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Book One

Chapter 3

From Anticivilization to Civilization of the Universe

Two months before the turn of the third millennium, I made a surprise appearance at a God-Man/Neo-Tech Summit held at the new Monte Carlo Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. My talk opened the vault to the Universe's greatest treasure, providing us with the route out of the anticivilization into the Civilization of the Universe. Below is my surprise speech, edited for print:

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Hello. I'm glad I was able to be here today. You will be the first people to hear what I have to say. This is your week...

...and therein lies the secret of the Universe. I'm going to unlock that secret today that has eluded man since the beginning of human consciousness.

Mankind has searched for the missing element in his life since the beginning. His restless quest for "something more" is responsible for all religions, mythologies, and spiritual paths. What he is searching for is harmony with himself, the world around him, and with the Universe, harmony he knows he does not have now. The endless search travels through generation after generation, without the answer ever found.

When you do find the secret of the Universe, you're filled with a feeling that becomes everlasting and omnipresent. It doesn't come and go, wax and wane. It just fills and fulfills you. I know, because I have found it.

The closest I can come to explaining that feeling is: growing exhilaration.

But it's much more than that.

Here's what it really is: you discover harmony with the world around you, with the Universe, and with yourself. Every man and woman's life-long search for "something more" comes to completion, for he or she has found it.

Before I uncover humanity's most sought after secret to end the great search that leads people in many frustrating directions, first realize that by not knowing the secret, not knowing harmony with ourselves and the Universe, well, that means we're living without harmony...we're living a contradiction. And we are; almost everyone is.

In fact, that's why we have religions, none of which get to the answer. They exist because of that elusive search for "something more", harmony with the world around us, with the Universe, and with ourselves.

You'll discover what the contradiction is upon discovering the secret. But before we do that, let me describe the manifestation of the contradiction almost everyone has endured:

The Contradiction

To live -- the act of self-reliant living -- requires certain responsibilities. Those responsibilities require energy and effort. And what does that energy and effort get you...besides a life of stagnation? To describe this properly, I will jump into a real life example:

My friend is a pilot who flies all over the world. He does a good job for his company. He does a good job as a husband and provider. And he does a good job raising his daughter. He puts a lot of effort and energy into his life. Seven years ago when I met him to the present and ten years into the future, my friend was and always will be a good worker, husband, and father. He will always fly airplanes. And that's an admirable, even a glamorous livelihood.

But after I read a special issue of Business Week that predicted super life-preserving technologies in the next century, I talked to my friend about those very real possibilities of immortality around the corner. I guess I half expected it when he honestly answered he would not want to live forever.

That answer was the litmus test for living a contradiction. For, when one achieves harmony with himself, the world around him, and with the Universe, then he will honestly want to live forever.

As I said, my friend puts a lot of energy and effort into his responsibilities for self-reliant living. But, those responsibilities do not go anywhere. Seven years ago flying planes...ten years, twenty years, thirty years from now, flying planes...just like his father.

If one is putting out energy and effort, and those responsibilities are not going anywhere significant, then doing those responsibilities is...a burden.

Now, that's not to say that life's not worth living. Let's get that clear right now:

Life has very nice, enjoyable experiences that can make one very happy. For example: finding and doing well in an admirable career, falling in love and getting married, having children and raising a family, buying that dream home, perhaps traveling and seeing the world in retirement. Those are all major experiences of happiness.

But those wonderful experiences do not remove the subtle but consistent burden underneath it all. As long as one puts forth energy and effort, and those responsibilities do not go anywhere, the burden is always there. Those wonderful experiences of life...mask the burden.

The ordinary person does not want to live forever, for when the wonderful experiences run out, living forever with the burden would become torture. And that's why we do not have biological immortality today. Down deep, people do not want it!

Now, we must uncover the secret of the Universe.

The Secret of the Universe

To start, I need to assume something from this audience: I assume everyone in here is familiar with Dr. Wallace's 25-part Neothink Puzzle (Book Three, pages 40-56). That Neothink puzzle explains the Universe, how Einstein showed that mass and energy are fundamental components of existence that make up the Universe. Dr. Wallace's puzzle identified Einstein's oversight: he did not realize consciousness was the third fundamental component of existence. This article's been in the Neo-Tech Discovery, the first product you received from our company, since 1986, so I assume you are familiar with it. Consciousness is a fundamental component of existence just as mass and energy are fundamental components.

To understand ourselves and our relationship with the Universe and the world around us, we must look at the role of consciousness in the Universe as the third and fundamental component of existence.

When you understand Dr. Wallace's 25-part Neothink puzzle (Book Three, pages 40-56), you understand the nature of consciousness and its accelerating acquisition of knowledge that quickly takes over and controls the dynamics of the solar system, galaxy, and Universe in which it lives.

