Charles Darwin
(Theory of Evolution)
Julian Jaynes
(Solves Missing Link)
Frank R. Wallace
(Discovers Next Evolution of Man)
Our Final Evolution
Mark Hamilton
First published in the United States of America by
Integrated Management Associates
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Copyright © Mark Hamilton, 1998
All rights reserved
Hamilton, Mark
God-Man: Our Final Evolution
ISBN 911752-84-6
Printed in the United States of America
March 1998 [KNI-GM] [7500]
May 1998 [QPC-GM] [5000]
August 1998 [PP-GM] [20,000]
October 1998 [PP-GM] [20,000]
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Research indicates that mankind is still going to undergo one more evolutionary leap into a far more competitive being called God-Man. That God-Man in the future will be so superior he might mistakenly think a missing link must exist between himself and 20th-century man in the chart of human evolution. Such a missing link will never be found, however. Instead, I believe soon we will make an unexpected evolutionary "jump" into God-Man. As God-Man, we will be as far beyond today's cognitive man as we, today, are beyond ancient animal man.
A similar, unexpected evolutionary "jump" happened to us once before. Man psychologically "jumped" from an automatic "animal" mentality 3000 years ago into our cognitive "human" mentality of today. Scientists now realize the evolutionary "jump" 3000 years ago solved the missing-link problem in all theories of human evolution. There never was a missing link, as explained in Chapter One, just the evolutionary "jump". Similarly, research indicates our next evolutionary "jump", from our cognitive human mentality into the God-Man mentality, is coming...perhaps surprising us soon after the turn of the millennium.
Technically speaking, we are not actually physically evolving into God-Man, for physical evolutionary changes could take many thousands of years or longer. Sacrificing some scientific preciseness, throughout this book I often refer to "our final evolution into God-Man" instead of belaboring awkward, unfamiliar syntax about "our switch into a new mentality". Keep in mind, however, that unlike physical evolution, people will psychologically "jump" to the much more competitive God-Man almost overnight once the switch into the new mentality begins. Similarly, we know that people psychologically "jumped" from the bicameral "animal" mentality to human consciousness almost overnight 3000 years ago once the switch into the new mentality began, as explained in Chapter One.
That being said, the final evolution of man -- God-Man -- directly affects you today, for 3000 years after man's last evolutionary jump, mankind is moving right now into his next evolutionary jump. The world will change dramatically; this book shows you how.
What will the world be like after 2001? After 2001, you and I will experience exhilarating changes, as described throughout this book. Moreover, you can experience many of those changes now with the knowledge in this book.
Indeed, you can get a head start now. This book makes the switch into God-Man faster, easier, and very profitable. It puts you ahead of almost everyone and shows you how to begin cashing in before others.
Specifically, God-Man unveils Six Ultimate Gifts to be enjoyed by people in the coming Neo-Tech World, but available to you now such as spectacular love and sex and a slim, sexy body, superior intelligence, millionaire wealth, exceptional health and longevity, an exciting profit-building career, and profound security and safety. God-Man also attracts other gifts, including beautiful women, powerful men and rich and famous friends ...inside opportunities among the power players...exotic leisure and entertainment.
God-Man delivers god-like power -- both spiritually as in biological immortality and tangibly as in wealth, health, and sex. With the knowledge in this book, you will be among the first to evolve into the much more competitive God-Man. Thus, you will become the sun at the center of your personal universe. Geniuses, beautiful women, and powerful men will gravitate to you and orbit around you. Needless to say, the increasing number of the finest people surrounding you will fill your world with extraordinary advantages and assets. Imagine your personal world filled with money, power, love, beautiful women, and powerful men.
Start your journey today: Use this book to evolve into God-Man and capture the Neo-Tech World's futuristic advantages right now. Experience millionaire wealth, leap toward perfect health, enjoy spectacular sex, and acquire the most amazing friends.
Chapter Two
Our Neo-Tech World
Chapter Three
The First Ultimate Gift:
Geniuses "Spoil" Us
Chapter Four
The Second Ultimate Gift:
We Become Millionaires
Chapter Five
The Third Ultimate Gift:
We Live Vigorously, Well Past 100
Chapter Six
The Fourth Ultimate Gift:
We Excel in the Careers of Our Dreams
Chapter Seven
The Fifth Ultimate Gift:
We Embrace the Lovers of Our Dreams
Chapter Eight
The Sixth Ultimate Gift:
We Join The Geniuses
Chapter Nine
Gods of the Universe
Conclusion 341
Appendix 355
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