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Beyond Neo-Tech -- Becoming Invisible

To become immortal here on earth, one must move beyond Neo-Tech by becoming invisible to the mortal anticivilization and controlling it's citizens with the power of fully integrated honesty (FIH) with wide-scope accounting (WSA).

By moving beyond Neo-Tech, one can become an invisible illuminati commanding the anticivilization through its trapped citizens. To seize that power, a person must first understand the above NTN example of how the anticivilization seemingly destroys values -- even within the private cyberspace home of Neo-Tech. But, because of Neo-Tech's wide-scope business interactions, those seeming losses actually hasten the demise of Earth's irrational anticivilization along with its mysticisms, criminalities, and neocheaters. Additionally, the above example of the NTN Boards shows how Earthlings can move beyond Neo-Tech/anticivilization dynamics to become Neo-Tech illuminati. Such illuminati beneficently exploit the anticivilization and invisibly command its trapped citizens to bring non-aging, biological immortality to conscious Earthlings. ... Consider the following imperfect "syllogisms":

An Anticivilization Syllogism
Socrates is a man
All men are mortal
Socrates is mortal

A Civilization-of-the-Universe Syllogism
Universal consciousness is zon
All zons are immortal
Universal consciousness is immortal

Neo-Tech brings forth the realities of Aristotle's laws of identity and non-contradiction -- A is A and A is not B:

A Quasi-Syllogism about Man
An animal is not a conscious being
All men are conscious beings
An animal is not a man
A man is not an animal

A Quasi-Syllogism about Zon
Men are not zons
Zons are not men
Both men and zons are conscious people
Men can digitize their conscious brains into zons
Zons will not digitize their conscious brains back into men

Quasi-Syllogism Conclusion
The natural state of conscious people is not aging mortals but non-aging immortals
Conscious people are unnaturally damaged and evilly destroyed in an anticivilization
In a universal business civilization, conscious people are forever young

How to prevent the anticivilization from aging and killing every conscious person on Earth? How to become an invisible illuminati to collect limitless youth, riches, and romantic excitements? First, understand Wallace's multi-decade, seven-phase journey that cuts ever-wider swaths of control over the irrational anticivilization and its mystical citizens. Learn how FRW becomes invisible to extract ever-more values and advantages from today's irrational anticivilization and its neocheating rulers. Travel back four decades when Dr. Frank R. Wallace started his journey of invisibility by combining his skills as a professional research chemist with his skills as professional poker player. Learn how he clouded the minds of opponents. Learn how his invisibility controlled ever-wider realms of people and situations by advancing through the following seven phases:

The Poker Phase
The Neocheating Phase
The Psychuous-Sex Phase
The Neo-Tech Discovery Phase
The Political/Religion Subversion Phase
The Political-Prisoner Phase
The Illuminati/Zon/Universal-Business Phase

The above seven phases target the replacement of Earth's anticivilization with a universal-business civilization: Frank R. Wallace first draws upon the forgotten power of the pragmatically disciplined, digital step-ladder route of empire-building discovered and implemented with unmatched speed and success by ancient Rome. With that discovery, Rome rapidly expanded to dominate and then control the civilized world for several centuries. Dr. Wallace then aims (1) beyond the genius pragmatisms of the Roman Empire, (2) beyond the business power of the Phoenician/Carthaginian-mercantile civilization, (3) beyond the civilizing control of the 19th Century British Empire, and (4) beyond the business expansions of today's traditional Illuminati to control the modern-world via Clintonian/Greenspan/Democrat/Republican business-and-banking dynamics. Wallace moves beyond those anticivilization methods for controlling Earth's anticivilization. ...Neo-Tech never charges forward like some Macedonian phalanx. Instead, Neo-Tech uses invisible illuminati-faustian controls to digital-bit by digital-bit replace Earth's mortal anticivilization with an immortal universal-business civilization.

Below are Wallace's seven phases of ever-widening power and control via invisible-illuminati dynamics. Those phases yield the power of invisibility needed to control and then replace today's mortal anticivilization of personal decline and loss -- replaced with tomorrow's immortal business civilization of personal advance and gain.

Developing and unleashing the zon-like power of a faustian illuminati is somewhat analogous to the developing and unleashing the sun-like power of a hydrogen bomb. The trigger for both is an atomic/digital explosion: The hydrogen bomb requires an atomic-bomb explosion to trigger its fusion power. The Neo-Tech/Illuminati bomb requires a digital-brain explosion to trigger its faustian power. That Neo-Tech trigger comes from a universal business civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe.

Through mc2=E, the hydrogen bomb vanishes nuclear matter to unleash thermonuclear power.  Through FIH/WSA, the Neo-Tech/Illuminati bomb vanishes the anticivilization non-matter consciousness to unleash Zonpower. ...That new, free-will consciousness coming from universal-business perspectives allows mankind to cure aging and death.

The Poker Phase

[to be released at another time and place]

The Neocheating Phase

[to be released at another time and place]

The Psychuous-Sex Phase

[to be released at another time and place]

The Neo-Tech Discovery Phase

[to be released at another time and place]

The Political/Religion Subversion Phase

[to be released at another time and place]

The Political-Prisoner Phase

[to be released at another time and place]

The Illuminati/Zon/Universal Business Phase

[to be released at another time and place]

The Final Step: Becoming an Invisible Illuminati for Limitless Riches and Romance

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