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Ride to Prosperity in Cyberspace

Closing Ceremonies Index

- A -

Accelerators, 16
Achievements, 35-53
Action, 20
Adams, John, 1, 2
Aelius, Sextus, 49
Aggressive objectivism, 9
Aging, 52
Aha! reaction, 46
Alamo, 2
Alceste, 12
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), 25
Aluminum, 15
Animal mind, 22
Anticivilization, 3, 7, 22 52
Antiparticles, 16
Apple Computer, 34
Aristotle, 13
Armed bureaucrats, 6, 7, 22 25, 26, 28
Asset-milking executives, 33, 37
Astrophysical Journal, 14, 15
Astrophysical symposiums, 14
ATF, see Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Atoms, 14
Austrian Economics, 45
Authority, 8
Awareness of self, 22

- B -

Bacteria, 29
Bantam companies, 43, 44
Beauvoir, Simone de, 30, 31
Bicameral mind, 22, 24
Biochemical warfare, 23
Bork, Robert H., 41
Boundaries, 6
Bowie, Jim, 2
Branden, Nathaniel, 10
Bureaucrats, 4, 6, 7, 22 26, 28
Business dynamics, 11, 12, 25
Businesspersons, 10, 35, 41, see also specific individuals by name

- C -

Caesar, Julius, 3
Cannonballs, 17
Carnegie, Andrew, 31
Castro, Fidel, 2, 3
Chaos, 22, 52
Cicero, 49
Civility, 28
Civilization of the Universe, 3, 13, 22 52
Clinton, Bill, 1, 7, 27-29
Clinton, Hillary, 3
Coats, Sen., 6
Collective intellectualization, 8
Commonwealth, On the, 51
Communism, 31
Communist Manifesto, 36
Competitiveness, 10, 11-12, 13, 22 26, 35
Competitive values, 11
Conscious action, 20
Conscious life, 5, 20, 20
Conscious mind paradigm, 22-24
Consciousness, 13, 22, 52
Contextual facts, 6
Contradictions, 52
Cosmology, 20
Created mass, 18
Crimes, 4
Criminal mind, 3
Criminals, race-excused, 3
Crockett, David, 2
Crusoe, Robinson, 12
Crush the Evil, 4
Cyberspace sublimation, 5-21

- D -

Death, 43, 52
curing of, 3
Death of a Salesman, 39
Deception, 8
Declaration of Independence, 27-28
Deductive integrations, 47
Defoe, Daniel, 12
Democritus, 13
Deposition of tyrants, 27
Destruction, 3, 22
Discourses Concerning Government, 27
Disease curing, 3
Dishonesty, 24
gulf between honesty and, 5
in media, 7
political promotion of, 6
as powerless in cyberspace, 7
vanishing of, 7
Dostoyevsky, 3
Drexel Burnham Lambert, 37, 38
Du Pont Corporation, 32, 33
Du Pont, Pierre S., 32, 33
business, 11, 12, 25
of free enterprise, 30, 31
of nature, 51
of Neo-Tech, 8
of Neo-Tech physics, 51
philosophical, 8-12
physical, 12-20
profit, 42
value-producing, 20
of Zonpower, 52

- E -

Earth's speed, 19
Ecrasez l'infame, 4
Edu, Professor, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20
Ego enhancements, 41
Ego judges, 25, 26, 38, 39
E.I. duPont de Nemours, Inc., 32, 33
Einstein, Albert, 45
Electrons, 17, 29
Elites, 5, 7, 25, 26, 28, 31, 37, 38, 41,
Elizabeth, I, Queen, 31
Energy, 15-16, 29, 51
Engels, Friedrich, 36
Entertainers, 7
Epistemology, 51
Ersatz Objectivism, 10
Establishment elites, 31
Establishment stagnation, 13, 30, 37
Eternal geometries, 29, 51
Eternal life, 14
Ether, 18, 29, 51
Excitement, a
cyberspace, 5-21
general, 6-21
Exon, Sen., 6

- F -

Facts, 6, 20
FDA, see Food and Drug Administration
Fear, 3, 26
Federal worker protection from violence,
Field, Higgs, 14, 19
Finland, 45
Flanders, Moll, 12
Followers, 25
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 25
Force, 5, 8, 22 35, 44
Ford, Henry, 32
Founding fathers, 27, see also specific
individuals by name
Fraud, 35, 44
Free-enterprise dynamics, 30, 31
Fully integrated honesty, see Neo-Tech

- G -

Galt, John, 9, 10
General Motors, 32
General Relativity, 15, 18, 45
Geometries, 17, 29, 51
George III, 1, 2
Gestapo, 2
Giuliani, Rudolph, 34, 36-41
Gods, 52
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 3
Golden-Helmet Document, 25
Gould, Jay, 9, 31-32
disappearance of force by, 5
hatred of, 1
resistance of, 1-2
subsidies from, 25
Government worker protection from violence, 27-29
Gravitational redshifts, 16
Gravity, 16
Gravity Units, 15, 17-18, 29, 51
Greatest human spirits, 29-34

