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Selected Portions from the Neo-Tech Discovery

for the
Neo-Tech Discovery

- A -

Abacus, 269
Abortion, 116, 118, 133
Abstract symbols, 230-231
Abstract values, 238-239, 242, 243, see also specific types
Abuse, see also specific types
of children, 150
of partner, 81-83
Academic freedom, 163
Accidents, 56
Achievement, 18, 52, see also specific types
civic, 158
of greatness, 106-110
of men, 246, 248
as natural high, 121
of women, 246, 248
Achilles, 589
Actions, xii, 16, 56, 57, 120, 126, see also specific types
amoral, 6
bad, 6-8
business-type, 454
destructive, 11, 55
feelings and, 598
good, 6-8
immoral, 187
irrational, 12
judgment of, 57, 119
moral, xix, 187
neurotic, 82
rational, 2
responsibility for, 56
responsible, 2
Acupuncture, 594
Adam and Eve, 50
Addictions, 86-89, see also specific types
psychuous sex and, 89-92
romantic love and, 89-92
Adolescent sex, 63, 74, 76-78, 130
Adult-child sex, 130, 130
Adultery, 47, 49, 130
The Advanced Concepts of Poker, 584
Adventure, 3, 64
Advocates, 415, see also specific types
consumer, see Consumerism
Aerobic exercise, 86, 87, 121
Aerobics, 86
Aesthetics, 52-53, see also specific types
essence of, 668
of Neo-Tech, 667-668
of Rand, 664, 667
pleasure, 52
Africa, 30
Agamemnon, 589
Age of Reason, 50, 113, 136
Agents of force, 20, 204, see also specific people; specific types
morality and, 145
Aggression, xix
Aggressiveness, 90
Aging, iv, v, 176, 424, 679
advantages of, 74
sex and, 75
unnecessary, 74-75, see also Biological immortality
Aida, 225
AIDS, D, 60, 137, 178, 452, 493, 680
Airlines, 128
Airplanes, 128, 482, 485
Alcohol, 87, 89-92, 120, 121, 122, 459
laws against, 91, 133
Allah, 206
"The Alternative", 459, 505
Altruism, xix-xxii, 13, 14, 19, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 123, 124, 125, 127, 133, 167, 199, 200, 201, 453, 454, see also Platonistic
philosophy; Sacrifice
aging and, 74
in business people, 167, 604, 605, 606, 628-629
capitalism vs., 610, 639
in chief executives, 167
defined, xx, 604
ending of, 128
ethics of, 20
final goal of, 605
Hitler and, xix, 235, 636
Neo-Tech vs., 219-220
perniciousness of, 446
philosophical foundation of, 125
professional, xxi
profits vs., 628-629
results of, 636
in Rome, 46
tools of, 35
America, see United States
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 230
American Business Party, 138
American Indians, 592
American Medical Association (AMA), 87
Amin, Idi, 181
Amoral actions, 6
Amoral individual differences, 62
Amoral values, 60, 61
Anarchy, 46, 138, 177
Neo-Tech as opposite of, 400
Ancient Greece, 111, 135, 156
Ancient writings, 586, see also specific types
Angels, 591
Anger, 66
Animals, xii, 201, 254, 585, 675
nature of, xviii
physical appearance of, 101, 102
rights of, x
Anti-drug laws, 90, 91
Anti-individualism, see Platonistic philosophy
Anti-intellectualism, 31
Anti-obscenity laws, 182-185
Anti-pornography laws, 184
Anti-sex laws, 130-132, 133
Anti-technology, 20, 40, 218
Antichrist, 598
Antitrust laws, 269
Anxiety, 79, 82
Apartheid, 249, 250
Aphrodisiacs, 92
A point, 673
the point vs., 419
Appearance, 85-86, 101
Appliances, 218
Aquinas, Thomas, vii, 407
Arabs, 249
Arafat, Yasir, 181
Archimedes, 462
Architecture, 225, 416, 636
Aristotelian philosophy, 2, 14, 40, 41, 48, 124, 125-129, 158, 220-222, 428,
see also Aristotle; Individualism; Objectivism; Rand, Ayn
change in course of history through, 127-129
communication and, 198
man's nature and, 2
reality and, 2
Aristotle, ii, xiii, xiv, 103, 118, 121, 125-129, 156-159, 220-222, 404, 407, 462, 670, 671, 672, see also Aristotelian philosophy
capitalism and, 638
as father of business mind, 220
Armageddon, 598, 676
Art, 3, 52, 588, 636, see also specific types
classical, 229
evil, 230
government-sponsored, 53
law of, 230
mediocre, 230
modern, 224, 228-230
as natural high, 121
negative values in, 224
as non sequitur, 416
objective, 224
objective evaluation of, 52
ownership of, 53
poetry vs., 222-231
subjective, 224
women in, 105, 109
Art critics, 228
Art museums, 229
The Art of Loving, 28, 32
Asceticism, 46, 49, 111, 112, 235
Asia, 30, see also specific countries
racism in, 249
Asimov, Isaac, 490
Assault, 130
Asset builders, 606
Assyria, 586
Astrology, 5, 31, 37-42, 135, 231, 232, 595
Atheism, 34, 35, 168
Athletics, 105, 588
Atkins, Robert C., 85, 86, 87
Atlas, 406
Atomic-circuited computers, 486
Atomic units, 156
Attractiveness, 24, 80, 81
Augury, 591
Authority, D, 17, 156, see also specific types
duty to, 13
end of, 520-521, 585-598
external, see External authorities
higher, 59
legitimate, 648-649
myth of, 9
smallest unit of, 156-158
valid, 596
Automobiles, 33, 127, 128, 269, 479, 482
"Average" individual, 98
of bodily pleasures, 79
mystical, 231-232
physical, 24
self-, see Self-awareness
Ayatollism, 35, 38, 216, 408, see also specific people

- B -

Babbit, 201
Babylonia, 586
Backpain, 452
Bad-thought (BT) jealousy, 69-72, 73, 74
Bantam companies, 654
Barrons, 138, 269
Bastiat, Frederic, 403
Batista, 408
Beauty, 81-83, 101
Beethoven, Ludwig, von, xiv
Begin, Menachen, 181
Behavior traits of value producers, 202-208
Bentham, Jeremy, 407
Bestiality, 130, 130
Better Business Bureaus, 215
Better Living Magazine, 609, 613, 616-619, 626, 627
Holy, see Holy Bible
Neo-Tech, xvi, 3
Bicameral mind, 441, 462, 463, 464, 474, 505, 520, 676, 678
control of people through, 581-598
defined, 582-583
evidence for, 587-595
in poker, 583-584
religion and, 587
in today's world, 592-596
Bicycles, 485
Big-bang explosions, 467, 468, 471, 491
Big business, 164, 165, 269, 600
Big lies, 16, 133, 167, 168, 506
Bigotry, 248
Biological immortality (non-aging, youth-rejuvenating), 39, 74, 128, 137, 167, 178, 254-257, 455, 463, 489, 492, 494, 597, 643-660
achievement of, 474-478
business as vehicle for, 431-432
defined, 209, 421-422
desire for, 256-396, 423
goal of, 256
impact of, 255
incentives for, 254
as moral obligation, 645
motivation for, 256, 477
myths about, 209-210, 422-425, 478
as natural state of consciousness, 479-480
prerequisite for, 421
primary problem in achievement of, 254
purpose of, 209, 211, 256, 421, 433, 435
requirements for, 425-431, 432-434
Research Institute of, see Research Institute of Biological Immortality
routes to achievement of, 650-651
steps to achievement of, 209-211, 421-436
the point of, 433-434
value of, 477
Biological nature of man, 84, 88, 121
Biological needs, 1, 6, 11, 24, 88
Biorhythms, 231, 232
Birth control, 51, 116, 183
Birth defects, 108
Bishops, 168
Black holes, 469, 470, 490, 491
Blackjack, 572-573
Blacks, 117, 246, 248
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 105, 106
Blake, vi
Blame, 58, 419, 420
Blue laws, 50
Bluenoses, 49
cells of, 160
functions of, 85-86
mind connection with, 24, 87, 88, 421
nature of, 88
organs of, 160
Body communication, 79, 80
Body language, 79, 80
Boétie, Etienne de la, 9, 407
Bolshevist Revolution, 408
Books, see also specific books
errors in, 27
on God concept, 35-37
harmful, 28-30
on love, 124, 194
on marriage, 62, 194
mystical-based, 32, 33
Neo-Tech vs. other, 41
on personality development, 194
philosophy, 453
on poker, 584
political, 453
positive-thinking, 26
self-improvement, 26
on sex, 27, 62, 78, 124, 194
socially oriented, 453
survey of, 507
valuable, 26-27
Boredom, 424-425, 478
Boring people, 102
Born-again Christians, 52, 112, 593
Boston Women's Health Book Collective, 86
Brain, see also Mind
cells of, 89
left hemisphere of, 440, 581, 585, 589, 594
right hemisphere of, 440, 581, 585, 589, 594
Branden, Nathaniel, 121, 404, 663
Brandywine Building, 636, 637
Breaker Morant syndrome, 430
Bridge, 572-573
Bridge, Darlene, 227
British Empire, 121
Bruce, Lenny, 183
BT, see Bad-thought
Buddhism, 42
Burden of proof concept, 31
Bureaucracies, 177, 449, 450, 452, see also specific bureaucracies;
specific types
modus operandi of, 180
Bureaucrats, 173, 214, see also specific people
Buscaglia, Leo, 194, 195
Business, 566
as antithesis of mysticism, 435
Aristotle as father of, 158
attack on, 631
big, 164, 165, 269, 600
communication in, 457
crowning reward of, 454
defined, 665
dynamics of, 409
essence of, xv, 431
as fountainhead of happiness, 454
happiness and, 445-459
intellectualism in, 169
of I & O, 510
as life, 509
metaphysics in, 664-665
as most noble idea, 658-659
mysticism vs., xiv-xviii
nature of, 138
Neo-Teching of, 167-171
neocheating in, 575-576
omnipotence in, 437-444
problem solving by, 510
prosperity and, 445-459
purpose of, 607
undermining of, 136
value creation by, 445-459
as vehicle for biological immortality, 431-432
women in, 109
Business friendships, 241
Business-like thinking, 54, 198
Business mind, 33, 204, 205
Aristotle as father of, 220
mystic mind vs., 453-454
altruism in, 604, 605, 606, 628-629
self-defeating acts by, 634
Business philosophy, 601
Business quislings, 450, 451, 605, 606

