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Anticivilization Leaders
The neocheating leaders of an anticivilization care not how many lives they destroy for their parasitical comforts and unearned gains. In the 20th century alone, Wilson, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Castro, and Clinton demonstrate that evil by destroying tens of millions precious conscious lives merely for their own physical comforts, usurped powers, and criminal gains. ...Today, on Earth, people like the Clintons, Janet Reno, David Duke, other politicians, mass murderers, Mafia dons, Jerry Falwell, the Pope, dishonest tort lawyers, human-hating pseudo-environmentalists and animal-rights' terrorists are okay! For, they are natural entities in an unnatural, mortal anticivilization. They are merely filling their goals for unearned power and illicit gains permitted in an irrational, dishonest civilization.
Those okay' value destroyers accelerate the end of their anticivilization. Their irrationalities devour not only their futures, but the futures of other parasitical elites and envious value destroyers ranging from crypto fascist/socialists and politically correct collectivists to vengeful religionists, cultish Objectivists and pseudo-altruists (pseudo because they advocate forcing altruism and self-sacrifice upon everyone except themselves). Such people have little or no knowledge of Neo-Tech or its goals. Instead, they are incubators of criminality, parasitism, hatred, envy, and statism. Often with articulate spins and camouflages, they become self-deceivers devouring their futures as reflected in Goya's painting, Saturn Devouring his Son. As negative blowhards and dishonest pips, they devour their own time and future. They devour their own creative essence, their own children, their own future.
Each actual, virtual, or cyberspace vote for a Neo-Tech non politician over any force-sanctioning politician on Earth today brings an irreversible mini jump from the lethal anticivilization toward the immortal C of U. Alternative choices only perpetuate Earth's anticivilization.
A Response to those Pledging their Votes to Frank R. Wallace for President of the United States
This letter acknowledges your vote pledge to scientist, businessman, and author Dr. Frank R. Wallace for President of the United States. This letter also expands that election idea by asking your support in "electing" Frank R. Wallace to any-and-every political office, in any-and-every country. From that strategy, Neo-Tech Publishing Company (NTP) will use businessdynamics to sublimate dishonest/manipulating politics and religions toward null points. From those points rise a non-mystical spirituality leading to limitless prosperity, romantic excitement, and non-aging biological immortality.
Understanding Neo-Tech Strategies
Analogies cannot easily be drawn from the matrix of illusions that comprise Earth's anticivilization. Perhaps, the closest analogy expressing NTP's strategy is found in the 1998 Internet poll by Time magazine for the outstanding person of the 20th century in each of many categories. A person unknown to most of the world, Kemal Atatürk, the 1922 founder of modern Turkey, swept most of the important categories, including the outstanding person of the century in sports, the arts, and entertainment. How did Atatürk win those major categories of greatness? The small Internet community in Turkey swamped the Time poll with "write-in" votes. ...A weak metaphor, yes. But, it is a start toward understanding the strategy for sublimating parasitical politics and irrational religions to null points. From those null points will rise a nonpolitical/nonreligious business civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe (C of U).
The Neo-Tech Business-and-Prosperity Party debuted on in March 1999. After two months, thousands visited its 5000-word document under the link Sublimating Politics and Religion. From its email-reply address came many vote pledges for Dr. Wallace. Yet, understandably, few identified the C-of-U business/prosperity perspectives delivered by that document. Understandable because people read, hear, comprehend and then intellectually/emotionally respond from the perspective they know -- from the perspective of Earth's anticivilization. ...In an anticivilization of dishonesties, few can grasp the realities beneath the propagandized appearances and manipulated illusions.
The above paragraph begs the question: Can citizens of Earth grasp an unknown, unexperienced, "unwanted" reality? Can they grasp the Civilization of the Universe? The benevolently "nihilistic" Sublimating Politics and Religion document vanishes their anticivilization by bringing forth C-of-U perspectives. Yet, who can grasp those new perspectives? Today, most Earthlings feel dependent on their political/religious-based anticivilization to provide illusionary comfort and false security. Thus, intellectually and emotionally, they cannot consider the illusion-free, rational C-of-U perspective. ...What seems natural and desirable from an anticivilization perspective is often unnatural and undesirable from a Civilization-of-the-Universe perspective -- and vice versa.
