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(revised 09/10/01)

Editorial Insights

This manuscript, AC 2001 #1, was plumbed from the original fifteen Digital-Journey documents denied public access in early 2001. Those original documents were in reverse-chronological order. Thus, the Introduction is the final work. Part One is the penultimate work. Part Two and Part Three along with future manuscripts work backward toward the original 1998 digital document, Spooky Riches. ... This manuscript evolved from combining structures of compositional music, fine art, and poetic literature as follows:

Bach in his Brandenburg concertos combined the complexity of German polyphony with the grace of Italian melody. His achievement inspired combining into this manuscript the complexity of Neo-Tech specifics with the grace of Zon theory. Also, this manuscript adopts van Gogh's rationally complex, digital-dot style to yield new-color concepts combined with the epiphanies of renaissance Raphael and cosmic Dali as described in later manuscripts. Finally, like Beethoven's revolutionary Third Symphony, Eroica, this manuscript embarks into unfamiliar style and unsettling content.

The revolutionary Eroica was originally named Bonaparte and dedicated to Napoléon. But, when Napoléon declared himself emperor, Beethoven flew into a rage. Suddenly realizing that Napoléon was nothing more than a destructive neocheating politician, Beethoven tore up the first page of his Bonaparte manuscript, rewrote it with the heroic title Eroica, and cursed his inability to make initial character judgments. ... Beethoven did not mess with Mister In-Between.

Then, in making increasingly radical breaks from anticivilization traditions, Beethoven created his most individualistic, original work -- the Fifth Symphony. Still, whenever advantages were possible, Beethoven freely drew from not only the classical tradition of Haydn and Mozart but also from earlier baroque music, especially Bach's perfected fugues and multi-creative cantatas -- as Shakespeare drew not only from history but also from classical Greek/Roman literature, especially Ovid's perfected poems and multi-creative Metamorphoses (4AD). ... As an aside, even the wide-scope values of Shakespeare's writings went unrecognized for two centuries, until identified by English poet Samuel T. Coleridge (1772-1834).

Finally, twelve years after his Eighth Symphony, Beethoven plunged into full-blown romanticism and individualism with his passionate Ninth Symphony. Thus, the fiercely independent Beethoven never hesitated to leap out of the cyclical anticivilization into his own world of radically new creations -- into a new world of humanistic originality, individual freedom, and ever new romantic art. ... Bravos to freedom-loving, genius-creator Beethoven in his quest for a new civilization!


Mathematics and music are universal languages spanning time and space. Mathematics and music along with animals and young children link the anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe (C of U). They are universally innocent. They are the same regardless in which civilization they reside. Unlike mathematics, music, and animals, however, children in an anticivilization become sharply differentiated from nature as adults increasingly corrupt children's minds and bodies with dishonesties, irrationalities, mysticisms, and sugars. ... Dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms diminish and ultimately kill every anticivilization citizen. The products of each brief mortal life correspondingly become tainted or corrupt -- products of philosophy, politics, law, business, even products of science and art, become tainted or corrupt.

Certain aspects of science and art, however, remain pure -- remain free of anticivilization corruption and immune to its differentiation. Those aspects include linear mathematical developments and rational musical creations. While conscious products draped in anticivilization dishonesties and irrationalities are unrecognizable in the Civilization of the Universe, linearly evolving products of mathematics and music comprise a universal language recognized and used by conscious life throughout the Universe. Linearly evolving mathematics ranges from statistical thinking to prime numbers and the square root of minus 1. Linearly evolving music ranges from Pythagoras's harmonics to Bach's musical perfections and Beethoven's musical creations. Such civilization bestriding achievements provide never-ending foundations for future science, art, and business -- including 20th-century quantum theory, today's jazz-and-rock music, and 21st-century biotechnology.

With Neo-Tech, one can apply universal aspects of mathematics and music to jump products from dead-end cycles of entropic corruption and mysticism to ever-evolving products of ordered honesty and rationality. ... Thus, the integration of universal-mathematical concepts and linear-musical ideas with Neo-Tech allow this manuscript and future works to speak from across time and space -- to speak from the Civilization of the Universe.

Eroica birthed a new path for Beethoven and musical composition. Likewise, this manuscript, AC 2001 #1, births a new path for Neo-Tech and conscious thinking. AC 2001 #1 is a new thinking conception -- a new thinking style that evolves mortals into immortals within a universal business/science/art civilization. With repeat readings of this manuscript, each word becomes a maximum-information unit, note, or dot. Each phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, chapter, and format becomes a maximum-value amalgam. And, finally, the entire manuscript orchestrates into an amalgamation of tools that when deployed guarantees riches and automatic romance for eternity as C. S. Lewis predicted. But, in this voyage toward eternal prosperity and exciting romance, the total-failure, backward-looking Lewis/God myth changes to a sure-shot, forward-sailing Neo-Tech/Zon reality. ... Bon voyage.

The Next Manuscript

Manuscript AC 2001 #2 links the business/science revolution with becoming an invisible Illuminatus who exploits socialist/fascist criminalities while profitably undermining nationalism and mysticism. ... Before re-reading this current manuscript, reflect a moment on the following:

For three millennia, the conscious mind was shrouded in darkness.
Then when Neo-Tech said, 'Let there be individual rights and business freedom',
all became riches and light.
paraphrased from
Edmund Halley's 1727 tribute to Isaac Newton and his business/science conception of this world and universe.

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