| Parent Index
| Build Freedom:
Selected Portions from the Neo-Tech Discovery
for the
Neo-Tech Discovery
- A -
- Abacus, 269
- Abortion, 116, 118, 133
- Abstract symbols, 230-231
- Abstract values, 238-239, 242, 243, see also specific types
- Abuse, see also specific types
- of children, 150
- of partner, 81-83
- Academic freedom, 163
- Accidents, 56
- Achievement, 18, 52, see also specific types
- civic, 158
- of greatness, 106-110
- of men, 246, 248
- as natural high, 121
- of women, 246, 248
- Achilles, 589
- Actions, xii, 16, 56, 57, 120, 126, see also specific types
- amoral, 6
- bad, 6-8
- business-type, 454
- destructive, 11, 55
- feelings and, 598
- good, 6-8
- immoral, 187
- irrational, 12
- judgment of, 57, 119
- moral, xix, 187
- neurotic, 82
- rational, 2
- responsibility for, 56
- responsible, 2
- Acupuncture, 594
- Adam and Eve, 50
- Addictions, 86-89, see also specific types
- psychuous sex and, 89-92
- romantic love and, 89-92
- Adolescent sex, 63, 74, 76-78, 130
- Adult-child sex, 130, 130
- Adultery, 47, 49, 130
- The Advanced Concepts of Poker, 584
- Adventure, 3, 64
- Advocates, 415, see also specific types
- consumer, see Consumerism
- Aerobic exercise, 86, 87, 121
- Aerobics, 86
- Aesthetics, 52-53, see also specific types
- essence of, 668
- of Neo-Tech, 667-668
- of Rand, 664, 667
- pleasure, 52
- Africa, 30
- Agamemnon, 589
- Age of Reason, 50, 113, 136
- Agents of force, 20, 204, see also specific people; specific types
- morality and, 145
- Aggression, xix
- Aggressiveness, 90
- Aging, iv, v, 176, 424, 679
- advantages of, 74
- sex and, 75
- unnecessary, 74-75, see also Biological immortality
- Aida, 225
- AIDS, D, 60, 137, 178, 452, 493, 680
- Airlines, 128
- Airplanes, 128, 482, 485
- Alcohol, 87, 89-92, 120, 121, 122, 459
- laws against, 91, 133
- Allah, 206
- "The Alternative", 459, 505
- Altruism, xix-xxii, 13, 14, 19, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 123, 124, 125,
127, 133, 167, 199, 200, 201, 453, 454, see also Platonistic
- philosophy; Sacrifice
- aging and, 74
- in business people, 167, 604, 605, 606, 628-629
- capitalism vs., 610, 639
- in chief executives, 167
- defined, xx, 604
- ending of, 128
- ethics of, 20
- final goal of, 605
- Hitler and, xix, 235, 636
- Neo-Tech vs., 219-220
- perniciousness of, 446
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- professional, xxi
- profits vs., 628-629
- results of, 636
- in Rome, 46
- tools of, 35
- America, see United States
- American Academy of Arts and Letters, 230
- American Business Party, 138
- American Indians, 592
- American Medical Association (AMA), 87
- Amin, Idi, 181
- Amoral actions, 6
- Amoral individual differences, 62
- Amoral values, 60, 61
- Anarchy, 46, 138, 177
- Neo-Tech as opposite of, 400
- Ancient Greece, 111, 135, 156
- Ancient writings, 586, see also specific types
- Angels, 591
- Anger, 66
- Animals, xii, 201, 254, 585, 675
- nature of, xviii
- physical appearance of, 101, 102
- rights of, x
- Anti-drug laws, 90, 91
- Anti-individualism, see Platonistic philosophy
- Anti-intellectualism, 31
- Anti-obscenity laws, 182-185
- Anti-pornography laws, 184
- Anti-sex laws, 130-132, 133
- Anti-technology, 20, 40, 218
- Antichrist, 598
- Antitrust laws, 269
- Anxiety, 79, 82
- Apartheid, 249, 250
- Aphrodisiacs, 92
- A point, 673
- the point vs., 419
- Appearance, 85-86, 101
- Appliances, 218
- Aquinas, Thomas, vii, 407
- Arabs, 249
- Arafat, Yasir, 181
- Archimedes, 462
- Architecture, 225, 416, 636
- Aristotelian philosophy, 2, 14, 40, 41, 48, 124, 125-129, 158, 220-222, 428,
- see also Aristotle; Individualism; Objectivism; Rand, Ayn
- change in course of history through, 127-129
- communication and, 198
- man's nature and, 2
- reality and, 2
- Aristotle, ii, xiii, xiv, 103, 118, 121, 125-129, 156-159, 220-222, 404, 407,
462, 670, 671, 672, see also Aristotelian philosophy
- capitalism and, 638
- as father of business mind, 220
- Armageddon, 598, 676
- Art, 3, 52, 588, 636, see also specific types
- classical, 229
- evil, 230
- government-sponsored, 53
- law of, 230
- mediocre, 230
- modern, 224, 228-230
- as natural high, 121
- negative values in, 224
- as non sequitur, 416
- objective, 224
- objective evaluation of, 52
- ownership of, 53
- poetry vs., 222-231
- subjective, 224
- women in, 105, 109
- Art critics, 228
- Art museums, 229
- The Art of Loving, 28, 32
- Asceticism, 46, 49, 111, 112, 235
- Asia, 30, see also specific countries
- racism in, 249
- Asimov, Isaac, 490
- Assault, 130
- Asset builders, 606
- Assyria, 586
- Astrology, 5, 31, 37-42, 135, 231, 232, 595
- Atheism, 34, 35, 168
- Athletics, 105, 588
- Atkins, Robert C., 85, 86, 87
- Atlas, 406
- Atomic-circuited computers, 486
- Atomic units, 156
- Attractiveness, 24, 80, 81
- Augury, 591
- Authority, D, 17, 156, see also specific types
- duty to, 13
- end of, 520-521, 585-598
- external, see External authorities
- higher, 59
- legitimate, 648-649
- myth of, 9
- smallest unit of, 156-158
- valid, 596
- Automobiles, 33, 127, 128, 269, 479, 482
- "Average" individual, 98
- Awareness
- of bodily pleasures, 79
- mystical, 231-232
- physical, 24
- self-, see Self-awareness
- Ayatollism, 35, 38, 216, 408, see also specific people
- B -
- Babbit, 201
- Babylonia, 586
- Backpain, 452
- Bad-thought (BT) jealousy, 69-72, 73, 74
- Bantam companies, 654
- Barrons, 138, 269
- Bastiat, Frederic, 403
- Batista, 408
- Beauty, 81-83, 101
- Beethoven, Ludwig, von, xiv
- Begin, Menachen, 181
- Behavior traits of value producers, 202-208
- Bentham, Jeremy, 407
- Bestiality, 130, 130
- Better Business Bureaus, 215
- Better Living Magazine, 609, 613, 616-619, 626, 627
- Bible
- Holy, see Holy Bible
- Neo-Tech, xvi, 3
- Bicameral mind, 441, 462, 463, 464, 474, 505, 520, 676, 678
- control of people through, 581-598
- defined, 582-583
- evidence for, 587-595
- in poker, 583-584
- religion and, 587
- in today's world, 592-596
- Bicycles, 485
- Big-bang explosions, 467, 468, 471, 491
- Big business, 164, 165, 269, 600
- Big lies, 16, 133, 167, 168, 506
- Bigotry, 248
- Biological immortality (non-aging, youth-rejuvenating), 39, 74, 128, 137, 167,
178, 254-257, 455, 463, 489, 492, 494, 597, 643-660
- achievement of, 474-478
- business as vehicle for, 431-432
- defined, 209, 421-422
- desire for, 256-396, 423
- goal of, 256
- impact of, 255
- incentives for, 254
- as moral obligation, 645
- motivation for, 256, 477
- myths about, 209-210, 422-425, 478
- as natural state of consciousness, 479-480
- prerequisite for, 421
- primary problem in achievement of, 254
- purpose of, 209, 211, 256, 421, 433, 435
- requirements for, 425-431, 432-434
- Research Institute of, see Research Institute of Biological Immortality
- routes to achievement of, 650-651
- steps to achievement of, 209-211, 421-436
- the point of, 433-434
- value of, 477
- Biological nature of man, 84, 88, 121
- Biological needs, 1, 6, 11, 24, 88
- Biorhythms, 231, 232
- Birth control, 51, 116, 183
- Birth defects, 108
- Bishops, 168
- Black holes, 469, 470, 490, 491
- Blackjack, 572-573
- Blacks, 117, 246, 248
- Blackwell, Elizabeth, 105, 106
- Blake, vi
- Blame, 58, 419, 420
- Blue laws, 50
- Bluenoses, 49
- Body
- cells of, 160
- functions of, 85-86
- mind connection with, 24, 87, 88, 421
- nature of, 88
- organs of, 160
- Body communication, 79, 80
- Body language, 79, 80
- Boétie, Etienne de la, 9, 407
- Bolshevist Revolution, 408
- Books, see also specific books
- errors in, 27
- on God concept, 35-37
- harmful, 28-30
- on love, 124, 194
- on marriage, 62, 194
- mystical-based, 32, 33
- Neo-Tech vs. other, 41
- on personality development, 194
- philosophy, 453
- on poker, 584
- political, 453
- positive-thinking, 26
- self-improvement, 26
- on sex, 27, 62, 78, 124, 194
- socially oriented, 453
- survey of, 507
- valuable, 26-27
- Boredom, 424-425, 478
- Boring people, 102
- Born-again Christians, 52, 112, 593
- Boston Women's Health Book Collective, 86
- Brain, see also Mind
- cells of, 89
- left hemisphere of, 440, 581, 585, 589, 594
- right hemisphere of, 440, 581, 585, 589, 594
- Branden, Nathaniel, 121, 404, 663
- Brandywine Building, 636, 637
- Breaker Morant syndrome, 430
- Bridge, 572-573
- Bridge, Darlene, 227
- British Empire, 121
- Bruce, Lenny, 183
- BT, see Bad-thought
- Buddhism, 42
- Burden of proof concept, 31
- Bureaucracies, 177, 449, 450, 452, see also specific bureaucracies;
- specific types
- modus operandi of, 180
- Bureaucrats, 173, 214, see also specific people
- Buscaglia, Leo, 194, 195
- Business, 566
- as antithesis of mysticism, 435
- Aristotle as father of, 158
- attack on, 631
- big, 164, 165, 269, 600
- communication in, 457
- crowning reward of, 454
- defined, 665
- dynamics of, 409
- essence of, xv, 431
- as fountainhead of happiness, 454
- happiness and, 445-459
- intellectualism in, 169
- of I & O, 510
- as life, 509
- metaphysics in, 664-665
- as most noble idea, 658-659
- mysticism vs., xiv-xviii
- nature of, 138
- Neo-Teching of, 167-171
- neocheating in, 575-576
- omnipotence in, 437-444
- problem solving by, 510
- prosperity and, 445-459
- purpose of, 607
- undermining of, 136
- value creation by, 445-459
- as vehicle for biological immortality, 431-432
- women in, 109
- Business friendships, 241
- Business-like thinking, 54, 198
- Business mind, 33, 204, 205
- Aristotle as father of, 220
- mystic mind vs., 453-454
- altruism in, 604, 605, 606, 628-629
- self-defeating acts by, 634
- Business philosophy, 601
- Business quislings, 450, 451, 605, 606
- C -
- Caffeine, 87, 89, 91, 459
- Calvin, John, 49-50
- Cambodia, 199, 228, 451
- Cameras, 128
- Cancer, D, 88, 128, 137, 178, 179, 452, 493, 680
- Capital punishment, 141, 247
- for adultery, 49
- Capitalism, 51, 116, 117, 118, 125, 127, 128, 164, 631, 664, 666, see also Free
- enterprise; Free market
- altruism vs., 610, 639
- apologies for, 610
- Aristotle and, 638
- attack on, 634
- connotations of, 600
- decline of, 606
- defined, 164, 600, 604, 607
- fear of, 619
- implementation of principles of, 606
- nature of, 601, 607
- rise of, 114, 136, 225
- standard of living and, 604
- standards of, 600, 601, 603, 608, 638, 639-640
- undermining of, 604
- Capone, Al, xiv
- Car pooling, 269
- Carbohydrate diets, 85
- Carbohydrate metabolism, 91
- Cardinals, 168
- Cards, 512, 513, 515, 516, 517, 521, 526, 527, see also specific games
- as metaphor, 567
- wasted world of, 567-580
- Cardsharps, 571-572
- Career advancement, 77
- Career housewives, 106-110
- Carelessness, 85
- Caring, 80
- Carnegie, Andrew, xiv, 165, 429, 663, 668
- Carson, Rachel, 170
- Cartels, 164
- Cartoons, 226, 415
- The CAS Happiness Diet, 89, 459
- Castro, Fidel, xiv, 35, 181, 199, 228, 408
- Casual sex, 22-24, 59-60, 63, 77, 78, 92
- seduction in, 78-126
- Catholic Priest Association, 183
- Catholicism, 47, 48, 49, 112, 113, see also Christianity; Church
- art and, 224, 225, 229, 416
- birth control and, 51
- ethics of, 246
- non sequiturs and, 416
- oppression of women and, 118
- Cause and effect, 598
- CEI, see Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Celestial forces, 37
- Celibacy, 49, 192
- Cells, 160
- Censorship, 133, 163, 182-185
- Certainty, 188
- Change, 62, see also specific types
- of another's nature, 67
- capacity for, 99
- environmental, 422
- evolutionary, see Evolution
- as nature of matter and energy, 462, 466-468
