We must begin with an agreeable definition of God before we set out to discover God for all readers. With so many different beliefs and various philosophies from Eastern to Western philosophies, we need a generic definition to work from. Let us start our journey by defining God as the Controller of the Universe. It seems all Eastern and Western philosophies agree on that.
During the sparkling 18th-century Age of Reason, the predominant belief was that man could further understand God as man further understood nature, through reason. In other words, we could better understand the Controller of the Universe by better understanding the Universe.
The Age of Reason rose in the 18th century from the 17th-century works of the English philosopher John Locke and his friend and genius, the famous scientist Isaac Newton. For the first time, science was being used by philosophers and theologians to understand metaphysics, religion, and politics. The more the workings of the Universe could be explained through scientific reason, the closer we got to understanding God and his relationship to man.
The authority of government over man versus God or Natural Law was questioned and became a popular issue of debate.
The Age of Neotech in the 21st century will see both a continuation and completion of the 18th-century Age of Reason. For, we have gone light years beyond Newtonian physics that drove the 18th-century Age of Reason. We have advanced to Einsteinian physics and now Neotech physics to offer a major new set of directions for a 21st-century Age of Reason, which will finally complete the great journey on understanding God. Now, let us further understand the Universe, thus get to know more about its Controller -- God. So now, with our advanced scientific knowledge and our newly acquired tool of Neothink, let us go to my father's journal:
"Just remember that you are standing on a planet that's revolving at 900 miles per hour, that's orbiting at 90 miles per second. So it's reckoned that the source of all our power, the sun, and you and I and all the stars that we can see are moving at a million miles a day. That's figured out as moving at 42,000 miles an hour, in our galaxy called the Milky Way. Our Galaxy itself contains 100 billion stars. It's 100,000 light years from side to side and 16,000 light years thick. We are 30,000 light years from our galactic center and go around that center every 200 million years. Our galaxy is one of millions of billions in this amazing, expanding universe. The universe itself keeps on expanding in all directions at the speed of light. It's whizzing as fast as it can go, you know, at 12 million miles a minute. So remember when we are feeling very small and insecure, how amazing and unlikely is our birth. And pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'cause we are down here on Earth."
What makes those lyrics fascinating is that every statement is essentially factual and verifiable. But the song left out the most important part: Probability statistics overwhelmingly reveal that our universe contains at least a hundred million, and probably billions of Earth-like planets populated with conscious beings like you and me. Millions of conscious civilizations exist that are millions of years more advanced than our newly born, immature, still mystically oriented civilization.
Moreover, that song was praying for what Neotech already discovered. In fact, Albert Einstein spent his professional life searching in vain for what Neotech discovered -- the unifying, controlling element of the universe: human-like consciousness.
Einstein never accomplished his ultimate goal of unifying all forces. He never derived a Unified-Field Theory. But extrapolating Einstein's work into Neotech reveals the unifying entity of existence -- the only integrating force of the universe: human-like consciousness.
Why did Einstein not realize that fact? One reason perhaps stems from his abhorrence for unpredictable actions among the dynamics of nature. For that reason, he disliked quantum mechanics or anything that suggested arbitrary or "god-like" interventions. Always searching for order, Einstein focused on only two components of existence: mass and energy integrated with the geometries of time and space. He believed those components could always be explained, exactly and predictably. Thus, he never considered the third and controlling component of existence: volitional consciousness -- a free-will, conceptual/introspective/integrating conscious mind.
Perhaps his passionate dislike for the unpredictable and disorder caused him to overlook consciousness as the third spacetime component of existence. For consciousness can and does unpredictably alter the dynamics of nature, every moment, throughout the universe. Yet, from the widest perspective, consciousness brings the most elegant order and predictability to the universe as demonstrated in this journal.
All past attempts to link consciousness with existence were based on mystical, "higher forms of consciousness". Such irrational, ethereal linkages always originated as dishonest, unfounded assertions by mystics or neocheaters conjuring up religious and political power. But the Neotech discovery of human-like consciousness as the unifying element of existence can be scientifically established not only with theory but with direct observation and experimental proof.
Understanding the conscious mind as the controlling, unifying element of existence first requires understanding the unchanging nature of consciousness and existence versus the changing nature of matter and energy:
In other words, while much is unknown, nothing is unknowable to the conscious mind. By nature, the conscious mind requires no change or evolvement to understand anything in existence.[ 32 ] On acquiring the correct knowledge, conscious beings today are capable of doing anything within the immutable laws of physics throughout the universe.
Consciousness is man's discovery that sprang from his nature-evolved bicameral mind. Consciousness is not part of nature's evolutionary processes, but is a natural phenomenon of existence.[ 33 ] Thus, the first conscious minds on this planet 3000 years ago are the same as the conscious minds on this planet today...and the same as conscious minds in any galaxy ten million years from now. All conscious minds have the same ability to understand anything in existence.
Consciousness, therefore, does not evolve. It exists eternally, unchangingly.[ 34 ] And its capacity to understand anything in the universe transposes into forever fulfilling the supreme responsibility of conscious beings. That responsibility is to preserve forever the supreme value of the universe -- individual consciousness. To meet that responsibility means achieving non-aging biological immortality as described in Parts 12 and 16 of this journal.
[ 31 ] The bicameral mind was man's intelligent, nature-evolved mind before he discovered consciousness as a conceptual/introspective mind. The conscious mind is not a part of nature's evolutionary process. But, rather, consciousness is a discovery by man that lies beyond the dynamics of nature. This discovery process is explained in Chapter 28, pages 241-256. ...When referring to consciousness, the word discovered is used when perhaps the word should be invented.
[ 32 ] Individual minds are endowed with various capacities. Individuals then develop or retard their capacities through either conscious efforts or mystical defaults. But consciousness itself is either there to be used or abused...or it is not there.
[ 33 ] As demonstrated later in this journal, consciousness has always existed throughout the universe as an integral part of existence.
[ 34 ] Consciousness is the fundamental invariance and overarching symmetry of existence.
Throughout eternal time, existence constantly generates new realms of life out of which conscious minds spring from the evolvement of bicameral minds -- minds of evolved intelligence capable of discovering consciousness. Once consciousness is discovered and harnessed, it can, with accumulating knowledge and productive efforts, learn to forever muster new realms of existence. From those new realms evolve new life. And from new life evolve bicameral minds from which conscious minds spring.
Throughout eternal time and space, the following creation cycle always has existed and always will exist:
Stated another way: Space, time, consciousness, and existence are eternal; they have no beginning or end. Throughout time eternal, stars, solar systems, and Earth-like planets constantly form anew. Thus, living organisms and conscious beings constantly form anew. Throughout never ending time and universes, limitless planets forever generate life. That life, in turn, forever generates nature's evolutionary processes that always end with conscious beings. ...Conscious civilizations free of mysticism always survive, prosper, take control of nature and then existence.
