| Parent Index
| Build Freedom:
Ride to Prosperity in Cyberspace
Closing Ceremonies Index
- A -
- Accelerators, 16
- Achievements, 35-53
- Action, 20
- Adams, John, 1, 2
- Aelius, Sextus, 49
- Aggressive objectivism, 9
- Aging, 52
- Aha! reaction, 46
- Alamo, 2
- Alceste, 12
- Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), 25
- Aluminum, 15
- Animal mind, 22
- Anticivilization, 3, 7, 22 52
- Antiparticles, 16
- Apple Computer, 34
- Aristotle, 13
- Armed bureaucrats, 6, 7, 22 25, 26, 28
- Asset-milking executives, 33, 37
- Astrophysical Journal, 14, 15
- Astrophysical symposiums, 14
- ATF, see Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
- Atoms, 14
- Austrian Economics, 45
- Authority, 8
- Awareness of self, 22
- B -
- Bacteria, 29
- Bantam companies, 43, 44
- Beauvoir, Simone de, 30, 31
- Bicameral mind, 22, 24
- Biochemical warfare, 23
- Bork, Robert H., 41
- Boundaries, 6
- Bowie, Jim, 2
- Branden, Nathaniel, 10
- Bureaucrats, 4, 6, 7, 22 26, 28
- Business dynamics, 11, 12, 25
- Businesspersons, 10, 35, 41, see also specific individuals by name
- C -
- Caesar, Julius, 3
- Cannonballs, 17
- Carnegie, Andrew, 31
- Castro, Fidel, 2, 3
- Chaos, 22, 52
- Cicero, 49
- Civility, 28
- Civilization of the Universe, 3, 13, 22 52
- Clinton, Bill, 1, 7, 27-29
- Clinton, Hillary, 3
- Coats, Sen., 6
- Collective intellectualization, 8
- Commonwealth, On the, 51
- Communism, 31
- Communist Manifesto, 36
- Competitiveness, 10, 11-12, 13, 22 26, 35
- Competitive values, 11
- Conscious action, 20
- Conscious life, 5, 20, 20
- Conscious mind paradigm, 22-24
- Consciousness, 13, 22, 52
- Contextual facts, 6
- Contradictions, 52
- Cosmology, 20
- Created mass, 18
- Crimes, 4
- Criminal mind, 3
- Criminals, race-excused, 3
- Crockett, David, 2
- Crusoe, Robinson, 12
- Crush the Evil, 4
- Cyberspace sublimation, 5-21
- D -
- Death, 43, 52
- curing of, 3
- Death of a Salesman, 39
- Deception, 8
- Declaration of Independence, 27-28
- Deductive integrations, 47
- Defoe, Daniel, 12
- Democritus, 13
- Deposition of tyrants, 27
- Destruction, 3, 22
- Discourses Concerning Government, 27
- Disease curing, 3
- Dishonesty, 24
- gulf between honesty and, 5
- in media, 7
- political promotion of, 6
- as powerless in cyberspace, 7
- vanishing of, 7
- Dostoyevsky, 3
- Drexel Burnham Lambert, 37, 38
- Du Pont Corporation, 32, 33
- Du Pont, Pierre S., 32, 33
- Dynamics
- business, 11, 12, 25
- of free enterprise, 30, 31
- of nature, 51
- of Neo-Tech, 8
- of Neo-Tech physics, 51
- philosophical, 8-12
- physical, 12-20
- profit, 42
- value-producing, 20
- of Zonpower, 52
- E -
- Earth's speed, 19
- Ecrasez l'infame, 4
- Edu, Professor, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20
- Ego enhancements, 41
- Ego judges, 25, 26, 38, 39
- E.I. duPont de Nemours, Inc., 32, 33
- Einstein, Albert, 45
- Electrons, 17, 29
- Elites, 5, 7, 25, 26, 28, 31, 37, 38, 41,
- Elizabeth, I, Queen, 31
- Energy, 15-16, 29, 51
- Engels, Friedrich, 36
- Entertainers, 7
- Epistemology, 51
- Ersatz Objectivism, 10
- Establishment elites, 31
- Establishment stagnation, 13, 30, 37
- Eternal geometries, 29, 51
- Eternal life, 14
- Ether, 18, 29, 51
- Excitement, a
- cyberspace, 5-21
- general, 6-21
- Exon, Sen., 6