- positive, 16
- Chants, 222, 228, 416, 593, 594
- Character, 6, 80, 108
- development of, 12, 62, 68, 80, 81, 85, 94, 99, 101
- evolvement of, 12
- judgment of, 189
- of value producers, 202
- Character faults, 126
- Charisma, 190
- Cheaters, see also Cheating; specific types
- characteristics of, 524
- classical, 576
- neo-, see Neocheaters
- traditional, 524, 576
- Cheating, B, see also Cheaters; specific types
- as metaphor, 567, 576-577
- neo-, see Neocheating
- Chemical & Engineering News, 628, 629
- Chemical World, 603
- Child
- burial of, 3-5
- of past, 3
- Childbirth, 86, 108
- Childhood diseases, 108
- Children, 75, see also Infants
- abuse of, 150
- adult sex with, 130
- crimes against, 151
- death understood by, 643
- discipline of, 76
- duty to, 14
- individual rights of, 76
- love between parents and, 75
- minds of, 150, 151
- molestation of, 150
- mysticism and, 643
- Neo-Tech oriented, 107, 108
- protection of, 149-151
- raising of, 106-110
- respect for, 76
- responsibility of parents to, 252
- sexual experiences of, 76
- China, see Peoples Republic of China
- Chinese literature, 592
- Chocolate, 91
- Choice, 11, 37, 38, 88
- free, xi-xii, 43, 67, 72, 93, 125, 146
- freedom of, 117
- Hobson's, 506
- key, xii-xiv
- morality and, xviii
- types of, xii
- Cholesterol, 87
- Chopin, vii
- Christ, see Jesus
- Christian Science, 595
- Christianity, 44, 111, 112
- anti-sexual values of, 50-51
- born-again, 52, 112, 593
- condemnation of emotions in, 56-57
- ethics of, 28, 32, 56, 116, 198, 246
- founding of, 445
- fundamentalist, 52, 112, 408
- guilt and, 56, 57
- libertarian, 408
- objectivist, 408
- oppression and, 29-30, 135
- rise of, 112, 135
- romantic love challenge of, 135
- sexuality and, 51
- weakening of, 136
- Christmas Story, 168
- Church, 114, see also Catholicism; Christianity; Religion
- Renaissance vs., 112-113
- Church of Scientology, 32, 43, 595
- Cigarette smoking, 91, 121, 478
- Circles, 479
- The City of God, 47
- Civic achievement, 158
- Civic recognition, 158
- Civilization, 17
- advanced, 40, 42
- industrial, 114
- safety of, 41
- Western, 44
- Classical liberalism, 162, see also Libertarianism
- Classical music, 225, 416
- Cloning, 255
- Closet mystics, 99
- Closets, 99
- Cluttered closets, 99
- Cocaine, 90
- Coercion, 8, 16, 17, 20, 34, 41, 59, 99, 105, 109, 117, 160, see also Force
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- religious, 51
- Coffee, 91
- Cognitive nature of man, 71
- Cognitive psychology, 71, 207
- Cohen, B., 248
- Cola, 91
- Collectivism, 125, 127, 446, see also Platonistic philosophy
- ending of, 128
- Colorado River, 482
- Comfort, Alex, 27
- Commerce, 116
- Commercial biological immortality, see Biological immortality
- Common cold, 452
- Common good, 20
- Common stock value, 167, 521, 599-646
- of Du Pont Co., 602-641
- Communication, 66, see also specific types
- body, 80
- business, 457
- indirect forms of, 82
- language and, 401
- levels of, 194-197
- mass-market, 486
- oral, 485
- outer-space, 40, 42
- precise, 244
- reason-based, 198
- regulation against, 32
- in romantic love relationships, 198
- verbal, 80
- worldwide, 31
- written, 485
- Communication maps, 66
- Communism, 43, 125
- Community standards, 184
- Compassion, 162, 165, 450
- Competence, 81
- drugs and, 90
- Competition, 128, 446, 505, 666-667
- attitude of, 456
- dynamics of, 141, 401, 409
- fear of, 40, 117, 619
- free-choice, 40
- free-market, 40, 269
- freedom and, 667
- open, 117
- in romantic love, 150
- sexual, 81
- Comprachicos, 149, 150, 151
- Compromise, 62, 66, 94
- Compulsions, 87, see also specific types
- Compulsive gambling, 92
- Computer age, 425, 479
- Computerized ostracism, 127, 128
- Computers, 128, 269, 479, 486, 488, 662, 680
- atomic-circuited, 486
- dynamics of, 476
- gravity-coded, 155, 486
- interstellar, 41, 129
- limitation overcome by, 663
- super, 482, 486
- universal, 129, 155, 486, 488
- Comte, Auguste, xx
- Con jobs, B, see also specific types
- Confessions, 46
- Confidence, 38
- Conflict resolution, 66
- Conformity, 12
- Confucius, 592
- Confuse-and-control technique, 402
- Conscious mind, see Consciousness
- Conscious mysticism, 438-439
- Consciousness, v, vi, xi-xii, xiii, xviii, 11, 23-25, 31, 37
- authority's end and, 585-598
- cosmic, 437
- defined, xi, 588-590
- development of, 590-592
- discovery of, 462, 463, 485
- existence and, 661-662
- expansion of, 588
- false accusations and, 73
- "higher", 437
- initiation of, 482
- integration of existence with, 484
- integration of Grand Cycle with, 480-484
- man-made, 441, 581
- metaphors and, 588
- mysticism as fatal virus of, 441
- natural state of, 479-480
- in outer space, 461, 473
- unchanging nature of, 462-463
- understanding of, 588-598
- universe compared to, 488-489
- Conscription, 13, 14, 133
- Conservatism, 160, 163, 177, 252, 408, 451
- religious, 408
- Constitutions
- Neo-Tech, see Neo-Tech Constitution for prosperity, psychuous pleasures and
- romantic love, see Neo-Tech Constitution
- U.S., see United States Constitution
- Consumer affairs divisions, 499
- Consumer aid organizations, 215
- Consumerism, 117, 165, 169, 170, 215, 216, 217, 236, 415
- Consumers, 236
- Context, 161, 215
- Contraception, 51, 116, 183
- Control, vi, 492, see also Discipline, thought, and control (DTC)
- of cosmos, 652
- of destiny, 4-5, 37
- of energy, 466, 484
- of existence, 484, 486, 488
- of future, 4
- of health, 88
- of life, 121
- of mass, 466, 484
- mind, 35, 581
- of nature, xi, 254, 474, 481, 482, 483, 647, 652
- of people, 44, 581-598
- of reality, 121, 231, 664
- self-, 43, 87, 121, 509
- of well-being, 89
- Cooper, Kenneth H., 86, 87
- Copeland, Lammont, 610, 611, 612
- Corporate collusions with government, 269
- Corruption, 17
- Cosmic Business Control, 669
- Cosmic consciousness, 437
- Cosmic mind, 127-129, 136, 437-444, 675-681
- development of, 681
- mystic mind vs., 680
- Cosmic power, xv, 675-676
- Cosmos, 257, 647, 664
- control of, 652
- ownership of, 651
- unlimited, 669
- Costa Rica, 510
- Country, 134, see also specific countries
- service to, 13, 14
- Court system, 138, see also Legal system
- private, 127
- Courtesans, 111
- Courtly love, 48, 112
- Cousins, 131
- Cox, Kenyon, 230
- Creation
- cycle of, 464-465
- of existence, 31-32
- of values, 158, 445-459
- Creative thinking, 251
- Crime, see also Criminals; specific types
- against children, 151
- elimination of, 127, 128
- mind, 249
- organized, 90, 91
- victimless, 133, 182, 247
- Zionist, 247
- Crime and Race, 248
- Crime in the United States, 248
- Criminal mind, 33, 123, 204, 214-216, 400, 499, see also Crime
- Criminals
- Plato as father of, 220
- Criminals, 34, see also Crime; Criminal mind; specific types
- Criticism, 16-18, 82
- avoidance of, 68
- constructive, 83
- in romantic love, 68
- Crusades, 38
- Cryonics, 256, 422, 595
- Cuba, 138, 177, 199, 228, 451
- Cubism, 228
- Cults, 408
- Cuneiform, 589
- Cunnilingus, 183, see also Oral sex
- Custom, 403
- Cyclamates, 170, 177, 178, 179
- D -
- Da Vinci, Leonardo, vii, 103
- Dance, 105
- Dark Ages, 38, 40, 44, 47, 109, 112, 133, 137, 218, 636, 637
- Das Kapital, 164
- Dating services, 101
- Day-care centers, 130
- DDT, 170, 177, 178
- DEA, see Drug Enforcement Agency
- Death, v, 63, 74, 236, 675, see also Murder
- cause of, 422
- changing perspectives about, 675-677
- children's understanding of, 643
- countdown to, 678
- from drug overdose, 89
- elimination of, 127, 651
- emotional, 236
- end of, 400, see also Biological immortality
- end of relationship due to, 64
- entropy, 469
- FDA and, 177
- government and, 27, 505
- growth, 203-208, 218, 236, 240
- life vs., 406, 478
- life after, 209, 422, 423, 644
- of love, 64
- mysticism as cause of, 441
- myths about, 209, 422-425, 644
- nature's need for, 422, 474, 481
- Plato and, 125-129
- psyche, 203-208, 218
- relating to, 679
- tragedy of, 679
- Death penalty, see Capital punishment
- DeBono, Edward, 252
- Deceit, 11
- Deception, 125, 403
- Dehypnosis, 122
- Déjà vu, 594
- Delphi oracle, 593
- Democracy, 43, 138
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- Demons, 591, 593
- Denial of feelings, 58
- Depression, 20
- Desirability, 85, 196
- Desires, 6, 61
- Despots, 158, see also specific people
- Destiny, 4-6
- control of, 37
- Destruction, xx, 35, 452, see also specific types
- God concept as tool of, 33-37
- mysticism and, 31
- of universe, 484
- of values, see Value destruction
- tools of, 35
- Destructive actions, 55
- Developing psychology, xii
- Developmental thinking, see Vertical thinking
- Devil, 48, 49
- Dewey, John, 125, 126, 151
- d'Hobach, Baron, 403
- Dialectical materialism, 126
- Diamond, Barbie, 510
- Dickens, Charles, 168
- Dictatorships, 34, 138, 158, 181, 216, see also specific dictators by name
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- racism and, 249
- Diet, 86-89, see also Nutrition
- Diet soft drinks, 179
- Diets, 85, see also specific types
- fad, 231
- Dogma, see also specific types
- Disagreements, 66
- Disarmament, 40
- The Disaster Lobby, 177
- Discipline, see also Discipline, thought, and control (DTC)
- of children, 76
- Discipline, thought, and control (DTC) method, vii, 92-94, 95, 201, 459, 509
- Discomfort, 79
- A Discourse of Voluntary Servitude, 12
- Disputes, 66
- Dissatisfaction, 95
- Distance, 473, 474
- Distort-and-destroy technique, 402
- Divide-and-rule technique, 402
- Divination, 591
- Division of labor, 103-106, 117
- Divorce, 50, 51, 62, 113, 114
- Dogma, 5-6
- Dominant/surrender sexual roles, 83
- Doomsayers, 253
- The Doomsday Syndrome, 177
- Doppler effect, 468
- Douglas, Paul L., 152-155
- Douglas, Supreme Court Justice, 185
- Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution, 85, 86
- Drama, 3, 52
- as natural high, 121
- Dream analysis, 252
- Dreaming, 251-252
- Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 679
- Drug industry, 269
- Drugs, 11, 87, 89, 90, 120, 121, 122, 150, see also specific types
- brain cell damage from, 89
- fighting of, 20
- laws against, 90, 91, 133
- overdose of, 89
- DTC, see Discipline, thought, and control
- Du Pont Co., 601, 645
- management of, 627-637, 645
- proposal for increase in value of, 602-641
- stockholders meeting at, 636-639
- Du Pont Co. Annual Report, 603
- Du Pont, Eleuthere Irenee, 165, 638
- Du Pont Magazine, 616, 617
- Du Pont, Pierre S., xiv, 630, 632-633
- The Du Pont Story, 627
- Duall, Charles H., 424
- Duty, 14, 75, 108, 109, 133, see also Responsibility; specific types
- to authority, 13
- E -
- Ear responsibility, 83
- Earth, 473, 482
- formation of, 472
- Earth-like planets, 473, 482
- Ecclesiastes, 592
- Ecology, 29, 165, 169, 170, 177, 178, 215, 216
- Economic collapse, 174
- Economic depression, 20
- Economic freedom, 111, 113
- Edison, Thomas, vii, xiv, 103, 165, 663, 668
- Education, see also Schools
- objective principles of, 126
- public, 125, 126, 151
- sex, 130
- Effort, xii, 6, 65, 125
- loyalty to, 63
- of value producers, xvii
- Egalitarianism, 28, 29, 30, 34, 43, 103, 104, 110, 187, 197, 199, 201, 446,
453, 454
- cause of, 201
- emotional, 194
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- romantic love and, 124
- Ego, 194, 595
- Ego-breaking, 194
- Egypt, 46, 586
- Ehrlich, Paul, 253
- E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Inc., see Du Pont Co.
