Our Neo-Tech World
The People Finally Realized
Still, what about big-government regulations? Wouldn't we have chaos without them? We must need them! The people tomorrow finally realized that beyond their deep-rooted bicameral urges, the answer was: no, we did not need those higher "authorities" ruling over us -- not if we wanted rapid progress and large cuts in costs.
For example, the medical industry was in big trouble as antibiotics lost their effectiveness, and we faced less and less protection against infectious diseases. Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928 and the more than a thousand antibiotics since, bacteria steadily evolved through gradual mutations to more and more resist antibiotics. During the 20th century's last year, humans were literally in a race for their lives against stubborn drug-resistant infectious diseases, and our progress was slow in this race for our lives because of FDA regulations. And medical costs had become almost not affordable instead of dropping to fractions, again because of FDA regulations that were exorbitantly costly and that, furthermore, prevented rapidly advancing technological breakthroughs that would have driven down prices toward zero.
Thus, speaking about results and costs, higher "authorities" like the FDA and their big-government regulations for noble-sounding "good intentions" literally killed us. Virulent diseases, poverty and crime flourished as a result of big-government regulations, which caused us to sink knee-deep into the Catastrophic Era before being pulled out by the new code. In short, tomorrow the new code let the geniuses rise up and do to medicine, poverty, and crime what they did to the computers!
Gods, Oracles, Politicians, and Bureaucrats
The people tomorrow realized that politicians and regulatory bureaucrats, who ruled over our lives, were mystical vestiges from our bicameral past of gods and oracles. Politicians and regulatory bureaucrats played God over man; they ruled over us. They manipulated our mysticisms through very convincing illusions of "public good". Our deep-rooted urge for external guidance accepted those neocheaters under the old code. In fact, all civilizations for the past 2300 years lived under the same old mystical code that allowed a ruling class to rule over the people. The new code allowed no ruling class. The new code employed a protecting class as opposed to a ruling class. Government was for defense, for physically protecting us and our properties and nothing more.
Some social welfare programs still seemed very good and desirable, of course. Still, to have that compassionate social welfare that regulated our money put the "divine" authority to rule over us in the hands of neocheaters. Again, that was the old code of higher "authorities" and "higher" causes, when ruling-class neocheaters -- from Golden Greece's career politicians, the Hebrew elders, Roman emperors, monarchs of the Middle Ages, totalitarian rulers of the 20th century, to America-the-Beautiful career politicians -- eventually destroyed the society over which they ruled. Men could not prosper under other men enjoying the "divine" right to be our gods. That "divine" hierarchy of authorities destroyed prosperity.
The people realized that every regulatory act was disguised through mysticism as something good -- good intentions for the "public good" -- by those politicians and bureaucrats who ruled over us. The result of their "good intentions"? The rulers took an average of one trillion dollars from Americans every year in the late 20th century for their "noble good intentions" alone, which were destroying our prosperity and putting our feet into the Catastrophic Era of poverty, crime, and disease. After 2001, the people finally knew that any program of government that seemed good and desirable, in the end would destroy us if men -- politicians and bureaucrats -- were assuming "the power of gods" to rule over us. ...Indeed, we were shedding our bicameral mentalities.
Did we need regulations to stop corruption in business? Corruption in business had indeed always been a problem, particularly in big business. But in my Visions, people began to see that big government caused the corruption. They realized that big government consisted of men just like you and me, but the difference was they wanted to get ahead politically. So the basis of every decision was tied to political clout, not to building values. A lot of political clout and money came by befriending big business. And in turn, a lot of advantages for big businesses came by befriending politicians...advantages like special rights of way, passage of regulations that limited competition particularly from aggressive entrepreneurs. Tomorrow the people called such businessmen who looked to get ahead through political favors: political businessmen. They called businessmen who got ahead by producing better values at lower prices: market businessmen. The people realized, in short, if there were no big government, if politicians were stripped of their ruling power, there could be no more special arrangements and big-business corruption.
But some concerned moms wondered, would the 21st-century political paradigm ban the Department of Education? I mean, some social programs for the "public good" really were important. Indeed, they were. And tomorrow, their very importance became the impetus to get them out of the hands of people motivated by political clout. Education, energy, agriculture, commerce, transportation, environmental protection, all of industry's regulatory bureaucracies for that matter were sold to private services. Those private services were no longer controlled by political power. Instead, they were controlled by you -- the consumer. To provide you with a competitive, desirable service, finally those good intentions materialized. They called this selling of government's programs for the "public good", this transferring them from corrupt politicians and bureaucrats interested in ruling over us to entrepreneurs and market businesspeople interested in competitively taking care of our needs, the Great Displacement Program.
