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Zon Part 1


for limitless

Riches and Romance

from the
Fifth Dimension of Cyberspace

In government-free cyberspace,
freed entrepreneurs will deliver
permanent, prosperous solutions
economic, financial, and personal problems

John Flint, Ph.D.

Copyright © 1998
Neo-Tech Publishing  

All worldwide rights reserved
Permission is required
Neo-Tech Worldwide
reproduction in part or in whole


for entering the fifth dimension of cyberspace
reveal an artificial four-dimensional earthbound
anticivilization of dishonesty
created 2300-years ago by Pericles and Plato.
Earth populated today by six-billion Trumans,
it's citizens can now find the exit door
into the real five-dimensional cyberspace
Civilization of the Universe
that delivers limitless
Romance, Life, and Prosperity.

Neothink Protocols

for a

New Civilization


These Protocols deliver five paradigm shifts that lead to the fifth dimension of nature. That fifth dimension reveals Nature's Quintessential Secret (NQS) for controlling existence. On understanding those paradigm shifts, one ascends toward becoming a business controller of existence. From that control comes limitless prosperity and romantic excitement. ...From that control, one becomes a God -- a real God -- a business Zon.

Anticivilization economic/financial problems will accelerate the final three paradigm shifts to bring open-ended prosperity to those implementing the Neothink Protocols.

Man's First Paradigm Shift
was from the
Bicameral Mind to the Conscious Mind

Professor Julian Jaynes's book, The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976) and Dr. Frank R. Wallace's book, The Neo-Tech Discovery (1986) both identify that first paradigm shift. Both books reveal how and why man's automatic-animal bicameral mind quantum jumped to a volitional-human conscious mind under life-and-death survival pressures 3000 years ago.

Man's Second Paradigm Shift
was from
Theism to Deism

Deism is best described in Thomas Paine's book, The Age of Reason. Many of America's founding fathers were deists, including Thomas Jefferson who penned into the Declaration of Independence the universal sentence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, among those are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Deism was the most radical shift in conscious thought since the bicameral mind jumped to the conscious mind 3000 years before. Deism implicitly rejects Judeo/Christian ethics involving an intruding, vengeful God. Before deism, Jewish and Christian theistic beliefs posited an all-intruding God who ordered every specific action in the Universe. John Calvin best expressed the theist conception with the idea that "God commands every specific action on Earth, from each leaf that falls to each blade of grass that grows". For those theists, God intrudes into everything that happens on Earth and throughout the Universe.

By contrast, the deist conceived God as the "perfect watchmaker". For the deists, a Deity flawlessly created the Universe, wound it up with the physical laws of nature (physics) so perfectly, so ingeniously, that everything could henceforth advance by itself according to those laws of Nature. After creating his Universe, that Deity had no need or motivation to interfere. He had more important things to do with his time and energy. He had to move on to create ever greater value creations elsewhere. ...By contrast, the repairman theist God seemed less perfect, less powerful, and less benevolent then a flawless-creator Deity. Moreover, the theist God made a flawed Universe since he had to angrily consume his time and energy by constantly rushing in to correct, adjust, and brutally punish those subjects who did not believe and obey on faith.

Lastly, the beliefs of theists rested in specific books or scriptures written by "authorities" of the past, validated by the "test of time". They believed in faith and dogma dictated by the words and scriptures of other "authorities". Challenging that conception, deist philosophers Hume, Montesquieu, and Voltaire asked what would be the dogmatic beliefs of a theist if he or she had been educated and lived in distant lands, in different cultures. Those deists then answered their own question by identifying that such "unchangeable" beliefs would change -- would be different -- in other cultures and circumstances. Thus, dogmatic beliefs and theistic faiths were relative to circumstances and not rooted in reality.

Theistic beliefs, being relative, were localized, particularized, and based on revelations or commands conjured up from the past words and writings of men arbitrarily deemed as "authorities". Such beliefs have no basis for consistency or agreement with other beliefs from different "authorities". ...By contrast, the authority and beliefs of the deists rested in the book of nature. Nature and its immutable laws are contextually the same throughout the Universe as are Newton's and Einstein's laws of motion and gravity. Thus, anyone, at anytime, in any culture, can access the same universal laws of nature in the same context and come to the same understandings and agreements.

In a restated summary: The beliefs of the theists were subjective, specified, and arbitrary. Their beliefs were based on the proclaimed authority of ancient men and their scriptures. The irrationalities of such beliefs were often justified through Periclean rationalizations and Platonic a-priori, deductive processes. People in different lands and cultures had no basis for agreements on religious beliefs, political doctrines, subjective knowledge, and declared ethics. By contrast, the ideas of the deists were objective, generalized, and principled. Their ideas were based on the laws of nature and objective knowledge discovered, not invented, by man through Aristotelian sense perceptions and Lockean a-posteriori, inductive processes ...Using the universal laws of nature, not dogma of men, anyone in any land, time, or culture could access the same authority -- the same laws of nature and physics -- to come away with agreements about consistent facts and objective knowledge.