- Einstein, Albert, xiv, 103, 256, 422, 461, 473, 661, 663, 674
- first oversight of, 480-482
- integrations of, 209
- second oversight of, 482-484
- surpassing ultimate goal of, 460-494
- unifying link and, 461-462
- Elderly, 175, 176, see also Aging
- Electric-shock experiments, 12
- Electrical power, 128
- Electronic transfer, 129, 255
- Elitism, 431
- Ellis, Albert, 27
- Ellis, Havelock, 27, 28, 76
- Ellis, I.T., 613
- Elman, D., 78
- Emotional closeness, 56
- Emotional death, 236
- Emotional egalitarianism, 194
- Emotional honesty, 58
- Emotional needs, 1, 24
- Emotional openness, 58
- Emotional thinking, 192-193
- Emotions, vii, 6, 16, see also Feelings; specific types
- Christian condemnation of, 56-57
- of fear, see Fear
- fear of, 57
- fluctuation in, vii
- irrational, 57, 120
- nature of, 119-121
- negative, 54, 120, 192, 198
- positive, 192
- purpose of, 475
- reactions to, 193
- reality and, 56
- reason and, 71
- repression of, 54, 66, 120, 192, 193, 198, 643
- suppression of, 54, 192
- value of, 53-55
- Employer-employee relationships, 103
- Ends and means, 6, 8, 105, 133, 158
- Energy, 461, 462, 465, 466, 471, 473
- changing nature of, 466-468
- control of, 466, 484
- fission, 489
- fusion, 425, 479, 489
- space travel and, 40
- spent, 468
- Engrams, 43
- Enjoyment, 123
- Enlightened Greece, 111, 135
- Enlightenment, 49
- Entelechy, 400, 566
- Entrepreneurs, xvi, 164, 653
- Entropy, 468
- Entropy death, 469
- Environmental changes, 422
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 177, 178, 179, 180, 449, 452
- Environmentalism, x, 29, 117, 157, 215, 217
- Envy, 16, 35, 69, 95, 165, 269, 199, 211-216
- causes of, 201, 211, 214, 218
- concealment of, 213
- cure for, 217
- defined, 211
- effects of, 211
- jealousy vs., 212
- of Jews, 247
- laziness and, 216-219
- nature of, 212, 213, 219
- as prime evil, 211
- roots of, 212
- tactics of, 213
- users of, 213
- EPA, see Environmental Protection Agency
- Epigrams, 226
- Epistemology, 57
- defined, 665, 666
- of Neo-Tech, 665-666
- of Rand, 663, 664
- Equality, 98
- government-enforced, 103
- of men and women, 103-153, 110, 111, 117
- Erotic thrills, 63
- Eroticism, 46
- Errors, 69, 93, 94, 190, 193, see also specific types
- allowances made for, 68
- in books, 27
- correction of, 63, 68, 69
- dishonest, 56
- honest, 56
- in judgment, 186-192
- in relationships, 63
- innocent, 190
- relationships destroyed by, 64
- sexual, 182
- ESP, see Extrasensory perception
- Ethics
- altruistic, 20, 21
- anti-sexual, 28
- Christian, 32, 56, 116, 198, 246
- Judeo, 32, 198, 246
- moral, 23
- of Neo-Tech, 255, 666
- of Platonistic philosophy, 446
- of Rand, 663, 664, 666
- self-interest as, 666
- of society, 446
- standards for, 158, 158
- value production as, 666, 668
- Victorian, 116
- Ethiopia, 171
- European explorers, 592
- Evangelism, 136
- Evans, Luther, 200
- Evil
- cause of, 219
- defined, 21
- envy as prime, 211
- good vs., 598, 676
- prime, 133
- Evolution, 24, 62, 101, 102, 422, 473, 481, 482, 587, 662
- consciousness and, 463
- Exchange of values, see Value exchange
- Exercise, 86, 87, see also Physical fitness
- as natural high, 121
- Existence, 490
- as axiomatic, 31, 464, 661, 665, 666, 667, 668
- components of, 465, 466
- consciousness and, 661-662
- control of, 484, 486, 488
- creation of, 31-32, 463
- infinity of, 465
- integration of consciousness with, 484
- knowledge's relationship to, 486
- meaning of, 161
- nature of, 88, 462, 463-466
- value of, 161
- who created, 31
- Existentialism, vi, 42-44, 51, 126, 186
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- Exorcism, 591
- Exploitive sex, 63
- Exploration in Hypnosis, 78
- Explorers, 592
- Explosion Cycle, 468-469, 470, 471-472
- External authorities, D, E, 9, 13, 43, 83, 120, 121, 439, see also specific
- types
- defined, 520
- Extrasensory perception (ESP), 38, 595
- F -
- Facts
- contextual, 151
- justice and, 246-249
- knowledge and, 428, 429
- Fad diets, 231
- Failure-to-judge syndrome, 186-192
- Family love, vi, 240
- Famine, 137, 170, 177
- Famous quotes, 226
- Fantasies, 51, 79, 130
- Fascism, xx, 43, 165, 269, 250, 476, 595, 600
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- Father-daughter relationships, 130
- Fatigue, 87
- Fatness, see Obesity
- FBI, see Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FDA, see Food and Drug Administration
- FDR, see Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Fear, 58, see also specific types
- of capitalism, 619
- of competition, 117, 619
- of emotions, 57
- of freedom, 117
- God concept and, 403
- incest, 76, 130
- irrational, 58
- of men, 198
- objective, 58
- of rejection, 58, 100
- of risk taking, 58
- of self-responsibility, 117, 530
- of what others think, 100
- of women, 198
- Fearlessness, 58
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 248
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 177, 178, 180
- Feelings, 6, see also Emotions; specific types
- actions and, 598
- denial of, 58
- Females, see Women
- Feminism, 103, 104, 105, 109, 110, 116, 117, 117, 118
- Ayn Rand and, 118
- Roman, 111
- Fetishes, 130
- Fine arts, 224, 225, see also specific types
- Finite knowledge, 478, 479
- Finn, John, 507, 508
- Firestone, Harvey, 165, 668
- First Amendment, 154, 184, 185
- Fission, 489
- Fitness, 85, 86-89, 150, 452, 478
- as aphrodisiac, 92
- Flagellation, 51
- Flame, Eric, 612, 613, 616
- Flint, John, 155, 581, 661, 675
- Flynt, Larry, 183
- Folk medicine, 269
- Food additives, 177
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 177, 178, 179, 180, 449, 452, 475, 499,
679, 680, 679
- Food gorging, 122
- Food industry, 269
- Food preservatives, 177
- Forbes magazine, 603
- Force, xix, 6, 11, 16, 20, 40, 59, 90, 99, 141
- abolishment of, 128
- agents of, see Agents of force
- government, 8, 13, 14, 29, 34, 38, 43, 51, 103, 104, 117, 118
- initiation of, 8, 14, 40, 41, 105, 133-134
- legalized, 43
- as moral issue, 8
- moral use of, 133, 140
- mysticism and, 147
- Neo-Tech Constitution and, 141-142, 147
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- threat of, 8, 43
- Ford, Henry, xiv, 103, 165, 679, 681
- Ford, Henry III, 165
- Fortune telling, 231
- Fraud, 8, 11, 43, 117, 133
- elimination of, 127, 128
- mysticism and, 147
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- Free choice, xi-xii, 43, 67, 72, 93, 125, 146
- Free competition, 666-667
- Free enterprise, 109, 117, 118, 125, 127, 128, 129, 170, 202, see also
- Capitalism; Free market
- enemies of, 269
- rise of, 225
- Free-individual view, see Aristotelian philosophy
- Free love, 51
- Free market, 15, 41, 43, 53, 104, 117, 128, 135, 600, see also Capitalism; Free
- enterprise
- competition in, 269
- dynamics of, 164
- Free society, 37, 59, 253
- Free speech, 184
- Freedom, 1, 2, 4, 14, 21, 26, 30, 41, 43, 65, 125, 160-166, see also specific
- types
- academic, 163
- to be oneself, 67-69
- of choice, 117
- competition and, 667
- economic, 111, 113
- fear of, 117
- future of, 133-137
- guiltless, 67-69
- history of, 133-137
- of ideas, 163
- individual, see Individual freedom
- of press, 32, 163
- as requirement for biological immortality, 428-432
- romantic love and, 92-94
- sexual, 182
- Freud, Sigmund, 12, 76, 252, 404
- Friedmann, Aleksandr, 467
- Friendship, vi, 130, 195, 238
- abstract values and, 242
- business, 241
- as draining, 241
- mirroring in, 232
- in romantic love, 240
- value of, 241
- value exchange in, 239-243
- Frigidity, 21, 22, 27, 78, 82
- Fromm, Erich, 28, 29, 32, 33, 404
- FTC, see Federal Trade Commission
- Fully integrated honesty, see Neo-Tech
- Fun, 63
- Fun-only view of sex, see Casual sex
- "The Fundamental Principle that Determines the Long-Range Common Stock Value of Corporations", 167, 600
- Fundamentalism, 52, 112, 408
- Fusion energy, 425, 479, 489
- Future, 4
- Aristotle for, 125-129
- control of, 4
- of freedom, 133-137
- mind of, 505-506
- of neocheating, 570-571
- oppression and, 133-137
- of romantic love, 117-118
- of society, 124
- value production in, 505
- of value sources, 404
- G -
- Galantine, 408
- Galaxies
- creation of, 489, 490, 491-492
- discovery of, 490-491, 492
- man-made, 490
- Galileo, xiv
- Galt, John, 405
- Gambling, 92, 583
- Gandhi, Mohandas, 121
- Genetic engineering, 425, 479
- Genetically controlled babies, 108
- Geometrical shapes, 479
- Germany, 138, 177, 227, 228, 636
- Gestaltism, 42
- Gin, 572-573
- Ginseng root, 92
- Giotto, 229
- Giuliani, 137
- Goals integration, 456, 459
- God concept, 5, 18, 20, 31, 35, 38, 121, 151, 179, 206, 216, 253, 492, 590,
662, see also Religion; Theism
- books on, 35-37
- fear and, 403
- outcompeting, 442-443
- purging of, 439-440
- as tool of destruction, 33-37
- Gold, 174
- "The Golden", 227
- Golden Age of Greece, 117, 127
- Golden opening, 3-5
- Good, 244-246
- common, 20
- evil vs., 598, 676
- "higher", 35
- Good-thought (GT) jealousy, 69-72
- Googol-year Cycle, 471, 472, 480, 481, 482
- Googolth-of-a-Second Cycle, 470-471
- Gould, Jay, vii, xiv, 16, 17, 167, 204, 205, 668
- Government, 2, 18, 37, 38, see also specific types
- absence of, see Anarchy
- art sponsored by, 53
- as big lie, 133
- coercive, 41
- control from, 43
- corporate collusions with, 269
- country vs., 134
- death machines of, 177-180
- end of, 597
- essence of, 176
- force used by, 8, 13, 14, 29, 34, 38, 43, 51, 103, 104, 117, 118
- as fraud, 165
- honest, 133, 139
- honest work in, 174
- lack of, 138
- legitimate, 139
- limited, 138
- murder by, 449
- as mystical, 403
- nature of, 176
- need for, 172
- nonforce, 139, 236
- origins of, 178
- power of, 83
- property of, 139
- protection from, 172-177
- reasons for existence of, 133
- schools run by, 125, 126, 151
- voluntarily supported, 139
- world, 136
- Government agencies, see specific agencies
- Goya, 229
- Graham, Billy, 228
- Grand Cycle, 466-468, 473
- alteration of, 489, 491
- hypothetical nature of, 484
- integration of consciousness with, 480-484
- prevention of completion of, 483, 491
- Super, 472-473
- Grant, Campbell, 183
- Graphoanalysis, 231
- Graphology, 231
- Gravity, 469, 470, 471
- man-made, 491
- Gravity-coded (programmed) computer, 486
- Grayson, 178
- Greatness, 106-110
- Greece, 111, see also Greeks
- ancient, 135, 257
- enlightened, 135
- Golden Age of, 127
- Greed, 418
- Greeks, 593, 662, see also Greece
- Greenewalt, Crawford H., 610, 611
- Gridlock matrix, 401
- Growth, iv, v, 20, 60, 64, 95, 240, 249
- intellectual, 94
- into future, 4
- of mind, iv
- mutual, 93
- needs for, 65
- personal, see Personal growth
- psychuous, 75
- self, 18
- sharing of, 97
- value, 239
- Growth death, 203-208, 218, 236, 240
- GT, see Good-thought
- Guilt, 12, 30, 33, 54, 56, 84, 104
- Christianity and, 56, 57
- discovery of, 592
- false, 57
- masturbation, 106
- sex and, 22, 23, 44
- subconscious, 22, 32, 56
- unearned, b, 123
- unjust, 16-18
- Guns-and-Fists Empire, 679
- Gurus, 196, 426
- Gypsies, 149
- H -
- Hallucinations, 591
- Hamilton, Mark, 269, 459, 505, 568, 654, 660, 669-673, 675, 680
- Hammond, William, 114
- Hand-made goods, 269
- Happiness, xxii-xxiii, 123, 675
- addictions and, 87
- business as fountainhead of, 454
- capacity for, 38
- components of, 677-678
- forever, 257
- as goal of life, 677-678
- goals for, 11
- identification of, 403
- judgment and, 187
- lifetime of, 139-149
- long-term, xxii
- misery vs., 198-203
- oppression of, 44-52
- poetry and, 53
- productiveness and, 198
- rational, 54
- as requirement for biological immortality, 426-428
- requirements for, 2-3, 11, 241
- retention of, 20
- short-term, xxii
- terminal loss of, 181
- test for, 11-12
- unbearable, 56
