An Address to the Executive Board by John Flint: Business and Research Director of Neo-Tech Pincer Movement #1 and author of "Industrial Philosophy" July 15, 1986 |
Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff states the most basic of all axioms in three words: "what is is". But that axiom reduces to an even more powerful, more precise two words: "existence exists". Now, as I will explain, a subtle but profound difference exists between those two axioms: "What is is" versus "existence exists".
"What is is" is static -- like some rock out there. On initial thought, "existence exists" seems static too. But when you put that axiom into a fully integrated dimension, suddenly the meaning changes from static to dynamic. What is that fully integrated dimension? Where did those integrations come from? They come from the Long Wave[ 17 ] and the profound identification that consciousness is an integral part of existence.
Consciousness is not something that evolved or developed out of existence. Consciousness has always existed and is an integral part of existence. That identification is the crucial link missed by Einstein in all his work dealing with existence, space, time, mathematics, and physics. Consciousness is and always has been a part of existence as much as matter and energy are a part of existence. Now, with consciousness in the cosmic formula, "existence exists" holds an entirely different meaning. The verb "exists" changes from a purposeless, static existence to a purposeful, moving process -- a process that is being constantly integrated and controlled by conscious beings.
Indeed, the cosmos is not controlled by some god, some mystical power, or some "higher-consciousness"...or even by the immutable laws of nature. But, as demonstrated in the Long-Wave article, all existence is controlled by business-driven value producers such as you and me.
First, what is Neo-Tech? It is fully integrated honesty. It is free of neocheating manipulations and mystical stupidities. Thus, Neo-Tech delivers unlimited, wide-range integrations -- infinitely wider than any other idea system.
With Neo-Tech, new knowledge is beyond the conscious mind only because of time -- the time needed to accumulate facts and information for the integrations required to fill any understanding gap. Unlimited knowledge, therefore, is separated from us only by time.
The human conscious brain never evolved or never needs to physically evolve in order to understand anything in existence. Thus, the evolution of consciousness is a meaningless concept, just as the evolution of matter or energy is a meaningless concept.
Consciousness is either present or it is not present. Thus, as demonstrated in the Long-Wave article, our own consciousness here on earth today has the same limitless capacity to understand everything as does the consciousness that controls the universe. Consider that conscious Greeks over two millennia ago had the same capacity as we have today to understand anything in the universe. Given the knowledge, they could equally understand, for example, all our rapidly expanding nuclear and computer technologies. Only the time to develop the knowledge separates them from us. Likewise, our own consciousness today and the most knowledgeable consciousness in the universe are both equally capable of understanding anything -- even knowledge a billion years ahead of all current knowledge. ...Only time separates us from our cosmos cousins and all knowledge.
The only limitation of consciousness is processing-speed and storage-capacity. Yet today we can clearly see solutions to those limitations: Layers of previously unknown knowledge fall away with increasing rapidity as we move into the computer age. With ever increasing computer processing speed and storage capacity combined with Neothink, human consciousness can integrate and understand anything in existence -- anything. That unlimited capacity exists today, has always existed, and will always exist.
How does that infinite capacity work? How does Neothink work? A conscious being can make the widest-scope integrations, up to the capacity of the mystic-free, conscious mind. Then that same mystic-free mind starts building another area of maximum integration, and then another area. Next, at any time, that mind can integrate those areas of maximum integration together into a new unit and then integrate that new unit with other new units of integration. Without the integration blockers of mysticism, that linking and integrating of previously built integration units can continue indefinitely. That's how Neothink works. It requires a Neo-Tech mind -- a mystic-free mind. Without mysticism, no integration limitations exist. Thus, nothing is unknowable to mystic-free consciousness.
Prior to Neo-Tech, the broadest integration of a philosophical system was Ayn Rand's powerfully valid system of Objectivism, commercially advanced by Nathaniel Branden, and currently carried forward by Leonard Peikoff through his important philosophical and promotional contributions. Now, review Ayn Rand's one-word summaries used to identify four of the five branches of philosophy -- metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and politics. Next, move beyond with Neo-Tech to identify each branch from the widest integration. Through those integrations, one can see why Neo-Tech is so real and solid. One can see why Neo-Tech is more widely integrated than the works of Carnegie, Edison, Einstein, or Rand. For as great as those giants were, each had their widest-scope integrations blocked by personal mysticisms. Thus, only from mystic-free Neo-Tech comes ever wider business, scientific, and philosophical integrations.
Consider those one-word summaries of Ayn Rand's Objectivist philosophy:
Metaphysics, the first branch of philosophy, was summarized by Ayn Rand as "reality". But, from the more widely integrated dynamics of conscious-controlled existence, metaphysics has a wider integration than static, physical reality. That wider integration is business! Yes, a dynamic business existence.