The People Realized They Would Live Like Millionaires
Once fifty million people got a glimpse of what I saw of the Neo-Tech World in my Visions, and once they realized they would live like millionaires, well, they embraced the new code whose time had come. The widespread damnation of authority had begun. Suddenly, as seen in my Second Vision, the people voted for depoliticizing America, which opened the gates for the great Technological Revolution that took us into the Neo-Tech World.
The vision of wealth caused the change. A political path per se was a hopeless cause. For instance, in my Visions while looking back at the 20th century, I uncovered an admirable political effort that just would not work. I observed Libertarians and their good ideas to depoliticize America. Libertarians said that people would vote Libertarian if they only listened to the Libertarian ideas. The problem with that was people, by and large, did not listen to political ideas. Not in the 20th century, not in the 21st century. Unless we were on the brink of a national disaster such as a war, political ideas just did not enter the average working person's routine.
Nevertheless, elections were very tempting to third-party hopefuls because nearly a hundred million people went out and voted. That was the country's single biggest movement of people every four years. "If I could only connect with and corral an impressive chunk of that movement of people," every third-party presidential candidate hoped for in vain. But it was a fool's journey, for people voted as a sense of civic duty, not because they ever got involved with political ideas. People were too busy making a living and raising a family. Even with growing popularity at century end, Libertarians were looking at a very long time to bring about change. And on the eve of the Catastrophic Era, we did not have a lot of time.
To speed up the process and help us pull free from the Catastrophic Era, a higher power intervened and showed me the exciting Six Visions of the Neo-Tech World. The Six Visions were appealing. They offered the ordinary person his selfish desires and dreams, which were first and foremost to him. He was not too busy to personally prosper. He was not too busy to receive the Six Ultimate Gifts.
So, millions of ordinary men in the street -- ordinary people not politically inclined -- got excited about these Six Visions and talked about them among their friends and loved ones when they got exposed to the Visions and the new code. They no longer needed to suffer in silent frustration. Like me, the answers to everything that ever bothered the average stagnated person came in these Six Visions. Now, to get to that Neo-Tech World that fulfilled his dreams, the political part about depoliticizing America, was an afterthought. But now that the desire for the Neo-Tech World and its Six Ultimate Gifts was inside the layman and would not go away, he followed through on the political side when the time came and voted for his dreams.
The elusive riddle of how to politically corral a major chunk of the immense movement of people every four years was solved by first getting under the layman's skin to his selfish motivations. I really believe this was why the Six Visions came to me with an "instruction" to deliver these Visions to the world. There could be no other way for change. The Libertarians tried to little avail.
No, there was no political jackpot to be won by a third party. But in my Second Vision, I witnessed that when enough of these books reached the mainstream combined with tens of millions of cyberspace hits to the online edition, a critical mass happened and the Great Replacement Program began: All over the country, we began shedding our bicameral mentalities and replacing career politicians who were interested in ruling over us and politicizing our lives, replacing them with instead people interested in the commendable chore of producing values. So, entrepreneurs and market-driven businesspeople were voted into office. That included the President of the United States.
I witnessed that once people got a hint of their own potential millionaire wealth, then today's anti big-government mega trend, steady as she goes, turned into tomorrow's make-the-people-millionaires stampede. Once in office, the Neo-Tech President submitted a protection-only budget that cut out all spending toward all "good intentions"...from regulatory bureaucracies that regulated our businesses to social welfare that regulated our money.
In other words, the President moved us away from a government on the offense to a government of defense only. He depoliticized America to make all industries as free as the nonpoliticized computer industry. We then entered the Neo-Tech World flourishing with Neothink geniuses driving forward super technologies. Costs for that soaring new technology quickly dropped toward zero, and we grew wealthy.
In the End, Money Pointed the Way
Of course, although they knew better, during the early stages of the transition from the old code to the new code some people were still wondering: aren't there some good programs in the federal government besides national defense? But they discovered how to answer for themselves every question like that, as follows: Aside from all the appearances of how good or harmless a particular program seemed, they asked themselves if that program was physically protecting American citizens, or if it was, no matter how good it appeared, politicizing a part of their lives, ruling over them? For, they now knew the moment men began playing gods with our lives, our businesses, and our money, then destruction of society and falling standards of living began. In due course, that bicameral vestige of a hierarchy of authorities ruling over us would grow and permanently intoxicate the men drunk on its "divine" authority. In the end, the harmless "good intentions" for the "public good" would swell to an annual trillion dollars with two-thirds of government-spending going toward ruling over us in every way. That was the old code.