- unlimited, 659
- Happiness director, 455
- Headaches, 452
- Healing, 208
- Healms, Jesse, xiii
- Health, x, 11, 88, see also Physical fitness
- advances in, 476
- health, see Mental health
- sexual, 27
- Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), 449
- Heart disease, D, 88, 452, 680
- Heaven, 591, 595
- Hector, 589
- Hefner, Hugh M., 22, 23, 183
- Hegel, Georg, xx, 636
- Helen, 589
- Henry VIII, 49
- Henry Straus & Co., 626
- Heracleitus, 127
- Herbicides, 177
- Heroin, 90
- Herpes, 60
- HEW, see Health, Education and Welfare
- Hieroglyphics, 589
- Hiertatic writing, 589
- High-cholesterol diets, 87
- High-protein diets, 85, 87
- Higher causes, xiii, 20, 31, 34, see also specific types
- Higher consciousness, 437
- Higher good, 35
- Higher-power concept, 31, see also God concept
- Highs, 121-123, see also specific types
- Highest cause, 12
- Hippies, 46
- Hit & Run, 170
- Hitler, Adolph, xiv, xvi, xix, xx, 29, 35, 103, 126, 162, 185, 227, 228, 253,
404, 416, 450 as altruist, xix, 235, 636
- History, 252
- Hobson's choices, 506
- Holographs, 255
- Holy Bible, xv, 28, 29, 32, 187, 206, 404, 432, 490
- New Testament of, 593
- Old Testament of, 586, 592
- Homer, 591
- Homeric women, 111
- Homo, 589
- Homosexuality, 81, 130, 131, 233
- National Association for Research and Treatment of Homosexuality, 131
- Honesty, i, 15, 54, 125
- emotional, 58
- fully integrated, see Neo-Tech
- loyalty to, 12, 102, 65-66
- as moral issue, 7
- requirements for, 65
- with romantic love partner, 65
- Hook, Sidney, 126
- Hoover Dam, 482
- Horizontal thinking, 129, 251-252
- defined, 251
- Horoscopes, 232
- Housewives, 104, 106-110
- Howe, Woodson, 153
- Hubbard, Ron, 32
- Hughes, Howard, 16, 17
- Hugo, Victor, vii, 149
- Human nature, see Man's nature
- Human rights, x, 163, 244, 451
- Humility, 58
- Humor, 129-130, 251
- essence of, 129
- put-down, 82
- sources of, 251
- Hunt, Morton M., 46
- Hurt, 64
- Hustler magazine, 183
- Huxley, Julian, 253
- Hypnosis, 78, 122, 123, 594, 595
- Hypoglycemia, 87
- I -
- Ice-cream parlors, 150
- I-ness consciousness, 195, 209, 255, 595, 650-651
- Idea-only people, 405, 406
- Idealism, vii
- Ideas, 405-406, see also specific types
- anchoring of to reality, 406, 407
- business as most noble of, 658-659
- developed, 457
- undeveloped, 457
- Idolatry, 593
- Ignorance, xxxi, 403
- The Iliad, 586, 589, 591, 592
- Image, 25
- Imagination, 403
- Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 177, 178, 180, 452, 476, 499,
- Immorality, xix-xxii
- Immortality, see Biological immortality
- Immune system, 437
- Implosion Cycle, 469-470, 471-472
- Imports, 269
- Impotence, 21, 22, 27, 78, 81-83
- intellectual, 39
- of neocheaters, 82
- Imprisonment, 237, 247
- Inadequacy, 94
- Inalienable rights, 160
- Incas, 592
- Incest, 47, 76, 130
- adult-adult, 131
- voluntary, 131
- Incompetence
- social, 100
- Indecent exposure, 183
- Independence, 88, 93, 138
- Independent judgment, 59
- India, 171, 249, 592
- Indians, 592
- Individual differences, 5, 60-62
- Individual freedom, 111, 114, 117, 164, 182
- as requirement for biological immortality, 428-432
- Individual rights, 12, 29, 61, 98, 114, 117, 118, 163
- attacks on, 103
- of children, 76
- Christianity and, 112
- defined, 119
- in enlightened Greece, 111
- government oppression of, 91
- as moral issue, 7
- necessity of, 84
- negation of, 35
- Neo-Tech Constitution and, 149
- oppression of, 44, 116
- of Palestinians, 246, 249
- Playboy Corp. defense of, 23
- property rights as same as, 84
- protection of, 43, 117, 119, 133, 250
- to suicide, 181
- undermining of, 136
- uniqueness, 98
- violation of, 83, 105, 130
- Individualism, ii, 125, 202, see also Aristotelian philosophy
- Individuals
- "average", 98
- conscious, see Consciousness
- moral value of, 192
- oppression of, 44
- responsibility of, 56
- sovereignty of, 43
- as supreme value, 128, 236, 254, 255, 425
- uniqueness of, 98-99, 191
- Industrial civilization, 114
- Industrial Philosophy, 661
- Industrial philosophy department, 167, 455, 640
- Industrial Revolution, H, a, 117, 225, 424
- Industrialization, 51
- I-ness, 195, 255, 595, 650-651
- immortality, 209-210, 255, 257, 645, 650
- Infallibility, 188
- Infants, xii, see also Children
- genetically controlled, 108
- sexual experiences of, 76
- Infatuation, 190, 192
- Infinite knowledge, 478-479, 492
- Infinite regression, 464
- Infinite space, 492
- Infinite time, 492
- Infinity, 465, 469, 472, 473-474
- bizarreness of, 473-474
- Inflation, 20, 175
- Inheritance rights, 113
- Initiation of force, 40, 41, 133-134
- Injustice, 29, 119, 455
- of jealousy, 69-72
- Inquisitions, 38, 48, 112, 136
- INS, see Immigration and Naturalization Service
- Instinct, 84, 85
- Institute of Cognitive Infomatics, 401
- Integrated thinking, 33, 218
- Integration, xviii, 194, 437
- of consciousness with existence, 484
- of consciousness with Grand Cycle, 480-484
- of left and right brain, 440
- Neo-Tech, i
- Neo-Tech as widest, 661-674
- of philosophical system, 221
- of philosophy with psychology and physiology, i
- of reality, xvi, 88
- super-wide, 437
- of time with life, 509-510
- unlimited, 441-442
- wide, 437, 661-674
- Integrity, 59, 108
- Intellectual differences, 62
- Intellectual growth, 94
- Intellectual impotence, 39
- Intellectual nature of man, 5
- Intellectual needs, 1, 24
- Intellectual well-being, 193
- Intellectualism, 169
- Intellectuals, 168, 169, 186, 215, 217, 219, 405
- Intelligence, 219
- Intense listening, 100
- Intermolecular-bonding forces, 188
- Internal-combustion engine, 128
- Internal mysticism, 120
- Internal non sequiturs, 419
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 177, 178, 180, 449, 452, 476, 679, 680
- Interstellar computer, 41, 129
- Intimacy, 60, 77
- Introduction services, 101
- Introspection, 64
- Intuition, 158
- Investors, 600
- I & O Publishing Company, xv, 438, 439, 506, 534, 564, 645
- associate units of, 654
- bantam companies of, 654
- beliefs of, 647
- business of, 510
- dedication of, 647-648
- goals of, 510, 650-652
- happiness director of, 455
- Industrial Philosophy Department of, 455
- management of, 646, 652-657
- marketing policies of, 657
- philosophy of, 648-649
- policies of, 646-657
- products of, 657
- purpose of, 64
- rewards at, 649
- standard of, 646
- statement of policies of, 646-657
- "The I & O Story", 505
- Iran, 35, 38, 177, 199, 249, 408
- Irrational actions, 22
- Irrational emotions, 57
- Irrational fear, 58
- Irrational self-interest, 160
- Irrationalism, 42
- Irrationality, 4, 474-479, 487, 488, 493,
- 494, also, see mysticism
- Islam, 246
- Israel, 246, 249, 250, see also Zionism
- J -
- Jails, 237, 247
- James, William, 126
- Jaynes, Julian, 462, 465, 520, 581, 584, 585, 586, 587, 589, 590, 592, 594,
- Jealousy, 69-72, 94
- bad-thought, 69-72, 73, 74
- envy vs., 212
- good-thought, 69-72
- nonsexual, 69
- poison core of, 72-74
- sexual, 69
- testing and, 72
- Jesus, 46, 127, 128, 223, 592
- Jews, 246, 247, 450
- Jobs, fake, 604
- Job power of Neo-Tech, 456-457
- John-Galt role playing, 405
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 162
- Jones, Jim, 228
- Jonestown, 38
- Joy, 12, 63, 123, see also Happiness
- The Joy of Sex, 27
- Juan, Don, 51, 78
- Judaism, 246, see also Jews
- ethics of, 32, 198, 246
- Judgment, 1, 56, 57
- of actions, 119
- errors in, 186-192
- failure in, 188-192
- independent, 59
- making of, 158-159
- moral, 16, 57, 119
- in romantic love, 74
- segmented, 186-192
- value, 191
- value of, 186-192
- about value destroyers, 187
- Justice, 28, 29, 30, 43, 98, 119, 179, 241, 244-246, 592
- defined, 119
- as end in itself, 247
- facts and, 246-249
- individual rights and, 119
- Neo-Tech, 400
- Justice Department, 152, 154
- Justice system, see Court system
- K -
- Kant, Immanuel, xiii, xx, 34, 404, 636
- Kennedy, Edward, 215
- Kennedy, John F., 228
- Kennedys, 165, see also specific people
- Kenneth A. Clark Foundation, 510
- Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Office, 152
- Kent, Clark, E, F
- Key choice, xii-xiv
- Keynes, John Maynard, 404, 613
- Khan, Genghis, xix, xx
- Khomeini, xx, 137, 181, 228
- Kierkegaard, Soren Aabye, 43
- Kimura, Yasuhiko, 509
- King, Martin Luther Jr., 228
- Kinsey, 76
- Knowledge, 12, 126, see also specific types
- acceleration of, 477, 486
- accumulation of, 482, 483, 485, 488
- acquisition of, 85
- creation of, 485
- existence's relationship to, 486
- expansion of, 129, 488, 493
- facts and, 428, 429
- finite, 424, 478, 479
- as function of time, 486
- gaining of, 26
- generation of, 424, 425, 479
- increasing curve of, 480
- infinite, 478-479, 492
- lack of limits to, 480
- Neothink, 483
- new units of, 485
- at speed of light, 484-489, 493
- Knox, John, 50
- Kramer, Henry, 48
- Kroc, Ray, xiv, 204, 205
- Kurtz, Paul, 253
- L -
- Labor-saving appliances, 218
- Lady-killer syndrome, 81
- Laffite-Cyon, Franoise, 28
- Laissez-faire capitalism, 164, 600, see also Capitalism; Free market
- Language, 244, 399, 401, 431, 589, 590
- body, 79, 80
- Lateral thinking, 129
- Lawyer, see Attorney
- Laziness, xii, 65, 125, 126
- defined, 201
- drugs and, 90
- enviers and, 216-219
- mechanism of, 201
- productivity vs., 198-203
- Lees, Edith, 28
- Left hemisphere of brain, 440, 581, 585, 589, 594
- "The Legal Enforcement of Morality", 183
- Legal system, see Court system
- Lenin, Vladimir, xx, 30, 137, see also Leninism
- Leninism, 34, 137, 171, 250, 408, 416, 506, 676, see also Lenin, Vladimir
- "Let there be light", 490, 492
- "Let there be power", 493
- "Let there be romantic love", 493
- "Let there be wealth", 493
- Liberalism, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, 175, 177, 199, 252, 416, 451
- classical, 162
- Liberation movements, 117, see also specific types
- Libertarian Christians, 408
- Libertarianism, 174, 177, 405, 407, 428, 429, 430
- Marxism-Leninism from, 408
- non sequiturs in, 434
- underachievers and, 506
- Lies, 16
- big, 16, 133, 167, 168, 506
- Life, 11, 12
- after-death, 209, 422, 423, 644
- approaches to, 117
- business as, 509
- changing perspectives about, 675-677
- conscious, see Consciousness
- control of, 121
- daybreak of, 400
- death vs., 406, 478, 681
- defined, vi
- happiness as goal of, 675-678
- individual as prime entity of, 14
- integration of with time, 509-510
- potential for, 63
- purpose of, xxiii, 14, 54, 139, 235, 257, 454, 507
- quality of, 91
- recognizing value of, 643-660
- rewards from, 12-13, 15-16
- sense of, 17, 18, 52, 129-130, 632-633
- as supreme value, 644
- true view of, 488
- unjust irony of, 679
- value of, 256, 433
- wasting of, 509
- Life expectancy, 476, 477, 680, see also Biological immortality
- Life-extension approaches, 432, 434
- Life-Lifting Capacity, 93
- Lifestyle, 6
- Limited government, 138
- Lincoln, Abraham, xix, 162, 165, 204, 205, 228 Mao 363
- Lincoln Star, 153
- Linking Instructions, 511-535
- Listening, 100, 588, 594
- Literature, 3, 52, 224
- as natural high, 121
- women in, 105
- Litigation, 17
- Livelihoods, bogus, 18, 604
- Locke, John, 404, 407, 671
- Logic, xviii, xx, 41, 43, 88, 126, 158, 169, 218, 219
- morals based on, 6
- Logical-fallacy syllogism, 415
- Loman, Willie, 201
- Loneliness, 99
- Long-term happiness, xxii
- Long Wave, 460-495, 505, 661, 662, 664, 669, 672, 674
- Longevity, 476, 477, 680, see also Biological immortality
- Losers, 145, 231, see also specific types
- Love, 21, 47, 238, 244-246, see also specific types
- books on, 124, 123
- courtly, 48, 112
- death of, 64
- defined, vi-vii
- eighteenth century, 50
- for everyone, 195-196
- family, vi, 240
- free, 51
- justice and, 244
- mysticism and, xxiii-xxiv
