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Book One

Chapter 2

The First Leap

The Book takes you through man's second and final evolutionary leap, into God-Man. This chapter begins with man's first evolutionary leap, which you need to prepare yourself for your leap into God-Man (whom you got an early glimpse of in the last chapter).

The Beginning

Before man jumped from an "animal" mentality into human consciousness, as we know him today, he went through a shifting period of his mental structure that began with the development of language. That period is called the Bicameral Age. [ 2 ] Bicameral man possessed the most advanced mentality possible through nature. As you will learn later, human consciousness is a leap beyond nature.

Bicameral man, like all animals, lived in the here and now, reacting to the world around him, outside him, with no sense of the past or the future and no inward sense of himself. Yet, bicameral man had developed language and, later, writing. Writings from the Bicameral Age such as the Sumerian epic Gilgamesh (written before 2000 B.C.) and the Homeric epic Iliad (written before 700 B.C.) are like newspaper clippings reporting the news. There was no past, no future, no introspection.

The books of the Bible were different: they introduced the past, the future, and the inner self to humanity. Those books, written over an 1100-year span from about 1000 B.C. through 100 A.D. and covering nearly 2000 years of events from the journey of Abraham (about 1850 B.C.) through the age of the Apostles (through 100 A.D.), capture the major shifts in man's evolving mental structure away from automatically reacting to the outside world in the bicameral mentality toward inwardly determining one's actions through human consciousness.

The books of the Hebrew Bible (i.e., the Old Testament), written from about the 10th century B.C. through about the 6th century B.C. during mostly bicameral times, were very different than other writings during that time. For the first time in recorded literature, for example, the books of the Hebrew Bible put an unmistakable effort on trying to capture history -- the past. The Bible broke from the universal wheel perspective of time (i.e., no beginning or end, no past or future) and for the first time opened the idea of the future.

The boundary breaking sense of time, as Thomas Cahill identified in his book The Gifts of the Jews, was the result of an "enormous value shift". Until now, everything meaningful happened in the only "real" world -- the world of the gods, not man. Man was merely a pawn to be used to the fancy of the gods, as evident in the early epics. The Hebrews, however, as represented in the Hebrew Bible, shifted importance from the celestial gods to man on earth: for the first time, man now held meaning and importance. He now lived in a real world.

Therefore, for the first time, the events of man on Earth were meaningful and his world was real. Thus, the events of man on Earth needed to be captured...including where he came from: his past. And because reality and meaning now existed in man's world, his events could lead to the new: his future. Shifting value from the world of the gods to the world of man was also a shifting of his mental structure from the outside world toward his inward world...a major step away from the bicameral mentality that automatically responded to the outside world and toward human consciousness that turned inward to one's thoughts and decisions.

The stories in Genesis (Book One) and Exodus (Book Two) of the Hebrew Bible introduced for the first time in literature a sense of time, a past and a future. Those stories reflect the shifting of bicameral man's mental structure. Like all other animals, he simply reacted to the world around him. He was directed from "out there", from the world of the gods. But those early stories of the Bible reflect a shift from "out there" to his own world.

Now, the Ten Commandments in Exodus went another major step toward human consciousness: those Ten Commandments stretched bicameral man's sense of himself even further than past and future. The Ten Commandments expanded his sense of himself inward, toward his inner space, by forcing choice upon him -- thrusting upon him the new idea of controlling the present.

The Ten Commandments in the Hebrew Bible were unique to literature in that they did not merely describe the consequences of doing certain wrongful acts as other writings at the time. Instead, the Ten Commandments were just put out there as self-evident choices, bringing the bicameral man a rudimentary introduction to inward self-responsibility and self-control. Before the Ten Commandments, man had no self-control; like all animals, he merely reacted to the world around him. He believed he simply served as pawns for the "gods" to direct as they pleased. All his actions came from outside of man, from the whims of the "gods", as demonstrated in the epic poems passed down by bicameral man such as Gilgamesh and the Iliad. But now, the Ten Commandments caused a major shift toward the inward world of human consciousness. With the Ten Command-ments, a person had to choose how to act.

For the first time, that person's every action was not guided by the gods. Instead, he had to, in an elementary sense, work through internal thoughts to guide himself. And now, the choices he would make in the present would determine his future. In other words, for the first time, bicameral man was gaining a sense of control: if I chose to act a certain way in the present, I control what happens to me later. All this was bringing major shifts in bicameral man's mental structure. He was evolving from no control toward self-control and self-determination, the hallmark of human consciousness. The Ten Commandments represented the outer edge of introspection bringing the Hebrew mental structure closer to human consciousness.

But, why these desert nomads...the dusty ones (the original meaning of "Hebrew") from the desert? Why didn't human consciousness rise previously out of the thriving civilization of Sumer or out of the flourishing Egypt or Assyria or Babylon? [ 3 ]

Human consciousness was a whole new inner mind space that did not exist in bicameral man. Bicameral man, like all animals, had no sense of time, and he only comprehended and reacted to what his senses perceived immediately around him. There was no inner mind space in which to step back from that external stimuli to go into thoughts, to think, to analyze, imagine, judge, and make decisions. Bicameral man was, simply put, an extremely smart yet automatically reacting animal. He was not human...not like we are today to where we think, decide, and guide ourselves.

The opening of that mind space of inner thoughts known as human consciousness was an event beyond all proportions, beyond our conception today, for suddenly those bicameral animals entered into the realm of the gods. The opening up of the mind space known as human consciousness would have rocked those humans to the core, filling them with confusion, exhilaration, fear, power, and comfort all at once. The opening of the new mind space of inner thoughts known as human consciousness was not a development through nature. Nothing in the physical structure of the brain changed. Simply an intangible new space or dimension opened up, for the first time, for thoughts.

The opening of the new mind space known as human consciousness actually occurred through the sophistication of language, namely the development of the metaphor. The metaphor -- using something else, something separate from the event on hand, to understand the event on hand -- created the mind space that allowed man to separate and stand back from the immediate world before turn inward from the world outside him into his own world of thoughts. That mind space that opened through the advanced linguistic tool of metaphors enabled man, for the first time, to step back and separate from his sensory perceptions and think, just as we think analyze, judge, introspect, and make decisions. He could turn away from the events on hand to contemplate.

Today we take for granted our ability to think and make decisions, but back then the enormity of that new power -- jumping from a basic "animal" mentality, seeing, hearing, feeling, and, like a child yanking his hand back from a hot stove, automatically reacting to the world around suddenly having a whole world of thoughts in our heads to think and decide and control the world around us -- was the power of God now within the man! As we'll see, this thunderclap that rocked those who first experienced the lightening-like "jump" from one world of the animal to the other world of the human with god-like power, was actually the message of Jesus who was a bicameral peasant who had gone through the thunderclap of becoming conscious...or, becoming one with God.

The opening of the new mind space known as human consciousness was an event beyond evolutionary leap of the mind into an entirely different organization created by man under enormous survival pressures. Ironically, this lightening-like jump from animal into human consciousness could not happen under comfortable, prosperous environments. It had to happen under harsh survival pressures, as historically documented by Julian Jaynes in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

The two necessary ingredients to open up this new mind space known as human consciousness were: 1) the development of the metaphor, and 2) enormous survival pressures. The answer to the question, "Why the dusty ones from the desert?" is: they had the second necessary ingredient missing in Sumer, Egypt, and Babylon. The history of the Hebrew Bible -- from the early patriarchal figure Abraham in Genesis, journeying out of the comfortable surroundings of the city of Haran into a life in the harsh Moses in Exodus, leading the Children of Israel out of the relative comforts of Egypt into a life in the harsh Sinai the destruction of Judah and the exile into Babylonian slavery -- is a history of tough survival. The major mental shifts toward the mental structure of human consciousness rose out of those nomads struggling to live and survive.

Indeed, sometime after YHWH (i.e., God) cries out the Ten Commandments to the Children of Israel cowering in fear at the foot of Mt. Sinai (a bicameral experience, explained later), He decides these Hebrews led out of the lush Egypt by Moses are too soft and makes them survive in the rugged Sinai Desert for 40 years before moving on to the Promised Land.

Six centuries before, when Abraham left the comforts of Haran to go into the harsh desert, his journey was a constant challenge for survival. This explains the remarkable difference between the many stories about warriors and kings of the age, stories that perished over time, versus this story that became part of the canon of the Bible and has survived four millennia. In this story, Abraham develops a closeness with God never before seen in literature. Abraham develops, however incredibly, an interpersonal relationship with God.

This remarkable evolvement of Abraham that brings him so close to God that he sees Him, reflects a mental structure evolving for the first time toward monotheism (i.e., one God), a prerequisite to "unifying" with God, which is really what happened when bicameral man jumped to human consciousness: reactive man leapt into the decision maker and became his own authority, his own god; he no longer needed a voice to guide him, as explained in Book Three, Chapter Two. Human consciousness, as Jesus would later tell the world in parables and metaphors, is when man becomes "one with God".

Two thousand years after Abraham followed the voice of God into the desert, Jesus' teachings completed the ever so long record of man's shift from the "animal" mentality into human consciousness that rose out of these desert nomads at the edges of civilization. Amazingly, it is their writings, those traveling tribes so separated from thriving bicameral civilizations, that document who we are today; it is the stories and writings of the dusty ones that survived across the millennia to tell us how we are who we are today.

Sparkling Glimpses of Consciousness

In the Bicameral Kingdoms, a hierarchy of imagined gods made the major decisions and directed man through hallucinated commands that either were "heard" during rituals or repeated by hallucinating oracles. The phenomenon of hallucinating the voices and decisions of the gods is described in Book Three, Chapter Two and is well accepted by today's scientific Establishment. In short, the audio hallucinations came from neurological impulses in the right chamber of the two-chamber (i.e., bicameral) brain. Those neurological impulses were part of bicameral man's nervous system, nature's neurological guidance mechanism, which existed in all animals. But in man, who had developed language, nature's directions came through neurological impulses that originated in the right chamber of the two chamber (i.e., bicameral) brain and were transmitted and "heard" as authoritative commands in the left chamber..."heard" as the "voices of the gods". Whereas nature's neurological impulses would cause a forest animal to turn and run from the rising smoke of a forest fire, nature's neurological impulses would cause a bicameral man to hear his god command, "Turn and leave. Flee!" They were both neurological guidance systems, part of the animal's nervous system designed by nature...with bicameral man's audio hallucinations representing the most evolved system possible through nature.

Bicameral man functioned through automatic, learned, or mimicked reactions or, in more stressful situations, through the commands from the "voices" of the gods. Over thousands of years, his mentality went through a few major shifts to reach a certain mental structure that suddenly could separate from the outer world and go into a whole new inner world of thoughts. With that new mind space, man leapt into a decision maker. He was thunderstruck by this new power within -- this new power of God.

In its proper context, this was the message the conscious peasant Jesus took to the countryside to the uneducated, bicameral peasants. From the early patriarch, Abraham, who got uniquely close to God, to Jesus Christ's metaphorical message of becoming one with God (nearly two thousand years later), the accounts of the Hebrew Bible and the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the accounts of bicameral man's evolution into human consciousness, with glimpses of consciousness sparkling across the Bible like stars sparkling across heaven itself.

In fact, the common denominator that pulled together the canon of the Bible and made each of its books Holy Scripture and its major characters superhuman was, I believe, their early sparkles of human consciousness among the many bicameral stories and writings of the times. And the culmination of the Christian Bible is Jesus Christ because he represented human consciousness -- he was the analog model, the metaphor of God. He was the God-Man of that ancient time.

Starting with the Bible's early patriarchal figure Abraham, the first sparkling glimpses of consciousness could be seen. Of the many, many tales around at the time, what made the story of Abraham stand out and become Holy Scripture? Abraham was the lowly desert nomad who deceived the great god-king Pharaoh of Egypt by claiming Sarah, Abraham's beautiful wife, was his sister, knowing full well the Pharaoh would put her in his harem and kill her husband. This act of survival saved Abraham's life. In fact, the Pharaoh rewarded Abraham with silver, sheep, cattle, and servants.

Abraham's encounter with the god-king occurred sometime around 1850 B.C. Man was bicameral then and automatically reacted to external stimuli. The act of deceit requires the mind space of human consciousness. Out of survival, this desert nomad manipulated the great god-king of Egypt, the most powerful man in the world, through deceit in what appears to be a flash into consciousness.

Moreover, something even more fascinating separates the story of Abraham from the other tales at the time: As the story continues, Abraham challenges and even negotiates with his god. His powerful sense of individuality uniquely advances him beyond bicameral man's polytheism, which had always been the guiding force of bicameral man's societal structure. Abraham's powerful sense of individuality pulls him further and further into monotheism (i.e., the belief in one God).

