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Selected Portions from the Neo-Tech Discovery

Appendix C


First Known Identification of
Master Neocheaters

"If we go back to the beginnings of things, we shall always find that ignorance and fear created the gods; that imagination, rapture and deception embellished them; that weakness worships them; that custom spares them; and that tyranny favors them in order to profit from the blindness of men."

Baron d'Hobach
The System of Nature (1770)

First Known Identification of
Governments as Mystical Illusions

"The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else."

Frédéric Bastiat
1801 - 1850

First Fully Integrated Identification of
Prosperity and Happiness via Vanquishing Mysticism

"Within our minds, we all fight the same life-and-death battle against mysticism. We all fight the same battle against living by following internal feelings rather than by integrating external reality. And we all must make the same choice to exert the effort needed to be honest, to integrate with reality, to think rationally, to quell mysticism. For every individual who fashions a successful, happy life has chosen effort over laziness...honesty over mysticism.

"All values -- all prosperity, power, love, happiness, and eternal life arise from vanquishing mysticism."

The Neo-Tech Discovery
Late 20th Century


The Neo-Tech psychological/romantic-love concepts grew from the trailblazing work of entrepreneur Nathaniel Branden. ...Branden, through his business thinking, became the first person in history to integrate objective philosophy with cognitive psychology.

The Neo-Tech philosophical concepts grew from the millennia work of logistician Ayn Rand. ...Rand, through her writings, became the first person in history to start ripping mysticism out of philosophy.


Neo-Tech by nature is free of mysticism and its integration blockers. Thus, Neo-Tech yields unlimited integrations with reality. As a result, Neo-Tech yields unlimited competitive advantages, power, and values. With mystic-free Neo-Tech, a person joins the minds of all advanced civilizations throughout the cosmos. With mystic-free Neo-Tech, a person captures cosmic power forever. (Re: Article 2 on page 675.)


Primary Direct Reference
Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia
The Neo-Tech Discovery

Primary Philosophical References
The works of
Plato (immoral)
Aristotle (moral)
Immanuel Kant (immoral)
Ayn Rand (moral)

Secondary Philosophical References
The works of
The Bible (immoral)
John Locke (moral)[ 20 ]
Marx, Hitler (immoral)
Leonard Peikoff (moral)

Primary Psychological References
Sigmund Freud (immoral)
Nathaniel Branden (moral, but increasing mystical errors)

Primary Economic References
John Maynard Keynes (immoral)
Ludwig von Mises (moral)


[ 20 ] As did many anti-tyranny writers of the 17th and 18th centuries, Locke effectively used " Natural-Law" and "God's-Law" abstractions as foils to undercut the false authority of ruling neocheaters. Today, no such foils are needed. For, Neo-Tech directly collapses government and religious hoaxes of neocheating and mysticism.

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