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Chapter 17

IRS Abuses/Criminalities


On Fri, 8 Dec 1995, Stan Kurzet wrote:

I am doing research on IRS abuses in dealing with citizens who are not in the category of Waco tax resisters


Err...excuse me, what would constitute the "Waco tax resisters"? Do you mean "Waco" or "wacko"? And have you ever taken the time to investigate the assertions of the Waco tax resisters? You may find some of your answers from some of those people who you dismiss as nuts (some of them certainly are "nuts" but I assume you dismiss anyone who questions the "death and taxes" dogma).

If the IRS suggests that you owe say 60,000 dollars in taxes, what is going to be your reaction?

This is a common tactic designed to make you freak out and argue that you possibly couldn't owe that much, but in doing so you admit that you owe tax. What difference does it make if they claim you owe ten cents or ten million, when you may not owe a tax at all? You end up arguing the amount rather than arguing whether you owe a tax.

What is wrong with asking the IRS to show just what kind of tax they say you owe and asking if that is the tax they are attempting to collect? The burden of proof is upon the person making the assertion. Asking to see files on you to find their error is quite different than trying to prove you owe less than they assert. You may be surprised at what you find if just do the research.

The problem with most people is that they do not seek complete context. They simply assume the supposed "authority" of the IRS and NEVER look into the codes or court cases, never ask to see their personal files, never question the supposed "authority" or "jurisdiction" of an agent or office

Subject: (Fwd) Re: Off My Chest

Date: Fri, 13 Sep 96 04:42:22 GMT

On Sep 12, 1996 12:27:17 in article <Off My Chest>, 'Steve <>' wrote:

I despise the IRS thugs with a passion. They'll try to ruin you, and they think it's all a game. I can't wait until they're all out of jobs and come looking to us for help.

Sorry to waste anyone's time, I just had to get that off my chest.

Steve, you don't have to apologize because you didn't waste anyone's time. In fact. I'm glad to hear someone feels the same way I do! The Gestapo type tactics of the IRS must be stopped and there is no better way than for honest people to stand up to them and express the hatred that they have for them!! Imagine what would happen if all honest working Americans freely expressed what you just expressed. The IRS thugs would be shaking in their pants because their evilness would be exposed!!

If you want proof keep reading the posts here...there are cohorts of the IRS that constantly post here trying desperately to make honest people look guilty while trying to make the IRS look innocent. And all that they are accomplishing is exposing their true natures for the world to see! After a while, you'll be able to SEE the fear that they have of being exposed! I think they are starting to realize that their time is coming to an's beautiful, truly living art.

Subject: Re: IRS Abuse Reports #1-#3

Date: Wed, 25 Sep 96 16:27:56 GMT

On Sep 24, 1996 12:34:46 in article <Re: IRS Abuse Reports #1-#3>, (Gordon)' wrote:


Well, the least you could do is try to fool us by continually adding to the Abuse Reports numbers rather than look pathetic by reposting the same damn ones over and over.

Response #1

Why is it that people like you think that the "least" someone can do is to fool, trick or lie?? What a disgusting, ugly philosophy to promote and live by!! You must be a deeply miserable person.

And what makes you think that these valuable people look "pathetic" by the reposting of over 100 IRS abuse reports?? You think they should lie by adding numbers to the list as though the number of honest people who have been abused by the IRS isn't high enough already....what kind of person are you??

No, these brave people don't look pathetic for their valiant efforts to protect the innocent lives that are being destroyed by the IRS thugs. However, you do appear to be a very evil, low-life humanoid who seems to get pleasure from attacking honest people and promoting dishonesty.

Whenever I see a movie or documentary about what the Nazi's did to all those innocent human beings, I am always appalled at such evil that I get a very deep, nauseous feeling...I just got that same feeling after reading your post.

Response #2

I've been reading these posts for a few weeks now, and most of what I've read was envious and vain attacks against the brave people who started this newsgroup and class-action lawsuit; obviously by pip-squeaks who are threatened by such an aggressive and long needed action!!

Granted, I've only been reading these posts for a few weeks, but the above post very clearly answered that they are waiting until they have at least 500 valid plaintiffs. To date they have 100. That sounds like an absolutely honest perfect answer to me. No offense pee, but even a moron could understand that.

Christ, why would you try to blatantly make it sound like these heroic people aren't responsible people. Instead of attacking them why don't you do what I'm doing...I'm posting on every newsgroup I can about this class-action lawsuit. I want every honest working individual who has been unjustly assaulted by the immoral IRS thugs to be able to tell their story and have their day in court!

This class-action lawsuit is probably the greatest act of valor that has occurred in my lifetime; Probably comparable to the courageous people who help hide the innocent Jews, endangering their own lives, from the Nazi death squads.

What's your major malfunction?? Stop trying to demean these valuable people and help them!!! unless, your one of the IRS's cohorts...are you???

Subject: Re: IRS Class-Action Announcement

Date: Tue, 10 Sep 96 01:58:21 GMT

Challenge (TaxService) wrote:

Right, make a claim, get a following, get a few bucks and run!! Run like hell!!

There's money in hate. Find something someone can hate! Solicit the time and money of those who can be influenced by this hate and you've got a good thing going for you! If you're being suckered out of bucks by these phony hucksters!!

Like "Baby Jane", it appears they think they've found their gimmick!!

These jokers make statement, after statement, outrageous claim after outrageous claim, and have not yet been able to back up even one of them.

Gossip, rumors, sob stories, and myths (in general), are the only submissions I have seen by this group!! Give us the beef and keep the appetizers, guys/gals!!

I notice, today, that one of the leaders of this, hit and run movement has a new scam. He's spamming that which has to do with the promotion of a "FREE" on line book. Frankly, I believe it's not worth the bytes he'd have you bite on!!

In the guise of interest in your woes with the taxman, they'll likely promise you the world and leave you to pay the bill!! Taxes are always a great tool for people who look to find other ways to get into your pockets. Political propagandists, as well as some of these guys, are in it for money and power. Say anything you like, long enough and hard enough and your bound to find believers.

Keep after them to get them to substantiate what appear to be phony claims every time you enter your newsgroups (or their web sites)!!

Beware of these jokers (money changers) in your temples (newsgroups)!! Keep after them to substantiate what appear to be phony claims. Insist that they substantiate these claims and that they stop bearing false witness!!

Notice, also, these guys offer protests to which they make sure easy responses cannot be made. Although they post to great many groups, they are not looking for responses from within, or back to, the groups! Without special effort, responses cannot be made to their outrageous misrepresentations!!



WOW....this person is definitely one of the IRS's cohorts! I can't help but laugh at his obvious attempt to degrade the valiant efforts of these honest, hard working people who started this newsgroup and NTP!

I can sense his FEAR of these innocent people in his vein attacks from every possible angle he can conjure...I think his parasitical survival has been exposed, and like a drowning person, he is thrashing about trying to survive. What a pathetic, poor excuse of a man he must be!!

One of his many infantile attacks was towards an online book...I believe he was referring to Eric savage's "Global Wealth Power" in which he believes "it's not worth the bytes he'd have you bite on!!" ...Laugh, sounds like a 10 year old.

He is absolutely correct! To unproductive, parasitical pip-squeaks like himself this book is useless. However, I just happen to be reading it last night and couldn't get myself to go to is awesome!!! I urge any honest, working person to read this invaluable book!

Thanks NTP for exposing these useless wimps that exist in out society and for publishing such tremendously valuable books.


Mark R.

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