Neo-Tech can ultimately bring business, honesty, and reason into every mind and office worldwide. But, can Neo-Tech delete the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in America? Yes, Neo-Tech across cyberspace will delete the IRS. And, that deletion will open the way to limitless riches that yield commercial, non-aging, biological immortality.
The previous documents review law, politics, business, and family in the third millennium. Those documents show how cyberspace business-dynamics across the Internet will end politicians support of their lawless gun-backed IRS. Swayed lawmakers will actuate nonforce, self-generating revenue streams through Golden-Helmet business-dynamics.
Today, most adults turn away in fear or guilt from Golden-Helmet views. Yet, those views are nothing more than seeing life from rational-productive perspectives rather than the irrational parasitical perspectives that have dominated Earth's civilization for twenty-four centuries.
Internet Children Wearing Golden Helmets
Children are neither financially nor emotionally invested in today's irrational perspectives. Thus, they are not only able, but are eager, to see life from purely rational perspectives. Once fully exposed to honesty and rationality through the unrestricted Internet, once honesty and rationality is explicitly fixed in the minds of children, they will not abandon those twin virtues.
Plugged into universal honesty through the Internet, those maturing children will sway rational perspectives into the lives of parents, teachers and eventually politicians. With such perspectives, business politicians will rise to deliver open-ended prosperity, happiness, and non-aging health to the populace by deleting the IRS.
Deleting the IRS
The document Here Comes Non-Aging Biological Immortality identifies why, when, and how lawmakers in America will replace the IRS with cyberspace business-dynamics rising from Golden Helmet views. Those never-before-experienced dynamics will come from the new fifth-dimension cyberspace world destined for everyone's future. That new destiny not only makes tax collection impractical and self-defeating, but lets IRS-free Golden-Helmet revenue systems enrich citizens and governments alike. ...The resulting new-breed business politicians will turn 180° away from the Pericles-to-Clinton politicians of the past 2400 years.
Some politicians today are sensing the route to legitimate power is to ride the unstoppable wave of cyberspace business-dynamics. The short-term effect is to replace the old-style politicians' instrument of survival -- the IRS. The long-term effect is to promote healthy, open-ended wealth for citizens and governments alike by unleashing the world's four prime instruments of future prosperity: (1) Internet children, (2) business-dynamic entrepreneurs, (3) professional value creators, and (4) competitive worldwide Golden-Helmet revenue systems.
is the
Force-Backed Carrier of Evil
Old-style, self-serving politicians enacted the arbitrary political-agenda laws that engendered the IRS with criminality. That agency is divided into two divisions: the Criminal-Investigation Division (CID) and the Civil-Collection Division (CCD). The CID is the creation of politicians for holding forced-backed power. The CCD along with its related Audit Division (AD) posits the politicians' volumes of arbitrary, indecipherable tax codes as "law" interpreted in any way an agent chooses. Thus, the CCD/AD illegally breeds in America a hidden evil greater than the open evil bred by, for example, Slobodan Milosevic in Kosovo. Hyperbole? An exaggeration? Not when one discovers the hierarchy of who and what are evil as explained later in this document. Not when one realizes that the CCD destroyed more families and made more people homeless over the years for no reason than Milosevic did in Kosovo for political reasons.
Discovering Who and What are Evil
Beginning in November 1986, citizens and politicians alike began realizing, slowly at first, the net destructiveness of the IRS. Some lawmakers, for the first time, began talking about replacing their IRS creation. That realization evolved through a twelve-year series of reports titled The Guns-and-Fists of November 3rd. Those G-&-F reports identified not only the senseless irrationalities of the IRS, but also identified the self-defeating, net destructiveness of its tax-collection methods. Most important, those reports gave politicians the psychological-and-public permission to accept the fact that the IRS on net is harmful to America, its government, and its citizens.
Five years later, in 1991, those reports were bundled and published in a widely circulated, two-volume text titled the Neo-Tech Protection Kit. After that publication, the later G-&-F reports, including this current report (, were put on the heavy traffic (10-15K visits/day) web site Those reports became a magnet for citizens across America to file reports of illegal-and-destructive actions by the IRS bureaucracy. Such actions senselessly crushed small businesses, families, and individuals via IRS thefts and frauds -- even IRS-caused deaths and suicides. ...Sadly, the most malevolent and cowardly destructions by the IRS were aimed at helpless, low-income retired people and single women with young children.
Today, over 500 such abuse reports are listed on the web site. Since 1997, those reports roll out in batches of two or three daily to germane Usenet newsgroups. Those reports were and are today an important reference source of IRS criminal abuses for the national media as well as for the Senate-and-House investigations of the IRS.
The sending of three new IRS-Abuse Reports to every Congressional and Senate delegate with an email address daily for many months stimulated their investigations. Midway through the hearings, the name of the IRS Abuse Reports shifted to IRS Horror Stories as Congress followed suit in shifting its terminology from IRS Abuse Hearings to IRS Horror Stories. ...Those growing hundreds of Abuse Reports and Horror Stories still are maintained daily on a site that has hosted 13.9-million visits since those reports first appeared on the Web in 1996.
Because of that Internet activity, American citizens and their lawmakers are increasingly realizing that the IRS is an extra-legal, cancerous force that must be replaced for America to prosper in the 21st century. Yet, Neo-Tech publications disavow attributing generalized evil to specific IRS employees. Instead, Neo-Tech places the responsibility for IRS evil directly upon congressional lawmakers. For over eighty years, old-style politicians built destructive malevolence into the IRS for their own self-serving political agendas.
