The Neo-Tech mind is the cosmic mind. The cosmic mind? Sounds like science fiction, even mystical. But Neo-Tech is the antipode of science fiction and mysticism. Indeed, through the competitive dynamics of business, the Neo-Tech mind will forever eradicate mysticism from planet Earth. So what is the Neo-Tech mind that is emerging on planet Earth today? Why is the Neo-Tech mind the cosmic mind? What is the cosmic mind? |
As demonstrated in Appendix H, the cosmic mind governs all advanced civilizations. Also, as demonstrated in Neo-Tech Advantage #31, each advanced civilization throughout the Universe has passed through the Nuclear-Decision Threshold. And to pass through that Nuclear-Decision Threshold, a civilization must be free of self-destructive mysticism. Or, from the corollary perspective, no civilization infested with self-destructive mysticism can survive beyond that Nuclear-Decision Threshold. Therefore, civilizations advanced much beyond our own must consist of mystic-free minds functioning through fully integrated honesty. ...By definition, mystic-free minds are Neo-Tech minds. Moreover, only through fully integrated honesty can conscious minds grow to the unlimited vistas of those advanced civilizations. Only minds free of mystical integration blockers can have unlimited power -- cosmic power.
Thus, the Neo-Tech mind is the cosmic mind. And only the Neo-Tech mind can acquire cosmic power -- omnipotent power within the laws of nature. ...What is the significance of the Neo-Tech mind suddenly emerging here on Earth?
The mystic-plagued mind has dominated our civilization since consciousness emerged from nature-created bicameral minds 3000 years ago. Unable to introspect and make conscious moral choices, bicameral man was amoral and innocent. Like every nature-controlled animal, bicameral man could not be mystical, deceptive, or purposely destructive. Only by creating the conscious mind could man jump past nature to outcompete and then control nature. But, only after creating consciousness could he inflict upon himself the only disease of consciousness -- mysticism. And thus, only conscious man faces the choice to (1) be honest or dishonest, (2) be rational or irrational, (3) be productive or destructive, (4) be growing or stagnating, (5) be business-like or mystical, (6) be happy or unhappy, (7) be alive or dead forever.
In the latter half of this twentieth century, our civilization arrived at the Nuclear-Decision Threshold. But conscious beings populating planet Earth are still plagued with the disease of mysticism. Thus, we have reached the crossroads that all civilizations reach. At these crossroads, nuclear annihilation occurs in civilizations populated with self-destructive, mystic-plagued minds (e.g., power-mad Leninist/Maoists, life-hating Shiites, and other such mystically insane value destroyers with power). But in civilizations populated with productive minds fully integrated with honesty, the reverse occurs: Nuclear energy combined with computer technology and other fast-breaking technologies, ranging from super conductivity to nanotechnology, means soaring benevolence, knowledge, and prosperity.
In other words:
THE WAR OF TWO WORLDS: Value Producers versus Value Destroyers |
That war of two worlds is the crucial life and death determinate for our civilization: the Neo-Tech mind versus the mystic mind; the business/integrating mind versus the neocheating/disintegrating mind; life versus death.
Could the diseased minds of mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers win the war? No, not with Neo-Tech. Could this be a dangerous war with the risk of losing to the value destroyers? No. What are the chances of Neo-Tech losing this final battle to evil? None whatsoever.
No, Neo-Tech cannot lose. Why? Because as Pincers #1 and #2 start circling the globe, the Neo-Tech mind easily outflanks and outcompetes all other minds, especially mystic-plagued minds. Again, the chances of Neo-Tech losing? None whatsoever.
Ironically, this final, most crucial, important battle of civilization is no contest. In fact, this battle is laughable. No matter how many guns, thefts, jails, and killings they resort to, the value destroyers will only accelerate their own demise. Thus, the outcome is a sure-thing, total-victory outcome. Moreover, no one except those directing the worldwide network of Neo-Tech bantam companies needs to take part or risk anything in the war of two worlds. Indeed, everyone else can relax, enjoy the battle, and then reap the benefits. Neo-Tech business people alone will collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters. For the Neo-Tech mind is the invincible cosmic mind that governs the universe.
Just imagine clean, healthy, omnipotent, fully integrated cosmic minds pitted against sullied, diseased, impotent, unintegrated mystic-plagued minds. The outcome is pitifully obvious. For the "opposition" is based literally on nothing -- the "opposition" is based on the nothingness disease of mysticism. Also, the minds of the "opposition" are filled with mystical integration blockers. By contrast, Neo-Tech minds are free of all integration blockers and limitations. That is why mystic-free, Neo-Tech minds can outthink and outflank all mystic-plagued, neocheating minds.
Neo-Tech bantam companies need the war of two worlds. Those companies need to draw into battle the professional mystics and neocheaters. Each Neo-Tech bantam company needs to engage in battle the professional value destroyers with their armies of dishonest journalists, bogus-job academics, destructive politicians, and lazy bureaucrats. For the Neo-Tech mind outflanks all their manipulations -- Neo-Tech jujitsus into oblivion all the stupidities and irrationalities of mysticism and neocheating.
