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God-Man: Our Final Evolution

Third Ultimate Gift: We Live Vigorously, Well Past 100

Three Forces That Brought Us Neo-Tech

Of course, in the late 20th century, Neo-Tech already existed in the computer/cyberspace industry. The new technology -- the Internet's Worldwide Web inviting everyone into cyberspace -- was ownerless and politically free. In my Third Vision, I saw that cyberspace ultimately offered a place where other industries could safely escape the politicization that held them back. Neo-Tech came to those other industries through a civilization not vulnerable to politicization -- cyberspace. ...The bonanza of cyberspace was that it would eventually bring Neo-Tech beyond the computer industry to other industries, including the medical industry.

My Third Vision showed me another force also at work: America's mega trend against big government. That growing mega trend actually spread on its own with little help from the liberal media. It became an unstoppable mega trend because it was actually a biological and psychological phenomenon occurring within each individual. In essence, our bicameral urges were finally dying. Our physical and psychological reactions to life no longer looked for automatic answers from higher "authorities". Instead, rising within us, we felt a growing damnation toward politicians and regulatory bureaucracies.

That rebellion against authority started spontaneously rising throughout civilizations across the planet from China and the Orient, through Russia and Eastern Europe, Asia Minor and down through Africa, to the relatively free United States and throughout Central and South America. Those early signs of the new Neothink mentality, spontaneously rising throughout different civilizations around the globe, paralleled a similar phenomenon 3000 years ago as the new mentality of consciousness spontaneously sprang up in different civilizations across the world.

Tomorrow, we started resisting authorities such as politicians and regulatory bureaucrats just as we would resist religious zealots telling us how to live. Of course, a smaller percentage of the people, those more inclined toward bicameral tendencies, still followed the political leaders not unlike followers of religious cults. But more and more people fell out of favor with authority.

Furthermore, that anti-authority mega trend picked up enormous momentum around the turn of the century when medical catastrophes put the human race on emergency code blue. For survival, the people assumed command, relieved big government of its ruling "duties", and removed the external "authorities".

Thrust ahead by that mega trend was yet a third and more specific force at work: the inevitable Neo-Tech Party with the mission to reverse the human catastrophes. That Neo-Tech Party replaced the two old parties sometime after 2001 and set free the geniuses of society who then brought Neo-Tech beyond the computer industry to the medical industry and to all American industries -- the only antidote to the mushrooming medical and economic catastrophes of the late 20th century. The Neo-Tech Party depoliticized the medical industry and set free the drug companies and especially the aggressive entrepreneurs, the geniuses of society. The geniuses then managed the Great Rescue and brought us the super rapidly advancing new technologies that won the race against infectious diseases, just in time.

Indeed, unleashing medical technology through unburdening business and science right down to the entrepreneurs averted the medical catastrophes. The race for our lives was won before the full wrath of the Catastrophic Era was felt.

Medical technology versus medical catastrophe...the new code of freed geniuses using Neothink versus the old code of higher "authorities" suppressing progress. The Neo-Tech Party brought in the new code and unleashed technology and geniuses in all industries. The people were ready for the Neo-Tech Party, the party for depoliticizing America. When America embraced the Neo-Tech Party after 2001, then three benefits surfaced:

  1. Near-perfect health for the young, the old, and for those in their prime.
  2. Millionaire wealth for all ordinary people.
  3. Exciting jobs of the mind for everyone that released everyone's creative self and happiness (the Fourth Vision).

Young Again

In tomorrow's Neo-Tech World, everything changed. My Third Vision showed me that as the ordinary person got swept into a stimulating life of perfect health and millionaire wealth, he passionately sought life over death. Death at mid-70 simply became unacceptable. Science, medicine, business, and entrepreneurs focused on one epic event -- to eradicate all diseases and illnesses to enable ordinary people to live healthily well into their hundreds.

