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Carl Watner

Black and White Publishing Company
Las Vegas, Nevada

Copyright (c) 1986 by Carl Watner
All rights owned and reserved
by the publisher

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About the Author

Carl Watner (born 1948) is a successful businessman as well as an independent scholar residing in Gramling, South Carolina. Largely self-educated in the field of libertarian theory and history, he has written extensively on these topics in such periodicals as Reason, Libertarian Forum, and The Journal of Libertarian Studies. He compiled an introduction for A Voluntary Political Government, which is a collection of mid-l9th century letters written by a close friend of Henry David Thoreau. He also co-authored Neither Bullets Nor Ballots, which epitomizes his advocacy of an all voluntary society. Carl describes himself as a voluntaryist, who relies on reason, persuasion, and education rather than on violence or electoral politics to achieve his goals. Carl is editor of The Voluntaryist newsletter. Carl is also the author of Your Document For The Use of SILENCE as the Ultimate Protector of Individual Rights, Black and White Publishing Company, Copyright(c) 1984.

Published by
Black and White Publishing Company
Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center
Las Vegas, Nevada

Printed in U.S.A.

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