Contrary to popular beliefs, children early in life understand death and its finality. Because of the mystical evasions and dishonesties of adults, most children gradually learn to evade reality with various mystical, life-after-death myths in order to repress the essential facts about life and death. Indeed, such religious notions are usually among children's first defaults to mysticism which, in turn, start undermining the efficacy of their minds through evasions of reality and repressions of emotions. On the other hand, dealing honestly with reality means consciously integrating into one's thoughts and actions the fact that permanent death will happen to oneself and everyone else within a brief time span. With that awareness, people, including children, place much more value on their lives, time, and actions in order to evolve to their full potential and achieve maximum happiness.
That honesty about death causes individuals to hold life in much higher esteem. Thus, they more fully meet the long-range, self-responsibilities required to gain maximum happiness and fulfillment from their brief lives. Such adults do not squander their lives on the nothingness of mysticism, but, instead, put greater effort into self-development in order to become more productive, accomplished, and happy. And they take better psychological and physical care of themselves.
By contrast, repressing the fact of life's briefness and death's finality lets people evade the precious value of their lives and time. That evasion allows default on their prime responsibility to live intensely -- to achieve maximum self-development and growth.
Being fully conscious of life and death, people will value their lives beyond all else in the universe. And that valuation of human life as the supreme value rejects self-destructive acts of mysticism while establishing the psychological and motivational conditions needed to achieve commercial biological immortality.
On the other hand, repressing the fact of life's shortness and death's finality lets one rationalize laziness, mysticism, life-after-death myths, and all else that lead to unfulfilled or wasted lives. That repression also leaves one vulnerable to destructive exploitation by mystics, neocheaters, religions, and governments. But full awareness of one's fleeting, one-shot life span will counteract mysticism and laziness with a powerful appreciation of life. That, in turn, will stimulate the honest thinking and consistent efforts required to achieve prosperity and happiness. And achievement of happiness is the sole, moral purpose of human life.
Achieving happiness requires living according to man's nature. That means taking those long-range actions required for rational prosperity in order to enjoy life -- to live happily. That also means cherishing and building the emotions of happiness, joy, and love during one's fleeting existence.
Non-aging biological immortality is the technology that will allow human beings to live physically and consciously forever with growing prosperity and happiness. That is man's highest moral goal. And, as identified in Neo-Tech III, such biological immortality is not only possible but becomes a mandatory moral obligation through man's self-invented consciousness. Neo-Tech V identifies those conditions required to create commercial I-ness immortality here on earth before the year 2000.
Neo-Tech IV and V contrast the shrinking perspective of a great but dying, stagnation-oriented company (as E. I. du Pont de Nemours) to the expanding perspective of a living, growth-oriented company (as I & O Publishing Company). But, I & O needs to unleash the scientific brain-power and untapped resources available at great research companies such as Du Pont to accomplish more quickly the goal of commercial biological immortality. Likewise, a moribund stagnated company such as Du Pont needs the business and philosophical perspective of a lusty growing company such as I & O to revitalize and flourish.
The different business perspectives between the management of the two companies are profound: The management of Du Pont, as with many large, entrenched companies, views business as a mechanism to live off the accomplishments of past, value-producing managements. With that view, management can garner immediate unearned personal benefits and power without putting forth the planning and effort required to build sound, long-range values. Moreover, by sacrificing the long-range values of business to the short-range "needs" of society, management gradually consumes those assets created by past, long-range, value-oriented managements. Managements surviving through such hidden dishonesties are easily identified by Neo-Tech as the White-Collar Hoax.
That neocheating technique allows destructive, white-collar-hoax managements to gain quick wealth and false power by consuming rather than creating assets and values. Thus, companies with socially-oriented, white-collar-hoax managements such as Du Pont slowly die. For their management secretly, cleverly consumes the accumulated assets created by the long-range, value-oriented efforts of past managements. And through pseudo growth, sometimes lasting for decades, even generations, those assets are surreptitiously consumed without the realization of the public, owners, or stockholders.
By contrast, the management of I & O views business oppositely: Business is viewed as a conscious, man-made mechanism for efficiently, competitively producing long-range values that will benefit others and society, now and forever into the future.
I & O strives to answer "yes" to the following three questions:
I & O's beliefs arise not from faith or belief in any "higher power" or "authority", but from honestly seeking to understand reality...from knowing that the highest power in existence is the rational mind of conscious beings. Indeed the full power of rational consciousness is measurable only against the cosmos:
Consider the hundred-thousand light years across a single galaxy and the hundred-billion galaxies in our universe, among perhaps a billion universes tucked into one corner of the cosmos. And, consider the total energy of a billion exploding stars multiplied a trillion times represents but a fraction of the energy released every moment into the cosmos. Yet, that unimaginable space and energy shrink into a yielding subservience when matched against human consciousness. A single human consciousness surpasses in power all else in existence -- all else in the cosmos combined. For human consciousness is the only force that can alter the course of nature. Without consciousness, the course of nature is immutable. Without consciousness, the nature of matter and the laws of physics mechanically destine every action, everywhere, throughout eternity. Without consciousness, nothing matters, nothing makes any difference. But with human consciousness, that mechanical destiny can be altered constantly and changed with impunity. Indeed, human consciousness has the entire cosmos to reach into, to grow into, to use, to control for man's benefit.