Although we cannot sense it now, back then Abraham's monotheism was nothing short of amazing. The Bicameral Kingdoms were all ruled as theocracies; a hierarchy of imagined gods and real god-kings were absolutely necessary for the political fabric for survival. The theocracy was part of man's survival system, the imagined gods part of his nervous system. For the first time, the authority of many gods and god-kings changed to the authority of one God in the eyes of Abraham because of his own needs for survival, away from thriving Sumerian civilization, alone in the desert.

Abraham's monotheism was much more than a belief system -- it was a major shift of the mental structure away from being controlled "out there" by the only meaningful world of the gods...toward the meaningful inner world of man interacting with this one God -- the God who chose Abraham to start a great nation and to establish a covenant with the chosen people, a world filled with meaning, purpose, and promise. [ 4 ]

The multiple gods of the bicameral theocracies put little meaning or purpose on man. YHWH (the name of the God in the Hebrew Bible) puts enormous meaning and purpose on man. Suddenly, life on earth was important -- very important. The individual was...well, an individual. The chosen people had...well, a covenant with God. They had to make the right choices so as to be worthy of YHWH's covenant with them.

Abraham, who started this amazing shift to monotheism, had to have a strong sense of individuality in order to transcend the domineering structure of multiple gods and carry on this interpersonal relationship with one God. Abraham's leap of individuality represents a major shift in man's mental structure. Man must have this sense of individuality -- this sense of himself -- before he can open the mind space of human consciousness.

Cahill wrote, "But the god is becoming more than a voice: he is `seen' by Avram (i.e., Abraham), who is told, `I am God Shaddai' -- a name for which we may have lost the linguistic key, though many have thought it means `Mountain God' or `God of the High Place'. `Walk in my presence!' invites the god. `And be wholehearted!' Seeing the god in all his splendor and being invited to such intimacy causes Avram to fall `upon his face'. The relationship is becoming more intense; and as we witness its development, we must acknowledge something just below the surface of events: without Avram's highly colored sense of himself -- of his own individuality -- there could hardly be any relationship, yet the relationship is also made possible by the exclusive intensity that this incipient monotheism requires, so much so that we may almost say that individuality (with its consequent possibility of an interpersonal relationship) is the flip side of monotheism."

As the story continues, Abraham gets closer to his god than had been known in any other story during those bicameral times. He talks to and even sees God. Abraham's unique closeness to God was a sign that he was, or the original narrator was witness to, a bicameral man forming the mental structure that was approaching the jumping off point just before the great leap into human consciousness.

Next across the night sky of the bicameral mind that could see no further than directly in front of it -- neither seeing back in time nor extrapolating forward into the future and certainly not inward at oneself -- comes, six hundred years later: the light of Moses. He broke the darkness of the human psyche with the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments gave the bicameral man his own choice in the present to shape his future, casting the first glow across the horizon, preceding the dawn of human consciousness.

Moses also greatly advanced the meaning and value of the world of people versus the world of the gods and the god-kings. He brought value to people through his grave persistence to free the chosen people, who were suddenly more valuable than the great god-king Pharaoh of Egypt. The chosen people, who followed Moses into the Sinai Desert, had meaning, value, an important past, present, and a very important future that would determine the fate of civilization on Earth -- God's own creation.

Two and a half centuries later, David, the slayer of the Philistine warrior Goliath, was the King anointed by the prophet Samuel. He is Israel's second King, preceded by Saul. In this story, King David is not a prophet like Moses and Abraham. Although completely and fully devoted to God, David is not a religious leader; he is a political leader with secular concerns.

Here in this new time of Kings, the Bible presents us with the third major shift in man's mental structure. With David, the charismatic King, the writing of the Bible begins to turn the man, into the self.

The hallmark of human consciousness is the ability to look inward, to introspect...and the word "I" used in this way to give space to the inner self is a major vehicle, a prime thinking tool, for turning inward into the space of our own psyches. Consequently, the word "I" as that vehicle to see within the man never appeared in ancient literature, never...until the Psalms of the Hebrew Bible. And it would not appear again this way in other literature for another 400 years. It is believed that several of the Psalms were written and sung by David himself around 1000 B.C.

The next four hundred years, the period of the Prophets as recorded in the second section of the Hebrew Bible called the Neviim, led to the fourth major shift in man's mental structure. The prophets were, in essence, persons very proficient at putting together the big picture. To understand the prophets, you must understand a little more about the bicameral mind. The right-chamber creative side of man's brain (our brain today is physically identical to the bicameral man) is where the visions and audio hallucinations of the gods originated. Modern day tests show that the right-chamber brain absorbs many times the information than our left-chamber logic side of the brain. That information is constantly, subconsciously absorbed by the right-chamber brain. Then, in a flash sometimes accompanied with "eureka!" or "I've got it!", a thought comes pouring into our logical, "aware" left brain. That thought is sent there from the right brain that had been storing up information until, in one flash, the logical left brain put it all together into an original thought.

That description correlates to how the bicameral man's right brain would store lots and lots of sensory data, then in a moment of stress, the right brain would send a message, in the form of a "vision" or "voice" of God, to the "aware" left brain.

Ironically, the broadly integrating right-brain dominance of the bicameral mind in those bicameral times helped provoke quite accurate big-picture prophecies from oracles and prophets, as was the case with the prophets in the Bible...such as the warnings of Amos and Hosea about the imminent destruction of Israel in the North, and the warnings of Isaiah and Jeremiah about the imminent destruction of Judah in the South. They prophesied that self-indulging material excess of the elite through abusive power and taxation would bring destruction to the tribes in the North and in the South. Both big-picture apocalyptic prophecies came true.

Through hindsight, when the elite Jews were deported to Babylon as slaves during the exile in the sixth century B.C., they finally understood why those prophecies came true: they were warning those Jews that each individual's behaviors and actions, the individual's choices, would impact his future. After the destruction of Israel in the North and Judah in the South, the elite Jews, back to the lowliest lows of slavery and bare survival during the exile, adjusted their mental structures to advance into the new dimension of self-choice and self-responsibility.

This major shift of man's mental structure came on the heels of the destruction of Judah, four hundred years after King David. As predicted by the Prophet Jeremiah, the vicious King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon attacked and destroyed Jerusalem. He deported the devastated surviving elite Jews to Babylon as slaves. The Jews were right back to where they started 700 years before -- as captive slaves. But here lies a great irony: under those great survival pressures, having lost everything to complete devastation -- this reducing the prospering Jews down again to the slave struggling for survival -- the greatest shift of man's mental structure began...the shift inward to introspection.

"Those who first thought these thoughts must have felt that a great thunderclap had shaken them to their roots," writes Cahill about this "journey of the spirit". The thunderclap Cahill refers to here is: the Jews' first inward experiences of human consciousness.

There was no counterpart to this journey of the inward spirit in religion or politics in the early sixth century B.C. Yet, with the total destruction of their outward material world, the Jews were able to make the dramatic shift inward -- to the journey within. The new writings that arose, the later books of the Hebrew Bible, were unlike any writings before. The new writings reflected a journey within the inner individual...not the outer group, tribe, or nation. The new writings reflected a mental shift to the jumping off point into human consciousness. And somewhere along the way of this early journey within arose the question, "Why must the just and compassionate man suffer?"

By now, the Hebrew Bible (i.e., the Old Testament), was dealing with complex issues of justice and love that entered the twilight of human consciousness. However, the Hebrew Bible was still unable to satisfactorily answer, and would never fully answer, its most puzzling question brought on by introspection: why must we suffer?

The full light of human consciousness would be needed to answer such a question. That question was dealt in the Book of Job of the Old Testament, but was not really answered. That question was finally answered 500 years later by Jesus Christ. Jesus' ministry represents the final mental shift or, more accurately, the stunning leap into human consciousness. With Jesus, the mind "opened up" to a new consciousness that Jesus called "the Kingdom of God".

Those mental shifts during man's nearly 2000-year trek from Abraham to Moses, to David, the prophets, the exile, the return, and finally, Jesus, allowed the light of human consciousness to rise and vanquish the bicameral darkness:

"Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone. The light shines through the darkness..."

-- The Gospel of St. John

The Man Who Radiated Light

When the light of consciousness finally rose, it was symbolically attached to the man who brought consciousness to the lowly masses. That man was Jesus Christ.

Human consciousness lights the world we live in. We can see beyond our hands and feet (that dominate bicameral writings)...we can see the past, the future, and most important, we can see within ourselves. The bicameral mind was the darkness, the night in which one sees only what immediately surrounds him. Human consciousness is the light, the light that followed Jesus wherever he went as he gave light (i.e., the new mentality) to everyone.

Tracey Alexander is the first to present the hypothesis that Jesus' ministry was teaching the new mentality -- the rise of the "new consciousness", the "Kingdom of God" within each person. Book Five No More Lies in The Book presents her hypothesis, demonstrating that Jesus' message, his "Kingdom of God" within, his "new consciousness", was the new leap of power into human consciousness that lit the world and the spirit for each person who received it.

This man who the light followed was the one who finally answered, after five centuries, the unanswered question of Job in the Hebrew Bible, unanswerable in the old mentality. Indeed, the new mentality created the mind space for the deep introspection needed to answer why the good man suffers.

The Jews generally believed at the time of Jesus that suffering was punishment from God for one's sins or the sins of one's parents or grandparents. Jesus confounded both the Hebrew leaders and his followers when he taught that suffering was something good, something that would enable his followers to enter the Kingdom of God, something honorable.

Such an abrupt reversal of thought left people scratching their heads, asking "huh"? In fact, when reading the Gospels, particularly Jesus' dialogues with the Hebrew leaders, one can just imagine the head scratching that went on as Jesus spoke in ways that shook up and confounded deeply established thought patterns. I will come back, in a moment, to Jesus' "What-does-he-mean-by-that?" head-scratching approach never seen before.

But first, I will attempt to convey the lost context of Jesus' answer (not Paul's answer or any other interpretation) to why the good man must suffer. Properly conveying Jesus' context (after two millennia of Paul's innocent distortions and the Church Fathers' politically motivated distortions, which we will deal with later) could only happen because of my relationship with Dr. Frank R. Wallace and our combined five and a half decades at the cutting edge of humanity's next leap into mankind's next mentality (to happen sometime in the early third millennium). A leap into a new mentality has only happened once -- during Jesus' time. As The Book demonstrates, a leap into a new mentality is about to happen again -- during our time. We have gone through four major mental shifts during the past three thousand years, as explained in Book Six, and we are standing in the twilight of the new light. Only because I stand on the cutting edge and have slipped into and out of again the new mind space of our next mentality, can I have these unique insights into what Jesus was truly conveying and perhaps feeling, for Jesus was standing on the inside edge of the first new mentality. My insights, I might add, are not just intellectually configured. Those insights come from over two decades of living and working every day -- with all its frustrations -- on the edge of the next great leap...observing some people's reflexive retractions versus other people's tendencies to flow naturally toward the coming leap. I submit that these are the same human reactions (unique to these rare evolutionary leaps) that Jesus witnessed, with all the frustrations, on the inside edge of the leap into "the new consciousness"...his "Kingdom of God".

Specifically, what Dr. Wallace and I have observed, with scientifically sound frequency, is the nature of one's investment in the existing mentality. The more invested -- the more material success -- the more they recoil from the coming leap. On the other hand, the less invested -- the materially suffering -- the more naturally they can accept, grasp, and desire the new mentality.

Jesus obviously observed this same reaction among the commoners and drew his answer to why the good man must suffer. He must suffer to be free of earthly possessions -- investments in the old mentality -- to come into the Kingdom of make the leap into the new consciousness.

Now, I must give you an added insight: By the time of Jesus, the people of the privileged class including the Pharisees (i.e., teachers of the law), with the advantage of advanced education, were conscious. Most of them, as a collective whole, dishonestly used their advanced power to manipulate the uneducated bicameral peasants. Jesus, an honest peasant himself, made the necessary attachment of morality to the new consciousness. Now, once one made the evolutionary leap into human consciousness, he then entered the new realm of choosing between honesty and dishonesty (not a choice of the automatically reacting bicameral man who, like a dog, could not be dishonest).

Then Jesus told him (in metaphors), "I have come to judge the world. I have come to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind."

The Pharisees who were standing there heard him and asked, "Are you saying we are blind?"

"If you were blind, you wouldn't be guilty", Jesus replied. "But you remain guilty because you claim you can see."

John 9:39-41

To enter his Kingdom of God, a person had to be honest and good, not dishonest and bad. The elite leaders, living in material excess, were oppressive. During that time, Jesus observed the conscious elite, including the Pharisees and scribes, living in material excess at the expense of taxing and oppressing the peasants. He knew that was immoral. On the other hand, Jesus observed the struggling common man treating his fellow man with respect and equanimity. He knew that was moral. This attachment of morality to his "Kingdom of God" was obviously inspired by the injustices Jesus witnessed in town after town, the injustices bore by the struggling people. Those poor souls were the good, the suffering. They were the honorable.

"Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who hunger now,
for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh."