Neo-Tech uprights inverted public perceptions -- duped perceptions -- perceptions of businesses portrayed as human-exploiting machines that require government force and religious "morality" to control. Neo-Tech demonstrates the opposite -- that business is the universal divinity -- that business is the sacred child in everyone's life and family. Business is an innocent child to be cherished, nurtured, and protected. ...NTP invites each pledged voter to reread Sublimating Politics and Religions with the added perspective of this response. In doing so, some may capture a gestalt vision of riches, health, and joy available to everyone via C-of-U business perspectives.
Curing the British Disease
What is the British disease? It is the stupidity disease of misunderstanding business ranging from (1) scorning the business profits that enrich everyone as epitomized by Charles Dickens's constant-hard-working, livelihood-provider-brain Scrooge to (2) adulating the parasitical elites who drain everyone as epitomized by sleep-'til-noon, photo-op-airhead Princess Di. That stupidity disease assumes business is either an automatic-production machine or a greedy slave-driving instrument that governments and unions must forcibly control and criminally abuse to fill their demands for livelihoods, products, and services. ...Those afflicted with the British disease never realize business is a scared child that through divine respect, tender nurturing, and caring protection yields limitless riches, non-aging health, and open-ended excitement to everyone.
On examining the nature of Neo-Tech Publishing Company and its business strategies from the widest-scope integrations, one overcomes the British disease by understanding the life-providing essence of business. Also, the forthcoming publication Business: the Good, the Sacred, the Divine answers questions, flames, and criticisms about business in general and NTP specifically.
For anticivilization rulers to survive, they must prevent the sublimation of their force-and-fraud existence. Conversely, for NTP to succeed, its management must execute each business move with fully integrated honesty combined with wide-scope accounting. With its unique strategies, NTP's management profits by outflanking anticivilization hostilities and attacks. ...With over seven decades of hard-nosed business experience, NTP's three managers transfigure their day-and-night thinking efforts into consistently profitable actions. Seven days a week, during every woken hour, they move toward their goal of limitless prosperity and non-aging immortality for everyone on Earth.
Understanding Neo-Tech Opportunities
From a NTP practice now discontinued, the hiring of Neo-Tech enthusiasts was surprisingly disappointing and largely negative. Today, that paradox is understood: Contrary to the concepts of Neo-Tech, most enthusiasts came to NTP viewing Frank R. Wallace and its troika management as higher-power icons who would bestow glamorous advantages on them to boom their careers into fame and fortune. But, in reality, Dr. Wallace and his associates are ordinary people who possess no magical or special powers to bestow on anyone. They simply work-and-think hard, nonstop, in using businessdynamics to press relentlessly toward their goal of non-aging biological immortality.
When the imagined powers and unearned glory were not bestowed, those employees eventually left or were released for increasingly slothful or uncaring performances. Overall, they ended as resentful duds -- as net liabilities to NTP and its goal. Moreover, just as no one in the anticivilization saw the C-of-U dynamics underlying Sublimating Politics and Religion, no employee saw the C-of-U opportunities available to each -- opportunities never before available on Earth. Since Wallace and NTP's management are ordinary people with no special powers, anyone sufficiently aggressive, alert, and ambitious can capture and exploit one or more of the multiple opportunities constantly unfolding from NTP's businessdynamics. ...Fortune and fame await not only employees but also entrepreneurs, professionals, and artists -- in or out of NTP -- anyone aggressive enough to exploit those opportunities.
By contrast, in anticivilization enterprises dominated by all-knowing gurus, strutting icons, or dominating authorities, few opportunities are available to regular employees or entrepreneurs. With no Neo-Tech gurus, icons, or authorities, however, opportunities are freely available to any individual from the greatest business franchise on Earth -- the C-of-U businessdynamic. ...That dynamic offers limitless profits to anyone who competitively outflanks the anticivilization via value production from C-of-U perspectives.
NTP seeks essence-moving partners, especially in (1) computer/Internet-business areas, (2) legal areas, and (3) artistic areas. Today, NTP's managers must push beyond normal physical-and-mental boundaries to advance their bumblebee, "impossible-to-fly", world-sublimating business. At the same time, those managers perform the difficult, business-incompatible functions of authoring Neo-Tech literature. Thus, each manager must continually determine where and how to allocate his time in bringing forth non-aging health with ever-expanding riches for everyone here on Earth.
Understanding Neo-Tech Businessdynamics
On reading the forthcoming publication, Business: the Good, the Sacred, the Divine, one realizes that NTP's advertising and marketing comprise not exaggerations, but gross understatements of the life-saving riches delivered to every customer. From C-of-U perspectives, NTP delivers beyond-anticivilization benefits to everyone in every society. Moreover, in stark contrast to other publishing companies, NTP does not focus on marketing to the choir -- to philosophical or spiritual allies. But, rather, NTP drives its marketing straight into the heart of its "enemies" -- deep into the markets of government workers, mystics, occultists, and religious followers. For, they have the greatest need for Neo-Tech and they benefit the most. Thus, they provide maximum leverage for subverting government criminalities and religious irrationalities in advancing NTP's goal.