- F -
- Facts, 6, 20
- FDA, see Food and Drug Administration
- Fear, 3, 26
- Federal worker protection from violence,
- 27-29
- Field, Higgs, 14, 19
- Finland, 45
- Flanders, Moll, 12
- Followers, 25
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 25
- Force, 5, 8, 22 35, 44
- Ford, Henry, 32
- Founding fathers, 27, see also specific
- individuals by name
- Fraud, 35, 44
- Free-enterprise dynamics, 30, 31
- Fully integrated honesty, see Neo-Tech
- G -
- Galt, John, 9, 10
- General Motors, 32
- General Relativity, 15, 18, 45
- Geometries, 17, 29, 51
- George III, 1, 2
- Gestapo, 2
- Giuliani, Rudolph, 34, 36-41
- Gods, 52
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 3
- Golden-Helmet Document, 25
- Gould, Jay, 9, 31-32
- Government
- disappearance of force by, 5
- hatred of, 1
- resistance of, 1-2
- subsidies from, 25
- Government worker protection from violence, 27-29
- Gravitational redshifts, 16
- Gravity, 16
- Gravity Units, 15, 17-18, 29, 51
- Greatest human spirits, 29-34
- H -
- Hale, Nathan, 2
- Hamilton, Mark, 22
- Happiness, 24, 52
- Hatred of government, 1
- Health-care plans, 25
- Helmsley, Leona, 32, 34, 38-41
- Helmsley/Giuliani/Media/Victim Example,
- 32, 38-41
- Helmsley Hotels, 38
- Heroes, 55, see also specific individuals by
- name
- of Objectivism, 9-12
- Heroic Code, 51
- Hitler, Adolf, 2, 34, 36, 41
- Hitler/Jew/Victim Example, 34, 36
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 41
- Homer, 3
- Honesty
- attacks on, 2
- dishonesty vanished by, 7
- fully integrated, see Neo-Tech
- gulf between dishonesty and, 5
- integrated, 4, see also Neo-Tech
- Neothink mind based on, 24
- paradigm of, 5
- as ruling cyberspace, 20
-, 25
- Human spirits, 29-34
- I -
- Ideas, 43
- Immigration and Naturalization Service
- (INS), 25
- Individual responsibility, 22, 31, 44
- Individual rights, 2
- Individual as supreme in cyberspace, 6
- Inductive/deductive integrations, 47
- Infomercials, 42
- INS, see Immigration and Naturalization
- Service
- Integrated honesty, 4, see also Neo-Tech
- Integrations, 12, 13, 14, 44, 45, 46
- Intellectualization, 8, 9
- Interacting geometries, 17
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 25
- Introspection, 22
- Involuntary servitude, 21
- I & O Publishing Company, 42, 43
- Iron, 15
- Irrationality, 24, 35
- consciousness and, 52
- curing of, 2, 42, 43
- gulf between rationality and, 5
- investment in, 26
- need for explanation of, 1
- political promotion of, 6
- vaporization of, 4, 5-26
- Irrational laws, 30
- IRS, see Internal Revenue Service
- J -
- "Jackbooted thugs", 25
- Jefferson, Thomas, 1, 2, 27
- Jews, 34, 36
- Joan of Arc, 31
- Jobs, 11
- Jobs, Steven, 34
- Judges, 25, 26, 38, 39
- Justice, 3, 4, 50
- K -
- Kant, Immanuel, 13
- Kay, Mary, 32
- Keynes, John Maynard, 33
- King George III, 1, 2
- Knowledge
- changing the world with new, 44-45
- creation of, 13
- for curing of irrationality, 43
- new, 13, 44-45
- panoramas of, 13
- sea changes, 44
- specialized, 13
- Kroc, Ray, 32
- L -
- Laws
- irrational, 30
- of nature, 20, 29, 41, 51
- objective, 2, 28, 56
- of physics, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 20
- political-agenda, 40
- respect for, 28
- subjective, 6, 40
- true, 56