- H -

Hale, Nathan, 2
Hamilton, Mark, 22
Happiness, 24, 52
Hatred of government, 1
Health-care plans, 25
Helmsley, Leona, 32, 34, 38-41
Helmsley/Giuliani/Media/Victim Example,
32, 38-41
Helmsley Hotels, 38
Heroes, 55, see also specific individuals by
of Objectivism, 9-12
Heroic Code, 51
Hitler, Adolf, 2, 34, 36, 41
Hitler/Jew/Victim Example, 34, 36
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 41
Homer, 3
attacks on, 2
dishonesty vanished by, 7
fully integrated, see Neo-Tech
gulf between dishonesty and, 5
integrated, 4, see also Neo-Tech
Neothink mind based on, 24
paradigm of, 5
as ruling cyberspace, 20, 25
Human spirits, 29-34

- I -

Ideas, 43
Immigration and Naturalization Service
(INS), 25
Individual responsibility, 22, 31, 44
Individual rights, 2
Individual as supreme in cyberspace, 6
Inductive/deductive integrations, 47
Infomercials, 42
INS, see Immigration and Naturalization
Integrated honesty, 4, see also Neo-Tech
Integrations, 12, 13, 14, 44, 45, 46
Intellectualization, 8, 9
Interacting geometries, 17
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 25
Introspection, 22
Involuntary servitude, 21
I & O Publishing Company, 42, 43
Iron, 15
Irrationality, 24, 35
consciousness and, 52
curing of, 2, 42, 43
gulf between rationality and, 5
investment in, 26
need for explanation of, 1
political promotion of, 6
vaporization of, 4, 5-26
Irrational laws, 30
IRS, see Internal Revenue Service

- J -

"Jackbooted thugs", 25
Jefferson, Thomas, 1, 2, 27
Jews, 34, 36
Joan of Arc, 31
Jobs, 11
Jobs, Steven, 34
Judges, 25, 26, 38, 39
Justice, 3, 4, 50

- K -

Kant, Immanuel, 13
Kay, Mary, 32
Keynes, John Maynard, 33
King George III, 1, 2
changing the world with new, 44-45
creation of, 13
for curing of irrationality, 43
new, 13, 44-45
panoramas of, 13
sea changes, 44
specialized, 13
Kroc, Ray, 32

- L -

irrational, 30
of nature, 20, 29, 41, 51
objective, 2, 28, 56
of physics, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 20
political-agenda, 40
respect for, 28
subjective, 6, 40
true, 56
universal, 41
Leaders, 25
Lenin, Vladimir, 31, 34, 35-36, 41, 43, 45
Life, 29
conscious, 5, 20, 20
eternal, 14
limitless, 24
rational, 51
Light speed, 16, 18-19
Limitless wealth, 14
Locke, John, 27
Love, 52
Love of country, 1, 2

- M -

Madison, James, 1, 2
Mao, 3
Marx/Lenin/Victim Example, 34, 35-36
Mass, 15, 16, 17, 18, 29, 51
Matter geometries, 17
Media, 7, 26, 34, 38-41
Menger, Karl, 46
Metaphors, 22
Michelson-Morely experiment, 16, 19
Milken, Michael, 9, 32, 34, 36-36, 40
Milken/Giuliani/Media/Victim Example,
34, 36-38
Miller, Arthur, 39
bicameral, 22, 24
conscious, 22-24
criminal, 3
reality created by, 20
schizophrenic, 24
truth-based conscious vs. honesty-based
neothink, 24
Misanthrope, The, 12
Moliére, Jean-Baptiste, 12
Mysticism, 7
Myths, 6

- N -

Natural law, 20, 29, 41, 51
Nature dynamics, 54
Nature of Neo-Tech, 11
Nazis, 3
Neo-Tech, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 26, 34, 52
cyberspace ruled by, 20-26
dynamics of, 8
essences of, 28
as gateway to Civilization of the
Universe, 3
goal of, 24-25
integrations of, 12
nature of, 11
rational life and, 51
ruling of cyberspace by, 2, 7
spread of through cyberspace, 28
Neo-Tech bantam companies, 43, 44
Neo-Tech Discovery, 46
Neo-Tech integrations, 13
Neo-Tech physics, 15, 17, 19
dynamics of, 8
Objectivism and, 20-21
purpose of, 20-21
Neo-Tech/Victim/Cyberspace Solution, 34,
Neothink, 24
New knowledge, 13, 44-45
Newsgroups on the Internet, 8-21
Newsweek, 7, 39
Nightingale, Florence, 32

- O -

Objective justice, 4
Objective law, 2, 3, 28, 51
Objective reality, 14, 20, 22
Objectivism, 8, 10, 11, 21 22 41, 45
active use of, 11
aggressive, 9
defense not needed for, 11
ersatz, 10
gulf between subjectivism and, 5
heroes of, 9-12
leaders of, 9
Neo-Tech physics and, 20-21
pseudo, 10
value of, 12
Odysseus, 3
Oklahoma City bombing, 1
On the Commonwealth, 49
Once in a thousand, 46-47
Oppressive cultures, 30