Man's Third Paradigm Shift
is from the
Conscious Mind to the Neothink Mind

Frank R. Wallace's books The Neo-Tech Discovery and Profound Honesty along with Mark Hamilton's book God-Man: Our Final Evolution identify the neothink mind and describe its no-transition, quantum jump from the conscious mind. A forthcoming book, Vanishing Mysticisms and Religions, by Tracey Alexander and Eric Savage, traverses the unconnectable realms of dishonesty and honesty, irrationality and rationality, mysticism and reality. ...Other examples of no-transition, quantum jumps over realms of unconnectable knowledge are: Ptolemy to Galileo, Newton to Einstein, Kant to Rand, God to Zon, mortals to immortals, Earth's anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe (C of U).

Man's Fourth Paradigm Shift
is from
God to Zon

Now comes the fourth paradigm shift in man on Earth. Zon vanishes the theories of God with scientifically determinable, objective facts. Zon shifts conscious thought from (A) a mystical, non-provable myth or illusion called God who magically operates differently through the whims of different authorities in different locations on planet Earth to (B) an objective, provable conscious person or self called Zon who factually operates consistently through the laws of nature and business across time and space:

(A) God operates according to the subjective beliefs and arbitrary whims conjured up by different societies throughout Earth's anticivilization.
(B) Zon operates according to the objective laws of nature and business uniformly available and consistently applicable to conscious beings throughout the Universe.

Most Earthlings today are duped citizens in an anticivilization of automatic dishonesties and criminal politics. By contrast, Zons are sovereigns in a value-producing Universe of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Earthlings and Zons are equivalent living beings. Earthlings today, however, live from the perspective of a self-destructive anticivilization ruled by religious/government mysticisms, frauds, parasitisms, and criminalities. Zons, by contrast, live from the perspective of an ever expanding, value-creating, business civilization existing throughout time and space.

Now to frame a speculative hypothesis: Zons exist throughout a universal civilization. They develop the means and power within the laws of nature to unfold (quantum flux) Gravity Units (quanta of zero mass and zero positive energy) into self-evolving, business universes. Those universes evolve within "perfect" laws of physics that unfold ever expanding prosperity. Such business creations by Zons continually develop new assets comprised of new universes filled with ever more wealth-producing Zons needed for future expansions of consumers, suppliers, trade, knowledge, and liquidity.

Sooner or later, scientists will inductively uncover hard-evidence proof of today's hypothesized Zon and the Civilization of the Universe (C of U). Bountiful inductive evidence, perhaps even proof, may exist today buried in the mountains of unexamined astronomical data already collected. When different questions are asked in the analyses of those data, scientists might find different answers. They might find models that suggest a neothinking-directed dynamic is creating or controlling certain galaxies and other astronomical bodies within our Universe for economically sound business reasons. Or, on a larger scale, such data might yield models that suggest a Zon created and controls our Universe for business reasons.

Zon's creations will ultimately be demonstrated through understanding his purposeful, conscious-caused phenomena rising throughout a business opposed to automatic, nonconscious-caused phenomena rising from nature alone. At that point, religious theories positing a mythical God along with political theories positing the use of force will vanish and be forgotten.

Discoveries unfolding today in physics and astronomy are yielding evidentiary puzzle pieces pointing toward the Civilization of the Universe. Those discoveries are undermining the religious/mystical frauds and political parasitisms identified in publications such as The Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia (1976), The Neo-Tech Discovery (1986), Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control (1988), Zonpower (1995), Global Wealth Power (1996), Profound Honesty (1996), Outcompete God and Government (1997), and God-Man: Our Final Evolution (1998). Today, for example, scientific evidence, theories, and hypotheses are advancing toward demonstrating an essentially limitless abundance of planetary life


There are infinite worlds both like and unlike this world of ours.
(341-270 B.C.)

Who or What Created the Universe?

Evidence toward demonstrating neothink-created universes from sub-subatomic Gravity Units is evolving from (1) new statistical calculations, (2) recent string/membrane theories, (3) newly discovered neutrino mass that cannot be explained by the current standard model of existence, and (4) gamma-ray bursts of energies beyond that which can be explained by the current laws of physics. Contrary to previous beliefs, the mathematics of those theories are today indicating that the laws of physics do not break down within the unimaginable tiny quanta of existence found within dimensions (up to eleven dimensions) far beneath Plank's length of 10^-33 meters -- found within zero-mass/zero-energy Gravity Units of enormous negative energies (gravity) drawn into infinitesimal volumes.

Thus, the laws of nature and physics might not break down at above-and-below dimensions of any size such as:

large beyond this Universe, beyond parallel Universes, beyond layered orders of magnitudes -- on forever into the eternally boundless meta universe (obvious),
small beneath unimaginably tiny (calculus-type "nilpoint infinitesimals"), zero-mass/zero-energy Gravity Units (vacuum units) buried everywhere -- buried beneath strings as eternal universes (not so obvious).

