(revised 02/15/00)
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Curing the Diseases of Dishonesty, Mysticism, and DeathTrapped? A corner is trapped in a corner and can never escape. A political/religious anticivilization is trapped in a political/religious anticivilization and can never escape. ...But, you are not trapped. You can escape both.
Are you worried, perhaps paranoid? Are you worried sick that criminal politicians and religious hucksters are destroying civilization? Are Faustian political/religious operatives waging wars of personal, family, moral, spiritual, and economic destructions? Are they destroying mankind's survival compass of honesty, law, and business?
Put aside those questions and worries: Know that cyberspace businesses will render political/religious dishonesties and lawlessness impotent. Realize that riches, health, and romance will escalate for everyone when a nonpolitical/nonreligious "President" delivers a business civilization free from irrationalities.
In America, at the end of the twentieth century, a consummate criminal politician rode to lawless power during a technology-driven, artificially created money-bubble boom and wag-the-dog killings from Waco/OKC to Iraq/Kosovo. Republican politicians then cravenly surrendered America's future to poll-driven socialist/fascist hoaxes. They surrendered to cruel, fake compassions leading to a Democrat-driven war-plagued/economic/stock-market bust. ...The Democratic Party survives by supporting war, criminality, fraud, and parasitism. The Republican Party survives by supporting hypocrisy, religion, antiabortion, and intolerance. Politicians of both parties are deeply harmful to long-range, human well-being.
Neo-Tech in cyberspace sublimates political/religious harms into business profits. What is Neo-Tech? It is fully integrated honesty blended with wide-scope accounting. Thus, a universal Neo-Tech/Business President will sublimate political criminals and religious hucksters to null points in bringing everyone opportunities for guiltless riches, non-aging health, and ever-exciting romance.
Sören Kierkegaard (1813-1855) recognized that the root of evil is not money, but is boredom that grows the evils of crime, stagnation, and decline. Today, however, cyberspace businesses guided by a universal survival compass will clean sweep anticivilization rulers and religious leaders along with their boring products of stagnation and decline -- their deadly products of political-agenda laws, life-draining bureaucracies, and religious sacrifices.
Night breaks to light when citizens end their support of politicians and preachers by voting for non-politicians who deliver Neo-Tech businessdynamics . Those dynamics are the fountainhead of wealth, well-being, and spirituality for every citizen. ...Today, citizens worldwide can vote for persons who sublimate politicians, bureaucrats, and religious leaders to null points. One such person is businessman, scientist, and author Dr. Frank R. Wallace*.
Honesty Dawns
Those in America and around the World can act now to ignite this dawn of honesty into a dazzling future: World citizens everywhere can vote -- verbal, written, write-in, or actual ballot -- repeatedly -- for Neo-Tech -- for Dr. Frank R. Wallace -- or for any other political/religious sublimator. In that act alone, a voter turns toward endless riches and non-aging health. ...Such riches and health rise from government-free businesses coupled with unfettered entrepreneurial-medical researches.
Wallace's 1998 Neo-Tech Illuminati Protocols reveal nature's Quintessential Secret. Twenty-four centuries ago, clintonian-politician Pericles and poet-philosopher Plato hid that secret from the populace. They hid objective reality. With reality obscured, they led ancient Greece into an unnaturally manipulated, reality-disconnected civilization -- an anticivilization. Today, Wallace reveals a modernized Quintessential Secret as an array of wealth-creating/family-enhancing mosaics weaving throughout cyberspace -- mosaics that vanish the wealth-destroying/family-diminishing anticivilization.
On reading Wallace's 560-page Protocols -- the first rewritten Illuminati Protocols in two-hundred years* -- one begins a journey toward eternal life and happiness.
Could a nonpolitical President who exercised fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting in every word and act suddenly represent America, any other country, or the World? Yes, that could happen. Consider the following: For twenty-four centuries, politics and religion generated cliques of parasitical-elite rulers and hate-mongering clerics. Such cliques flourish in an anticivilization based on dishonesties and mysticisms. But, today, protocols rising from cyberspace-driven businesses will wash away those camouflaged cliques in waves of mounting prosperity and non-aging vigor. That ablution will bring forth nonpolitical Presidents who function as business CEOs through integrated honesty.