The cosmos cannot command conscious man. But conscious man can command the cosmos in concord with honesty and reality. The cosmos does not own conscious man. Conscious man owns the cosmos.
I & O Publishing Company is dedicated to the highest value -- the conscious, value-producing individual. The value-producing individual is defined as anyone who through his or her own mind, rational actions, and competitive efforts continually adds to the material, intellectual, physical, psychological, or aesthetic well-being of others. Such a person adds genuine values to the lives of others. That person adds much more than he or she takes. Without such value producers, no objective values could grow or be sustained -- no society or civilization could survive or exist.
Throughout history, professional mystics and neocheaters have usurped, diminished, or drained the rewards and happiness earned by the value producer. He has always been drained and hampered by spurious external "authorities" who live off his efforts, repaying him with false guilt and demands for sacrifice. In his innocence, the value producer has remained vulnerable while continuously accepting the destructions, usurpations, and abuses of mystics and neocheaters. The value producer has never realized that he, not they, holds the power to control life and events. ...But with Neo-Tech, he can now break free to take what every value producer earns, but seldom takes -- a guiltless life of prosperity, pleasure, love, and happiness.
All I & O publications are dedicated to delivering the knowledge that lets value producers guiltlessly take the rewards and happiness that belong to them. Moreover, all I & O publications are dedicated to achieving the highest value possible for conscious beings -- non-aging biological immortality. And, by nature, biological immortality requires a rational, mystic-free Neo-Tech environment.
I & O Publishing Company recognizes only one authority -- the authority of one's own rational mind. Indeed, rational consciousness is man's means to abiding individual competence and for producing competitive societal values.
A person's own authority is derived through his or her consciousness. The volitional, rational use of one's own mind is the only means to identify, integrate, and then use objective reality to live competitively and successfully -- to benefit others and society. By contrast, no external "authority" can determine for anyone how to live. For, only the authority of one's own consciousness can integrate reality with one's own situation. Thus, only one's own consciousness can determine how to live successfully and produce maximum values for others and society.
Business, being extensions of individuals, functions through individual consciousness. No professional mystic, neocheater, or external "authority" can offer long-range objective values to anyone or any business. I & O Publishing Company, therefore, never grants recognition to any professional mystic, neocheater, external "authority", or any other value destroyer.
I & O Publishing Company seeks those who act through their own honest, integrated thinking -- those who earn values through their own hard thinking, integrations, and efforts. I & O seeks such people, for they are responsible for producing every major value in existence. Without those producers, objective values could not be created or sustained; value-producing enterprises could not exist; civilization could not prosper.
The value producer is anyone who honestly earns his or her own way through life by producing more values for others and society than consumed by self. Thus, the producer and only the producer adds values to society.
I & O provides the structure for individuals to produce through the authorities of their own minds rather than through external "authorities". With such a structure, everyone associated with I & O can deliver maximum values -- never-ending, ever-growing, competitive values.
Only after recognizing one's own consciousness as the supreme authority can a person freely pursue prosperity, happiness, and romantic love. Indeed, that person can achieve abiding prosperity and happiness only after rejecting external "authorities" by dismissing mysticism in self and others. ...Freedom from mysticism and external "authorities" will lead value producers to their greatest value -- biological immortality with forever growing prosperity and happiness.
I & O Publishing Company has three goals:
I & O's recent publications demonstrate that the ultimate goal for conscious beings on planet Earth is non-aging biological immortality. The supreme importance of that goal lies not in just preserving human consciousness but in preserving an individual's own sense of self...the continuous sense of "I-ness". Indeed, the most important value of human biological immortality lies not in preserving a creative, productive individual for the benefit of society, but in preserving that individual's sense of self for the benefit of himself and his loved ones -- for his own continued happiness and growing enjoyment of life. Thus, the technological challenge lies not just in preserving consciousness, but in isolating and then preserving one's own sense of's sense of "I-ness".
Preservation of that sense of "I-ness" for continued growth and enjoyment of individual life is man's highest value and moral goal.
Technology exists today to achieve commercial I-ness immortality within this century by at least five different routes:
Today, human consciousness is a value that never needs to be lost to death. To muster, however, the resources and mind power in industry and science needed to achieve commercial biological immortality, Neo-Tech must first collapse the hoax of mysticism along with the specious, altruistic philosophies and neocheating psychologies that dominate all cultures today. Only through Neo-Tech will the commercial elimination of death become recognized as man's most urgent, important goal.