As bicameral mentalities collapsed, so did the hierarchy of authorities. Technology-blocking higher "authorities" such as the FDA that burdened progress were scorned out of existence by the people, passionately demanding their God-given Third Ultimate Gift -- a long, healthy life.[ 7 ]

In tomorrow's world, looking back at today's world, we realized that most people in the late 20th century deeply felt the unacceptability of the ultimate disease, aging. But few people could relate to their own greatest tragedy of dying in their 70s because:

In tomorrow's rapidly progressing Neo-Tech World, I saw that the idea of living longer suddenly did not seem so futuristic. What before seemed technologically impossible was in wide use. Without disease, we lived well into our hundreds. Moreover, the idea of extending human life by slowing the ultimate disease of cellular degeneration called aging, and slowing the effects of gravity and entropy became a mass appeal, especially as ordinary people became wealthy, healthy, and in love with life...the young life. The geniuses were hard at work learning how to extend our lives.

Back in the 20th century's suppressed politicized society, people eventually lost the desire to live. Sinking in stagnation, most good people experienced limited financial and emotional success. Physically, emotionally, and financially burned out, most older people did not care to live much longer. Quality of elderly life was low. Thus, under the old code, the desire to live longer was not in wide demand.

In tomorrow's nonpoliticized world, a money/power/romantic-love paradise on Earth, I saw people regain a vigorous desire to live longer. Rich and in love, quality of life was high, and in the new code the desire to live longer was in wide demand.

Death Became an Unacceptable Option

A strong sense of tragedy grew in us as we got older and moved towards death. We emotionally grasped the unacceptabil-ity of dying in our 70s. In fact, the thought of dying so young grew increasingly intolerable. That unacceptability of dying was a direct result of one's happiness in life. The greater one's happiness, the more unacceptable death became. Tomorrow, the unburdened geniuses of society raced forward to answer our cries for life as everyone's happiness soared to undreamed of heights.

Most people in the 20th century did not fully grasp the tragedy of dying so young because, as we grew older, we steadily lost our enthusiasm for life. Looking back, we never blamed ourselves, for in that suppressed society life offered very small doses of wealth and happiness.

Wonderful things happened when we entered the new code and ended the downward trend of enthusiasm during our precious lives. In fact, the Neo-Tech World actually reversed the trend; enthusiasm actually intensified as we grew older. In my Third Vision I saw many people, sometime around the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century, who got a small taste of reversing their trends of enthusiasm...while still under the old code. They used a little technique to amplify the value of their lives more to where that value should be. Here was that technique that caught on across the country as the old code was ending:

First, people began thinking about their imminent deaths: on a certain date, at a certain time, every person died. They figured if they knew the date they would die, their lives would change dramatically. They would appreciate their one and only lives much more intensely. So, using the average life expectancy, people began writing the estimated date of their deaths on a piece of paper. They taped that written date on their bathroom mirrors.

Immediately, their lives changed. Even as teenagers, emotions, perspectives changed. Before the "death date" technique, most teenagers wanted the years to whiz by to reach the age of 16 so they could drive, or 18 when they graduated from high school, or 21 when they were legal adults. But with their parents' date of death on the bathroom mirror, the teenager no longer said, "I can't wait until I'm sixteen so I can get my driver's license." For, he would be that many years closer to his parents' date on the mirror, and the teenager would be that many years closer to his own date. Now, no one wanted the years to whiz by. Instead, even teenagers appreciated every moment of their lives and every moment of sharing time together with loved ones.

The Wildly Popular Life Charts

Now, this idea grew into something more than just an estimated date of death taped to their mirrors. People in the late 20th century and early 21st century turned their dates into monthly countdown sheets with monthly squares to "X" off. Each month that went by, they would "X" off one square. When they were babies, their parents would "X" the squares for them. By their third birthday, before they even knew what was going on, 36 squares of their life charts were already gone. Figuring that everyone started out with 900 squares (75 years average x 12 months), they only had 864 left.