- P -

Paine, Thomas, 27
for conscious life, 5
for conscious mind, 22-24
of honesty, 5
Neothink, 24
rejection of, 5
Parasitical elites, 5, 7, 25, 26, 28, 37, 38,
41, 43
Particle-antiparticle pairs, 16
Particle physics, 17
Particles, 17, 19
Passive intellectualization, 9
Peace, 25-26
Peer review, 13, 14
Peikoff, Leonard, 9, 45
Philosophical dynamics, 8-12
Philosophy, 14, 20, 24, 31
Objectivist, see Objectivism
Photons, 16, 17, 19, 29
Physical dynamics, 12-20
Physical properties of particles, 19
Physics, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24
laws of, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 20
Neo-Tech, 15, 17, 19, 20-21, 51
particle, 17
in Zonpower, 15
Pips, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41,
40, 44
defined, 52
vanishing of, 34, 42
Pip-squeaks, 11, 42
Plato, 13
Poe, Edgar Allan, a
Political-agenda laws, 40
Political correctness, 6, 7
Political unrest, 28
Politicians as impotent, 6
Ponzi schemes, 25
Pope, 3
Positive law, 41
Power, 22 41
Pragmatic law, 41
Productivity, 55
Profit dynamics, 42
Profit motivation, 35
Property destruction, 22
Property rights, 2, 41
Prosperity, 21, 24, 25-26
Pseudo Objectivism, 10
Pseudo power, 41
Pseudo self-esteem, 30

- Q -

Quarks, 17, 29
Quantum Crossings, 51

- R -

Radio waves, 16, 18, 19
Rand, Ayn, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 30-31, 45
Raskolnikov, 3
Rationality, 4, 5, 6
Rationalization, 3
Rational life, 51
Raven, The, a
Reaction times, 16, 18
Reality, 6-7
mind-created, 20
objective, 14, 20, 22
Redshifts, 16
Relativity, 15, 18, 45
Resistance of big government, 1-2
Resonating strings, 29, 51
Responsibility, 22, 31, 44
Revelation, 8
Reviews of Modern Physics, 14, 15
RICO laws, 37
Rights, 2, 41
Right-wrong sense, 22
Risk-taking, 11
Roark, Howard, 9
Rockefeller, John D., 32

- S -

Santa Ana, 2
Savage, Eric, 22
Schiller, Fredrick von, 3
Schizophrenic mind, 24
Scientific breakthroughs, 13, 14
Scientific method, 13
Scully, John, 34
Sea-change knowledge, 44-45
Second Sex, The, 30
Self-awareness, 22
Self-control, 28
Self-destruction, 3
Self-esteem, 30
Self-leadership, 25
Self-made businesspersons, 10
Self-responsibility, 22, 31, 44
Sidney, Algernon, 27
Simpson, O.J., 3
Smallest human spirits, 29-34, 35-50
Smith, Joseph, 32
Social Security, 25
Soviet Union, 31
Specialized knowledge, 13
Speed of Earth, 19
Speed of light, 16, 18-19
Stadium Experiment, 18, 19
Stagnation, 4, 13, 18, 20, 28, 30, 37, 43
Stalin, Joseph, 2, 3, 31, 40
Standard of living, 35
Stimulants and stimulation, a
alcohol, a
drugs, a
Neo-Tech, a, 1-50
Strings, 29, 51
Subjective laws, 6, 40
Subjectivism, 5, 20
Sublimation, 5
Success, 22 30

- T -

Tartuffe, 12
Technological breakthroughs, 13
Texas, 2
Theory of atoms, 14
Thermonuclear warfare, 23
Thinkons, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 51
True law, 51
Truth-based conscious mind, 24

- U -

Universal law, 41

- V -

Values, 6
competitive, 11
production of, 8, 9, 10, 22 25, 30, 31,
33, 41, see also specific individuals
by name
attacks on, 2
"Victims", 29-30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35-50
Helmsley/Giuliani/Media/Victim Example
of, 34, 38-41
Hitler/Jew/Victim Example of, 34, 36
Marx/Lenin/Victim Example of, 34,
Milken/Giuliani/Media/Victim Example
of, 34, 36-38
Neo-Tech/Victim/Cyberspace Solution
to, 34, 42-52
vanishing of, 34, 42-52
Violence, 4, 27-29
Viruses, 29, 40
Voltaire, 4
Volume, 17

- W -

Waco, 1
Walker, John M., Jr., 39
Wallace, Frank R., 1, 2
Ward, Marsh, a
Washington, George, 1, 2
Washington Post, 7
Wealth, 14
Weight, 15, 17
Weightlessness, 16
Welfare dependents, 25
White-collar-hoax business executives, 25
Wide-scope integrations, 12, 13, 14, 45, 46
Wilson, Woodrow, 3
Wimps, 11
Women's success, 30-31
Woods, Kimba, 37
World War II, 27
World-Wide Web Sites, 5, 50
Wozniak, Stephen, 34

- Z -

Zonpower, 20, 22, 45-51
dynamics of, 46
goal of, 24-25
greatest problem for, 46
purpose of, 20-21
rational life and, 51
Zonpower, 14, 15, 17, 24-25, 51

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