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(copyright © 2000 -- revised 7/19/00)

Moving Beyond the Evil of God and State

lets you

Seize the Power of Satan

Promethean Power

Self-programming the brain for Promethean power requires understanding the duplex organization and function of the conscious mind. A human-eye analogy provides that understanding:

The human eye comprises two types of receptors: (1) Populating the outer retina are the rod receptors of high sensitivity to the outside world. They are capable of detecting as few as five photons of light. And, (2) concentrated in the fovea center of the retina are the cone receptors of high acuity to the outside world. They are capable of distinguishing 200 hues from the three primary colors. Now, utilizing the marvelous power of the eye requires a brain to interpret and use the signals coming from each type of receptor. That interpretation and use of signals by the brain is automatic, requiring no conscious thought or decisions. ... The proper functioning of the eye is automatic in nonconscious animals and conscious people alike.

Analogously, the conscious mind comprises two types of receptors: (1) the right-brain receptor of high sensitivity to external stimuli from the outside world. That right brain can instantaneously trigger reactions ranging from flashes of impressions, insights, and ideas to flashes of anger, fear, and joy. And, (2) the left-brain receptor of high acuity to internal stimuli from inside one's mind. That left brain can deliberatively integrate information from the widest horizons to the deepest depths in guiding volitional actions toward never-ending creation of personal and societal values.

Nonconscious animals have no minds, only automatically functioning brains. In contrast, conscious people have volitional control over the organization and function of their minds through their two-chamber brains. Thus, only conscious people can choose to be mystical, dishonest, irrational -- only conscious people can program their minds to self-destroy their species as mortal Earthlings. Or, they can choose to be nonmystical, honest, rational -- they can program their minds to create limitless values that transmute their species into immortal Earthlings.

Conscious people can choose to program their minds with rationalizations for surrendering to force-and-fraud backed authorities who create and sustain a death-based political civilization. Or, conscious people can choose to program their minds, as shown throughout this publication, with the Promethean power of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope rationality that evolve a life-based business civilization.

Bypassing Illusions

Intractable eye-to-mind illusions are genetically hard-wired or pre-wired into the conscious brain. One such illusion is observing the harvest moon on the horizon as huge and then watching that same moon grow smaller as it rises toward its zenith. Other examples are the Müller-Lyer illusion that makes each of two identical lines appear longer or shorter to one another and the Poggendorff illusion that visually breaks the continuity of true-straight lines. The observer is compelled to believe each illusion as fact until that person discovers the illusion. Yet, even when a person fully understands such illusions and knows how and why they work, he or she cannot avoid perceiving them as inescapable mirages.

The conscious brain in an anticivilization is also imbued with non-genetic, intractable brain-to-mind illusions that become wired into the brain, usually during childhood. Many such illusions block an individual from thinking with integrated honesty and wide-scope rationality. Those harmful, growth-retarding illusions become obviously false once they become known and understood. At that point of understanding, a person can bypass those illusions to increasingly act on his or her new-found objective reality that allows ever-expanding wealth, power, and love. That person then leaves behind those falsities, mysticisms, and illusions that cause stagnation, aging, and death.

Conscious Earthlings cannot escape wired illusions. Yet, digital programming of the brain through the volitional mind can bypass those illusions to allow growth toward limitless wealth, power, and non-aging health. As the functional psychologist William James (1842-1910) identified, the conscious mind has limitless capacities to grow and evolve into yielding undreamed values and lives. ... The following documents reveal five Illuminati-Faustian programs for evolving doomed losers into undreamed eternal winners.

Seize the Power of Satan?

Yes, seize the power of Satan without the penalties. Digitize your brain beyond mysticisms and illusions -- beyond the evil of God and State into a powerhouse of wealth and romance.