The laws of physics, therefore, might remain the same for all dimensions. Indeed, applying Einstein's relativity to below Plank's dimensions down to Gravity Units unifies relativity and quantum mechanics. That unification of physical laws would permit neothinking Zons to create Universes from Gravity Units.

As explained in the Neo-Tech literature since 1994, the only difference between Zons and people on Earth today is that Zons have learned to neothink. In other words, they identify and harness uncorrupted knowledge of nature through wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty. ...In the C of U, Zons exist on every level of knowledge and have no concept of dishonesty or deception.

The Statistical Evidence of Zons
Supreme Controllers of Existence

Now comes a statistical analysis for the near-certain probability of conscious-created universes: Consider the current big-bang theory for forming our Universe from an infinitesimally small point or "nothing" 13 billion years ago. With a few notable exceptions (e.g.: Eric J. Lerner; Nobelist, Ilya Prigogine; and in certain contexts, Frank R. Wallace), most scientists today accept the big-bang theory. Still, how could a big-bang birth begin? Many theists, led by Pope John Paul and his Vatican advisors, seized the big-bang theory to proclaim that here finally was "scientific proof" of God's existence. For, only God could have created that universe from "nothing", they asserted.

By contrast, professional physicists posit nonmystical, objective hypotheses for a big-bang birth of the Universe based on ocular evidence, gravity, relativity, quantum mechanics, inflation theory, and string theory. Those physicists hypothesize that the big-bang birth of our Universe began naturally -- within the laws of physics -- with a statistical wave function or quantum flux (a vacuum fluxuation) of a space-time unit/point. Such a unit/point is a Gravity Unit (GU) of zero mass and zero energy but seemingly limitless negative energy (point gravity). ...GUs are homogenized fluids or ethers of infinitesimals (below 10^-35 meters, arbitrarily close to zero) comprised of gravity/vacuum fields.

Next comes a Neo-Tech hypothesis that accepts the statistical aspects of nature's quantum-flux theories of universe formations from "nothing" -- from space-time points or Gravity Units. Yet, those same statistical analyses suggests that a Zon -- a neothinking person in the C of U -- not only created this Universe but created limitless Universes to serve his or her business interests, intellectual growth, and physical well being for self, loved ones, and society. That hypothesis arises from Neo-Tech dismissing God notions as based on nothing more than ignorance, superstition, wishful thinking.

Those God notions are tools of mystical frauds and criminal manipulations used by arbitrary, self-proclaimed authorities. Aside from some entertainment value, such "authorities" produce few if any competitive values. Instead, they ultimately cause lethal damage to human life on Earth.

The Neo-Tech hypothesis minimizes the quantum-flux theory as an event that happens rarely compared to the formation of universes by Zons. Thus, that natural quantum-flux formation of universes, while possible, is of no real significance. From that point, the following probabilities arise based on statistics that are similar to the immutable laws of thermodynamics, which are also based on probability statistics.

Statistical "Proof" of Conscious-Created Universes

Chapter 1 of Zonpower (1996) examines the nature of the very small versus the very large. From that chapter combined with an article by Dr. Richard E. Crandall of NeXT Software, The Challenge of Large Numbers (Scientific American, February 1997), arises the following analyses:

A googol is 10^100 -- that is 1 followed by 100 zeroes, which is an overwhelmingly large number. Consider that the grains of sand that would fill our entire solar system is only about 10^52. The total number of atomic and subatomic particles in our entire Universe is about 10^86, a number still incredibly small compared to a googol. Now, consider a parrot pecking randomly, continuously at a keyboard could statistically type out Arthur Conan Doyle's great Sherlock Holmes mystery novel The Hound of the Baskervilles -- without a single spelling or punctuation error -- once every 10^3,000,000 years. By contrast, the age of our universe since the Big Bang is estimated at only 10^10 years. Now, the patience in waiting for a perfect spelled novel from that impeccable parrot is nothing when compared to the patience required for observing a quantum fluctuation that would tip over a beer can on a level surface. Statistically, that event would occur once in every 10^10^33 years.

The Odds for Man-Made Universes
Nature-Made Universes

Now, for some seriously big numbers: Instead of tipping over a mere beer can, how many years would be required to quantum flux the birth of an entire universe from its folded-up corollary -- a Gravity Unit? Consider a googolplex, 10^10^100. Just to type that number would require more paper than would tightly fill our entire universe. Next, consider that the total quantum states for all particles in the Universe were estimated by Roger Penrose to be 10^10^123 -- a number far greater than a googolplex. Now to quantum flux our full-blown Universe into another universe -- or a folded-up Gravity Unit into a natural-born universe -- would require numbers so large to be expressed only in Ackermann numbers.

An Ackermann number series goes as follows: 10^0, 10^1, 10^2^2, 10^3^3^3. Now, 10^3^3^3 equals 10^3,683,334,640,024. The fifth Ackermann number, 10^4^4^4^4 would require more paper tightly packed to fill the entire Universe to type out that number expressed as exponential notations! Such a number makes a googolplex seem like an invisible speck. Still to quantum flux the entire Universe or to quantum flux a Gravity Unit or space-time point into a universe would require an Ackermann number in years beyond the fifth number. Unimaginable? Yes. Still, eternity is a long time. And, in eternity, quantum fluxes of natural universes occur limitless times.