Fully integrated honesty combined with wide-scope accounting is the business tool that sublimates dead-end anticivilization losses into open-ended universal gains. In America, for example, that business tool repeals arbitrary anticivilization laws originating from the irrational dictates of 20th-century politicians ranging from Woodrow Wilson and FDR to Bush and Clinton. At the same time, that business tool implements unchanging universal laws originating from objective reality. ...Neo-Tech businessdynamics in cyberspace vanish political harms.
Your Freedom
Can such a political-and-legal change occur in your lifetime? Through Neo-Tech, that sea change is already occurring in cyberspace and will flood across America and then around the World early in the next millennium. So, "when" and "how" will you gain riches and romances? The "when" starts now as you read this document. Below explains the "how" as your leveraged vote starts purging hidden dishonesties not only from politics and government, but from government-backed monopolies, tax-supported institutions, and religious hoaxes.
Throughout cyberspace, Neo-Tech/laissez-faire business competition replaces government/religious parasitisms along with their cultures of fake compassion, social welfare, corporate welfare, crony capitalism, and deadly fascism/socialism. Each vote for a political sublimator plugs a hole in the 2400-year sieve that drains everyone's life via dishonest politicians, Marxist professors, business-hating Hollywood celebrities, Hollywood-hating evangelists, insidious religious leaders, white-collar-hoax business politicos, and other parasitical elites.
No matter how many times you have voted, this will be the first time your vote -- ballot, verbal, written, or write-in -- will not be wasted on politicians. For the first time, your vote will not support any political system. Moreover, your future votes will have increasing leverage as they build into a juggernaut that sweeps away criminal politicians along with their political-agenda laws and value-destroying bureaucracies.
Wallace's Illuminati Protocols dissipate the unearned power of those who have drained everyone on Earth since Pericles and Plato discovered the smooth-rhetoric dynamics for manipulating voters and citizens in a democracy. Politicians use those dynamics to parasitically drain the value producers. Today, however, those Protocols replace both the Platonic sense of an elitist utopia and the Hobbesian sense of a totalitarian government. Those Protocols function beyond the Lockean/Jeffersonian/Randian model -- beyond in the sense of limitlessly expanding prosperity and longevity via the two-step process driven by Universal Law, which is Neo-Tech Law: Step One vanishes professional value destroyers who live by draining society through government criminalities and religious frauds. Step Two unleashes professional value producers who live by enhancing society through expanding competitive businesses and generating new values.
Neo-Tech Upholds Universal Law
Neo-Tech arises from universal, objective laws -- real, unchanging physical laws. Neo-Tech through such laws forever protects the life-and-property rights of the smallest minority -- the individual -- the minority of one. When the life-and-property rights of the individual are protected, the natural rights of every person, every minority, as well as every majority are protected. ...Neo-Tech maximizes the opportunities and well-being of each individual in every society.
To understand how Neo-Tech and objective law deliver limitless riches, one must first understand the power of its precursor -- Lockean Natural Law, which harnessed the Enlightenment, America, and the Industrial Revolution: Seventeenth-century John Locke inferred that widespread security, prosperity, and happiness are achieved under objective laws -- universal-natural laws. For, under nature-dictated, consistent, objective laws, no politician or ruler can drain others by forcing them to support parasitical livelihoods via man-dictated, arbitrary, subjective laws -- political-agenda laws. Objective law never expands government power. Instead, objective law delimits authoritative rule and then shrinks its force-and-fraud-backed harms.
"Life is short, nasty and brutish," declared the Platonic champion of big-powerful government, Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). He propounded that peace and security arise through leviathan-type government power to which each citizen surrenders his or her individual rights to non-law -- to arbitrary political-agenda laws. By contrast, consider the Aristotelian champion of golden-mean freedom , John Locke (1632-1704). He postulated that natural law -- objective law -- blocks value-destroying governments and hate-filled religions, thus, liberating the value-creating business powers of individuals. Economist Adam Smith (1723-1790) vividly illuminated Locke's postulation.