After thirty-four years of research and creating five hidden Illuminati-Faustian documents, Dr. Frank R. Wallace cracked the "genetic-code' of human consciousness. He created five Illuminati-Faustian, digital programs for reformulating the human brain. By pushing the buttons on each of those digital-dot Illuminati documents, a person inscribes any one, any combination, or all five of those non-computer programs into his or her brain. Each of those newly developed programs -- coded W, P, G, S, and H -- empowers a specific area of the human mind. Each program restructures one of five segments within one's brain, allowing that person to outperform everyone, in any chosen area of competitive life, as listed below:

Illuminatus-Faustian Program #1: Digitizes the brain with program W to provide the dynamics to gain limitless riches, wealth, and money, anytime, from any place on Earth.

Illuminatus-Faustian Program #2: Digitizes the brain with program P to generate the limitless power to control all who touch one's life, taking them in any direction, to anyplace, at any time, for as long as desired.

Illuminatus-Faustian Program #3: Digitizes the brain with program G to capture ever-increasing honor and glory not only from whomever one associates but also from entire populations.

Illuminatus-Faustian Program #4: Digitizes the brain with program S to command sexual-and-romantic love from whomever one chooses, whenever one chooses, for as long as one chooses.

Illuminatus-Faustian Program #5: Digitizes the brain with program H to gain non-aging health and an ever-exciting life.

Those five W, P, G, S and H Illuminati-Faustian programs are embedded in the totality of Neo-Tech literature.

Moving Beyond the Evil of God and State

This publication, Moving Beyond the Evil of God and State, comprises linking documents written from 1992-2000 by Dr. Frank R. Wallace. Uniquely placed in reverse-chronological order, those documents reveal:

1.      The natural state of human consciousness is not that of mortals but of immortals evolving beyond any imagined God or proclaimed State.

2.      Human mortals exist in an unnatural state of consciousness -- a consciousness characterized by the mind diseases of mysticism, dishonesty, and irrationality with their symptoms of destruction, aging, and death. They live in an unnatural civilization -- a gun-backed criminal civilization called an anticivilization. That anticivilization, which infests planet Earth today, is based upon the ultimate decline and death of every citizen.

3.      Human immortals exist in the natural state of consciousness -- a consciousness characterized by a disease-free mind that generates limitless new knowledge and values for self and others. Activating that open-ended capacity creates ever-increasing wealth and non-aging health to yield ever-exciting lives for self and others. Those combinations of wealth, health, and romance arise from self-directed digital programs -- programs that replace one conscious state with another conscious state. Human immortals live in a natural civilization -- a universal business civilization called the Civilization of the Universe. That civilization is based upon limitless growth and non-aging health for every citizen.

4.      No direct, attenuating, or analog connections exist between those consciousness states or civilizations. By nature, a quantum separation always exists between such conscious states and civilizations.

5.      Transitions from a mortal state to an immortal state or from an anticivilization to a universal business civilization involve streams of self-programmed, digital-quantum jumps from dishonesty to honesty, from irrationality to rationality, from loss to gain, from disease to health, from death to life.

6.      Natural man abhors self-destruction. He abhors fraud-driven Gods and criminal-driven Rulers. Consider, that such Gods and Rulers never advance, change, or improve from their self-declared "perfections' -- value-destroying positions that always deliver decline and death. By contrast, human mortals can digitally evolve into value-creating human immortals who forever advance, change, and improve into ever youthful, romantic, happy lives.

7.      The Christian God projects envious hatred upon human consciousness by "killing 'em all' through flood, fire, Crusades, and finally Armageddon. After killing everyone, the God State then condemns each victim to exist forever in either active agony or passive boredom -- with passive boredom being the worst existence.

8.      Without the frauds and criminalities of God and State, conscious people can evolve morally, physically, and intellectually. Such evolving people increasingly enhance goodness by protecting and advancing conscious life though ever-increasing value creation via universal businessdynamics.

Digital Evolvement of Consciousness

What does digital evolvement mean? Why will mortal people evolve into immortal people? How will people digitize out of a mortal anticivilization and into an immortal business civilization? ...FRW's collection of 1992-2000 linking documents answers those questions.