Also, from that forthcoming publication, one learns why NTP's major products are printed to the specifications of thin-paper, big-city telephone books. Those product specs bring unexpected, special benefits to customers. Moreover, one learns why NTP avoids special services or speedy deliveries to customers, no matter how much extra money they offer -- extra money that is always refused or refunded by NTP. ...To the benefit of every customer, each must wait the strategically specified time for service and products.
Additionally, one learns why NTP does not cooperate with the bookstore establishment. From those strategies, most customers have benefited thousands of times the price of their products. ...The managers know what they are doing. They also know how to allocate their time and efforts in delivering maximum values to customers and beyond -- to everyone and society.
What about the "mysticisms" appearing in the Neo-Tech literature published since the Zon Discovery in 1992? People who read the post Zon-Discovery literature from the widest perspectives realize those "mystical" appearances are not mysticisms at all. To the contrary, those appearances are tools that subvert the mysticisms of God and Government. Moreover, Neo-Tech "mysticisms" such as "Zons transceiving conscious people into an afterlife" are not about Zons transceiving conscious people into an afterlife. Instead, those "mysticisms" are about (1) the supreme value of conscious life here on Earth and (2) the meaning of justice from the C-of-U perspective. ...Joe Black does not exist. But, Joe Blacks will pilot businessmen from the mortal anticivilization past the professional parasites into the immortal Civilization of the Universe -- perhaps to the strains of Mahler's Resurrection.
Finally, one learns how and why anticivilization attacks or flames against Neo-Tech and its management advance NTP's goals. The close-knit management troika of Neo-Tech Publishing uniquely prospers...especially under hostile conditions. In the early 1990s, for example, as a result of hostile attacks on several fronts, NTP's troika received a long-term $1,000,000-per-month-profit marketing guarantee from the world's largest infomercial company. But NTP rejected that lucrative offer. Why? Because its three managers are not interested in building business or profits per se. Meeting such added business responsibilities would consume most of their preciously scarce time without significantly advancing their goal of curing the diseases of dishonesty and mysticism to achieve biological immortality.
NTP moves toward curing those diseases by shrinking their twin breeding grounds: (1)the anticivilization matrix and (2) its criminal propagators. To succeed, NTP must use result-effective strategies and time-efficient actions. NTP then pours its profits into goal-advancing (1) free circulars, (2) free publications, and (3) a free web site that provides its major books and publications in several languages to the public worldwide. Thus, NTP keeps its asset/cash balances as close to zero as possible to advance its goal with maximum speed while removing incentives for government/lawyer, time-destroying, looting attacks.
Universal Businessdynamics
Identity/causality-oriented physicist Ludwig E. Boltzmann (1844-1906) uncovered the engine of a nature-driven universe as thermodynamics. Analogously, identity/causality-oriented chemist Frank R. Wallace uncovered the engine of a conscious-driven universe as businessdynamics. ...Laws of thermodynamics without purpose drive unconscious nature toward nothing. Laws of businessdynamics with purpose drive conscious life toward everything.
NTP's forthcoming publications provide further C-of-U perspectives for potential employees, business entrepreneurs, and creative artists to implement the open-ended profit opportunities. Those publications demonstrate that such businessdynamics offer life's greatest-possible, life-enhancing opportunities. ...NTP outcompetes the anticivilization by facilitating the business route to "The Limitless" postulated by the sixth-century B.C. physicist Thales. ..."The Limitless" is the Civilization of the Universe.
Who will escape the anticivilization matrix of illusions? Who will reap the riches, health, and romance available now from C-of-U perspectives? Who will be the first to float a multibillion-dollar IPO? ...Will he or she be you or Neo?
How did Neo Escape the Anticivilization Matrix of Illusions?
He Escaped by Voting for Fully Integrated Honesty -- for Neo-Tech
Keep campaigning. Keep voting for Neo-Tech to win every political idea in every office, in every land, until achieving the goal of limitless riches, non-aging health, and eternal happiness for you, your loved ones, and everyone on Earth. That goal reflects the Civilization of the Universe awaiting conscious people and their families. Achieving that goal means everyone becoming "The Limitless" to self, others, and society.