Luke 6:20-21

Extinguishing the Light

When studying the New Testament and Jesus' ministry, and pulling together its proper context, we are dealing with an inherent problem: brilliant conscious men -- the Church Fathers and scholars of the Middle Ages...the educated elite with self-serving political agendas -- had control over the canon of the Scriptures. There is speculation among today's scholars that suppressing and even destroying gospels about Jesus occurred.

This unsettling thought is echoed by biblical scholars today who often pose the question: why only four Gospels? Furthermore, we know that Matthew and Luke copied the Gospel of Mark (until recently it was thought that Mark and Luke copied Matthew). So, if we say that two of the four Gospels were copied, then that means there are only two original accounts of Jesus' life. Yet, at the end of the Gospel of St. John, he wrote, "...if all the other things Jesus did were written down, the whole world could not contain the books." The thought of only four Gospels goes against St. John's account and St. Luke's account and other accounts of the prolific Jesus and the magnitude of what was written about him. Many gospels are believed to have existed.

Unfortunately, all those writings were property of the Church and its manipulative leaders, driven by self-serving political agendas. Whereas many gospels are believed to have existed, historians believe they were forever destroyed by the Church.


Feminists believe the patriarchal church, which certainly did oppress women for centuries, destroyed all gospels that showed women in positions of power or authority. That theory may very well be true, but the feminist theory certainly would not account for destroying all but two original gospels in that male-dominant age. I believe the feminists have pinpointed a small but integral part of the bigger problem.

In the framework of what we know now, I submit that those other lost gospels did not fit into the canon because they would not easily fit the political context the Church used for Jesus and his teachings. Perhaps the other gospels were too revealing, too detailed, not easy to gloss over and change context.

But this practice of controlling context is not surprising for that age. In fact, it was the normal practice. In those days, history was not an objective science like today, rather it was common practice to subjectively interpret or even shape history to fit the desired context. It would be surprising if the Church did not tamper with or suppress the writings about Jesus.

The Middle Ages was the period the Church controlled, shaped, sanctioned and permitted only the official context. No one, nothing could challenge the official context sanctioned by the Church. The litmus test for freedom -- science -- failed miserably, for science itself had to conform to the Church's Geocentric view of the Universe (i.e., Earth was the center). Scientists like Copernicus dare not release his Heliocentric breakthroughs (i.e., the Sun was the center) that contradicted the Church's official context of the Universe...not until he lay on his death bed (story told in Book Three, Appendix B).

Knowing this leaves no doubt that when we read the New Testament, including the Pauline Letters, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Catholic Letters, we are, in essence, reading a canon designed to fit the Church Fathers' political context, not Jesus' original context. So, how do we deal with this to bring back Jesus' original context? After 2000 years, can it be done?

Reigniting the Light

Although admittedly a speculative process, it's one I feel confident in making based on my unique position, standing in a similar dynamic in which Jesus himself stood -- on the edge of an evolutionary leap of the mind. The unique insight of myself and Dr. Wallace combined with logical inductions and reasonable deductions should allow us to cut through the bogus context, which as we shall see started in the New Testament.

Science cut through first, starting with Copernicus over 450 years ago, because the cosmos are ultimately provable via physics. Our job to get to Jesus' original context took four and a half centuries longer, for not until the parallels could be drawn from one evolutionary mental leap (that is soon to come) to the prior evolutionary mental leap (that Jesus experienced) could the context be formed for what it means -- what Jesus meant -- while looking at civilization from a different world with a different consciousness.

Certainly we cannot understand Jesus' real message without at least understanding the magnitude of the mental shift from one mentality to the next, that is: from the bicameral mentality to human consciousness. I hope by now you have at least some sense of the magnitude of humanity's great leap forward from darkness to light. ...Humanity today, 2000 years later, is approaching another mental leap of the same magnitude. Fortunately, I have spent nearly my entire adult life working shoulder to shoulder with Dr. Wallace, the only man alive to have transcended this mentality and leapt into the next for periods of time. Therefore, working so close to the next mentality, I can begin to not only intellectually, but emotionally grasp what Jesus strived for, under a completely different set of circumstances, of course. But the magnitude of the event of leaping from one mentality to the next can override the specific circumstances to bring us close to the experience and context of Jesus. In other words, on the edge of humanity's next evolutionary leap, we can really relate to what the man Jesus was trying to do and where he was coming from.

For example, by knowing what I know from my close work with Dr. Wallace, it is obvious Jesus could never, as Dr. Wallace could never, merely tell people how to get to the next mentality. Of course, I am sure Jesus, just as Dr. Wallace and myself, wished it were that easy. But since it is a mental leap, neither Jesus then nor Dr. Wallace today can walk others through it. Instead, Jesus then and Dr. Wallace today must "shake up" people's thought patterns to get their minds ready to jump. This is exactly what Jesus did then and Dr. Wallace does today.

For example, I find myself sometimes chuckling with insights as I read the Gospels and Jesus' comments and parables that would really stump both his followers and adversaries. Of course today, after the privilege of 2000 years of hindsight and academic dissection and all the teachings and studies and sermons, we easily understand his general messages of justice, love, compassion, forgiveness (at least at a certain level, but not at the root level, which I reveal in Book Three, Chapter Two). But if you can, for a moment, try to imagine the minds of people back then. For instance, the idea mentioned earlier that suffering was a good thing and honorable left his rivals and followers stumped. Or imagine the idea of love and compassion and forgiveness as a guiding force of society in those rough and tumble times. As understandable as those concepts seem now, they were just totally off the wall back then.

The very act of Jesus himself leaping into human consciousness brought forth this outpouring of love and compassion during those harsh, often brutal times. The evolutionary leap from the bicameral "animal" mentality into human consciousness lifted the individual into a whole new emotional existence that exponentially transcended his previous emotional existence. It was from that new emotional existence that Jesus taught. Time after time his lessons of love were beyond comprehension to onlookers and his disciples. Jesus' teachings on justice, suffering, love, and compassion made people back then just stop, stare, and often think he was downright crazy.

Everything Jesus said, back then, seemed different...weird. This jumbling of people's grooved-in thought patterns was Jesus' only possible way to shake people out of their old world so they could make the leap, which explains his confounding comments that left his subjects back then scratching their heads. He taught in parables and metaphors (remember, metaphors were the linguistic tool that enabled bicameral man to separate from the world before him to turn inward into a new world of thoughts within him). A point would come when his disciples least suspected it...their minds would make the jump (not unlike the child who has been struggling to read single words, then one day, makes the jump and reads nearly everything around him).

I can, when I read the Gospels, so clearly see Jesus confounding his people, statement after statement, metaphor after metaphor. I can, however, know and relate to this only because of my work with Dr. Wallace, for I can relate to that gulf that separates two worlds. Like Jesus then, Dr. Wallace now cannot tell you how to get into the Neothink mentality just as Jesus could not tell the peasants how to get into human consciousness. Whereas Books One through Five in The Book describe the Neothink mentality as Jesus described his Kingdom of God, Book Six by Dr. Wallace shakes up the reader's thoughts with things that seem different and did Jesus. For, Book Six comes to you from the other side, from the other did Jesus.

St. Paul

On the journey back to Jesus' original context, we must take a detour here through St. Paul. Some call Paul the "second founder" of Christianity. Before becoming a Christian, Paul was a devout Jew, possibly a Pharisee, who participated in the persecution of Christians. Then on the road to Damascus, he had a "divine experience". He says he saw and heard Jesus, and soon he was baptized. After that, he was a servant of the Lord and spent his life spreading Christianity to the world, especially to the Gentiles, and founding churches throughout the Mediterranean. Paul wrote long letters to churches of the region. Those Pauline Letters make up over a third of the New Testament, and they crystallized Christology.

Those letters were either written in response to questions asked him by those new churches dealing with real-life, everyday, nitty-gritty problems that Paul needed to address...or were written from Paul's own hands-on observance of problems with the new religion in certain locations, particularly while bringing Christianity to both Gentiles and Jews. So, Paul's letters really were real -- down to earth, right down to the nitty-gritty workings of everyday life. Whereas Jesus presented the idea system, Paul disseminated the operating system. (Similarly, Wallace presents the idea system beneath the next mentality in Book Four, and I present the operating system in Book Three.)

Paul was a hard-working man with admirable energy and devotion. He made and sold tents throughout his missionary work to have enough money to survive. He was honest, practiced and believed what he preached, without hypocrisy.

Paul never met Jesus; Jesus died before Paul converted. Realize that Jesus brought to the countryside a new mentality that carried with it confounding new thought patterns and a strategically odd communication process (i.e., speaking in parables and metaphors) that can confuse even biblical historians today. ...Along came Paul, certainly a conscious man, an educated man, but not a professional, educated elite (his academic grasp of Greek Philosophies was below average). He had a vision; then this tent maker who never knew Jesus developed, from Jesus' ideas, the entire application system that Christianity took off on for the next 2000 years. ...When you stop to think about that for a moment, you realize (as Paul did himself) what shaky grounds much of Christianity was founded on, right from the start.

And I know, because of my historically unique position of working on the edge of an evolutionary leap of man's mind, only the second ever, that Paul very innocently got Jesus' fundamental point well off track. I will not take the time here to go through the specifics of Paul's Christology such as his beliefs in Original Sin and guilt, his treatment of theodicy (i.e., why the good man suffers) in his letter to the Romans, his ideas of predestination, and so on. But I will just mention that Paul's psyche carried a heavy burden: before he converted he was responsible for persecuting Christians, which would have tormented the mind of the man Paul became -- the "second founder" of Christianity...the religion of love, which perhaps offers insight into Paul's inclinations to say what he says in dealing with his own guilt. But, we cannot delve into that in this treatise. (Notice Paul's self-torment in this passage to his beloved son in faith, Timothy, late in his life, as follows.)

"Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners -- of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen."

-- Paul's letter to Timothy 1:13-17

Now, without first understanding what Jesus heroically set out to do -- i.e., to bring the uneducated peasants human consciousness thus bring to their lives meaning, value, power, justice and freedom from the educated elite, as identified by Tracey Alexander -- Jesus' "confusing" message spoken in parables and metaphors, designed for the bicameral man, could so easily get off course, even reversed, if carried forth by someone else besides Jesus. I know this from my work with Dr. Wallace and his work in the next mentality. But first, I will give you a brief example of how Jesus' message so easily gets reversed, even by scholars today, because they do not know what Jesus was doing or where he was coming from:

Below I paraphrase from an insightful lecture by Robert Oden, Ph.D., who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College, formerly Professor and Chair, Department of Religion at Dartmouth College, currently President of Kenyon College:

"I think the central message of Jesus is: Life itself is transitional...Life itself is liminal...Human beings are powerfully tempted to see this life as it: birth, life, death. Jesus says that's a temptation to which you must not fall prey because that's not it. You're relying on sensory data and not on authentic reality...The route that He took from life to death and to another life is a life that is open to all Christians who accept Christ...Life is liminal...I do think, cosmologically, that is the chief Christian message...all those Christian hymns about going home, they're bang on...The message is that your real home is not here on Earth; it's in another realm, access to which you have because of Jesus."

If Dr. Oden only knew that Jesus was trying to invoke the evolutionary leap of the bicameral peasants into another world of human consciousness in which man became one with God. Then this scholar, once he understood the major metaphors through which Jesus taught, would see Jesus' original message was actually the opposite of this well intentioned scholar's interpretation.

Now, translating Jesus' major metaphors that he used over and over to his bicameral followers, let's see how Dr. Oden's interpretation turns around, even while using the good doctor's own expressions: "When Jesus talked to the bicameral peasants and told them that life as they knew it (i.e., their bicameral existence) is not it...and that the route He took from life (as a bicameral peasant) to death (of his bicameral mentality) and to another life (reborn with human consciousness) is a life open to all bicameral peasants...Jesus' message is that your real home is not here on Earth (as a bicameral peasant); it's in another realm (as a conscious human or God-Man), access to which you (the bicameral peasants) have because of Jesus (a conscious human...a God-Man)."

As you can see, without understanding the necessary metaphors for his terribly limited audience (Jesus had no choice but to use those metaphors with his bicameral audiences) his entire life's message gets reversed. Dr. Oden thinks that Jesus' message says authority and power and meaning and value is all "out there", which was exactly true for the bicameral man to whom Jesus was talking to but was exactly the opposite of what Jesus was working toward! The powerless bicameral mentality was the very problem Jesus was trying to reverse. He was trying to invoke those bicameral peasants' leap into human the ancient God-Man, to whom comes the authority and power and meaning and value. I know this from my work with Dr. Wallace on the edge of our next leap into Neothink. I know Jesus was talking to the bicameral man in metaphors; he was not talking to the conscious man. He did not expect the conscious man to take his metaphors for the bicameral peasants literally.

