Final Anticivilization Document
Neo-Tech means new techniques and new technologies derived through wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty.
The Dialectic
Consider Henrik Ibsen's play An Enemy of the People. Then ask: Was Dr. Stockman an enemy of the people because of his discovery? Next ask: Is Dr. Wallace an enemy of the people because of his discovery? Is Wallace an enemy of the people for revealing Cassandra's Secret - for revealing that Earth's civilization is poisoned - for revealing that its citizens live in a deadly political/religious anticivilization? The Establishment answered, "Yes, he is an enemy". As the Establishment ostracized Stockman, it ostracized Wallace by imprisoning him. Yet, Wallace's Cassandra's Secret reveals how to gain limitless riches despite Earth's criminalized civilization.
Can Neo-Tech eventually enrich the entire populace by transfiguring everyone's future into a cyberspace/business-driven Universe? Barring a nuclear, chemical, or biological apocalypse, will exposure of the bogus y2k computer problem help jump Earth's politician/bureaucrat-ruled anticivilization into the cyberspace/business-ruled Civilization of the Universe?
Four Questions
I. Is Neo-Tech a threat to Earth's anticivilization? The clean-sweep nature of Neo-Tech rips Hawthorne's black veil from everyone's face. When a person's anticivilization rationalizations are exposed, the Zon Protocols can jump that person from Earth's dead-end anticivilization into an eternally prosperous, entrepreneur-driven cyberspace civilization -- which is the Civilization of the Universe.
II. Is Neo-Tech a new Jewish/Mormonism? While Neo-Tech utilizes many Jewish and Mormon features as reflected below, it has no dimensions of mysticism or faith. Neo-Tech is simply the fully integrated honesty that brings the individual into the Civilization of the Universe -- into universal business competition.
III. Is Neo-Tech the new Illuminati? The agendas of Neo-Tech and the Illuminati are similar: Eliminate negatives -- eliminate mysticisms, religions, and nationalistic governments. Replace them with universal businesses. Yet, the Illuminati is destined to failure in the closed anticivilization. In contrast, Neo-Tech will eventually deliver a wide-open cyberspace/cybercash civilization. ...That cyberspace civilization is the gateway to the Civilization of the Universe.
IV. Is Neo-Tech the universal dynamic of eternal prosperity? Through its wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty, Neo-Tech becomes the universal dynamic of competitive business.
Two Natures
Given the circumstances or opportunities in a force-backed anticivilization, essentially anyone will ultimately attack, destroy, kill, even commit genocide to preserve or advance his or her life orientation, livelihood, career agenda, or investments in the anticivilization. Each person will act either as a hidden criminal gaining unearned wealth or as an ignoble follower collecting government-forced redistributions of wealth. In fact, government force-backed wealth redistributions are objective crimes -- criminal acts of theft. Such is the nature of Earth's inherently dishonest anticivilization. Thus, everyone invested in anticivilization dishonesties and criminalities must eventually avoid, reject, or attack Neo-Tech/Zon Protocols to survive. For, Neo-Tech/Zon Protocols are the ultimate threat to everyone's investment in Earth's anticivilization. Such is the nature of Neo-Tech's fully integrated honesty.
Parallels to Jewish Mormonism?
The Mormons are preparing for Earth's anticivilization to end. They expect a new civilization to rise in America. The Mormons also recognize that man is what God (Zon) was. And, God (Zon) is what man will become. Jews, Mormons, and Neo-Tech recognize that competitive value production, discipline, and hard work generate maximum values from the dimension of time. Those Jewish-Mormonism elements combined with Neo-Tech individual rights and objective law are what bring prosperity to conscious beings.
Unlike Judaism or Mormonism, Neo-Tech recognizes no "authorities" higher than honesty, reason, and individual self-responsibility. Neo-Tech does not recognize "God" or any other mythical "authority". Indeed, Neo-Tech is antimystical and rejects "followers". Moreover, it rejects initiated force or fraud inflicted on anyone by any individual -- or by any group -- by any government, religion, or philosophy under color of political-agenda law, religious law, or any other man-made, subjective law. ...Neo-Tech is about discovering, obeying, and benefiting from the objective laws of nature.