Yet, when statistically compared to potential conscious-created universes, the number of natural created universes is relatively non-existent. Consider the progress of human knowledge in just the past 3000 years within Earth's retarded anticivilization. Consider the geometrically increasing nature of "beyond-God" accomplishments and energy creations on Earth in just the past 100 years. Who could have imagined splitting atoms to release incredible energies, much less fusing atoms to yield ever greater energies? Or, audibly and visibly communicating with anyone, anyplace on Earth at near zero cost, at the speed of light? No one today can even imagine the exponential advances in knowledge, communication, bio/genetic engineering, and harnessing energy a hundred years hence, much less a thousand, a million years hence. We can only speculate how the accelerating flood of knowledge and energy production gathered from above and below the limitless meta-universe. Such gathering of power could allow man on Earth to harness essentially limitless energy from inexhaustible realms beyond this Universe to crack or unfold Gravity Units into limitless new Universes tailored to his or her business needs. ...The probability for Zon-made universes is astronomically more favorable than for a natural quantum-flux made universe, which itself has occurred limitless times throughout eternity.

Man's Fifth Paradigm Shift
is from
Man to Zon

In the fifth paradigm shift, one becomes a Zon on learning to control his existence. To accomplish that final stunning shift, one must grasp the unreal nature of Earth's anticivilization throughout the past 2300 years from a Civilization-of-the-Universe perspective. First, one must understand the comprehensive perspective shift that occurred in the fifth century with philosopher/bishop St. Augustine. Next, one must understand the comprehensive perspective shift that occurred in the twentieth century with philosopher/artist Ayn Rand. And, finally, one must grasp the comprehensive perspective shift that comes now, turning into the twenty-first century, as Neo-Tech/cyberspace business brings forth the C of U.

The first paradigm shift is detailed in the Neo-Tech literature. In that shift, man abruptly jumped from an automatic animal mind into a volitional human mind. That newly reorganized mind was capable of accomplishing all things beneficial to mankind within the laws of nature. For the next 500 years, up to the fifth century BC, within the Athenian city-state of Greece, arose Earth's greatest civilization. That civilization was moving in a steady progression toward the C of U -- a civilization that functions through wide-scope business dynamics and fully integrated honesty.

Then, during the fourth century B.C., as described in Outcompete God and Government, man's newly discovered, rapidly advancing conscious mind became infected with a deadly disease. That disease arose from dishonest politics and fraudulent piety within that great Athenian city-state. The disease took root through lawyer-like dishonesties and then spread throughout Western civilization and eventually throughout the world. That disease was caused by the symbiotic viruses of dishonesty and mysticism -- lethal viruses that were murderously spread by the world's first master politician and neocheater -- Pericles. His dishonest war rhetoric ultimately resulted in the defeat of Athens by Sparta and the execution of Athens' most honest citizen -- Socrates.

Pericles' lawyer-like dishonesties were philosophically nailed down and given formal credibility by the world's first master academic, Plato. Wielding his mystical forms and plying clever rhetoric and dialectic arguments with beautiful poetry and ironic brilliance, Plato lent credibility to criminal totalitarian regimes for the next 2300 years. Plato supported totalitarianism and gained credibility by shrewdly attacking the genuine corruptions that arose from (1) Periclean politics, (2) a majority-rule democracy, and (3) manipulating the ignorance of the masses. Around the fourth century AD, the deadly diseases of dishonesty and mysticism spread permanently throughout the Western world via Roman-Catholic Christianity that became ridden with neoplatonism and corrupt rulers.

Finally, after 2300 years, come the Zon Protocols and its business matrix to cure the deadly diseases of dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism. How? By vanishing the anticivilization via cyberspace businesses. ...Such businesses will lift the masses from ignorant slaves to enlightened entrepreneurs free from bogus authorities.



The Neothink Protocols deliver a business matrix that vanishes the mortal diseases of dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism. Thus, those Protocols deliver eternal life, romance, and prosperity through nature's Quintessential Secret woven throughout the Civilization of the Universe (C of U).

Perspectives from the Civilization of the Universe yield stunningly different knowledge never perceived in Earth's anticivilization. Until the Neothink Protocols, the limitless power and wealth available from operating within the laws of nature and C-of-U perspectives were unknown within Earth's anticivilization. Today, glimpsed for the first time, C-of-U perspectives are breathtaking in their scope and power. The Neothink Protocols begin by revealing general, wide-scope perspectives from the C of U concerning philosophy, wealth, power, sex, health, business, law, politics, music and art, life style and romantic love. Those new perspectives are conveyed through 100 Dialogues, including an adventure/love story titled Only Atheists go to Heaven -- the New Gods.