Given the endless number of water/oxygen abundant, Earth-like planets forever spinning in endlessly evolving existence, one realizes life and consciousness have forever co-existed in limitless abundance. Human-like consciousness, therefore, is as much a part of eternal existence as are mass and energy. When consciousness is integrated with endless existence and time, the stunning conclusion unfolds that human-like consciousness is also unchanging and has always existed.
Consciousness, mass, and energy are the three macro components of existence. Those three components are inextricably linked and must be integrated into all physical understandings and mathematical accounts of our universe. If only the mass and energy components existed, then all existence would be predictable and predestined through the dynamics of nature and physics. But further research and refinement of data will show that seemingly predictable actions of the universe are actually unpredictable from a mass and energy accounting alone. That unpredictability arises from not accounting for the influence of volitional conscious beings throughout existence.
Human-like, volitional consciousness is:
Table 2 The Total History Of The Universe (omitting the unifying element of consciousness) is contained in THE GRAND CYCLE which consists of The Googol-Year Explosion Half-Cycle, Long Wave
Half-Cycle, Long Wave
The Googolth-of-a-Second (a googol equals 10100 or
A capsulized account of the Grand Cycle starting with the so-called big-bang birth of the universe is illustrated in Table 3 above.
Table 3 also indicates that all activity during nature's longest wave, the googol-year exploding/imploding cycles, exactly equals all activity occurring during nature's shortest wave, the googolth-of-a-second cycle. An understanding of that seeming paradox will evolve over the next few pages.
Energy available for work throughout the universe will keep decreasing as the universe spreads out for trillions of years until all energy is spent. In that state, trillions of years after the initial big-bang explosion, the universe exists at its maximum scattered or disordered state -- as inert residue of an exploded bomb. At that moment, the entire universe is motionless, energyless, and while always approaching absolute zero Kelvin temperature (0°K=-273.16°C=-469.67°F), all energy is in the form of uniform, unusable heat radiation. ...Do subatomic arrows of time exist? Will protons, quarks, and electrons eventually decay or annihilate to end in radiation for all subatomic particles and motions?[ 37 ]
[ 35 ] A change of light-wave frequencies caused by a moving light source such as a star. The wavelength of light from a star moving away red shifts -- becomes longer -- stretches toward the color red.
[ 36 ]
Entropy involves the second of the three laws of thermodynamics for closed systems. Entropy is simply the movement of events toward their highest probability or disorder*. Entropy measures irretrievable energy spent on scattering a closed universe. ...For every star that explodes, every pebble that drops from a cliff, entropy and disorder irreversibly increase throughout the universe. Approaching infinite entropy, all usable energy throughout the closed universe is spent. All is flat and scattered to the maximum. No star is available to explode, no cliff is available from which a pebble can fall. No wind blows. All is dead and still. Stars are collapsed, cold and dark, or not at all. No sound or light exists: perhaps not even mass exists. Perhaps only unusable radiation near and always approaching 0°K exists.
*The same probability concept applies to formulating hypotheses: always formulate toward the highest probability. Thus, the formulation of the Long-Wave hypothesis.
[ 37 ] Are gravity waves the final dissipater of energy and motion? Or does mass itself seek higher entropy? With incredibly long half lives of 1032 years or perhaps up to 10220 years, do protons themselves decay toward infinite entropy? What about the energy and mass of a quark, an electron? Do quarks and electrons finally decay or annihilate with antiparticles? In any case, without conscious intervention, entropy death of a closed universe will eventually occur. ...The laws of thermodynamics, however, apply only to closed systems. Existence itself is eternally open and evolving. Thus, any meaning of entropy to existence disappears, including the idea of entropic heat death.
As contraction of the universe begins, gravity gradually changes from the weakest to the mightiest force of nature. Starting as an unimaginably faint but constant pull, gravity begins rebuilding the scattered universe by drawing all energyless existence closer together -- perhaps initially by a millimicron in a million years. But every movement closer together increases the pull of gravity.[ 39 ] That, in turn, increases the speed at which the universe condenses toward an ordered, densifying mass. From the beginning to the end of that condensing-collapsing-imploding cycle, gravity steadily moves toward increasing all forms of energy ranging from potential and kinetic energies to chemical, heat, and nuclear energies.
In the explosion cycle, all energy escapes the diminishing grip of gravity. But in the implosion cycle, no energy escapes the increasing grip of gravity. In this cycle, the universe keeps moving together. Gravity holds all forms of increasing mass and energy within the same shrinking unit as the universe races closer together at accelerating speeds.
[ 38 ] The universe-containing black hole described here is matter and energy condensed beyond the critical mass and density needed to be captured, collapsed, and then imploded by its own gravity. When the collapse is complete, the resulting black hole can convert into a white hole, exploding into a new universe. The entire black-hole/white-hole cycle occurs in the tiniest fraction of a second because all information, entropy, and time obliterates between the two Grand Cycles.
[ 39 ] Gravitational attraction increases proportionally to the amount of existence involved multiplied by the inverse square of the distances between the eventual masses and energies. That means gravitational attraction accelerates exponentially as masses and energies are collapsed toward unity. Fields of existence are rolled ever closer together, perhaps into multidimensional space* and then into Gravity Units.
*Up to a twenty-six dimensional space has been mathematically derived in superstring theory. ...Most of those dimensions are rolled up into inconceivably tiny volumes or strings that vibrate at characteristic resonances.
Then, as the entire universe implodes to the size of a basketball, those bizarre forms of existence keep changing with increasing rapidity. Undergoing seemingly infinite changes into ever more radical forms of existence, the universe crushes inward at near the speed of light, imploding to golf-ball size, then to pinhead size, then to pinpoint size. Everything in the universe, including trillions of stars and billions of galaxies, even black holes, are crushed into that pinpoint. The universe then flickers from microscopic to submicroscopic size then to sizes unimaginably smaller than a proton -- all while continuously changing into near infinite varieties of unimaginable radical structures shrinking toward zero volume and infinite density. ...The end condition may or may not be different, more disordered, from the beginning condition.
Most incredibly, the total of all mass/energy/activity changes that occur during nature's longest cycle (the seemingly infinitely long, googol-year explosion and implosion half cycles) is exactly counterpoised or duplicated during nature's shortest cycle (the seemingly infinitesimally short, googolth-of-a-second cycle). In other words, the total action during nature's longest cycle of trillions of years is exactly counterbalanced during nature's shortest cycle occurring in the tiniest fraction of a nanosecond[ 40 ].
[ 40 ] A nanosecond is one billionth of a second.
Created from seemingly nothing, a mammoth composite of post-inflation mass and energy expands in every direction at nearly the speed of light. That ball of mass and energy keeps expanding for centuries, millennia, or perhaps longer before blowing apart, scattering, and then congealing its mass and energy. That scattering and congealing eventually forms visible stars, solar systems, planets. During our current googol-year cycle, millions of Earth-like planets and conscious civilizations formed billions of years before Earth's formation. And millions of Earth-like planets and conscious civilizations will form billions of years after Earth's formation.
