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Invisible Illuminati

Wake Up to the Universal Business Civilization

Adam Smith (1723-1790), the father of classical economics, was the first to discover the invisible hands of government-free businesses that guide world populations toward happiness and prosperity. Frank R. Wallace, the father of Neo-Tech, was the first to discover the invisible illuminati of mystic-free business civilizations who guide conscious minds toward limitless life and romance. That universal business civilization is the Civilization of the Universe from which arise invisible gods or illuminati who obsolete philosophical theories, including Objectivism, and economic theories, including Austrian economics. That means those re-digitized illuminati minds also move past the original versions of Neo-Tech that arose from Objectivist philosophy and Austrian economics.

Since 1985, Neo-Tech has generated wealth, health, and romance for a privy few in Earth's anticivilization. Now is the time, however, to wrap up past history with its Neo-Tech power derived from a mortal anticivilization and move toward Zonpower derived from an immortal business civilization. For, Zonpower as shown in this Manifesto delivers eternal romance and riches for everyone through a new, universal business civilization here on Earth.

A divine business spirit began emerging on Earth with the classical economics of Adam Smith. That spirit then transferred to "mathematical' David Ricardo and peaked with utopian humanist John Stuart Mills with his sense of individual rights, justice, and compassion. That spirit was buried by the bombastic, fame-seeking dishonesties of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels along with the socialist fascism of John Maynard Keynes. ... The science of Adams and Darwin transmogrified into the pseudo-science of Marx, socialism, and fascism.

In the mid 20th century arose the Austrian economists Ludwig von Mises, F. A. Hayek, and Milton Friedman to sweep away Marx, Engels, and Keynes. Austrian economics along with Ayn Rand's newly rising Objectivist philosophy revived the spirit of economic freedom and individual prosperity. Finally, in the late 20th century, arose Neo-Tech and then Zonpower to point world perspectives away from today's mortal anticivilization and toward the immortal Civilization of the Universe -- a universal business civilization in which competitive value creation provides each conscious individual with limitless life and happiness.

Exploiting Contradictions

Reacting against 200 years of mercantilist-government domination, the 18th century French Physiocrats were the first to cry, laissez faire! -- the cry for government to get out of the way of business. Adam Smith was the first to articulate valid understandings of government-free business and tax-free trade to the lasting benefits of world populations. But, Smith along with Mills also articulated lucidly their misunderstandings of business. Those well-intended misunderstandings fed the malevolent propaganda, envy, and harms inflicted upon competitive value creators by Marxist politicians, academics, and clergymen. Countering Marx was the scientific/mathematical marginalist-economist, Alfred Marshall. He meticulously demonstrated that competitive economics is the most important subject of a person's life in terms of time involved in making one's living along with determining one's well-being and happiness. Marshall methodically exposed the dishonest, destructive nature of socialism. ... Thus, from Marx and Marshall arose the natural business-and-economic contradictions of today's anticivilization.

Consider other natural contradictions in Earth's 3000-year old anticivilization: By nature, the dead hands of government, politicians, religions, and other bogus external authorities can never produce competitive long-term values for others and society. But, "So what?' cry the professional value destroyers, Marxist parasitical elites, and big-government Keynesians. For, they are the proponents of force-backed government controls, gun-backed expropriations of earned income, and criminal destruction of private property.

Nobel-laureate Hayek recognized that competitive free markets were the only forces that drive economies into delivering ever-increasing wealth and happiness to individuals and society. He also showed how government controls work toward harming economies and diminishing the well-being of the populace. The Czech economist Joseph Schumpeter demonstrated that entrepreneurs were the creative engines of free economies in destroying the obsolete old and creating the productive new. "Creative destruction', he called that process. Schumpeter recognized that entrepreneurs were the seeds of wealth, happiness, and well being of individuals and societies. He predicted, however, that not the Marxist proletariat would rise to overthrow capitalism, but the academics and intellectuals eager to control the masses through socialism would destroy capitalism and economic freedom.

Keynes summed up the attitudes of professional value destroyers and big-government neocheaters in his cynically infamous, anti-value statement to the paraphrased effect: "Who cares if we ruin the long-run future of others? For, in the long run, we're all dead anyway.' Such is the irresponsible attitude of socialist/fascist mortals as opposed to the eternally responsible attitude of illuminati/business immortals. Indeed, every action of every bogus external authority eventually visits its destructions directly or indirectly upon everyone and society. By contrast, business dynamics rising from fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting bestows ever-increasing benefits upon everyone and society.

The one-and-only objective value of law and government is to protect individual/property rights from criminal harms and frauds. No canon of law or body of government in Earth's history has fulfilled that proper function. ... In a law-backed business civilization, force-backed authorities and their bureaucratic governments have no legal function or competitive value, thus, no existence.

This Zonpower Manifesto has eight appendices that reveal how to profitably exploit the natural contradictions of Earth's anticivilization in moving toward a universal business civilization. Most important, this manifesto demonstrates how people can digitize their conscious minds to become invisible illuminati who create limitless romance and prosperity here on Earth for self and others -- now and into the endless future.

The Zonpower Manifesto

Engels' Communist Manifesto is a virulent, anti-business document promoting criminal force, envious value destruction, and parasitical elitism. Wallace's Zonpower Manifesto is a beneficent, pro-business document promoting volitional nonforce value creation, production, and trade. Marx, Engels, and Lenin sought unearned honor and glory (timà and kleos) through the criminalities and fraud rising from force-backed governments. Wallace, Hamilton, and Savage seek fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting through the riches and romance rising from free-choice businesses. ...Seeking honor and glory is non-existent in a universal business civilization. For, each citizen through Zonpower is already an immortal creating ever-increasing values for self, loved ones, and society.

The first rule of economists from Adam Smith with his value-creating spirit to Karl Marx with his value-destroying spirit is to separate social issues from the scientific/mathematical dynamics of economics. Neo-Tech discards that rule. Yet, such a rule is necessary in an anticivilization of contradictory mortals. That rule, however, reverses in a universal business civilization of rational immortals from which unfolds an entirely new dynamic of economics. For, in a rational business civilization populated with immortals, social issues are inextricably woven throughout the scientific/mathematical dynamics of economics. Thus, as opposed to mortals in an anticivilization, the eternally growing social/business value of each immortal consciousness becomes the actual fabric of universal economics.

Understanding those radically new economic dynamics requires discarding past notions of value, supply and demand, money, debt, and free trade based on mortal man in an irrational anticivilization. Then, entirely new conceptions of immortal man in a universal business civilization leap forth to deliver Zonpower. Those new understandings involve a quantum shift in thinking from (1) no-leverage value creation/production within the limited life of each mortal citizen trapped in today's anticivilization to (2) the infinite-leverage value creation/production across the endless time and space of each immortal citizen free in a universal business civilization.

Quantum leaps in the human brain occur from (1) the limited to the unlimited, (2) the mortal to the immortal, and (3) the limited value of populations to the limitless value of each individual. ...Those changes from limited to unlimited perspectives occur via invisible illuminati as revealed in the following eight Zonpower appendices.

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