- C -

Caffeine, 87, 89, 91, 459
Calvin, John, 49-50
Cambodia, 199, 228, 451
Cameras, 128
Cancer, D, 88, 128, 137, 178, 179, 452, 493, 680
Capital punishment, 141, 247
for adultery, 49
Capitalism, 51, 116, 117, 118, 125, 127, 128, 164, 631, 664, 666, see also Free
enterprise; Free market
altruism vs., 610, 639
apologies for, 610
Aristotle and, 638
attack on, 634
connotations of, 600
decline of, 606
defined, 164, 600, 604, 607
fear of, 619
implementation of principles of, 606
nature of, 601, 607
rise of, 114, 136, 225
standard of living and, 604
standards of, 600, 601, 603, 608, 638, 639-640
undermining of, 604
Capone, Al, xiv
Car pooling, 269
Carbohydrate diets, 85
Carbohydrate metabolism, 91
Cardinals, 168
Cards, 512, 513, 515, 516, 517, 521, 526, 527, see also specific games
as metaphor, 567
wasted world of, 567-580
Cardsharps, 571-572
Career advancement, 77
Career housewives, 106-110
Carelessness, 85
Caring, 80
Carnegie, Andrew, xiv, 165, 429, 663, 668
Carson, Rachel, 170
Cartels, 164
Cartoons, 226, 415
The CAS Happiness Diet, 89, 459
Castro, Fidel, xiv, 35, 181, 199, 228, 408
Casual sex, 22-24, 59-60, 63, 77, 78, 92
seduction in, 78-126
Catholic Priest Association, 183
Catholicism, 47, 48, 49, 112, 113, see also Christianity; Church
art and, 224, 225, 229, 416
birth control and, 51
ethics of, 246
non sequiturs and, 416
oppression of women and, 118
Cause and effect, 598
CEI, see Competitive Enterprise Institute
Celestial forces, 37
Celibacy, 49, 192
Cells, 160
Censorship, 133, 163, 182-185
Certainty, 188
Change, 62, see also specific types
of another's nature, 67
capacity for, 99
environmental, 422
evolutionary, see Evolution
as nature of matter and energy, 462, 466-468
positive, 16
Chants, 222, 228, 416, 593, 594
Character, 6, 80, 108
development of, 12, 62, 68, 80, 81, 85, 94, 99, 101
evolvement of, 12
judgment of, 189
of value producers, 202
Character faults, 126
Charisma, 190
Cheaters, see also Cheating; specific types
characteristics of, 524
classical, 576
neo-, see Neocheaters
traditional, 524, 576
Cheating, B, see also Cheaters; specific types
as metaphor, 567, 576-577
neo-, see Neocheating
Chemical & Engineering News, 628, 629
Chemical World, 603
burial of, 3-5
of past, 3
Childbirth, 86, 108
Childhood diseases, 108
Children, 75, see also Infants
abuse of, 150
adult sex with, 130
crimes against, 151
death understood by, 643
discipline of, 76
duty to, 14
individual rights of, 76
love between parents and, 75
minds of, 150, 151
molestation of, 150
mysticism and, 643
Neo-Tech oriented, 107, 108
protection of, 149-151
raising of, 106-110
respect for, 76
responsibility of parents to, 252
sexual experiences of, 76
China, see Peoples Republic of China
Chinese literature, 592
Chocolate, 91
Choice, 11, 37, 38, 88
free, xi-xii, 43, 67, 72, 93, 125, 146
freedom of, 117
Hobson's, 506
key, xii-xiv
morality and, xviii
types of, xii
Cholesterol, 87
Chopin, vii
Christ, see Jesus
Christian Science, 595
Christianity, 44, 111, 112
anti-sexual values of, 50-51
born-again, 52, 112, 593
condemnation of emotions in, 56-57
ethics of, 28, 32, 56, 116, 198, 246
founding of, 445
fundamentalist, 52, 112, 408
guilt and, 56, 57
libertarian, 408
objectivist, 408
oppression and, 29-30, 135
rise of, 112, 135
romantic love challenge of, 135
sexuality and, 51
weakening of, 136
Christmas Story, 168
Church, 114, see also Catholicism; Christianity; Religion
Renaissance vs., 112-113
Church of Scientology, 32, 43, 595
Cigarette smoking, 91, 121, 478
Circles, 479
The City of God, 47
Civic achievement, 158
Civic recognition, 158
Civilization, 17
advanced, 40, 42
industrial, 114
safety of, 41
Western, 44
Classical liberalism, 162, see also Libertarianism
Classical music, 225, 416
Cloning, 255
Closet mystics, 99
Closets, 99
Cluttered closets, 99
Cocaine, 90
Coercion, 8, 16, 17, 20, 34, 41, 59, 99, 105, 109, 117, 160, see also Force
philosophical foundation of, 125
religious, 51
Coffee, 91
Cognitive nature of man, 71
Cognitive psychology, 71, 207
Cohen, B., 248
Cola, 91
Collectivism, 125, 127, 446, see also Platonistic philosophy
ending of, 128
Colorado River, 482
Comfort, Alex, 27
Commerce, 116
Commercial biological immortality, see Biological immortality
Common cold, 452
Common good, 20
Common stock value, 167, 521, 599-646
of Du Pont Co., 602-641
Communication, 66, see also specific types
body, 80
business, 457
indirect forms of, 82
language and, 401
levels of, 194-197
mass-market, 486
oral, 485
outer-space, 40, 42
precise, 244
reason-based, 198
regulation against, 32
in romantic love relationships, 198
verbal, 80
worldwide, 31
written, 485
Communication maps, 66
Communism, 43, 125
Community standards, 184
Compassion, 162, 165, 450
Competence, 81
drugs and, 90
Competition, 128, 446, 505, 666-667
attitude of, 456
dynamics of, 141, 401, 409
fear of, 40, 117, 619
free-choice, 40
free-market, 40, 269
freedom and, 667
open, 117
in romantic love, 150
sexual, 81
Comprachicos, 149, 150, 151
Compromise, 62, 66, 94
Compulsions, 87, see also specific types
Compulsive gambling, 92
Computer age, 425, 479
Computerized ostracism, 127, 128
Computers, 128, 269, 479, 486, 488, 662, 680
atomic-circuited, 486
dynamics of, 476
gravity-coded, 155, 486
interstellar, 41, 129
limitation overcome by, 663
super, 482, 486
universal, 129, 155, 486, 488
Comte, Auguste, xx
Con jobs, B, see also specific types
Confessions, 46
Confidence, 38
Conflict resolution, 66
Conformity, 12
Confucius, 592
Confuse-and-control technique, 402
Conscious mind, see Consciousness
Conscious mysticism, 438-439
Consciousness, v, vi, xi-xii, xiii, xviii, 11, 23-25, 31, 37
authority's end and, 585-598
cosmic, 437
defined, xi, 588-590
development of, 590-592
discovery of, 462, 463, 485
existence and, 661-662
expansion of, 588
false accusations and, 73
"higher", 437
initiation of, 482
integration of existence with, 484
integration of Grand Cycle with, 480-484
man-made, 441, 581
metaphors and, 588
mysticism as fatal virus of, 441
natural state of, 479-480
in outer space, 461, 473
unchanging nature of, 462-463
understanding of, 588-598
universe compared to, 488-489
Conscription, 13, 14, 133
Conservatism, 160, 163, 177, 252, 408, 451
religious, 408
Neo-Tech, see Neo-Tech Constitution for prosperity, psychuous pleasures and
romantic love, see Neo-Tech Constitution
U.S., see United States Constitution
Consumer affairs divisions, 499
Consumer aid organizations, 215
Consumerism, 117, 165, 169, 170, 215, 216, 217, 236, 415
Consumers, 236
Context, 161, 215
Contraception, 51, 116, 183
Control, vi, 492, see also Discipline, thought, and control (DTC)
of cosmos, 652
of destiny, 4-5, 37
of energy, 466, 484
of existence, 484, 486, 488
of future, 4
of health, 88
of life, 121
of mass, 466, 484
mind, 35, 581
of nature, xi, 254, 474, 481, 482, 483, 647, 652
of people, 44, 581-598
of reality, 121, 231, 664
self-, 43, 87, 121, 509
of well-being, 89
Cooper, Kenneth H., 86, 87
Copeland, Lammont, 610, 611, 612
Corporate collusions with government, 269
Corruption, 17
Cosmic Business Control, 669
Cosmic consciousness, 437
Cosmic mind, 127-129, 136, 437-444, 675-681
development of, 681
mystic mind vs., 680
Cosmic power, xv, 675-676
Cosmos, 257, 647, 664
control of, 652
ownership of, 651
unlimited, 669
Costa Rica, 510
Country, 134, see also specific countries
service to, 13, 14
Court system, 138, see also Legal system
private, 127
Courtesans, 111
Courtly love, 48, 112
Cousins, 131
Cox, Kenyon, 230
cycle of, 464-465
of existence, 31-32
of values, 158, 445-459
Creative thinking, 251
Crime, see also Criminals; specific types
against children, 151
elimination of, 127, 128
mind, 249
organized, 90, 91
victimless, 133, 182, 247
Zionist, 247
Crime and Race, 248
Crime in the United States, 248
Criminal mind, 33, 123, 204, 214-216, 400, 499, see also Crime
Plato as father of, 220
Criminals, 34, see also Crime; Criminal mind; specific types
Criticism, 16-18, 82
avoidance of, 68
constructive, 83
in romantic love, 68
Crusades, 38
Cryonics, 256, 422, 595
Cuba, 138, 177, 199, 228, 451
Cubism, 228
Cults, 408
Cuneiform, 589
Cunnilingus, 183, see also Oral sex
Custom, 403
Cyclamates, 170, 177, 178, 179

- D -

Da Vinci, Leonardo, vii, 103
Dance, 105
Dark Ages, 38, 40, 44, 47, 109, 112, 133, 137, 218, 636, 637
Das Kapital, 164
Dating services, 101
Day-care centers, 130
DDT, 170, 177, 178
DEA, see Drug Enforcement Agency
Death, v, 63, 74, 236, 675, see also Murder
cause of, 422
changing perspectives about, 675-677
children's understanding of, 643
countdown to, 678
from drug overdose, 89
elimination of, 127, 651
emotional, 236
end of, 400, see also Biological immortality
end of relationship due to, 64
entropy, 469
FDA and, 177
government and, 27, 505
growth, 203-208, 218, 236, 240
life vs., 406, 478
life after, 209, 422, 423, 644
of love, 64
mysticism as cause of, 441
myths about, 209, 422-425, 644
nature's need for, 422, 474, 481
Plato and, 125-129
psyche, 203-208, 218
relating to, 679
tragedy of, 679
Death penalty, see Capital punishment
DeBono, Edward, 252
Deceit, 11
Deception, 125, 403
Dehypnosis, 122
Déjà vu, 594
Delphi oracle, 593
Democracy, 43, 138
philosophical foundation of, 125
Demons, 591, 593
Denial of feelings, 58
Depression, 20
Desirability, 85, 196
Desires, 6, 61
Despots, 158, see also specific people
Destiny, 4-6
control of, 37
Destruction, xx, 35, 452, see also specific types
God concept as tool of, 33-37
mysticism and, 31
of universe, 484
of values, see Value destruction
tools of, 35
Destructive actions, 55
Developing psychology, xii
Developmental thinking, see Vertical thinking
Devil, 48, 49
Dewey, John, 125, 126, 151
d'Hobach, Baron, 403
Dialectical materialism, 126
Diamond, Barbie, 510
Dickens, Charles, 168
Dictatorships, 34, 138, 158, 181, 216, see also specific dictators by name
philosophical foundation of, 125
racism and, 249
Diet, 86-89, see also Nutrition
Diet soft drinks, 179
Diets, 85, see also specific types
fad, 231
Dogma, see also specific types
Disagreements, 66
Disarmament, 40
The Disaster Lobby, 177
Discipline, see also Discipline, thought, and control (DTC)
of children, 76
Discipline, thought, and control (DTC) method, vii, 92-94, 95, 201, 459, 509
Discomfort, 79
A Discourse of Voluntary Servitude, 12
Disputes, 66
Dissatisfaction, 95
Distance, 473, 474
Distort-and-destroy technique, 402
Divide-and-rule technique, 402
Divination, 591
Division of labor, 103-106, 117
Divorce, 50, 51, 62, 113, 114
Dogma, 5-6
Dominant/surrender sexual roles, 83
Doomsayers, 253
The Doomsday Syndrome, 177
Doppler effect, 468
Douglas, Paul L., 152-155
Douglas, Supreme Court Justice, 185
Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution, 85, 86
Drama, 3, 52
as natural high, 121
Dream analysis, 252
Dreaming, 251-252
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 679
Drug industry, 269
Drugs, 11, 87, 89, 90, 120, 121, 122, 150, see also specific types
brain cell damage from, 89
fighting of, 20
laws against, 90, 91, 133
overdose of, 89
DTC, see Discipline, thought, and control
Du Pont Co., 601, 645
management of, 627-637, 645
proposal for increase in value of, 602-641
stockholders meeting at, 636-639
Du Pont Co. Annual Report, 603
Du Pont, Eleuthere Irenee, 165, 638
Du Pont Magazine, 616, 617
Du Pont, Pierre S., xiv, 630, 632-633
The Du Pont Story, 627
Duall, Charles H., 424
Duty, 14, 75, 108, 109, 133, see also Responsibility; specific types
to authority, 13