Did people give up their entitlements? Not at first. But in my Second Vision I saw a huge new group of people come out to vote -- the disillusioned nonregistered people old enough to vote came out in droves and registered. They teamed together with the registered voters not on entitlements. And once a Neo-Tech President was in office, a demonstration occurred during his first year after he introduced the protection-only budget. You see, Congress mostly got its way and diluted his massive budget cuts that first year, but the political climate of absolute freedom had been posited. Money, energy, and creativity came pouring into our economy. Standards of living and buying power started going up quickly. This burgeoning new era of wealth became more and more obvious to welfare recipients: they would lose their small entitlements in exchange for millionaire wealth. They got exciting jobs as the economy exploded and everyone became rich before the President's term was up.
The Seniors Got Rich Too
As the desire for the Six Ultimate Gifts got under the skin of tens of millions of people, the government had no choice but to depoliticize America and shrink back to a protection-only government of defense. As government drew back, it underwent a huge sale, which they called the Great Displacement Program. Everything in government apart from physically protecting our people went up for sale.
The trillions of dollars generated went to paying back with interest every penny ever paid into Social Security. The seniors got back the largest checks, many somewhere between $100,000 to $200,000. Every active and retired working person received a check back from Uncle Sam for what was paid into Social Security plus interest. And then, of course, we forever ended the flawed Social Security program.
We Ended All Political "Public Good"
After 2001, the people firmly accepted that a hierarchy of authorities ruling over us was a remnant of the obsolete bicameral mentality and no longer our politicians' prerogative. The people now understood their own bicameral urges to be told how to live by external "authorities". Those external "authorities", in turn, used the people to gain power and wealth. Thus, those neocheaters manipulated the people and their bicameral urges. Those neocheaters provided elaborate external guidance and disguised that destructive politicization as programs for the "public good". Of course, all such "public good" was enforced by regulations that ruled over us and sacrificed us to their "higher" causes.
For example, the "higher" cause known as social welfare was disguised as a humanitarian act for the "public good", but in reality welfare politicized our economy as politicians played God with and sacrificed our money. Another example involved regulatory bureaucracies like the FDA disguised as our protectors of public well-being, but in reality they politicized our industries as bureaucrats played gods with and sacrificed our businesses and professions.
In the end, two-thirds of the national budget -- a trillion dollars -- was sacrificed to the so-called "public good"...the politicians' mystical illusions for politicizing our lives and ruling over us, which prevented us from rising into our paradise on Earth. Twentieth century poor souls died unfulfilled, their one time in all eternity gone without ever experiencing their greatest desires: the Six Ultimate Gifts.[ 4 ]
Tomorrow we lost our bicameral urges for all political "higher" causes for the "public good". We restricted government to physical protection of its citizens. All we needed was a half-trillion-dollar physical-protection-only budget to protect ourselves, and then the freed geniuses of society -- free from big-government regulations -- teamed up with super technologies to quickly lift us into our paradise on Earth...our Neo-Tech World. There, the Six Ultimate Gifts came to all men, women, and children. That was the new code.
The Mother Lode
The Neo-Tech World in the 21st century, in my Visions, was the mother lode of wealth and security for ordinary people. It all started when computer people of the late 20th century fought off regulators and legislators who traditionally hung up progress and prevented Neo-Tech. As we entered the new millennium, that fierce independence spread to most American people. The quest for authorization had reached the end of its long road; our minds just stopped looking for it. Big government grew more and more unpopular. After 2001, Neo-Tech swept through most industries.
People were stunned by the get-rich results. Before, we had always lived with 20th-century big government; it was a given, and we knew nothing else; we knew only that big government hurt us, and we started to reject it. The 20th-century computer revolution opened our eyes to the wealthy alternative to big government. Essentially, we embraced government of defense -- 21st-century get-the-people-rich government. And we rejected, outright, government on the offense -- 20th-century big government.
Toward the end of the 20th century, big government made a big mistake: it tried to get a foothold on regulating computers and cyberspace; government tried to regulate the burgeoning Internet. The people began contemplating this new direction of government. Aside from the ominous First Amendment violations with government controlling information and regulating the information revolution, the people also started to ponder: Imagine big government creating a CEA -- a Computer Enforcement Agency; or a CCC -- a Computer Communication Commission. Instead of waves of new super technologies and software obsoleting other waves of new technologies soon after they reach the marketplace, every single advancement would instead have to go through years of regulations, approvals, and mounting costs before ever reaching the market!
Those arguments started swelling on the Internet's many newsgroups. By the end of the 20th century, the Internet had become a highly used tool for information. Now people feared that this invaluable tool, becoming more and more valuable by the day, could become regulated. They worried about the government regulating information and the technologies that made information more accessible. Needless to say, the computer/cyberspace revolution would die, right there and then! But the cyberspace revolution had become too valuable. The people resisted big government.