Using sixth-to-fourth century B.C. Athenian Greece as a model for decentralizing political power, John Locke also brought forth the division-of-power concept of dividing government into three coequal branches -- legislative, executive, and foreign/military. Subsequently, Baron Montesquieu (1689-1755) wisely refined Locke by replacing the foreign/military branch with the judicial branch, which became the model adopted by America's founding fathers. Radicalized by revolutionary Algernon Sidney (1622-1683) and tempered by empiricist-skeptic Edmund Burke (1729-1797)*, the Lockean/Montesquieu/Jeffersonian model delivered more wealth, power, and happiness to Earth's populace than all past political/economic paradigms of human history combined.
Divine Business
Before Lenin/Trotsky's violent subversions of free enterprise, the American capitalist model brought prosperity and happiness among the populace to historic highs via supreme value producers such as Jay Gould, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, and Henry Ford. Through heroically noble efforts, those self-made titans generated cascades of wealth for the populace -- permanent wealth thousands of times greater than their own earned personal wealth. Yet, they were and still are today maligned by legions of envious pips and fascist/socialist parasites roaming this planet. ...How do those pips and parasites live? They resentfully, forcibly leech off the competitive values generated by capitalist wealth producers.
Entering the 21st century, perhaps the premier value-and-wealth producer is the intensely competitive, business-genius Bill Gates. Nevertheless, he is maligned and attacked by uncompetitive political businessmen and force-backed governments because of his successes. Despite his occasional business misjudgments and irritating errors, Bill Gates is one of history's greatest economic benefactors to the world populace. Yet, the upside-down anticivilization remains a world of envious pip-squeaks and malevolent parasites insanely clubbing to death benevolent business giants.
Consider the economic foundations built by such grossly misunderstood, under-appreciated, unjustly attacked American business heroes as the "rudolph-giulianied" Michael Milken and the "janet-renoed" Bill Gates: For decades, perhaps indefinitely, their capitalistic foundations will deliver wealth and well-being to society. Their beneficent contributions are antithetical to the continuous lootings of society by compassion-touting, cold-and-evil-hearted politicians living through force-backed bureaucracies staffed with professional value destroyers.
Until Neo-Tech introduced fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting, the populace could grasp neither the productive benevolence of Gates-like entrepreneurs nor the destructive malevolence of Clinton-like politicians. ...Now, through Neo-Tech, people see human life and light evolve from businessdynamics and their entrepreneur creators. Saving-angels found.
Early 20th century fascist/socialist/religious utopians using force and fraud ravaged that budding Gould-to-Ford capitalist paradigm. The philosophical forebears of those criminal utopians were Plato, Rousseau, Kant, and Hegel. From those philosophers sprang Marx/Bismarck/Mussolini dishonesty machines ranging in America, for example, from past-day Woodrow Wilson and FDR to present-day Bush and Clinton. ...From such dishonesty machines rise mass murderers ranging from past-day Lenin, Hitler, Khomeini to present-day Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Jiang Zemin.
Political-and-religious dishonesty machines also conjured up child killers ranging from the past-day kool-aid/cult-artist Reverend Jim Jones with his Jonestown/Guyana child abuses and murders to, in America, the present-day witch-hunting/tank-wielding Attorney-General Janet Reno with her Snowden/Escalona/Fijnje/Waco child abuses and murders. ...Now, through Neo-Tech, people see human darkness and death evolve from government-and-religious-backed crimes. Fallen-angels found.
"Good and evil? Ho, hum, so what?" sigh Earth's bored citizens distracted from anticivilization insanities.
Sacred Children
Throughout the Universe, value-and-job-producing businesses are its sacred children. Profitable, competitive businesses are the most-precious creations of conscious beings. Such businesses, which include farming and fishing, are conceived and nurtured by noble minds who competitively deliver prosperity, health, and happiness to others and society.