From the perspective of forever greater Super Grand Cycles, infinity becomes two dimensional with one vector forever reaching into space, eternally gathering greater and greater mass and energy. Concomitantly, the other vector forever reaches into time, eternally repeating ever longer cycles. Thus, travelling on those two vectors, existence evolves forever throughout the endless universes.
From the limited perspective of our world and universe, the speed of light seems incredibly fast and free. But from the perspective of endlessly evolving existence and ever greater clusters of universes, the speed of light seems increasingly slow and restricting. For, the process of escaping such super big-bangs seems chained to the speed of light. Indeed, being limited by the speed of light, a seemingly endless time would be needed just for those unimaginably large masses to escape their "instantaneous", initial big-bang inflations in their Super Grand Cycles.
Space, time, and distance throughout existence are mind-boggling because they truly never end.
[ 41 ] Currently, Earth beings have no way to observe other universes. Thus, no way is currently known to establish if gravity operates among the universes -- throughout the meta-universe.
Indeed, life itself, its evolutionary processes, and thus, conscious beings themselves, have always existed throughout the universe as its third and unifying/integrating/controlling component. And that unifying/integrating/controlling component of the conscious mind was the component Einstein always sought but never recognized. For, he focused only on the mass and energy components of the universe while overlooking the component of consciousness.
When dealing with infinity, relationships among time, distance, knowledge, events, and probabilities become meaningless, resulting in seemingly bizarre situations. Consider a realistically impossible event here on earth for which the odds are a billion to one against occurring. When put in the context of infinite time, such an improbable event will not only occur with absolute certainty, but will occur an infinite number of times. Throughout infinity, whatever is theoretically possible becomes an absolute certainty that occurs an endless number of times.
To further demonstrate the bizarreness of infinity: Take an essentially impossible event that might occur once every billion years. Now take an event that happens constantly, say, once every nanosecond. Relative to infinity, both events will reoccur endlessly, forever into the future. Thus, from the perspective of infinity, no difference exists between their occurrences, for they both occur with endless repetition. So, juxtaposed against infinity, no difference exists between an event that occurs every nanosecond versus an event that occurs once every billion years. For, throughout infinity, both events occur infinite times.
Also, in the context of infinity, no difference exists between distances throughout space. For, throughout infinity, no reference points exist to measure differences among time or distances. ...Infinity is the only concept in existence without identity or boundaries. Thus, infinity[ 42 ] is radically unique from all other concepts.
To grasp the meaning of infinite existence, one cannot view existence from the perspective of a finite planet or a finite universe. Instead, one must view existence from the perspective of eternal endlessness. From that perspective, no difference exists between a mile and a trillion miles, or a year and a trillion years, or a forest fire and a star fire, or a lightning bolt and a big-bang birth of a universe. For, no reference points exist to compare distance, time, knowledge, or events of any magnitude when forever really means forever.
As shown later, certain deterministic concepts in the above four paragraphs are valid only in the hypothetical absence of eternal, free-will conscious life.
[ 42 ] Infinity, as explained in footnote 65, is a useful mind-created concept that does not exist in reality.
As Neotech cures the disease of irrationality and vanishes those professional parasites, biological immortality will become a certainty for most human beings living today, regardless of age. In fact, today, freedom from irrationality will almost guarantee biological immortality for most people. And that could happen without massive efforts or spectacular medical discoveries. What is necessary, however, is the curing of irrationality and its mysticism. For irrationality, directly or indirectly, eventually kills all human beings while preventing biological immortality for all conscious beings.
Irrationality is the only disease of human consciousness. The symptoms of irrationality are harmful dishonesties and mysticisms. Those symptoms undermine the ability to integrate together the values of rationality and emotions. What is the value of emotions? The all-important value of emotions is to experience happiness -- the bottom-line moral purpose of conscious life. But, mysticisms mixed with emotionalisms dishonestly assume a primacy over reason and reality. That dishonesty, in turn, casts mortal harm over every individual human being on planet Earth.
Neotech, which is fully integrated honesty, eradicates the disease of irrationality. Thus, the immediate evolvement of biological immortality need not require quick technological breakthroughs, major research projects, or even explicit, direct efforts. But rather, with Neotech, the process of biological immortality can begin immediately within one's own self. And that process will culminate with definitive biological immortality as the 3000-year disease of irrationality is cured by Neotech worldwide.
How will biological immortality actually happen? First, consider:
Without life-corroding irrationality and its virus-like neocheaters draining everyone, business would explode into an endless productivity spiral. That value-driven explosion would launch human life into upward-spiraling prosperity with continuously expanding life spans.
Consider, for example, how the dynamics of computer technology have so far operated relatively free of parasitical elites, professional value destroyers, and government interference. Being relatively free of irrational regulations, force, coercion, and destructiveness, the computer industry has burgeoned. Computer technology is now delivering soaring capacities for processing and utilizing new knowledge at rates faster than new knowledge can be integrated and used by human beings. Such explosive advances in computer technology, or any technology, requires being free of government irrationality and its professional parasites.
The rational, conscious mind is synonymous with the productive, business mind. The value-creating business mind is the antithesis of the value-destroying political mind. The destructiveness of socialist, fascist, and religious societies prevents their citizens from developing efficient business-driven technologies. Indeed, all such societies are controlled by parasitical elites using force and deception to usurp harmful livelihoods. Such people live by attacking, draining, harming, or destroying value-and-job producing businesses...and their heroic creators and competitive expanders.
By contrast, explosive computer-like advances in human health and longevity directed toward commercial biological immortality will naturally occur in any mystic-free, business-driven society. But exactly how could biological immortality quickly occur today in a mystic-free society? Consider, a 60-year-old person today having a life expectancy of 20 more years. In a rational, business-minded society, uninhibited market forces will rapidly develop the most valuable products and technologies. ...The most valuable of all technologies -- the quality preservation of conscious life -- will advance so rapidly that when that person reaches 70, high-quality life spans will have expanded to 100 or 120 years, or more.
In a rational, mystic-free society, knowledge and technology accelerate geometrically. Thus, when that person reaches 100, high-quality life expectancy will have expanded to 140 or 180 years, or more. Those accelerating extensions of life expectancy would provide the time needed to develop definitive biological immortality for almost every value producer living today. Indeed, in the coming years, Neotech will cure the disease of irrationality to eradicate physical diseases and death among all conscious beings on planet Earth.
In a competitive business-driven atmosphere free of irrationality, the life spans of conscious beings will advance faster than the passing of years. Thus, the result of Neotech eliminating irrationality is immediate, de facto biological immortality. Then, rapidly accelerating health technology -- including antiaging genetics -- will yield that definitive biological immortality.[ 43 ]
Therefore, by replacing all forms of irrationality, mysticism, and neocheating with the fully integrated honesty of Neotech, nearly everyone today can live forever.[ 44 ] Most important, with Neotech, one can live forever with increasing prosperity, happiness, and love.