- nonsexual, vi
- omnipotence in, 437-444
- between parents and children, 75
- philosophy for, 123
- requirements for, 2-3
- romantic, see Romantic love
- of self, 18
- sex and, 49
- types of, vi
- Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), 87
- Low-carbohydrate diets, 86, 87
- Luck, 53, 582, 584
- Lust, 46, 47
- Luther, Martin, 49
- Lyrics, 222, 223, 226
- M -
- Machiavelli, 401
- Machoism, 22, 78
- Maddox, J., 177
- Mafia, 215
- Majority rule, 43, see also Democracy
- Malaria, 170, 177
- Malathus, Thomas, 253
- Malefactors, 211-216, see also specific people; specific types
- classes of, 214
- Males, see Men
- Malnutrition, 177
- Man, see also Men; Women
- nature of, see Man's nature
- Man-killer syndrome, 81
- Man-made consciousness, 441, 581
- Man-made galaxies, 490
- The Man Who Laughs, 149
- Management
- of Du Pont Co., 627-637, 645
- of I & O Publishing, 646, 652-657
- responsibilities of, 459
- value of, 608
- Management Newsletter, Du Pont, 609, 610-613, 614-615, 617, 626, 627
- Management power, 458-459
- Manipulation, 78, 121
- Man's nature, xviii, xxi, 1, 2, 124, 133, 159, 600, 605, 644
- basic elements of, 5
- biological, 84, 88, 121
- cognitive, 71
- intellectual, 5
- physical, 5, 83
- psychological, 5, 83
- sexual, 12
- Manson, Charles, 29, 103
- Mao Tse-Tung, xix, xx, 35, 103, 137, 185, 235, 416, 447, see also Maoism
- Maoism, 137, 595, 676, see also Mao Tse-Tung
- Marcuse, Herbert, 12
- Marijuana, 89-92
- Markets, 174
- Marketing, 431
- Marketplace, 400, 406-407, 657
- Marriage, 27, 47, 50, 78
- books on, 62, 123
- Calvinist, 50
- as civil contract, 50, 113
- of cousins, 131
- legal, 78
- plural, 130
- sex and, 48, 49, 77
- virginal, 77
- Mars, 128, 129
- Marx, Karl, xx, 126, 164, 201, 484, see also Marxism
- Marxism, xx, 34, 35, 137, 171, 199, 250, 408, 476, 506, 595, see also Marx, Karl
- Masochism, 131
- Mass, 461, 465, 466, 471, 473
- changing nature of, 466-468
- control of, 466, 484
- Mass-market communication, 486
- Mass murder, 137, 191, 199
- Mass production, 127
- Master neocheaters, D, G, i, 574, see also Master neocheating
- defined, xvii
- identification of, 403
- Master neocheating, see also Master neocheaters
- examples of, 578-579
- Masters and Johnson, 90
- Masturbation, 28, 76, 106
- Material values, see Tangible values
- Material world, 156, 163
- Materialism, 126
- Mathematics, 188, 431, 488, 490
- Matter, 462
- Maturity, 12
- Maximum capacity units, 505
- McCoy, Charles B., 612, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632-633, 636
- Mead, Margaret, 253
- The Meaning of Life, 460, 488, 489
- Means and ends, 6, 8
- Mediocrity, 17
- Meditation, 595
- transcendental, 42
- Meier, Peter, 401
- Mein Kampf, xix
- Memento mori, 422-423, 643-660
- Memoires vs. Massachusetts, 184
- Memory, 3, 485
- Men, see also specific men by name
- achievements of, 246, 248
- differences between women and, 103, 233-370
- emotional needs of, 233
- emotions of, 233
- equality of women and, 103-153, 110, 111, 117
- exclusive experience of, 233-234
- fears of, 198
- nature of, 1-3, 233-234
- peaceful core needs of, 233-234
- penetrator experience of, 233
- productivity of, 105, 110
- psychosexual dominance of, 83
- tender feelings and, 198
- women as supreme value to, 233
- Menstruation, 86
- Mental breakdown, 211
- Mental default, 218
- Mental health, 193
- control over, 88
- self-esteem and, 71
- mysticism and, 71
- Meono, Rosa Maria, 510
- Mercy, 246, 247
- Mesopotamia, 586
- Messiahs, 206, see also specific messiahs
- Metabolic problems, 85
- Metaphors, 230, 516-517, 588, see also specific types
- Metaphysics, 595
- in business, 664-665
- defined, 664
- of Neo-Tech, 664-665
- of Rand, 663, 664
- Michelangelo, vii, xiv, 225, 226, 422
- Milgrams, Stanley, 9
- Military draft, 13, 14, 133
- Milky Way, 473
- Mill, John Stuart, 407
- Miller vs. California, 184
- Milton, John, 50
- Minarchy, 138
- Mind, see also Brain
- bicameral, see Bicameral mind
- biological function of, 88
- body connection with, 24, 87, 88, 421, 429
- business, see Business mind
- of children, 150, 151
- conscious, see Consciousness
- cosmic, see Cosmic mind
- criminal, see Criminal mind
- crippling of, 29
- electronic transfer of contents of, 255
- of future, 505-506
- growth of, iv
- healing powers of, 208
- mystic, see Mystic mind
- mystic-free, see Cosmic mind
- nature of, 88
- as neuter, 103
- rational, 4, 5, 24, 37
- spiritual, 437
- subconscious, see Subconscious mind
- subliminal, 437
- Neo-Tech, see Cosmic mind
- Mind control, 581, 595
- Mind-created "reality", iii, viii, ix, xx, 126, 402
- Mind crimes, 249
- Mind-over-matter concept, 26, 88, 399
- Mind power, 437
- Mining industry, 269
- Minorities, 12, 117, see also specific types
- rights of, 12
- Mirroring, 232
- Misery vs. happiness, 198-203
- Missing link, 585, 590, 661
- Modern art, 224, 228-230
- Money, xxiv, 658, 682, see also Prosperity
- Monogamous relationships, 60
- Monopolies, 164
- Monty Python, 460, 488, 489
- Moon landings, 128, 482, see also Space travel
- Moral absolutes, 6-8
- Moral ethics, 23
- Moral issues, 7-8, see also specific types
- Moral judgments, 16, 57, 57, 119
- Moral standards, 6
- Moral values, 192
- Moral virtue, 21
- Morality, xxiii, 44, 186, 592, see also Morals
- of agents of forces, 145
- choice and, xviii
- defined, xix, 144
- foundation of, 8
- judgment and, 188
- of mystics, 144-145
- of neocheaters, 144-145
- of nonmystics, 145
- Morals, xviii-xix, see also Morality
- defined, xix
- objective, 6
- standards for, 158
- subjective, 6
- universal, 6
- Morant, Breaker, 430
- More Joy, 27
- Moses, 592
- Moslems, 249
- Mothers, 104, see also Parents
- Mountebanks, 124
- Mouth responsibility, 16, 83, 120-121
- defined, 120
- Movies, 3
- Mozart, 422
- Multiple partners in sex, 60-62, see also Promiscuity
- Mumbling, 584
- Murder, 29, 35, 121, 130, 132, 137, 181, 191, 248, see also Death
- by government, 449
- punishment for, 247
- Muscles, 79
- tension in, 122
- Museum of Modern Art, New York, 229
- Music, 52, 224, 588, 593, 594, see also specific types
- classical, 225, 416
- as natural high, 121
- as non sequitur, 416
- rock, 222, 223
- women in, 105, 109
- Mussolini, 450
- Mylar, 622
- Mystic-free mind, see Cosmic mind
- Mystic mind
- business mind vs., 453-454
- cosmic mind vs., 680
- Mystical awareness, 231-232
- Mystical experiences, 121
- Mystical illusions, 403
- Mysticism, i, 18, 41, 44, 99, 682, see also Mystics; Platonistic philosophy;
- specific types
- addictions and, 89-92
- business vs., xiv-xviii
- business as antithesis of, 435
- as cause of death, 422, 441
- as cause of evil, 219
- causes of, 217
- children and, 643
- collapse of, 661-674
- conscious vs. subconscious, 438-439
- defined, vii-viii, 142, 416, 530, 533, 682
- destruction and, 31
- as disease, viii
- dismissing, 139
- elimination of, 77, 128, 399-400, 597, 659
- essence of, 126, 430, 434
- as fatal virus of conscious mind, 441
- force and, 147
- fraud and, 147
- internal, 120
- last line of defense of, 440-441
- love and, xxiii-xxiv
- mental illness and, 71
- nature of, 143-144
- Neo-Tech Constitution and, 142
- nonmysticism vs., 533
- origin of, 421
- personal, 121
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- pride as negator of, 44
- problems created by, 445-459, 510
- of Ayn Rand, 121
- scientific, 38
- self-, 130, 530
- subconscious, 438-439, 440, 441
- as suicide, 509
- symptoms of, 475
- techniques of, 32-33
- tools of, 35
- worldwide collapse of, 661-674
- Mystics, D, 682, see also Mysticism; specific people
- Achilles' heel of, 415-420
- closet, 99
- death of, 442-443
- defined, ix, 682
- disguised, 99
- morality of, 144-145
- nature of, 423
- Neo-Teching of world of, 167-171
- nonmystics vs., ix-xi
- protection of children from, 149-151
- rejection of, 152-155
- types of, 99
- Myths, 37-42, see also specific types
- about art, 52, 53
- about biological immortality, 209-210, 422-425, 478
- astrology, 37
- children and, 151
- about death, 422-425, 644
- democratic, 43
- greatest of all, 160
- scientific, 38
- UFO's, 37
- N -
- Nader, Ralph, xiv, xix, 103, 165, 170, 200, 204, 205, 215, 235, 400,
- Nanotechnology, 129, 254, 425, 433, 479, 486, 676
- National defense, 138, 139, 177
- in Israel, 246
- National Organization for Women (NOW), 23
- "National will", 636
- Natural beauty, 101
- Natural body functions, 85-86
- Natural highs, 121-123, see also specific types
- Natural law, 404
- Natural phenomena, 84-85
- Nature, 18, 38
- alteration of, 479, 480, 483, 647
- of animals, xviii
- control of, xi, 254, 474, 481, 482, 483, 647, 652
- domination of, 480
- dynamics of, 489, 490-491
- forces of, 37
- laws of, 662
- of man, see Man's nature
- returning to, 269
- variables of, 5
- of mystics and neocheaters, 20
- Nazi Germany, 138, 177, 227, 228, 499, 636
- Nebraska Consumer Protection Division, 152
- Neck stiffness, 122
- Needs, 6, 11, 127, see also specific types
- biological, 1, 6, 11, 24, 88
- emotional, 1, 24
- for growth, 65
- intellectual, 1, 24
- physical, 1, 12, 24
- psychological, 1, 12, 24
- Negative emotions, 54, 120, 192, 198, see also specific types
- Negativity, 66
- Neo-Tech, F, xv, 682
- aesthetics of, 667-668
- altruism vs., 219-220
- as Antichrist, 598
- Aristotle and, 158, 220-222
- basis of, 426
- benefits of, A-H
- business, 167
- children oriented towards, 107, 108
- dedication of, b
- defined, A-H, iii-iv, 180, 192, 236, 237, 406, 409, 662, 682
- development of, 521-530
- discovery of, A-H, see also Neo-Tech Discovery
- epistemology of, 665-666
- ethics of, 255, 666
- foundations for, 670
- freedom and, 136
- future values for owners of, 530-535
- goal of
- happiness and, 445-459
- highest profits of, G
- implications of, 596-597
- integrations of, i
- job power of, 456-457
- justice of, 400
- Linking Instructions for, 511-535
- management power of, 458-459
- marketplace origins of, 406-407
- metaphysics of, 664-665
- negative reactions to, 534-535
- nervous system and, 88
- oppression and, 136
- order of, 400
- origins of, 515
- other books, 26
- other idea systems vs., 410-411
- philosophical roots of, 221
- philosophy of, 661, 674
- Plato and, 220-222
- politics of, 666-667
- positive reactions to, 535-562
- power, 257
- preparing for, 512-521
- predicting stock prices, 599
- primary concepts of, 401
- prosperity and, 445-459
- quotes about, 536
- as racism solution, 249-251
- reactions to, 534-562
- reasons for success of, 405-411
- references on, 404
- requirements for, B
- roots of, A
- Silver Bullet of, 506-507
- as unbeatable, 677
- as unstoppable, 257
- as widest integration, 661-674
- Neo-Tech I, 431, 512-516, 563, 565, 567-577, see also Neo-Tech Prediscovery
- neocheating and, 515-516
- Neo-Tech II, 422, 431, 512-513, 514-515, 563, 596, see also Neo-Tech Discovery
- psychuous concepts and, 518-520
- Neo-Tech III, 431, 462, 465, 563, 566, 581-598
- authority's end and, 520-521
- Neo-Tech IV, 167, 431, 521, 563, 566, 599-646, 645
- Neo-Tech V, 422, 431, 455, 477, 521, 563, 566, 643-660
- Neo-Tech Advantages, 3, 512
- Neo-Tech Army, cover 2
- Neo-Tech Bible, xvi
- "Neo-Tech and Business", 59
- Neo-Tech Business Success, 599
- Neo-Tech concepts, 1, see also specific types
- defined, iv
- Neo-Tech Constitution, 138-139, 140-149, 666-667
- axioms of, 141
- background for, 141
- enforcement of, 141
- force and, 141-142, 147
- implementation of, 148-149
- mysticism and, 142
- neocheating and, 142-143
- preamble to, 140
- voting for, 148
- Neo-Tech Control, 459
- Neo-Tech Discovery, 403-404, 507, 511, 515, 565, 567, 573-577, see also
- Neo-Tech II
- Neo-Tech Information Package, 180
