The First Ultimate Gift: Geniuses "Spoil" Us
After 2001, looking back at the 20th century was very frustrating. Career politicians and bureaucrats ruling over us and holding down society caused the only injustice that no one could see, because no one back then could imagine tomorrow's Neo-Tech World. One minor example, America would have been the dominant trade of that huge upswinging in Asia. America's problems with the trade deficit and people losing their jobs to international competition would have all been reversed. But no one saw that. Instead, we were held down in the darkness. We could not see this particular injustice of government ruling over us and holding us down because back then no one knew about the Golden Neo-Tech World, tomorrow's paradise on Earth.
James J. Hill started pushing us up toward that Golden Neo-Tech World. But America was held down by 20th-century big government. Tomorrow, once we lived in the Neo-Tech World and could see the injustice of former 20th-century big government, to look back became painfully hard to do. The people now realized that every life lost on the battlefield, all famine and sufferings in America and around the world in the 20th century including deaths from diseases...all of that was encompassed in the Great Sin of holding down America from soaring into the Golden Neo-Tech World. The 20th-century ruling class, mere men drunk with the "divine" ruling power, was fully responsible for the Great Sin.
The Geniuses Pulled Everyone Up With Them
In my First Vision into the next millennium, when the geniuses of society were free to go up, they pulled everyone up with them. All our personal needs were taken care of because we did not have just one James J. Hill 100 years ago. We did not have just one Michael Milken today. (Michael Milken would have most likely financed the industrialization of the third world, particularly the economically ruined Eastern European countries, and again established an American dominance of trade there, had he not been smashed down like J. J. Hill with immoral 20th-century big-government regulations.) We actually had thousands and then millions of James J. Hills and Michael Milkens...all making ordinary people rich, making their dreams come true, catalyzed by the great Technological Revolution.
For, in my Vision, tender youth could rise and rise quickly. Tender youth could not rise from under the old code in the late 20th century because they could not climb through the big-government regulatory web and then face being caught and squashed like a Milken-Hill bug. They just could not get enough momentum to rise in the thick web of big-government legislation, regulation, litigation, destruction and punishment. Of course, they could not even envision Neothink.
In 1936, conscious man learned after 3000 years how to control nature on a large scale -- to develop the technology to build Hoover Dam and control the Colorado River, for example. But man took only another 33 years to go to the moon. Civilization was begging to progress geometrically, which finally occurred after 2001 when the big-government legislative/regulatory web was swished away and super technologies and the geniuses soared upward, no longer held down, as we entered the third millennium with its rags-to-riches new political paradigm.
The Visions showed me unburdened technology -- regulated not by glory-seeking politicians and bureaucrats but by private services -- advanced incredibly fast, nearly at the speed of accessing information. Science, business, and medicine rapidly came together during the communication/information revolution for synergistic breakthroughs, no longer politicized by big government, free as the nonpoliticized computer industry of the past decade.
Upon setting free the entire Technological Revolution from big government, genius-driven Neo-Tech quickly took care of all our problems. Disease, unemployment, poverty, divorce, obesity, insecurity, stagnation, racism, crime, budget deficits, the national debt, government abuse, Social-Security default, illiteracy vanished along with big government. So did our personal problems such as a lousy job, lousy love-life, an uncompetitive body, a stagnant mind, an embarrassing home, car, and overall financial self-worth.
Too Painful To Look Back
Until America went Neo-Tech, however, some readers of this very page lost their lives to disease or lost a precious loved one. That Vision of loss was in my head every day and night, haunting images like my friend John who, at 12 years old, ran and played with all the other schoolchildren; but the next year, muscular dystrophy started taking over his tall and handsome body. John first needed crutches, then a wheelchair, then an electric wheelchair...his long, limp body strapped in with a seat belt. In those days, John and I would go around doing things that young men do. John was almost in my world, talking about sports and girls. Yet, John would never experience those things. I could sometimes see in John's eyes his longing to throw off his seat belt, jump out of his wheelchair, and scream, Here I am world! Here I am! One day, John got a cold, and still just a young man, he died. Yet, under the new code, geniuses in a Neo-Tech society would have long ago taken care of John and cured his disease.
Twentieth-century big government held down the lid on America including cures to diseases, but we could not see the harm caused by big government. Tomorrow, it became almost too painful to look back at what and who we lost.
Consider looking back at the following image: Imprisoned by hunger, children in poverty-stricken third-world countries hoped for a little fish with their rice for dinner. If James J. Hill were not stopped 100 years ago, along with all the other market businessmen hence, including most recently Michael Milken who would have very likely next financed third-world industrialization and an American dominance of trade if not wrongly incarcerated by "well intentioned" government regulations and legislation, then those poor countries would have been industrialized and prosperous a long time ago.
Instead, those third-world children suffered and died to the bitter end of the 20th century as the glorious big-government "good intentions" flourished and lived. The Great Sin went on and on, through century end. After 2001, we brought to trial and to justice many politicians and bureaucrats -- the sinister ones such as those responsible for incarcerating Michael Milken for their personal political gains -- all of whom were still revered through century end.
In the 20th century, American children felt excitement about their futures. Yet, tomorrow when we looked back we realized that America, the land of opportunity, was also the land of disillusionment and disappointment. The drop from childhood dreams to adulthood reality was the greatest letdown anywhere in the world. Indeed, American adults carried a subdued sadness every the end. Before the new code, they died unfulfilled, without experiencing wealth and romantic love.