Almost anyone living today can survive to biological immortality by (1) replacing the death disease of irrationality with the life elixir of Neotech and by (2) stopping mystical behaviors and destructive actions, such as making problems where none exist, smoking, and becoming mentally and physically unfit. Almost everyone today can and will achieve biological immortality by rejecting irrationality and neocheating both in one's self and in others. The key for everyone is to first recognize and then reject the disease of irrationality and mysticism from within one's own self. Then one can effectively reject irrationality and mysticism in others.
Life is everything. Death is nothing. Irrationality trades everything for nothing. Irrationality is a terminal disease that breeds professional value destroyers who eventually harm or kill everyone. ...Today, the disease of irrationality is totally unnecessary since it can be cured with Neotech. Thus, through Neotech, essentially everyone can live forever with ever increasing prosperity and happiness.
Also, as demonstrated in Neotech Advantage #31 of the Neotech Discovery, conscious civilizations much advanced beyond ours would by necessity be free of irrationality and neocheating. For, by holding irrational premises, no civilization can advance much past the Nuclear-Decision Threshold[ 45 ] without destroying itself. ...In rational mystic-free societies, the idea of dishonesty is unknown.[ 46 ] Thus, unknown ideas also include war, murder, deception, fraud, forced taxation, conscription, racism, theft, assault, envy, anxiety, guilt.
[ 43 ] Curing death is described in Book Two and in the Epilogue. ...Mortality is natural in life, except for conscious beings whose nature is immortality -- the same immortality God possesses!
[ 44 ] The longer a productive individual lives, the more valuable that person becomes through his or her increased knowledge, experience, competence, productivity, and capacity for business and happiness. Thus, in any rational, mystic-free society, the motivation for and value of biological immortality increases as the age of the individual increases.
[ 45 ] Planet Earth is currently at that Nuclear-Decision Threshold. For our civilization to survive, the disease of irrationality must be cured.
[ 46 ] Science-fiction stories and movies of evil or hostile aliens are illogical. For, no civilization with the nuclear-energy technology required for interstellar travel could survive as irrational, evil, violent, corrupt, or criminal in any way.
"Living forever would be boring. False. Exactly the opposite is the fact. For creating and increasing values is the essence of a happy, exciting life, which, in turn, gives increasing motivation to live forever. Indeed, all new values come from expanding knowledge. And each new unit of knowledge generates several newer units of knowledge. Therefore, the ability to generate new knowledge is limitless. The notion of finite knowledge is only an illusion from our present, limited-knowledge perspective. Indeed, knowledge is not simply uncovered; it is generated from past knowledge. Thus, each day, the discovery of new knowledge generates ever greater bodies of ever newer knowledge and values.
"No one in the last century could have, for example, imagined any aspect of quantum mechanics, the computer age, genetic engineering, superconductivity, or fusion energy. For, everyone was many layers of knowledge away from even imagining those twentieth-century achievements. Yes, knowledge upon knowledge and achievement upon achievement will be generated anew -- forever -- by human consciousness.
"Human consciousness is the only force in the universe not predetermined by nature. Indeed, only consciousness can alter or go beyond the fixed patterns of nature. Consciousness obsoletes nature's blind, life-and-death survival cycles when applied to human beings. ...In a society free of irrationality, every conscious being produces open-ended achievements for society without bounds or limits. Thus, by producing an eternal stream of benefits for society, each conscious life continues happily, forever."
Likewise, a few thousand years from today, the natural physical state of conscious man -- biological immortality -- will be so natural, so integrated with life, so taken for granted that only historians would realize how during a brief time in faded history conscious beings were irrational and thus mortal. Indeed, mortality is not only the most unnatural, bizarre state for conscious beings, but is an essentially unknown state among rational, mystic-free, conscious beings throughout the universe.
In addition to biological immortality as revealed in the Neotech Discovery, conscious man's most natural, psychological state is happiness. Essentially all human unhappiness arises directly or indirectly from the disease of irrationality and its mysticisms. With irrationality cured, happiness will become so natural and commonplace that in future millennia few if any will know that unhappiness and death ever existed.
After only the first few centuries of consciousness, around 500 BC, human beings begin controlling nature faster then nature's evolutionary processes. Witness, for example, the development of consciousness from only 3000 years ago, an invisibly short time span in the Grand Cycle as shown in Table 4 below. Earthbound consciousness has already obsoleted nature's evolutionary processes: Today, man-made shelter, food, medicine, and technology advance human survival and well-being much faster and better then do the slow evolutionary, adaptive processes of nature. In less than 3000 years, consciousness is already taking over the dynamics of nature on Earth. With that takeover, consciousness obsoletes nature's protective/survival mechanism of death. Thus, through time, consciousness mandates biological immortality for all conscious beings.
Becoming free of irrationality, Earth beings will not just increasingly control nature, but will dominate nature just a few hundred years hence as explained below.
During the next million years, planet Earth will geologically remain relatively static with basically the same oxygen, land, and water conditions. But, with geometrically accelerating knowledge, we on planet Earth will soon dominate and control nature. Consider, for example, the world's largest man-made lake accomplished by building Hoover Dam with only 3000 years of accumulated, conscious knowledge. That man-made feat controlled and then dominated nature's mighty Colorado River.
From the discovery of consciousness to the first automobile took 2900 years of accumulated knowledge. Then, within 100 years, man went from the auto to the airplane, to the moon, and now toward super computers for everyone. ...Knowledge accumulates geometrically, quickly leaving nature's forces far behind as if frozen compared to the incredibly fast, always accelerating generation of new knowledge.
Perhaps only a few-hundred years hence, we Earth beings will be accumulating new knowledge at lightening speeds. With that rapidly increasing knowledge, we will easily, for example, corral heavenly asteroids into man-made orbital matter to fill our needs, just as today we corral river water into man-made lakes to fill our needs. ...What needs will we Earth beings have a thousand years from now, a million years from now? And how will we use our super-advanced knowledge and tools to control nature in filling those needs?
A thousand, even a million or a billion years, is an incredibly short time, a mere instant, within the Grand Cycle as shown in Table 4. But, well within that brief time span, we Earth beings can also accumulate the knowledge to dominate and drive the universe -- to interdict nature's mass/energy dynamics in preventing the Grand Cycle from ever completing itself.
Human-like consciousness is the only entity in existence that can alter the inexorable course of nature. Human consciousness quickly advances from building cities to utilizing nuclear power, to developing computers, to making astronautical flights, to corralling astro matter, to understanding the universe, to controlling existence -- and beyond forever.
Integrating nature's Grand Cycle with conscious beings reveals an elegantly simple understanding of existence. That integration reveals how individual consciousness is not only an integral component of existence, but is the dominating and controlling component. For example, at either end of the Grand Cycle, all life would perish. But individual consciousness -- the supreme value of the universe -- must forever protect itself. Thus, conscious beings a thousand or a million years more advanced in knowledge than we on Earth have long ago met that responsibility to preserve the supreme value of existence: individual consciousness.