- E -

Ear responsibility, 83
Earth, 473, 482
formation of, 472
Earth-like planets, 473, 482
Ecclesiastes, 592
Ecology, 29, 165, 169, 170, 177, 178, 215, 216
Economic collapse, 174
Economic depression, 20
Economic freedom, 111, 113
Edison, Thomas, vii, xiv, 103, 165, 663, 668
Education, see also Schools
objective principles of, 126
public, 125, 126, 151
sex, 130
Effort, xii, 6, 65, 125
loyalty to, 63
of value producers, xvii
Egalitarianism, 28, 29, 30, 34, 43, 103, 104, 110, 187, 197, 199, 201, 446, 453, 454
cause of, 201
emotional, 194
philosophical foundation of, 125
romantic love and, 124
Ego, 194, 595
Ego-breaking, 194
Egypt, 46, 586
Ehrlich, Paul, 253
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Inc., see Du Pont Co.
Einstein, Albert, xiv, 103, 256, 422, 461, 473, 661, 663, 674
first oversight of, 480-482
integrations of, 209
second oversight of, 482-484
surpassing ultimate goal of, 460-494
unifying link and, 461-462
Elderly, 175, 176, see also Aging
Electric-shock experiments, 12
Electrical power, 128
Electronic transfer, 129, 255
Elitism, 431
Ellis, Albert, 27
Ellis, Havelock, 27, 28, 76
Ellis, I.T., 613
Elman, D., 78
Emotional closeness, 56
Emotional death, 236
Emotional egalitarianism, 194
Emotional honesty, 58
Emotional needs, 1, 24
Emotional openness, 58
Emotional thinking, 192-193
Emotions, vii, 6, 16, see also Feelings; specific types
Christian condemnation of, 56-57
of fear, see Fear
fear of, 57
fluctuation in, vii
irrational, 57, 120
nature of, 119-121
negative, 54, 120, 192, 198
positive, 192
purpose of, 475
reactions to, 193
reality and, 56
reason and, 71
repression of, 54, 66, 120, 192, 193, 198, 643
suppression of, 54, 192
value of, 53-55
Employer-employee relationships, 103
Ends and means, 6, 8, 105, 133, 158
Energy, 461, 462, 465, 466, 471, 473
changing nature of, 466-468
control of, 466, 484
fission, 489
fusion, 425, 479, 489
space travel and, 40
spent, 468
Engrams, 43
Enjoyment, 123
Enlightened Greece, 111, 135
Enlightenment, 49
Entelechy, 400, 566
Entrepreneurs, xvi, 164, 653
Entropy, 468
Entropy death, 469
Environmental changes, 422
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 177, 178, 179, 180, 449, 452
Environmentalism, x, 29, 117, 157, 215, 217
Envy, 16, 35, 69, 95, 165, 269, 199, 211-216
causes of, 201, 211, 214, 218
concealment of, 213
cure for, 217
defined, 211
effects of, 211
jealousy vs., 212
of Jews, 247
laziness and, 216-219
nature of, 212, 213, 219
as prime evil, 211
roots of, 212
tactics of, 213
users of, 213
EPA, see Environmental Protection Agency
Epigrams, 226
Epistemology, 57
defined, 665, 666
of Neo-Tech, 665-666
of Rand, 663, 664
Equality, 98
government-enforced, 103
of men and women, 103-153, 110, 111, 117
Erotic thrills, 63
Eroticism, 46
Errors, 69, 93, 94, 190, 193, see also specific types
allowances made for, 68
in books, 27
correction of, 63, 68, 69
dishonest, 56
honest, 56
in judgment, 186-192
in relationships, 63
innocent, 190
relationships destroyed by, 64
sexual, 182
ESP, see Extrasensory perception
altruistic, 20, 21
anti-sexual, 28
Christian, 32, 56, 116, 198, 246
Judeo, 32, 198, 246
moral, 23
of Neo-Tech, 255, 666
of Platonistic philosophy, 446
of Rand, 663, 664, 666
self-interest as, 666
of society, 446
standards for, 158, 158
value production as, 666, 668
Victorian, 116
Ethiopia, 171
European explorers, 592
Evangelism, 136
Evans, Luther, 200
cause of, 219
defined, 21
envy as prime, 211
good vs., 598, 676
prime, 133
Evolution, 24, 62, 101, 102, 422, 473, 481, 482, 587, 662
consciousness and, 463
Exchange of values, see Value exchange
Exercise, 86, 87, see also Physical fitness
as natural high, 121
Existence, 490
as axiomatic, 31, 464, 661, 665, 666, 667, 668
components of, 465, 466
consciousness and, 661-662
control of, 484, 486, 488
creation of, 31-32, 463
infinity of, 465
integration of consciousness with, 484
knowledge's relationship to, 486
meaning of, 161
nature of, 88, 462, 463-466
value of, 161
who created, 31
Existentialism, vi, 42-44, 51, 126, 186
philosophical foundation of, 125
Exorcism, 591
Exploitive sex, 63
Exploration in Hypnosis, 78
Explorers, 592
Explosion Cycle, 468-469, 470, 471-472
External authorities, D, E, 9, 13, 43, 83, 120, 121, 439, see also specific
defined, 520
Extrasensory perception (ESP), 38, 595

- F -

contextual, 151
justice and, 246-249
knowledge and, 428, 429
Fad diets, 231
Failure-to-judge syndrome, 186-192
Family love, vi, 240
Famine, 137, 170, 177
Famous quotes, 226
Fantasies, 51, 79, 130
Fascism, xx, 43, 165, 269, 250, 476, 595, 600
philosophical foundation of, 125
Father-daughter relationships, 130
Fatigue, 87
Fatness, see Obesity
FBI, see Federal Bureau of Investigation
FDA, see Food and Drug Administration
FDR, see Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Fear, 58, see also specific types
of capitalism, 619
of competition, 117, 619
of emotions, 57
of freedom, 117
God concept and, 403
incest, 76, 130
irrational, 58
of men, 198
objective, 58
of rejection, 58, 100
of risk taking, 58
of self-responsibility, 117, 530
of what others think, 100
of women, 198
Fearlessness, 58
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 248
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 177, 178, 180
Feelings, 6, see also Emotions; specific types
actions and, 598
denial of, 58
Females, see Women
Feminism, 103, 104, 105, 109, 110, 116, 117, 117, 118
Ayn Rand and, 118
Roman, 111
Fetishes, 130
Fine arts, 224, 225, see also specific types
Finite knowledge, 478, 479
Finn, John, 507, 508
Firestone, Harvey, 165, 668
First Amendment, 154, 184, 185
Fission, 489
Fitness, 85, 86-89, 150, 452, 478
as aphrodisiac, 92
Flagellation, 51
Flame, Eric, 612, 613, 616
Flint, John, 155, 581, 661, 675
Flynt, Larry, 183
Folk medicine, 269
Food additives, 177
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 177, 178, 179, 180, 449, 452, 475, 499, 679, 680, 679
Food gorging, 122
Food industry, 269
Food preservatives, 177
Forbes magazine, 603
Force, xix, 6, 11, 16, 20, 40, 59, 90, 99, 141
abolishment of, 128
agents of, see Agents of force
government, 8, 13, 14, 29, 34, 38, 43, 51, 103, 104, 117, 118
initiation of, 8, 14, 40, 41, 105, 133-134
legalized, 43
as moral issue, 8
moral use of, 133, 140
mysticism and, 147
Neo-Tech Constitution and, 141-142, 147
philosophical foundation of, 125
threat of, 8, 43
Ford, Henry, xiv, 103, 165, 679, 681
Ford, Henry III, 165
Fortune telling, 231
Fraud, 8, 11, 43, 117, 133
elimination of, 127, 128
mysticism and, 147
philosophical foundation of, 125
Free choice, xi-xii, 43, 67, 72, 93, 125, 146
Free competition, 666-667
Free enterprise, 109, 117, 118, 125, 127, 128, 129, 170, 202, see also
Capitalism; Free market
enemies of, 269
rise of, 225
Free-individual view, see Aristotelian philosophy
Free love, 51
Free market, 15, 41, 43, 53, 104, 117, 128, 135, 600, see also Capitalism; Free
competition in, 269
dynamics of, 164
Free society, 37, 59, 253
Free speech, 184
Freedom, 1, 2, 4, 14, 21, 26, 30, 41, 43, 65, 125, 160-166, see also specific
academic, 163
to be oneself, 67-69
of choice, 117
competition and, 667
economic, 111, 113
fear of, 117
future of, 133-137
guiltless, 67-69
history of, 133-137
of ideas, 163
individual, see Individual freedom
of press, 32, 163
as requirement for biological immortality, 428-432
romantic love and, 92-94
sexual, 182
Freud, Sigmund, 12, 76, 252, 404
Friedmann, Aleksandr, 467
Friendship, vi, 130, 195, 238
abstract values and, 242
business, 241
as draining, 241
mirroring in, 232
in romantic love, 240
value of, 241
value exchange in, 239-243
Frigidity, 21, 22, 27, 78, 82
Fromm, Erich, 28, 29, 32, 33, 404
FTC, see Federal Trade Commission
Fully integrated honesty, see Neo-Tech
Fun, 63
Fun-only view of sex, see Casual sex
"The Fundamental Principle that Determines the Long-Range Common Stock Value of Corporations", 167, 600
Fundamentalism, 52, 112, 408
Fusion energy, 425, 479, 489
Future, 4
Aristotle for, 125-129
control of, 4
of freedom, 133-137
mind of, 505-506
of neocheating, 570-571
oppression and, 133-137
of romantic love, 117-118
of society, 124
value production in, 505
of value sources, 404

- G -

Galantine, 408
creation of, 489, 490, 491-492
discovery of, 490-491, 492
man-made, 490
Galileo, xiv
Galt, John, 405
Gambling, 92, 583
Gandhi, Mohandas, 121
Genetic engineering, 425, 479
Genetically controlled babies, 108
Geometrical shapes, 479
Germany, 138, 177, 227, 228, 636
Gestaltism, 42
Gin, 572-573
Ginseng root, 92
Giotto, 229
Giuliani, 137
Goals integration, 456, 459
God concept, 5, 18, 20, 31, 35, 38, 121, 151, 179, 206, 216, 253, 492, 590, 662, see also Religion; Theism
books on, 35-37
fear and, 403
outcompeting, 442-443
purging of, 439-440
as tool of destruction, 33-37
Gold, 174
"The Golden", 227
Golden Age of Greece, 117, 127
Golden opening, 3-5
Good, 244-246
common, 20
evil vs., 598, 676
"higher", 35
Good-thought (GT) jealousy, 69-72
Googol-year Cycle, 471, 472, 480, 481, 482
Googolth-of-a-Second Cycle, 470-471
Gould, Jay, vii, xiv, 16, 17, 167, 204, 205, 668
Government, 2, 18, 37, 38, see also specific types
absence of, see Anarchy
art sponsored by, 53
as big lie, 133
coercive, 41
control from, 43
corporate collusions with, 269
country vs., 134
death machines of, 177-180
end of, 597
essence of, 176
force used by, 8, 13, 14, 29, 34, 38, 43, 51, 103, 104, 117, 118
as fraud, 165
honest, 133, 139
honest work in, 174
lack of, 138
legitimate, 139
limited, 138
murder by, 449
as mystical, 403
nature of, 176
need for, 172
nonforce, 139, 236
origins of, 178
power of, 83
property of, 139
protection from, 172-177
reasons for existence of, 133
schools run by, 125, 126, 151
voluntarily supported, 139
world, 136
Government agencies, see specific agencies
Goya, 229
Graham, Billy, 228
Grand Cycle, 466-468, 473
alteration of, 489, 491
hypothetical nature of, 484
integration of consciousness with, 480-484
prevention of completion of, 483, 491
Super, 472-473
Grant, Campbell, 183
Graphoanalysis, 231
Graphology, 231
Gravity, 469, 470, 471
man-made, 491
Gravity-coded (programmed) computer, 486
Grayson, 178
Greatness, 106-110
Greece, 111, see also Greeks
ancient, 135, 257
enlightened, 135
Golden Age of, 127
Greed, 418
Greeks, 593, 662, see also Greece
Greenewalt, Crawford H., 610, 611
Gridlock matrix, 401
Growth, iv, v, 20, 60, 64, 95, 240, 249
intellectual, 94
into future, 4
of mind, iv
mutual, 93
needs for, 65
personal, see Personal growth
psychuous, 75
self, 18
sharing of, 97
value, 239
Growth death, 203-208, 218, 236, 240
GT, see Good-thought
Guilt, 12, 30, 33, 54, 56, 84, 104
Christianity and, 56, 57
discovery of, 592
false, 57
masturbation, 106
sex and, 22, 23, 44
subconscious, 22, 32, 56
unearned, b, 123
unjust, 16-18
Guns-and-Fists Empire, 679
Gurus, 196, 426
Gypsies, 149