When Neo-Tech philosophical and psychological conditions are established among the value producers, they will quickly recognize that biological immortality is the highest commercial and moral priority of business, science, and ethics. As the supreme value of human consciousness becomes understood and accepted, business will deliver the motivation, brain power, and resources to achieve biological immortality.
By focusing all assets, planning, products, management, and marketing toward demonstrating the destructive invalidity of all mysticism and external "authority", I & O can establish those philosophical and psychological conditions needed to achieve biological immortality. Accomplishing that final goal will occur during the increased marketing of Neo-Tech/Neothink knowledge to collapse the 2000-year hoax of professional mystics, neocheaters, and destructive "authorities". That collapse will unleash all the productive efforts needed to achieve commercial biological immortality quickly, practically, and economically for everyone.
As expressed early in Neo-Tech V, conscious man owns the cosmos. The cosmos is available to each conscious being to control for his or her value-production, well-being, happiness, and permanent survival. That, therefore, becomes I & O's future goal -- to control nature -- to control the cosmos -- to drive the cosmos to rational man's bidding, benefit, and eternal survival.
Management obligations are to (a) produce maximum values for others and society by undermining and then eliminating professional mystics and neocheaters through Neo-Tech, (b) direct those values toward accomplishing I & O's goal of non-aging commercial (low-cost) biological immortality, and (c) protect I & O from professional mystics and neocheating "authorities" by never yielding a scintilla to their destructive demands. ...Each associate of I & O can meet those management obligations by applying the following seven commandments:
The uniqueness of I & O's policies, management, products, and goals is further illustrated below:
Unlike most companies or organizations, I & O has no employees, no hierarchical structure, only free-lance associates or entrepreneurs. While the policy manager is responsible for overall policies, no management or associate unit is superior to another. No associate has authority over any other associate. Moreover, any important business, research, or editorial disagreement among I & O associates can always be resolved by persistent integration of the facts to eliminate mysticisms, resolve contradictions, or solve problems. Such open, honest integrations allow everyone to eventually reach the same rationally grounded understandings on any matter important to the business and goals of I & O Publishing Company.
The chart on the next page compares I & O's organization of limitless free-lance associates to establishment organizations of bureaucracies and employees.
Biological Immortality through Business
Their Personnel
Government Bureaucracies (rigid, bloated, destructive) | Large Companies (structured, large, productive) | I & O Publishing Company (free, limitless, creative) | |
GOALS | Usurp maximum power | Earn maximum profits | Create maximum values |
MEANS | Use force or deception | Produce values and develop markets | Follow maximum-value integrations |
APPROACH | Hide value destructions | Strive for maximum profits | Strive for maximum values |
REQUIREMENTS | Mendaciousness | Experience | Attitude |
PRODUCTS | Power determined | Profit determined | Value determined |
END RESULTS | Inefficiencies, destructiveness | Highest possible profits | Highest possible values |
MANAGEMENT | Power directed, dogmatic supervision, rigid structure, destructive bosses | Profit directed, purposeful supervision, flexible structure, productive bosses | Value directed, little or no supervision, no structure, no bosses |
PERSONNEL | Arrogant, lack self-worth, lack respect for time and costs, play destructive games to expand bogus jobs | Defensive, protect territory, follow instructions, seek productive routines | Know responsibility of job and importance of goals, expand productivity and self-responsibility |
ATMOSPHERE | Sour, petty, small-minded, malevolent, dishonest | Honest, hard working, but routine | Happy, innocent, integrated, hard-driving, enthusiastic, benevolent |
ATTITUDE | Dislikes working, time is of little or no value | Job is secondary, time is valuable | Job is primary, time is the most precious value |
PROBLEM SOLVING | Indifferent and lazy, little integrated thinking or effort, creates more problems, avoids responsibility | Cheerful and willing, honest thinking and efforts, solves problems, accepts responsibility | Excited and energetic, sustained integrated thinking and efforts, turns problems into advantages, seeks responsibility and growth |
THINKING CAPACITY | Integrated thinking blocked by dishonesty and laziness | Specific business areas open to wide-scope integrated thinking. But other important areas blocked by mystical white-collar hoaxes | No integration blockers (mystic-free) allow maximum-wide integrations in all areas |
To accomplish I & O's goals of establishing the conditions for biological immortality, management is divided into independent, fully integrated associate units:
The business structures in Neo-Tech V appear in Mark Hamilton's Cosmic Business-System structures. |
Each associate is responsible for continuously improving the efficiency and profitable growth of his or her unit. The effectiveness of each associate is evaluated by the growth in contributions made toward I & O's profits, strength, protection, and goals:
Reaching I & O's final goal depends on all associates harmoniously working in a mystic-free, businesslike manner. In such an atmosphere, associates can freely grow with no one's permission.
