the speed of advancing knowledge far below that which Einstein's relativity has any observable effects.

By contrast, the Civilization of the Universe has no boundaries. Thus, new knowledge is limitless and the speed of integrations are bounded only by the speed of light. Thereby, both knowledge and speed of thinking increase geometrically, if not exponentially. With such a multiplying effect, the speed of integration will soon approach the velocity of light as described in the previous chapter. At such speeds, time dilation becomes noticeable and then dominates.

What happens as the speed of integrations for new knowledge keeps accelerating ever closer to the velocity of light? The resulting time dilation becomes so great that the flow of time essentially ceases relative to events and experiences in technologically advanced cyberspaces.

The rationally open Civilization of the Universe allows conscious beings to live in eternal prosperity and exciting happiness. By contrast, the criminally closed anticivilization forces conscious beings to live in boring deprivation and then die.

Those differences in time dilation reflect the separate spacetime coordinates or paths along which conscious beings travel in the closed anticivilization versus the open Civilization of the Universe. With those differences in time dilation, any linkage or contact is impossible between conscious minds travelling along their separate spacetime coordinates -- the anticivilization slow path versus the Civilization of the Universe fast path. ...Galileo/Newton provided the transformations of classical physics; Lorentz/Einstein provided the transformations of relativity; today Neothink/Zon provides the transformations of consciousness.

The Civilization of the Universe is coming. On its arrival for each individual, the anticivilization and its criminal parasites will disappear, lost in bygone spacetime coordinates, never to be revisited, forever forgotten as nothing.

Life in the Civilization of the Universe

Why do people who materially indulge themselves live in hidden desperation, cynicism, boredom? Why do they grow increasingly dissatisfied with themselves? Why does the greatest dissatisfaction and emptiness occur in those who seek ego indulgences and material gains most fervently? By contrast, what makes the Civilization of the Universe inconceivably different in which everyone has limitless prosperity and romantic excitement...void of anxiety, doubt, boredom?

In the anticivilization, why care about what anyone thinks, says, or does? Except for competitive values and their heroic producers, what difference does anything or anyone make in the schizophrenic irrationality of an anticivilization? Beneath this anticivilization, nothing except permanent value production makes any difference...or sense. In the Civilization of the Universe, however, everything that each individual does or experiences makes the most profound difference to everyone eternally.

This concludes my father's work and my work on Neotech. In review, Book One showed us how our Neotech World after 2001 will fill all our desires from wealth to sex. Book Two gave us the eternal secrets for money, power, love, and freedom. Book Three showed us the ultimate thrill of becoming God. I have included an appendix written by Yasuhiko Kimura, a former monk from the Himalaya Mountains. A very intelligent and well read scholar, he provides an historical perspective on Neotech and Neothink and their role in future human development.

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