Except for lip-service/photo-ops and insignificant/sham reforms, today's moribund politicians perpetuate their harmful careers though force-backed tax collection as done for the past twenty-four centuries -- since tax-hungry Pericles in ancient Greece built self-glorifying Acropolis monuments and stimulated Peloponnesian wars to enhance his political powers. Now, after two-and-a-half millennia, the days of corrupt, warring, old-style politicians are ending with their obsolescence. ...Aborning for tomorrow are honest, peaceful, business-dynamic politicians who beneficently, rationally manage government.
First-Hand Experiences
In 1983, through the fifteen-year-old I & O Publishing Company, Dr. Frank R. Wallace initiated the universally beneficial, nonpolitical tax-revenue system called "The Golden Helmet" [refs: (1) The Neo-Tech Protection Kit (1991) volume II and (2) the Neo-Tech web site]. Functioning through the Internet, that Golden-Helmet system has already begun phasing out the IRS. How? Through cyberspace dynamics legally operating beyond the IRS to yield increasing wealth and health not only for American citizens, but also for the world populace.
Threatened by the Golden Helmet, the old-style political establishment dispatched on November 3, 1986, two teams of sixteen armed IRS agents to destroy the Golden-Helmet incubator, I & O Publishing Company, its founder, his publications, and especially his unpublished, forthcoming works. During ten violent hours of guns, fists, and kicking feet that hospitalized a children-and-games editor, those agents enjoyed, with much laughter, a party atmosphere of pizza, ice cream, and sadistically pornographic sexual harassment of female employees. Happily, criminally, those agents celebrated as chunks of seized cash and liquid assets disappeared unaccounted. ... They accomplished their mission of looting and destruction as demanded by old-style political dynamics.
Those armed federal agents also illegally looted and gratuitously destroyed the I & O sponsored Research Institute of Biological Immortality (RIBI) by seizing its assets and funds scheduled in 1987 for genetic/human-cloning research by a Swiss scientist. ... But, the IRS scheme to lure the Golden-Helmet founder into its agents' gunfire by beating and kicking one of his editors never occurred. For, at that exact time, the founder by chance was out of his office. Ironically, he was investigating the offices of another bureaucracy -- the racist INS -- that irrationally destroys the lives of innocent, defenseless value producers.
Within a week of that attack, Frank R. Wallace launched a series of published reports titled The Guns-and-Fists of November 3rd. The reports identified with vivid detail the destructive irrationality and net-negative existence of the IRS on America. Those long-running reports were mailed regularly to each member of Congress, every federal judge in America, major officials within the Executive Department, every state governor, various local federal and state officials, and the major media.
Over the years, the continuous publication and cyberspace circulation of those reports increasingly shifted public-and-political opinions of the IRS away from being a necessary government function toward being a net destructive entity. The public and politicians began realizing that the IRS not only unjustly harms its victims, but also undermines the well-being of every citizen and government itself. ... The first phase of that shift in perceptions from illusion to reality ended with the widely publicized 1997-1998 House-and-Senate investigations and hearings about the crimes and abuses of the IRS.
Eight years before, in 1989-1990, Wallace launched an aggressive, perception-changing billboard campaign. Because of that program's effectiveness, the IRS again attacked with gun-backed force to jail Wallace for his writings and billboards. He was isolated in a remote prison high atop a desert plateau. There he was stripped of his First-Amendment rights to write and publish. A year later, the Ninth-Circuit Federal Court of Appeals reversed Wallace's political trial (U.S. vs Wallace, 984, F.2d, 1015 9th Cir. 1993). The appellate court based its reversal on Wallace's newly developed, objective-law concept of the Honesty Oath described on the Neo-Tech web site.
What is Pure Evil?
What actions could be more evil than those of a Slobodan Milosevic or especially an Adolf Hitler? For, certainly the mass-murder crimes of Milosevic and Hitler were horrendously evil. But, their actions were not pure evil. Why? Because, both men at least committed their evils for political agendas, irrational purposes, and mystical beliefs. Milosevic had to quell a civil war. For political survival, he killed or expelled the terrorist KLA Muslim rebels along with their supporters. The power-clinging actions of a Clinton-led NATO multiplied the Kosovo crimes and misery tenfold. Sixty years earlier, Hitler had to expand living space for the Germans -- Lebensraum. For political power, he demagogically created scapegoats -- the innocent, heroic, value-creating Jews -- and then systematically killed them as the war turned against him.
Milosevic and especially Hitler represent the extreme evil that political power ultimately brings. Yet, as do other politicians, they offer dishonest rationalizations for their destructions and killings. But, the IRS Civil-Collection Division (CCD) offers no reasons or even rationalizations for its destructions and killings. For CCD agents, as demonstrated in the IRS Abuse Reports, evil and malevolence are ends in themselves -- as with remorseless thrill killers. Without a pretense of purpose, without a trace of compassion or remorse, such actions and attitudes are pure evil.
That evil, however, is the Achilles' heel of the IRS. For, identifying such vivid malevolence moves business-generated politicians toward replacing the IRS with a national sales tax to be phased out by rational, non-force, Golden-Helmet revenues that enrich everyone, including government.
Evidences and Proofs
From reading those IRS Abuse Reports, such acts of no-purpose destructiveness -- acts of pure evil -- are standard for the CCD. Fortunately, Wallace, as during the past thirteen years, effectively converts adverse events into advantages that advance the goal of open-ended riches and non-aging health for citizens of Earth. This publication demonstrates Wallace's effectiveness to advance that goal as Illuminati supporters worldwide provide the resources to continue his research and writings unimpeded. ...Through cyberspace business-dynamics, the beneficent Golden-Helmet revenue system replaces the malevolent IRS to bring forth open-ended prosperity needed for commercial, non-aging biological immortality.
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