The Neothink Protocols deliver specific perspectives that encompass essentially every aspect of conscious life. Those C-of-U perspectives reveal nature's Quintessential Secret. That secret unfolds first in practical, conceptual terms and then in unforgettable, emotional terms. Such a blend of concepts and emotions occurs through various art forms circulating beneath a Neo-Tech business umbrella.


Perspectives of Conscious Man on Earth

Living species on Earth undergo long-range biological evolutions causing gradual changes to their survival mechanisms. Only conscious man undergoes rapid evolution in his survival mechanism via the conscious mind, independent of biological evolution. Indeed, conscious man rapidly evolves not through the slow, previously immutable changes of natural biology. Instead, he evolves through the rapid, volitional changes of conscious thought that through science, medicine, and competitive business quickly take over, surpass, and obsolesce his natural biological changes. ...Thus, conscious man has a fast changing historical perspective evolving in quantum-like jumps along the endless scale of changing conscious thought and knowledge.

Man today encompasses the most advanced-thinking position in Earth's history. Thus, a person today cannot make value judgments about any past period of history without first understanding the knowledge, technology, and thinking context of that past period. One can accurately understand and judge past events, people, and values only from their historical perspectives -- only from their position on the evolutionary thinking-and-knowledge scale of history. ...Understanding past anticivilization perspectives is important for discovering future C-of-U perspectives.

Now, by contrast, consider moral judgments: Before man evolved into his conscious mind, moral judgments could not exist. Unconscious (bicameral) man acted automatically through a highly intelligent animal mind that was unable to make moral choices. He made automatic choices dictated by reactions to the impinging forces of nature. Thus, bicameral man was amoral as were his fellow animals. On becoming conscious, however, unlike his fellow animals, he became responsible for both his behavior and his survival through volitional choices. At that point, an objective, unchanging moral standard arose for conscious man. That standard is the same for conscious beings throughout the Universe...throughout space and time.

What is the moral standard for man? Volitional acts that objectively benefit conscious individuals and their societies through competitive value production are good -- ethical, moral. By contrast, volitional acts that objectively harm conscious individuals and their societies through initiatory force, dishonesty, and fraud are bad -- unethical, immoral.

In summary, valid judgment of nonmoral values requires a changing historical and cultural context that brings near-term prosperity and happiness to individuals and societies. By contrast, valid judgment of moral values requires the unchanging universal context that brings long-term or eternal prosperity and happiness to individuals and societies. ...Violation of individual/property rights through initiatory force is universally immoral. Protection of individual/property rights through free enterprise is universally moral.

The Anticivilization is a Deadly Game
Force and Fraud

The basis of an anticivilization is manipulation of deception, dishonesty, and fraud. For the past 2300 years, most value-producing citizens were unaware of such manipulations. Yet, every deceptive "leader", dishonest academic, and fraudulent authority in an anticivilization is harmful to the well-being and happiness of conscious life. Such "leaders" are skilled at hiding their dishonesties and destructions used to drain the value producers. Today, those "leaders" are called neocheaters. All neocheaters, however, are trapped within their own creation -- within their own unnatural anticivilization. They are trapped by their parasitical lives -- trapped into playing a monstrous game that always ends in loss and death for them and everyone else on Earth.

In essence, living in the anticivilization requires everyone playing its bizarrely deadly game of survival. That game is accepted by everyone invested in an anticivilization. It is a pervasive game of subtle dishonesties, rationalizations, and self-deceptions that bring everyone to unnecessary losses and eventual death. It is a game that grinds human life to nothing through criminal redistributions of wealth via gun-backed regulations, political-agenda laws, con-game compassions, lawyer-like dishonesties, and destructive religious frauds. ..From the C-of-U perspective, the death-delivering anticivilization is unredeemable, incomprehensible, not worthy of memories. On leaving the anticivilization behind, one hears Poe's raven cry, "nevermore, nevermore, nevermore".

The Civilization of the Universe is the Eternal Business
Competitive Value Production

The Neothink Protocols deliver never-before-imagined business dynamics that arise from C-of-U perspectives. Those dynamics deliver endless wealth, ageless life, and romantic excitement undreamed in Earth's anticivilization. No games are played in the Civilization of the Universe. Dishonesty, irrationality, mysticism, fraud, crime, wars, disease, envy, boredom, loneliness, mental depression, and death are unknown. Instead, every citizen lives honestly through expanding business excitement, competitive value production, endless knowledge/wealth creation, benevolent friendships, romantic love, and artistic enjoyments.

The Anticivilization Perspective

Since the discovery of Neo-Tech two decades ago, its literature has been written from the perspective of prospering in Earth's anticivilization. As identified in that literature, an anticivilization functions criminally -- from a dishonest political/religious base of irrationality, mysticism, force, and fraud. Yet, by applying wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty to life on Earth along with DTC -- an acronym for Discipline, Thought, and Control -- one prospers despite those anticivilization ruinations. Today, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are quietly acquiring open-ended wealth and enjoying happy romantic love. By applying the competitive advantages gained through Neo-Tech, they outflank the parasites and neocheaters who drain everyone on Earth. ...Through Neo-Tech, one bypasses the destructive forces of dishonesty, mysticism, laziness, irrationality, nationalism, religion, and politics inherent throughout an anticivilization.