- H -

Hallucinations, 591
Hamilton, Mark, 269, 459, 505, 568, 654, 660, 669-673, 675, 680
Hammond, William, 114
Hand-made goods, 269
Happiness, xxii-xxiii, 123, 675
addictions and, 87
business as fountainhead of, 454
capacity for, 38
components of, 677-678
forever, 257
as goal of life, 677-678
goals for, 11
identification of, 403
judgment and, 187
lifetime of, 139-149
long-term, xxii
misery vs., 198-203
oppression of, 44-52
poetry and, 53
productiveness and, 198
rational, 54
as requirement for biological immortality, 426-428
requirements for, 2-3, 11, 241
retention of, 20
short-term, xxii
terminal loss of, 181
test for, 11-12
unbearable, 56
unlimited, 659
Happiness director, 455
Headaches, 452
Healing, 208
Healms, Jesse, xiii
Health, x, 11, 88, see also Physical fitness
advances in, 476
health, see Mental health
sexual, 27
Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), 449
Heart disease, D, 88, 452, 680
Heaven, 591, 595
Hector, 589
Hefner, Hugh M., 22, 23, 183
Hegel, Georg, xx, 636
Helen, 589
Henry VIII, 49
Henry Straus & Co., 626
Heracleitus, 127
Herbicides, 177
Heroin, 90
Herpes, 60
HEW, see Health, Education and Welfare
Hieroglyphics, 589
Hiertatic writing, 589
High-cholesterol diets, 87
High-protein diets, 85, 87
Higher causes, xiii, 20, 31, 34, see also specific types
Higher consciousness, 437
Higher good, 35
Higher-power concept, 31, see also God concept
Highs, 121-123, see also specific types
Highest cause, 12
Hippies, 46
Hit & Run, 170
Hitler, Adolph, xiv, xvi, xix, xx, 29, 35, 103, 126, 162, 185, 227, 228, 253, 404, 416, 450 as altruist, xix, 235, 636
History, 252
Hobson's choices, 506
Holographs, 255
Holy Bible, xv, 28, 29, 32, 187, 206, 404, 432, 490
New Testament of, 593
Old Testament of, 586, 592
Homer, 591
Homeric women, 111
Homo, 589
Homosexuality, 81, 130, 131, 233
National Association for Research and Treatment of Homosexuality, 131
Honesty, i, 15, 54, 125
emotional, 58
fully integrated, see Neo-Tech
loyalty to, 12, 102, 65-66
as moral issue, 7
requirements for, 65
with romantic love partner, 65
Hook, Sidney, 126
Hoover Dam, 482
Horizontal thinking, 129, 251-252
defined, 251
Horoscopes, 232
Housewives, 104, 106-110
Howe, Woodson, 153
Hubbard, Ron, 32
Hughes, Howard, 16, 17
Hugo, Victor, vii, 149
Human nature, see Man's nature
Human rights, x, 163, 244, 451
Humility, 58
Humor, 129-130, 251
essence of, 129
put-down, 82
sources of, 251
Hunt, Morton M., 46
Hurt, 64
Hustler magazine, 183
Huxley, Julian, 253
Hypnosis, 78, 122, 123, 594, 595
Hypoglycemia, 87

- I -

Ice-cream parlors, 150
I-ness consciousness, 195, 209, 255, 595, 650-651
Idea-only people, 405, 406
Idealism, vii
Ideas, 405-406, see also specific types
anchoring of to reality, 406, 407
business as most noble of, 658-659
developed, 457
undeveloped, 457
Idolatry, 593
Ignorance, xxxi, 403
The Iliad, 586, 589, 591, 592
Image, 25
Imagination, 403
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 177, 178, 180, 452, 476, 499, 679
Immorality, xix-xxii
Immortality, see Biological immortality
Immune system, 437
Implosion Cycle, 469-470, 471-472
Imports, 269
Impotence, 21, 22, 27, 78, 81-83
intellectual, 39
of neocheaters, 82
Imprisonment, 237, 247
Inadequacy, 94
Inalienable rights, 160
Incas, 592
Incest, 47, 76, 130
adult-adult, 131
voluntary, 131
social, 100
Indecent exposure, 183
Independence, 88, 93, 138
Independent judgment, 59
India, 171, 249, 592
Indians, 592
Individual differences, 5, 60-62
Individual freedom, 111, 114, 117, 164, 182
as requirement for biological immortality, 428-432
Individual rights, 12, 29, 61, 98, 114, 117, 118, 163
attacks on, 103
of children, 76
Christianity and, 112
defined, 119
in enlightened Greece, 111
government oppression of, 91
as moral issue, 7
necessity of, 84
negation of, 35
Neo-Tech Constitution and, 149
oppression of, 44, 116
of Palestinians, 246, 249
Playboy Corp. defense of, 23
property rights as same as, 84
protection of, 43, 117, 119, 133, 250
to suicide, 181
undermining of, 136
uniqueness, 98
violation of, 83, 105, 130
Individualism, ii, 125, 202, see also Aristotelian philosophy
"average", 98
conscious, see Consciousness
moral value of, 192
oppression of, 44
responsibility of, 56
sovereignty of, 43
as supreme value, 128, 236, 254, 255, 425
uniqueness of, 98-99, 191
Industrial civilization, 114
Industrial Philosophy, 661
Industrial philosophy department, 167, 455, 640
Industrial Revolution, H, a, 117, 225, 424
Industrialization, 51
I-ness, 195, 255, 595, 650-651
immortality, 209-210, 255, 257, 645, 650
Infallibility, 188
Infants, xii, see also Children
genetically controlled, 108
sexual experiences of, 76
Infatuation, 190, 192
Infinite knowledge, 478-479, 492
Infinite regression, 464
Infinite space, 492
Infinite time, 492
Infinity, 465, 469, 472, 473-474
bizarreness of, 473-474
Inflation, 20, 175
Inheritance rights, 113
Initiation of force, 40, 41, 133-134
Injustice, 29, 119, 455
of jealousy, 69-72
Inquisitions, 38, 48, 112, 136
INS, see Immigration and Naturalization Service
Instinct, 84, 85
Institute of Cognitive Infomatics, 401
Integrated thinking, 33, 218
Integration, xviii, 194, 437
of consciousness with existence, 484
of consciousness with Grand Cycle, 480-484
of left and right brain, 440
Neo-Tech, i
Neo-Tech as widest, 661-674
of philosophical system, 221
of philosophy with psychology and physiology, i
of reality, xvi, 88
super-wide, 437
of time with life, 509-510
unlimited, 441-442
wide, 437, 661-674
Integrity, 59, 108
Intellectual differences, 62
Intellectual growth, 94
Intellectual impotence, 39
Intellectual nature of man, 5
Intellectual needs, 1, 24
Intellectual well-being, 193
Intellectualism, 169
Intellectuals, 168, 169, 186, 215, 217, 219, 405
Intelligence, 219
Intense listening, 100
Intermolecular-bonding forces, 188
Internal-combustion engine, 128
Internal mysticism, 120
Internal non sequiturs, 419
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 177, 178, 180, 449, 452, 476, 679, 680
Interstellar computer, 41, 129
Intimacy, 60, 77
Introduction services, 101
Introspection, 64
Intuition, 158
Investors, 600
I & O Publishing Company, xv, 438, 439, 506, 534, 564, 645
associate units of, 654
bantam companies of, 654
beliefs of, 647
business of, 510
dedication of, 647-648
goals of, 510, 650-652
happiness director of, 455
Industrial Philosophy Department of, 455
management of, 646, 652-657
marketing policies of, 657
philosophy of, 648-649
policies of, 646-657
products of, 657
purpose of, 64
rewards at, 649
standard of, 646
statement of policies of, 646-657
"The I & O Story", 505
Iran, 35, 38, 177, 199, 249, 408
Irrational actions, 22
Irrational emotions, 57
Irrational fear, 58
Irrational self-interest, 160
Irrationalism, 42
Irrationality, 4, 474-479, 487, 488, 493,
494, also, see mysticism
Islam, 246
Israel, 246, 249, 250, see also Zionism

- J -

Jails, 237, 247
James, William, 126
Jaynes, Julian, 462, 465, 520, 581, 584, 585, 586, 587, 589, 590, 592, 594, 597
Jealousy, 69-72, 94
bad-thought, 69-72, 73, 74
envy vs., 212
good-thought, 69-72
nonsexual, 69
poison core of, 72-74
sexual, 69
testing and, 72
Jesus, 46, 127, 128, 223, 592
Jews, 246, 247, 450
Jobs, fake, 604
Job power of Neo-Tech, 456-457
John-Galt role playing, 405
Johnson, Lyndon B., 162
Jones, Jim, 228
Jonestown, 38
Joy, 12, 63, 123, see also Happiness
The Joy of Sex, 27
Juan, Don, 51, 78
Judaism, 246, see also Jews
ethics of, 32, 198, 246
Judgment, 1, 56, 57
of actions, 119
errors in, 186-192
failure in, 188-192
independent, 59
making of, 158-159
moral, 16, 57, 119
in romantic love, 74
segmented, 186-192
value, 191
value of, 186-192
about value destroyers, 187
Justice, 28, 29, 30, 43, 98, 119, 179, 241, 244-246, 592
defined, 119
as end in itself, 247
facts and, 246-249
individual rights and, 119
Neo-Tech, 400
Justice Department, 152, 154
Justice system, see Court system

- K -

Kant, Immanuel, xiii, xx, 34, 404, 636
Kennedy, Edward, 215
Kennedy, John F., 228
Kennedys, 165, see also specific people
Kenneth A. Clark Foundation, 510
Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Office, 152
Kent, Clark, E, F
Key choice, xii-xiv
Keynes, John Maynard, 404, 613
Khan, Genghis, xix, xx
Khomeini, xx, 137, 181, 228
Kierkegaard, Soren Aabye, 43
Kimura, Yasuhiko, 509
King, Martin Luther Jr., 228
Kinsey, 76
Knowledge, 12, 126, see also specific types
acceleration of, 477, 486
accumulation of, 482, 483, 485, 488
acquisition of, 85
creation of, 485
existence's relationship to, 486
expansion of, 129, 488, 493
facts and, 428, 429
finite, 424, 478, 479
as function of time, 486
gaining of, 26
generation of, 424, 425, 479
increasing curve of, 480
infinite, 478-479, 492
lack of limits to, 480
Neothink, 483
new units of, 485
at speed of light, 484-489, 493
Knox, John, 50
Kramer, Henry, 48
Kroc, Ray, xiv, 204, 205
Kurtz, Paul, 253

- L -

Labor-saving appliances, 218
Lady-killer syndrome, 81
Laffite-Cyon, Franoise, 28
Laissez-faire capitalism, 164, 600, see also Capitalism; Free market
Language, 244, 399, 401, 431, 589, 590
body, 79, 80
Lateral thinking, 129
Lawyer, see Attorney
Laziness, xii, 65, 125, 126
defined, 201
drugs and, 90
enviers and, 216-219
mechanism of, 201
productivity vs., 198-203
Lees, Edith, 28
Left hemisphere of brain, 440, 581, 585, 589, 594
"The Legal Enforcement of Morality", 183
Legal system, see Court system
Lenin, Vladimir, xx, 30, 137, see also Leninism
Leninism, 34, 137, 171, 250, 408, 416, 506, 676, see also Lenin, Vladimir
"Let there be light", 490, 492
"Let there be power", 493
"Let there be romantic love", 493
"Let there be wealth", 493
Liberalism, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, 175, 177, 199, 252, 416, 451
classical, 162
Liberation movements, 117, see also specific types
Libertarian Christians, 408
Libertarianism, 174, 177, 405, 407, 428, 429, 430
Marxism-Leninism from, 408
non sequiturs in, 434
underachievers and, 506
Lies, 16
big, 16, 133, 167, 168, 506
Life, 11, 12
after-death, 209, 422, 423, 644
approaches to, 117
business as, 509
changing perspectives about, 675-677
conscious, see Consciousness
control of, 121
daybreak of, 400
death vs., 406, 478, 681
defined, vi
happiness as goal of, 675-678
individual as prime entity of, 14
integration of with time, 509-510
potential for, 63
purpose of, xxiii, 14, 54, 139, 235, 257, 454, 507
quality of, 91
recognizing value of, 643-660
rewards from, 12-13, 15-16
sense of, 17, 18, 52, 129-130, 632-633
as supreme value, 644
true view of, 488
unjust irony of, 679
value of, 256, 433
wasting of, 509
Life expectancy, 476, 477, 680, see also Biological immortality
Life-extension approaches, 432, 434
Life-Lifting Capacity, 93
Lifestyle, 6
Limited government, 138
Lincoln, Abraham, xix, 162, 165, 204, 205, 228 Mao 363
Lincoln Star, 153
Linking Instructions, 511-535
Listening, 100, 588, 594
Literature, 3, 52, 224
as natural high, 121
women in, 105
Litigation, 17
Livelihoods, bogus, 18, 604
Locke, John, 404, 407, 671
Logic, xviii, xx, 41, 43, 88, 126, 158, 169, 218, 219
morals based on, 6
Logical-fallacy syllogism, 415
Loman, Willie, 201
Loneliness, 99
Long-term happiness, xxii
Long Wave, 460-495, 505, 661, 662, 664, 669, 672, 674
Longevity, 476, 477, 680, see also Biological immortality
Losers, 145, 231, see also specific types
Love, 21, 47, 238, 244-246, see also specific types
books on, 124, 123
courtly, 48, 112
death of, 64
defined, vi-vii
eighteenth century, 50
for everyone, 195-196
family, vi, 240
free, 51
justice and, 244
mysticism and, xxiii-xxiv
nonsexual, vi
omnipotence in, 437-444
between parents and children, 75
philosophy for, 123
requirements for, 2-3
romantic, see Romantic love
of self, 18
sex and, 49
types of, vi
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), 87
Low-carbohydrate diets, 86, 87
Luck, 53, 582, 584
Lust, 46, 47
Luther, Martin, 49
Lyrics, 222, 223, 226

