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God-Man: Our Final Evolution
Fourth Ultimate Gift: We Excel In The Careers Of Our Dreams
Diagram Eight
Power-Thinking List
Week of 8/19 - 8/25
- Read first test results
- Determine results of British Postal Meeting; make decisions on mailing lists
as a result of meeting
- Boardroom negotiate price to rent entire file
- KCI negotiate price Karen and lower price
- Newsletter Management negotiate price...send letter to lower price
- Nightingale Conant negotiate price
- Cogan's masterfiles such as Shindler masterfile
- Then continue in big numbers from there
Expanding Envelope
- Finishing designing and typesetting
- Have first batch printed
- InterMarket arrange
- Better Investing call for test
- Design letter to ad director of several magazines
- Call Money Making and try it there
- Send Strategic Investing order for October issue
- Print 32M brochures; print 32M remittance envelopes
- Test Newsletter Management with 300M universe
AMS Lettershop
- Test new 8-page newspaper format
- Test tabloid in larger size envelope; have Pacific Envelope print
larger size envelope
- Test placing conversion notice first
- Test logo coupon vs. regular
- Put some lists through women-purge program; test repeat of 2nd
quarter Shindler to increase universe
- Ticket to Success test; if looks good, go back to England test
Space Media
- Test Moneysworth; Better Living; good space deals
- Test Neo-Tech Management ad; go in all good publications that
rejected Neo-Tech ad -- send brochure
- Test "Ticket to Success" ad in Spanish-speaking magazine; set ad
through Stuart
- Test "Ticket to Success" ad in French-speaking Canadian magazine;
check with Stuart if knows market
- Test 1/6 page "Ticket to Success" ad in next issue of Success to
demonstrate if nature of ad can run time after time such as
Mellinger's 1/6 page ads, year after year, building recognition and
credibility. If so, study different magazines.
- Test "Ticket to Success" bind-in card in magazine; test versus
exploding envelope in InterMarket
- Of course, pursue exploding envelope as indicated above
- Classified ad
- Pick up National Enquirer and determine best inquiry ad size
- Pick up and study different publications and ads.
Canadian Market
- Run "Ticket to Success" in several Canadian publications as
a) a feeler ad, and b) good strategy for them to get used to us to accept
4-page or exploding envelope
- Set Fiduciary loose on testing Canadian lists
- Establish a Canadian mail house in October while in Montreal
- Get a huge-volume list and mail via BMI into Canada
- Test French brochure to French-Canadian names - via AMS 106
- Send Claudette letter for leads
Neo-Tech Management Book
- Finish brochure and mail from England before October 1st to best
70M Neo-Tech names
- Finish WW
- Finish final chapter
- Ongoing product development
Gary's Area
- Finish brochure and mail from England hopefully before October
1st to all Neo-Tech buyers minus RIBI names
- Provide GT with necessary information to produce "A Day of Consultation"
- Encourage and work closely with GT on developing cassette tapes
on each concept -- "Tape of the Month Club"
- Begin developing brochure for monthly cassettes
Keri's Area
- Encourage development and growth of Fiduciary Lists as it expands
into large operation with perhaps added help
- Encourage and work closely in BMI and mailings as KJ will
become in charge of those mailings and acquiring the mailing lists
- Shoot for first Neo-Tech Summit in November:
- Finish ad copy
- KJ find out best time to mail prior to Summit
- Mail to 3M RIBI Names
- My good opportunity to do our first telemarketing test. If
works, do them all and MH start for Integrated Management Associates
- Have a blast in Las Vegas come November
- Work with KJ to write out philosophical linkages of Paradise Valley
to man's nature...why different. Then will publish that in some
mailing to monitor immediate interest.
Kay's Area
- Take a good list and run through "common-women names" program
and pull out good select of women so Kay's mini-company can
make money while testing. Great source of names once get started;
can establish "core" lists as does Integrated Management and have
good income while pursuing more profitable lists.
- Test three approaches; keep on 4-page format for test, for this is
different ball game; after 1st test then may switch to 8-page format,
depending on results of 3-way test.
- Work closely with Kay to develop "Ticket to Success" 1/6 page
ad for women. Test in low-cost magazine.
- Could women be similar in nature to Japanese and other Far East
cultures? Could they need to first develop trust with a company?
Make 3-way test a 4-way test and test women's "Ticket to Success"
as an inquiry postcard through the mail.
- Pending on British Postal Meeting, will eventually start testing from
England once find substantial names to work with, which may
warrant Kay traveling to England if her mailings really got rolling.
- Set up and turn over profitable decline, invalid, bad-check program
to Kay's mini-company. A good sustaining income.
- Finish questionnaire and insert to go with her booklist mailing to
Neo-Tech names.
Frank's Area
- Provide FW with outline idea of book
- Let FW read Neo-Tech Management book
- Start program of weekly writing with FW
Helen's Area
- Work closely with Helen guiding her writing
- Work heavily with editing as she provides me her drafts
Ruth's Area
- Develop makeshift video cassette with wedding tape, cutting,
narrating, and dubbing in music and narration
- Provide Ruth and John idea and makeshift videos
- Let them do one on their own with my narration edits to their
music and drama...great potential
- Eventually perhaps blend in with GT's tape-of-the-month product
Neo-Tech Newsletter/2nd-class project
- Test the newsletter concept AMS 105
- Work with FW and WW on newsletter
- Apply for 2nd-class mail
- Advertise back-end plus send out brochure to other 50% if more profitable
- Pursue with local postal authorities and those in CA
Writing Projects
- Neo-Tech Management Book
- Neo-Tech Management brochure
- A Day of Consultation brochure
- Neo-Tech Summit brochure editing
- Children's concepts, Neo-Tech
- Two chapters of "Money/Power Through Successful Love"
- Doris insert and questionnaire
- Booklist insert
- New product -- Look and See
- Article about loving your work means making the most money,
even if money means little to you
- Letter to Peter
- New CCL letter
- Prepare consultation on Mini-Day and Power-Thinking for in-house
- Prepare consultation on Mini-Day and Power-Thinking for Summit
- Never can lie -- right brain. Support structure
Internal Operations (Vicki, Helen, Shelly)
- Hard copy checks of everything
- Install long overdue fine system
- "Shake-up"
- Set up "salvage" programs as discover mistakes
- Interview job applicants
- Search job file to bring in a customer service and public relations
full time, ambitious employee; will determine how to set up as
self-motivated entrepreneur
- Daily organization put into office -- becoming straight and tight;
want to have the tightest office in the country
- Set up auditing control on everything, including bank check-in,
check-out control on returns
- Bank-like control on all orders
- Bank-like control on all correspondence, computer work, and
customer service with MH personal check now
- Collection to go to entrepreneurial-motivated Kay
- Fine system to clean up non-conscientious work
- Drawers and files and storage becoming a pleasure to enter, not a drag --
every desk and cabinet
- Job file search -- Accountant, customer service
Late Notes and Additions:
- Search for CPA -- run ad, contact RIBI customers
- Numbers man -- study response
Mailing list project
- Orders 18-24 to Linden, to PSA, into 8C
- RIBI's to Linden, to PSA
- Orders 8C & RIBI's to MetroMail -- phone numbers
- To Newsletter Management or Astro for telemarketing list
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