Without immortal consciousness, the Grand Cycle would inexorably and infinitely repeat itself as dictated by the natural dynamics of mass and energy. But, with consciousness, the integrating and controlling component of existence missed by Einstein, the Grand Cycle is always interdicted and truncated. Thus, the destruction of the universe and consciousness has never occurred and will never occur. In other words, by integrating conscious beings into the dynamics of existence, nature's Grand Cycle becomes hypothetical and never occurs.
To understand the faculty of consciousness that stores and processes knowledge, one must first understand the history of that faculty starting with the origins of man-discovered consciousness on Earth 3000 years ago: For the first 2000 years after the discovery of consciousness, knowledge accumulated very slowly. That accumulation gradually increased as the base of knowledge increased through memory and oral communication. Knowledge then accelerated through written communication.
For man to produce great sailing ships, for example, he needed that initial 1800 years of accumulated knowledge and technology stored and passed by memory, hand-scribed documents, and oral communication. Then he needed another 1000 years of faster accumulated knowledge and technology stored and passed through written works to produce steamships and trains in further improving transportation. He needed another 100 years of more rapidly accumulating knowledge and technology stored and passed through printed works to produce automobiles that greatly improved transportation. Next, he needed only 60 more years of accelerating knowledge and technology stored and passed through books, journals, and communication equipment to produce practical airplanes that provided transportation inconceivable a century before. Finally, he needed only 40 more years of soaring knowledge and technology stored and passed through computers and electronic communications to develop space ships for landing men on the moon and building space stations.
Now, today, new knowledge is accelerating so rapidly that our productive focus is shifting toward storing, processing, integrating, and transmitting information through million-dollar super computers moving toward thousand-dollar personal computers. Thus, today, computers are undergoing explosive increases in capacities, power, practicality, and economies. And from now into the future, the demands of accumulating, storing, processing, and transmitting knowledge will shift into high gear from man's limited storage-capacity brain to external extensions of the brain with electron/photon-circuited quantum computers and beyond.
Today, storing and processing our geometrically increasing knowledge depends on our developing and building increasingly efficient, man-made computers. Advancing economies and prosperity depend on developing ever more advanced devices until the capacity of every spacetime point in the universe is utilized for storing, processing, and transmitting knowledge.
Knowledge will increase geometrically for a few millennia or perhaps only a few centuries -- until the building of external-knowledge devices approaches the speed-of-light limitation. From that point, the expansion of knowledge shifts from geometric to linear. Knowledge will then expand linearly, near the speed of light, and limited by the speed of light.
When our own expanding knowledge reaches that limitation, we can join the millions of other civilizations in our universe that have reached that point. We can then communicate through the universal computer (perhaps gravity-coded) and control existence as our fellow conscious beings do. For, then, the entire universe of universes expanding at near the speed of light becomes our computer and storage facility for all acquired knowledge.[ 47 ]
The relationship of conscious knowledge to existence reduces to a single equation. To understand that equation, the following two points must be understood:
[ 47 ] Conscious beings perhaps overcome the speed-of-light limitation through eternal inflationary expansions of Gravity Units beyond our universe, into limitless existence and hyperspace.
Facts and logic demonstrate the exact opposite: Without irrationality or mysticism, each individual consciousness has unlimited capacity to generate and utilize new knowledge at near the speed of light. Francis Bacon identified, "Knowledge is power." Thus, after a few millennia of such knowledge accumulation, any conscious individual gains the power to so totally dominate existence that the entire universe and all its evolutionary processes seem by comparison to shrink into static insignificance. For, in both power and significance, individual consciousness quickly soars beyond the dynamics of nature and the entire universe.
Today, on Earth, the fully integrated honesty of Neotech finally reverses that mystical view bewailing mankind's insignificance. Neotech demonstrates that the power of the universe shrinks to almost nothing when compared to the unlimited power of individual consciousness.
As demonstrated in the balance of this chapter, everyday conscious beings like you and me work within the laws of physics to create and control all heavens and earths.
[ 48 ] The expression "Let there be light" was first manipulatively used in the mystical world of the Bible, then entertainingly used in the science-fiction world of Isaac Asimov, and now factually used in the objective world of Neotech.
But, that scientist knows, as any competent scientist knows, that nothing, including conscious beings, can alter the axiomatic laws of physics, mathematics, and existence. And he knows that existence can have no antecedent basis or original creator. Yet, he realizes that, within the laws of physics, conscious beings can alter the natural dynamics of mass and energy. Thus, he realizes conscious beings and only conscious beings can alter nature's manifest destiny, not only here on Earth, but throughout the universe.
Combining such knowledge with computer processed data, that scientist moves closer toward directly observing the alteration of nature's Grand Cycle by conscious beings. Such direct observation may come, for example, through a correlation of computer data concerning black holes or possibly quasars and pulsars. In fact, such correlations of data probably already exist on Earth -- hidden in considerable accumulations of uninterpreted data. Integrating such data could reveal that certain cosmic events exist outside the natural dynamics of their mass, energy, and gravity. In turn, that data could then demonstrate how conscious beings create and control such cosmic events as energy and galaxy creators for the eternal prosperity of all conscious life.
Thus, conscious beings could forever prevent the Grand Cycle from completing itself. They could do that, for example, by routinely creating gravity dimensions and geometries that constantly pump entropy-reversing structures back into the universe. Such constantly created, new structures would break the dynamics of the Grand Cycle, allowing the universe to forever oscillate within its most efficient range for conscious beings.
And finally, he will realize his mind is the same conscious mind possessed by our immutable conscious cousins who create new realms of existence in other worlds and galaxies for us, them, and everyone.
AIDS degenerates the body's protective immune system into weakness, sickness, then death; irrationality or mysticism degenerates the mind's protective thinking system into ignorance, sickness, then death. Irrationality cripples and finally destroys the conscious mind.
But unlike AIDS, an immediate cure exists right now for irrationality, i.e., mysticism and its virus-like neocheaters. That cure is Neotech. Curing irrationality or mysticism will also bring definitive cures for AIDS, cancer, heart disease, and all other diseases harmful to conscious beings. Neotech forever eradicates irrationality and its symbiotic neocheaters, allowing the individual to direct his or her life toward achieving guiltless prosperity and abiding happiness for self, others, and all society.
Neotech also opens the way for knowledge expanding geometrically to eventually approach the speed of light. Every person applying Neotech, therefore, holds unbeatable advantages over those crippled by mysticism and irrationality, parasitical elites, and neocheaters. Indeed, Neotech allows human beings to acquire total control over both the material and emotional realms. Neotech gives all human beings on Earth today the power to execute the tripartite commands: "Let there be wealth!", "Let there be romantic love!", "Let there be eternal youth!"
The time has come to grow up...or be left behind to perish in a world of irrationality. Clinging to irrational or mystical beliefs such as supreme creators or "higher authorities" is as crippling to human life and prosperity as would be the clinging to the once popular belief that the Earth is flat or today's fading belief that force-backed "authorities" or politicians can advance the well-being of any individual or society.