First consider the historical background leading to the understanding of digital evolvement through a series of discoveries made since 1961 to the present year 2000. Step by step those discoveries evolved from:

*        a highly profitable 1961 awakening to a new, unbeatable

*        the excitingly optimistic universalizing of that profitable consciousness in

*        the 1985 identification of two distinct civilizations -- a mean, purposeless, unfocused civilization called an anticivilization and a benevolent, purposeful, focused business civilization called the Civilization of the

*        a 1991 deep-understanding quest for the mechanism that transmutes consciousness from an unnatural mortal state to the natural immortal

*        discovering in 1992 that those two conscious states and civilizations can never connect and no analog transition is possible from one consciousness or civilization to the

*        readers of post-1992 Neo-Tech literature discovering with increasing discouragement that those transitions were quantum in nature with no middle

*        readers after 1993 began sensing such transitions as a single, big jump causing an abrupt, total change -- a change too great for Earthlings to

*        starting in 1994, the increasing acceptance of socialist fascism by worldwide populations began accelerating the decades-long undermining of not only individual liberty, but also undermining honest business/science/medicine and the rule of objective law. That accelerating decline of conscious prosperity was epitomized in America by the one-two combinations of (1) naked Waco/Elian-like socialist/fascist brutalities and (2) camouflaged Philip-Morris/Microsoft-like socialist/fascist brutalities by a lawless Clinton/Reno political machine. Those one-two punches relentlessly hammer integrity, honesty, rationality and rule of law into oblivion with increasing public indifference to criminal politics.

*        disheartened readers after 1998 began sinking into pessimism despite the immutable optimism of Neo-Tech. Remember that nothing comes from pessimism, everything comes from optimism. Thus, readers began abandoning or rejecting the idea of transmuting consciousness from the mortal state of an anticivilization to the immortal state of a universal business

*        early 2000, when, instead of naturally thriving in universal optimism, conscious life began fading in worldly pessimism ... to

*        mid-year 2000 when a reversal of that pessimism occurred on discovering that: changes in conscious states and civilization itself are digital -- not continuous, analog, or holistic -- in nature.

The mind is, in a sense, like a quantum computer. A fully innocent, honest child of six, for example, begins receiving streams of negative (-) bits of dishonesty and irrationality into his or her brain. Those (-) inscription bits "teleport' that child increasingly into the mortal state of an anticivilization. But, an adult can, through Neo-Tech, volitionally direct streams of irreversible positive (+) bits of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope rationality into his or her brain. Those (+) inscription bits "teleport' his or her brain toward the immortal conscious state of a universal business civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe. Thus, through Neo-Tech, conscious Earthlings can methodically change bit by digital bit from various dishonest-and-irrational states into a fully honest-and-rational state -- from diseased mortal states into a healthy immortal state -- from knowing and thinking from mortal perspectives to knowing and thinking from immortal perspectives.

Neo-Tech businessdynamics comprise the ultimate-good polis sought 2300 years ago by Aristotle -- a government of universal morality, non-force/non-crime civics, objective law, and limitless value creation. In Aristotle's polis, Sophocles' Antigone is the greatest spirit in rejecting false authority. She stands in the triumvirate of mankind's greatest spirits -- Eve of the Garden, Antigone of ancient Greece, and Ayn Rand of the twentieth century. ... Today, with the self-directed digitizing of the conscious mind into an immortal consciousness, Aristotle's teleological view of design in nature's final purpose shines full glare: The immortal growth and prosperity of consciousness via universal businessdynamics is the ultimate design and purpose of nature and existence.

Conscious Evolvement

Discovering the self-directed, digital evolvement of one's consciousness lets a person directly command his or her life with streams of quantum-bits designed to advance one toward limitless wealth, power, and romance -- toward a self-created, universal business civilization -- toward the Civilization of the Universe. That unstoppable direction is illustrated in the following narrative mapping of (1) the past forty-eight years of Neo-Tech development and (2) the projection into the first ten years of the new millennium.

