Eliminating Aging -- Becoming Immortal
During the past two decades, with an increasing tempo of digital steps, Neo-Tech has marched from Earth's lethal anticivilization toward an immortal business civilization -- the eternal Civilization of the Universe. Pursuing Wallace's digital-journey/zonpower/invisible-illuminati documents, the reader discovers the faustian forces of Neo-Tech now replicating worldwide. The sooner that reader understands and harnesses those forces, the quicker he or she becomes an invisible illuminati amassing riches for self, others, and society in moving toward biological immortality.
In evolving beyond Neo-Tech, a person first gains clairvoyant understandings and Cassandra-like foresights into Earth's anticivilization. That person then gains an invisible control over entrapped anticivilization citizens. Such clairvoyant understandings, accurate predictions, and invisible control come not from C-of-U citizens. For, as of yet, no one on Earth is from the Civilization of the Universe. Instead, that understanding and control comes from freed anticivilization citizens who learn to digitize their brains beyond anticivilization perspectives and into universal-business perspectives. Such Earthlings beneficially exploit the anticivilization through the invisible faustian powers rising from their new perspectives.
Those radical perspectives, however, appear as totally new colors: People trapped in an anticivilization of old-color perspectives cannot grasp or even conceive such never-before-seen colors. Moreover, anticivilization citizens cannot detect -- or resist -- the invisible illuminati-faustian controls wielded from those new perspectives. But, most important, once one does grasp those C-of-U perspectives, that person can void his or her citizenship in today's anticivilization. Then, from a rational, mystic-free mode, such a person can control the anticivilization and its citizens within his or her sphere of universal perspectives.
Today's anticivilization is built upon old perspectives from past civilizations of Greece, Rome, India, China. Tomorrow's business civilization -- the future for Earthlings -- will be built on new perspectives from the Civilization of the Universe. That civilization runs parallel but unconnected to Earth's anticivilization. In fact, a universal-business civilization, both metaphorically and in actuality, exists (via gravity-unit/string-theories of quantim physics) within one centimeter and ten seconds from every conscious person on Earth!
How do Earthlings access a parallel universe one-centimeter and ten-seconds away? How do Earthlings become invisible to control the anticivilization? What is meant by invisibly exploiting the anticivilization? In sensing those answers nearly a decade ago, Dr. Frank R. Wallace used wide-scope accounting with edge-odds/investment-odds calculations to determine the most-leveraged time and manner to reveal the illuminati-faustian secrets. Those calculations equated to now -- at the dawn of this new millennium. ... Wallace's digital-journey document reveals how readers can transmute into invisible illuminati. The purpose of that transmutation is to replace the anticivilization of impoverished dead ends with a universal-business civilization of opulent open ends. ...But first, one must understand how Neo-Tech responds to the anticivilization:
Consider how Neo-Tech Publishing
Company (NTP) responds to the anticivilization through its previous Neotalk
egroup and now through its Neo-Tech News (NTN) Boards:
(Below is a revised notice posted on the Neo-Tech web site, 7/30/00)
"The defunct Neotalk egroup and now the NTN news boards highlight the anticivilization destructions of the good via omnipresent irrationalities, mysticisms, dishonesties, envies, and stupidities. Such value-destroying dynamics permeate the good anywhere and everywhere on Earth, not only in countless hidden, subtle ways but also in obvious, blatant ways as witnessed on the current NTN Boards.
"As the case with the previous Neotalk egroup, the free NTN bulletin-board service was provided at the time, expense, and benevolence of a business -- Neo-Tech Publishing Company. Like the defunct Neotalk egroup, however, Gresham's Law rendered this major value -- the NTN News Boards -- essentially worthless. Bad coins drove out good coins. Spoiling the NTN boards were waves of ignoramuses, neurotics, pippers, parasites, and scammers. Those misfits and losers knew little or nothing about Neo-Tech. They took beneficent values provided by business for granted -- often in hostile ways. They showed little respect for private property, ignored the posted rules, and had no concept of being polite guests in NTP's cyberspace home. They cared nothing about NT's goals of achieving commercial biological immortality and establishing a universal business civilization here on Earth. Such posters drove out the brightest contributors, the most powerful integrators, and the most promising value creators. ... Those time-wasting losers drove out the time-valuing winners who delivered priceless information to readers.
"Consider how the NTN boards deteriorated into time/life-wasting mystical garble: A few weeks ago, the most important biomedical news from NTP in fifteen years was posted on these boards -- neo-tech.com/reverse-aging_prosperity -- NTP announced that it was entering a joint biotech venture involving stem-cell research via molecular biology and cloning technologies directed toward undifferentiated, reverse aging for the entire human body. No interest or discussion unfolded around this most important, tangible biomedical development. Instead, name-calling promotions raged unabated for multi-level-marketing health schemes and potentially bankrupting future-option speculations.
"Also, scams arose from alter egos posing as separate people using phony dialogs to sell bogus products by denigrating both Neo-Tech values and its literature while guests on NTP's private property. Others promoted mystical, no-effort, silver-bullet "cures" ranging from magnetic therapy to colloidal silver by wrongly and without permission using NTP's trade name of Neo-Tech. Also wrong, because if a person does not consistently apply the natural effort and discipline required to keep low-carbohydrate/sugar-free trim and physically/aerobically fit, then all the no-effort pills, new-age nostrums, and mechanical gimmicks are only tools of mysticism delivering self-deceptions about health and well-being. ... Such self-deceptions prevent mortals from evolving into immortals.
"This also should be understood: Occasionally, NTP properly and ethically uses its various registered trade names to make stand-alone posts on its own Internet properties for various legal, business, privacy, and protective reasons. Certain others deceptively use different names to carry on dialogs from the same person dishonestly posing as two or more independent people to self-promote themselves, their opinions, and products (a dishonesty that no one from NTP has ever done or will ever do without getting fired). Not only are such fake dialogs a disgusting show of weakness and poor judgment, but are fraudulent when used to get money from others, often for bogus products.
"In summary, what value to NTP's business, goals, and valued customers are NTN boards yielding hostile, dishonest, mystical, and even dangerous schemes promoted without permission on NTP's property under the name of Neo-Tech? NTP has already removed its home-page link to these poisoned boards. And, now, as expected, posting activity is drying up. Still, the decision has not yet been made to terminate these boards or to let them die among its losers who destroyed a wonderful value. In the meantime, probably a good opportunity exists for someone to dig into the archives while they are still available and extract the many genuinely brilliant and valuable contributions made on the NTN boards -- especially during the early days, before the boards became infested with losers and blowhards. ... Such an extraction of values could evolve into an important commercial publication.
"In any case, if these boards are terminated, NTP will give a brief advance notice. Also, these boards could be restored on NTP's paid commercial site now under construction. On a paid site, those who care nothing about NT and its goals are unlikely to subscribe ... and if they do squat on NTP's private property, they would be unsubscribed upon any harm inflicted on its boards. ... On its own property, NTP has no obligation to those whom it deems as value destroyers. Likewise, such people have no rights when purposely harming the property and values of others.
"A special thanks with appreciation to all past and current participants who made sincere, thoughtful, valuable, even heroic contributions to the NTN boards, especially in the face of value-destroying interlopers."
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