One discovers the relationship between metaphysics and business by understanding the Long-Wave article. That article demonstrates how the cosmos, all existence, all reality is controlled by value producers functioning within the dynamics of business.
Now, let's examine metaphysics -- a static physical reality versus a dynamic business existence: Business universally encompasses the widest-scope, no-limit integrated thinking possible. And within that scope, all reality is encompassed, which includes all physical reality. Indeed, physical reality by itself is a static, narrower-scope integration than is business. For business also encompasses all intellectual, psychological, emotional, and physical actions of conscious beings in a dynamic, changing process throughout all existence.
How is that? Think of what business really is. As identified many times in the Neo-Tech literature, business is not just a specific term that's used like you have business here, you have art there, you have government here. No. Instead, from both a metaphysical and an epistemological sense, business represents the antithesis of mysticism. For mysticism is the unintegration of reality and the disintegration of thinking. Mysticism is the process of attacking, destroying, and losing values and life itself through consciousness. ...Mysticism destroys man's relationship with existence.
By contrast, business is the integration of reality, thinking, values, and life. Business represents the widest form of fully integrated thinking and action possible. Business is the process of creating, elevating, or expanding values and enhancing life through consciousness. ...Business enhances man's relationship with existence.
Now go back and consider the axiom "existence exists" as a dynamism that has forever existed as a conscious-driven process. For, as the Long-Wave article demonstrates, business has always driven the universe. ...Yes, the universe exists as a dynamic process, not as a static thing. "What is is" is a static entity. "Existence exists" is a dynamic process -- a forever living, growing, business process managed through Neo-Tech/Neothink minds to achieve ever greater prosperity and happiness.
Reality is static and by itself enhances no values. But, business is dynamic and through consciousness enhances all values. Business provides ever greater prosperity and happiness by enhancing man's relationship with existence.
Ayn Rand defined epistemology as "reason". Now, what is a wider-scope integration than reason? It is Neothink. And Neothink encompasses all reason in a dynamic growing process. Reason is a static, specific method of thinking. Neothink is a dynamic process that is integral to the metaphysics of business. And again, business functions through net profits, numbers, data, and limitless wide-scope integrations to produce evermore competitive values for others and society. Thus, business demands greater and greater integrations achievable only through Neothink.
The "existence exists" of the universe is driven by business, Neothink, net profits, numbers, and values. Therefore, metaphysics is summarized as business; epistemology is summarized as Neothink.
As the third branch of philosophy, Ayn Rand summarized ethics as "self-interest". Now what is a wider-scope integration that encompasses self-interest? Neo-Tech summarizes ethics as value production. And, of course, the dynamics of value production naturally encompass self-interest. Indeed, value production is the benevolent, natural dynamics of life, society, and the conscious mind. Thus, value production is the ethics of conscious life.
The "existence exists" of the universe is driven by conscious beings using Neothink to increase value production through their businesses.
The fourth branch of philosophy is politics. Ayn Rand summarized politics as "capitalism". But capitalism is encompassed within a wider-scope integration that Neo-Tech identifies as free competition. And a corollary adjunct to competition is ostracism. Now, the dynamics of both competition and ostracism together yield an interaction that guarantees political freedom and capitalism.
After realizing why free competition is the widest integration of politics, a single, universal political constitution materializes: That universal constitution of less than 200 words[ 18 ] contains only one element -- the prohibition of initiatory force.
On eliminating initiatory force, the dynamics of interactions among conscious beings become competitive. Thus, the natural dynamic of conscious life is free competition. From that, one realizes that freedom means competition and competition means freedom. Indeed, free from threats of initiatory force, unfettered competitive value production quickly becomes the dynamic of conscious life.
Professional value destroyers and other criminal minds hypocritically spout about freedom. But they hate and fear competition. For, competition would end their bogus livelihoods. Yet, freedom and competition are inextricably linked. One cannot exist without the other. Thus, value destroyers must use force or the threat of force to diminish or eliminate both freedom and competition.
Consider the modern white-collar-hoax axis of entrenched businesses and fascist-oriented governments: Together they use force or threat of force through destructive regulations and crippling laws to restrict or eliminate competition. They must squelch competition to usurp power and protect their bogus livelihoods.
Naturally, a part of competition is capitalism, which is a term for a specific kind of competition. But competition itself holds a wider integration than capitalism. For, the dynamics of competition naturally occur not only in all business actions, but in personal activities, in relationships, in art -- in all actions among free human beings.
The "existence exists" of the universe is driven by competition. Value producers control the cosmos through business, Neothink, value production, and competition.
The fifth and final branch of philosophy is "aesthetics". Although writing brilliantly about aesthetics, Ayn Rand never succinctly summarized its essence as she did the other four branches of philosophy.