You are the Trinity
Consider the order of expanding knowledge: When free of the irrationality, dishonesty, and mysticism that grips Earth's anticivilization, conscious man obsoletes nature's unconscious evolution processes, including death. Through free-and-competitive business/health/science dynamics, conscious man develops commercial, non-aging biological immortality for everyone -- the natural state for consciousness beings throughout the Universe. Then, through ever-faster increases in knowledge and technology via ever-wider business integrations, conscious man surpasses the powers of any spoken, written, or imagined God. Thus, he becomes God-Man. And, then, he becomes Zon upon acquiring the knowledge and power to commercially unfold a quantum Gravity Unit into a new space-time Universe in which new conscious life evolves.
Now, reverse that order: For a space-time Universe, a Zon is its first-source -- its immortal creator who existed before time and space began in that Universe. He is the external father of that new space-time Universe. From the perspective of those in that Universe, he is the begotten consciousness of all consciousness. Zon is the first cause -- the first "big-bang" mover -- in unfolding a space-time Universe from a Gravity Unit. And, being outside the space-time boundaries of that Universe, he is its non-created creator and cannot be affected or hurt by events in that evolving Universe. Yet, he does derive value-producing business benefits from his creation. ...Conscious man can only logically conceptualize Zon, not experience him until man evolves to God-Man and then to Zon who creates new realms of space-time.
Zon, God-Man, and Conscious Man -- are different. Still, all three are the same divine, immortal entity with equal value and potential in achieving-and-advancing universal conscious life through competitive business. Every conscious person is redeemed in the Civilization of the Universe. Every conscious person is that immortal Trinity.
Is Neo-Tech a Religion?
The eternal Trinity is not Father/Son/Holy-Spirit, but is Zon/God-Man/Conscious-Man. Does that mean Neo-Tech is a religion? The answer is emphatically no . To the opposite, Neo-Tech nails down as fact in objective reality that the one-and-only supreme being of the Universe is the here-and-now individual value producer. In fact, man-is-god Neo-Tech is as Earthbound as is god-is-dead Nietzsche. Both Neo-Tech and Nietzsche recognize that the beauty of life, nature, and struggle is here on Earth. Nietzsche, however, seeks happiness by guiltlessly accepting Earth's prevailing anticivilization. By contrast, Neo-Tech delivers happiness by guiltlessly rejecting that unnaturally mortal civilization for the naturally immortal Civilization of the Universe. ...In concord with Nietzsche, however, the individual finds happiness by being an active-mode Übermensch risk-taker rather than a passive-mode Last Man couch-potato.
Moreover, Neo-Tech dismisses any-and-every notion of a God or any other higher power, authority, or realm. Neo-Tech rejects faith, mysticism, the occult, and every other irrationality, including anticivilization politics. Indeed, Neo-Tech is the dynamic that undermines fraudulent religion and dishonest politics with the explicit purpose to banish both forever from this planet. Neo-Tech, however, can organize around non-mystical churches as business structures -- such as proposed by author/businessman Mark Hamilton [refs: The Book (1999) and].
Zon and Gravity Units currently are theories. While objective evidence is increasing, the theories are not yet proven or demonstrated. But, the concepts behind those theories demolish the mystical God concept. For, they, as do all Neo-Tech concepts, knock platonic-and-mystical ideas down to Earth and drive man the individual into realms of rationality and suppositions of reason.
Consider the effects of sustained reason: What if the Jews had continued the track of Maimonides (1135-1204) with his Aristotelian reasoning rather than that of the Kabulla (1280) with its Platonic mysticism? Earth's citizens may have escaped their anticivilization trap hundreds of years ago. Or even much earlier, what if the Greeks had continued the track of Earth-bound Aristotle rather than Heaven-bound Plato. Now, today, on extrapolating many centuries from Aristotle and Maimonides, the goal of Neo-Tech is to replace Earth's current mortal political/religious anticivilization with the immortal business/cyberspace Civilization of the Universe by using cyberspace businessdynamics to vanish dishonesties and mysticisms.
Cause and Effect -- Honesty and Business
Each sentence in this booklet is marshaled toward cause and effect for conscious people. The cause is Neo-Tech and business; the effect is health and prosperity. Honest-probability thinking combined with wide-scope accounting reveals the lethal crimes of politicians who pass force-backed "laws" with dishonest spins, such as -- "if it saves a single life, it's worth it". As revealed through probability/statistical analyses, for each life saved by such "laws", dozens or hundreds, even thousands or millions of lives are lost, shortened, or diminished in hidden, indirect ways.
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