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After 2001: Our Neotech World

By fully integrating Neotech knowledge while dispelling mysticism and transcending both perceptivity-centered and conceptuality-centered entering the sphere of Neothink, humanity will be able to realize that the universe is an eternally regenerative scenario composed and directed by conscious beings, and consisting of intricate interactions of eternal design principles that exist as the totality of eternally noncontradictory abstractions, i.e., as objective and immutable reality. It is truly remarkable that conscious beings should be able to comprehend these inexhaustible eternal design principles of the universe and immensely fine abstractions of reality, and, with Neothink, to control the manifest destiny of cosmic existence. And through its faultless logic, Neotech eloquently demonstrates that consciousness, this infinite capacity to know and control, along with its growth into Neothink, is not an accident but an essential component of the eternal design of the cosmos.

With Neothink, conscious beings begin to fulfill their destiny. With Neothink, conscious beings begin to control or alter the manifest destiny of the universe. The Neothink consciousness is not only the conceptual integrator of the universe's design principles but also becomes the prime designer of the cosmos. Neotech, the philosophical zero, made possible the dawn of Neothink, the rebirth of human consciousness to unprecedented heights and into full maturity. Now, consciousness on Earth begins a new journey toward the evolution, a mighty power without end -- the eternal journey and unfoldment of the Neotech Revolution/Evolution. And the whole romance of that eternal cosmic Neotech journey is called BUSINESS.

10. The Universe, Inc.

Business is the integrated circuit of consciousness designed to produce values. Value is the actualized knowledge that protects, nurtures, supports, or accommodates all growing needs of life. The process of value production consists of four stages: (1) metaphysically conceiving potential values -- the conception stage; (2) metaphysically/physically developing working models of previously conceived potential values -- the development stage; (3) physically mass producing previously developed product-models -- the production stage; (4) physically mass marketing product-values for consumption -- the marketing stage.

The process of value production is a tetrahedral system (time-tetrahedron) that divides the universe into that which is relevant and that which is nonrelevant to the production of particular values. That which is relevant to the production of particular values includes: all the information and knowledge that is required; all the individuals who possess the information, knowledge, or skills that are required; and all the physical materials, equipment, space, and time that are needed to produce particular values.

Each stage of value production -- each vertex of the time-tetrahedron -- has a unique value-index which increases geometrically as the process of value production evolves from one stage to the next. (The Value-Scale was first identified by Frank R. Wallace -- the following is a version devised by the author of this treatise):


The conception stage/Vertex 110 0 10 0 X
The development stage/Vertex 210 1 10 1 X
The production stage/Vertex 310 2 10 2 X
The marketing stage/Vertex 410 3 10 3 X

X = potential value of a product

Business is the integrated circuit of consciousness in which these four stages of value production take place. The integrated circuitry of business is a system (space-tetrahedron, which consists of four vertices -- the individual, the corporate, the world, and the universe vertices) that integrates the energy configurations of the universe into a value-producing machine. Production of value is the process of transforming physical/mental energy into a physical product of physical/metaphysical value, wherefore, productivity is the function of efficacy in transforming energy into product. Productivity means the efficient use of energy or the economics of energy. Productivity is in inverse proportion to the amount of energy unconverted into a product of value. The maximization of productivity, therefore, ultimately means to bring energy-waste to zero.

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