- Neo-Tech Instructions, 511-535
- Neo-Tech Matrix, xxxi, 7, 22, 97, 400, 401-402, 453
- defined, 401
- Einstein's ultimate goal and, 460
- spread of, 257
- Neo-Tech mind, see Cosmic mind
- Neo-Tech Pincer Movements
#1, 661, 677 680-681
#2, 669-673, 677, 680-681
- Neo-Tech Prediscovery, 513-514, 565, 567-577, see also Neo-Tech I
- Neo-Tech Protection Kit, 152, 153
- Neo-Tech Research and Writing Centers, 20, 152, 153, 210, 438, 661
- opening report from, 15-20
- opportunities at, 510
- Neo-Tech Research and Writing Institute, 584
- Neo-Tech succeeds, 405
- Neo-Tech/Neothink business system, 406
- Neo-Tech Waves, 4, 137, 678
- Neo-Tech web, 402
- Neo-Tech World Summits, first, 478
- second, 505, 661, 668
- third, 505
- Neo-Teching of business, 167-171
- Neocheaters, C-D, E, F, x, xxi, 30, 199, 682, see also Neocheating; specific
- people
- abandoning of, 9-10
- Achilles' heel of, 415-420
- cardsharps vs., 571-572
- characteristics of, 524, 570
- death of, 442-443
- defined, 180, 571, 682
- feminist, 117
- impotence of, 82
- master, see Master neocheaters
- morality of, 144-145
- nature of, 173, 423
- Neo-Teching of world of, 167-171
- nonmystics vs., ix-xi
- notice to, 532-533
- politicians as premier, 418-419
- protection from, 149-151, 531-533
- rejection of, 152-155
- traditional cheaters vs., 524
- as unbeatable, 572
- Neocheating, D, E, G, 682, see also Neocheaters
- in business, 575-576
- in cards, 508, 513, 515, 517, 526, 567-580
- causes of, 218
- concepts behind, 575
- criteria for, 578-579
- defined, viii-ix, 142, 194, 416, 530, 569, 682
- detection of, 571
- discovery of, 567-580, 575
- as easy, 569, 570
- elimination of, 18, 399-400
- essence of, 430, 434
- evolution of, 569
- future of, 570-571
- metaphors in understanding of, 516-517
- nature of, 168
- Neo-Tech Constitution and, 142-143
- original book on, 569
- origins of, 445, 569
- in politics, 575-576
- power of, 443
- prediscovery, 567
- in religion, 575-576
- revealing of, 573
- safety of, 569, 570
- in social relationships, 575-576
- spread of, 571
- understanding of, 574
- Neocheating Manuscript, 506, 565
- Neothink, 89, 137, 505-510, 585, 597, 665-666
- knowledge and, 483
- limitation overcome by, 663
- mechanisms of, 663
- as mind of future, 505-506
- power of, 443-444
- seven units of, 209
- Neothink matrices, 401
- Neothink web, 402
- Nervous system, 79, 88
- Nervousness, 100
- Neurosis, see also specific types
- Neurotic sex, 47
- Neurotic values, 52
- New Testament, 593
- New Think, 252
- New-wave churches, 51
- New York City, 35, 199
- New York Stock Exchange, 609
- Newspeak, 244
- NHTSA, see National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Nicaragua, 177, 199, 451
- Nicotine, 87, 121
- Nidal, Abu, 181
- Nitrogen fixation, 621
- Nobel Prize, 168
- Non sequiturs, i, xx, 32, 33, 57, 99, 109, see also specific types
- art as, 225
- defined, 180, 415
- in education, 126
- internal, 419
- personal use of, 419
- romantic love and, 124
- rules and, 26
- secret of, 415-420
- understanding of, 416
- Noneuclidean mathematics, 188
- Nonjudgmental values, 60, 61
- Nonmarital love, 76-78
- Nonmysticism, see also Nonmystics
- defined, 533
- mysticism vs., 533
- Nonmystics, see also Nonmysticism; specific types
- defined, xi
- morality of, 145
- mystics vs., ix-xi
- neocheaters vs., ix-xi
- Nonsexual jealousy, 69
- Nonsexual love, vi
- Notes, 720
- November-3rd Empire, 679, 680, see also Guns-and-Fists Empire
- NOW, see National Organization for Women
- Nuclear-Decision Threshold, 40, 41, 219, 478, 676
- Nuclear power, 128
- Nuclear technology, 662
- Nuclear war, 40, 136, 137
- Nude bathing, 183
- Nude streaking fad, 183
- Nutrition, x, see also Diet
- Nutritional advocates, 415
- Nutritional approaches to immortality, 432, 434
- Nylon, 611
- O -
- "Obedience to Authority", 9
- Obesity, 85, 86, 92
- Objective art, 224
- Objective fear, 58
- Objective law, 119, 133, 179
- Objective morals, 6
- Objective reality, 11, 126, 189, 193
- Objective standards, 159
- Objective thinking, 192-193
- Objective values, 32, 33, 52, 61
- Objectivism, 405, 407, 428, 429, 430, 661, 663, 664, 670, 672, 674, see also
- Aristotelian philosophy; Rand, Ayn
- Ayatollism from, 408
- contrasting ideas of, 671
- Galatians and, 408
- non sequiturs in, 434
- underachievers and, 506
- Objectivist Christians, 408
- The Objectivist Forum, 405
- Objectivity, 15, 31
- Obscenity, 182
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 177, 178, 180, 449
- The Odyssey, 586, 591
- Old Testament, 586, 592
- Omaha World-Herald, 153
- Omens, 591
- Omnipotence
- in business, 437-444
- in love, 437-444
- Omniscience, 188
- Onassis, Aristotle, 16, 17
- O'Neill, George, 27
- O'Neill, Nina, 27
1 + 1 + 1 movie, 609, 619-627
- Open Marriage, 27
- Openness, 79, 123, 196, 197
- Opinions of others, 59
- Oppression, 83, see also specific types
- Christianity and, 44-52
- future of, 133-137
- of happiness, 44-52
- history of, 133-137
- of individual, 44
- of women, 110, 111-117, 118, 133, 135
- Oracle at Delphi, 593
- Oral sex, 130, 132, 183, 233
- Organized crime, 90, 91
- Organs of the body, 160
- Orgasm, 233
- psychological, 78
- Orgy sex, 47, 63
- The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, 465,
581, 585
- Original sin, 56
- OSHA, see Occupational Health and Safety Administration
- Ostracism, 18, 127, 128, 141, 237, 253, 400, 666, 678
- Our Bodies, Ourselves, 85
- Outer space, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 424, 461, 478, see also Space; Space travel
- Overcoming the Illness Excuse, 207
- Overpopulation, 210, 424
- Ovid, 78
- Ownership
- of art, 53
- of other people, 65, 69-70
- P -
- Pain, 64, 79, 88, 181, 452
- back, 452
- childbirth, 86
- Palestinians, 246, 249
- Panzer Divisions, 228, 450
- Parables, 32, 187, 223, 226
- Paradise Lost, 50
- Parents, 106-110
- love between children and, 75
- respect for children from, 76
- as scapegoats, 75-76
- Parents Without Partners, 101
- Partners, 99
- multiple, 60
- Passion, 21
- Passivity, 90
- Past, 4
- child of, 3
- freedom in, 133-137
- living in, 4
- oppression in, 133-137
- Plato and, 125-129
- Patent Office, 424
- Peace movement, x, 40, 215, 415
- Peikoff, Leonard, 404, 661, 663
- Penetrated vs. penetrator experience, 233
- Peoples Republic of China, 35, 138, 177, 228
- racism in, 249
- Perceptions, 588
- Performance anxieties, 22
- Personal appearance, 85-86
- Personal desires, 61
- Personal evolvement, 62
- Personal freedom, see Individual freedom
- Personal growth, 52, 67, 94
- housewives and, 106
- sharing of, 97
- Personal mysticism, 121
- Personal power, 426-428
- Personal preferences, 6, 61
- Personal values, 60, 192
- Personal worth, 59, 98-99
- Personality, 61, 80, 108
- development of, 123
- Pesticides, 170, 177, see also specific types
- Petroleum industry, 269
- Pets, 675
- Phoenician commerce, xiv
- Philanthropists, 165, see also specific people
- Philosophers, 453, see also Philosophy; specific philosophers by name
- job of, i
- Philosophy, i-ii, xiii, see also Philosophers; specific types
- Aristotelian, see Aristotelian philosophy
- books on, 453
- business, 601
- essence of, 673
- of I & O Publishing, 648-649
- importance of, 125
- integration of with psychology and physiology, i
- of Neo-Tech, 674
- non sequiturs in, 57
- for romantic love, 123
- widest integration, 661
- Platonistic, see Platonistic philosophy
- power and, 158
- for romantic love, 123-125
- subconscious, 18
- summary of, 663-665
- types of, ii
- women in, 109
- Phnom Penh, 199
- Physical appearance, 81-83, 101
- Physical awareness, 24
- Physical beauty, 81-83, 101
- Physical differences, 62
- Physical fitness, 85, 86-89, 150, 478
- as aphrodisiac, 92
- Physical nature of man, 5, 83
- Physical needs, 1, 12, 24
- Physicians, 75
- Physics, 188, 489, 490
- Physiological differences between men and women, 103, 233-234
- Physiology, ii, 87
- integration of with philosophy, i
- Picasso, Pablo, 229
- Pincer Movements, see Neo-Tech Pincer Movements
- Ping, Li, 181
- PK, see Psychokinesis
- Planets, 39, 473
- Plant tours, 612
- Plato, ii, xiii, xiv, xx, 125-129, 127, 156-159, 220-222, 253, 404, 594, 671,
672, see also Platonistic philosophy
- as father of criminal mind, 220
- Platonistic philosophy, ii, 2, 13, 40, 42, 43, 124, 128-129, 158, 220-222, see
- also Altruism; Collectivism; Mysticism; Plato
- communication and, 198
- ethics of, 446
- foundation of, 221
- man's nature and, 2
- reality and, 2
- utopias and, 252
- Playboy Corporation, 23, 182
- Playboy Forum, 23, 182, 183
- Playboy Foundation, 23, 182
- Playboy magazine, 22, 23, 183
- Playboy philosophy, 182
- Playboy Press, 183
- Playboy view of sex, see Casual sex
- Plays, 3, see also specific plays
- Pleasure, 12, 15, 123, see also specific types
- aesthetic, 52-79
- irrational, 11
- oppression of, 44
- psychuous, see Psychuous pleasures
- from romantic love, 21
- sensuous, v
- as sin, 48
- Plural marriages, 130
- Poetry, 53, 222-231, 593, 594
- anti-intellectual nature of, 222
- Aristotelian-based, 226
- foundations of, 223
- nature of, 227
- thinking and, 226
- use of, 226
- Poker, A, 508, 515, 572, 582, 583
- bicameral mind in, 583-584
- books on, 584
- Poker, A Guaranteed Income for Life, 573
- Police, 127, 138, 139, 237
- private, 127
- Political cartoons, 226, 415
- Politics, xx, 31, 125, 138, 595, see also specific types
- books on, 453
- defined, 666-667
- of Neo-Tech, 666-667
- neocheating in, 575-576
- of Rand, 663, 664, 666
- Pollution, 20
- Polygamy, 130
- Pope Innocent VIII, 112
- Pope John Paul, xix
- Pope Paul, 228
- Popes, xiv, xvi, 47, 48, 156, 168, 416, see also specific popes by name
- power of, 48
- Pornography, 51, 116, 118
- Positive thinking, 399, 434, 437, 567
- books on, 26
- Possessiveness, 72, 95
- Pot, Pol, xiv, xx, 4, 103, 181, 199, 235
- Poverty, 20, 127, 452
- elimination of, 128, 137
- Power, C, i, xxiv, 156-159, 492, 566, see also specific types
- cosmic, 675-676
- earned, 447
- genuine,194
- government, 83
- job, 456-457
- lifetime of, 139-149
- management, 458-459
- mind, 437
- Neo-Tech as essence
- of neocheating, 443
- of Neothink, 443-444
- philosophical origin of, 158
- as requirement for biological immortality, 426-428
- sexual, 82
- supra, 437-444
- unearned, 447
- Powercrats, 20
- Pragmatism, 610
- Praise, 68
- Prayer, 91, 92
- end of, 442-443
- origin of, 591
- in schools, 418
- Pre Neo-Tech years, 567-580
- Pre-Renaissance, 112
- Pre-Victorianism, 113-114
- Preferences, 6, 61
- Prejudice, 12
- Premarital sex, 76-78, 130
- Present, 4
- bicameral mind in, 592-596
- Presidents, 39, 156, 159, see also specific presidents by name
- Press freedom, 32, 163
- Prices, 174
- Pride, 13, 14, 44
- Priests, 49
- Princeton University, 462, 520, 581, 584
- Principles, 158, see also specific types
- Printing, 488
- Privacy, 16, 123, 195, 196, 255
- right to, 195
- Private courts, 127
- Private protection services, 127
- Problem solving, 65-66, 88, 510
- Productivity, 12, 40
- of business, 167
- laziness vs., 198-203
- of men, 105, 110
- as moral issue, 7
- sacrifice vs., xxi
- spiral of, 476
- of women, 104-105, 109, 110
- Prohibition, 91
- Promiscuity, 27, 81, 91
- Property
- as belonging to society, 13
- government, 139
- rights to, see Property rights
- Property rights, 12, 29, 43, 98, 133, 160
- individual rights as same as, 84
- necessity of, 84
- of Palestinians, 246
- protection of, 119
- Puritans and, 50
- violation of, 105
- of women, 113
- Prosperity, i, 11, 138, 160-166, 566
- constitution for, see Neo-Tech Constitution
- goals for, 11
- identification of, 403
- irrational, 11
- judgment and, 187
- lifetime of, 139-149
- poetry and, 53