- M -

Machiavelli, 401
Machoism, 22, 78
Maddox, J., 177
Mafia, 215
Majority rule, 43, see also Democracy
Malaria, 170, 177
Malathus, Thomas, 253
Malefactors, 211-216, see also specific people; specific types
classes of, 214
Males, see Men
Malnutrition, 177
Man, see also Men; Women
nature of, see Man's nature
Man-killer syndrome, 81
Man-made consciousness, 441, 581
Man-made galaxies, 490
The Man Who Laughs, 149
of Du Pont Co., 627-637, 645
of I & O Publishing, 646, 652-657
responsibilities of, 459
value of, 608
Management Newsletter, Du Pont, 609, 610-613, 614-615, 617, 626, 627
Management power, 458-459
Manipulation, 78, 121
Man's nature, xviii, xxi, 1, 2, 124, 133, 159, 600, 605, 644
basic elements of, 5
biological, 84, 88, 121
cognitive, 71
intellectual, 5
physical, 5, 83
psychological, 5, 83
sexual, 12
Manson, Charles, 29, 103
Mao Tse-Tung, xix, xx, 35, 103, 137, 185, 235, 416, 447, see also Maoism
Maoism, 137, 595, 676, see also Mao Tse-Tung
Marcuse, Herbert, 12
Marijuana, 89-92
Markets, 174
Marketing, 431
Marketplace, 400, 406-407, 657
Marriage, 27, 47, 50, 78
books on, 62, 123
Calvinist, 50
as civil contract, 50, 113
of cousins, 131
legal, 78
plural, 130
sex and, 48, 49, 77
virginal, 77
Mars, 128, 129
Marx, Karl, xx, 126, 164, 201, 484, see also Marxism
Marxism, xx, 34, 35, 137, 171, 199, 250, 408, 476, 506, 595, see also Marx, Karl
Masochism, 131
Mass, 461, 465, 466, 471, 473
changing nature of, 466-468
control of, 466, 484
Mass-market communication, 486
Mass murder, 137, 191, 199
Mass production, 127
Master neocheaters, D, G, i, 574, see also Master neocheating
defined, xvii
identification of, 403
Master neocheating, see also Master neocheaters
examples of, 578-579
Masters and Johnson, 90
Masturbation, 28, 76, 106
Material values, see Tangible values
Material world, 156, 163
Materialism, 126
Mathematics, 188, 431, 488, 490
Matter, 462
Maturity, 12
Maximum capacity units, 505
McCoy, Charles B., 612, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632-633, 636
Mead, Margaret, 253
The Meaning of Life, 460, 488, 489
Means and ends, 6, 8
Mediocrity, 17
Meditation, 595
transcendental, 42
Meier, Peter, 401
Mein Kampf, xix
Memento mori, 422-423, 643-660
Memoires vs. Massachusetts, 184
Memory, 3, 485
Men, see also specific men by name
achievements of, 246, 248
differences between women and, 103, 233-370
emotional needs of, 233
emotions of, 233
equality of women and, 103-153, 110, 111, 117
exclusive experience of, 233-234
fears of, 198
nature of, 1-3, 233-234
peaceful core needs of, 233-234
penetrator experience of, 233
productivity of, 105, 110
psychosexual dominance of, 83
tender feelings and, 198
women as supreme value to, 233
Menstruation, 86
Mental breakdown, 211
Mental default, 218
Mental health, 193
control over, 88
self-esteem and, 71
mysticism and, 71
Meono, Rosa Maria, 510
Mercy, 246, 247
Mesopotamia, 586
Messiahs, 206, see also specific messiahs
Metabolic problems, 85
Metaphors, 230, 516-517, 588, see also specific types
Metaphysics, 595
in business, 664-665
defined, 664
of Neo-Tech, 664-665
of Rand, 663, 664
Michelangelo, vii, xiv, 225, 226, 422
Milgrams, Stanley, 9
Military draft, 13, 14, 133
Milky Way, 473
Mill, John Stuart, 407
Miller vs. California, 184
Milton, John, 50
Minarchy, 138
Mind, see also Brain
bicameral, see Bicameral mind
biological function of, 88
body connection with, 24, 87, 88, 421, 429
business, see Business mind
of children, 150, 151
conscious, see Consciousness
cosmic, see Cosmic mind
criminal, see Criminal mind
crippling of, 29
electronic transfer of contents of, 255
of future, 505-506
growth of, iv
healing powers of, 208
mystic, see Mystic mind
mystic-free, see Cosmic mind
nature of, 88
as neuter, 103
rational, 4, 5, 24, 37
spiritual, 437
subconscious, see Subconscious mind
subliminal, 437
Neo-Tech, see Cosmic mind
Mind control, 581, 595
Mind-created "reality", iii, viii, ix, xx, 126, 402
Mind crimes, 249
Mind-over-matter concept, 26, 88, 399
Mind power, 437
Mining industry, 269
Minorities, 12, 117, see also specific types
rights of, 12
Mirroring, 232
Misery vs. happiness, 198-203
Missing link, 585, 590, 661
Modern art, 224, 228-230
Money, xxiv, 658, 682, see also Prosperity
Monogamous relationships, 60
Monopolies, 164
Monty Python, 460, 488, 489
Moon landings, 128, 482, see also Space travel
Moral absolutes, 6-8
Moral ethics, 23
Moral issues, 7-8, see also specific types
Moral judgments, 16, 57, 57, 119
Moral standards, 6
Moral values, 192
Moral virtue, 21
Morality, xxiii, 44, 186, 592, see also Morals
of agents of forces, 145
choice and, xviii
defined, xix, 144
foundation of, 8
judgment and, 188
of mystics, 144-145
of neocheaters, 144-145
of nonmystics, 145
Morals, xviii-xix, see also Morality
defined, xix
objective, 6
standards for, 158
subjective, 6
universal, 6
Morant, Breaker, 430
More Joy, 27
Moses, 592
Moslems, 249
Mothers, 104, see also Parents
Mountebanks, 124
Mouth responsibility, 16, 83, 120-121
defined, 120
Movies, 3
Mozart, 422
Multiple partners in sex, 60-62, see also Promiscuity
Mumbling, 584
Murder, 29, 35, 121, 130, 132, 137, 181, 191, 248, see also Death
by government, 449
punishment for, 247
Muscles, 79
tension in, 122
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 229
Music, 52, 224, 588, 593, 594, see also specific types
classical, 225, 416
as natural high, 121
as non sequitur, 416
rock, 222, 223
women in, 105, 109
Mussolini, 450
Mylar, 622
Mystic-free mind, see Cosmic mind
Mystic mind
business mind vs., 453-454
cosmic mind vs., 680
Mystical awareness, 231-232
Mystical experiences, 121
Mystical illusions, 403
Mysticism, i, 18, 41, 44, 99, 682, see also Mystics; Platonistic philosophy;
specific types
addictions and, 89-92
business vs., xiv-xviii
business as antithesis of, 435
as cause of death, 422, 441
as cause of evil, 219
causes of, 217
children and, 643
collapse of, 661-674
conscious vs. subconscious, 438-439
defined, vii-viii, 142, 416, 530, 533, 682
destruction and, 31
as disease, viii
dismissing, 139
elimination of, 77, 128, 399-400, 597, 659
essence of, 126, 430, 434
as fatal virus of conscious mind, 441
force and, 147
fraud and, 147
internal, 120
last line of defense of, 440-441
love and, xxiii-xxiv
mental illness and, 71
nature of, 143-144
Neo-Tech Constitution and, 142
nonmysticism vs., 533
origin of, 421
personal, 121
philosophical foundation of, 125
pride as negator of, 44
problems created by, 445-459, 510
of Ayn Rand, 121
scientific, 38
self-, 130, 530
subconscious, 438-439, 440, 441
as suicide, 509
symptoms of, 475
techniques of, 32-33
tools of, 35
worldwide collapse of, 661-674
Mystics, D, 682, see also Mysticism; specific people
Achilles' heel of, 415-420
closet, 99
death of, 442-443
defined, ix, 682
disguised, 99
morality of, 144-145
nature of, 423
Neo-Teching of world of, 167-171
nonmystics vs., ix-xi
protection of children from, 149-151
rejection of, 152-155
types of, 99
Myths, 37-42, see also specific types
about art, 52, 53
about biological immortality, 209-210, 422-425, 478
astrology, 37
children and, 151
about death, 422-425, 644
democratic, 43
greatest of all, 160
scientific, 38
UFO's, 37

- N -

Nader, Ralph, xiv, xix, 103, 165, 170, 200, 204, 205, 215, 235, 400, 619
Nanotechnology, 129, 254, 425, 433, 479, 486, 676
National defense, 138, 139, 177
in Israel, 246
National Organization for Women (NOW), 23
"National will", 636
Natural beauty, 101
Natural body functions, 85-86
Natural highs, 121-123, see also specific types
Natural law, 404
Natural phenomena, 84-85
Nature, 18, 38
alteration of, 479, 480, 483, 647
of animals, xviii
control of, xi, 254, 474, 481, 482, 483, 647, 652
domination of, 480
dynamics of, 489, 490-491
forces of, 37
laws of, 662
of man, see Man's nature
returning to, 269
variables of, 5
of mystics and neocheaters, 20
Nazi Germany, 138, 177, 227, 228, 499, 636
Nebraska Consumer Protection Division, 152
Neck stiffness, 122
Needs, 6, 11, 127, see also specific types
biological, 1, 6, 11, 24, 88
emotional, 1, 24
for growth, 65
intellectual, 1, 24
physical, 1, 12, 24
psychological, 1, 12, 24
Negative emotions, 54, 120, 192, 198, see also specific types
Negativity, 66
Neo-Tech, F, xv, 682
aesthetics of, 667-668
altruism vs., 219-220
as Antichrist, 598
Aristotle and, 158, 220-222
basis of, 426
benefits of, A-H
business, 167
children oriented towards, 107, 108
dedication of, b
defined, A-H, iii-iv, 180, 192, 236, 237, 406, 409, 662, 682
development of, 521-530
discovery of, A-H, see also Neo-Tech Discovery
epistemology of, 665-666
ethics of, 255, 666
foundations for, 670
freedom and, 136
future values for owners of, 530-535
goal of
happiness and, 445-459
highest profits of, G
implications of, 596-597
integrations of, i
job power of, 456-457
justice of, 400
Linking Instructions for, 511-535
management power of, 458-459
marketplace origins of, 406-407
metaphysics of, 664-665
negative reactions to, 534-535
nervous system and, 88
oppression and, 136
order of, 400
origins of, 515
other books, 26
other idea systems vs., 410-411
philosophical roots of, 221
philosophy of, 661, 674
Plato and, 220-222
politics of, 666-667
positive reactions to, 535-562
power, 257
preparing for, 512-521
predicting stock prices, 599
primary concepts of, 401
prosperity and, 445-459
quotes about, 536
as racism solution, 249-251
reactions to, 534-562
reasons for success of, 405-411
references on, 404
requirements for, B
roots of, A
Silver Bullet of, 506-507
as unbeatable, 677
as unstoppable, 257
as widest integration, 661-674
Neo-Tech I, 431, 512-516, 563, 565, 567-577, see also Neo-Tech Prediscovery
neocheating and, 515-516
Neo-Tech II, 422, 431, 512-513, 514-515, 563, 596, see also Neo-Tech Discovery
psychuous concepts and, 518-520
Neo-Tech III, 431, 462, 465, 563, 566, 581-598
authority's end and, 520-521
Neo-Tech IV, 167, 431, 521, 563, 566, 599-646, 645
Neo-Tech V, 422, 431, 455, 477, 521, 563, 566, 643-660
Neo-Tech Advantages, 3, 512
Neo-Tech Army, cover 2
Neo-Tech Bible, xvi
"Neo-Tech and Business", 59
Neo-Tech Business Success, 599
Neo-Tech concepts, 1, see also specific types
defined, iv
Neo-Tech Constitution, 138-139, 140-149, 666-667
axioms of, 141
background for, 141
enforcement of, 141
force and, 141-142, 147
implementation of, 148-149
mysticism and, 142
neocheating and, 142-143
preamble to, 140
voting for, 148
Neo-Tech Control, 459
Neo-Tech Discovery, 403-404, 507, 511, 515, 565, 567, 573-577, see also
Neo-Tech II
Neo-Tech Information Package, 180
Neo-Tech Instructions, 511-535
Neo-Tech Matrix, xxxi, 7, 22, 97, 400, 401-402, 453
defined, 401
Einstein's ultimate goal and, 460
spread of, 257
Neo-Tech mind, see Cosmic mind
Neo-Tech Pincer Movements #1, 661, 677 680-681 #2, 669-673, 677, 680-681
Neo-Tech Prediscovery, 513-514, 565, 567-577, see also Neo-Tech I
Neo-Tech Protection Kit, 152, 153
Neo-Tech Research and Writing Centers, 20, 152, 153, 210, 438, 661
opening report from, 15-20
opportunities at, 510
Neo-Tech Research and Writing Institute, 584
Neo-Tech succeeds, 405
Neo-Tech/Neothink business system, 406
Neo-Tech Waves, 4, 137, 678
Neo-Tech web, 402
Neo-Tech World Summits, first, 478
second, 505, 661, 668
third, 505
Neo-Teching of business, 167-171
Neocheaters, C-D, E, F, x, xxi, 30, 199, 682, see also Neocheating; specific
abandoning of, 9-10
Achilles' heel of, 415-420
cardsharps vs., 571-572
characteristics of, 524, 570
death of, 442-443
defined, 180, 571, 682
feminist, 117
impotence of, 82
master, see Master neocheaters
morality of, 144-145
nature of, 173, 423
Neo-Teching of world of, 167-171
nonmystics vs., ix-xi
notice to, 532-533
politicians as premier, 418-419
protection from, 149-151, 531-533
rejection of, 152-155
traditional cheaters vs., 524
as unbeatable, 572
Neocheating, D, E, G, 682, see also Neocheaters
in business, 575-576
in cards, 508, 513, 515, 517, 526, 567-580
causes of, 218
concepts behind, 575
criteria for, 578-579
defined, viii-ix, 142, 194, 416, 530, 569, 682
detection of, 571
discovery of, 567-580, 575
as easy, 569, 570
elimination of, 18, 399-400
essence of, 430, 434
evolution of, 569
future of, 570-571
metaphors in understanding of, 516-517
nature of, 168
Neo-Tech Constitution and, 142-143
original book on, 569
origins of, 445, 569
in politics, 575-576
power of, 443
prediscovery, 567
in religion, 575-576
revealing of, 573
safety of, 569, 570
in social relationships, 575-576
spread of, 571
understanding of, 574
Neocheating Manuscript, 506, 565
Neothink, 89, 137, 505-510, 585, 597, 665-666
knowledge and, 483
limitation overcome by, 663
mechanisms of, 663
as mind of future, 505-506
power of, 443-444
seven units of, 209
Neothink matrices, 401
Neothink web, 402
Nervous system, 79, 88
Nervousness, 100
Neurosis, see also specific types
Neurotic sex, 47
Neurotic values, 52
New Testament, 593
New Think, 252
New-wave churches, 51
New York City, 35, 199
New York Stock Exchange, 609
Newspeak, 244
NHTSA, see National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Nicaragua, 177, 199, 451
Nicotine, 87, 121
Nidal, Abu, 181
Nitrogen fixation, 621
Nobel Prize, 168
Non sequiturs, i, xx, 32, 33, 57, 99, 109, see also specific types
art as, 225
defined, 180, 415
in education, 126
internal, 419
personal use of, 419
romantic love and, 124
rules and, 26
secret of, 415-420
understanding of, 416
Noneuclidean mathematics, 188
Nonjudgmental values, 60, 61
Nonmarital love, 76-78
Nonmysticism, see also Nonmystics
defined, 533
mysticism vs., 533
Nonmystics, see also Nonmysticism; specific types
defined, xi
morality of, 145
mystics vs., ix-xi
neocheaters vs., ix-xi
Nonsexual jealousy, 69
Nonsexual love, vi
Notes, 720
November-3rd Empire, 679, 680, see also Guns-and-Fists Empire
NOW, see National Organization for Women
Nuclear-Decision Threshold, 40, 41, 219, 478, 676
Nuclear power, 128
Nuclear technology, 662
Nuclear war, 40, 136, 137
Nude bathing, 183
Nude streaking fad, 183
Nutrition, x, see also Diet
Nutritional advocates, 415
Nutritional approaches to immortality, 432, 434
Nylon, 611

