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(draft #30 -- revised 09/10/01)

Guaranteed Riches -- Automatic Romance

of this
R & R Manuscript

In forging new conceptions of conscious life, this manuscript does the following:

1. It evolves a new style and content never before published.

2. It blends the concrete with the abstract to build theory from facts; it integrates events of history with happenings of the present and knowledge of the future

3. It reorders and then reintegrates the spectrum of life and reality; after that, it reshuffles knowledge in dealing new hands --new futures -- to conscious life on planet Earth.

4. It offers new patterns of thinking that yield ever-increasing advantages.

5. It integrates seeming opposites into unified realities.

6. It cleaves past and present from the future. It cleaves mortality, religion, politics, criminality, philosophy, education, and history from health, science, business, prosperity, art, happiness, and romance.

7. It captures civilization-bestriding music/art structures of Bach, Beethoven, van Gogh, Raphael, and Dali. Each word -- each note and stroke -- is weighed and measured to deliver maximum information and value. Tension is purposely built and then released over and over in creating forward-moving knowledge.

8. It starts with small, specific motifs that weave into ever-advancing, general themes. Those expanding themes sublimate terminal decline into eternal prosperity.

9. It provides understandings of a dishonest/irrational anticivilization vis-à-vis an honest/rational universal-business civilization. With those understandings, individuals can formulate Neo-Tech bullets to shred dependencies on dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms. Shredding those lethal dependencies brings riches and romance to conscious life.

10. It utilizes two theories to weave the smallest units of conscious life into ever-larger matrices that generate ever-more wealth. Those two theories are (1) conscious-controlled gravity/thinkon units as the quantum substrate of existence that weave into (2) a universal-business/science/art civilization. If those two interwoven theories are valid, proofs will arise not via Karl Popper's induction-denying falsifications (although valid falsification would, of course, invalidate those theories). Instead, proofs will arise via the scientific method -- via inductive experiments. For example, the overlay proofs outlined in earlier Neo-Tech (NT) literature could establish hard-evidence conformations of those two theories. ... Still, the Neo-Tech dynamic yielding riches and romance depends on neither theory.

11. It removes anticivilization roadblocks and sublimates bogus-authority parasitisms into profitable advantages: Consider that this manuscript repels even NT "friends" not accustom to its digital style and contents. Thus, much more so, this manuscript repels NT "foes" -- professional value destroyers, mystical frauds, and parasitical elites -- because its style and content sublimate them toward null points.

12. It deconstructs and obsoletes not only NT "foes", but also deconstructs and obsoletes NT "friends" such as valuable, albeit anticivilization-based, Objectivism and Libertarianism. Deconstructing the best in an anticivilization has the mirror-image effect of protecting the worst in an anticivilization: For example, protecting the absolute right to free speech and press by protecting the worst, most-repulsive publication -- as I & O Publishing Company did for Larry Flint and Hustler Magazine in the 1970s -- protects the absolute right for all free speech and press. Thus, as a mirror analogy, deconstructing and obsoleting the best, most-valuable anticivilization philosophical and government systems deconstructs and obsoletes all anticivilization systems.

13. It resurrects Newton's greatest discovery. That discovery was not his law of gravity, optics, or calculus. But rather, his greatest discovery was the existence of a "divine" universal-business/science civilization. That discovery was the object of Newton's most vigorous efforts and dedicated writings. Yet, threatened government, religious, and academic authorities have for 300 years discredited and buried Newton's stunning discovery under the rubric of "crackpot alchemy/religious writings".

14. It discredits and abandons truth as the measure of facts. For, static manipulative truths are the bases of dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms. Thus, abandoning truth switches the standard for metaphysics, epistemology, politics, ethics, and art from truth to honesty.

15. It switches the ultimate future of each conscious life from defeat and death to victory and immortality.




i-v Most people avoid the contents and meanings of the R & R manuscript to remain "acceptable" in today's bizarrely unnatural, lethal anticivilization. For, they consciously or subconsciously sense the ideas conveyed by this manuscript as too radical, the actions as too drastic, the walls as too high. Yet, no wall exists, no idea is radical, and no action is required. Thus, no need to flee from this manuscript. Its new knowledge delivers profitable bullets directly to you -- as needed, when needed. ... New understandings and new knowledge come first. Then streaming ad-hoc bullets of riches and romance follow -- automatically, abundantly.

ii-iv A future of prosperity and happiness lies in understanding and then harnessing the differences between a lethal split consciousness and an omnipotent unified consciousness.

v-vi Limitless Zon ultimately obsoletes limited Neo-Tech.

vi-xi The logic of immortality.

xi-xiii Achieving non-aging biological immortality via Neo-Tech bullets of honesty and rationality.

Part One -- Revolution!

1-6 A velvet revolution using Neo-Tech bullets.

6-9 Neo-Tech business luminosity.

9-13 The dawn of supra gods; the twilight of religious gods.

13-15 The antiquating of Objectivism and Libertarianism.

16-21 The formulation and distribution of Neo-Tech bullets.

21-24 Guaranteed profits via Neo-Tech bullets.

Part Two -- Gaining Riches and Romance

21-26 Replacing truth with honesty.

26-27 Switching conscious states.

27-28 Switching civilizations.

29-38 The starting point: Understanding the Neo-Tech process for creating a universal-business/science/art civilization.

38-39 Today's bust -- tomorrow's boom.

Part Three -- The Apocalypse

41-44 The Neo-Tech/Zon Apocalypse.


Appendix #1 Success/Fail Test

Appendix #2 Envy versus Emulation

Appendix #3 The Toleration Principle

Appendix #4 the Neo-Tech Network Discussion Boards

Appendix #5 Editorial Insights

Introduction to R & R Manuscript

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