Yet, even with Neo-Tech, an anticivilization ultimately delivers aging and death to every individual. Moreover, the achievements and wealth of any individual in an anticivilization seem insignificant when compared to the limitless achievements and eternal prosperity available to everyone through cyberspace businesses in the Civilization of the Universe.

The Civilization-of-the-Universe Perspective

A forthcoming book titled Vanishing Mysticisms and Religions by Tracey Alexander and Eric Savage traverses the gap between the anticivilization and the Civilization of the Universe. After that book is published, no more Neo-Tech literature will be offered from the anticivilization perspective. Indeed, Earth's anticivilization is designed for losers who age, suffer, and die by clinging to their anticivilization investments in supporting the parasitical ruling classes. In addition to the forthcoming Alexander/Savage book, the last two Neo-Tech anticivilization publications -- Outcompeting God and Government (1997) by Frank R. Wallace and God-Man, Our Final Evolution (1998) by Mark Hamilton -- captured the final hidden dishonesties of the anticivilization. Future publications will bypass Earth's anticivilization. For, through wealth-creating businesses in cyberspace, the anticivilization will vanish. No one will need rationalizing philosophies. Everyone will live as a sovereign through fully integrated honesty.

Truman's Doorway

In the mortal anticivilization, life ultimately becomes meaningless. Biblical King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, "Meaningless! Meaningless! Everything is meaningless and chasing after the wind." Indeed, only in the immortal Civilization of the Universe can life evolve into ever increasing meaning and happiness. ...Fully integrated honesty -- Neo-Tech -- is the doorway out of the anticivilization and into the C of U.

The Protocols

Being free of mysticisms and dishonesties, which means being free of aging and death, makes the Civilization of the Universe forever separate from Earth's anticivilization. By nature, no nexus or connection exists between the C of U and an anticivilization. In the C of U, the idea of an anticivilization is incomprehensible since the concepts of disease, poverty, envy, crime, war, dishonesty, and rationalizing philosophies are unknown. ...The Protocols vanish the anticivilization by bringing forth the C of U


General Perspectives

Limitlessly wide perspectives exist throughout the C of U. By contrast, the narrow, closed-circle perspectives in the anticivilization arise from the rationalizing mechanisms offered by an array of competing philosophical systems. To move past philosophy, which is unneeded in the C of U, the various philosophies on Earth must be viewed from a Neo-Tech -- fully integrated honesty -- perspective within the anticivilization. From that perspective, those philosophies, including the valid C-of-U philosophy of Objectivism, appear essentially the same. They appear as rationalization systems needed to protect one's investments in an irrational civilization. When Earth's anticivilization philosophies are viewed from the rational Civilization of the Universe, they vanish as equally meaningless or unnecessary within the eternally prosperous Civilization of the Universe.

Aristotle's unmatched C-of-U pointing philosophy was dishonestly twisted centuries ago into sterile, pseudo-intellectual rhetoric and show-off disputations by Aristotelian cultists and scholastic dogmatists. Today, Ayn Rand's brilliant C-of-U pointing philosophy is twisting into sterile, pseudo-intellectual rhetoric and show-off disputations by Randian cultists and closed-circle dogmatists via the Internet. When dogmatized centuries ago by the scholastics, Aristotle's philosophy became barren -- not useful -- for competitive wealth production. When dogmatized today by pseudo-intellectuals, Rand's philosophy becomes barren -- not useful -- for competitive wealth production as is observed daily on the Randian Internet newsgroup:
The bylaws of that newsgroup forbid any discussion of forward-moving Neo-Tech. In Orwellian fashion, the Objectivist cultists forbid even mentioning the word "Neo-Tech" under penalty of permanent expulsion from the discussion group. Socrates would have shaken his head in wonder at such close-minded resistance to progress in order to protect dogma.

Four-centuries ago, Francis Bacon scrapped the dead chains of stagnated Aristotelian philosophy to clear the way for the Age of Enlightenment leading to the Industrial Revolution and Ayn Rand's Objectivist philosophy. Today, Neo-Tech scraps the dead chains of stagnated Objectivism to clear the way for the Protocols leading to the Civilization of the Universe and eternal business prosperity.

The Protocols illustrate how seemingly opposite philosophies unify in the anticivilization: One philosophy, Christian neoplatonism, was developed 1500 years ago by Saint Augustine, which if dogmatically applied in today's context of knowledge would be extremely harmful to the individual and society throughout Earth's anticivilization. The other philosophy, atheistic Objectivism, was developed 50 years ago by Ayn Rand, which if non-dogmatically applied in today's context of knowledge can greatly benefit every individual and society throughout Earth's anticivilization. But, in historical contexts, both philosophical systems meld as equal and then disappear as unneeded in the Civilization of the Universe.