- O -

"Obedience to Authority", 9
Obesity, 85, 86, 92
Objective art, 224
Objective fear, 58
Objective law, 119, 133, 179
Objective morals, 6
Objective reality, 11, 126, 189, 193
Objective standards, 159
Objective thinking, 192-193
Objective values, 32, 33, 52, 61
Objectivism, 405, 407, 428, 429, 430, 661, 663, 664, 670, 672, 674, see also
Aristotelian philosophy; Rand, Ayn
Ayatollism from, 408
contrasting ideas of, 671
Galatians and, 408
non sequiturs in, 434
underachievers and, 506
Objectivist Christians, 408
The Objectivist Forum, 405
Objectivity, 15, 31
Obscenity, 182
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 177, 178, 180, 449
The Odyssey, 586, 591
Old Testament, 586, 592
Omaha World-Herald, 153
Omens, 591
in business, 437-444
in love, 437-444
Omniscience, 188
Onassis, Aristotle, 16, 17
O'Neill, George, 27
O'Neill, Nina, 27 1 + 1 + 1 movie, 609, 619-627
Open Marriage, 27
Openness, 79, 123, 196, 197
Opinions of others, 59
Oppression, 83, see also specific types
Christianity and, 44-52
future of, 133-137
of happiness, 44-52
history of, 133-137
of individual, 44
of women, 110, 111-117, 118, 133, 135
Oracle at Delphi, 593
Oral sex, 130, 132, 183, 233
Organized crime, 90, 91
Organs of the body, 160
Orgasm, 233
psychological, 78
Orgy sex, 47, 63
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, 465, 581, 585
Original sin, 56
OSHA, see Occupational Health and Safety Administration
Ostracism, 18, 127, 128, 141, 237, 253, 400, 666, 678
Our Bodies, Ourselves, 85
Outer space, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 424, 461, 478, see also Space; Space travel
Overcoming the Illness Excuse, 207
Overpopulation, 210, 424
Ovid, 78
of art, 53
of other people, 65, 69-70

- P -

Pain, 64, 79, 88, 181, 452
back, 452
childbirth, 86
Palestinians, 246, 249
Panzer Divisions, 228, 450
Parables, 32, 187, 223, 226
Paradise Lost, 50
Parents, 106-110
love between children and, 75
respect for children from, 76
as scapegoats, 75-76
Parents Without Partners, 101
Partners, 99
multiple, 60
Passion, 21
Passivity, 90
Past, 4
child of, 3
freedom in, 133-137
living in, 4
oppression in, 133-137
Plato and, 125-129
Patent Office, 424
Peace movement, x, 40, 215, 415
Peikoff, Leonard, 404, 661, 663
Penetrated vs. penetrator experience, 233
Peoples Republic of China, 35, 138, 177, 228
racism in, 249
Perceptions, 588
Performance anxieties, 22
Personal appearance, 85-86
Personal desires, 61
Personal evolvement, 62
Personal freedom, see Individual freedom
Personal growth, 52, 67, 94
housewives and, 106
sharing of, 97
Personal mysticism, 121
Personal power, 426-428
Personal preferences, 6, 61
Personal values, 60, 192
Personal worth, 59, 98-99
Personality, 61, 80, 108
development of, 123
Pesticides, 170, 177, see also specific types
Petroleum industry, 269
Pets, 675
Phoenician commerce, xiv
Philanthropists, 165, see also specific people
Philosophers, 453, see also Philosophy; specific philosophers by name
job of, i
Philosophy, i-ii, xiii, see also Philosophers; specific types
Aristotelian, see Aristotelian philosophy
books on, 453
business, 601
essence of, 673
of I & O Publishing, 648-649
importance of, 125
integration of with psychology and physiology, i
of Neo-Tech, 674
non sequiturs in, 57
for romantic love, 123
widest integration, 661
Platonistic, see Platonistic philosophy
power and, 158
for romantic love, 123-125
subconscious, 18
summary of, 663-665
types of, ii
women in, 109
Phnom Penh, 199
Physical appearance, 81-83, 101
Physical awareness, 24
Physical beauty, 81-83, 101
Physical differences, 62
Physical fitness, 85, 86-89, 150, 478
as aphrodisiac, 92
Physical nature of man, 5, 83
Physical needs, 1, 12, 24
Physicians, 75
Physics, 188, 489, 490
Physiological differences between men and women, 103, 233-234
Physiology, ii, 87
integration of with philosophy, i
Picasso, Pablo, 229
Pincer Movements, see Neo-Tech Pincer Movements
Ping, Li, 181
PK, see Psychokinesis
Planets, 39, 473
Plant tours, 612
Plato, ii, xiii, xiv, xx, 125-129, 127, 156-159, 220-222, 253, 404, 594, 671, 672, see also Platonistic philosophy
as father of criminal mind, 220
Platonistic philosophy, ii, 2, 13, 40, 42, 43, 124, 128-129, 158, 220-222, see
also Altruism; Collectivism; Mysticism; Plato
communication and, 198
ethics of, 446
foundation of, 221
man's nature and, 2
reality and, 2
utopias and, 252
Playboy Corporation, 23, 182
Playboy Forum, 23, 182, 183
Playboy Foundation, 23, 182
Playboy magazine, 22, 23, 183
Playboy philosophy, 182
Playboy Press, 183
Playboy view of sex, see Casual sex
Plays, 3, see also specific plays
Pleasure, 12, 15, 123, see also specific types
aesthetic, 52-79
irrational, 11
oppression of, 44
psychuous, see Psychuous pleasures
from romantic love, 21
sensuous, v
as sin, 48
Plural marriages, 130
Poetry, 53, 222-231, 593, 594
anti-intellectual nature of, 222
Aristotelian-based, 226
foundations of, 223
nature of, 227
thinking and, 226
use of, 226
Poker, A, 508, 515, 572, 582, 583
bicameral mind in, 583-584
books on, 584
Poker, A Guaranteed Income for Life, 573
Police, 127, 138, 139, 237
private, 127
Political cartoons, 226, 415
Politics, xx, 31, 125, 138, 595, see also specific types
books on, 453
defined, 666-667
of Neo-Tech, 666-667
neocheating in, 575-576
of Rand, 663, 664, 666
Pollution, 20
Polygamy, 130
Pope Innocent VIII, 112
Pope John Paul, xix
Pope Paul, 228
Popes, xiv, xvi, 47, 48, 156, 168, 416, see also specific popes by name
power of, 48
Pornography, 51, 116, 118
Positive thinking, 399, 434, 437, 567
books on, 26
Possessiveness, 72, 95
Pot, Pol, xiv, xx, 4, 103, 181, 199, 235
Poverty, 20, 127, 452
elimination of, 128, 137
Power, C, i, xxiv, 156-159, 492, 566, see also specific types
cosmic, 675-676
earned, 447
government, 83
job, 456-457
lifetime of, 139-149
management, 458-459
mind, 437
Neo-Tech as essence
of neocheating, 443
of Neothink, 443-444
philosophical origin of, 158
as requirement for biological immortality, 426-428
sexual, 82
supra, 437-444
unearned, 447
Powercrats, 20
Pragmatism, 610
Praise, 68
Prayer, 91, 92
end of, 442-443
origin of, 591
in schools, 418
Pre Neo-Tech years, 567-580
Pre-Renaissance, 112
Pre-Victorianism, 113-114
Preferences, 6, 61
Prejudice, 12
Premarital sex, 76-78, 130
Present, 4
bicameral mind in, 592-596
Presidents, 39, 156, 159, see also specific presidents by name
Press freedom, 32, 163
Prices, 174
Pride, 13, 14, 44
Priests, 49
Princeton University, 462, 520, 581, 584
Principles, 158, see also specific types
Printing, 488
Privacy, 16, 123, 195, 196, 255
right to, 195
Private courts, 127
Private protection services, 127
Problem solving, 65-66, 88, 510
Productivity, 12, 40
of business, 167
laziness vs., 198-203
of men, 105, 110
as moral issue, 7
sacrifice vs., xxi
spiral of, 476
of women, 104-105, 109, 110
Prohibition, 91
Promiscuity, 27, 81, 91
as belonging to society, 13
government, 139
rights to, see Property rights
Property rights, 12, 29, 43, 98, 133, 160
individual rights as same as, 84
necessity of, 84
of Palestinians, 246
protection of, 119
Puritans and, 50
violation of, 105
of women, 113
Prosperity, i, 11, 138, 160-166, 566
constitution for, see Neo-Tech Constitution
goals for, 11
identification of, 403
irrational, 11
judgment and, 187
lifetime of, 139-149
poetry and, 53
as requirement for biological immortality, 426-428
requirements for, 2-3, 11
unlimited, 659
Prostitution, 47, 111
laws against, 133
Victorianism and, 51
Protection bureaucracies, see specific types
Proving-a-negative, 179
Pseudo intellectuals, 169
Pseudosciences, 39, 595, see also specific types
Psyche chats, 207
Psyche death, 203-207
Psychiatrists, 71, 120, 207
Psychoanalysis, 231
Psychokinesis (PK), 38, 39
Psychological differences, 62, 103, 233-234
Psychological nature of man, 5, 83
Psychological needs, 1, 12, 24
Psychological orgasms, 78
Psychological problems, 120, see also specific types
Psychological well-being, 52, 193
Psychologists, 71, 120, 121, 124, 207
Psychology, ii
cognitive, 71, 207
developing, xii
integration of with philosophy, i
rational, 98
subconscious, 18
Psychosexual dominance of man, 83
Psychosexual virgins, 78
Psychotherapies, 120, 121, 194, 207, see also specific types
cognitive-based, 71
Psychuous, defined, iv, 682
Psychuous concepts, see also specific types
defined, iv-v
Neo-Tech II and, 518-520
for personal benefit, 519-520
Psychuous experiences, 25
Psychuous growth, 75
Psychuous pleasures, ii, 15, 26, 83-84
achievement of, 63-64
aesthetics and, 52
age and, 74
blocking of, 83
capacity for, 25-26, 38
Constitution for, see Neo-Tech Constitution
defined, iv
government power and, 83
housewives and, 106
as natural high, 121, 122
parenting and, 107
physical fitness and, 87
requirements for, 1, 24-25, 81
sensuous behavior vs., 24-25
sensuous pleasures vs., v
Psychuous sex, 15, 22-23, 25, 59, 80
addictions and, 89-92
defined, iv
intensity of, 25
mysticism and, 89-92
nature of, 60
Public education, 125, 126, 151
Puritanism, 50, 113, 136
sex and, 50
Purpose of life, xxiii, 14, 54, 139, 507
Put-down humor, 82
Psyche death, 218
Python, Monty, 460, 488, 489

