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Chapter 14

Gaining Honest Wealth

Subj: NT: Why Is DTC so Valuable?

Date: 96-09-04 08:07:19 EDT


I majored in Psychology in College for a couple of years. I wanted to understand how the mind worked. I found all dominant paradigms at the time (10 years ago) from Skinners Black Box Behaviorism to Freud's Sex/Death Drive to be very limited in scope and fundamentally unpalatable.

However of great interest was RD Laing (might be wrong on the spelling) who objectively documented many schizophrenics and basically wondered if going crazy in an irrational world was necessarily all that irrational.

No one ever mentioned Julian Jaynes once!

So we trashed psychology when I got stuck in Rat Lab with Josef Goebels for a Professor. The concentration turned to philosophy. The goal was to understand why Earth Sucked and how to get the best out of a loser civilization.

Plato's Myth of The Cave was crap. Aristotle was very difficult to understand. In fact every philosophy Professor I ever met took some twisted pride in being obscure. *Never once was objectivism mentioned neither Ayn Rand nor Peikoff. Of course now we know why.

So of course now Zon solves all the questions of psychology and philosophy. It provides the roadmap, or perhaps the shortcut to an Olympus On Earth. I.e. we're all god-like more than any mystically created god.

Then why doesn't everyone grasp or adapt Zon who comes into contact with it. How can people read it and go back to their loser life?

I believe the answer results from pressure exerted by the anti-civilization, i.e. 1-The greater your attachment to the anti-civilization the less likely you're to buck the status quo. 2-The fewer skills, education, experience, basic reading skills, etc. you possess the less likely you are to a-comprehend it b-feel equipped to compete

So it seems that the revolution (real) occurs and Zons up the ante. Cyberspace and business make national governments and local political agenda laws far more difficult to enforce. People are capable of great things in free and safe environments. Cyberspace truly falls into that category. It's your mind against theirs and dishonesty is always easily exposed and trapped.

So we know Zon will make it here unless something cataclysmically awry occurs.

The point is, "Are you producing enough values to be really happy in this anti-civilization?" It seems that the two World Wars imply people still have it rough out there and are having difficulty making money. In other words, $1200 is still perceived as alot of cash.

So... DTC... how does it relate to all the aforementioned rigmarole? EASY:

The only people I've ever seen get rich relatively quickly are:

  1. Personal Injury Lawyers
  2. people who win Lotto/Gamble
  3. people who inherit money
  4. stock market, commodities, currency speculators
  5. People who "make it" in the performing arts/entertainment biz
  6. People who start successful businesses

Assuming you don't fall into categories a-e, your only chance of making great wads of cash is to start your own business. And keep in mind to be successful at a, d and e you still must invest time and money.

So f is looking pretty good. But now factor in everything that stands against you in this anti-civilization. High Cost of Doing Business, Capital Investment necessary, and a myriad of other skills required to run a business into the black.

You cannot do that without Neo-Tech. Whether it is conscious or otherwise. You must possess Discipline, Thought and Control. The degree to which you can harness this conscious power is the degree to which you can get rich quick.

You must be conscious of exerting it and you must know that the more it hurts, the more you're making progress. But it's that good kind of hurt.

At this point I wonder how many NT people have used their new knowledge to take big risks and start high stakes businesses that produce steady values?

And I wonder how many fight that war 24 hours a day?

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