- as requirement for biological immortality, 426-428
- requirements for, 2-3, 11
- unlimited, 659
- Prostitution, 47, 111
- laws against, 133
- Victorianism and, 51
- Protection bureaucracies, see specific types
- Proving-a-negative, 179
- Pseudo intellectuals, 169
- Pseudosciences, 39, 595, see also specific types
- Psyche chats, 207
- Psyche death, 203-207
- Psychiatrists, 71, 120, 207
- Psychoanalysis, 231
- Psychokinesis (PK), 38, 39
- Psychological differences, 62, 103, 233-234
- Psychological nature of man, 5, 83
- Psychological needs, 1, 12, 24
- Psychological orgasms, 78
- Psychological problems, 120, see also specific types
- Psychological well-being, 52, 193
- Psychologists, 71, 120, 121, 124, 207
- Psychology, ii
- cognitive, 71, 207
- developing, xii
- integration of with philosophy, i
- rational, 98
- subconscious, 18
- Psychosexual dominance of man, 83
- Psychosexual virgins, 78
- Psychotherapies, 120, 121, 194, 207, see also specific types
- cognitive-based, 71
- Psychuous, defined, iv, 682
- Psychuous concepts, see also specific types
- defined, iv-v
- Neo-Tech II and, 518-520
- for personal benefit, 519-520
- Psychuous experiences, 25
- Psychuous growth, 75
- Psychuous pleasures, ii, 15, 26, 83-84
- achievement of, 63-64
- aesthetics and, 52
- age and, 74
- blocking of, 83
- capacity for, 25-26, 38
- Constitution for, see Neo-Tech Constitution
- defined, iv
- government power and, 83
- housewives and, 106
- as natural high, 121, 122
- parenting and, 107
- physical fitness and, 87
- requirements for, 1, 24-25, 81
- sensuous behavior vs., 24-25
- sensuous pleasures vs., v
- Psychuous sex, 15, 22-23, 25, 59, 80
- addictions and, 89-92
- defined, iv
- intensity of, 25
- mysticism and, 89-92
- nature of, 60
- Public education, 125, 126, 151
- Puritanism, 50, 113, 136
- sex and, 50
- Purpose of life, xxiii, 14, 54, 139, 507
- Put-down humor, 82
- Psyche death, 218
- Python, Monty, 460, 488, 489
- Q -
- Qaddafi, 181
- Quackeries, 231, see also specific types
- Quality of life, 91
- Quantum mechanics, 188, 461
- Quasars, 491
- Quiana fiber, 616
- Quotes, 226
- R -
- Ra, 59
- Racism, 51, 125, 246-250
- Neo-Tech as solution to, 249-251
- Railroads, 167
- Rand, Ayn, xiii, xiv, 19, 118, 121, 404, 407, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 670,
671, 672
- cigarette smoking and, 121
- mysticism of, 121
- philosophy of, see Objectivism
- Random-walk capacity, 98
- Rape, 47, 130, 132, 183
- Rapture, 403
- Rational actions, 2
- Rational happiness, 54
- Rational mind, 4, 5, 24, 37
- Rational psychologies, 98
- Rational self-interest, 160, 200
- Rational society, 40
- Rational thinking, 11
- Rational values, 59
- Rationalism, 50, 113
- Rationality, 3, 31, 58
- Rationalizations, 33, 87, 143
- Reading, 588
- Reality, xi, xxiii, 3, 12, 29, 31
- Aristotelian philosophy and, 2
- control of, 121, 207, 231, 664
- dealing honestly with, 54
- defined, 2
- distortion of, 89, 103
- emotions and, 56
- ideas anchored to, 406, 407
- identification of, 88
- integration of, xvi, 88
- living in, 121
- mind-created, ix, 126, 402
- morals based on, 6
- negation of, 44
- objective, 11, 126, 189, 193
- Platonistic philosophy and, 2
- understanding of, 244
- Reality highs, 121, see also specific types
- Reality-oriented philosophy, see Aristotelian philosophy
- Reason, xx, 126, 169, 188, 196, 435, 664, 665, 666
- communication based on, 198
- emotions and, 71
- morals based on, 9
- Reason magazine, 405
- Reasoning, xviii, xix, 33
- false, 186
- Red China, see Peoples Republic of China
- Reformation, 49
- Reich, Wilhelm, 12
- Rejection fears, 58, 100
- Relationships, see also specific types
- destructive, 64
- employer-employee, 103
- ending of, 64-104
- errors in, 63
- with family, vi, 240
- with friends, see Friendship
- love, see Love
- neocheating in, 575-576
- requirements for, 237
- romantic, see Romantic love
- sex as cause of change in, 240
- sexual, see Sex
- Relativity, 186
- Relaxation, 79
- Religion, xx, 2, 31, 33, 34, 37, 38, 44, 121, 125, 135, see also Church; God
- concept; specific types
- bicameral mind and, 587
- decline of, 114
- destructive effects of, 4
- effects of, 4, 23
- ethics of, 246
- fundamentalist, 52, 112, 408
- guilt and, 12
- neocheating in, 575-576
- new-wave, 51
- origins of, 591
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- sex and, 22-24
- Rembrandt, 229
- Renaissance, vii, 48, 49, 117
- art and, 224
- Church vs., 112-113
- oppression in, 136
- Repression
- of emotions, 54, 66, 120, 192, 193, 198, 643
- Republicanism, 43
- Research Institute of Biological Immortality (RIBI), 155, 160
- Resentment, 16, 35, 95
- Responsibility, 88, 160-166, see also Duty
- for actions, 56
- ear, 82
- individual, 56
- management, 459
- mouth, see Mouth responsibility
- self-, see Self-responsibility
- Responsible actions, 2
- Retirement, 424
- Reverse infatuation, 190
- Rewards
- at I & O Publishing, 649
- from life, 12-13, 15-16
- ultimate, 54
- RIBI, see Research Institute of Biological Immortality
- Right hemisphere of brain, 440, 581, 585, 589, 594
- Right and wrong, 61
- Rightness, 6
- Rights, see also specific types
- animal, x
- human, x, 163, 244, 451
- inalienable, 98, 160
- individual, see Individual rights
- minority, 12
- privacy, 195
- property, see Property rights
- violation of, 117
- Rights movements, 105, 117, see also specific types
- Risk taking, 58
- "Robber barons", 167
- Robespierre, xx
- Rock music, 222, 223
- Rockefeller, John D., 16, 17, 103, 165
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 165, 215
- Role playing, 68
- Roman Catholics, see Catholicism
- Roman civilization, 445
- Roman Empire, 46, 111, 114, 135
- decline of, 111-112
- Romance, vii, 50, see also Romantic love
- Romantic era, vi
- Romantic love, vi, xxiv, 15, 82
- abstract symbols in, 230, 231
- abstract values and, 242
- addictions and, 89-92
- benefits from, 21
- characteristics of, 240
- Christianity challenged by, 135
- communication and, 198
- competition in, 150
- Constitution for, see Neo-Tech Constitution
- criticism in, 68
- direct-action approach to, 101
- discrimination and, 194
- DTC technique, 92
- emotional closeness and, 56
- emotional openness in, 58
- ending of, 64
- fear of rejection in, 58
- finding partners for, 99-102, 190, 191
- fluctuation in, vii
- free choice in, 67
- freedom and, 92-94
- friendship in, 240
- fundamental basis of, 95-96
- future, 117-118
- honesty in, 65
- humor and, 130
- initial approaches to, 92
- judgment and, 74, 187
- judgment of potential partners for, 190, 191
- marriage and, 78
- mirroring in, 232
- modern, 116-117
- monogamous, 60
- mysticism and, 89-92
- as natural high, 121
- omnipotence in, 437-444
- parenting and, 107
- philosophy for, 123-125
- pleasures from, 21
- poetry and, 53, 222, 224
- potential for, 96
- Puritans and, 50
- requirements for, xxiii, 81
- rise of, 136
- security in, 66
- segments of, 95-96
- sharing and, 195
- standards for, 94-95
- tangible values and, 242
- three segments, 95
- twentieth century, 116
- types of, 96-97
- value exchange in, 239-243
- values and, 93, 95, 238, 239-242
- Romantic Period, vi
- Romanticism, vi, vii
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., xiv, 103, 162, 165, 228
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 58
- Roundness, 479
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, vi, xx
- Rules, see also specific types
- elimination of, 5-6
- non-sequitur, 26
- Rummel, R.T., 449
- Russia, see Soviet Union
- S -
- Sacrifice, b, ii, xix-xxii, xxi, 2, 6, 20, 21, 25, 31, 34, 84, 133,
605, 606, see also Altruism
- aging and, 74
- avoidance of, 19
- defined, 8
- as moral issue, 8
- origin of, 591
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- self-, 12, 13, 14
- Sadism, 47, 131, 132
- Samuel, 592
- Sanger, Margaret, 51
- Santa Claus, 151
- Sarren, Wilen bei, 401
- Savage, Eric, 581
- Schizophrenia, 587, 589, 594
- Schools, 125, 126, 151, see also Education
- prayer in, 418
- Schweitzer, Albert, xix, 29
- Science, 37, 594, 595, see also specific types
- pseudo, 39, 595
- social, 13, 14, 215, 244
- women in, 109
- Science churches, 595
- Scientific mysticism, 38
- Scientific myths, 38
- Scientology, 32, 43, 595
- Scrooge, Ebenezer, 168
- Sculpture, 225
- SDI, see Strategic Defense Initiative
- Search-for-Excellence approaches, 426, 434
- SEC, see Securities and Exchange Commission
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 177, 178, 180, 452, 679, 680, 679
- Seduction, 78-80
- Segmented judgment, 186-192
- Self
- love of, 18
- sense of, 195, 255, 595
- Self-acceptance, 102
- Self-awareness, 43, 55, 179, 195, 231, 255, 595, 650-651
- mystical awareness vs., 231-232
- Self-control, 43, 87, 121, 509
- Self-deceptions, 65
- Self-defense, 40, 127, 133, 141, 161, 253
- Israel and, 246
- Self-esteem, 6, 11, 12, 23, 28, 34, 35, 54, 81, 91, 98, 179, see also
- Self-worth
- addictions and, 87
- casual sex and, 63
- decrease in, 99
- fake, 21
- of housewives, 106
- loss of, 77, 195
- mental health and, 71
- opinions of others and, 59
- physical appearance and, 85
- productivity and, 241
- pseudo, 143, 211, 227
- rewards and, 15-16
- sex and, 22
- undermining of, 38
- Self-evaluation test, 15-16
- Self-expression, 79
- Self-growth, 18 -19
- Self-healing, 208
- Self-hypnosis, 78, 179
- Self-improvement, 69
- books on, 26
- Self-interest, ii, xx
- as ethics, 666
- irrational, 160
- rational, 160, 200
- Self-knowledge, 121, 232
- Self-mysticism, 204-205, 530
- Self-protection, 177
- Self-responsibility, 43, 63, 65, 80, 88
- abdication of, 201
- avoidance of, 121
- defined, 409
- fear of, 117, 530
- gambling and, 583
- nature of, 119-121
- resistance to, 596
- total, 409
- Self-sacrifice, 12, 13, 14
- Self-sufficiency, 138
- Self-torture, 46
- Self-valuing, 195
- Self-worth, 44, 146, see also Self-esteem
- Selfishness, 18-19
- Selflessness, 18-19, 34, 123, 606
- Sense of life, 17, 18, 52, 129-130,
- Sensuosity, 81, 85
- Sensuous behavior, 24-25
- Sensuous pleasures vs. psychuous pleasures, v
- Sensuous projections, 80
- Sensuousness, 79
- fake, 25
- Serious sex, 59-60
- seduction in, 80
- Sermon on the Mount, 56
- Seven Neo-Tech Waves, see Neo-Tech Waves
- Sex, 15
- in adolescence, 63, 74, 76-78, 130
- adult-child, 130, 132
- age and, 75
- assertiveness in, 198
- books on, 27, 62, 78, 124, 123
- casual, see Casual sex
- change in relationship after, 240
- in children, 76
- competition in, 81
- defined, v-vi
- errors in, 182
- exploitive, 63
- fun-only view of, see Casual sex
- guilt and, 22, 23, 44
- individual differences and, 60-62
- in infants, 76
- influences of, v
- laws against, 130-133
- liberated approaches to, 21
- love and, 49
- marital, 48, 49
- marriage and, 77
- meaning of, v
- motive behind, 79
- multiple partners in, 60-62
- neurotic, 47
- nonmarital, 76-78
- oral, 130, 132, 183, 233
- orgy, 47, 63
- penetrated vs. penetrator experience in, 233
- performance in, 82
- philosophy for, 123
- playboy view of, see Casual sex
- premarital, 76-78, 130
- preoccupation with, 46
- promiscuity in, 27, 81, 91
- psychuous, see Psychuous sex
- Puritans and, 50
- religion and, 22-24
- renewal of quality of, 75
- role of, 12
- sadistic, 47, 131, 132
- serious, see Serious sex
- standards in, 63
- swinging, 47, 63
- taboos in, 63, 130
- values and, 47, 59, 60-62
- voluntary, 130
- Sex American Style, 183
- Sex education, 130
- Sexiness, 80
- Sexual affairs, 66
- Sexual attractiveness, 24, 80
- Sexual fantasies, 51, 79, 130
- Sexual freedom, 182
- Sexual health, 27
- Sexual impotence, see Impotence
- Sexual inhibitions, 63
- Sexual jealousy, 69
- Sexual liberation, 22, 136
- Sexual nature of man, 12