- Q -

Qaddafi, 181
Quackeries, 231, see also specific types
Quality of life, 91
Quantum mechanics, 188, 461
Quasars, 491
Quiana fiber, 616
Quotes, 226

- R -

Ra, 59
Racism, 51, 125, 246-250
Neo-Tech as solution to, 249-251
Railroads, 167
Rand, Ayn, xiii, xiv, 19, 118, 121, 404, 407, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 670, 671, 672
cigarette smoking and, 121
mysticism of, 121
philosophy of, see Objectivism
Random-walk capacity, 98
Rape, 47, 130, 132, 183
Rapture, 403
Rational actions, 2
Rational happiness, 54
Rational mind, 4, 5, 24, 37
Rational psychologies, 98
Rational self-interest, 160, 200
Rational society, 40
Rational thinking, 11
Rational values, 59
Rationalism, 50, 113
Rationality, 3, 31, 58
Rationalizations, 33, 87, 143
Reading, 588
Reality, xi, xxiii, 3, 12, 29, 31
Aristotelian philosophy and, 2
control of, 121, 207, 231, 664
dealing honestly with, 54
defined, 2
distortion of, 89, 103
emotions and, 56
ideas anchored to, 406, 407
identification of, 88
integration of, xvi, 88
living in, 121
mind-created, ix, 126, 402
morals based on, 6
negation of, 44
objective, 11, 126, 189, 193
Platonistic philosophy and, 2
understanding of, 244
Reality highs, 121, see also specific types
Reality-oriented philosophy, see Aristotelian philosophy
Reason, xx, 126, 169, 188, 196, 435, 664, 665, 666
communication based on, 198
emotions and, 71
morals based on, 9
Reason magazine, 405
Reasoning, xviii, xix, 33
false, 186
Red China, see Peoples Republic of China
Reformation, 49
Reich, Wilhelm, 12
Rejection fears, 58, 100
Relationships, see also specific types
destructive, 64
employer-employee, 103
ending of, 64-104
errors in, 63
with family, vi, 240
with friends, see Friendship
love, see Love
neocheating in, 575-576
requirements for, 237
romantic, see Romantic love
sex as cause of change in, 240
sexual, see Sex
Relativity, 186
Relaxation, 79
Religion, xx, 2, 31, 33, 34, 37, 38, 44, 121, 125, 135, see also Church; God
concept; specific types
bicameral mind and, 587
decline of, 114
destructive effects of, 4
effects of, 4, 23
ethics of, 246
fundamentalist, 52, 112, 408
guilt and, 12
neocheating in, 575-576
new-wave, 51
origins of, 591
philosophical foundation of, 125
sex and, 22-24
Rembrandt, 229
Renaissance, vii, 48, 49, 117
art and, 224
Church vs., 112-113
oppression in, 136
of emotions, 54, 66, 120, 192, 193, 198, 643
Republicanism, 43
Research Institute of Biological Immortality (RIBI), 155, 160
Resentment, 16, 35, 95
Responsibility, 88, 160-166, see also Duty
for actions, 56
ear, 82
individual, 56
management, 459
mouth, see Mouth responsibility
self-, see Self-responsibility
Responsible actions, 2
Retirement, 424
Reverse infatuation, 190
at I & O Publishing, 649
from life, 12-13, 15-16
ultimate, 54
RIBI, see Research Institute of Biological Immortality
Right hemisphere of brain, 440, 581, 585, 589, 594
Right and wrong, 61
Rightness, 6
Rights, see also specific types
animal, x
human, x, 163, 244, 451
inalienable, 98, 160
individual, see Individual rights
minority, 12
privacy, 195
property, see Property rights
violation of, 117
Rights movements, 105, 117, see also specific types
Risk taking, 58
"Robber barons", 167
Robespierre, xx
Rock music, 222, 223
Rockefeller, John D., 16, 17, 103, 165
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 165, 215
Role playing, 68
Roman Catholics, see Catholicism
Roman civilization, 445
Roman Empire, 46, 111, 114, 135
decline of, 111-112
Romance, vii, 50, see also Romantic love
Romantic era, vi
Romantic love, vi, xxiv, 15, 82
abstract symbols in, 230, 231
abstract values and, 242
addictions and, 89-92
benefits from, 21
characteristics of, 240
Christianity challenged by, 135
communication and, 198
competition in, 150
Constitution for, see Neo-Tech Constitution
criticism in, 68
direct-action approach to, 101
discrimination and, 194
DTC technique, 92
emotional closeness and, 56
emotional openness in, 58
ending of, 64
fear of rejection in, 58
finding partners for, 99-102, 190, 191
fluctuation in, vii
free choice in, 67
freedom and, 92-94
friendship in, 240
fundamental basis of, 95-96
future, 117-118
honesty in, 65
humor and, 130
initial approaches to, 92
judgment and, 74, 187
judgment of potential partners for, 190, 191
marriage and, 78
mirroring in, 232
modern, 116-117
monogamous, 60
mysticism and, 89-92
as natural high, 121
omnipotence in, 437-444
parenting and, 107
philosophy for, 123-125
pleasures from, 21
poetry and, 53, 222, 224
potential for, 96
Puritans and, 50
requirements for, xxiii, 81
rise of, 136
security in, 66
segments of, 95-96
sharing and, 195
standards for, 94-95
tangible values and, 242
three segments, 95
twentieth century, 116
types of, 96-97
value exchange in, 239-243
values and, 93, 95, 238, 239-242
Romantic Period, vi
Romanticism, vi, vii
Roosevelt, Franklin D., xiv, 103, 162, 165, 228
Roosevelt, Theodore, 58
Roundness, 479
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, vi, xx
Rules, see also specific types
elimination of, 5-6
non-sequitur, 26
Rummel, R.T., 449
Russia, see Soviet Union

- S -

Sacrifice, b, ii, xix-xxii, xxi, 2, 6, 20, 21, 25, 31, 34, 84, 133, 605, 606, see also Altruism
aging and, 74
avoidance of, 19
defined, 8
as moral issue, 8
origin of, 591
philosophical foundation of, 125
self-, 12, 13, 14
Sadism, 47, 131, 132
Samuel, 592
Sanger, Margaret, 51
Santa Claus, 151
Sarren, Wilen bei, 401
Savage, Eric, 581
Schizophrenia, 587, 589, 594
Schools, 125, 126, 151, see also Education
prayer in, 418
Schweitzer, Albert, xix, 29
Science, 37, 594, 595, see also specific types
pseudo, 39, 595
social, 13, 14, 215, 244
women in, 109
Science churches, 595
Scientific mysticism, 38
Scientific myths, 38
Scientology, 32, 43, 595
Scrooge, Ebenezer, 168
Sculpture, 225
SDI, see Strategic Defense Initiative
Search-for-Excellence approaches, 426, 434
SEC, see Securities and Exchange Commission
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 177, 178, 180, 452, 679, 680, 679
Seduction, 78-80
Segmented judgment, 186-192
love of, 18
sense of, 195, 255, 595
Self-acceptance, 102
Self-awareness, 43, 55, 179, 195, 231, 255, 595, 650-651
mystical awareness vs., 231-232
Self-control, 43, 87, 121, 509
Self-deceptions, 65
Self-defense, 40, 127, 133, 141, 161, 253
Israel and, 246
Self-esteem, 6, 11, 12, 23, 28, 34, 35, 54, 81, 91, 98, 179, see also
addictions and, 87
casual sex and, 63
decrease in, 99
fake, 21
of housewives, 106
loss of, 77, 195
mental health and, 71
opinions of others and, 59
physical appearance and, 85
productivity and, 241
pseudo, 143, 211, 227
rewards and, 15-16
sex and, 22
undermining of, 38
Self-evaluation test, 15-16
Self-expression, 79
Self-growth, 18 -19
Self-healing, 208
Self-hypnosis, 78, 179
Self-improvement, 69
books on, 26
Self-interest, ii, xx
as ethics, 666
irrational, 160
rational, 160, 200
Self-knowledge, 121, 232
Self-mysticism, 204-205, 530
Self-protection, 177
Self-responsibility, 43, 63, 65, 80, 88
abdication of, 201
avoidance of, 121
defined, 409
fear of, 117, 530
gambling and, 583
nature of, 119-121
resistance to, 596
total, 409
Self-sacrifice, 12, 13, 14
Self-sufficiency, 138
Self-torture, 46
Self-valuing, 195
Self-worth, 44, 146, see also Self-esteem
Selfishness, 18-19
Selflessness, 18-19, 34, 123, 606
Sense of life, 17, 18, 52, 129-130, 632-633
Sensuosity, 81, 85
Sensuous behavior, 24-25
Sensuous pleasures vs. psychuous pleasures, v
Sensuous projections, 80
Sensuousness, 79
fake, 25
Serious sex, 59-60
seduction in, 80
Sermon on the Mount, 56
Seven Neo-Tech Waves, see Neo-Tech Waves
Sex, 15
in adolescence, 63, 74, 76-78, 130
adult-child, 130, 132
age and, 75
assertiveness in, 198
books on, 27, 62, 78, 124, 123
casual, see Casual sex
change in relationship after, 240
in children, 76
competition in, 81
defined, v-vi
errors in, 182
exploitive, 63
fun-only view of, see Casual sex
guilt and, 22, 23, 44
individual differences and, 60-62
in infants, 76
influences of, v
laws against, 130-133
liberated approaches to, 21
love and, 49
marital, 48, 49
marriage and, 77
meaning of, v
motive behind, 79
multiple partners in, 60-62
neurotic, 47
nonmarital, 76-78
oral, 130, 132, 183, 233
orgy, 47, 63
penetrated vs. penetrator experience in, 233
performance in, 82
philosophy for, 123
playboy view of, see Casual sex
premarital, 76-78, 130
preoccupation with, 46
promiscuity in, 27, 81, 91
psychuous, see Psychuous sex
Puritans and, 50
religion and, 22-24
renewal of quality of, 75
role of, 12
sadistic, 47, 131, 132
serious, see Serious sex
standards in, 63
swinging, 47, 63
taboos in, 63, 130
values and, 47, 59, 60-62
voluntary, 130
Sex American Style, 183
Sex education, 130
Sexiness, 80
Sexual affairs, 66
Sexual attractiveness, 24, 80
Sexual fantasies, 51, 79, 130
Sexual freedom, 182
Sexual health, 27
Sexual impotence, see Impotence
Sexual inhibitions, 63
Sexual jealousy, 69
Sexual liberation, 22, 136
Sexual nature of man, 12
Sexual power, 82
Sexual revolution, 51-52, 116
Sexual roles, 81-83
Sexual seduction, 78-80
Sexual surrender, 83
Sexuality, 192, 238
Christianity and, 51
oppression of, 44
Sexually transmitted disease, 60, see also specific types
Sharing, 195, 196, 197
Sharon, Ariel, 181
Shepard, 177
Shiites, 137, 676
Short-term happiness, xxii
bypassing of, 99-102
causes of, 102-103
cures for, 102-103
Silent Spring, 170, 450
Silver, 174
Silver Bullet, 506-507
Sin, 48, 57
Singing, 594
Singles clubs, 101
Singles dances, 101
Sinn Fein, 181 60 Minutes, D, 416, 417
Skinner, B.F., 253
Slavery, 4, 35, 181, 416
Sleep, 128
Slogans, 32, 223, 226, 228
Smith, Adam, 407, 671
Smoking, 91, 121, 478
Snail darters, 228
Social authors, 450, see also specific authors by name
Social "experts", 124, see also specific people
Social incompetence, 100
Social intellectuals, 215, 217, 219
Social science, 13, 14, 215, 244
Social Security, 139, 175
Socialism, 43, 476
philosophical foundation of, 125
Society, 18, 422
ethics of, 446
force-free, 236
free, 37, 59, 236, 253
freedom and, 14
function of, 14
future of, 124
property belonging to, 13
rational, 40
reason for, 236
semi-free, 59
well-being of, 158
will of, 13
Society of Chemical Industry, 630
Socrates, 127, 221, 407, 462, 671
Sodomy, 183
Song lyrics, 222, 223, 226
Sortilege, 591
Soul, 421
South Africa, 249, 250
Sovereignty of individual, 43
Soviet Union, 34, 35, 138, 177
astrology in, 39
racism in, 249
Space, 465, 473, see also Outer space
of googol-year cycle, 481
infinite, 492
Space-station colonies, 129
Space travel, 40, 42, 128, 129, 424
Spanish fly, 92
Spankings, 76
Speaking, 588
Speculators, 174, 600
Speech freedom, 184
Speech impediments, 594
Speed of light, 472
knowledge at, 484-489, 493
Spencer, Herbert, vii, 407, 671
Spirits, 151
Spiritual, 163
defined, 52
Spiritual mind, 437
Spiritual well-being, 52
Sports, 105, 588
Sprenger, Jacob, 48
Sri Lanka, 170
St. Augustine, 46-47, 50
St. Jerome, 47
St. Simon, 46
St. Thomas, 48
Stagnation, 43, 141, 425
Stalin, Joseph, xiv, xix, 4, 35, 103, 162, 171, 185
Standard of living, 604
Standards, 1, see also specific types
of capitalism, 600, 601, 603, 608, 638, 639-640
community, 184
for ethics, 158
of I & O Publishing, 646
moral, 6, 158
objective, 159
romantic love, 94-95
sexual, 63
Star-Wars defense system (SDI), 40
Stars, 492
Starvation, 177
Statistics, 247, 248, 249
Steam engines, 127
Steamships, 128
Stock value predictions, 167, 521, 599-646
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 40
Strauss, Henry & Co., 626
Streaking fad, 183
Strength, vii
Stress, 86
Stupidness disease, see Mysticism
Style, 61
Subconscious guilt, 22, 32, 56
Subconscious mind, 18, 179, 193, 437
criticism and, 82
false accusations and, 73
sexual performance and, 82
Subconscious mysticism, 438-439, 440, 441
Subjective art, 224
Subjective morals, 6
Subjective reality, ix, 126, 402
Subjectivity, 33
Subliminal mind, 437
Suez Canal, 225
Suffering, xx, 29, 452
Sugar, 87, 89-92, 120, 150, 177, 459
substitutes for, 177
Suicide, 89, 141, 181, 400
first, 592
mysticism as, 509
Sun god Ra, 59
Super computers, 482, 486
Super Grand Cycles, 472-473
Superconductivity, 425, 479, 676
Supermarkets, 33
Suppression of emotions, 54, 192
Supra power of mystic-free mind, 437-444
Supreme Court, 182-185
Survival, xviii, 3, 12, 24, 84, 218, 481
Swaggart, Jimmy, 228
Swinging sex, 47, 63
Symbols, 230-231
Synthetic fibers, 613
Syria, 249
The System of Nature, 403
System of Positive Polity, xx