Who in Earth's anticivilization recognize the divinity of competitive business? Earth's political-and-religious leaders along with their followers molest and drain divine business. Those false leaders conceal the life-giving dynamics of business by maligning those rare artists who devote their woken hours to the constant, hard-integrated-thinking efforts required to create the body and soul of their sacred children -- their job-and-value producing businesses. ...Competitive business is the life-giving force of consciousness throughout the Universe.
Noble Minds
Competitive, profitable businesses are the sacred-child creations of noble minds. Compassion/prayer/force-evoking demagogues who abuse, attack, and drain those business creations are the cruelest child molesters. For, they commit heinous crimes against humanity not only by abusing the life-enhancing, future-giving children of the Universe but by crippling their artistically heroic, Milken/Gates-type creators.
In Earth's anticivilization, those innocent children know not who attacks them -- or why. They cannot understand being harmed by those to whom they deliver life's values of prosperity, health, and happiness. No beneficent child from a noble mind can comprehend a mortally destructive, irrational anticivilization. Sacred children and noble minds belong not to Earth's anticivilization but to the Civilization of the Universe.
Fascism, socialism, parasitism, racism, and mysticism are symptoms of insanity that let government criminalities and religious frauds drain life from everyone. Yet, those ill symptoms are unnatural and curable. Conscious beings were not meant to live in an insane asylum. With Wallace's educational Protocols, people can quantum jump from that bizarre asylum into a natural realm in which criminal politicians and mystic clerics cannot exist. With those Protocols, one enters a realm of unchained businesses, free entrepreneurs, and universal laws. ...Education through the Protocols breaks the hypnoses of anticivilization illusions. Those Protocols then convert political/religious harms into universal benefits. Such benefits rise today in the Fifth Dimension of government-free, business-driven cyberspace. Paradise found.
The Freedom Dimension
According to current string/quantum theories, the universal laws of nature -- physics -- comprise up to eleven dimensions of objective reality. Until now, Earthlings have experienced only the four dimensions of space and time. One finds a metaphorical Fifth Dimension in cyberspace as a composite woven together via computers into a "beehive-like", supra-rational consciousness. ...Anticivilization-free people can prosper mightily from that supra-rational dimension now moving beyond cyberspace into everyone's life.
How does one profit from that Fifth Dimension?
First, push button #5 below
to enter the Fifth Dimension -- the Freedom Dimension.
Then, push the following buttons #1-#4
I stared at four buttons printed in two dimensions. The Neo-Tech publications are likewise printed in two dimensions -- on flat sheets of paper. I, as many thousands of Neo-Tech owners, knew buttons #1-#4 existed in a 1986 publication titled "The Neo-Tech Discovery". As did most owners of that publication, I learned how to move those flat buttons into the three dimensions of my own life. I then learned from Neo-Tech how to maneuver those buttons through the fourth dimension of time for traversing space in bypassing Earth's anticivilization.On pushing those four buttons, I quietly effected justice by profiting from Earth's neocheaters, parasites, and mystics. With the Neo-Tech Protocols, I outflanked dishonest politicians, lawyers, and clerics to gain open-ended wealth, youthful health, and romantic love. Since then, my life and family have benefited mightily. Now, I'm anxious to push the fifth button.
A statistical survey of a million Neo-Tech readers revealed that an estimated 50% benefited significantly, 35% benefited greatly, 10% benefited mightily from the Neo-Tech Discovery . But, 5% hated the "anarchist/antichrist" blasphemy of Neo-Tech. Indeed, some hate-filled Christians even burned NTP's publications. Others spewed streams of physically threatening profanities at Neo-Tech authors and editors. Unfortunately, no malevolent, blind-faith Christian even sensed the benevolent, C-of-U perspective. ...Still, the question has always been, "Why did not the other 85% benefit mightily from Neo-Tech?"
The answer is the struggle. Achieving wealth, health, and romantic love in an anticivilization requires a constant struggle against the harms of political criminality, religious fraud, and white-collar-hoax business. Mighty success requires outflanking those arrays of hidden criminalities, irrationalities, and dishonesties.