When that war starts, wave one of the Seven Neo-Tech Waves will begin rolling. And then each successive six waves will increasingly wash value destroyers off planet Earth. ...Today, Neo-Tech bantam companies are quietly integrating professional mystics and neocheaters into the Ostracism Matrix worldwide. ...Tomorrow, essence-moving, integrated-thinking value producers will first scorn and then laugh disintegrated-thinking value destroyers out of existence.
Imagine cosmic minds from civilizations millions of years beyond their own transition from hallucinating bicameral minds to integrating Neo-Tech minds. Their histories and anthropologies would preserve their own transitions from bicameral to Neo-Tech minds. But they would not long remember or preserve the nature and events of that lightning brief time (in relative cosmic time) roiled in mysticism and neocheating. Thus, all notions of irrationality, purposeful value destruction, dishonesty, initiatory force, evil, war, and death itself would be unknown and incomprehensible to those advanced civilizations.
With Neo-Tech, the disease of mysticism will also eventually fade from our own Earthbound memories and histories as an exceedingly brief, insignificant aberration. Why? Because mysticism is the nothingness disease that holds no significance, meaning, or interest for future mystic-free generations. Even in our current generation, all value producers will come to recognize value-destroying mysticism as nothing more than an immature, wholly unnecessary stupidity. ...Mysticism and neocheating will increasingly seem like ludicrous jokes, albeit profoundly evil and destructive jokes.
Now, try to imagine clean, innocent beings from some advanced civilization observing the destructiveness of mysticism for the first time. They would be witnessing an insane destructiveness based on nothing. Imagine them observing bizarre, irrational, destructive factoids such as the guns and fists of November 3rd, the FDA, INS, DEA, SEC. And imagine those super-productive happy beings observing wretchedly unhappy professional mystics and neocheaters living by harming and draining the value producers.
Despite their super-advanced knowledge and technology, those cosmic beings would have no way to relate to or comprehend the nothingness disease of mysticism and its destructiveness. They would have no way to relate to evil, irrationalities, intentional destruction, neocheating, and especially death...all based on senseless nothing. In fact, only the Neo-Tech minds evolving here on earth today can understand the nature of mysticism enough to diagnose and then cure that disease of death. ...And rightly so, for the responsibility to cure our own disease of mysticism lies entirely upon us conscious beings here on earth.
Neo-Tech meets that responsibility. The cosmic seeds of Neo-Tech are silently growing in 151 countries. Nothing can stop the demise of mysticism. Nothing can stop the victory of emerging, omnipotent, mystic-free minds over entrenched, impotent, mystic-plagued minds.
The following chart shows the lineup of contestants for the War of Two Worlds. Yes, Neo-Tech must and will engage in war all the mystic/neocheating value destroyers. For the mystic/neocheating disintegrating minds, that war is their death trap. But, for the Neo-Tech/Neothink integrating minds, that war is no war. The contest is no contest. The lineup matches nothing against everything. The mystic/neocheater pip-squeak mind will perish forever; the Neo-Tech/Neothink cosmic mind will live forever.
Diseased, Unnatural Mystical/Neocheating Disintegrating Minds | versus | Healthy, Natural Neo-Tech/Cosmic Integrating Minds |
Bicameral/hallucinating. External-authority driven. A disintegrating mind. | Origin | Man-made/business-like. Introspective, independent. An integrating mind. |
Blocked integrations. Fearful. Dependent on others. | Power | Unlimited integrations. Fearless. Independent of others. |
Dishonest/lazy defaulted. Destructive/evil. | Character | Honest/effort driven. Productive/good. |
Value destruction. | Exist On | Value production. |
Stagnation, envy, resentment, sickness, neurosis, poverty, destruction, death. | Deliver | Growth, value reflection, romantic love, health, happiness, prosperity, values, life. |
Narrow-limit/unsound. | Knowledge | Forever-limitless/sound. |
Nothing. | Substance | Everything. |
Destructive, negative. Less than nothing. | Nature | Productive, positive. Everything in Universe. |
Death quickly. | Duration | Life forever. |
One develops and then experiences the Neo-Tech/cosmic mind by ruthlessly extirpating mysticism from oneself and rejecting it in everyone else. One then begins sensing the awesome power and dimensions of Neo-Tech. Yet, on further experiencing the limitless, cosmic dimensions of Neo-Tech, one realizes its total naturalness. At the same time, one senses that other world left behind as a meaningless, grotesque realm that revolves around the disease of stupidity and death -- the disease of mysticism.
On acquiring the Neo-Tech cosmic mind, one realizes the inchoate, immature, goofy nature of that dying other world...and the incredible adventure of happiness that now awaits every value producer on Earth who enters the cosmic-mind world of Neo-Tech.
The mystic-free Neo-Tech mind is the cosmic mind. And the cosmic mind has now evolved on planet Earth. With the cosmic mind of Neo-Tech, we on planet Earth will soar forever into limitless life and happiness.
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