After 3000 years, the time has come to abandon life-destroying irrationality and all its symbiotic parasites and neocheaters. Now is the time to mature into meeting our responsibility of grooming the supreme value of the universe -- our own conscious lives. Now is the time to groom our conscious minds with fully integrated honesty for limitless growth and value production forever into the future. Now is the time to join our fellow conscious beings throughout all existence in meeting our supreme responsibility to life -- to live happily, prosperously with our fellow conscious beings throughout eternal existence. For, we are the creators of all heavens and earths. ...All glory to us conscious beings!
Mystic-free man is Zon. Zon is God. That is not a blasphemous statement. Indeed, the Scriptures talk about man achieving unity with God, about the glory of when man becomes one with God. That happens when civilization purges its disease of irrationality and man becomes the Controller of the Universe...man becomes God.
Now the mountain's deepest secret is solved: Zon is man; Zon is God.
Earth's Greatest Discovery: Profit-Driven Immortality[ 50 ]
The afterlife hoaxes promoted by mystical religions serve to hide the single most important, potentially provable fact on this planet: Most if not all honest conscious beings who have died on Earth in the past 3000 years continue to live with eternally expanding prosperity and happiness throughout the Civilization of the Universe!
That just destination is the inevitable consequence of nature. From that nature comes (1) immutable justice that characterizes the Civilization of the Universe, (2) the supremely leveraged, limitless value of each conscious being when placed in a rational civilization, (3) the dynamics of eternally expanding prosperity, which demand the full use of every available conscious being, and, as explained later in this chapter, (4) the technology needed to transceive[ 51 ] every volitionally developed human consciousness through the omnipresent existence field and into the Civilization of the Universe.
Humanoid criminals or parasitical neocheaters who have lived by harming others or society through force, fraud, and illusions also meet ultimate justice: They become humanoids because they destroy the human nature of their own consciousnesses. Therefore, they destroy the conscious structure needed to transceive through the Gravity-Unit existence field and into the Civilization of the Universe. Moreover, having lived as enormous net negatives to society, humanoids such as destructive politicians with their armed bureaucracies and ego-"justice" systems are, unless rehabilitated, worthless to the Civilization of the Universe. Thus, they simply vanish from existence, forever forgotten.
[ 49 ] Religious faith has, however, been a key value at various periods in history. At times, for example, religious faith served to divide and weaken government tyranny, and vice versa, leaving pockets of freedom to advance knowledge, technology, and well-being within the anticivilization.
[ 50 ] Profit-driven immortality as presented in this chapter is a speculative hypothesis arising from a-priori logic. Yet, logically, no contradictions exist in that hypothesis. Today, the chief value of that hypothesis is metaphorical -- an illustration of justice that reality ultimately asserts. Tomorrow? Facts and knowledge will unfold to reveal the hypothesis as fact or fiction.
[ 51 ] Transceived not in the mystical Plato sense of a detached soul. For, the soul and physical body are one in the same and function as a unit. But, transceived (within a profit-mode, business dynamic) in the Gravity-Unit form that captures conscious "I"ness immortality, all in accord with the laws of physics
Existence is axiomatic, endless, eternal.
Existence exists eternally with no prior causes.
Consciousness is not only an eternal part of eternal existence, but is the eternal controller of existence.
Individual human consciousness is the greatest value in eternal existence...the seminal value from which all other values flow.
The greatest social value among conscious beings is honest, competitive businesses combined with objective law and justice.
Valid knowledge is contextual and hierarchal. Valid ideas are hierarchal paradigms of contextual facts.
Conscious knowledge is limitless because knowledge always begets new knowledge -- geometrically, up to the speed of light.
The essence of human consciousness is goodness: By nature human consciousness is noble, rational, honest, just, compassionate, value producing, benevolent, kind, loving, happy.
The only diseases of human consciousness are dishonesty, mysticism, and irrationality.
Those diseases destroy the natural good of human consciousness. Those diseases cause all wars and crimes, including politically inflicted property destructions, harms, sufferings, cruelties, and deaths. Such evils are inflicted by force or fraud to support the lives of open criminals (subhumans) such as muggers and rapists...or the much more evil, hidden criminals (humanoids) such as destructive politicians, tyrannical rulers, and killer-type (WACO) bureaucrats.
Camouflaged irrationality and deception used to drain, harm, and kill human beings is called neocheating.
Neocheaters are highly intelligent humanoids in whom the diseases of dishonesty and irrationality have destroyed the human nature of their conscious minds. Thus, such neocheaters are no longer human beings. They are humanoids who have destroyed the conscious structures of the human essences needed to enter the Civilization of the Universe. [Ref: The Neotech Matrix described in the Neotech Discovery]
To parasitically exist, neocheaters purposely propagate a bizarre, irrational civilization on planet Earth within which conscious life always moves toward unnatural death instead of natural immortality.
This unnatural, transitory anticivilization in macroscopic existence is somewhat analogous to the unnatural, transitory antiparticle in microscopic existence.
As the bizarre antiparticle vanishes forever on contact with natural matter, the bizarre anticivilization will vanish forever on contact with the natural Civilization of the Universe.
The supreme value of human consciousness will always be preserved by advanced civilizations using multidimensional[ 52 ] transceiver technologies in quantum-state, digitized cyberspace. Those technologies integrate rational consciousness with the existence field throughout the Civilization of the Universe.
[ 52 ] Such multidimensional examples are derivable from superstring and wormhole theories. Traversable wormholes, rotating black holes, and above-and-below Gravity Units offer theoretical but questionable time-travel possibilities at superluminal speeds. Such possibilities, nevertheless, can be codified through mathematics.
By the fact of their continued existence, civilizations technologically advanced significantly past their Nuclear-Decision Thresholds are free from the diseases of dishonesty, mysticism, and irrationality. Thus, all such advanced civilizations are a part of the Civilization of the Universe.
In most areas, no one can predict the state of technology 100 years ahead, and certainly not a 1000 years ahead, much less a million years into the future. We cannot even imagine the technological states and economies of the advanced societies throughout the Civilization of the Universe.
We can, however, know that no society, regardless of how advanced, can contradict the laws of physics or nature. Moreover, we can know that conscious beings throughout the Civilization of the Universe will never purposely act to violate their nature, well being, and happiness.
The basic nature of rational conscious beings has never and will never change. No rational being would ever let technology overtake his or her nature, self-control, self-responsibility, growth, and happiness. For, that loss of control over one's self -- one's greatest value -- would be self-destructive and irrational. Indeed, all conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe are free of such irrationality or any other impediments to the growth and happiness of individual consciousness.
Thus, conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe have the same nature: They live for happiness and its corollary emotions of genuine self-esteem and love. Indeed, the moral purpose of conscious beings is to meet the requirements for achieving rational happiness.
The nature of existence includes (1) objective law and justice, which characterize the Civilization of the Universe, (2) the limitless value of each conscious being when functioning in a rational civilization, (3) the dynamics of continually expanding value production and prosperity, which demands eternally preserving the supreme value of every conscious being.