Consciousness is more than just a fundamental component, however, it's the controlling component. It takes over mass and energy for the most ideal living conditions. Of course, the death of the Universe through entropy death or the collapse and rebirth through the big bang on both sides of the Grand Cycle of the Universe never happen because consciousness would never let itself perish (Book Three, pages 40-56). The Universe is the house; consciousness is the housekeeper.

When you realize how consciousness quickly, permanently, and completely takes control of nature, you then realize that consciousness quickly, on the time scale of the Grand Cycle of the Universe, takes over the creation cycle of existence. In fact, creation is how consciousness controls the cosmos: creating, for example, new galaxies wherever it benefits the house consciousness lives in. Consciousness controls the universe through creating galaxies, black holes, formats of energy or mass to keep its house in perfect order.

Consciousness does not just control through creation, but it creates to control new, open-ended dynamics. Consciousness controls through creation; and consciousness creates to control. Moreover, consciousness creates new realms of existence in order to create new realms of consciousness (a component of existence). For, consciousness is the highest value and adds value to the universe, so creating new realms of consciousness puts ever growing new values into our Universe.

The role of consciousness in the Universe is creation: to be the creator.

When going as far as we can extrapolate, at this time, to the most advanced conscious being Dr. Wallace calls Zon, powerful logic tells us consciousness, a Zon, created our Universe. Zon is THE Creator. Within this house he built for consciousness, conscious beings control it through being the creator at their levels.

You becoming the creator at your level on Earth puts you in harmony with the role of consciousness in the Universe. Your becoming the creator on Earth is the secret of the Universe.

Become the Creator

To be in harmony with the Universe, the world around you, with yourself and to be filled with that feeling of growing exhilaration, you must become the creator, which means creating values that never existed before. And I'm going to show you how to do that.

Before I do that, let me point out the contradiction we almost all live with today. That is: we are value producers, like my friend who flies planes. He's producing a value when he goes to work. But, 10, 20, 30 years from now, he'll be producing the same values. Those values will not build and grow like value creation does. Therefore, his life, underneath, is a burden.

Human consciousness was not designed to be stagnant, which causes our living contradiction. Human consciousness was designed to be always expanding and exhilarated. Therefore, we must leap from value producers to value creators to end the stagnation and the burden of life. And when we do, we will honestly want to live forever.

Now, I can tell you not only how to do that, but how to do it practically. The amazing thing is, you do not have to be a Bill Gates or Ray Kroc to do this. Anyone can do this.

You may ask yourself, how can I create new values for the world that have never been built? Actually, being the creator is better described this way: you will go on a vector of value creation that forever grows to the next level and the next, like building a bigger and bigger puzzle-picture that's never been seen before.

Human consciousness is designed to build those ever growing creative puzzles to new levels of knowledge, which is called Neothink. Your mind is already designed to be the creator. Every mind, every person, has the mental faculty to be a great value creator. Once we know that, then knowing the key to being a value creator is not so difficult: I call it downstream focus.

Almost all people, when they leave work, they don't like to think about it until they have to clock in again. Very rarely, a person is drawn back to his work in the evenings and weekends, not because it's a duty, but because his mind and heart -- his focus -- is drawn to it. For most, to be focused on work in the evenings is an upstream battle. But for that rare person, his focus on work is a downstream flow. If any person is focused all day and drawn back in the evenings and on weekends to a particular interest, his natural mental faculty will eventually take him on a vector of open-ended value creation called Neothink.

How do we capture downstream focus? Every person has a deepest motivational root inside that would bring him downstream focus.

In children, we can spot those deepest motivational roots. I can see them in my two-year-old son and six-year-old daughter. My son is fascinated with the world around him in the way a scientist or perhaps an engineer would be. For instance, if we go to play miniature golf, and we find one of those two-tier holes where the ball goes in a hole and disappears as it travels down a PVC pipe to the lower tier, my two-year-old son will be transfixed with that hole for a long time, going up and down between the two levels, examining the hole and the ball's journey through it. His deepest motivational root -- his Friday-Night Essence -- seems to gravitate toward physics/engineering. My six-year-old daughter has a strong trait I've picked up on. Ever since she was a year old, she would not leave a project until she finished it. Whereas most children her age or much older could not focus their attention that long on something, my daughter would focus for hours, if needed, until finished. She displays incredible mental endurance, which is a sign of a deep thinker/writer. Her deepest motivational root -- her Friday-Night Essence -- points toward some form of a deep thinker and writer.

That deepest, motivational root, easily spotted from a young age, is the person you were meant to be. Living as that person you were meant to be, you would enjoy every day, all your life, downstream focus which would take you onto a vector of being the creator.