- universal, 41
- Leaders, 25
- Lenin, Vladimir, 31, 34, 35-36, 41, 43, 45
- Life, 29
- conscious, 5, 20, 20
- eternal, 14
- limitless, 24
- rational, 51
- Light speed, 16, 18-19
- Limitless wealth, 14
- Locke, John, 27
- Love, 52
- Love of country, 1, 2
- M -
- Madison, James, 1, 2
- Mao, 3
- Marx/Lenin/Victim Example, 34, 35-36
- Mass, 15, 16, 17, 18, 29, 51
- Matter geometries, 17
- Media, 7, 26, 34, 38-41
- Menger, Karl, 46
- Metaphors, 22
- Michelson-Morely experiment, 16, 19
- Milken, Michael, 9, 32, 34, 36-36, 40
- Milken/Giuliani/Media/Victim Example,
- 34, 36-38
- Miller, Arthur, 39
- Mind
- bicameral, 22, 24
- conscious, 22-24
- criminal, 3
- reality created by, 20
- schizophrenic, 24
- truth-based conscious vs. honesty-based
- neothink, 24
- Misanthrope, The, 12
- Moliére, Jean-Baptiste, 12
- Mysticism, 7
- Myths, 6
- N -
- Natural law, 20, 29, 41, 51
- Nature dynamics, 54
- Nature of Neo-Tech, 11
- Nazis, 3
- Neo-Tech, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 26, 34, 52
- cyberspace ruled by, 20-26
- dynamics of, 8
- essences of, 28
- as gateway to Civilization of the
- Universe, 3
- goal of, 24-25
- integrations of, 12
- nature of, 11
- rational life and, 51
- ruling of cyberspace by, 2, 7
- spread of through cyberspace, 28
- Neo-Tech bantam companies, 43, 44
- Neo-Tech Discovery, 46
- Neo-Tech integrations, 13
- Neo-Tech physics, 15, 17, 19
- dynamics of, 8
- Objectivism and, 20-21
- purpose of, 20-21
- Neo-Tech/Victim/Cyberspace Solution, 34,
- 42-50
- Neothink, 24
- New knowledge, 13, 44-45
- Newsgroups on the Internet, 8-21
- Newsweek, 7, 39
- Nightingale, Florence, 32
- O -
- Objective justice, 4
- Objective law, 2, 3, 28, 51
- Objective reality, 14, 20, 22
- Objectivism, 8, 10, 11, 21 22 41, 45
- active use of, 11
- aggressive, 9
- defense not needed for, 11
- ersatz, 10
- gulf between subjectivism and, 5
- heroes of, 9-12
- leaders of, 9
- Neo-Tech physics and, 20-21
- pseudo, 10
- value of, 12
- Odysseus, 3
- Oklahoma City bombing, 1
- On the Commonwealth, 49
- Once in a thousand, 46-47
- Oppressive cultures, 30
- P -
- Paine, Thomas, 27
- Paradigm
- for conscious life, 5
- for conscious mind, 22-24
- of honesty, 5
- Neothink, 24
- rejection of, 5
- Parasitical elites, 5, 7, 25, 26, 28, 37, 38,
- 41, 43
- Particle-antiparticle pairs, 16
- Particle physics, 17
- Particles, 17, 19
- Passive intellectualization, 9
- Peace, 25-26
- Peer review, 13, 14
- Peikoff, Leonard, 9, 45
- Philosophical dynamics, 8-12
- Philosophy, 14, 20, 24, 31
- Objectivist, see Objectivism
- Photons, 16, 17, 19, 29
- Physical dynamics, 12-20
- Physical properties of particles, 19
- Physics, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24
- laws of, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 20
- Neo-Tech, 15, 17, 19, 20-21, 51
- particle, 17
- in Zonpower, 15
- Pips, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41,
- 40, 44
- defined, 52
- vanishing of, 34, 42
- Pip-squeaks, 11, 42
- Plato, 13
- Poe, Edgar Allan, a
- Political-agenda laws, 40
- Political correctness, 6, 7
- Political unrest, 28
- Politicians as impotent, 6
- Ponzi schemes, 25
- Pope, 3
- Positive law, 41
- Power, 22 41
- Pragmatic law, 41
- Productivity, 55
- Profit dynamics, 42