Even more than Judaism and early Mormonism, Neo-Tech is a competitive threat to Earth's anticivilization. Like the Jews of today and the Mormons of the past, Neo-Tech is a competitive threat to neocheaters and parasitical elites. Neo-Tech must be repelled and defeated for the survival of Earth's anticivilization. Yet, Neo-Tech cannot be defeated. For, its business dynamics will ultimately bring limitless prosperity and eternal happiness to conscious beings on Earth.
This document demonstrates through four dynamics, how Neo-Tech will transfigure Earth's anticivilization into a cyberspace civilization -- and then into the Civilization of the Universe. That transfiguration will be done by:
Dynamic #1) converting outdated, losing Illuminati dynamics into modern, winning Neo-Tech dynamics.
Dynamic #2) bringing to justice the camouflaged criminalities of the anticivilization. Cyberspace justice, for example, will transform the young minds being corrupted today by an anticivilization educational system epitomized by Harvard Law School. ...Neo-Tech transfigures those minds trained in destructive lawyer-like dishonesties and parasitical manipulations into independent minds functioning through productive honesty and competitive businesses.
Dynamic #3) vanishing neocheaters and parasitical elites via wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty.
Dynamic #4) harnessing the Neo-Tech Golden Helmet to bring limitless riches to everyone.
Modernizing the Illuminati Agenda
(See Reference #1 for the two unedited emails from an "honest"
Highlighting an Illuminati view of Earth's anticivilization, an "honest" neocheater predicts Neo-Tech's demise in a world ruled by parasitical elites. That prediction is articulated in two email letters to the discoverer of Neo-Tech, Frank R. Wallace, provided in Reference #1. ...Below is a condensed version of those two letters:
Date : Mon Feb 2 22:38:41 1998
Hostname :
Email : hn@freenet.calgary.ab.caThe escape from the anticivilization is needed as one's soul is trapped in an irrational context. One's soul does not want to be here.
But, mysticism meets both the neocheater's and the mystic's needs. If you think about this, you will understand why the mystic's soul is always seeking a context, and why I am a metaphysical Houdini -- always escaping context. The neocheater does not value life and the mystic is of no value to life. Yes, I do attack and undermine the souls of others, but remember, I do it to myself first. Like Plato said: "The first and best victory is to conquer the self." If you were to look at my face, you would see there is nothing to attack -- no values to threaten. But oh, to look into the face of a creator...there is so much to attack.
My philosophy is based on error, so I can't lose. It's perfect. There's literally nothing to attack. Yes, I will admit I feel somewhat disturbed (just barely) by your penetrating the foundation of our civilization. ...Heresy is something we cannot ignore. For the longest time, we've had this tacit understanding: we would not penetrate your world, and you would not penetrate ours. You've broken the rules of the game, Mr. Wallace.
Yet, it is we who are the experts at reflecting reality to the masses. Don't tell me what we reflect is an illusion. When enough people see and believe, they act, and the result is metaphysical. And here is my trump card, Mr. Wallace. Like you say about a truly good person being unable to recognize his own goodness because it (like the ether of existence) is such a continuous presence, he knows nothing else. But, he can easily recognize when he's bad because it does not fit with his psyche. Me? Well, my soul is corrupted enough that I no longer perceive the bad within me. I am immune from guilt, but creators feel guilt so easily. ...Pretty ironic, don't you think. And yet, the genesis of the guilt is real: each has committed the Original Sin by compromising his consciousness to adapt to this civilization.
Consciousness is what gives one choice -- control over reality. I've reduced my consciousness to the point where I no longer have a choice. You see, everyone must protect his place in the anticivilization, at whatever cost, because it is the only place he knows. Anything else, for him, is to risk the deepest fear, a total loss of context -- a kind of spiritual death. You are fighting against people's survival instincts, Mr. Wallace. I am helping to prepare an alternative place for them. Turn your knowledge around. Don't think of inducing mysticism as evil, rather recognize the neocheater's goodness in using mysticism to make living in an anticivilization bearable.
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