Become the Person You Were Meant To Be

In adults, we cannot so easily identify our deepest motivational root -- the person we were meant to be. The reason the person we were meant to be becomes so elusive to adults is because we've been so preoccupied with making a living that we had no idea what we passed over and filed away in the impractical section of our psyches. We had no idea just how practical and powerful our deepest motivational root would have been had we pursued it.

I have put together a seminar that takes people off the streets -- people who have never seen Neo-Tech -- and goes through exercises to discover the person they were meant to be; that is, we discover their deepest motivational root that would bring them downstream focus. Then, we go through a set of exercises to send them along that path they were meant to travel. They travel just a little at first. Before long, however, they can make their livings doing what they were meant to do in life, which means they discover downstream focus and go on to become the creator. This is every person's ambition in life.

To make your livelihood your deepest motivational root is your life ambition. To become the creator and experience the secret of the Universe is done through a self-discovery: discovering the person you were meant to be. Once you pursue that path, you suddenly possess downstream focus. In time, your mind will be building puzzles of new knowledge. You will become the creator.

I don't have time to go through the exercises from my new seminar today, which really gets to the "how to" uncover the well hidden, deepest motivational root within you. But when you leave here, pay attention to a few things:

• notice any particular subject you tend to be drawn to -- say something you consistently like to read about,
• notice any particular interest besides passive entertainment or active sports that you tend to do in the evenings or weekends,
• and think back across your childhood to any interests that consistently attracted you.

Being on the lookout for things that seem to motivate you can help give you some clues to your deepest motivational root. In time, you will make the full self-discovery. (Readers go back to Book One, Chapter One to make the self-discovery.)

Once you make the self-discovery, set up a mini-day (Book Three, pages 129-138) in the evenings and on the weekends to start taking a few small steps along the path you were meant to travel. To your pleasant surprise, downstream focus will kick in and your journey along that path will take on a life of its own. Before long, your deepest motivational root will take over and grow into your livelihood. You will go on to become the value creator. ...By being on the lookout for your deepest motivational root, you will discover it in the next few weeks or less.

Now, let's summarize what we have uncovered today:

1) We have uncovered the elusive secret of the Universe that puts us in harmony with the Universe, with the world around us, and with ourselves. Again, we must leap from the value producer to the value creator.

2) In the process, we have uncovered the contradiction almost everyone lives with. Again, we are value producers, not value creators, which causes our lives, underneath all the wonderful experiences, to be a burden. Most of us could not live this way forever.

3) We have uncovered how to make the leap from the value producer to the value creator: We must make the self-discovery of our deepest motivational root, which would bring us downstream focus, which is all that is needed for our minds to switch in time to puzzle-building Neothink as we become the creator.


Now, those three situations that I just summarized took me 15 years of long workdays to uncover. In short, I've shown you how the individual gets out of the anticivilization. In the anticivilization, to live for eternity would be intolerable. When you join the Civilization of the Universe, when you jump from the value producer to the value creator, to die for eternity becomes intolerable.

How Neothink Will Save Civilization

Now I'll show you how the entire civilization will get out of the anticivilization.

At first, this subject might seem anticlimactic. But for most people, this is the route they'll take out of the anticivilization, not the individual route just covered. So, on a whole, this subject is the climax of my talk today.

Let's start by asking, "What holds us in the anticivilization?" The answer is: external authorities.

Here are three examples of external authorities:

1) The political paradigm: politicians control how we spend our money and run our businesses through their ever growing laws, regulatory bureaucracies, political journalists and justices, and their politically favored big businesses; all suppress our minds and society's progress.

2) The religious paradigm: crippling, subservient effects on the mind, and

3) The business paradigm: long overdone routine-rut jobs stifle the mind (versus the division-of-essence structure described in Book Three, Chapter Eight)...

Those are three major examples of external "authorities" that tell us how to live and take away the potential of our minds to be value creators. Those external "authorities" suppress society into a sea of value producers.

Now, let me rhetorically ask this question: As long-time Neo-Tech customers, do you believe that those external authorities exist and suppress us in an anticivilization because of the clever illusions they craft? You know, those constant illusions spread by the media that fool the people into falling for, say, the hoax of politicians or religions? Do you think the external "authorities" survive through their illusions of good?

Well, surprise -- that's not why or how they exist.

To learn why external authorities exist, I must tell you a little something about severe drug addicts: they know they will die if they cannot get off the habit. They know. But it's almost impossible to stop because of the stimulation they receive. To go back to the nonstimulating, boring world of being sober is nearly impossible for them. Stimulation is the key word. A milder example is the cigarette smoker: he knows smoking is bad for him, but he does it for the stimulation. And the more a person tries to show him the harm, show him how smoking will cause clogged arteries, high blood pressure, lung cancer, the more the smoker pushes him away.