Every Neo-Tech beneficiary knows what that struggle means. If, during that struggle, one separates from the anticivilization, that person begins feeling like a stranger -- not as a Shakespearean Richard III "myself alone", but perhaps as Meursault in Albert Camus' 1946 novel, The Stranger. Such a person increasingly becomes emotionally separated from Earth's irrational political/religious civilization. That person finally realizes that a civilization led by criminals is absurd. ...With no escape from an anticivilization, Camus saw virtue in stoically enduring the absurdity. Nietzsche saw virtue in vigorously enjoying the struggle.
Regardless of the struggle, everyone ultimately experiences tremendous personal losses inflicted by professional value destroyers. Without ever knowing the real reason, everyone unnecessarily loses his or her natural power, youth, health, family, and finally life itself to those lethal parasites. Such unnecessary losses are the tragic problem of human life on this planet. ...Earth's anticivilization is the Theater of the Absurd that every citizen must endure.
With Camus-like detachment from Earth's absurd anticivilization, one sees its gun-backed/fraud-perpetrating rulers and their hostage victims undergo two Kafka-like metamorphoses:
The First Metamorphosis: One sees venal political rulers and malevolent religious leaders mutate into giant cockroaches living via force-and-fraud manipulations, psychopathic-driven criminalities, and anticapitalist-popish pronouncements. Cockroaches: age-old mutations programmed for economic de-bugging by the Neo-Tech Protocols.
The Second Metamorphosis: One then sees the human victims of a cockroach-ruled anticivilization. In "rich" America, one sees, with undeniable ocular evidences, bread-and-circus hostages of those rulers mutate into unhealthy blimps stuffed with excess food -- stuffed with servile-inducing sugar/carbo-poisoned waffle-bucket ice-cream cones and sugar/caffeine-poisoned mega-gulp colas. Blimps: bloated mutations programmed for dietary deflation by the Neo-Tech Protocols.
On discovering the bugs and blimps of an anticivilization, one discovers in America something nightmarishly worse: One discovers that parents are increasingly killing the future -- poisoning their own family, their own children with politically correct, fat-free sugar and tobacco-free cola. Such parents are mutilating their defenseless children into future states of disease -- into future obesity, diabetes, unhappiness, and death. Those blindly following, carelessly nonthinking parents are responsible for mutilating the physical fitness, internal organs, and metabolic systems of their own children. ...No wonder everyone dies in an anticivilization.
It takes a ruthless Frankfurt-School-educated village of Deconstructionists -- a cruel-and-brutal Plato/Marxist/Hillary/Reno village -- to destroy innocent children. ...Instead of religious dupes violently trying to stop abortions of non-people fetuses, everyone can peacefully vote to stop the destructions of real-people children and families. Children and families, not fetuses and faith, are everyone's future.
After twenty years, Dr. Wallace solved the labyrinthine puzzle of Earth's anticivilization. Unraveling the irrationalities of politics, religion, and the academe, he learned how to convert anticivilization losses into profits. He discovered how to convert the guaranteed loss of every human value into the guaranteed gain of every rational value. ...Through Wallace's new Illuminati Protocols, one gains the knowledge to jump beyond the criminal milieu of political destructions and religious frauds that kill everyone. One then lands in the business milieu of value creations and productive honesties that immortalize everyone.
Scientific Documentation
Thales of Miletus in the sixth century B.C. said, "All comes from The Limitless and all returns to It". "The Limitless" is the Civilization of the Universe. Thus began the development of non-mystical/non-religious views of existence twenty-five centuries ago. That scientific approach eventually replaced the epic-story-telling, Homeric approach. Homer's mind-spun myths entrapped human thought for centuries via intoxicating poetic tales. By contrast, the pre-Socratic scientists wrote in prose rather than in poetry as Thales and subsequent scientists liberated human thought via exciting integrated facts.