The most bizarre characteristics of the anticivilization are its overpopulation and aging problems. In any rational civilization, overpopulation and aging are impossible. Exactly the opposite occurs. When free of destructive humanoids, each conscious being is free to productively, culturally, and artistically innovate and flourish without limits, becoming a priceless value to others and society. For, each conscious being in a rational civilization is free to innovate and produce through division-of-labor dynamics far more values and resources than he or she consumes. ...Always increasing in value while always decreasing entropy, conscious beings remains forever young and precious.
Thus, in the open-ended Civilization of the Universe, a great demand for volitionally conscious people always exists. ...When free in an open and rational society based on objective law, each conscious individual enormously benefits and enriches all other conscious individuals and their societies. Through eternity, therefore, each conscious being will eventually contribute more value to society than its entire population at any given point in time.
Knowledge and technology increase endlessly. All advancing civilizations require developing ever greater and cheaper energy sources and production efficiencies.
Prosperity and happiness of conscious beings do not depend on their actual level of knowledge or technology, but depend on their rational thinking and acting processes required for continuously advancing knowledge and technology from any level.
Throughout the universe, every level of advancing knowledge and technology exists. Thus exists a technological level of conscious beings whose most efficient production of values depend on the unsupervised development and utilization of free-will conscious beings...such as found in an anticivilization as exists today on planet Earth. For, each such transceivable conscious person would provide endless values to all individuals and societies in the Civilization of the Universe.
Every populated area in existence has the economic-growth needs for which each additional, volitionally developed, conscious being from any civilization would be of immense value. Thus, honest conscious beings anywhere in existence are never allowed to perish.
In Earth's anticivilization, every volitionally developed, honest conscious person is transceived/redeemed on a commercially profitable basis into the Civilization of the Universe. In other words, essentially every honest conscious being who has ever lived on Earth continues to live, flourishing eternally, in the Civilization of the Universe. ...But, the harmful humanoids of past history self-programed themselves to perish -- to vanish from existence forever in the ultimate Ostracism Matrix.
Thus, justice and rationality are preserved through immortality.
Of course, the primary responsibility of conscious beings on Earth today is to protect and preserve their existence -- to create their own immortality in which transceiving would be unnecessary.
Schindler's List, the factual story of German businessman Oskar Schindler in the 1940s, illustrates how even at the evilest depths of this anticivilization, the value-and-job producer is the only person with genuine power and love...even midst humanoids who live by guns and mass murder. Only businessman Schindler, for example, could walk through the bloody mud of the Holocaust without soiling his soul, his compassion, his respect for human life. Only job-producing Schindler had the power, moral character, and strength to reach into the depths of this anticivilization to save conscious beings from the destruction and death wrought by its humanoid propagators.
Extrapolate the metaphor of businessman Schindler into the advanced technologies among the Civilization of the Universe. One will then recognize that honest businesspeople with their limitless valuation of conscious beings are the real saviors of everyone in existence. Only such value-and-job producers have the power, responsibility, and love to never let perish the supreme value throughout the universe -- conscious life, including conscious human beings on planet Earth. ...The competitive, value-and-job producing businessperson eternally preserves and advances all conscious life.
[ 53 ]
In the mid 19th century, the great German mathematicians, C. F. Gauss and G. F. Riemann uncovered the noneuclidean geometries and higher spatial dimensions involved in such transductions throughout existence. Matter, energy, forces, and fields arise from motions through varying geometries in various dimensions and quantum states. Einstein needed Riemann's geometries to develop general relativity. Today, superstring theory originating from Kaluza-Klein theory further links geometries in various dimensions to existence.
Once in the Civilization of the Universe, you will quickly forget the anticivilization. For, the anticivilization vanishes as the unreal nothingness it really is -- it simply vanishes to be forever forgotten. And, those left behind? They too will vanish and be forgotten. But, no one will be left behind except criminal humanoids who have destroyed their human nature and refused to reconstruct their humanity. Thus, every conscious being, once in the rational Civilization of the Universe, has no reason or desire to connect their lives or memories with the destructive irrationalities of an anticivilization.
What will a nonpolitical civilization based entirely on integrated honesty and objective law be like? That civilization will be free of subjective political-policy laws, irrational ego "justice", and dishonest parasitical elites. Gone will be force-backed governments with their above-the-law rulers. Gone will be the politicians, lawyers, and judges identified as criminal-minded "superior people" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky in his classic Crime and Punishment. Gone will be armed bureaucracies, mystical religions, wars, crime, fraud, poverty, disease, and death itself.
But, what is the Civilization of the Universe really like -- emotionally, intellectually, and experience wise? What will living free of disease, mysticism, dishonesty, criminality, and irrationality be like? One's entire pattern of thoughts, emotions, and experiences will be different -- so radically different from anything experienced in this anticivilization that no one today could fully know or describe that eternal difference...at least not until the Civilization of the Universe is created on planet Earth.[ 54 ] The conscious-created Civilization of the Universe will be available on Earth sometime after 2001. Five years later, many conscious beings in the business-developed countries will have already left behind this unreal anticivilization to reside in the exciting Civilization of the Universe.
How can one get some idea of what conscious life in the Civilization of the Universe might be like -- some idea before actually taking that one-way journey from this grotesquely contradictory anticivilization into the beautifully harmonious Civilization of the Universe?
Perhaps one can begin imagining an eternally prosperous, happy life by trying to view this closed-system anticivilization from the outside. From that external view, one can sense how irrationality constantly blocks or cuts off experiencing life as ecstasy, cuts off achieving limitless prosperity, cuts off experiencing a fully joyful, productive, rational life. From the Civilization of the Universe, every perspective will look different from anything one could experience within this anticivilization. Each new perspective will be like encountering a new color for the first time -- a new-color symphony -- a stunningly unexpected experience unrecognizable from any previous experience.
The increasing government-imposed difficulties in achieving competitive values and genuine happiness throughout this anticivilization will wondrously transform into the easy way -- the path of self-responsible freedom -- a consistently joyful path filled with endless victories. Indeed, that easy way is endless growth through discipline, rational thought, and productive action. Perhaps the closest, but still distant sense to that experience, can be observed in children under six years old still not diseased by the anticivilization. In every such child, one can observe his or her learning as not only remarkably rapid but compellingly joyful and exciting. Until poisoned by the dishonesties and mysticisms of the anticivilization, each young child experiences increasing joy in progressing toward knowledge and control of existence.
Indeed, an ecstatic life of endless growth is experienced by all conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe. Even destructive politicians and other parasitical humanoids can reenter that nonpolitical Civilization of the Universe after reconstructing their humanity -- after becoming honest, competitive human beings who are genuinely valuable to others and society.
[ 54 ] Consider a flatlander living in a two-dimensional universe being flipped up into a three-dimensional universe then falling back into his flat-plane universe. Observing only a series of two-dimensional planes or lines fly by as he travels through three-dimensional space, that flatlander would have no adequate way to understand a three-dimensional universe and would have no way to explain it to his fellow flatlanders. ...Do not confuse this useful dimensional analogy with the invalid analogy of Plato's cave to so-called higher realities. No higher or multirealities exist. Only one reality exists.