- T -

Taboos, 63, 76, 130-132, see also specific types
Tangible values, 238-239, 242, 243
exchange of, 243
Taste, 61
Tax shelters, 174
Taxation, 17, 133, 138, 175, 247, 576
abolishment of, 128
elimination of, 139
Technology, see also specific types
acceleration of, 477
anti-, 20, 40, 218
nano-, 129, 254, 425, 433, 479, 486, 676
Television evangelism, 136
Tender feelings, 198
Tension, 179, 180
Terminal illness, 181
Terminal suffering, 181
Terrorism, 29, 181
Testing, 72
Testosterone, 90
Theft, 161
Theism, 34, 168, 179
philosophical foundation of, 125
Theocracies, 49, 52, 250, 408
a point vs., 419
of biological immortality, 433-434
Therapies, see Psychotherapies
Thermodynamics, 468
business-like, 54, 198
conscious, see Consciousness
defaults in, 34
effective, 244
emotional, 192-193
horizontal, 129, 251-252
integrated, 33
language and, 401
lateral, 129
mystical, 198
objective vs. emotional, 192-193
poetry and, 226
positive, see Positive thinking
rational, 11
requirements for, 401
vertical, 251-252
Threats, 59, 99, 133
Time, 423, 459, 465, 473
of googol-year cycle, 481
infinite, 492
integration of with life, 509-510
knowledge as function of, 486
perception of, 678
wasting of, 509
Time magazine, 603
Titan, 3-5
Titian, 229
Tobacco, 91, 121, 478
Toledano, R. de, 170
Torts, 453
Totalitarianism, 4, 34, 35, 37, 59, 138, 184, 250, 253
Trade, 19, 24
Trains, 127, 128
Transcendental meditation, 42
Transfer payments, 139, 416, 417, see also specific types
Truisms, 32, 34
Trust, 80
Truth, 226
Two-chamber mind, see Bicameral mind
Two worlds, xvii-xviii
Typhoid Mary, viii
Tyranny, 125, 225, 403, see also specific types
"Tyranny Under the Law", 183

- U -

UFOs, 5, 37-42
Ukraine, 171
Ultimate Battle, 177-180, 676
Understanding, 244-246
beyond, 232-234
of reality, 244
Unified-Field Theory, 461, 466
Unifying component, 473
Unilateral disarmament, 40
Union Carbide, 171
United States
discovery of, 128
founding of, 43
justice system in, see Court system
United States Constitution
first amendment to, 154, 184, 185
United States Patent Office, 424
United States Supreme Court, 182-185
Universal artists, 52, 53
Universal bad, 6-8
Universal computer, 129, 155, 486, 488
Universal good, 6-8
Universal moral issues, 7-8, see also specific types
Universal morals, 6
Universe, 18, 39, 473
consciousness compared to, 488-489
creation of, 491-492
destruction of, 484
Grand Cycle of, see Grand Cycle
history of, 467
implosion of, 471
turning inside out of, 471-472
why of, 31
University of Hawaii, 449
Upanishadic writings, 592
USSR, see Soviet Union
Utopias, 252-254, 409, 595

- V -

Value destroyers, D, xiv, 15-16, see also specific individuals;
specific people by name; Value destruction
essence of, 408
false power of, 439
judgments about, 187
macho-type, 22
murder by, 449
value producers vs., 333, 447-448, 598, 677- 679, see also Ultimate Battle
Value destruction, xxi, xxii, 17, 30-31, see also Value destroyers
envy and, 69
jealousy and, 72
nature of, 30
by political movements, 177
Value exchange, 59, 60, 235-239, 446
in friendship, 239-243
in romantic love, 239-243
stock prices and, 600
tangible, 243
voluntary, 604
Value judgments, 191
Value producers, viii, xiv, 3, 15, 30, see also specific individuals;
Value production
behavior traits of, 202-203
character traits of, 202
criticism of, 16, 17
defined, 647, 649
efforts of, xvii
reality controlled by, 664
sacrifice of, 84
value destroyers vs., 333, 447-448, 598, 677-679, see also Ultimate Battle
world of, xvii
Value production, 30-31 see also Value producers
as ethics, 666, 668
future, 505
nature of, 30
Value selectivity, 27
Values, 3, see also specific types
abstract, 238-239, 242, 243
accumulation of, 93
amoral, 60, 61
business creation of, 445-459
creation of, xxi, 158, 445-459
earned, xxi, 43, 94, 98
exchange of, see Value exchange
future sources of, 404
growth of, 239, 240
individual, 60
man-made, 18
moral, 192
mutual, 95
mystical, 18
negation of, 35
neurotic, 52
non-man-made, 18
objective, 32, 33, 52, 61
oppression of, 44
personal, 60, 192
present sources of, 404
rational, 59
romantic love and, 93, 95, 238
sex and, 47, 59, 60
sexual, 60, 61, 62
sources of, 404, 478
tangible, 238-239, 242, 243
theft of, 235-239
tradeable, 19, 24, 141
Van Gogh, vi
Venereal disease, 60, see also specific types
Verbal communication, 80
Verdi, 225
Vertical thinking, 251, 251-252
Victimless crimes, 133, 182, 247, see also specific types
Victims, b
Victorianism, 51, 113-114
decline of, 114
ethics of, 116
oppression and, 136
Vietnam, 451
Violence, 29, 136, 219, 416
Virgins, 77, 114
psychosexual, 78
Virtues, 21, 44, see also specific types
Vitamin C, 415
Vitamins, 432, 434, see also specific types
Vlahoulis, Thomas P., 152, 153, 154
Voluntary Servitude, see A Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
Von Mises, Ludwig, 404
Voting, 51, 114, 148

- W -

Wall-Street gurus, 599
Wall Street Journal, 269, 603, 628, 629
Wallace, Frank R., A, 39, 233, 465, 505, 515, 516, 518, 520, 563, 564, 565, 573, 584, 585, 599, 643, 660
Wallace, Mike, 416
War, 17, 20, 127, 137, 174, 178, 449
elimination of, 128, 139, 597
final, 598
nuclear, 40, 136, 137
War of Two Worlds, 598, 677-679, see also Ultimate Battle; Value
producers vs. value destroyers
Ward, Wallace H., 669-673
Waves of Neo-Tech, see Neo-Tech Waves
"We the Creators of All Heavens and Earths", 39
Web effect, 402, 430
Weight control, 85, 86
Welfare, 139, 416, 417
Well-being, 52, 54, 65, 123, 193
control of, 89
of society, 158
Western civilization, 44
"What is is", 661, 665
Wheel, 479
White, Tom, 153
White-Collar Hoax, 269, 450, 451, 459, 645, 667
Why of the universe, 31
Will of society, 13
Wilmington News Journal, 627
Wilson, Woodrow, 162
Witches, 38, 48, 49, 50, 112, 113, 136
Wolfgang, M.E., 248
Wolsey, Bishop, 49
Women, see also specific women by name
achievements of, 246, 248
in Age of Reason, 113, 136
in ancient Greece, 111, 135
Catholicism and, 47
differences between men and, 103, 233-234
emancipation of, 114
emotions of, 233
in enlightened Greece, 111, 135
equality of men and, 103-153, 110, 111, 117
exclusive experience of, 233
fears of, 198, 233
freedom of, 110
Homeric, 111
legal rights of, 112
liberation of, 111, 117
nature of, 1-3, 233-234
opportunity for, 110
oppression of, 110, 111-117, 118, 133, 135
penetrated experience of, 233
potential of, 110-118
in pre-Renaissance, 112
in pre-Victorian times, 113-114
productivity of, 104-105, 109, 110
Puritanism and, 50, 113, 136
in Renaissance, 112-113, 136
in Roman Empire, 111-112, 135
as sex objects, 233
sexual assertiveness and, 198
sexual surrender of, 83
sexually liberated, 22
as supreme value to men, 233
in twentieth century, 116
in Victorian times, 113-114, 136
voting and, 51, 114
in Western World, 110
Women's lib organizations, 23, see also Feminism; specific organizations
Wood, Garth, 207
Words, 244, 245
Wordsworth, vi
"Working stiffs", 201
World government, 136
Worship, 591
Worth, 59, 98-99
self-, 44, 146, see also Self-esteem
Writing, 488, 588
early, 589
Wrongness, 6

- X -

X-factor, 402, 438, 439

- Y -

Yale, 12
Yohimbine, 92
Youth, 425-426
perpetuating of, xiii, 74

- Z -

Zen Buddhism, 42
Zeus, 494, see also God concept
Zionism, 246, 247, 249, see also Israel
Zoning variance, 157

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