Now, to capture the widest-integration essence of aesthetics, one must first go back to the essence of ethics, which is value production. From that, one discovers the essence of aesthetics is value reflection. That reflection can occur, for example, through literature, art, fine art, music, dance, or architecture. In any case, the aesthetics of value reflection naturally expand into personal living, into relationships, and eventually into the most integrated of all areas -- business.
As value reflection expands into romantic relationships, family relationships, relationships among friends or business associates, aesthetics can deliver profound pleasures and powerful advantages. Indeed, we already experience the motivating fuel of value reflection in many subconscious, undeveloped ways. During the second Neo-Tech World Summit, for example, consider the deeply motivating paeans and inspiring dances reflecting the values of the mightiest business heroes. Well, that was a nascent expression of aesthetics in capturing the beneficent power and values of the greatest heroes: the Carnegies, the Goulds, the Edisons, the Firestones. Moreover, with Neo-Tech and aesthetics, no longer will those heroes remain maligned or unsung.
Through value reflection, we can integrate the dynamic aesthetics of any great value with music, the fine arts, architecture, and all else artistic, beautiful, and emotional. Why? To provide the fuel of pleasure needed to build values and happiness forever.
The "existence exists" of the universe is fueled by the dynamics of aesthetics, the concretizing of values, and the reflection of values.
Thus, above are five branches of Neo-Tech Philosophy in their widest integrations. And where do those wide-scope integrations come from? They come from not cutting off integration corners -- from being free of mysticism to eliminate all limitations. Only with fully integrated honesty can we grasp ever wider-scope integrations that have no limits. With that integration power, anyone can outflank and soar above all competition hobbled by mysticism.
Below is Frank R. Wallace's (FRW) subsequent dialogue with Mark Hamilton (MH). Mr. Hamilton is the Business and Research Director of Neo-Tech Pincer Movement #2 and the author of the Neo-Tech publication titled, "Cosmic Business Control". |
MH: It's amazing what you just said. I read the Long-Wave article again last night for the second time in six weeks or so. When I read that Long Wave, every time I read it, the integrations expand and mean something so much more than the previous time. And what you just said breaks us all free.
As you were identifying and integrating those five branches of philosophy, I felt all conscious beings breaking free from repressed, earth-bound philosophies into a limitless, Long-Wave philosophy -- the same philosophy that exists throughout the cosmos. Just as you went through that, I felt myself breaking into the cosmos as I integrated your words with what I read last night in the Long Wave.
The minute you encompassed reality with business -- those words were so profound to me. At that point, I knew the path you were on with the other areas of philosophy. Neo-Tech is awesome. It's breaking us from the limited earth view and propelling us into the unlimited cosmos view -- just as four centuries ago when we broke from the stifling geocentric view into the liberating heliocentric view.
FRW: Yes, Neo-Tech breaks us free from the mystic-bound hoaxes and propels us toward the business-like dynamics of our eternal cousins throughout the universe. Even a decade ago, the Psychuous literature identified how all mystic-free conscious beings were, through the dynamics of business, capable of "driving the cosmos and beyond".
MH: You know, there is something momentous in what you just covered. I know people can't really grasp how momentous that is until they grasp the Long Wave. The minute you said business over reality, that integration hit me like an avalanche.
FRW: In the next meeting or two, I'll integrate the dynamics of Neo-Tech Philosophy with our goal of collapsing mysticism. Those integrations will demonstrate how impotent the mystical/neocheating world is and how powerful the Neo-Tech/Neothink world is. By understanding those integrations, everyone will intellectually and emotionally realize how nothing can stop Neo-Tech from driving every professional neocheater and business quisling from their fake jobs. Neo-Tech will also dump all the value destroyers in government and business to leave their masses of blind followers floundering without direction, without protection from competition. ...Against Neothink, they're all so small, insignificant, and impotent.
MH: That's exactly what I've been sensing. Against the uncorked power of Neo-Tech, you really sense the shrinking "smallness" out there. Even with their guns, fists, and billion-dollar budgets, they all seem so puny. You can feel their insignificance. You feel the power of their evil shrinking to nothing.
FRW: In reality, value destroyers are small and puny -- they are literally nothing in the dynamics of life. For they contribute no net or competitive values to anyone or society. Yet, on understanding the philosophical essences of Neo-Tech, one can see why the ideas and philosophies before Neo-Tech were impotent in dealing with the great hoax of mysticism. One can also see why nothing before had ever stopped the value destroyers. Objectivist philosophers from Aristotle to Ayn Rand could never really cure mysticism or stop its destructive evil -- even though their philosophies stood alone in being intellectually honest, even though they laid the foundations for Neo-Tech.
