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Weapons and Armor

Neo-Tech means new technologies and new techniques executed with fully-integrated honesty (FIH) and wide-scope accounting (WSA).

Neothinking is the process of honest, no-boundary thinking with wide-scope integrations. That process builds ever-expanding matrices of profitable problem solving and competitive value creation. ... Neo-Tech/Neothinking brings security, prosperity, and happiness to conscious life.

Zonpower rises from Neo-Tech/Neothinking. In acquiring zonpower, one first learns to understand nature, then to obey it, and finally to control it in producing ever-increasing values for self, others, and society.

Zons are universal people. They use zonpower to create natural values in expanding well-being, romance, and beauty for all conscious life. ... Nature is a series of footsteps that evolve people into Zons. Praise Zons for initial-condition physics. Praise Zons for brother sun, sister moon, and the stars. (Paraphrased from 13th-century Francis of Assisi).

Neocheaters are camouflaged criminals and parasitical elites. Through hidden criminal force and fraud, they have for 2500 years entrapped world populations in an anticivilization.

Neocheating comprises hidden criminal techniques discovered by philandering, vote-buying, silver-tongued Pericles (495-429BC) -- history's first clintonian politician. ... As Pericles/Alcibiades ended the Golden Age of Greece, Clinton/Gore ended the Golden Age of America

September 11th/Neo-Tech Syntheses bring victory in the War of Two Worlds. Those syntheses vanish neocheaters. Once free of camouflaged criminals, today's lethal anticivilization will evolve into a vital business/science/art civilization. That civilization is a rational, law-abiding civilization -- a prosperous, non-criminal/non-religious/non-mystical civilization -- a happy, Neo-Tech/secular-humanistic civilization.

Civilization of the Universe is that business/science/art civilization into which conscious life throughout the universe naturally evolves.

Mysticism is the evil It: It is public-enemy #1. It is the #1 disease of the conscious mind. It is the #1 plague for Neo-Tech to eradicate. It is the self-delusion that non-reality and non-existence is real and exists. It is the acting upon nothing as if it were something. It is the dishonesty that creates problems where none exist. It is the seminal source of irrationality, destructive behavior, and criminality. ... It is the cause of the September 11th terrorist attacks and collapsing world economies.

Total Victory

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