- Profit motivation, 35
- Property destruction, 22
- Property rights, 2, 41
- Prosperity, 21, 24, 25-26
- Pseudo Objectivism, 10
- Pseudo power, 41
- Pseudo self-esteem, 30
- Q -
- Quarks, 17, 29
- Quantum Crossings, 51
- R -
- Radio waves, 16, 18, 19
- Rand, Ayn, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 30-31, 45
- Raskolnikov, 3
- Rationality, 4, 5, 6
- Rationalization, 3
- Rational life, 51
- Raven, The, a
- Reaction times, 16, 18
- Reality, 6-7
- mind-created, 20
- objective, 14, 20, 22
- Redshifts, 16
- Relativity, 15, 18, 45
- Resistance of big government, 1-2
- Resonating strings, 29, 51
- Responsibility, 22, 31, 44
- Revelation, 8
- Reviews of Modern Physics, 14, 15
- RICO laws, 37
- Rights, 2, 41
- Right-wrong sense, 22
- Risk-taking, 11
- Roark, Howard, 9
- Rockefeller, John D., 32
- S -
- Santa Ana, 2
- Savage, Eric, 22
- Schiller, Fredrick von, 3
- Schizophrenic mind, 24
- Scientific breakthroughs, 13, 14
- Scientific method, 13
- Scully, John, 34
- Sea-change knowledge, 44-45
- Second Sex, The, 30
- Self-awareness, 22
- Self-control, 28
- Self-destruction, 3
- Self-esteem, 30
- Self-leadership, 25
- Self-made businesspersons, 10
- Self-responsibility, 22, 31, 44
- Sidney, Algernon, 27
- Simpson, O.J., 3
- Smallest human spirits, 29-34, 35-50
- Smith, Joseph, 32
- Social Security, 25
- Soviet Union, 31
- Specialized knowledge, 13
- Speed of Earth, 19
- Speed of light, 16, 18-19
- Stadium Experiment, 18, 19
- Stagnation, 4, 13, 18, 20, 28, 30, 37, 43
- Stalin, Joseph, 2, 3, 31, 40
- Standard of living, 35
- Stimulants and stimulation, a
- alcohol, a
- drugs, a
- Neo-Tech, a, 1-50
- Strings, 29, 51
- Subjective laws, 6, 40
- Subjectivism, 5, 20
- Sublimation, 5
- Success, 22 30
- T -
- Tartuffe, 12
- Technological breakthroughs, 13
- Texas, 2
- Theory of atoms, 14
- Thermonuclear warfare, 23
- Thinkons, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 51
- True law, 51
- Truth-based conscious mind, 24
- U -
- Universal law, 41
- V -
- Values, 6
- competitive, 11
- production of, 8, 9, 10, 22 25, 30, 31,
- 33, 41, see also specific individuals
- by name
- attacks on, 2
- "Victims", 29-30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35-50
- Helmsley/Giuliani/Media/Victim Example
- of, 34, 38-41
- Hitler/Jew/Victim Example of, 34, 36
- Marx/Lenin/Victim Example of, 34,
- 33-36
- Milken/Giuliani/Media/Victim Example
- of, 34, 36-38
- Neo-Tech/Victim/Cyberspace Solution
- to, 34, 42-52
- vanishing of, 34, 42-52
- Violence, 4, 27-29
- Viruses, 29, 40
- Voltaire, 4
- Volume, 17
- W -
- Waco, 1
- Walker, John M., Jr., 39
- Wallace, Frank R., 1, 2
- Ward, Marsh, a
- Washington, George, 1, 2
- Washington Post, 7
- Wealth, 14
- Weight, 15, 17
- Weightlessness, 16
- Welfare dependents, 25
- White-collar-hoax business executives, 25
- Wide-scope integrations, 12, 13, 14, 45, 46
- Wilson, Woodrow, 3
- Wimps, 11
- Women's success, 30-31
- Woods, Kimba, 37
- World War II, 27
- World-Wide Web Sites
-, 5, 50
- Wozniak, Stephen, 34
- Z -
- Zonpower, 20, 22, 45-51
- dynamics of, 46
- goal of, 24-25
- greatest problem for, 46
- purpose of, 20-21
- rational life and, 51
- Zonpower, 14, 15, 17, 24-25, 51
| Parent Index
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