Paul innocently made that same mistake. Without understanding the two mentalities, Paul could not differentiate that Jesus' metaphors for the bicameral man were not to be followed literally by the conscious man. The metaphors were a tool to invoke the process into human consciousness. Jesus was highly motivated by justice to bring an end to the oppression of his brethren. Paul did not know Jesus and could not know his strategic use of metaphors. Paul could not know Jesus' deepest objective. Tracey Alexander could look back and know what Jesus was doing and know his strategic use of metaphors only because of her association and work with Dr. Wallace on the edge of the next evolutionary leap of the human mind, the parallel event that enabled her to see the parallels.

So, Paul missed the necessary role of Jesus' metaphors and instead interpreted Jesus' metaphorical teachings to the bicameral peasants as literal teachings for the conscious man. Then Paul added his own ideas from his own troubled psychological makeup (such as man is born guilty through Original Sin [ 5 ]) and sent the Christian theology in a direction that was in reverse of where Jesus was taking it.

Where was Jesus taking Christianity? He was taking the ordinary person to where Jesus himself was -- to the ancient God-Man. The Book presents the cosmology Jesus, given a full life like Plato or Aristotle, would have strived for. I know this only because of my work on the edge of a leap in our mentality -- a leap Jesus started but could not complete.

I know clearly, from my own work with Dr. Wallace, the problem Paul got into by building the operating system to Jesus' idea system, a problem Paul would be the first to admit if he were alive today. For instance, I have built the operating system (Book Three) to Dr. Wallace's Neo-Tech idea system (Book Four). Had Dr. Wallace, as did Jesus, died young, say twenty years ago after completing Neo-Tech, the destination where his course was headed (Book Six) would have stopped. I would have continued, as did Paul, building the operating system. My destination, however, would have been completely different than Dr. Wallace's, as was Paul's destination different from Jesus'. And I say this having had the advantage of deeply knowing Dr. Wallace (I am his son) and knowing the next evolutionary leap better than anyone else in the world next to Dr. Wallace. Paul did not even know Jesus or that the evolutionary leap even existed. Jesus alone was intensely working on the inside edge of a new mentality. He was orchestrating a process, not a static idea system, which is what his teachings became with his early death. Jesus simply died too young.

It seems to me that Paul, as did Dr. Oden, simply did not know Jesus was talking in metaphors to bicameral men, not literally to conscious men. Thus, Paul built a whole theology upon this misinterpretation of Jesus. Paul seems innocent, honest, hardworking and nonhypocritical at heart. That is to say, he had no political agendas as did the Church Fathers such as St. Augustine and perhaps the unknown author of the Letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament. Nevertheless, Paul's misinterpretation of Jesus turned the mental structure of man back to a bicameral structure.

Paul wrote his letters during a time in which the Christian belief was overwhelming that the world would end with the second coming of the Messiah. Paul thoroughly believed this, which affected much of what he thought and wrote. For instance, he advised people should not get married if they could overcome temptation. But he advised not marrying so they could concentrate on the Lord's work, believing the end of the world was coming soon. He had nothing against marriage per se.

I think Paul was a man of integrity who simply did not understand what Jesus was doing. He, like most others, was waiting for the Christ to return, not knowing that the Holy Spirit and Second Coming were metaphors...that Jesus was telling the bicameral peasants that the Spirit of Christ was in each of them, who would come to them as they rose into the new consciousness -- human consciousness. Their bicameral world would end as they rose into the Kingdom of God.

The letters of Paul would have undoubtedly faded in importance over virtuous but outdated advice. However, the political Church realized they had a gold mine in the Pauline Letters for the structure of power that could be built over the masses. In St. Paul, the politically driven Church had a sincere, genuine evangelist -- a martyr -- who innocently started his life of misguided devotion following a right-brain bicameral experience [ 6 ] in which he "saw and heard" Jesus. A true believer, Paul put enormous energy and honesty into his life's work, although his work was a misinterpretation of Jesus...a misinter-pretation that inverted Jesus' message, reversed the leap of power into human consciousness (and freedom from the educated elite) back to the powerless bicameral mental structure (and slavery to the educated elite).

Paul, who was not a professional, educated elite, innocently gave the Church Fathers of the Middle Ages the foundation to build their political power over the masses. That explains why Christianity grew into the bureaucratic political monster, the Catholic Church, that ruled the Western World for a thousand years; Christianity grew into the religion, the survivor during a time of many competing religions. St. Augustine, an educated elite and perhaps the early Church's premier influence, latched onto the writings of St. Paul.

What About Jesus' Miracles and Resurrection?

During a conversation with a true believer in the Church's interpretations of the Bible and in a God above, he asked me to explain Jesus' miracles.

I said that I see a few issues here: The first begins with a description given by Professor Elizabeth McNamer in her eight recorded lectures titled The New Testament: An Introduction. In Lecture Six, she says, "Now, before one reads a book like this, one has to shed one's 20th century American skin. We're so used to thinking of history as a recording of the facts and nothing but the we see them presented every evening on our television sets: these are the facts; this is what happened. But this is a very new way of presenting history...this is only this century. Before this time, historians were much more interested in the interpretation of the facts, rather than in the facts themselves. So bear that in mind when we are reading through the Acts of the Apostles." In other words, the miracles in the Bible are not meant to be facts. That writing style was a literary vehicle to complete the interpretation of Jesus as the Messiah. Moreover, that writing style, undoubtedly, became even more exaggerated in the Bible by the Church scholars taking liberties to serve their political agendas and, particularly in more vulnerable times, to pass them off as literal happenings.

A second explanation comes from the philosopher Euhemerus who lived in the 4th century B.C. Since Dr. Oden explained Euhemerism so well in his lectures (although he does not fully agree with it), I quote him in explaining Euhemerism: "All religions started as collections of stories around the deeds of extraordinarily gifted, enormously smart and powerful human beings...but people who were just that -- they were only human beings. And then, because these people, though they were human beings, were so talented, so smart, so gifted, in the decades and generations and centuries following their deaths, these stories were exaggerated; they became hyperbolized so that the deeds of once mighty but still mortal human beings became the deeds of supernatural beings. ...This mode of analysis says that...there once really was a Moses, there was a historical being called Khrishna, there was a Buddha, there was a Jesus, there (was) a Mohammed. They were all gifted, talented, extraordinarily committed, outstanding human beings...but that's all they were. But they were so talented that their followers in the years, decades, generations, and centuries following them, began to tell stories about them that made them sound more and more supernatural. So you want to know how religions got started? That's how they got started: they were the deeds of...mortal but very significant beings, and they got exaggerated."

Now, that theory takes on new meaning and strength when understanding that those religious figures were the original sparkles of the light of human consciousness on Earth, which takes us to the third explanation regarding Jesus' miracles: he was a fully conscious man surrounded by bicameral peasants. The Gospels, for instance, report awestruck crowds with people who ask in awe, who is this man to speak with such authority? (That would be an immediate reaction and question a bicameral man would ask when confronting a conscious man.)

Imagine such an event: a conscious man wanders into a society of mostly bicameral men and women. That would be similar to the bicameral American Indians confronting the conscious European "white gods". Jesus would seem to bicameral men to be a god with miraculous powers. His evolutionary leap into human consciousness could go a long way in explaining his ability to perform "miracles" in the eyes of awestruck, uneducated peasants.

For comparison, one of the first achievements that will occur in the Neothink mentality will be curing aging and death (Book Three, Chapter Seven and Appendix A). That will seem totally natural to those in the Neothink mentality, but will be nothing short of a miracle to those people before taking the leap into Neothink. The separation, the vast gulf, between Jesus' bicameral followers and his own conscious mentality could have started the tales about the Messiah's miracles. Over time, those tales could have easily grown into tall tales, made even taller still by the ready hand of the Church editors.

In any case, when I read the Gospels, it's like reading two books at once: The teachings of Jesus, especially about love (which I deal with later), are impactful and carry deep meaning, but the reportings of his miracles slip into silly fairy tales, used as literary vehicles to carry along an interesting story. To me, reading the serious quotations of Jesus and his dialogues with the Hebrew leaders, for instance, then shifting to accounts of his miracles is like putting down a serious book on psychology or philosophy and picking up a fairy-tale book to read my daughter. The Gospels are full of this switching back and forth between fact and fiction.

I see similar issues regarding the Resurrection, along those same lines. Aside from the same issues raised above as they also apply to the Resurrection, I see three further issues:

First, believing Jesus would return, the authors of the Gospels wrote nothing down for many years. But when too many years passed and the Apostles started dying off, they decided they had better write about Jesus. During those years between Jesus' death and their writings, the tales could have easily been blown up, even in their own heads. They were the quiet followers -- prone to the bicameral mentality that sought supernatural leaders or leader. To have seen Jesus' Resurrection would have pleased their deep-rooted bicameral tendencies.

The second issue I see is that these disciples, these followers, might have flipped into bicameral hallucinations after the stress of losing their leader. As explained in Book Three, Chapter Two, stress caused primarily by decision making, sent bicameral man into bicameral hallucinations -- both audio and sometimes visual hallucinations. Suddenly, without their leader, the disciples were faced with unbearable stress because without Jesus, the decision making fell upon them. So, perhaps they hallucinated their leader, their god, to give them decisions, a classic model of the bicameral mind. When reading the New Testament, the Gospels and the first half of Acts about Peter, the Apostles still seem bicameral.

The third issue is that the early Greek translations did not have the portion at the end of Mark 16:9-20 (remember Matthew and Luke copied Mark, and John's Gospel came even later) that describes the Resurrection. Could that have been added later by the Church editors? I don't know the answer, but that possibility seems suspicious. Think about it: Jesus supposedly taught his Apostles for another 40 days after the Resurrection. It would be those teachings that would dominate the Gospels, yet neither in the Gospels nor in the Acts of the Apostles exist anything but references to those 40 days of teaching. It makes sense that the Church editors completed their political agenda by adding in the Resurrection. And yet, they were smart enough not to try to craft and add in those "teachings", for doing so would make vulnerable their forgery.

Before we move on, I must mention that it would be interesting to see a primary translation done now of the original Greek (Koine) copies of the Gospels with our understanding of Jesus' leap of power into the new mentality of human consciousness, realizing he was communicating to bicameral peasants (not fellow conscious men) using metaphors that the bicameral peasants could more easily relate to. Could such a translation bring forth entirely new insights? I am also, personally, quite interested in his expressions about eternal life in such a new translation. Was the meaning something slightly different, perhaps his way of describing the new dimension of the future and control over your destiny (remember, bicameral man lived in the here-and-now with no sense of the future or self-control), or was eternal life a metaphor, or was eternal life a sales gimmick in a time of many competing religions...or was he peering through to yet the next level in the Neothink mentality (where the first feat of society will be to cure aging and death, as you will see in Books Three, Four, and Six)? I am very curious about Jesus' references to eternal life.

The Leap of Power Nullified

As the new consciousness spread and shifted value, power, control, and authority to the individual, the common man, the original message of Jesus was strategically taken out of context by the educated elite -- the brilliant leaders of the Church -- and ultimately used for a selfish power grab: they could stop this shift of power to the common man and, instead, continue their manipulation of and rule over those lowly peasants. With the clever "enshrinement" of St. Paul in the cherry-picked canon of the New Testament and the late inclusion of the Letter to the Hebrews (which scholars later realized was not written by Paul as we were led to believe by the Church) and the Catholic Letters at the end (which scholars no longer believe were written by those who personally knew Jesus as we were led to believe by the Church), the message of Jesus got successfully (and nearly permanently) inverted for 2000 years...until The Book. The Church turned Jesus' message, for the common man, against him.

Greatly oversimplified, this is how the Church turned Jesus' message against the very people he was trying to help: As man, one by one, became conscious, he became his own decision maker...he became, as Jesus metaphorically told them, one with God. (Remember, bicameral man had no decision-making ability. That was done by the imagined gods, which is further explained in Book Three, Chapter Two.) But the educated leaders of the Church cleverly, brilliantly stopped this "one with God" idea before it manifested.

The educated Church leaders, working off the innocent Pauline Letters, masterfully preserved the old bicameral perspective that God was a separate entity to whom man was subservient. By propagating Paul's misinterpretation and presenting Jesus' message in this wrong context, the leaders of the Church could continue ruling the masses in the name of God. And now with the political power, the Church could use this wrong context to rule over the masses even after they evolved into consciousness. [ 7 ]

From Abraham to Moses to David to the Prophets to Jesus, the canon of the Bible brought together the accounts of man's fascinating leap from the Bicameral Kingdoms, helplessly ruled by the imagined gods, into one's Kingdom of God, ruled by one's consciousness. In its proper context, the Bible was a priceless turnkey working document -- the light of day -- for making the leap.