The Neo-Tech Journey

In 1952, during an assigned college debate, Frank R. Wallace (FRW) argued for the justification of the Korean War. Midway in the debate, he uttered the sentence "Who are we to question the actions of our government?' In the course of those ten words, FRW forever reversed the essence of his thinking about gun-backed government from never questioning its actions ... to questioning its every action. On finishing that sentence, pausing in shock, he thought, "Did I say that?' From that point on, he questioned every action not only of government but also of any fraud-backed or forced-backed authority.

Later that same year, FRW was temporarily expelled from college for running a high-stakes poker game in the attic of his fraternity house. From that experience, he realized that no one knew how to think with fully integrated honesty or conduct wide-scope accounting in reckoning reality.

In 1958, FRW read an editorial in Barron's financial weekly by its late great editor Robert M. Bleiberg about the marvels of one of man's most-outstanding achievements -- the widely affordable, mass-produced, amazingly reliable automobile. On reading that article, Wallace became inscribed with a profound respect and admiration for free enterprise and the businesspeople, entrepreneurs, engineers, artists, and scientists who create and produce competitive values for everyone. ... His respect and admiration of competitive businessdynamics grew from that day to the present.

From being a severe dyslexic who was barely able to read and write, despite his Ph.D. in chemistry, Wallace put forth an intense multi-year (1959-1966) effort to develop into a widely read reader and an accomplished technical writer. Still, Wallace never thought or desired to become a writer of anything beyond his scientific field.

By 1966, Dr. Wallace was making more money in each of his two weekly, high-stake poker games than he was making as a Senior Research Chemist at E. I. du Pont de Nemours. Yet, he never thought of becoming a full-time professional player. Moreover, despite its lucrative income stream, he grew to despise poker as nothing more than wasting his life among his marks -- gambling fools -- losers. Yet, he embarked on reading every known poker book. From that project, FRW realized that no one, not even the so-called experts and professionals, understood the following wide-scope-accounting essences of poker:

*   a unique non-gambling activity with a guaranteed income for the minuscule few who understand and exploit its essence,

*   an irrational gambling activity with guaranteed losses for the vast majority who misunderstand and ignore its essence,

*   even world-class professionals are routinely beatable by the Neo-Tech player identifying and then manipulating their mysticisms and irrationalities into their defeats,

*   the biggest winner is actually the biggest loser via the irreversible consumption of his valuable time, talent, and life.

Upon those realizations, FRW knew he must write a metaphorical book about poker -- an activity that consumed the time, talent, and money of forty-million Americans without their knowing its nature or essence. During nights and weekends for two years, Wallace wrote and then published in 1968 a radically different book, "Poker, a Guaranteed Income for Life by using the Advanced Concepts of Poker'. It became the best-selling poker book in history ( Still, Wallace figured that less than 1% of his readers grasped the underlying ideas and money/power/love values the book delivered via metaphor. Indeed, that book embodied the future treasures awaiting all Earthlings -- the Neo-Tech foundations for acquiring limitless wealth, non aging-health, and endless romantic excitement for everyone.

(continued throughout the Neo-Tech literature)

What Follows

Einstein discarded the aether as superfluous to the laws of physics. Being the same under all conditions throughout space and time, such laws comprise the universal physical constants expressed through mathematics. Neo-Tech discarded philosophy with its adjuncts of religion and the state as superfluous to the laws of consciousness. Being the same under all conditions throughout space and time, such laws comprise the universal mental constants expressed through rationality, fully integrated honesty, and wide-scope accounting. The natural course of physical existence yields a predictable universe. The natural course of conscious existence yields ever-advancing prosperity, ever-more creative power, ever-exciting non-aging health. ... Philosophy, religion, and the state becloud, reverse, and ultimately destroy the natural course of individual consciousness. Neo-Tech, neothinking, and businessdynamics clarify, advance, and ultimately immortalize the natural course of individual consciousness.

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