Copyright © 1998
Neo-Tech Worldwide
Las Vegas, Nevada
Replacing the Old with the New
Four centuries ago, Francis Bacon asked his readers to revere the great accomplishments of Aristotle, but to leave him and his followers (the Scholastics) behind. Bacon then asked his readers to look forward, not backwards, with evolving knowledge in order to move into a new and better future (the Enlightenment). In the 1990s, Neo-Tech asked its readers to revere the great accomplishments of Ayn Rand, but to leave her and her followers (Randian cultists) behind. Neo-Tech then asked its readers to look forward, not backward, with new evolving knowledge in order to move into a new and better future. Today, at the turn of the millennium, the Neothink Protocols are moving beyond Neo-Tech and its incomparable advantages in the anticivilization. Those Protocols do not deal with the anticivilization. Instead, they start from ground zero in a different place that is not and never will be connected to the anticivilization. That new thinking paradigm starts at the gates to the Civilization of the Universe.
The early developments of Neo-Tech in the 1980s delivered lifesaving values to thousands of individuals. Subsequently, the initial Neo-Tech Discovery (1986) not only provided the tools to avoid the most destructive elements of the anticivilization, but provided the tools to gain wealth, health, and romantic happiness in the anticivilization.
As Neo-Tech evolved, however, it also removed excuses and rationalizations for supporting the anticivilization -- it blocked the routes for investing in the harmful irrationalities of an anticivilization. Thus, most readers narrowed their thinking and avoided the integrations of the final two Neo-Tech documents. ...Those last two documents represent the culmination of Neo-Tech literature in the anticivilization. They represent the doorway to the future.
Quantum Jump to the New Neo-Tech
From the Neothink Protocols, readers will gain unique views and new values from those final two documents that are now rewritten and reprinted on pages 35-226. ...Careful readers will then quantum jump to a new-thinking paradigm.
Witch Trials
Three centuries of aggressive witch trials and burnings in Europe occurred before, during, and after Bacon's time -- throughout the entire Renaissance. Those "witch" trials were carefully orchestrated with "justice", decorum, and credibility. The trials were backed by voluminous, detailed canons of seemingly objective law and rules of evidence carefully considered and approved by every country in Western Europe. Moreover, the latest technology was used to support the credibility of those laws and trials with the face of science. ...Witch trials served to support false, force-backed authorities.
Today, at the turn of the millennium, aggressive political-agenda trials -- bogus-tort civil cases and victimless-crime criminal cases -- are escalating, especially in America. Those "witch" trials are carefully orchestrated with "justice", decorum, and credibility. The trials are backed by voluminous, detailed canons of seemingly objective law and rules of evidence carefully considered and approved by every first-world country. Moreover, the latest technology is used to support the credibility of those laws and trials with the face of science. ...Political-agenda trials serve to support false, force-backed authorities.
From Pericles to Bacon to the end of the 20th century, irrationality and dishonesty was, is, and will always be the unchangeable essence of the anticivilization. The anticivilization cannot evolve. It can only vanish. As 2400 years ago in Athens under Pericles, the world today is directed by lawyer-like dishonesties and criminal-acting politicians. Now, as then, the world existed and still exists in an anticivilization. The anticivilization cannot change. It will either exist or not exist. The anticivilization will either self-destruct via its nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons...or the anticivilization will vanish as its citizens quantum jump into the Civilization of the Universe.
As a business dynamic, Neo-Tech cannot stagnate. It evolves continually as new facts of reality, nature, and physics are discovered, developed, and exploited for profits. Neo-Tech techniques are designed to gain wealth and romantic excitement in any environment -- positive or negative. But, in Earth's dead-end anticivilization, Neo-Tech information from the anticivilization perspective eventually evolves to a stopping point as it did in the final two Neo-Tech documents written in 1997-1998 by Frank R. Wallace. ...To move past that stopping point, the remaining copies of those two documents were destroyed. Every sentence was rewritten and aimed toward the Fifth Dimension. Those two rewritten documents are now re-presented for the first time in this manuscript.
This Protocol/Dialogue sample written from the Civilization-of-the-Universe perspective is bracketed around the start and end of those two rewritten documents. Such juxtaposing of documents demonstrate: (1) the end of Wallace's writings from the anticivilization perspective and (2) the quantum-jump, no-transition nature between the anticivilization and the Civilization of the Universe. Understanding those two facts lets one turn toward limitless prosperity and eternal romance.
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