The First Step Leading to C-of-U Perspectives
is to outcompete
Homer, Plato, Virgil, Dante, Swift, Voltaire, Hume, Shaw,
Monty Python

How does one reveal nature's Quintessential Secret? Revealing that secret brings the no-transition, quantum jump of conscious individuals in Earth's anticivilization to neothinking individuals in the Civilization of the Universe. The first step is an allegorical journey toward the C of U via the blended styles of Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey, Plato/Socrates' Dialogues, Virgil's Aeneid, Dante's Divine Comedy, Erasmus's humanistic Praise of Folly, Swift's Gulliver's Travels, Voltaire's Candide, Hume's Dialogues concerning Religion and Natural Rights, Shaw's Don Juan in Hell, and Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.

The journey begins in 1998 as an adventure/love story titled Only Atheists go to Heaven: A Christian saint, who left Earth's anticivilization in 430 A.D. falls in love with an Objectivist philosopher who left Earth's anticivilization in 1982. Approaching the Civilization of the Universe they meet a business tycoon named Jay Gould Zon who is a controller of existence. Together, as free entrepreneurs they began a new-color journey toward vanishing Earth's anticivilization. But, for Earth's anticivilization to survive, its rulers must eliminate those free entrepreneurs.

Who will survive? Who will vanish? The free entrepreneurs or the rulers of Earth's anticivilization? That question cannot be answered until the Neothink Protocols with its Dialogues are complete and nature's Quintessential Secret is revealed.



The Neothink Protocols switch conscious minds from a shadowy cave to a universal light -- from an always lose anticivilization to an always win Civilization of the Universe (C of U). In 1980, Dr. Frank R. Wallace began the research and development needed to uncover nature's universal secret -- its Quintessential Secret. In 1992, he started formulating the Protocols. In 1998, he began drafting early portions of its Dialogues.

Producing the complete Neothink Protocols with its 100 Dialogues is a ten-year project estimated at a million words of literature combined with the aesthetic arts. Producing the Protocol Dialogues is a death-to-life race against time. For, no one can wait ten years without facing the probability of failure and death.

Earth's Minotaur

The anticivilization is an all-pervasive, child-devouring monster -- a Minotaur of half dishonesty, half irrationality.

Everyone on Earth lives in an anticivilization of dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism. That unnatural civilization is premised on the death of human beings in which immortal children of the Universe born on Earth are devoured by that Minotaur of dishonesty and irrationality. They are then regurgitated as mortal adults into an anticivilization promising only pointless aging and irrational death to its citizens.

Earth's anticivilization exists in a maze of contradictions as identified by Blaise Pascal over three centuries ago. Those contradictions blended right with wrong -- blended magnificent technological advances and life-enhancing rationalities with horrifying political/religious destructions and death-causing irrationalities -- blended competence and genius with dishonesty and evil. By nature, such unnatural combinations of skill and dishonesty, good and evil, competitive value production and parasitical value destruction, brilliance and stupidity, rationality and irrationality will eventually deploy today's weapons of mass destruction to vanish conscious life on Earth. ...The race, therefore, is between (1) death and (2) life. Society's choice is between (1) vanishing human life on Earth with nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons or (2) vanishing Earth's anticivilization with the approaching Civilization of the Universe. The individual's choice is (1) aging and death or (2) biological immortality and eternal prosperity.

Testing a Piecemeal Approach

Irrational, unnecessary death awaits everyone in Earth's anticivilization. Thus, Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP) seeks to shorten the race against time. How? Through early piecemeal releases of those aspects within the Neothink Protocols -- a new thinking paradigm -- that vanish the anticivilization. NTP, therefore, will test publish on the Internet early beta drafts of Protocol segments as they develop.

As Protocol segments roll out, readers will learn how to outcompete each aspect of Earth's anticivilization that is rooted in destructive, ultimately fatal dishonesty. Readers will learn how to turn off fatal anticivilization perspectives by turning on prosperous Civilization-of-the-Universe perspectives.

NTP is testing that piecemeal concept on web site

The test will start by launching an adventure/love story comprising a Dante-like "Sublime Comedy" combined with a Monty Python "Life of Zon" parody written in the Shavian style of a "Don Juan in Hell". That metaphorical adventure titled Only Atheists Go to Heaven includes a romantic stroll from "Purgatory" toward "Heaven" and back to "Hell" on Earth by lusty playboy St. Augustine and intellectual giant Ann Brand. On their journey, they encounter people such as Helen of Vegas along with a modernized Blaise Pascal, and a Luciferian protector of eternal life named Jay Gould Zon. They also meet hundreds of other noted characters from the prehistoric Greek poet Homer to an ancient Greek politician named Callicles, a shrewd libertarian named Jesus, and a Neo-Tech double agent named Bill Clinton. They quietly operate under the operatic strains of Monteverdi's L' incoronazione di Poppea that celebrates the triumph of corrupt souls. ...Eyes will open wide at the climax of that stroll as the anticivilization vanishes. Life around the globe then rises in entirely different, new-light perspectives within a universal business matrix.