After 2001, it became almost unbearable to look back. We saw, over and over again, images of what was lost. We failed at our dreams in the 20th century because we were in a society in which we could not win. The Neo-Tech society after 2001, by contrast, would not let us fail. Instead, it made our dreams come true and made every ordinary person wealthy and healthy.
How hard it was, after 2001, to accept that only a tiny percentage of our population -- the hierarchy of authorities consisting of our political and bureaucratic leaders -- caused our irreplaceable loss of happiness and life in the 20th century. That tiny clique was our ruling class. They created an indomitable burden on advancing technology (B.O.A.T.) in the 20th century. When we sank that B.O.A.T. of neocheaters after 2001, technologies boomed along with our own wealth as prices tumbled. When the B.O.A.T. sank, all society rose.
Looking back at the final decades of the 20th century, the people tomorrow shook their heads in disbelief. Society's opportunities had vanished because the B.O.A.T. made success too difficult. The legal battles, regulations, and legislation made opportunities at success limited, costly, and risky.
Of course, in the next millennium, without such burdens, lucrative opportunities were everywhere, for everyone. The first generation of children in that free world could never understand their parents' and grandparents' blind spot in the 20th century. Of course, those children were void of mysticism that had fooled their parents and grandparents into following external "authorities". Equipped with the new, Neothink minds, those mysticism-free children harbored no bicameral tendencies constantly searching for external "authorities" to tell them what to do or how to live.
We glumly looked back at the stagnation that killed our dreams in the 20th century, weakened our marriages, and destroyed the thrill of love we felt only during the first few weeks or months of falling in love. And, most painfully, we saw how our children absorbed from us our hopeless resignation, just as we had from our parents.
The Disgraceful End
After 2001, the Great Sin came to a disgraceful end. As mysticism and its bicameral mentality collapsed, so did our acceptance of external "authorities". Big government could in no way, not ever again, strangle progress and kill our dreams. In fact, our three greatest childhood wishes of great wealth, great romantic love, a great body and mind all came true.
Society no longer got pushed down with us squeezed into stagnation-traps where we had always lived in the 20th century. Career politicians were no longer around to hold back progressive technology with big-government regulations and legislation -- all in the name of the "public good". Government no longer included that bogus, second purpose below:
Tomorrow we looked back and realized in disgust that, like the transcontinental railroads, our 20th-century career politicians spent our money to ostensibly enhance our "well-being" and promote public "prosperity", but they really wanted the glory and "importance" that went with spending other people's money and ruling over us. They did not want anything to do with the effort, though, that went with building values, which market businessmen and women put themselves through every day. So, career politicians made a mess of things in the 20th century like they did with the railroads. And market businessmen who were interested in building values and not in ruling others made miracles in the 20th century like Hill's transcontinental and the computers.
The New Miracle Makers
Tomorrow, the miracle makers, the unburdened market businessmen and women dramatically improved our well-being and prosperity. A Neo-Tech society, flourishing with geniuses, handed us our needs on a silver platter and filled all our desires. That was the new code.
The erroneous 20th-century idea that government could "promote public prosperity" sort of sneaked up over the century through career politicians finding ways to self-indulge at spending our money to become more and more likable for re-election. Indeed, spending other people's money was a fast way to build favorable illusions in the 20th century. But the people caught on after 2001. The old code ended with great shame.
In the First Vision, 21st-century market businessmen and women replaced the 20th-century career politicians after 2001. Geniuses of society rose and threw open the lid on society and lifted society toward its destiny of great prosperity. Each person was pulled up, our wheelchairs left behind. The whole world was then lifted as the communications revolution obsoleted distance and boundaries.
Paradise On Earth
In that Golden Neo-Tech World, irrationality disappeared. Poverty and crime vanished. In the Golden Neo-Tech World, the motivation for people to do dishonest things reversed. In time, in that world of disappearing irrationality and mysticism, armed forces were no longer necessary. The idea of crime and war became archaic. We achieved paradise on Earth.
Perhaps this all sounds like Utopia. But tomorrow's Neo-Tech World truly reversed the motivation for people to do dishonest things, for our problems disappeared, and millionaire wealth was automatic -- far easier and more lucrative than any possible crime. When America went Neo-Tech, the era of wealth and peace was here, finally and forever.
Before the Six Visions, the people never knew about this wonderful Neo-Tech World. We only dreamed about it when we were children. Dr. Wallace knew of its existence, but needed for people to "see" it through these Six Visions.
Today, we live in a lucky time. Our bicameral longings are subsiding. Huge financial rewards beckon us to shed our bicameral urges for external "authorities" telling us how to live. The nature of big government and its career politician is being recognized, and the Great Replacement Program is on the horizon. Our get-rich era is coming.
The First Ultimate Gift of the Neo-Tech World was: the new miracle makers -- the rising geniuses of society -- "spoiled" us by serving us our needs including great wealth. Now, think about the prosperous power in all this: The relatively few geniuses were the first to venture into Neothink. And they alone raised our standards of living to that of millionaires without us lifting a finger, as they first did in the computer world...the testimony to the power of Neothink! Imagine when the masses would follow into Neothink -- imagine the wealth.
The geniuses led the way into God-Man. Later, we all would follow. And when we did -- when millions upon millions of us did -- well, I will try to describe, in the next chapter, the new-color economy that I saw once we all switched over to the Neothink mind.
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