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All civilizations for thousands of years lived under the same old code that allowed a ruling class to rule over the people. In the late 20th century, however, we could see, for the first time, forerunners to the new code that would replace the old code after 2001. I saw the spectacular results of the new code through the Six Visions into the next millennium. The new code allowed no ruling class. The new code employed a protecting class as opposed to a ruling class.
Some social welfare programs still seemed very good and desirable, of course. Still, to have that compassionate social welfare that regulated our money put the divine power to rule over us in the hands of mortals. Again, that was the old code under which ruling-class mortals -- from Golden Greece's career politicians, the Hebrew elders, Roman emperors, monarchs of the Middle Ages, totalitarian rulers of the 20th century, to America the Beautiful's career politicians -- destroyed the society over which they ruled. Men could not handle the divine right that belonged to God only.
The people figured out that every regulatory act was disguised as something good, good intentions, by those politicians and bureaucrats who ruled over us. The result of good intentions? They took an average of one trillion dollars from us every year in the late 20th century for their "good intentions", which was destroying our prosperity and putting our feet into the Catastrophic Era of poverty, crime, and disease. After 2001, the people finally knew that any program of government that seemed good and desirable, in the end would destroy us if men -- politicians and bureaucrats -- were assuming God's power to rule over us.
Did we need regulations to stop corruption in business? Corruption in business had indeed always been a problem, particularly in big business. But in my Visions, people began to see that big government caused the corruption. They realized that big government consisted of men just like you and me, but the difference was they wanted to get ahead politically. So the basis of every decision was tied to political clout, not to building values. A lot of political clout and money came by befriending big business. And in turn, a lot of advantages for big businesses came by befriending politicians...advantages like special rights of way, passage of regulations that limited competition particularly from aggressive entrepreneurs. Tomorrow the people called such businessmen who looked to get ahead through political favors: political businessmen. They called businessmen who got ahead by producing better values at lower prices: market businessmen. The people realized, in short, if there were no big government, if politicians were stripped of their ruling power, there could be no more special arrangements and big-business corruption.
But some concerned moms wondered, would the 21st-century political paradigm ban the Department of Education? I mean, some social programs for the public good really were important. Indeed, they were. And tomorrow, their very importance became the impetus to get them out of the hands of people motivated by political clout. Education, energy, agriculture, commerce, transportation, environmental protection, all of industry's regulatory bureaucracies for that matter were sold off to private services. Those private services were no longer controlled by political power. Instead, they were controlled by you -- the consumer. To provide you with a competitive, desirable service, finally those good intentions materialized. They called this selling of government's so-called "good intentions", transferring them from corrupt politicians and bureaucrats interested in ruling over us to entrepreneurs and market businesspeople interested in competitively taking care of our needs, the Great Displacement Program.
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