The extraordinary power of human consciousness initially caused a great flourish. The Golden Age of Greece with its breathtaking knowledge rose quickly from the barbaric ruins of entire civilizations just a few hundred years before, during the breakdown of the bicameral mind (explained in Book Three, Chapter Two). But then, as humanity stood on its launching pad, something like a debilitating disease started to weaken the power of consciousness. It started with the Greek philosopher and great academe, Plato (427-347 B.C.), who created the pernicious philosophy for the educated elite to be our higher authorities, to be our leaders. The disease gradually gained strength until, a few hundred years later, it was synthesized with Christianity by St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.). Instead of conscious man soaring as his own authority, his own decision maker and god, man became a pawn once again (like before consciousness) to higher authority, external authorities...the leaders of the Church. Man's value, power, control, and authority vanished as did the light of Jesus. Instead of humanity and knowledge soaring from its leap of power into consciousness, humanity and knowledge sank into a thousand years of darkness known as the Dark Ages.

With the aid of Plato, as we will see, the Church turned the Bible from "a journey into human consciousness" to "a journey into mysticism". For 1600 years, the Bible has been viewed from this delusionary context of man serving a supernatural being called God -- a context devised by the external authorities, the leaders of the Church who ruled mankind in the name of God. As we will see, perhaps a much bigger problem than the Church suppressing gospels about Jesus was the shift in context using brilliant conscious men such as Plato, the unknown author of the Letter to the Hebrews and, later, St. Augustine...all three educated elite and, in the case of Plato and St. Augustine and most likely the author of Hebrews, political figures interested in power.

Humanity's Greatest Irony

Plato lived 400 years before Jesus. Plato was a brilliant Greek philosopher who developed the most comprehensive, fully surviving idea system for living. The basis of his metaphysics was that the transient world we live in was but a shadow of the authentic world of meaning and value...of authentic reality that he called forms. Amazingly, this brilliant academe developed a complete philosophy and definitive idea system for living that paralleled the same underlying value system and mental structure of the Bicameral Age where meaning and value -- the real world of authentic reality -- was "out there" in the world of the gods, not in the meaningless, transient world of man.

Plato, as did all the Greek philosophers, intensely studied the Iliad and the Odyssey, the so-called Homeric Poems. The Iliad was written by bicameral man and reflects the bicameral mental structure that Plato ultimately developed into a fully integrated conscious philosophy. The result of Plato's philosophy, of course, leads to the same results seen in the Iliad and other bicameral epics: all-powerful, often immature gods full of jealousies and envy acting like spoiled children used the meaningless, valueless humans to serve the gods' every whim with no accountability or importance placed on the humans, even if they went to war and lost their lives for a god's emotional fancy. Now, simply exchange the humans under the gods to the populous under Plato's elite political leaders. Of course, Plato makes his leaders out to be noble academes interested only in the eternal beauty of the perfect forms, but the mental structure and practical results of Plato's Republic are the same as the bicameral world of the Iliad.

However incredibly, this educated elite Plato brought back, in a potently integrated matrix, the mental structure of the bicameral mind. Plato's powerful mutation of the bicameral mind could actually survive within the conscious mentality that was otherwise quickly dismissing the old bicameral beliefs. This bicameral mutation, created by one of the world's most brilliant men, was such a debilitating disease to the new conscious mind that human consciousness steadily lost its enormous power.

Plato's philosophy was based on something he called forms. The forms were the pure and perfect state of things that existed in the eternal world of "authentic reality". Consider the example given by Phillip Cary, PhD, head of the Philosophy program at Eastern College: if you were a math teacher who, for his entire adult life, drew triangles on the chalkboard, you would never draw a perfect triangle. A complex mathematical equation, however, intellectually tells us that the perfect triangle exists and has existed eternally despite the millions of imperfect triangles drawn by man. That perfect triangle is the beautiful, eternal form. It is authentic reality, not what math teachers draw on chalkboards.

Plato pigeonholed man as: never knowing, no less achieving, those perfect forms that represented "authentic reality". According to Plato, the ordinary man could never get close to knowing reality.

Plato said that reality was a function of reason and could not be perceived by our senses. To approach reality took years and years of special education to just begin to learn the forms.

Plato's beautiful, poetic Republic, his most famous writing about the ideal State, concretizes politically on Earth his metaphysical view of forms. It all sounds interesting and harmless at first interpretation, even admirable, especially the virtue of striving for the ultimate form of good. But then you realize this philosophy is reversing everything that brought man his leap of power -- reversing us back to powerless bicameral mental structures.

In metaphysics, Plato reversed our new mental structure of consciousness back to the bicameral mental structure. Like the bicameral beliefs, our world was now unimportant; it was not even real. What was important and real was that unattainable world of the bicameral man's unattainable world of the gods (yet the unattainable was now advanced by this brilliant philosopher into a sophisticated and unassailable mutation through his idealistic world of forms, a perfect place we would go to after we died before being reborn on Earth). Plato's perfect world of eternal forms took the previous 1500 long years of shifting value, power, control, and authority from beyond man to within man, and Plato's "perfect world" shifted that value, power, control, and authority right back again to "out there", beyond man.

In the study of ethics, Plato put forth that the ordinary man is not responsible for not knowing reality. Reality is not known until you know the forms. But to begin to know the forms takes many, many years of advanced education. Thus, we may conclude, besides the educated elite -- comparable to the god-kings of the Bicameral Kingdoms -- the masses know not reality and are to be led by the educated elite, the new external authorities. That completely undoes the ordinary man's self-responsibility (and the power, control, and internal authority that goes along with it) first introduced by the Hebrews in the Torah and the Ten Commandments, by the Prophets and the journey within...on the long road to consciousness.

In politics, Plato's Republic represents his ideal State. A very few selected persons become the ruling class through years and years of exclusive education. They are 50 years old before they know the forms well enough to become a governer of the State. Of course, no one else knows reality, only the educated elite. They rule the State. They are equivalent to bicameral man's god-kings. They are the external authorities (just like those who ruled over the Bicameral Kingdoms). Meaningful self-authority and self-control vanishes under Plato's politics. His Republic undoes the evolution throughout the Bible that brought value, power, control, and authority to the common man.

In the study of epistemology, Plato put forth that knowledge is acquired through memory: the higher realities are the forms, and when we die we go to the perfect world of the forms for a period of time. Then, we are reborn on Earth. All our lives, we carry that knowledge of the forms deep in our subconscious. We acquire knowledge as we remember bits and pieces from our subconscious. This is a sophisticated version of the same mind structure of bicameral man who believed man had knowledge only to the degree the gods intermingled in his life and gave him knowledge. ...The Bible recorded man breaking out of that celestial, cyclical wheel of the gods to establish his past and his create the New through knowledge of the past and decisions (e.g., the Ten Commandments) in the present. He gradually developed the tools to generate knowledge. All that is undone by Plato.

The trick of Plato is that his philosophy is idealistic and sounds virtuous. Of course, so does communism. But both revert back to the powerless: to the obsolete bicameral mental structure of external "authorities".

Plato's bicameral mutation, now injected into the new conscious mentality, steadily built influence and gained strength over the next four centuries. Of course, Plato lived in a different place and culture than the Hebrews. But, in the second half of the first century A.D., the Letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament was written by an unknown author who was an educated elite. Although the author was unknown, scholars do know by his writing he was a Hellenistic Jew. He was very educated and deeply understood Greek philosophy...particularly Plato. Here is where the misinterpretation of Jesus became permanently solidified. The Letter to the Hebrews says man's world on Earth is transitory, a shadow of ultimate reality in heaven. The Letter to the Hebrews tied together the major characters and events (i.e., man's world on Earth) in the Hebrew Bible -- from Abraham and the covenant to Moses and the Ten Commandments to David and the Prophets -- and superseded it all with the culmination of Jesus from heaven and the new covenant. Of course, the brilliant letter does this using the wrong interpretation of Jesus, using his metaphors literally with strong Platonistic overtones. The laws of the Torah, for instance, were said to be just a transitory shadow on Earth of what had come through Jesus from heaven. The Letter to the Hebrews successfully rolled up everything in the 2000-year development of man's trek into human consciousness, and teed it off in one Platonistic smack right back into the bicameral mentality.

The Letter to the Hebrews (originally, perhaps strategically, claimed by the Church to be written by the "enshrined" Paul) actually differed dramatically from the Pauline Letters, which were specific advice that would have faded piece by piece over time with the fading bicameral mentality. The Letter to the Hebrews brilliantly pulled together the events of man on Earth in the Hebrew Bible and made them all lesser realities than the ultimate reality of Jesus and (his metaphor) God, "out there". Indeed, Hebrews made Jesus' message, through Plato's philosophical tools, fit directly into a bicameral mental structure where the authority, meaning, and value was "out there" in another world and not inside man himself -- the complete opposite of Jesus' message! Hence, the Bible, mankind's idea system for living, flipped from a turnkey manual for evolving into human a turnkey working document for external authorities to send man's evolving consciousness back to a bicameral structure! The Letter to the Hebrews now gave the Church a powerful, self-serving context through which it could build its political power over the world.

That self-serving context, expressly for political rule over the world, culminated in the fourth century A.D. with St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo. He was a genius who, as a young man, became inflamed with love for books on Platonism. After St. Augustine's conversion to Christianity, he synthesized Plato's philosophy with Christianity and the Bible, particularly with St. Paul's misinterpretations of Jesus.

This brings us to the greatest irony of all time: now, through Plato's definitive philosophy and St. Augustine's prolific literary genius (that required three full-time secretaries to keep up with him), the mutant, bicameral mental structure for living was now irrevocably tied into Judeo-Christian religion and, specifically, to Jesus Christ and the Bible! Jesus Christ was the very man leading the bicameral peasants out of the bicameral mentality, and the Bible was the very piece of accumulated literature that represented just the opposite -- the written account of man's evolvement away from the bicameral structure of the mind into the conscious structure...away from meaning and values being "out there" in the world of the gods, bringing meaning and values down to Earth into the interior world of man. That ever evolving body of literature represented the ever evolving consciousness painfully occurring through the harsh survival pressures upon desert nomads, their immense struggles for freedom and life while enduring slavery and overcoming plunder. The struggles and ascent to consciousness grew over two thousand years of evolving lives and over a thousand years of painstakingly scribing the literary accounts.

The Bible -- that historic account of man's ascent from the Bicameral Kingdoms into human consciousness, just as we are today -- culminating in Jesus' message, now was reversed by this bicameral mutation injected into humanity by Plato and St. Augustine.

Over the course of the Old Testament, we can see the progression from godly power to individual power, from power beyond to power within, culminating in the New Testament and the metaphorical message of Jesus that man can become one with God. This, of course, is the proper context of the Bible, the evolvement from bicameral man to God-Man.

Jesus was the God-Man of that ancient time. He spoke in metaphors. He called himself man of God, Son of God, the Father, which were metaphors. He spoke of dying and his Resurrection, which were metaphors. He spoke of the Holy Spirit entering the good people on Earth, which was a metaphor. Myself seeing what it takes to go through an evolutionary leap of the mind (into Neothink), I see how the old mentality must first die, then one rises again in the new mentality. I can see that Jesus was speaking metaphorically to the bicameral peasants. His message about the Kingdom of Heaven was a metaphor for the evolutionary leap into human consciousness...into God-Man:

Jesus replied, "I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God."

"What do you mean?" exclaimed Nicodemus. "How can an old man go back into his mother's womb and be born again?"

Jesus replied, "The truth is, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven. So don't be surprised at my statement that you must be born again. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit." John 3:1-8

The Plato/St. Augustine combination separated Jesus' God-Man into God and man...or, God over man -- right back to the bicameral perception and value structure. The Church now used the great power of the Bible out of context, as a self-serving political tool to rule over man in the name of the almighty God above man. Meaning and value now lay with God and the Church. Man was, once again, the pawn...the powerless.

A Quick Proof

This hypothesis may seem unrealistic considering its total absence on the radar screen of many thousands of biblical scholars and historians. First, I will say that the proper context of the Bible could not be seen before because the Bible first required a parallel event -- the next evolution of man -- to be seen in the proper context. We have reached that parallel event on Earth that Dr. Wallace, myself, Tracey Alexander, and Eric Savage have studied in depth and now present to you, too, in The Book. Yet, even without knowing about our next evolution into God-Man, this hypothesis has the advantage of coming equipped with a self-evident proof:

Try to imagine the leap of power human consciousness gave man. Prior to human consciousness, man had no control. He just lived by mimicked reactions and learned responses and automatic guidance from his nervous system like other animals, although he had the most advanced brain, including language, thus the directives from his nervous system were "heard" as commands. Human consciousness sprang forth after reaching a point of sophistication in language and writing, namely the creation of the metaphor. The invention of the metaphor met paths with enormous survival pressures [ 8 ] to push man -- first, the Jews -- into a new inner mind space that enabled him to separate from the immediate exterior world around him and enter that interior world where he could analyze, judge, think, introspect, and make decisions. Suddenly, he had full self-control. Imagine, he could think and make decisions independent of the gods -- independent of the automatic guidance from nature's nervous system. He leapt beyond nature into man-made self-guidance and could plan his future. He, in essence, mentally jumped from animal to human. Imagine the prosperity such a leap of power would bring him!