At 38 years old, people had less than half their squares left. And as they grew older, they did not slow down. For now, they were intensely aware of their mortality and were interested in leaving a legacy. What happened when those open squares, for the first time, dropped from three digits to two digits -- under 100 left? Just 100 months left! Did they slow down for "old age"? No, instead they picked up their pace. How much have I done with my life? they kept asking themselves. Not much time left!

They broke out of restricting comfort zones and did not hesitate to take worthwhile risks. For, the most valuable commodity became those open squares. People had only those open squares in which to accomplish and experience everything they would ever accomplish or experience in life. A stagnated, specialized job for security that ate up those squares while they got nowhere became the exception instead of the norm. They pursued entrepreneurial challenges or became in-house entrepreneurs (the Fourth Vision). Their lives no longer answered to the standards of others -- that meant little now. Their lives answered to those remaining open squares. That meant everything.

On the other hand, imagine the relationships, using this exercise, with their spouses and children, their parents, brothers and sisters, and friends. They savored their moments with them. They became much closer, more caring -- they got much more out of life. The value of their brief lives and relationships were amplified to where they should be.

Adventurous value production, even taking rational chances in entrepreneurial challenges became the only way to live for those people using the life charts. Romantic love, finding the right person, not letting love slip by, savoring time together and not taking life for granted, deep family love, wonderful friendship love, and giving life one's all became the only way to live for those growing people using the life charts. Life was lived to the fullest.

Everything changed. Children did not let 264 squares get "X'd" off to an inferior education, leaving them with just 636 left to really start living. Ten-year-olds started integrated thinking (the Sixth Vision) after just 109 squares got "X'd" off. Those ten-year-olds wanted to really start living and contributing.

Enthusiasm increased as these people grew older. People all over the country and then around the world started these life charts. The older these people became, the more motivated they became to get more out of the precious shrinking supply of life.

These life charts became wildly popular; people did not get depressed over their shrinking supplies of life because geniuses in the business and science world were working frantically to extend life expectancy, focused on the world's greatest goal: to add more open squares to the life charts faster than they got X'd off.

When business and science started moving faster than nature, and people added squares faster than they X'd them, a great celebration broke out all over the world. Ticker-tape parades were held in the cities for the geniuses responsible for extending life. ...Whereas the extraordinarily popular life charts stimulated people's remaining, brief time in all eternity, they also unified the whole world to focus on mankind's single most important goal: extending quality life.

Once the Neo-Tech World evolved sometime after 2001, the life charts were no longer needed. Ordinary people intensely appreciated and aggressively lived each day of their lives. Immense happiness filled them as they lived their dreams and filled their desires. As their happiness grew, so did an unforgiving sorrow for life's greatest tragedy. Yet, their heightened awareness of their inevitable deaths further stimulated their lives.

More and more geniuses continued evolving into Neothink and taking life extension to new unforeseen levels. Then the question was asked of them, "Can we live eternally?"

Eternal Life -- The Way It Could Be

As people's lives became more and more exciting with age and accomplishments, they eventually could not fathom the tragedy of a growing, super-happy person dying. That death could only be compared to the death of a child -- so much unseen and left undone. Then the cries to the geniuses began: "We must live forever!" Soon, the majority of the world's creative and productive energy poured together toward achieving mankind's greatest goal: eternal life in our heaven on Earth.

Certain Death -- The Way It Used To Be

Still trying to make sense of our past, people tomorrow looked back at how dying in the 20th century often seemed natural. Since life progressed in an open-ended flow from generation to generation, death was somehow acceptable. For example, at a certain age during childhood or early adulthood, one's grandparents died. Later one's parents died. Then oneself. His children and grandchildren lived on. Everything seemed natural as people never stopped to think that once life was over, it was over forever.