- Sexual power, 82
- Sexual revolution, 51-52, 116
- Sexual roles, 81-83
- Sexual seduction, 78-80
- Sexual surrender, 83
- Sexuality, 192, 238
- Christianity and, 51
- oppression of, 44
- Sexually transmitted disease, 60, see also specific types
- Sharing, 195, 196, 197
- Sharon, Ariel, 181
- Shepard, 177
- Shiites, 137, 676
- Short-term happiness, xxii
- Shyness
- bypassing of, 99-102
- causes of, 102-103
- cures for, 102-103
- Silent Spring, 170, 450
- Silver, 174
- Silver Bullet, 506-507
- Sin, 48, 57
- Singing, 594
- Singles clubs, 101
- Singles dances, 101
- Sinn Fein, 181
60 Minutes, D, 416, 417
- Skinner, B.F., 253
- Slavery, 4, 35, 181, 416
- Sleep, 128
- Slogans, 32, 223, 226, 228
- Smith, Adam, 407, 671
- Smoking, 91, 121, 478
- Snail darters, 228
- Social authors, 450, see also specific authors by name
- Social "experts", 124, see also specific people
- Social incompetence, 100
- Social intellectuals, 215, 217, 219
- Social science, 13, 14, 215, 244
- Social Security, 139, 175
- Socialism, 43, 476
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- Society, 18, 422
- ethics of, 446
- force-free, 236
- free, 37, 59, 236, 253
- freedom and, 14
- function of, 14
- future of, 124
- property belonging to, 13
- rational, 40
- reason for, 236
- semi-free, 59
- well-being of, 158
- will of, 13
- Society of Chemical Industry, 630
- Socrates, 127, 221, 407, 462, 671
- Sodomy, 183
- Song lyrics, 222, 223, 226
- Sortilege, 591
- Soul, 421
- South Africa, 249, 250
- Sovereignty of individual, 43
- Soviet Union, 34, 35, 138, 177
- astrology in, 39
- racism in, 249
- Space, 465, 473, see also Outer space
- of googol-year cycle, 481
- infinite, 492
- Space-station colonies, 129
- Space travel, 40, 42, 128, 129, 424
- Spanish fly, 92
- Spankings, 76
- Speaking, 588
- Speculators, 174, 600
- Speech freedom, 184
- Speech impediments, 594
- Speed of light, 472
- knowledge at, 484-489, 493
- Spencer, Herbert, vii, 407, 671
- Spirits, 151
- Spiritual, 163
- defined, 52
- Spiritual mind, 437
- Spiritual well-being, 52
- Sports, 105, 588
- Sprenger, Jacob, 48
- Sri Lanka, 170
- St. Augustine, 46-47, 50
- St. Jerome, 47
- St. Simon, 46
- St. Thomas, 48
- Stagnation, 43, 141, 425
- Stalin, Joseph, xiv, xix, 4, 35, 103, 162, 171, 185
- Standard of living, 604
- Standards, 1, see also specific types
- of capitalism, 600, 601, 603, 608, 638, 639-640
- community, 184
- for ethics, 158
- of I & O Publishing, 646
- moral, 6, 158
- objective, 159
- romantic love, 94-95
- sexual, 63
- Star-Wars defense system (SDI), 40
- Stars, 492
- Starvation, 177
- Statistics, 247, 248, 249
- Steam engines, 127
- Steamships, 128
- Stock value predictions, 167, 521, 599-646
- Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 40
- Strauss, Henry & Co., 626
- Streaking fad, 183
- Strength, vii
- Stress, 86
- Stupidness disease, see Mysticism
- Style, 61
- Subconscious guilt, 22, 32, 56
- Subconscious mind, 18, 179, 193, 437
- criticism and, 82
- false accusations and, 73
- sexual performance and, 82
- Subconscious mysticism, 438-439, 440, 441
- Subjective art, 224
- Subjective morals, 6
- Subjective reality, ix, 126, 402
- Subjectivity, 33
- Subliminal mind, 437
- Suez Canal, 225
- Suffering, xx, 29, 452
- Sugar, 87, 89-92, 120, 150, 177, 459
- substitutes for, 177
- Suicide, 89, 141, 181, 400
- first, 592
- mysticism as, 509
- Sun god Ra, 59
- Super computers, 482, 486
- Super Grand Cycles, 472-473
- Superconductivity, 425, 479, 676
- Supermarkets, 33
- Suppression of emotions, 54, 192
- Supra power of mystic-free mind, 437-444
- Supreme Court, 182-185
- Survival, xviii, 3, 12, 24, 84, 218, 481
- Swaggart, Jimmy, 228
- Swinging sex, 47, 63
- Symbols, 230-231
- Synthetic fibers, 613
- Syria, 249
- The System of Nature, 403
- System of Positive Polity, xx
- T -
- Taboos, 63, 76, 130-132, see also specific types
- Tangible values, 238-239, 242, 243
- exchange of, 243
- Taste, 61
- Tax shelters, 174
- Taxation, 17, 133, 138, 175, 247, 576
- abolishment of, 128
- elimination of, 139
- Technology, see also specific types
- acceleration of, 477
- anti-, 20, 40, 218
- nano-, 129, 254, 425, 433, 479, 486, 676
- Television evangelism, 136
- Tender feelings, 198
- Tension, 179, 180
- Terminal illness, 181
- Terminal suffering, 181
- Terrorism, 29, 181
- Testing, 72
- Testosterone, 90
- Theft, 161
- Theism, 34, 168, 179
- philosophical foundation of, 125
- Theocracies, 49, 52, 250, 408
- a point vs., 419
- of biological immortality, 433-434
- Therapies, see Psychotherapies
- Thermodynamics, 468
- Thinking
- business-like, 54, 198
- conscious, see Consciousness
- defaults in, 34
- effective, 244
- emotional, 192-193
- horizontal, 129, 251-252
- integrated, 33
- language and, 401
- lateral, 129
- mystical, 198
- objective vs. emotional, 192-193
- poetry and, 226
- positive, see Positive thinking
- rational, 11
- requirements for, 401
- vertical, 251-252
- Threats, 59, 99, 133
- Time, 423, 459, 465, 473
- of googol-year cycle, 481
- infinite, 492
- integration of with life, 509-510
- knowledge as function of, 486
- perception of, 678
- wasting of, 509
- Time magazine, 603
- Titan, 3-5
- Titian, 229
- Tobacco, 91, 121, 478
- Toledano, R. de, 170
- Torts, 453
- Totalitarianism, 4, 34, 35, 37, 59, 138, 184, 250, 253
- Trade, 19, 24
- Trains, 127, 128
- Transcendental meditation, 42
- Transfer payments, 139, 416, 417, see also specific types
- Truisms, 32, 34
- Trust, 80
- Truth, 226
- Two-chamber mind, see Bicameral mind
- Two worlds, xvii-xviii
- Typhoid Mary, viii
- Tyranny, 125, 225, 403, see also specific types
- "Tyranny Under the Law", 183
- U -
- UFOs, 5, 37-42
- Ukraine, 171
- Ultimate Battle, 177-180, 676
- Understanding, 244-246
- beyond, 232-234
- of reality, 244
- Unified-Field Theory, 461, 466
- Unifying component, 473
- Unilateral disarmament, 40
- Union Carbide, 171
- United States
- discovery of, 128
- founding of, 43
- justice system in, see Court system
- United States Constitution
- first amendment to, 154, 184, 185
- United States Patent Office, 424
- United States Supreme Court, 182-185
- Universal artists, 52, 53
- Universal bad, 6-8
- Universal computer, 129, 155, 486, 488
- Universal good, 6-8
- Universal moral issues, 7-8, see also specific types
- Universal morals, 6
- Universe, 18, 39, 473
- consciousness compared to, 488-489
- creation of, 491-492
- destruction of, 484
- Grand Cycle of, see Grand Cycle
- history of, 467
- implosion of, 471
- turning inside out of, 471-472
- why of, 31
- University of Hawaii, 449
- Upanishadic writings, 592
- USSR, see Soviet Union
- Utopias, 252-254, 409, 595
- V -
- Value destroyers, D, xiv, 15-16, see also specific individuals;
- specific people by name; Value destruction
- essence of, 408
- false power of, 439
- judgments about, 187
- macho-type, 22
- murder by, 449
- value producers vs., 333, 447-448, 598, 677- 679, see also Ultimate Battle
- Value destruction, xxi, xxii, 17, 30-31, see also Value destroyers
- envy and, 69
- jealousy and, 72
- nature of, 30
- by political movements, 177
- Value exchange, 59, 60, 235-239, 446
- in friendship, 239-243
- in romantic love, 239-243
- stock prices and, 600
- tangible, 243
- voluntary, 604
- Value judgments, 191
- Value producers, viii, xiv, 3, 15, 30, see also specific individuals;
- Value production
- behavior traits of, 202-203
- character traits of, 202
- criticism of, 16, 17
- defined, 647, 649
- efforts of, xvii
- reality controlled by, 664
- sacrifice of, 84
- value destroyers vs., 333, 447-448, 598, 677-679, see also Ultimate Battle
- world of, xvii
- Value production, 30-31 see also Value producers
- as ethics, 666, 668
- future, 505
- nature of, 30
- Value selectivity, 27
- Values, 3, see also specific types
- abstract, 238-239, 242, 243
- accumulation of, 93
- amoral, 60, 61
- business creation of, 445-459
- creation of, xxi, 158, 445-459
- earned, xxi, 43, 94, 98
- exchange of, see Value exchange
- future sources of, 404
- growth of, 239, 240
- individual, 60
- man-made, 18
- moral, 192
- mutual, 95
- mystical, 18
- negation of, 35
- neurotic, 52
- non-man-made, 18
- objective, 32, 33, 52, 61
- oppression of, 44
- personal, 60, 192
- present sources of, 404
- rational, 59
- romantic love and, 93, 95, 238
- sex and, 47, 59, 60
- sexual, 60, 61, 62
- sources of, 404, 478
- tangible, 238-239, 242, 243
- theft of, 235-239
- tradeable, 19, 24, 141
- Van Gogh, vi
- Venereal disease, 60, see also specific types
- Verbal communication, 80
- Verdi, 225
- Vertical thinking, 251, 251-252
- Victimless crimes, 133, 182, 247, see also specific types
- Victims, b
- Victorianism, 51, 113-114
- decline of, 114
- ethics of, 116
- oppression and, 136
- Vietnam, 451
- Violence, 29, 136, 219, 416
- Virgins, 77, 114
- psychosexual, 78
- Virtues, 21, 44, see also specific types
- Vitamin C, 415
- Vitamins, 432, 434, see also specific types
- Vlahoulis, Thomas P., 152, 153, 154
- Voluntary Servitude, see A Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
- Von Mises, Ludwig, 404
- Voting, 51, 114, 148
- W -
- Wall-Street gurus, 599
- Wall Street Journal, 269, 603, 628, 629
- Wallace, Frank R., A, 39, 233, 465, 505, 515, 516, 518, 520, 563, 564, 565,
573, 584, 585, 599, 643, 660
- Wallace, Mike, 416
- War, 17, 20, 127, 137, 174, 178, 449
- elimination of, 128, 139, 597
- final, 598
- nuclear, 40, 136, 137
- War of Two Worlds, 598, 677-679, see also Ultimate Battle; Value
- producers vs. value destroyers
- Ward, Wallace H., 669-673
- Waves of Neo-Tech, see Neo-Tech Waves
- "We the Creators of All Heavens and Earths", 39
- Web effect, 402, 430
- Weight control, 85, 86
- Welfare, 139, 416, 417
- Well-being, 52, 54, 65, 123, 193
- control of, 89
- of society, 158
- Western civilization, 44
- "What is is", 661, 665
- Wheel, 479
- White, Tom, 153
- White-Collar Hoax, 269, 450, 451, 459, 645, 667
- Why of the universe, 31
- Will of society, 13
- Wilmington News Journal, 627
- Wilson, Woodrow, 162
- Witches, 38, 48, 49, 50, 112, 113, 136
- Wolfgang, M.E., 248
- Wolsey, Bishop, 49
- Women, see also specific women by name
- achievements of, 246, 248
- in Age of Reason, 113, 136
- in ancient Greece, 111, 135
- Catholicism and, 47
- differences between men and, 103, 233-234
- emancipation of, 114
- emotions of, 233
- in enlightened Greece, 111, 135
- equality of men and, 103-153, 110, 111, 117
- exclusive experience of, 233
- fears of, 198, 233
- freedom of, 110
- Homeric, 111
- legal rights of, 112
- liberation of, 111, 117
- nature of, 1-3, 233-234
- opportunity for, 110
- oppression of, 110, 111-117, 118, 133, 135
- penetrated experience of, 233
- potential of, 110-118
- in pre-Renaissance, 112
- in pre-Victorian times, 113-114
- productivity of, 104-105, 109, 110
- Puritanism and, 50, 113, 136
- in Renaissance, 112-113, 136
- in Roman Empire, 111-112, 135
- as sex objects, 233
- sexual assertiveness and, 198
- sexual surrender of, 83
- sexually liberated, 22
- as supreme value to men, 233
- in twentieth century, 116
- in Victorian times, 113-114, 136
- voting and, 51, 114
- in Western World, 110
- Women's lib organizations, 23, see also Feminism; specific organizations
- Wood, Garth, 207
- Words, 244, 245
- Wordsworth, vi
- "Working stiffs", 201
- World government, 136
- Worship, 591
- Worth, 59, 98-99
- self-, 44, 146, see also Self-esteem
- Writing, 488, 588
- early, 589
- Wrongness, 6
- X -
- X-factor, 402, 438, 439
- Y -
- Yale, 12
- Yohimbine, 92
- Youth, 425-426
- perpetuating of, xiii, 74
- Z -
- Zen Buddhism, 42
- Zeus, 494, see also God concept
- Zionism, 246, 247, 249, see also Israel
- Zoning variance, 157
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