However, after injecting the crippling Plato/St. Augustine mutation of the bicameral mental structure into this new conscious mentality, the incredible power vanished to nothing.

Incredibly, as the masses gained this great power, civilization sank into its most powerless age. The world reversed in knowledge for a thousand years! That bizarre reversal of knowledge and power is mind boggling upon understanding the context of that time...coming on the heels of mankind's phenomenal leap of power into human consciousness. The only possible way that could happen would be if somehow the all-powerful conscious mentality reverted back to the powerless bicameral mentality, which could only happen if a powerful mutation of the bicameral mental structure -- a disease of the mind -- infected and crippled this new leap of power into human consciousness.

The fact that humanity reversed for a millennium, just as the masses were discovering human consciousness, is unbelievable. Humanity should have instead soared as a supersociety at a lightening pace. (See the chart in Book Three, Chapter Two to see how fast humanity should have soared.) That bizarre reversal can only be explained upon realizing that the conscious mentality became infected by the mutant bicameral germ of Plato and St. Augustine and was subsequently spread by the Church Fathers.

Plato and St. Augustine's mutation of the bicameral mentality was far more powerful than the original bicameral mentality itself, which was quickly fading as silly and dismissable rituals that arose from primitive man's inability to think through things and explain things. This powerful platonic mutation created by two of the most conceptually brilliant men who ever lived, could survive in the conscious world. In fact, it was a germ so strong it could not be stopped. This mutant bicameral germ spread throughout the western world (eventually the entire world) and destroyed, dead in its tracks, the limitless power of human consciousness. The mind disease crippled humanity into the Dark Ages and has, ever since, sickened the world in a debilitated anticivilization.

The Heartbreaking Loss

The Bible, the most valuable document ever written prior to The Book, was turned into the most destructive document ever written. Instead of freeing the bicameral peasants, the Church enslaved them for a thousand years. Jesus, who gave his life for his love for the struggling peasant, would have been heartbroken upon learning this.

The bottom line is: Jesus died too young. Of course, his enemy, the educated elite, murdered him and went on, without him, to win the war of two worlds.

The Final Victory

The Book is here to tee up that destructive mystical world and smack it away, forever. The Book will, finally, win the war of two worlds for Nietzsche's Jesus and for every value producer who ever lived, from the peasants to self-made billionaires. The Book is dedicated to the value producer.

The Book gives us the cosmology Jesus would have strived toward had he not been murdered just three years after his ministry began. I am not saying the specifics in The Book such as the money-making techniques, for instance, would have risen from Jesus' teachings. What I am saying is: The Book completes our final evolution into God-Man that Jesus started. Take comfort in knowing that the general message here is what Jesus himself wanted you to know. The Book will do right for Jesus (and humanity) what his crucifixion did wrong for Jesus (and humanity) for 2000 years.

We do not know it now, but today we are in a Dark Ages compared to what we will have when the bicameral mind disease is gone (predictably sometime in the early third millennium, perhaps in our lifetimes). We cannot know that we are in a tragically suppressed era (by comparison to what we will have) anymore than people in the grips of the Dark Ages could know about the sparkling Renaissance yet to come. The Book will give you your first glimpse into the illuminated world free of the bicameral mind disease, yet to come.

The big picture of The Book is to remove that bicameral mind disease from human consciousness, throughout the world. When that occurs, civilization will go through a leap of power to new levels of prosperity, wealth, and love for everyone. The supersociety will form and take us into the Civilization of the Universe.

The immediate picture of The Book is to remove that bicameral mind disease from your consciousness. When that occurs, you will go through a leap of power into a new mind space called Neothink. You will so prosper beyond your current self you will become a millionaire, discover deep happiness, and experience the next level of intense romantic love.

The Missing Ingredient

When we study Jesus' teachings of love and his metaphorical teachings of who are the blessed, we realize Jesus went much further than guiding the bicameral peasants to the jumping off point to human consciousness. He introduced the missing ingredient of honesty to consciousness.

Neo-Tech, fully integrated honesty, is a human process achievable when acting through pure love (Neo-Tech, fully integrated honesty, and pure love are thoroughly explained in Book Three, Chapter Two, and the full treatment of the Neo-Tech Discovery comprises all of Book Four.) Jesus' feat of introducing preliminary aspects of Neo-Tech to the masses may be Jesus' greatest feat of all, for Neo-Tech was the necessary ingredient to human consciousness -- and the missing ingredient -- to complete the leap into the omnipotent God-Man and rise into the supersociety.

The special ingredient called Neo-Tech (defined as fully integrated honesty and achievable through pure love) was missing for the thousand years before Jesus was born. (The Greek philosopher Aristotle introduced the educated to preliminary aspects of Neo-Tech 350 years earlier.) After the educated elite had already made the leap into human consciousness, they gained such enormous power over the common people that the privileged class tended to slip into lazy generalship over the masses. Absent from their minds was honesty, a state achievable when acting through love, which Jesus brought to the world both in his own unyielding principles and in his metaphorical teachings. With honesty, a person would rise into the Kingdom of God. Today with full-blown Neo-Tech, a person would become the God-Man in the Civilization of the Universe (explained in Book Three, Chapter Two). The rest of the people without Neo-Tech and its honesty and love would stop short of man's final leap into God-Man and would eventually perish in the dying world of bicameral mentalities and conscious dishonesties and hatred.

During his years as a peasant, Jesus witnessed the dishonesty and hatred toward human life, especially toward the working classes, displayed by the educated, conscious Pharisees, scribes, and Hebrew leaders. Perhaps without explicitly defining the psychological dynamics, he implicitly knew that the educated elite's consciousness was flawed -- with dishonesty. That flaw -- dishonesty -- led to oppression, cruelty, and hatred, and it destroyed civilization and prevented the Kingdom of God. Jesus, an unyielding man of principles right to the end, was determined to cure humanity's mental flaw. And the only cure was Neo-Tech -- fully integrated honesty -- that rare human condition that can be achieved when acting through pure love.

Jesus set out to reverse that thousand-year human flaw of dishonesty and hatred through his honest ministry of love and compassion. ...The Book, now in your hands, will finally remove humanity's flaw as Jesus had hoped to do. But, for now, let us see how Jesus introduced preliminary aspects of Neo-Tech to the world:

The leap of power from the bicameral mentality to human consciousness meant man no longer automatically followed external authorities. Instead, he now controlled his own life. The ability to think and make decisions and control one's life shifted authority from "out there" to within. Jesus came along and exercised such internal authority. The Gospels refer to Jesus in awe, begging the question, "Who is this person with such authority?"

The people were amazed at his teachings, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teacher of the law.

Mark 1:22

The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, "What is this? A new teaching -- and with authority!"

Mark 1:27

Internal authority is the major characteristic of human consciousness, just as external authority is the major sign of the bicameral mentality. Through internal authority, man can integrate knowledge, think, make decisions in the present, create the future, evolve beyond the past, and no longer be bound by external authorities.

Jesus demonstrated this internal authority as he challenged the Pharisees (the teachers of the Torah or Law in Hebrew scriptures) and their dogmatism. The Pharisees demanded strict adherence to the Torah -- the law of Moses in the Hebrew Bible. He challenged several of the laws of the Torah, which infuriated the Pharisees. He violated purity and dietary laws. He violated the Torah by healing on the Sabbath. He forgave sins and spoke in the name of the Lord, which was to speak blasphemy.

This caused Jesus great harm and eventually cost him his life. He was always on the run because the Pharisees and Hebrew leaders would have persecuted Jesus. But he never relented.

To understand what was going on here brings us into the world of fully integrated honesty. Consider that the inner space of the mind known as human consciousness results in integrating thoughts and forming conclusions and decisions -- the very process of consciousness and its symbiotic internal authority. That process of integrated thinking called consciousness leads the conscious man to something called context. Forming accurate context is the prime responsibility of consciousness, which Jesus upheld. He put himself in enormously uncomfortable positions, especially during those times, by challenging laws of the Torah and dogma of the Pharisees because, with consciousness, context had changed.

Jesus was shifting the people's perspectives from the laws of Moses and the Torah outside of man, such as purity laws "out there" -- to the purity of the heart within, bringing authority from the external bicameral-like world to the internal conscious world.

For example, when arguing with Pharisees about purity laws, Jesus said,

"Nothing outside a man can make him `unclean' by going into him. Rather it is what comes out of a man that makes him `unclean'." Mark 7:15-16

Jesus went on to say,

"For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man `unclean'." Mark 7:21-23

Jesus also told those Pharisees,

"Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: `These people (the Pharisees) honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.' You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men." Mark 7:6-8

Jesus is constantly shifting his followers away from the external authorities and their many laws that take away the common man's authority and power over himself. Jesus is constantly shifting man toward within himself.

The Hebrew leaders did not like that, for they wanted to keep the dogmatic allegiance to the laws of the Torah, maintaining the educated leaders' livelihoods as the external authorities of the law -- the privileged class. (The parallel perspective, by the way, away from external guidance of politicians and regulatory bureaucracies outside of man to the internal guidance of Neothink, bringing guidance and power to within the God-Man, is found in The Book.)

With human consciousness, some of bicameral man's laws of the Torah did not work anymore. "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for a hand" provided a masterful shift, when they were written, away from the bicameral mental structure where the common man had little value and could lose his hand for striking an elite...toward the mental structure of consciousness where the common man had value. But in Jesus' time, several centuries after the Torah was written, when man jumped to human consciousness, context changed. The evolutionary leap into consciousness brought an enormous leap in emotional existence, human value, and compassion. Jesus was changing to the context of this next level of emotional existence by teaching love and compassion, from barbarianism to forgiveness and understanding:

"But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even `sinners' love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even `sinners' do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even `sinners' lend to `sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." Luke 6:27-36

His message of love and forgiveness attempted to describe the leap of emotional existence upon making the leap into consciousness. ...Now, we must introduce a new word and concept here to properly understand Jesus, human consciousness, and the catalytic ingredient called Neo-Tech (i.e., fully integrated honesty) that will allow conscious individuals to take the leap into God-Man. That new word and concept is "contextualist", which Jesus was. This new word "contextualist" leads to the opposite results of "dogmatists" and "pragmatists", which, by the way, are flip sides of the same coin.

To understand these three terms better, you must first realize that principles and morals are absolutes. In other words, what's good is good; what's bad is bad across all space and time. Both the dogmatist and the pragmatist, in opposite-appearing ways, violate and destroy principles and morals...whereas the contextualist serves, preserves, and protects principles and morals, which Jesus did.

Of course, the dogmatist will claim that he is the one who serves, preserves, and protects morals. The Pharisees, who were dogmatists, cried that it was Jesus who was attacking the principles and morals of the Hebrew Bible. But Jesus knew it was those Hebrew elders who were destroying the principles and morals of good, and he lambasted them:

"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

"They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

"Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them `Rabbi'." Mathew 23:1-7

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices -- mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law -- justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."

Mathew 23:23-28

Jesus knew that as man evolved beyond his external-world mentality, he must evolve beyond the external-world laws of the Torah. As the dogmatists (and the religious dogmatists ever since) demanded the same literal application of the Torah as man and the world changed context, they were merely creating a power structure from which they dishonestly placed themselves in the positions of external authority to rule others to serve the law, which in their hands changed everything that once was good about the Torah to bad, tyrannical, and evil...much the same fate of the Christian Bible a few hundred years later.

The Pharisees and scribes had taken the priceless work of Moses (and the other anonymous yet brilliant authors of the Torah) and steadily blocked out context and locked in a system of rule and oppression. The same thing would happen later to Jesus' own teachings and, as you will see, to the great Greek Philosopher Aristotle. Over and over throughout history, valuable idea systems, from Moses, Aristotle, Jesus to what is happening to Ayn Rand and her Objectivist philosophy today, eventually contribute to horrific systems of tyranny and oppression. The creators of the idea systems are not to blame and would be horrified and heartbroken, for it is the dogmatists who, later, steadily block out context and lock in a system of rule and oppression.

The Pharisees and scribes, a privileged class during Jesus' time, used Moses' Torah to build their system of control and oppression against which Jesus rebelled. The Church Fathers during the Middle Ages used Aristotle and Jesus to build their system of control and oppression against which Copernicus and other scientists finally rebelled. Today, dogmatic Objectivists are gradually doing to Ayn Rand what the Church did to Jesus and Aristotle.

Jesus, a fully conscious and honest man, stood up to evil and exposed the Pharisees' hypocrisy and fraud, which required enormous character and strength. Yet, amid his outlashes against the dishonest leaders, he taught with almost confounding love and compassion at the new level of emotional existence. It was as if he were passionately protecting and loving a child. And everyone who saw the world this way, through passionate protection of life and value and through pure love, would see the world through the most broadly integrating, contextual, and honest eyes. Seeing life and value this way through love, like the pure love for a little child worth protecting and loving, would bring morality and righteousness (which meant justice in Jesus' time) to the conscious person so he could enter the Kingdom of God...and become the God-Man.