Those scientists radically avoided fact-ignoring myths that dictated the "why" of things via whimsical stories. Instead, they explained nature in fact-seeking contexts that reasoned the "what" and "how" of things via objective reality. Those early scientists were the free thinkers of Ionian and Greek cultures. They were the first to venture into new fields of knowledge called science. Their ventures began as problematic speculations dubbed Pre-Socratic Physics.
Such speculative physicists ranged from Thales (625-547 B.C.) and Anaximander (610-540 B.C.) to the mathematician Pythagoras (580-500 B.C.) and the atomist Democritus (460-370 B.C.). Over time, with further studies, many of their speculations evolved into hypotheses, theories, and often centuries or millennia later, into scientific facts backed by mathematical proofs. ...To prove the unseen, indivisible "atom" took 2300 years from Democritus to J.J. Thompson in 1897 via his discovery of the electron.
Likewise, today unfolds a new field of knowledge that involves the metaphorical Fifth Dimension discovered in cyberspace. Such knowledge comprises Neo-Tech Physics that, like Neo-Tech Law, exists unchangingly throughout the Universe.
What is Neo-Tech Physics? Does not just plain physics exist? German physics, Jewish physics, or Mao physics do not exist. Yet, Neo-Tech Physics exists today just as Pre-Socratic Physics once existed. Such specified physics arises when an entirely new spectrum of thought arises. The starting point into Neo-Tech Physics is the postulate of existence itself being an ether of gravity -- an elegantly simple postulate of Gravity Units being the prime quantum entity of eternally limitless gravitational existence (ref: F. R. Wallace, Profound Honesty , 640 pages, Neo-Tech Publishing, 1996). ...Such a starting point must, by nature, begin as problematic speculation.
Thus arises Neo-Tech Physics, which today is moving from speculation toward hypotheses, theories, and laws through inductive verifications, ocular evidences, and mathematical proofs. Neo-Tech physics arises from Thales' metaphysics of reality: Existence always has and always will limitlessly exist. Existence is "The Limitless". Existence was not created. It simply exists limitlessly. For, what is the alternative to "existence exists"? Existence does not exist? No, there is no alternative. Indeed, no explanation of existence is necessary or possible. Eternal existence -- "The Limitless" -- the limitless gravitational ether -- is the axiom upon which Neo-Tech physics builds.
Today, however, the most powerful verification of Neo-Tech Physics comes from the fact that it works in the real world -- it delivers open-ended prosperity and happiness. From that metaphorical Fifth Dimension, the Neo-Tech Protocols deliver wealth, health, and romance without the previous struggles, without limits. ...Those Protocols slingshot Earthlings into the Civilization of the Universe via Neo-Tech (1) Businessdynamics, (2) Laws and (3) Physics operating through the Fifth Dimension -- the Freedom Dimension of cyberspace.
Today, that new dimension is not only profitably weaving throughout the Internet, but is spreading across the non-cyberspace world, into everyone's future. On perceiving that new dimension, excitement rises beyond expressions like "awesome" and "ecstasy" as one begins converting loss, boredom, and defeat into prosperity, excitement, and victory.
Mortality to Immortality
For most conscious people on Earth, enduring life in an anticivilization means escape via purposeless distractions. As Henry Thoreau (1817-1862) observed, when distractions from purpose become central, life becomes one of "quiet desperation". The outstanding wit and playwright Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) grandly illustrated the life of distractions only to discover the fatal desperation in escaping purpose. At the turn of the millennium, TV celebrities such as David Letterman and Dennis Miller, greatly inferior to Wilde, replayed the theme of valueless distractions -- not with Wilde's grand panache, but with forgettable boredom.
Through their escapisms and dishonesties, "the important is made trivial; the trivial is made important." Their cold-fire/hot-ice, upside-down Nietzschean/Jamesian/Wilde metaphysics of distraction reflects the dead-end anticivilization of arbitrary relativism. In that irrational environment, everyone loses survival values until each individual spirit dies midst stagnation or indifference...and then individual life ends midst disease or violence.