In addition, each associate is independent -- free to create and build responsibilities that contribute to I & O's profits and goals. Indeed, each associate is expected to grow -- to seek, create, and build new values while constantly assuming greater responsibilities.
No establishment structure exists within I & O. All depends on self-responsibility, fully integrated honesty, wide-integrated thinking, and hard-driving efforts.
Wide-scope integrations are I & O's guide to its goals. ...The data and numbers of the marketplace show the quickest route to those goals.
Since commerce began thousands of years ago, marketing concepts have focused on selling to potential buyers. But I & O's marketing concept focuses on delivering maximum values to buyers and non-buyers alike. That new marketing approach is called the "99% principle" and is based on techniques outlined earlier in this volume.
I & O has three marketing policies:
Time is limited: Since the development and marketing of any new product requires a major investment of management time, each product must be carefully selected for its contribution toward reaching I & O's goal on schedule. Thus, each I & O product must meet the following three standards:
Business is the most noble of all ideas, the most intellectual of all thinking, the most valuable of all activities. Business is a man-made mechanism from which all major values of civilization are created, produced, and distributed. Business is the mechanism through which people most effectively assert themselves into life to produce maximum values for others and achieve abiding happiness for themselves and their loved ones.
Almost without exception, those who vilify, undermine, and drain honest businesses are those who usurp their livings from the value producer. Most mystics and neocheaters undermine and destroy values out of envy and resentment. For through their habitual parasitism, they have made themselves incompetent to honestly produce competitive values for others and society. Such professional mystics, neocheaters, and external "authorities" survive by draining their benefactors -- the value producers.
Moreover, the professional mystics and neocheaters who publicly scorn money and values are actually obsessed with usurping money and values in order to live without producing competitive values for others. Such mystics and neocheaters project false guilt onto the value producer in order to conceal their motives, methods, intentions, and impotence. They demand control and regulation of the value producer when they themselves are incompetent to produce values for others.
Business delivers competitive values to others, to society, even to the value destroyers. While the value destroyers deliver only false guilt, usurpations, and harm to business and its value producers.
Business people are primarily interested in producing values for others. To such business people, money represents not a means for consumption, but a means to grow -- to produce still more and better values at ever lower costs and greater efficiencies. That mechanism for producing ever-increasing values at ever-lower costs is the unmatched virtue of business. Indeed, business is the most moral, most intellectual of all human activities. Business is the most widely integrated, evolved form of human intellect. Business is the antithesis of mysticism.
The extent to which a person follows mysticism or external "authority" is the extent to which he becomes incompetent and moves toward death. But the extent to which a person integrates reality with his own rational consciousness and fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech) is the extent to which he will experience ever-growing competence, prosperity, and happiness.
Once free from the destructive grip of professional mystics and neocheaters, all productive people from the hourly wage earner to the Nobel-Prize scientist can live guiltlessly, prosperously, and happily forever.
Throughout history, productive people have been too busy earning their livings to discover what mysticism is, much less who the professional mystics and neocheaters are, how they operate, and how their deceptions diminish everyone's life. Those mystics and neocheaters include the politicians, ruling "authorities", clergymen, social "intellectuals", most lawyers, some bankers and business executives, certain media people, certain educators, certain psychologists, and others (including friends and relatives) who parasitically live by draining the effectiveness, prosperity, and happiness of others.
Professional mystics and neocheating "authorities" are dishonest people with no genuine earned power. But ironically, most such people could quickly earn genuine power by switching from their dishonest manipulations of mysticism to the honest integrations of Neo-Tech as their route to prosperity and happiness. With Neo-Tech, a person prospers in all competitive situations by eliminating the dishonesty, stupidity, and blindness of mysticism. ...By using Neo-Tech to dismiss mysticism, one's competence and advantages increase so greatly as to guarantee growing prosperity and happiness.
The clean, honest, mystic-free business mind is the mind that governs the cosmos.
One morning in December, twenty-five years ago, a young research chemist carefully listened to a renowned scientist outline the long-range goals for one of the world's great research centers. Although awed by the marvelous opportunities before him, that young man, Dr. Frank R. Wallace, realized that even with the achievement of all the goals combined, a crucial ingredient would be missing: the greatest of all goals would remain unmentioned, untouched, unrealized. By that evening, Dr. Wallace knew someday he would have to leave his career at Du Pont to pursue alone the greatest human goal. Two decades later, he discovered through a series of experiments the crucial, missing ingredient -- Neo-Tech. That ingredient not only delivers guiltless prosperity and well-being to individuals, but will eventually deliver biological immortality to all who love life with its limitless prosperity, happiness, and adventure.
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