Why is that? As you will see (in Book Three, Chapter Two), two processes working together at the same time bring about the rare human condition of Neo-Tech (needed to become the God-Man). Those two processes are: 1) thinking through things and integrating thoughts with your own mind instead of turning that process over to and following external authorities, and 2) exerting honesty in each and every one of those thoughts. Those two processes of the mind cause the mental state of Neo-Tech (which puts everything into context). As you will see, that mental state of Neo-Tech is difficult to achieve and especially hard to maintain because of deep-rooted bicameral tendencies and deep-rooted rationalizations and mysticisms (explained in Book Three, Chapter Two). As difficult as it is to achieve and then maintain the state of Neo-Tech that is required to jump to the God-Man, that state of Neo-Tech comes naturally and easily when, say, acting on behalf of your one-year old child. For example, when caring for your own small child, you will not turn authority over to others as you might do in other areas of your life. You will think through and integrate widely to do what is best for that child. Also, every thought and action will be fully honest for the well-being of that small child, overriding any deep agendas, rationalizations, or laziness that may exist within. Acting on pure love naturally brings about this otherwise very difficult state of Neo-Tech or fully integrated honesty. Jesus sensed this and based his ministry on that kind of pure love.

In short, Jesus used honesty throughout his three-year ministry right to the end. And he discovered that love was the vehicle to enable people to act with Neo-Tech. Acting with Neo-Tech meant seeing situations fully and honestly in context by thinking through things fully and honestly. Acting with Neo-Tech makes a person a contextualist, like Jesus.

By contrast, pragmatists and dogmatists are the flip side of the same coin of dishonestly destroying principles and morals. In short, pragmatists do not work from a priority of adhering to principles and morals, which Jesus did. To the pragmatist, the priority goes to the moment...and principles and morals become subordinate and eventually wither to nothing as championed by the modern-day political pragmatist: the last U.S. President of the 20th century, William Jefferson Clinton.

To be a contextualist requires fully integrated honesty. In his time and place, Jesus exerted fully integrated honesty. Since then, ever since that time and place, both dogmatists and pragmatists have destroyed his principles and morals by presenting his teachings out of context. The Book puts his message back into context. The Book brings the special, catalytic ingredient Neo-Tech with all its love to your consciousness to enable you to rise as the God-Man into the Civilization of the Universe.

The Bible: Religion or Evolution?

How did Christianity, originally one of many sects within Judaism, take hold and become the largest religion on Earth? Consider Jesus' teachings becoming combined with the Hebrew Bible to form the canon of the Christian Bible. As obvious as that seems today, at the time of Christ, the odds would have been highly against it. The Hebrew elders who determined the canon of the Hebrew Bible accused Jesus of blasphemy. They ostracized him from their synagogues. Yet, Jesus' teachings were destined to become part of the canon, and Christianity would spread over the world. Why?

First, the answer based on religion: for better or for worse, we must take pause and give credit to Paul whose lifetime of travels and teachings was the reason Christianity spread to the Gentiles (non Jews) in large numbers across many lands. Unfortunately, Paul's martyrdom combined with his innocent misinterpretation of Jesus made Christianity and its Bible the ideal instrument for political domination of the world.

As you now know, Paul was never a bicameral peasant. He perhaps was even once a Pharisee, an educated conscious man. He never knew Jesus. Paul could not have known about Jesus' leap from a bicameral peasant to human consciousness. Paul could not know about Jesus' secret metaphors used for his bicameral audiences to help invoke the jump into human consciousness. So, true believer Paul taught Jesus' secret metaphors, but he never knew they were metaphors. He literally applied them to the conscious world which later played into the hands of future Church Fathers such as St. Augustine. Using Jesus' secret metaphors in literal terms, instead of as a metaphorical process to invoke the jump into human consciousness, would be analogous to the Church Fathers taking my work on love (in Book Three, Chapter Two) and using it as a proponent of altruistic selflessness and sacrifice in order to tax a living from the people...when instead my work on love is meant to provide an emotional condition that invokes the individual's process of Neo-Tech to make the jump into Neothink and onto becoming the God-Man. ...As you will see, the Church was skillful at this dishonest art of changing context.

Now, the answer to why Jesus' teachings were destined to permanently join with the Hebrew Bible based on evolution: we must understand that the Bible was not originally a religious document per se (certainly not in the wrong, mystical context of the past 2000 years) insomuch as it was, both the Old Testament and the Gospels of the New Testament, the recording of the evolution of human consciousness. Jesus' teachings represented that leap into the new mentality, making his teachings destined to become part of the documentation that had captured the highlights of man's evolution into consciousness for nearly 2000 years. That fascinating documentation, known as the Bible, will henceforth live forever in context: as our record of humanity's 2000-year journey, culminating in our leap, through Jesus, into human conscious-ness...and almost, through preliminary aspects of Neo-Tech, into the God-Man of that ancient time.

Evolution Shifting Power and Control to Man

The Hebrew Bible became the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. The first five books of the Hebrew Bible called the Torah were believed to have been written in large part by Moses, who was a bicameral man communicating to bicameral people. The Torah, also called the Book of Moses, contains the laws, including the Ten Command-ments. As we know, the Ten Commandments were a major shift in the mental structure away from the bicameral mind reacting to external authorities...toward self-control, self-determination, and the conscious mind of self-authority.

Other examples of this shift toward human consciousness appear in the Torah when understanding its context. For example, the lex talionis, the law of retaliation, "life for life, eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot," going back to the context of its time reflects the ongoing shift toward the mental structure of human consciousness and internal authority. Until those laws, the elite could, as Cahill points out, have a commoner's hand for stealing a loaf of bread. The lex talionis shifted value, power, and control from the privileged class, the educated elite "external authorities", to the common man.

The process of shifting value, power and control from the world of the temperamental gods and privileged class to the common man advanced bicameral man's mental structure toward human consciousness. This shift of value, power, and control occurred in mental jumps over 2000 years before the mental structure could make the big jump into human consciousness.

Those mental jumps toward human conscious-ness, shifting authority from "out there" to "within", can be seen over and over throughout the Hebrew Bible and Jesus' ministry...starting with the Book of Genesis and Abraham's interpersonal relationship with God, and the idea of a covenant with a chosen people, for the first time shifts value, power, and glimpses of control toward the Book of Exodus and Moses' scribing the Ten Commandments and the marriage-like relationship between YHWH and the chosen people shifts value, power, and control toward the lex talionis shifting value, power, and control from the privileged class "out there" toward the common David the King who sang "I" the Prophets' demands for the exile and the journey, ultimately, Jesus' ministry shifting value, power, control, and authority from the Jewish leaders and the educated elite to the power of God within the common man.

Jesus' teachings pushed them into that inner space as each individual started to look inward for the power of God, within himself. Even when Jesus had to leave his Apostles, he told them to look for the Holy Spirit...another metaphor to keep them looking inward to the journey of the spirit within...where they would discover consciousness. Notice his use of this metaphor in the following excerpt from Acts:

In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."

So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?"

He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:1-8

The Kingdom of God within was the individual's leap into his own psyche, into the realm of decision making, self-determination, self-control. Moreover, the conscious man was, through Jesus, now faced with the choice between honesty versus dishonesty. Jesus' Kingdom of God brought on that choice: whether or not to make man's next leap into fully integrated honesty, achievable through pure love. (As you will see in Book Three, Chapter Two, fully integrated honesty is the ingredient needed to become the God-Man and is achievable through pure love.) [ 9 ]

The evolution of human consciousness -- from authority "out there" beyond man to "within" the man -- is complete with Jesus. Here I quote again from Dr. Oden:

"Jesus, in fact, replaces Israel. The function performed by the 12 tribes of Israel in the Hebrew Bible is very clearly, in the New Testament, ascribed to Jesus himself. He is fully man and fully God, and therefore he, in his own person, can mediate divine knowledge to humanity in a way that the entire Jewish community does in the Old Testament."

Not only does authority shift from the group...into the man, the individual, but authority shifts from God to within the man, combining man with God, raising bicameral man into the next world of meaning and value, finishing what Abraham started. The evolutionary leap into human consciousness with Neo-Tech is metaphorically spoken, to the bicameral man, as rising into the Kingdom of Heaven to be one with God. Jesus did just that. No literature needed to be added to the Bible after the Gospels of Jesus. The evolution of human consciousness was complete. The final evolution into God-Man would have occurred centuries ago. No religion needed to rise and rule the world, for through fully integrated honesty, through pure love, man could have soon ruled himself.

Religion Shifting Power and Control Back to God

St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.) synthesized the philosophy of Plato and the religion of Christianity (i.e., Paul's Christology), which forever (until now) reversed Jesus' ministry...from Jesus' God-Man mental structure of pure honesty and love back to the bicameral mental structure. Of course, St. Augustine's brilliant writings seem to harmonize with and support Jesus' ministry, until one looks beneath the eloquent words themselves to the mental structure underneath them. Upon doing this, one can see the reversal, and then one realizes that Jesus' teachings, as interpreted by St. Augustine, are taken out of context.

Two of St. Augustine's major teachings exemplify this point: 1) he believed that man could not be blamed if he was not good. Good was bestowed upon a person by the grace of God. This was St. Augustine's belief of predestination, and 2) to achieve God's grace, if indeed one has received God's grace, he must devote himself to the Church and receive its sacraments.

Those two teachings shifted the meaningful, valuable, powerful, and one's control and authority over his own destiny from within himself...back to "out there" to the grace of God and to the Church. Indeed, St. Augustine sent man into hopeless devotion to both mystical and secular external authorities -- to God and the Church. Based on Plato's philosophy, St. Augustine sent the ordinary person into powerlessness, no longer the proud owner of value, control, or authority. Of course, in the age following St. Augustine, just as the masses were acquiring the amazing new power of human consciousness, the world sank into its darkest period.

St. Augustine's writings serve the opposite context of Jesus who was bringing value, power, and control to within the common man. St. Augustine instead served Plato's context -- authentic reality is beyond man "out there", unattainable to lowly man -- to undo humanity's heroic 2000-year struggle of shifting value, power, and control from out there in the only "meaningful world" of the gods and nobles to within the common man and his world. St. Augustine, the man who wrote so much about his love for Christ as the only true eternal love, missed the boat of Jesus Christ: Jesus' love was for man. Jesus' love was for the innocent commoner to make the evolutionary leap into human consciousness and then, through fully integrated honesty (achievable through love), into the omnipotent God-Man. St. Augustine's love, on the other hand, was specifically not for man or any earthly thing. Love for anything but eternal God was sin (but Augustine viewed sin not in terms of guilt, but in remorse).

As you will see in Book Three, Chapter Two, pure love means love and passionate protection for life and that which benefits life. In the Civilization of the Universe, you will know only pure love for yourself and loved ones, value producers, and institutions of value production, which as you will see includes innocent businesses. You will love those three earthly things and protect them like your own little children. You will feel protective passions against anyone or anything that hurts you or your loved ones, hurts the value producers, or hurts institutions of value production. Such value destroyers, as you will see, include politicians and regulatory bureaucrats who have much the same role in society as the Pharisees and Scribes who Jesus so disliked.

Only through Jesus' pure love for conscious life and for what benefits conscious life can you achieve and sustain the rare state of Neo-Tech or fully integrated honesty to leap into God-Man.

Through St. Augustine's perverted love against life and what benefits life, you will achieve the predominant state of the past 2000 years: bicameral-like mysticism full of illusions, rationalizations, and dishonesties to sink back into the powerless bicameral mental structure.


Even when dying on the cross, according to the Gospel of St. John, Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Whether his persecutors were evil conscious men or unknowing bicameral men following orders, they were nevertheless trapped in the anticivilization of diseased minds, diseased with dishonesty and rationalizations. Jesus lived his life with honesty. He lived in a place of seeming miracles and pure love that we will soon discover for ourselves. And when we do, we too will look at harmful people in this anticivilization, as did Jesus, and however remarkably, we will forgive them and help them repent and repay each victim for their crimes, for they know not what they do...from Plato to St. Augustine to our current ruling class of external authorities. [ 10 ]

Jesus' Message To You

Jesus was the only person back then who could have delivered his message that is now presented in The Book. Consequently, the New Testament begins to dilute Jesus' message and alter its context right from the start of the Gospels themselves and increasingly through the Acts and the Letters of Paul, and then deliberately through the Letter to the Hebrews and the Catholic Letters at the end. [ 11 ] That context changing makes Jesus' message quite difficult to decode at first. Moreover, there is unexplainably little quoted of Jesus. Obviously, the Church minimized the actual quotes of Jesus and maximized the misinterpretations. Certainly the Church would have done this purging of Jesus' quotes, because Jesus was so outspoken against secular authority, which defines the Church's power. Jesus emphasized spiritual authority, which in the end frees man from the chains of politicization on Earth. But the medieval Church was all about politicization. ...Spiritual authority really means the man is left alone to take the journey within -- the journey to God-Man. Remember, Jesus' message to you was: pure love and passionate protection for conscious life and what benefits conscious life.

