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After 2001: Our Neotech World

In short, the Six Visions showed me that everyone lived with millionaire wealth, perfect health, phenomenal success, exciting romantic love, admirable brilliance, and profound security sometime after 2001. A new code of living, a much better code, had replaced the old.

Looking back from my 21st-century Visions to the end of the 20th century, we were at the right place at the right time. We were in the starting gates of a great Technological Revolution, and we could see signs of that with super-fast microprocessors in the computer industry, fiber optics in the telecommunications industry, inexpensive satellite disks in the television industry. Those forerunners to what was ahead brought with them super rapidly falling prices. For instance, the latest $250 video-game machine from Nintendo had the computing power that would have cost $14 million a few years earlier.

In my First and Second Visions, the geniuses of society and the super technologies of the 21st century joined together with a synergy never witnessed before the advent of high technology. The geniuses drove down costs and drove up buying power so dramatically it boggled the mind. Where did the geniuses come from? Looking back at the late 20th century, an unusual abundance of geniuses rose in the computer industry and far outnumbered the geniuses in any other century-end industry. Of course, that helped explain why the computer industry advanced so rapidly and was a sign of things to come.

But, why was the computer industry so well endowed with geniuses? Looking back from the 21st century, the answer was obvious: the personal computer industry had shifted to the new code. The geniuses were free to rise up and to team up with super technologies.

Now, this brought me to an important image: looking back from the 21st century, I could so clearly see that the geniuses were held down in most other industries, stuck in the old code. Thus, we were vulnerable to severe, growing problems closing out the 20th century, namely crime, poverty, and disease. In fact, we started sinking into a Catastrophic Era. That Catastrophic Era could have lasted for half a century, if not for a sudden change that I witnessed in my Second and Third Visions. That sudden change came as Web TV helped introduce fifty million people to these Six Visions. Those people understood, as I do now, what was causing us to sink into catastrophe. The critical number was fifty million, then an unstoppable change occurred that saved us from sinking and lifted civilization to paradise on Earth.

The big question became, as we closed out the 20th century: can we leapfrog the Catastrophic Era and land in the Neotech (New Technology) Era after the turn of the millennium? Unfortunately, that did not happen. Fortunately, we did pull out of the Catastrophic Era before we sank too deep. While looking back at the final years of the 20th century, I saw a dichotomy building between the old code versus the new code. Let's visit those final years of the 20th century:

Computer people lived by the new code. They were hard-driving individualists who fiercely fought off government interference and regulations. Medical people lived under the old code. They had long accepted government interference and regulations.

In the computer industry, super technologies raced to the marketplace; breakthroughs advanced so quickly that oftentimes they got obsoleted by other super technologies even before reaching the marketplace. In the medical industry, by contrast, each advancement went through years of research, tests, and hundreds of millions of dollars in expenses before getting an approval by the FDA. No individual geniuses could rise up.

Fortunately, that did not happen to the computers, and that was why computers raced forward and prices raced downward. The medical industry was not so lucky. Of course, it advanced at a painfully slow pace with escalating prices. Until the FDA was gone, there would be no medical revolution. Yet, infectious diseases for the first time in 70 years advanced faster than modern medicine, pulling us and our loved ones into the horrors of drug-resistant strains of deadly diseases. As antibiotics lost their effectiveness, civilization sank to medical lows as modern-day pandemics terrorized mankind. Millions died. Tens of millions would have died, but a sudden change from the old code to the new code saved us from that horrible fate.

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