Envision a value producer armed only with Objectivism. He can do little or nothing against the legions of neocheating value destroyers. For his philosophical tools are limited to the important but static ideas of 1. reality, 2. reason, 3. self-interest, 4. capitalism, 5. aesthetics. Now envision the same value producer armed with Neo-Tech. He can quickly uproot, expose, and disintegrate all value destroyers. For his philosophical tools are the dynamics of 1. business, 2. Neothink, 3. value production, 4. free competition and ostracism, 5. value reflection.
Another way to see Neo-Tech's unbeatable power is through contrasting ideas. Consider, for example, the contrasting ideas of Objectivism:
Eternally curing mysticism requires collapsing its 2000-year hoax. That collapse will decimate the armies of professional value destroyers who depend on the manipulative dishonesties of mysticism and neocheating to survive. And their timorous supporters will be dispersed by the loss of mystical hoaxes promoting specious external "authorities". Those professional mystics and neocheaters will then be left without power or livelihoods. Neo-Tech will leave them writhing in their dead-end streets of envy and hate. At the same time, Neo-Tech will benevolently show them the door to life -- the door to competitive value production and happiness.
How is that done? How is that disease of mysticism forever cured? The metaphysics of business, the epistemology of Neothink, the ethics of value production, the politics of competition, and the aesthetics of value reflection will cure the disease of mysticism forever.
Now, consider other idea systems evolving from Socrates with his outdoor philosophical discussions -- and Plato, Aristotle, Adam Smith, John Locke, Herbert Spencer, and Ayn Rand with all their writings. Those systems depend on discussing ideas. Regardless of their importance to the foundation of Neo-Tech, they all evolved around static philosophizing. Yet, stop to think about Neo-Tech: Here, all business evolves around philosophy and philosophical ideas. Neo-Tech seldom, if ever, involves discussions of significant length about traditional philosophy. Instead, Neo-Tech mainly involves integrating business, not philosophizing.
Except in the context of business, Neo-Tech seldom involves philosophy, politics, or how to establish a new order, how to stop neocheaters, or how to fight "bad things" in the mystical world. Instead, with full-focus on business, I&O is a company of quiet subversion -- subversion of Plato's world and the criminal-minded concepts of God, altruism, collectivism, force-backed bureaucracies, and the white-collar hoax manipulated by professional mystics and neocheaters.
MH: You know, as you were talking, I had the sense of discovering the full Neothink perspective in philosophy. I felt how we are forever leaving in the dust everyone -- from Aristotle's followers to Ayn Rand's Objectivists. I really sensed the difference between using ideas to philosophize versus using ideas in business to produce values...the difference between just sitting there helplessly with philosophy and ideas versus controlling everything through business and ideas. I felt this big limitless dimension open up to us and everyone in the future. Yes, it's really true what you said: We don't discuss philosophy. For we're metaphysically in tune with our nature by pursuing business through integrated thinking and honesty.
And through the Long Wave, we can see exactly how the cosmos has always been run and will forever be run into infinity -- through the dynamics of business. It's amazing, we never philosophize. Yet, in one swoop, we leave in the dust every philosopher from Aristotle to Rand because we are true to our metaphysical nature -- because we are functioning with fully integrated honesty through business.
FRW: Interestingly, we actually philosophize every day from the widest context -- from a fully integrated, dynamic, value-generating way through business. By contrast, traditional philosophizing is static -- dealing with a myriad of "a-points" that lead to dead-end stumps available for mystical manipulations.
MH: Now, one can feel the impotence toward mysticism of every philosophy until now. ...Now, one can feel the real power of Neo-Tech.
FRW: We must capture this integrated business-minded philosophy and inject it into everything we're doing. In a way, we've been doing that since the November-3rd attack without explicitly identifying what we were doing. But now, with the power of having explicitly identified the essence of philosophy, every value producer can and will abandon the hoax of mysticism to flourish forever into the future.
MH: The Neo-Tech Philosophy makes the future so obvious. Combining Neo-Tech philosophy with Neo-Tech business, the hoax of mysticism and all professional value destroyers will perish unless they become competitive value producers.
THE NEO-TECH PHILOSOPHYFrom the Einstein Long-Wave identification in Appendix H of this volume evolves the profound concept that consciousness is both an axiomatic component and the controlling element of existence. When that concept is combined with the 114 Neo-Tech Advantages, all the integrations of Neo-Tech unfold into a philosophy of infinitely wide integrations as shown in the chart below. The chart below also outlines the Objectivist philosophy -- the most widely integrated philosophy prior to Neo-Tech. But that philosophy had its integration corners cut off by both general and personal mysticisms to miss the final, limitless integrations captured by Neo-Tech:
Each of the five widely integrated branches of Objectivist Philosophy are subsumed within the five branches of the more widely integrated Neo-Tech Philosophy. |
[ 17 ] The Long Wave: See Appendix H.
[ 18 ] The Universal Constitution: see page 222.
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