Jesus had no option other than using a powerful authority figure in God to stand up to the Jewish leaders and Roman leaders, for he was fighting the dishonesty disease identified in Neo-Tech. This was the only move that would encourage the common people to silently break allegiance from false authority and turn to the journey within to eventually discover their internal authority.

We would, undoubtedly, be shocked if scribed teachings of Jesus (which were obviously purged) could be produced today. What would we see? Jesus' path could be a precursor to The Book.

Because the majority of Jesus' scribed teachings have obviously been purged, not a lot is there to specifically get into and analyze. However, among what is there, realize the general message of Jesus consistently picks apart the external authorities oppressing the commoners. That was the necessary first step -- to free the commoners' minds from the external authorities over them. To help them do this, Jesus gave them a more powerful external authority to turn to -- God -- and prompted them toward spiritual authority, and he kept the politicians back with his use of fear.

However, God in heaven is a secret metaphor to both help the bicameral man relate to something familiar and strong while breaking from secular external authorities...and to hold back the violent oppressors. Breaking from the secular external authorities, or at least witnessing Jesus doing so, helped to shift the bicameral peasants out of their bicameral mental structures toward the jumping off point into human consciousness.

Jesus was, however, going for more than the innocent common man's jump into human consciousness; he obviously wanted more: He was going for the complete jump into the God-Man, as finally achieved in The Book. He was fully aware of the dishonesty disease that Dr. Wallace now calls mysticism, and Jesus was applying pure love and honesty leading to what Dr. Wallace now calls Neo-Tech. Jesus was aiming toward the man-made leap from bicameral man to God-Man. ...The Book gives you what Jesus wanted to give you and everything more.

A Riddle of Suffering

King David has often been a historical riddle for Judeo-Christian theology. In trying to answer the "theodicy" problem of: why is there evil when God created everything, the question is often asked why King David was a Chosen One of God. For, David committed criminal acts on his route to power and violated so many of the Ten Commandments including bearing false witness in framing others and committing murder. When we understand that "chosen people" mean the "conscious people", the riddle is easily solved: King David was one of the earliest conscious beings. His lyrical use of the inward "I" in 1000 B.C. demonstrates that he was conscious. Moreover, his evil, deceitful ways also tell us that David was conscious, for deceit and dishonesty can come only from a conscious mind. King David was among the first persons who experienced consciousness and was at the beginning of a line of Kings and a privileged class that consciously used deceit and dishonesty (not capable in bicameral man) to gain enormous power over the masses. The early conscious people like David were educated elites who used their new power to manipulate the masses for enormous wealth and power. (This problem of easy oppression was what the bicameral prophets warned against.) ...It would be Jesus who would finally bring the missing ingredient of honesty to human consciousness to free the bicameral masses from the endless cycle of dishonesty and oppression, started by his multi-generational grandfather.

"But woe to you who are rich,

for you have already received your comfort. Woe to you who are well fed now,

for you will go hungry.

Woe to you who laugh now,

for you will mourn and weep.

Woe to you when all men speak well of you,

for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets." Luke 6:24-26

Of course, the privileged class easily manipulated those vulnerable people who could only follow the commands of external authority. The conscious, privileged class gladly became the bicameral peasants' external authorities and taxed and controlled the commoners. But, Jesus taught the bicameral peasants that "God" -- the decision maker -- is what everyone can become through discovering the "new consciousness"...the conscious mind, one's inner space to think and make decisions and direct one's self...the "Kingdom of God" within. Then, with internal authority, those people could break free of the manipulative external authorities.

Indeed, as the Gospel of Luke defines, Jesus was a liberating Messiah. When he began his ministry, he stood up in the synagogue in Nazareth to read from Scripture. He read from the prophet Isaiah,

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

because he has anointed me

to preach good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind (a metaphor),

to release the oppressed,

to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Luke 4:18-19

Jesus was breaking free the common man from political external authorities...turning him to spiritual authority and eventually internal authority. In the Kingdom of God, man would discover, through pure love and honesty, great power and authority and would rise above the guilty, manipulative leaders. See how Jesus refers to the guilty rulers -- the Pharisees -- using "the light from heaven" as a secret metaphor of early glimmers of Neo-Tech. His quote still applies to our rulers today -- the politicians:

"The light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. They hate the light because they want to sin in the darkness. They stay away from the light for fear their sins will be exposed and they will be punished. But those who do what is right come to the light gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what God wants".

John 3:19-21

You can see the distant parallels from the power Jesus was trying to deliver the commoners so they could leapfrog the leaders and rise into the Kingdom of the power The Book delivers the ordinary person to leapfrog the leaders today and rise into the Supercivilization (also called the Civilization of the Universe).

What About the Concept of Faith?

When you understand the parallel event about to come through Neo-Tech, things about the Bible snap into place like perfect puzzle pieces. For instance, the full meaning and power behind the concept of faith in the next world really matured and took hold with Jesus. What is this powerful idea called faith, and why was it developed? Only by being on the edge of the second major leap into a new mentality can faith be understood for what faith really is. As Dr. Wallace has shown, to go from one mentality to the next is a "jump"; there is no transition. Of course, man's mental structure goes through major shifts to approach the "jumping off point", but you cannot see across the gulf to the next world or imagine it. Therefore, not unlike the bicameral peasants who began to see growing evidence of the Kingdom of God through Jesus, as you begin to see growing evidence of the Civilization of the Universe through Wallace but are not yet in it yourself, you have to believe in that other world even though you have not seen it, which is faith. Naturally, the peasants saw plenty of evidence of the conscious God-Man, who was Jesus himself. Therefore, they had faith in the Kingdom of God. Now, through The Book and through Neo-Tech Physics (available from Neo-Tech Publishing Company), you will see growing evidence of the Civilization of the Universe, also called the Kingdom of God-Man. Therefore, although you are not yet in the Kingdom of God-Man, you will develop a belief in it; you will have faith.

In the Gospels, Jesus is always talking about faith. The reason he does that is: faith, as described in the previous paragraph, begins releasing one's mind from the anchors of the old mentality, both in Jesus' time and now in Wallace's time. The mind is held in the old mentality by thousands and thousands of conditioned "hooks". The mind simply cannot release itself from the old mentality, not then in Jesus' time, not now in Wallace's time. But as one begins to see evidence of the other world and acquires "faith", that faith begins releasing those mental hooks in the old mentality. Only by releasing those mental hooks through one's growing faith can his mind go to the jumping off point to make the leap to the new mentality. That is why Jesus always stressed faith, but not the religious "blind faith" as the Church politically propagated. The Gospels and Jesus continually say that he has shown enough evidence for the people to have faith in the Kingdom of God:

Therefore many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary, and had seen what Jesus did, put their faith in him. John 11:45

Similarly, The Book shows enough evidence for people to have faith in the Civilization of the Universe.

Jesus and Aristotle: Early Spreaders of Neo-Tech, Victims of the Church

The idea that Jesus has been viewed out of context for 2000 years and that the new and accurate context changes the meaning of Jesus' words at first seems incredible. But another example of this very same phenomenon happened at about the same time in history. It is no secret today that the Greek philosopher Aristotle, the father of reality, was also viewed out of context during the same millennium known as the Dark Ages. And although Aristotle is now recognized as the father of objective reality, the great scientists and Renaissance men during the rise out of the Dark Ages despised Aristotle because of the scholastic/Church-twisted wrong context in which they viewed his works. The proper context, when finally restored to Aristotle's works, corrected the meaning of Aristotle's words as they became the bedrock upon which science and life itself flourished.

It happened to Aristotle: the bedrock for life and science was turned into a platform for death and mysticism. In the dying stages of the Dark Ages, the religious platform shifted from Plato to Aristotle, mainly through Thomas Aquinas. The culprits who changed Aristotle's context were the Church Fathers and the Academe -- the Scholastics. Indeed, those educated elites were the same culprits who changed Jesus' context to hurl humanity into the Dark Ages and the anticivilization.


Once the proper perspective of man is seen -- man is one with God, the highest entity in the Universe -- then man is no longer subservient to anyone or anything. Suddenly, political leaders lose their power to rule over man. No, there never was a God of man, as Jesus once taught, rather man as God, as God-Man. And when that perspective takes hold, a supersociety will rise (as you will learn in the next chapter), and no man, woman, or child will ever suffer again.

In ancient times, confronting the bicameral mentality, Jesus' message delivered profound power to the common man unlike anything before. Today, The Book will do even more -- much more -- for you. It will take you through a miraculous leap of power by opening a new mind space known as Neothink. Neothink -- the new mentality -- brings the ordinary person god-like power as it takes us through our final evolution into the God-Man:

Bicameral "Animal" Mentality:
(who man was)

Leap of Power
(The Bible)

No mind space.
Automatic reactions to external stimuli.
2) Conscious "Human" Mentality:
(who man is)

Leap of Power
(The Book)

A new mind space opens through sophisticated language, metaphors and analog models that let man think and make decisions and control his own life.
3) Neothink "God-Man" Mentality:
(who man will be)
A new mind space opens through Neothink puzzle building that snaps together never-before-seen pictures -- puzzle pictures -- that let man jump to the next level at everything he does in all fields of knowledge and create his own future.

Neothink builds mental puzzles, one piece at a time. As the puzzle grows, a puzzle picture forms, and well before it is complete, as with any puzzle, you can see the whole thing -- what the finished picture will look like. That gives you visions of your future and enables you to live with omnipotence as you now know exactly what to do for success, for you know what the missing pieces look like. With Neothink, you regularly create and omnipotently control the future, surpassing Jesus.

To make that leap of power -- to make your final evolution into the omnipotent God-Man -- takes a commitment to reading The Book, the whole thing. If there is one book to read in your lifetime, it is The Book. ...When you turn to the next page in The Book, you will turn to a new page in your life. Once you turn the page, you will embark on a journey from which you will never return.


[ 2 ] Dr. Julian Jaynes, the renown Princeton Professor, discovered Bicameral Man in the 1970s. See his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

[ 3 ] Bicameral man was by far the most intelligent animal with the largest brain who learned to communicate and, gradually, developed language and, eventually writing, which enabled him to communicate and coexist so effectively that he built thriving civilizations (e.g., Sumer, Egypt, Babylon) prior to gaining human consciousness, as explained in Book Three, Chapter Two.

[ 4 ] Why were the Hebrews the dusty ones the "chosen people"? They had the second ingredient needed for human consciousness survival pressures that was missing in the surrounding, thriving civilizations. Indeed, the Jews would become the first to break through into human consciousness. Bicameral man's broadly integrating right-chamber brain in this case, Abraham's right-chamber brain sensed this developing phenomenon, which was transmitted as the word of God and His covenant with the "chosen people" the conscious people.

[ 5 ] Realize Judaism does not believe in Original Sin or guilt. Although the story of Adam and Eve is in the Hebrew Bible, the Jews believe Adam merely made a mistake as humans are prone to do because they are not divine.

[ 6 ] Right-Brain hallucinatory experiences of God are explained by Tracey Alexander in Book Five.

[ 7 ] Nietzsche greatly admired Jesus as the only true Christian, but bitterly despised Christianity for instigating its gigantic fraud in twisting Jesus' teachings to harmful ends.

[ 8 ] To get a fuller understanding of the enormous survival pressures that more or less forced man into the new mind space of human consciousness, you must understand the dynamics of the breakdown of the bicameral mind. To get that proper understanding, you must read Julian Jaynes' book: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

[ 9 ] If you act out of pure love for someone, say for your child, then your action will be free of dishonesties, agendas, rationalizations. If you act through pure love, you will take everything in your knowledge and, with all honesty, do what is best for your child. Actions that originate in pure love are fully honest. This is why Jesus' most important message was love. (Book Three, Chapter Two deals more completely with love and Neo-Tech.)

[ 10 ] To fathom forgiving "evil" people, see The Dialogues in Book Six.

[ 11 ] The Catholic Letters (Catholic meaning universal) are the several letters/epistles that follow the Pauline Letters and Hebrews in the New Testament supposedly written by James (Jesus' half-brother), Peter (Jesus' Apostle), John (Jesus' cousin and Apostle), and Jude (Jesus' half-brother). Like the mistaken authorship of Hebrews that was believed to have been written by Paul until relatively recently, biblical scholars today do not believe the Catholic Letters (save for maybe two) were written by whom the Church said they were. Those letters, interested in obedience to authority, are too sophisticated and were brought into the canon later, like Hebrews. (Early canons did not include these letters.) Also, the authorship of Revelation, supposedly by John (Jesus' cousin and Apostle), is suspect.

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