By contrast, through purposes and honesties, "the important is made important; the trivial is left trivial." That wide-scope/integrated-honesty reflects the straight-up Thales/Neo-Tech/Capitalist metaphysics of purpose in an open-ended business/science/law universe of contextual absolutes. In that rational environment, everyone lives midst business dynamisms and genuine compassions as each gains limitless opportunities for prosperity and happiness. In reversing dishonesties, politicians fade; entrepreneurs soar. The following four paragraphs reveal the eternal beauty of honesty overtaking the terminal ugliness of dishonesty.
"To do the will of the majority" is the Periclean cry of today's "compassionate" politicians milking democracy and exploiting ignorance. That is why such politicians are inherently dishonest, purposely destructive, and ruthlessly cruel. They are especially destructive and cruel to the downtrodden poor, the lesser educated, and the noble labor classes. ...Acting on manipulated polls rather than on competitive efforts is why those politicians live by base pandering, sophistic rhetoric, and short-term distractions rather than by value production, integrated honesty, and long-term purpose.
Politicians? What about American democracy? America was not established as a majority-gang, value-plundering, Socrates-killing Democracy, but rather as a maximum-opportunity, value-producing, Jefferson-promoting Republic. That means those who manage a Republic are not paid to act on populace polls for (1) looting outvoted victims and (2) draining society's most-precious minority -- the value-producing rich. Instead, Republic managers are paid to act on their own judgments and skills within objective laws. They are paid to maximize the long-range prosperity for their country and each of its citizens. Similarly, CEOs of corporations are paid not to follow political polls, but to use their own judgments and skills to maximize the long-range prosperity for their companies and each of their shareholders. ...If voters or shareholders do not wax prosperously, they vote the President or CEO out of office.
Neo-Tech vanishes politicians not by harming them, but by benefiting them -- by sublimating them toward opportunities to abandon their destructive lives that drain everyone. On seizing those opportunities, they transform their lives into exciting achievements that benefit everyone.
Value-creating businesspeople rise when protected by a force-and-fraud-prohibiting constitution and universal objective laws. Such freed businesspeople first deliver open-ended prosperity to society by providing each individual with limitless opportunities for self-earned prosperity and happiness. Then, they deliver commercial, non-aging biological immortality to everyone.
Frank R. Wallace's Presidential Campaign
Wallace makes only two campaign promises. His first promise is to make every public statement and action with integrated honesty in the widest context. His second promise is to adhere to the Constitution of the Universe shown below:
Preamble 1. The purpose of conscious life is to live happily by prospering limitlessly. 2. The function of society is to protect those conditions that let each individual achieve limitless life, prosperity, and happiness. 3. Those conditions are delivered through a constitution that prohibits the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person, group, or government against any individual. The Constitution Article 1: No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against the person or property of any individual. Article 2: Force shall be morally and legally used only in self-defense against those who violate Article 1. Article 3: No exception shall exist to Articles 1 and 2. The Constitution Rests on Three Axioms: 1. Whatever benefits a living organism is a value to that organism; whatever harms a living organism is a disvalue to that organism. 2. The standard against which human values are measured is the well-being of consciousness. 3. Morality relates to conscious individuals: Immoral actions arise from individuals choosing to usurp, attack, or destroy values by draining others and society via force, fraud, or coercion. Moral actions arise from individuals choosing to benefit themselves by benefiting others and society via competitively producing tradable values. Implementation Concept #82 in the Neo-Tech Discovery describes ostracism/cyberspace nonforce methods for implementing the Constitution of the Universe. |
Businessman, scientist, author Frank R. Wallace will:
Everyone can repeatedly vote for Frank R. Wallace or for any other political sublimator -- ballot, oral, write-in, or Internet votes -- for every political office not only in America but worldwide. Understanding and executing that political strategy turns a person away from life-draining anticivilization losses and toward life-enhancing businessdynamic profits now spreading through cyberspace and beyond.
Start voting now to sublimate Earth's matrix of illusions to null points. Start voting now to cash in on life. Start voting now to achieve "The Limitless" -- the limitless prosperity and happiness that bring non-aging biological immortality. ...Vote for Neo-Tech.
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