The human mind has a limited storage and processing capacity. But Neothink, a discovery made through Neo-Tech, infinitely expands the capacity of consciousness to understand anything in existence. The exchanging of the mystic/conscious mind for the Neo-Tech/Neothink mind will affect mankind even more profoundly than the discovery 3000 years ago of exchanging the bicameral mind for the conscious mind. And, as 3000 years ago, this exchange will occur swiftly, automatically regardless of what anyone does, says, or thinks. The pressure to convert to the Neo-Tech/Neothink integrating mind is competition. Those who do not convert cannot survive. Just as the bicameral mind could not compete and survive 3000 years ago against the conscious mind. Against Neothink, all mystics and neocheaters are finished. They will be ignominiously scorned out of existence.
Neothink develops new concepts over unlimited ranges of integration. That unlimited capacity is accomplished by dividing separate thoughts into two or more separate groups and then building each of those groups toward the maximum capacity of consciousness. Those groups of conscious thoughts can then be swiftly integrated into new units of knowledge and concepts beyond the capacity of the human mind thinking as a single conscious unit. An example of Neothink through such maximum-capacity units is Frank R. Wallace's address titled "The Long Wave" delivered to the Second Neo-Tech World Summit. In that work, many separate maximum-capacity thought units were developed and then integrated into new knowledge far beyond the capacity of any single-unit thought of the conscious mind. Another Neothink work is Mark Hamilton's "The Alternative" presented at the Third Neo-Tech World Summit. That Neothink work combined with practical experience and factual data delivers revolutionary business and management concepts. Those Neothink concepts through their competitive advantages will dominate all future value production.
Neothink provides entirely different ways to look at nearly every important idea and concept encountered by conscious beings. Since organized neocheating began about 2000 years ago, essentially all ideas and concepts have been integrated with the big-lie hoaxes of mysticism and altruism. Those hoaxes were and are still cleverly designed by neocheaters for usurping their livings from the producers. Thus, what often appears to be two opposite choices in the prevailing mystical/altruistic context are not opposite choices at all. But instead, as revealed by Neothink, those supposed choices are always the same choice. For all such choices are rooted in the same mysticisms and illusions. Those choices are merely presented from different angles of dishonesty.
Neothink shows that the real choice is not between the various Hobson's choices of invalid mysticism, but is always the disintegrated dishonesty of mystics and neocheaters versus the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech.
People who live through bogus-jobs backed by force and dominated by the dishonesty and laziness of mysticism are branded with sour faces. Has anyone ever seen a destructive government bureaucrat with a genuinely radiant, happy face? Indeed, such people by nature hate life. For, they live by attacking and destroying values. They want to die and harm everyone in the process.
By contrast, Neo-Tech people live with innocent, clean minds. For, they live through cheerful productivity. They live by producing competitive values for others and society. They want to live and benefit everyone in the process.
Laziness versus high-effort value production are the two opposing actions that determine the quality of human life. Ironically, the concepts of laziness and competitive value production are the two concepts most feared, evaded, and distorted by mystics and neocheaters, ranging from Marxist-Leninist murderers to objectivist-libertarian underachievers. Thus, the two aspects of Neo-Tech feared most by mystics and neocheaters are: (1) Neo-Tech's explicit identification of laziness and dishonesty as the root cause of all mysticism and neocheating; and (2) Neo-Tech's explicit identification that the sole moral purpose of human life is abiding happiness, which is achieved only through the competitive production of values for others and society. ...Neo-Tech and business are the antithesis of mysticism and neocheating. Moreover, Neo-Tech is the silver bullet that will end mysticism and neocheating to yield abiding prosperity and happiness for honest, conscious beings.
One can study in-depth the origins of the Neo-Tech Advantages through that historic Reference Encyclopedia."
1) Since the dawn of consciousness, every person who ever lived must alone make the same life-and-death decision: Each individual must choose either to kill mysticism within one's own self or let mysticism kill him or her. Either a person chooses to live life as one's own natural self through integrated thinking or surrender life to unnatural mysticism through disintegrated thinking.
Either your natural self or alien mysticism will rule your personal life. The choice is always yours alone -- you or mysticism, health or sickness, sanity or paranoia, happiness or misery, life or death.
2) Self-control literally means controlling your own self rather than letting outside forces (mystics, false authorities, neocheaters) control your life. Personal freedom, demystification, and prosperity come through self-discipline and self-effort. That discipline and thought, in turn, delivers control power through the DTC Technique: Discipline, Thought, and then Control.
3) Mysticism involves unfocused, arbitrary thinking. Business involves focused, purposeful thinking.
4) Mysticism is suicide. Such suicide occurs on all levels -- on personal, national, or world levels. That suicide occurs rapidly or slowly, depending on the form and intensity of mysticism. ...Business is life on all levels, at all times.
5) Dealing with a person acting mystically is harmful. Dealing with a person in a mystical mode will, at best, waste your worst, such dealings can cost your life.
6) One of the most fundamental Neo-Tech integrations is that of time with life. The wasting of time is the wasting of life. The more one moves toward dishonest mystical/neocheating-like actions, the less important time becomes to one's life. By contrast, the more one moves toward honest Neo-Tech/business-like actions, the more important time becomes to one's life and happiness. ...Mystics and neocheaters kill life and happiness by wasting or destroying time of others.
Japanese philosopher, Y. Kimura, made the following identification about the value of time for the value producer:
"For a producer of values, his time -- every moment of his life -- has a significance far beyond his immediate life. An hour wasted has a compounded effect on, in essence, everyone on this planet. For a producer of values, his personal life is, in actuality, public and even cosmic."
7) Professor Rosa María Meoño from Costa Rica made the essence identification about all mysticism and business:
The sole business of I & O Publishing Company is to cure the disease of mysticism and eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters worldwide.
The sole goal of I & O Publishing Company is to end the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate neocheating in order to achieve non-aging biological immortality with prosperity and happiness for all value producers -- forever.
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