That pushing away is what you might experience when you try to use Neo-Tech to reveal the dishonest illusions of external authorities to others. You see...external authorities provide stimulation, and that's why we have them. They're society's cigarettes. Belief in heaven, life hereafter...well, that's invigorating! Following Clinton...that's invigorating.

People implicitly know reality, and they don't want you showing it to them anymore than the smoker does. People already know and accept the harm, which is why our president can be largely responsible for advancing China's nuclear-weapons program and still be in office. The illusions are there only so everyone can save face.

People implicitly know the harm, but they want the external authorities for the stimulation they provide. That stimulation helps the people mask the burden of life...right to the point of being led into stimulating war...even to their deaths.

Now, stay with me here, for this is important: external authorities are actually part of something larger called: the forces of nature.

External authorities come from a mutation of our bicameral mentality of the ancient past. The bicameral mind was, 2000-3000 years ago, part of nature. External authorities, in that primitive mind, formed the crucial individual and political fabric for civilizations to survive. But we no longer should be controlled by nature. Remember, consciousness is supposed to control nature.

Other forces of nature we're trapped in include:

Forces of Nature

Forces of Nature...

Their Destructive Stimulations Control Us

We were driven to mate with symmetrically superior women (i.e., beautiful women). Animalistic lust (disregards human, psychological needs in romantic love)
We developed strong, competitive drives. Preying on weaknesses in others (disregards human love for his fellowman)
We harbored a strong drive for prosperity. Pursuing immediate financial gratification (disregards human need of pursuing one's deep motivational root)

We needed the "Silverback" to lead the clan.

Political leaders (disregards the human ability to lead oneself)

Followers needed to be lead.

Followers (disregards human integrating powers of the mind)

Advantages came from group acceptance and popularity. Attention seeking (disregards human route to happiness and success, which is value creation)

External authorities were part of bicameral man's nervous system (i.e., the voices of the Gods) and survival system (i.e., directives from King-Gods and oracles)

External authorities (disregards human consciousness and prevents leap into Neothink)

Forces of Neothink

We're trapped in the forces of nature; we're addicted to their destructive stimulations (including external authorities) in order to relieve the burden of life. In this anticivilization, revealing all the illusions in the world isn't going to change that.

So, what will?

On an individual basis: the feeling from becoming the creator frees us. But as I've said, that will be a small, albeit growing percentage of people. So, what will free civilization as a whole from the forces of nature and our addiction to the spiral-of-death stimulations?

The answer is: something so stimulating that it outdoes stimulations from the forces of nature to pull civilization free from them. That something so stimulating is: the forces of Neothink in the developing supersociety -- another word for Neo-Tech World. Those supersociety stimulations will pull us free from the spiral-of-death stimulations.

Supersociety Stimulations Pull Us from Anticivilization

For example, those of you familiar with my work know that in the supersociety or Neo-Tech World, everyone becomes wealthy through a Technological Revolution (Book Three, Chapters 4-6). The computer revolution, where buying power multiplied thousands of times over, is a forerunner to a much larger, universal Technological Revolution to come. That Technological Revolution, as we enter the supersociety, will make us wealthy. Our buying power will multiply many times over in all industries, from genetic construction to home construction.

If everyone is wealthy from this one force of Neothink, then people will leave behind the force of nature that seeks immediate financial gratification, for they are wealthy already. Instead, they'll now pursue their deepest motivational root and go on to become the value creator.

That's an example of just one force of Neothink that pulls people free from one, very powerful force of nature, out of the anticivilization and into the Civilization of the Universe. The next chapter will go on to show you several other forces of Neothink and the resulting supersociety stimulations.

As the supersociety stimulations start to build momentum, they'll obsolete the spiral-of-death stimulations. Put them head to head, and there's no contest (see next chapter). The external authorities will no longer be needed for their spiral-of-death stimulations.

Without external authorities, all the properties of civilization change, as explained throughout The Book. And with those changed properties, everyone easily, naturally becomes the person he or she was meant to be -- the creator filled with growing exhilaration.

Then, with the demand for eternal life and with the freedom for industries to pursue it, biological immortality will naturally follow.

Now, the big question: WHEN?

I cannot predict this. We're at the best time technologically, yet at the worst time in terms of nuclear weapons.

We need a rapid, definitive shift in the human perspective, worldwide. We need some very stimulating proof to the existence of the Civilization of the Universe. And with that thought, I'll conclude my talk and let you behold a very stimulating talk to follow mine. Thank you.

(Note: That talk that followed Mark Hamilton's talk above was delivered by Dr. Frank R. Wallace and provided the early groundwork to Wallace's breakthrough Overlay Charts that will provide stimulating proof to the Civilization of the Universe. See Book One, Chapter Six for Wallace's Overlay Charts that can provide hard proof of the existence of the Civilization of the Universe.)

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