How Everything Changed
Big government trying to regulate the Internet toward the end of the 20th century, coupled with more and more people learning about Neo-Tech, caused a quiet rebellion. People began to imagine moving past similar symptoms of 20th-century big government such as the FCC, FTC, SEC, FDA, EPA as we advanced toward the 21st-century Technological Revolution.
Something had changed, an idea whose time had come, a force so big that everything would change. I witnessed that change -- a strategic inflection point -- in my Visions of the next millennium. Everything changed politically, economically, financially, personally. Our leap into the Neo-Tech World became unstoppable and explosive. Wave after wave of new super technologies, pushed ahead by millions upon millions of Neothink geniuses, sent the medical industry and all other industries into unprecedented computerlike revolutions.
Indeed, with computerlike freedom, turbocharged by the communications revolution, all industries were free to do what the computer industry already did: drive prices toward zero and buying power toward infinity. (I could not see in my Visions the details of what those new technologies were, only that they existed. For example, I saw geniuses rising up and eradicating disease after disease. But I could not see the specific curing drug or genetic breakthrough, for instance.)
Looking back over our shoulders after 2001, we asked ourselves, one last time: Did we need 20th-century big-government regulations? The answer was obvious: We did not. In fact, it became painful to look back at what was taken from us in terms of wealth, health, and love. Politicians and regulatory bureaucrats had become intoxicated with politicizing our lives, playing God with our lives, ruling over us. Under their thumbs of authority, like bicameral automatons, we sacrificed our paradise on Earth. Most people died unfulfilled, without ever experiencing wealth, power, and romantic love.
Following the computers' lead, though, we moved past the old code after 2001 and left behind its omnipresent ruling class strapping us down with big-government regulations. In our final evolutionary jump, when our bicameral mentalities and longings for higher "authorities" ended, we moved on to the new code with no ruling class, freeing up a new era of super entrepreneurs and super technologies.
Some people might say that the computer revolution was just an anomaly because of the invention of the silicon chip. But even before high technology, a lone genius of society, James J. Hill, single-handedly built up the entire Northern border of America and was making Americans rich by spearheading the industrialization of Asia with American goods 100 years ago, described in the next chapter. In fact, geniuses dramatically lifted standards of living all throughout our country's history. All the industrialists who built the industrial empires, for example, dramatically raised society's standard of living. Likewise, as I saw in my Visions, when we set free millions of geniuses in tomorrow's Neo-Tech Era, they began driving up everyone's standard of living. And there, to speed it all up, was high technology.
Indeed, the development of 21st-century high technology dramatically sped up progress. In fact, the combination of super entrepreneurs with super technologies caused a catalytic reaction because of high technology like the silicon chip, fiber optics, digitized information, the Internet. Rather than an anomaly, the silicon chip was a forerunner of what was going to happen everywhere in the coming great Technological Revolution.
Of course, that great Technological Revolution, rich with Neothink, stands quietly in the starting gates, waiting for something to come along and depoliticize America to open the gates to the spectacular get-rich era. Dissemination of the Six Visions is what mankind has been waiting for. The computer revolution, communications revolution, information revolution ...those are the forerunners. The great Technological Revolution is coming and so are the geniuses of society who are going to drive the Technological Revolution to a paradise on Earth.
Here is precisely what happened once we got the Six Visions out to critical mass, when bicameral mentalities collapsed, and we rose from the Catastrophic Era: 1) We went through a quick political revolution: we depoliticized America, freeing super entrepreneurs and super technologies from politicization and regulations. 2) With society advancing quickly, we next went through a job revolution: to stay competitive, businesses evolved beyond the old division of labor into the new division of essence in which every employee became an in-house entrepreneur, and later a super entrepreneur -- in fact, a hundred million of them! 3) Now came the full thrust of the great Technological Revolution: a hundred million super entrepreneurs and free-to-advance technologies went into a catalytic reaction causing prosperity beyond all measurements today. Ordinary men, women, and children enjoyed the Six Ultimate Gifts. Yes, we finally enjoyed God's Six Ultimate Gifts to man, and those gifts fulfilled all our desires. In our Neo-Tech World, we lived the fine life we were always meant to live.
Now, let us take a close look into each Vision. Each of the next six chapters explores one Vision, and each Vision describes one of the Six Ultimate Gifts in tomorrow's Neo-Tech World. The Six Visions snap together into a puzzle revealing a beautiful picture never seen before, which is our Neo-Tech World after 2001.
[ 4 ] When neocheaters took away the authority of man's mind and replaced it with external "authorities" 2300 years ago, they took away the God in God-Man, taking away the Six Ultimate Gifts. Thus, tragically and ironically, man himself -- the neocheaters -- took away God's Six Gifts to man, and we never experienced the life we were meant to live. Therefore, those elusive Six Ultimate Gifts became man's six most hungered for desires -- for the life he was meant to live but never had.
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