You Control Existence You are Invulnerable You are Zon |
Zon is a citizen of all universes. How would a citizen of Earth recognize Zon? How would Zon appear? How would Zon think? What would Zon do?
Zon is the controller of existence. Zon is the past and future creator of all universes. Zon is identical to you, except he or she acts entirely through fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Thus, you can experience Zon. Indeed, you can become Zon to rule existence and gain eternal prosperity. ...As Zon, nothing in an anticivilization has power over you.
You were born Zon. Every conscious being who has ever existed was born Zon. But, on planet Earth, every conscious being has been dragged from childhood into the dishonest illusions that perpetuate this anticivilization. Thus, everyone today behaves as someone else -- as someone other than an honest, fully conscious human being. ...Until today, every adult on Earth has lived as a phantom, never realizing that he or she is an eternal Zon.
You are Zon living in an illusion-shrouded anticivilization. In this illusionary civilization, all human beings live as phantoms deluded into believing they are mortals who live and die with no eternal power, purpose, or prosperity. When, in reality, conscious beings are immortal with limitless power and purpose.
On vanishing the illusions of this anticivilization, you reconnect with Zon, the ruler of existence. Although you still walk among the phantoms in this anticivilization,
you have no connection with their illusions. You are as divorced from their illusions as you would be divorced from the illusions of schizophrenics in an insane asylum.
Yet, you see everyone as your kin. You see the profound value and power in every conscious being. Beyond all else in existence, you treasure the soul of each human being, regardless of what civilization or age in which each lives.
As Zon, how would you appear physically, mentally, and behaviorally among the phantoms of this anticivilization? How would you gain ever increasing prosperity, love, and happiness when you are disconnected from all the illusions comprising this anticivilization? How would you function among the hypnotized human beings and destructive humanoids of this anticivilization?
As Zon, you do not feel superior to, aloof from, or even particularly different than others. Nor are you a Bartleby. You simply know you are in a different civilization -- a 180o different civilization. That difference does not make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy. In fact, your ability to function with others is enhanced. That disconnection also enhances your ability to benefit all human beings and humanoids on this planet. Moreover, your disconnection enhances your own happiness and enjoyment of life on Earth.
Most profoundly, as Zon you know that you are invulnerable to the irrationalities of this anticivilization. Like the anticivilization itself, the irrational actions of both its human-being and humanoid citizens are unreal -- not connected to reality. Thus, such nonreality has no meaning for you...no real influence on you.
Still, you are among fellow conscious beings -- the greatest value in existence. Moreover, the objective requirement for eternal life, prosperity, and happiness remains the same wherever conscious beings exist. That requirement is to deliver ever increasing values to others and society. Through the division of essence and labor combined with voluntary transactions, you create increasingly more values for others than you consume. You become increasingly valuable to yourself, others, and society.
You live to be, not to have. You live to create, not to consume. You need nothing beyond the requirements to produce life-enhancing values at maximum efficiencies for yourself, others, and society. You need or want nothing from this moribund anticivilization. You neither need nor want anything from its inherently destructive rulers and their dishonest media, organizations, academe, politicians, intellectuals, or celebrities.
Why the zero value of this anticivilization? Consider its irrational effects: The more life-enhancing values that heroic value producers deliver to society, the more parasitical humanoids foment public envy against those value producers. Why? To increasingly usurp unearned livelihoods from the productive class. Likewise, the more life-supporting jobs that honest businesses deliver to society, the more parasitical humanoids use government force to drain those businesses through irrational taxes, political-agenda laws, and destructive regulations. Such insanity is not the fault of human beings. Rather, that insanity is inherent in any irrational civilization functioning through subjective laws fashioned by parasitical rulers backed by armed agents of force.
In reality, you and all human beings belong not among this unreal anticivilization but among the Civilization of the Universe. All the insanities of which an anticivilization is constructed are merely illusions that never exist in reality -- bizarre illusions that ultimately yield only diminishment and death to human beings -- dishonest illusions that serve only the parasitical livelihoods of humanoids.
Yet, you as Zon are eternally protected by honesty and reality. You are always advancing in real spacetime to ever greater accomplishments, continually decreasing the entropy[ 55 ] of existence -- continually making order out of disorder. Thus, nothing in the anticivilization can really harm or adversely affect your progress in moving through spacetime toward eternal life and prosperity.
At this moment, you can experience the first glimpse at how you as Zon function among your fellow human beings in this anticivilization. You first note the honest innocence of young children. You realize that essentially all children under six years of age are Zons -- innocent, uncorrupted, honest. You notice how all such children struggle to obtain objective knowledge, not illusions. Those children strive for value-producing powers, not socially destructive pragmatisms. Then you realize how all parents and adults in this anticivilization are deluded by their humanoid rulers -- humanoids who eventually corrupt and then bury the innocence, honesty, and power inherent within every young child.
Only through that ultimate crime inflicted on all children has this bizarre anticivilization been perpetuated since its creator, Plato, twenty-three centuries ago.
You start your journey into the Civilization of the Universe by transporting yourself into a mind and body that functions through fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accountability. With the power of fully integrated honesty, you discover the universal laws that deliver valid solutions to all problems.
[ 55 ] That capacity to decrease entropy is why conscious beings and only conscious beings can potentially reverse physical aging.
Living by the universal principles of objective law, one neither needs nor wants approval, acceptance, or recognition from anyone interacting with this unreal anticivilization. The entire history of the anticivilization and its humanoid rulers is one of fraud leading to human diminishment. The anticivilization has no real existence or power. Its humanoid perpetrators have only illusionary existences and imaginary powers in an anticivilization first conjured up by Plato and then perpetuated by parasitical elites. Such parasites are epitomized by the dishonest hierarchies of the church, state, and academe who have fatally corrupted the minds and bodies of human beings for the past two millennia.
Now consider the meaning of vanishing the illusions that support this anticivilization and its humanoid rulers -- the meaning of you becoming Zon:
You need not correct anything in an uncorrectable anticivilization. You only need to disconnect. ...Now consider these areas of disconnection:
You are trim, fit, and happy. With your spouse, values such as growth, communication, love, and sexual enjoyment grow each year. In handling life, your effectiveness increases each year, never diminishing with age.
Your joy with your work, your loved ones, and your life expand eternally. You realize DTC and physical fitness are natural for all conscious beings throughout all universes, in all ages.
You disconnect from the irrationalities of overeating and under exercising throughout this anticivilization.
You disconnect from the dishonesties throughout this anticivilization.
You disconnect from the socially and economically destructive behaviors throughout this anticivilization.
My father attempts to describe life in the Civilization of the Universe in his above journal entries. Of course, held down in the darkness of our anticivilization, we have not yet seen that super prosperous civilization on Earth. To get an early glimpse at that new world, revisit the Six Visions in Book One, splashing six searchlights onto the approaching Neotech World, arriving sometime after 2001. You can rest assured that we will enjoy the Six Ultimate Gifts, forever and to the fullest.
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