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Chapter 8

The Power of Consciousness

Subj: Re: N-T: My first question - reply THINKfirst

Date: Sun, Nov 12, 1995 2:18 PM PST




In a message dated 95-11-08 12:03:26 EST, you write:

Your reply to my question is welcome and I understand much of what you say but...much of your reply is directing me to good business practice, not exactly what I was looking for. One does not need N-T to be a good businessman. Good business practice applies to most successful (and unsuccessful) businesses. To get more to the point of my question of "am I missing something?" I quote below from the opening pages of The N-T Discovery, "What actually makes him (the Neo-Tech person) so effective?"

Response #1

The mysticism you speak of is within yourself. Neo-Tech simply means fully integrated honesty. That is the only way to real power. As man discovered the wheel, fire, consciousness etc, Neo-Tech is the final step as it creates a chain reaction that can catapult one anywhere they wish to go.

The human mind as it exists in most seeks to be led. Seeks automatic answers. Creates rationalizations based on whims, caprices. Neo-Tech is a laser that cuts out the most virulent cancer seeds of all-your own personal mysticism.

All other paths are guaranteed losers because they do not integrate consciousness as the most powerful force in the universe. And since Neo-Tech comes with a money back guarantee you are indeed a loser to pass up this chance for TRUE HAPPINESS!

A word to the wise should suffice. Neo-Tech will bring about a world of happiness you could not even comprehend much as most people 500 years ago could not comprehend someone sailing to America and not falling off the end of the flat earth.

And so far as romantic love goes; wait'll you're so grounded you can integrate the power-f-ing concept. You will rule! So don't be a sucker!

Neo-Tech Man Moving Rapidly into Zon,

Gary S. Kraft

P.S.-Once you grasp Zon you no longer need it. Neo-Tech is the only business whose goal is to put itself out of business!


I think that consciousness will direct its physical counterpart to exercise volitional control over existents, but that consciousness is not the (or any) controlling force of existence.


In article <>, (THINKfirst!) wrote:

What is consciousness' "physical counterpart"?

I'm not trying to bring in a mind/body dichotomy, I just mean the body acting based upon the information gathered by the sensory faculties and processed by reason.

Well, yes, the mind and body acting in concert. In the current context of our knowledge, this typically equates to some series of thought followed by physical movement of some sort to direct action - whether the action we are directing be to press the button on our garage door opener, or type an e-mail to our entire business staff which in-turn causes a whole hierarchy of actions to take place.

OK, now consider advanced technology which will soon give us voice recognition, and perhaps eventually, the ability to plug-in and have our thoughts control things directly. A conscious being is not a Grand Controller. Consciousness, as a state of being, is the force that must control its surroundings for its own survival. Man must control his surroundings to exist and prosper. Man's nature -- the essence which requires the control -- is consciousness. It is consciousness (conscious beings) that must control their surroundings. As knowledge and technology expand exponentially beyond where we are now, we will eventually control wider and wider regions of existence. If other societies exist and have advanced to that point, they already control extremely (by our standards) wide regions of existence.


Agreed. But is your definition of consciousness above, "conscious beings," accurate? I don't think consciousness and conscious beings are the same thing. I agree that conscious beings must control their surroundings to create wealth, but consciousness controlling existence, in the literal sense, is the primacy of consciousness. Perhaps you could say "It is conscious beings that must control their surroundings." Although ultimately, it is consciousness which indirectly controls existence by directing the body as I mentioned above.


"Consciousness controlling existence," in the literal sense, is not necessarily primacy of consciousness. We are talking about reality here. There is no such thing as primacy of consciousness. Primary of Consciousness is the false notion that reality is whatever it is that's in our minds--the idea that reality is not objective..

But we know that reality is what is.

So, what is it that controls existence? What controls the computer on your desk. In both cases, an operating system controls.

Now, the operating system doesn't determine what the architecture of the machine is, which is roughly analogous to physical laws. It's just there and controls the computer to perform all the functions necessary for the operating system to fulfill its purpose.

Without getting into the issue of whether conscious life exists elsewhere (and I personally think it's self-imposed blindness to imagine otherwise), stop and think for a moment about what is required to control those cosmic things we observe in the solar system and beyond. Only three things are required to do anything in existence, which does not violate physical law (the architecture of the computer), including creating a black-hole, mini-big-bang, an entire solar system, or even a galaxy: knowledge, technology, and energy. All these things are already in the grasp of conscious individuals, and always have been to lesser degrees, but always increasing geometrically.

Try to grasp for a moment the real potential possessed by ordinary reasoning, integrating conscious beings. Not mystical mumbo-jumbo and flim-flam magic, but real value creation on an increasingly massive scale. Do that and you begin to grasp Zonpower. Imagine a society of such beings, and you begin to sense the Civilization of the Universe.

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