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Closing Ceremonies

"...Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
- Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

Profound Honesty not only dreams such dreams, but makes those dreams become real to all mortals here on Earth.

Ride to Prosperity

Neo-Tech Stimulants Underlie the Future

Stimulation is the most basic need for all life. For conscious life, stimulation underlies the drives for sex, identity, self-esteem, security, survival, and consciousness itself. Lose stimulation and conscious life is lost. Excitement is an outward expression of stimulation. Natural stimulation and excitement arise through efforts that produce ever greater values for self and others -- values that let conscious life become increasingly prosperous. Stimulation can also arise unnaturally through irrational acts that harm self and others -- destructive acts ranging from dishonest politics and criminal parasitism to promiscuous sex and drug abuse. Such unnatural stimulations always leave hangovers of value destruction, stagnation, anxiety, boredom, ill health. The more one depends on unnatural stimulation to survive, the more destructive that person becomes to self and others. By contrast, the more one achieves natural stimulation, the more valuable and exciting that person becomes to self and others. ...This Closing Ceremony shows how natural, Neo-Tech stimulants in cyberspace will deliver prosperity to everyone.

Marsh Ward, working with the Washington DC Homeless Shelter, originated this stimulant concept. He is the innovator of "nongovernment drug therapy for the ghetto poor" -- America's most effective drug-addiction cure.

Closing Ceremonies

Ending the Long Search
Curing the Criminal Mind
Vaporizing Irrationality
Cyberspace Excitement
Vanishing Irrationality
Philosophical Dynamics
Physical Dynamics
Honesty Rules Cyberspace
A New Paradigm
The Goal of Neo-Tech/Zonpower
Universal Excitements and Prosperity
Neo-Tech Prevents Violence
The Greatest Human Spirits
The Smallest Human Spirits
Two Final Questions
Cyberspace Solution
How New Knowledge Changes the World
One in a Hundred
The Key: Read Twice
Prosperity via Objective Law
Objective Law 2000 Years Ago
Objective Law Beyond 2000 AD
Closing-Ceremonies Index

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