But consider the following sad yet all-too-common story: Henry Ford, the entrepreneur who broke into Neothink and built Ford Motor Company as most people know, was a genius of society. He also deeply loved his son, Edsel, who went to work in Ford Motor Company and eventually became Ford's president. Henry Ford proudly watched his son's growth from a baby, through his childhood, his schooling, his teenage years, his early adulthood, his first day at Ford Motor Company to the presidency of Ford Motor Company. Then Edsel died at the age of 50. He died from cancer. Henry Ford, his father, lived a few more years, running Ford Motor Company with a broken heart.

Imagine the grief Henry Ford felt. He could remember bringing the tiny baby Edsel into the world, teaching him how to walk, to talk. He could remember celebrating the twenty-millionth Ford automobile side by side with Edsel. Then suddenly, in a flash, his son was gone, forever...come and gone within his father's lifetime. Imagine the realization Henry Ford had to face: the pitifully short experience that life really is. Life, so valuable, full of feeling, one's everything -- gone so quickly.

By seeing his son's entire life come and go, the shortness of life and finality of death became inescapably real. He saw life not as an open-ended progression from grandfather to father to himself to son -- a perspective in which the brief, closed nature of life was never fully grasped. No, he saw the true nutshell of life in witnessing his son's life.

Very few people in the 20th century had the true, nutshell perspective of their lives. Instead, the open extension of the family, children outliving their parents, blocked that perspective. Yet, people's lives were but closed little nutshells in time. If your own son were to die before you, then you would suddenly see the nutshell perspective of life and would emotionally feel death as wretchedly immoral and intolerable.

Let us travel from my Third Vision back to the late 1990s, back to you today. Now, try to imagine, for one sad moment, watching your own son die as did Henry Ford. As you hold your son's hand like you did when he was a boy, for one last time, everything he ever felt or experienced is ending. In a few hours, your son's short time in all eternity will be over. As you watch him lying there, the pain becomes unbearable. For, you know that your son's one experience of life will soon be all over, forever. And you can still remember the day he first mouthed "dada" if that day were yesterday. Yet your son, in a flash, is gone. Gone forever.

That same closed nutshell of life applies to you. Take this moment to imagine yourself dying: Your vision is fading, going. You look at your wife, your children beside you; but they are fading like fog on a window separating you as darkness begins to envelop you. As they fade, you look as intensely as you can at their wonderful faces; you are hanging on to these last moments, for you know you will never see their beautiful faces again.

You have closed your eyes to sleep many thousands of times before. But you know this time will be the last. You know this time, when you slip into darkness, you will never again be part of life. After thousands of times of seeing your spouse good night, this time will be the last time you will see her, ever. Your life is over. At that moment, you alone know perhaps for the first time that once life leaves you, every wonderful feeling of life is really over...forever.

In tomorrow's Neo-Tech World, our brief seven-and-a-half decades of life in all eternity was considered much too brief for the wealthy and happy ordinary person. The demand for living longer grew enormous. First, disease was eradicated to give us healthy life well into our hundreds. Then, major businesses, financial institutions, and entrepreneurs recognized the growing demand for longer life. Money, minds, computers, and advanced technology, science, medicine all through entrepreneurial business came pouring together to meet the ultimate demand of slowing down and eventually curing the disease of aging.

With business and technology free to advance rapidly, and with intense happiness coming to all ordinary people, the geniuses awakened the sleeping-giant consumer product of all time: life extension. For suddenly, happy people's brief time in all eternity became unacceptable. Too brief. Within your lifetime, the new code and Neo-Tech could double your journey through life...or more.


[ 7 ] The conscious mind was supposed to be its own authority, God-Man, and was never meant to live under a ruling class and its hierarchy of "higher" authorities. Through master neocheaters, the dying, obsolete bicameral mentality mutated 2300 years ago and aggressively invaded the conscious mentality as a virulent disease of the mind called mysticism. The ruling class and its hierarchy of "higher" authorities throughout the past 2300 years has been a devastating mutation of bicameral man's imagined, ruling gods and their hierarchy of divine authorities.

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