A New Thinking Paradigm

The Neothink Protocols move a person from impotence to omnipotence by moving him or her away from a mystical God in an unnatural anticivilization to a factual Zon in the natural Civilization of the Universe. On discovering nature's Quintessential Secret within the Protocols, one becomes an immortal giant standing on the shoulders of pygmies. Such a person first obeys and then commands the laws of nature to gain the endless knowledge for creating limitless wealth and romantic happiness. That person then becomes a Zon -- a sovereign individual -- a free entrepreneur -- a business controller of existence.

A Zon needs no external authority for guidance in any matter of life. A Zon develops a neothinking mind with powers that no external authority could match. A Zon is a sovereign who alone is responsible for his or her life, eternal prosperity, and romantic happiness.

Zon is any citizen living in the Civilization of the Universe. The C of U is based on solving problems via competitive businesses operating through wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty. By contrast, man on Earth today is living in an unnatural anticivilization -- a civilization based on (1) lawyer-like dishonesties that began with Pericles 2300 years ago and (2) a Platonistic parasitical-elite ruling class epitomized today by "noble" lies and cynical "compassions". Such illegitimate rulers and arbitrary authorities use force-backed, political-agenda laws for redistributing wealth earned by others to gain political powers. They hide their criminal destructiveness through compassion hoaxes laid upon "labor", "little people", and the productive class. Exemplars of 19th and 20th century compassion hoaxers include Bismarck, Lenin, FDR, and Clinton. They usurped their false authorities through tollbooth compassion based on collecting power and glory by criminally redistributing other people's earned wealth though gun-backed, political-agenda laws.

Making a Quantum Jump
Mystical Beliefs to Objective Reality

Question Authority --  Always, Continuously

Always question arbitrarily proclaimed intellectual, political, and religious authorities. Question external authority in order to grow and prosper. Take the Socratic path of questioning. Standing the "test of time" does not validate any proclaimed authority. Unquestioned acceptance of written-word authority stagnates the advance of knowledge. Neither a follower nor a leader be. Instead, be a sovereign -- a free entrepreneur -- a genius producer of competitive values.


Everyone is a Sleeping Genius

Genius never arises from statically following and obeying proclaimed authority with its ever increasing epicycles of mysticism. Instead, genius arises from replacing static authority and its growing mysticisms with wide-scope knowledge derived from fully integrated honesty. Genius blooms by discovering and harnessing the laws of nature while discarding the dogmas of men. Such a process brings growth, knowledge, and genius that never ends.

As Roger Bacon (1214-1291) implied, Francis Bacon (1561-1626) stated, and Galileo (1564-1642) demonstrated, forward-moving knowledge that benefits man and society is built inductively from the book of nature. By contrast, backward-moving rationalizations that harm man and society are brewed deductively from the books of man. Those books include the essential intellectual works in history -- the works of Heracleitus ("all is change"), Parmenides ("all is one"), Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, John Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, and Ayn Rand. ...Such works are powerful educational tools for maximizing competence on the road to genius. But, to be of universal value, those works must be contextually integrated with (1) history, (2) the laws of nature, (3) value creation, (4) aesthetics, and (5) competitive business.

Baron Montesquieu (1689-1755) was the first to recognize the radical benefits of quantum separations (no transitions) between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. The United States government was modeled after the Lockean ideas of Montesquieu. Even more, Montesquieu identified the no-transition, quantum separation between certain societies, cultures, and civilizations. That no-connection concept was the precursor to discovering the no-transition, quantum separation between Earth's unnatural anticivilization and the natural Civilization of the Universe.

As the Neothink Protocols will demonstrate, such a lacuna creates stunningly different perspectives for every activity of conscious life. Perspectives from the nature-created Civilization of the Universe are dramatically different than the perspectives from the mind-spun anticivilization that corrupts planet Earth. For example, from the anticivilization perspective, Saint Augustine and Ayn Rand are the most opposite individuals imaginable. Yet, from the Civilization-of-the-Universe perspective blended with historical context, they are nearly identical in their ideas. In fact, by substituting the modern-day Zon concept for the ancient-day God concept, St. Augustine appears even more objective and closer to the C of U than Ayn Rand and her cult-like dogmatizers. ...That fact is demonstrated in the first two of a hundred Dialogues within the Protocols.

Those one-hundred Dialogues will flip Earth's citizens right side up to vanish their unnatural anticivilization. The natural Civilization of the Universe will fill the void with its limitless prosperity and eternal happiness.

Neothink Protocols



1. Introduction to the Protocols
(see below)
2. The Quantum Jump
(The Final Anticivilization Document)
a) Neo-Tech for prospering in the Anticivilization
b) Protocols for prospering in the Civilization of the Universe
3. Vanishing Dishonesty and the Anticivilization
(The Penultimate Anticivilization Document)
Outcompete God and Government
4. Introduction to the Dialogues
Only Atheists go to Heaven
The New Gods
Controllers of Existence

Ending the IRS
Messages from Cyberspace

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